The Signal, 1894-3-8, Page 1The idlest 1e the Cheapest - Ana • "THE SIGNAL" I$ Tea ,IEIT. Ina DOLLAR • YEAR IN AI►tAna Zbe ionat. TH�7 LDADINCF NWWB13A,Pa t OF HVRON QOVNTY VOL. LVE. 2455 WOK AT THE DATE -u► - YOUR LABEL THIS WIDWK. SHE THAT TOUR XAMi: Is MARKKD UP IN ADVANCE. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, MARCH K, 1894. D. MCGILLICUDDY, pROPK THE PITH OF THE NEWS. r tsasiuss t sip a•y. a° oltospre and *1.- frtuirr alliance (o,tweet Hort. and F'ranaa I.iY11 MIMS tPOm SYerywhere. t.r ieteei Rowed alike animas algae Wawa foretell, rr .eated larlef bra• ibis of Naas Heiser! of was formed and the cenventiuw signed during the Franco Humian fetes which took place in Pala l'anada's trade and navigation referent blow that the exports in 1093 were valued at 3114,811030, se compared with 3113,- 983,375 in 1019, an aerates .1 8I.64.It75. TM total ihiports were 9129.0;4.260, as outpsred with 8117,406,066 in 1492 On Tuesday night burgles entered 1) . house of Henry tin -ratan. tr..a.urer of lee liantuta Legislature prorogued ou Exeter town/thee �eurar county. at S.•,, Thurelay. field, Mich , shot lira liiermat dead, im Friday wa. the 18th anniversary of clubbed her husband ipso insensibility and tie ,,,rouati.'n ,•f the Pepe. got away with about 31,090. which war The Sate bank et roekti:l.•, Selin. ,tddeis to the bed ou which the victims county. Kir -.-. has !ailed. slept. 1 w.et,,:nleren were lynched at 1oua• At Pittsburg, Pa. ou t1'edueselay night talo Mime .\rk.. un Monday night Pitcher McNabb, of the Baltimore hese Ilattnlion 1'1:y Council on Friday night ball 1 lub, fired three shut% into the heal reduce/ the number of shop licenses W 90 and uvek of Lamm Kellogg. a minder ail B. t.. Dun .t Co. report 49 !allures in &noels the iw.1 week against 4, lent Year. The work of tebnildiuit the Woodstock °tete Horne will be commenced at MAO. Henry Chapman Ford, • well known sr tial..liel .ns Wednesday at San Frani:a .. The largest opal in the world iti said to dare been foam,' at the opal mines at Jame+ tainond, nn. of Niagara Town ship• beet known fruit growers, dud tea Frn1.t. I.' it euinen' were fatalh irijured by All SA. I e. • : In 1 c0111r17 tsar 1 'tikesb.tre, . 1'a. ••u Friday. ,,•-n. Jubel .1, Emile an Attenem%("*1 federate veteran .Led at Lyttuhbartl, Va., 141 Fr:397-113V/IT- J_ 'i Moore. f. rnoerly ct %Vdteederwn, retat.iitted seatdr by haug*ng at Milton on fhora.ley. a** rtiu►g. Ipder. i1 Teem Council Iso redo .d the a6rrher of shop licensee to two and cut off tura boat Berbera Jahn tterberry. a;teel::'-', d:e.l et Newark. N.J, T'iuraday ..t hirecwughe, aft et thir- teen hinteen weeks o! oneerinit. MAI Fre-le-rue. Isle, l.l. 11.. a cel. brat-d.Amerkati librarian, died at Evans lou, ill . on Thnrsday. The Frs.er river. at \t'eatmineter. B:(' is to he bridged with a *teal structure awl 'UMildif a wawa dollars. atety vlctittua of -yellow fever are being tnr tory day- at Rha de Janeiro. The new Par, whir .b0 .daily. no:steamer -' tarda, which wiled ft'•m Tar nisi. Wash., on - needay f.,r ('hie, .. : oft u carr sol de l deported f.wtdcri it.loor dealers and batwen or gaited • Lrareeh of the Publiatael'-Pro to tee, Oeroria1I•.0 out Friday night. --- A \A dpt:,•ii from Sha.gbat nays that 450 teen w.:r allied moped,. by an explosion .th • coal mine is the Province of Shang .Tru : A en.•b , •f 990 mean made an um -et -eve l.: attempt W lyntch A c..l.r.d mutdmraa at Sten iebarg. swat :+.•muton, l'a.. oo Era day At t..arl:.le, 1'a. on f bureelay Clam Say lar.oarh• f,atig*st for the murder '-f I'u• lir- • "seer tleorg. Martin at Carlisle on Apr . Lt.t. I' Scheer, teller of a Minneap t lie 1 a•„ i, te confer.e•b that in the poet few y,•--1- :.e Las stolen 3123,10.) from the in sretution. .. t'elintta derp•tch says that the Abwrs reeet.ty anrnlulatr.e tiro entire S.poy guard of :1.. at Venda:, near the Chinese tremor. A ;;lis. bomb was tense' in front of • ,d6,r .0 Prague ori Walue•1day. • f bnre•.) fuse was attached (0 nue end .d the :moil.. Willie 1)hi., of Slumps., 23 years of age wail ran otter anal killed in the \test Shure yaw/oat Rutalo, where he has been week tog a. braks.tuan. 1. Ryan •xplomon at the Retanno Chemi cal Works at Tbotp.tu's Vont, near Pa''.14o', , N.J , oo Friday, Levi Ivies es. Mown b atone A Halifax law firm. acting for • synth .^at. of C*nslian and Amenca capitaia.t., kis hooded about 730,090 acres of Nova itteele Babes leede Tbrre are 46,600 men and 9 906 women and girls out of employment in Brooklyn, or a total of 54,676 Of thew 19,973 are In destitute circumstances. Noss Lena Sanyo, aged eighteen, was tan OTeT and killed while walking ou the G. T H track about bolt a mile east of delle Ricer ou Wednesday •Sohn r. ,m,,,,,,,::. a convict et the peel tenttary from Loudon, bas bean nlassrt Ha to t 1 yetis of age. I )ttweil was .ell tetra' totwo years for grain stealing. The private baking Grin of Mises, War- lock .t Co„ Victoria, R.C., closed lis doors nh Friday. The liabilities are 3444,900, and the amnia are given os 3610,310. The United States Treasury statement 1. r the eight months of the present fiscal year -bows that the experelltnre for that l.erb..l has Wen $4),000,000 greater then the reve'ass. A minister*. meeting baa been held in Poston to promote anent to the rewarding off the Unit j �!t4) en that *n acknowledgment of Clod will appear in enwn.etinti with It. 'hney Latan, • oolor'od phblanthropi.t, has just diel at New Orleans, last ins an estate veined at 3400,000. 4eg0.51. are male to charitable ia.titntions for both white sad colored people. Canada's total trade with (treat Britain decrease' during the year ending lane :10, 1'19:1 ley 59,6216,000. Inn aggregate trade filfi, false United Stales increased during the same period by over 310,100,000. No neon., r.d.etlon will be made in lodes this year. Only Si. Aldermen ant of eighteen attended the meeting *1 the L•em(un ('ity Council called for Wednerd.y nifht to adopt • reduction by law. Th^ British and American Industrial and Financial Invsetment Syndicate of New fork hr off rre.d Sectelary Carlisle sixty. Am mote per tones for 16,000,000 of the silver hellion now in the United 'states Tvu..ury. The public debt statement of the Unite! HMO* will show IN gostor•l balance alightly lees thea $196,300,000, as ilesinet M4,11r1.00) February 1 lest and the Tres 8ri 9fi [hat X100,933,033, elplaat N4, 36. nes F•brttuq 1, th. 81. pMawhare tioerr....d.t of The the Alves hedge theatru•st company, and two duets tbnou,b bis uwu head. The woman eau handle recover. Iter right usu. is Mn.. Ito,-kwell, and her huebend is at a.nette, Wash. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. queen Victoria .peaks ten !anrneges fluently. DeWitt, with a papulation of 3',0,000 has 1,14e polka. The gold cons ot i:rest Britain tontine, one twelfth alloy. Egyptian children are never washed until they are a year .1.1. 1ookkeepere an l..rmany receive from 4100 t e 3'. )0 a year. .Australia harbors un. species of kangaroo noTer thal a rex. In M•shmnaland when tem babies ale born faith are drowned. The blood rase is fantod only in Florida is an are* tit -ratites is diameter. The I j'u.y's farce ire waliprpei has bright blue ground -Sprinkled s alt white oars lfata°• has 218,(00 people and 1, sun police wbu list y ear node 12,094 anemia Nearly a thou/rad different colored sew. tog cottons can be ootained in treat Brit- ain. Tie word "d•ady ' was time used in Eng- land in • poem by l•alloway published In 1745) The Russian Government will shortly ex tend the circuit in which Jews are freta to seta le. The Emperor of (:hie., who es ;3 tears old, is sow stuelyiag the English sad Ft -each languages, The mune c1 the man who lights the statue of liberty in Washiegtou nightly is lir An.enca The -population of Italy is very dame. there • being- peepla to every ware sada of territory, A Fres -h Serrate s ballet from the eye of • child without destroyi./ the .iprht .•f the optic. During the year ending November A� ei. eaa railroads killed 3,31`) parsona and crip pled 2.000 others. A middiipunan in the Cnit.1 States nary rec•avm pay a.Wvalent to that of • beaten ant in the Briteh nary. A library of 3,000 volumee devoted solely to the theatre, collected by Baron 'f.ylur, hes leen dispersed in Pero. The wine cellar of the House of Common. i. 100 feet lone, an.i generally contain. •hmrt 315,003 worth of wine A Span'.h rnuucuu has devised • system of musical nol•tmu by which the Warts and flat system 1• done away with: The British Museum possesses an iron •x heats of 1370 years 1l. 1' , the oldest .uthea bested mon implement kpowa. The sapphire which adorn, the summit of the English crown is the sante that Edward the Confessor wore in his ring. A Dopper chisel has been taken from the famous mound of lachish, in Syria, wbkh dates back to shoot 1500 R. C. A piece "f iron was found in an air pas- sage of for 1:rest Pyramid which may have leen then oases s 3,700 years B. C. The dress bill of a certain English titled lady amount. to 37,400 for oats year, and her hat bill for six moths to!l900. THE DEATH RECORD - Di NLl1P-Aa old'r.sidest of Goderich township passed away on Feb. 26, in the death of Mtn Agnes 1)onlop,relict of the late John Dunlop. Deceased was • native of Kilm.r000k, Ayrshire, Scotland, and cafes to this . •y settling 09 Mt 19, eon. 2, Goderich township. lour soca, Jobs, George, Hugh and ,lames, and four dough tare, Mrs. Crawford, Godericb, lira Msr'gsret Coalesa, Port Huron, Mr. Swett, Kastve.n, Asa., and Mrs. David Orr, (lode - rich township, .aryls COBHR-TLartd•y moralise of last week .t 5 o'elork, the spirit of Annie, beloved wife of Ephraim (;.bar, of Ethel, was called away. The decease) was the eldest dagh tar of leo. Chittkck. Bellmore, and was unit- ed in marriage to her bereft husband es Deo. 27th, 1988. She heti been all singes last June, a had cold developing into sea• sugnotleA, end she gradually failed despite the best •tisgqtl.a fiat e•.wlai Le gis-be Siam Sbwdar aha 14.d Nis in an •acosecioes eta,,. Mn. Coker leaves two little deligh- t's., Al sad 21, yeas of alto, to bib care( for by relatives. 1.• W SO N. -The A berdeee t So otla•d Frew Press says : " 1►r. Robert lawees, imaposter Ornerwl of Hospitals, died at 4 Cambia Maas, Aberdeen, yesterday, at the advanced age of 79. l..peetor-e.es.ral Lamm, who was • graduate of Edinburgh lleher'sit ..d • I.toentlate of the Royal College of Sarmenns, altered the army as s•sittant surgeon in 1843, besane s.rgoo. is 1842, wrr.oa mayor in 1854, deputy inept et- er.gos�+1 is 1866, isepsetor steal is 1868. asd retired on bah pay is 1863 Deesaeed was premed .t the M rssiag sad distraction of the tortilla native M•adiage town of Sab•* e. the (141111bla in i95... and served is eh. (Masai darker 1864 and 1865, for which he got • medal and clasp for S.b•Mt pet, 4th glass of the W.djidie. and Turkish molal. H. received the degree of 1,1, h feign his Alun. Mater, and • year ago suss sppnt.Md nee of the h ower•ry physicians to 1.6 Queen." ihesooed was • brother of ear Sonar bw•egnas, Waiter Lames, and as sale of David Iciness. llesbp..sd Capt. A. Lawaen d this tows OYER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist trom the 11.3esl MW. • weekly Nigeel N C..•sy News Marred ■p se Nit Lreryb.dy risk sad rata' clipped and /tradesmen !rasa Leery berthas. Hayfield Sarnnel Beattie and family re- move' to Brussels on 1Vednesday last. Teuton Air. teem of Whitemouth, Man , u here on • veil to bid fatter in law, Jos %Vhitaks d. Grey . The trustees of S. S. No. 9 have et the c,otract of buildiug • brick school to no. Cober, of Etbel. (Tinton : Jos. Smith anti fancily, late of .aderieh township, left here on Wednesday Feb. 28,. for Verden, Mao. Exeter Ma. Salton, only daughter of no. Trucker, of Easter, dud niece 'eery, Ilrusmla. died at Oshewa on Sat ufrday f last week. Ethel We an pleased to notice that • ittle daughter has .come to the parsonage t Princeton, the home°( Rev, Edwin Lee, fromarly of Ethel:. s. \V cerium : Air. 11 Cooper has sold her property on I rinaley !creme . ac, oss the ri�ek, to Mr. Currie, of (.o.lench township, for the sum of 31300. ('Buten . Mnrna - Hugh Mcl)l.f has • book of poems, in maneseript, that was written by her father, in 17'39: it is wolf written and in an excellent state of pres.rv• a, Attic Hullett : Mie F:..1. Snell, eldest d•ugh- er of .las. spell, doubled her right hone utt- er her the other day, whits trying to red in, sleigh. and almost broke it : it was &,..,�1-_- J J 0 5 • ren sprain. Retracts )taster in Chancery Malcom. eon, of 1,eiench, wee In team on l'hurs.l.y of last week ,n connection with the offering of'the woolen tactory for sale. The prop- erty was not sold. l.he.ton I)r. Turobull recently under - west aw-..peratmo on onset has toes loran fa- rrowing 0.11, end the fact has hese se sore *hut it ie with ditheulty and pain "hellos is able et get around. Clinton 1) Malloy, who ha resided in Clinton for nearly forty years, irthis week moving to Iter oit, aa.wmpaoiryl by his daughter Hattie, where they wend making their home in future. Harlock Mr. Parson, of lf`arlock, had the misfortune to break hiateq. He was ant'ated loading Camber at the mill, when one of the stick, fell anti struck his limb. breaking it below the knee. Clinton Yesterday it was fifty-three years sine. W. Smithaou started to learn hie trade with the late W. Shipley, and he lean leen at work ever slues ; he an justly lay cl tines to being the -oldest mechanic in town- 'tel .tat•Seturday George Key* had thea bone broken tit nuc of he legs He was if:fieig anal. of the horses to water and*1. crnahhrrod-ajainet the gee post. He will be • prisoner 104-4010 time owing to the a -eldest. (:rey on Wcdeevday evening of last wren about seventy! -five young people as- sembled at the teeidenoe of -Samuel Holmes, 2nd con. Grey, theceeaseina bettor the mar riage of Moss leasie i1olme.i to.lohn Mickls- john, of Molesworth. Brunelle St. John's church in this Mao. was flll.l to overflowing last Wednes- day morning to witness the narriage cere- moty between James Humphrey, of Toren - .0, and Miss Maud, daughter of P. Tnomp- sot, a well known resident of Renown. Seaforth , George Baldwin had the mtg. fortune to break his collar bone at the *aat- i.tg rink the other night. Ile was turning • corner while going at • goal speed and hi foot slipped, giving him • bad tall. He 'twig censn1uenee,to take an enforced holi- day. Seaforth : The 33rd Battalion Band con- osrt an Thursday evening of last week, was, we are sorry to learn, not • success tina°- °tally, the boys losing some money on the vesture However they are riot diseourag.d et, and intend holding a ball in the near Iuturo. Nay A sad death occurred on the Par Line, Hay, on Feb. 14, when AbeF.,young- est son of Thomas Consit. passed away at the early age of 3 years, 3 months and 7 days. The trouble was infiammateon of the stommach, and the little fellow was ill only .hut • week, Acumen The residence of Mrs. Duncan rotenone, Alexander street, was the scene f • anion of hand• and hearta oa Warbles y moraine. Feb. 28. The groom, Floyd . Thomposs, merchant, of l.ivinnton, esteem, came to claim Miss Kate Fargo. eta as kis bride. Hills Grego The contract for the .rec- oil of the new Presbyterian church in this tare was awarded to Robert 1'atter.ws, of small, for 31,180.. The onngreg•tion esp- y the brick, *lose sad sand, mod the con- tractor sup:pli.s all the other material and ow all the work. Hwy : A sad death matured aro the Par lee on Fe. 14th, when Attie F. Itoosit-, the °anim*t soon of 'Phoma. Coaeit paradg way at the early age of 3 yeah, t.estb e nd 7 day. Th. trouble was iafiarnation of the stomach, and the little fellow was i11 only about a week. Huree : According to • retina broorht own to the Local Howe, on Mond• the total fees and .gnolutions of the Huron Registry egos for 1893 were 116,926 O6, and the net massae of the Registrar, $2,194.78 hi* i* not an excessive amount, wham his ability for errors, me , is considered. Ethel rapid woe another victory ea Wednesday evening ot last week at tha residence of David Milne, • well known re* 'roost of this locality, whets Andrew P. Mc Kee.ol Wallace tnwaship,and Miss Alrettn, allest daughter of the hest soul hostess, wen united in the holy estate of mann many. Sealorth ' Peter ('ooper, • resident of Rees.. Ltd., 43 `bott•51 Tomato. anden . M ..tai. View, California, who ie at pees- will rerave by post • pretty paints. free eat visiting relatives and meads in this from advertising, and well worth frati•g district. mated reewtly that in ova plaice This is as easy way to decorate your hegns when as worked, ant al w seen employed. The soap is the hest is the market sad i ebbe were C•madi..., and from /loons. le all anly cost le, ionage to *sod is the beet. 1t Ila bees *mid that me stater wrapper*, it yes lease the ends apes. whew Ina mar answif he Sado a gaol thou Wrim your state eardally- ly there is sure to Ir a Seuteihncan squattd I THE LATE DR. DOUG LAS. if"). want nu 1h. Part of many, h. d.r.d 1)R. �t ACKAY OF FORMOSA. down beside It ; this is getuag w be &he_ to establish • sa•hoo under the auspices of equally true of Canadians. ' the Methodist church that might wetter Zurich Peter \t'oolel bas lust returned the gluon of ignorance and dtapens* the borne from • big viuUg trip to Ssafortb Melmorial Servtos In odorloh•'light and glory of truth and salvation. Aad He Preached In Knox mltChurch. andTuckersh,where hes had sot bran,as•swardmthelifeleewasadmsred,notoo- for the last twenty six years. His first home waa In Tuckersmith and he finds • g ood many changes have takeu place epos bis boyhood. lie was war°Ily wekomed by everybody who knew him, and warm hand shaking was the order of the day. He hail the prrvdsge of 'rayon( a tu.lin which is over two hundred years old, and also the pleasure of taking • taste of ten year old Scotch whisky. II• saw and tasted some pears and apples grove on Itis birth pland, on trees planted '7 years ago, when that part of the country was a howling wilder- ness He had • grand time and found all his friends well and in goal spirits. Egmoodville . For the third time in about eight months death has called for • loyal one from the Houston home in this Tillage. !'int the aged parents were takes sad oh Thursday, Feb. 22, after • protract. ed and at tante • painful illness b.w+w-wirlt. ('hrsnau fortitude, Mary, the eldest of the two unmarried daughters, was called to pip those 'who had so lately gone before She had been ailing for some months, with vitality steadily declining, but strange to say, could never relinquish the hope of re- covery till au hour or so before ,i..,.rh. McKillop : lamesticintosh, of the 2nd con- cession of MICK;llop, about three miles tram Se•forth, met with • painful accident ou Thursday of last week. i1. was .hopp:n.r in the woods an I when felling • tree the, butt slipped off the stump and falling came down on Mr_diel.ateah'a.loot.-.bruising-assiL smashing it it • fearful manner. He has mace had to have one of hu Loco amputated. but he medical attendants hope they will he able to save the fa 1, •Ithonyh, some ander the most favorable ctrcunota0oea b will likely fie laid up a Ions; time. Huron - The report for the licenser for the Province ,h.,wa that *bile there were 164 liquor liceuses in Huron io 187n, e.,. number was reduce,' to 102 in 1892, and hum 37 shop bosoms -in 1875, the number droioyrd to 5 m 1892. The amount received by tho Ridings se their propnrt'on ot the license tee was, Emit Huron, 1126 19 : Moth Huron, 82435 62 ; West Huron. 32637.61. Winghant : The (:rand Trunk Railway,, net finding enough work to *u•rent it keep ing the freight train on that has been mak• ing a daily trip between !-+sena and Wing - ham, announces that, hereaftar, the train will leave LVingham every Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday ; and leave Landow every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Hellen : We are sorry to noon' the death of Mrs. ,Sohn C•rbert, which occur red on Friday eight last, after • short ill elves. Deceased was vary highly esteemed, and her husband has the siocere sympathy of a11. The remains were interred in the H. C. cemetery, of which church she was a member. AMERICAN NOTES. Uncle Sam has a Chinese paper. A female centenarian at llrek6e!d uses tobacco. An Arkansas man extracts saltpetre from cot wowed. Lumber to the value of 420.00O 4 cut each year from Arkansas forests. Seen Maine, with a population of over 6,003. experienced but ooe fire last year. Skim grafting ti cure blemishes on horses has been tried successfully in Lancaster, Ps. Axtell earned 3170,000 ad fees up to Jas. 1, 1894. He cost his o 3106,- 000. The Merrimac Raver is said to move more machinery than any other stream in the world. Austin. Tessa, has • traperabundanee of males, while H atop has many superfluous women. Thirteen hones won $21,725 on the grand circus• last season. and not one 01 thorn won first money. Minnesota gets • revenue of 91,500,300 a y ear from the groat earnings of the railro.o:• in that State. San Mattege County. Cal , h.. 100,000 io• habitants, without there being one single female criminal. The Shaker community at Shirley, Mass , has just celebrated the 100th anniversary cf its establishment. There are two mountains in rower (dal)• tonna that are estimated to contain 1,000,- 000 tone of pure alum. A shoot tint* ago the Empire State express ran from Albany to Syracuse, • distance of 148 miles, in 151 minutes. ter+. J. C. Newell, w. A., el %seta aired Mrtas•11.1 1 bomb. remota. a Mems ries median .t relate tae• alrpaul. ed a 1lelbellatt- I.neL ly by his own church,but by nti the churches for his integrity, his honest end fearless, straight forwuduces In enuuctatlug the I A Iaree 4.soresalla6 LtNeaed 1.116r rasa. pr.00lples he hell so dear. Cee,tho mighty ea* newcomer,- elk Nero of Twea: 1►uuglaa ha. left his murk and spirit on the it'Twe Wean Asweagss the t ata. hoe of nugtous elocution. Though dead,he see-t'br*.slasblrm reewea.a. speaks to woof what can to done with • weak- body by • great soul. For the The Rev..1 F.. Howie, p1tlMat of N.rtb- greaterper/{ of bin wtirs Idr hr, was Pr:o dead asto his body, than wive. Ib•pre 1 At the request o(a ou ober of our readers at. Methodist church held • maisrMd stir ie( his tight for 10 to 12 yeas, and of ha who were unable to obtain extra copies of vice last'abbat6 evening for the late'Ceo. f physical •treegtb for more than tate, that last week's issue, we reproduce the sermon Douglas, i). D., 1.. I.. 1)., principal of number of years, yet he was iu labor more the Methodist 'l hrulogicalt'ollege,Montresl, abundant than many who possessed r1 There was • large oongregatton present nal their faculties in a v iaoroua condition. He the service eau eminently interesting was t°•:usuit to study, lecturing. preaching;, throughout. The choir sang a suitable 'I'roe, a *dime family which he loved. w anthem for the occasion. The Hen. .1. c. tenderly, and a wife w hose one great work l'attersou, Minister of Militia, was in the was to care for *od assi.t him in the ardu- ouoKreratoa,and ',premed himself a. wet ous dut,es of his many obligations and calla pleased with the entire service The fol- that we!`e nmstantly ptesstngt thcrosrl,.. lowing is r short synopsis of Mr. Howell's Ono& him, were great Lvbp. to hon in lise sermon bated on Heti. 11 •1 "Ile being dead yet apeaketh.'' After giving • brief ac couat .t 1►r. Dimities' early lir, removal If an Scotland to Montreal when only1 e ie • of age, his early education, for *etch he was o.leLteel to Rev, Wm. Itlscu, fres. hitense mtnistcr of 1.spr•irie, `I auks up tee neer from the ray, hos attewlrocc at • ticthediat Sebbeth oohed and coot -cram ander the ministry of the Isle lire. \t'm. S.,uti.•, hie call 14. th. )1.51110 he Iti.ni.'r y and ,lnolieri * training at the 1t'..kean Thai; 'stood 1 olh•ge, ILch.nntt,l, Fug , his ,nu - •i crow Isu r nu 11.e sal.n.l ei Itereeeia, life work. To look upon him in new 01 hu physical infirmities would c•11 forth ones pity indeed. But it would not be long when he undertook the pulpit far the pulpit was his throw., before you would less sight of the bodily infirmities and le rapt ur- ously carried •way with the suLlime thous/14s that would burn, clothed as they were in the most chaste and eleguut Jonas. ile was a marvel for many y e ars ni this re apeet. - It has been the sou,erof Huey Trow he could ae.•ompltah so much with en, h • weak and feeble environment around hu great soul. Sacs the Hoy. •Ism. Ikrttglaa, %Vote Indies, his return to 5lnntreal, his hie eldest brother. "1 cementer him the hea'mi heeds; fail l lit the 1\est ludn'e, hu utw,tt wotxlerful man of *bum I lave heard p.v'oral work in !tlot•tteal, Kingston, Tor- er read. Thirty years ago 1)r. Ibeersrtr onto, and Hamilton, and his special useful- Stetter,' the eminent 1.10,.,0 specialist and sacs as Principal of the :Montreal Thculogi• eel College for over 10 years, sod whirl largely owe 1 its establishment and success to hos able and devoted services, his declin in:, health, marvellous vitality, his pwth.tio Christian experience and triumphant death tin !tette-day afternoon. February 10th in the 60th year of his age. The preached de- velnp el the following pointe is it tree that liver speak after death or rather that one ceases not to lire to in- fluence though the body lies mouldering to the tumh Yes it to true. The speaker allowed to what way Abel, Abraham, Moses I)aruel, the apostles, the mimes and the worthy of all ages were still living in nu fluence for good, making the world better for their having live( in it, bet how also Vic influence of evil and wtcknl mea still the first doctor oho correctly diagnosed his disease, gave hits sive years to live at the outside. Yet for theme ninny yetis he had been Irving oo, sightless and witlout tea liar of any kind in his extreuceties, neither hauds nor test. A part only of 'what t:e was and what he has dee, was known to the world, bit that pert has wade neo one of the best and meet hon,. e.1 oleo of hes g.o.eatiou. Say. the Mont- real Witness, " Few tncu knew better than Dr. Douglas the strugglev and tempt- ations of studeut life. and Iew were better qualified or more willing to inspire and help than he, whose own life was a commie nus struggle and brilliant conyaest neer ditfi-:uluce almost unsurmountable. He lived abreast of the titre and hence was prepared to take advanced ground on the ex -mead a power fur evil after the bodi:y living questione of the .lay. He was a death of .ugh parsons. liut to return to the stroug advocate of temperane a and prohibi• •pbject before us. 1)r. I►ougis. speaks to uoo, He tool high grand as • lecturer in ui as to what can be done by one if he tut behalf of sue dal purity. fro l►t„.reet as+idu- mprore the opportunities of his early ously wnh voice and pen for thaws reforms. years. Ikwhtlaas his family and natural lie denounced the opsunt teense In an open advantages were circnmsent.ed and meagre better to the press, and in the last reaeral yet he made the most of them in the conference of his own church, acd demand acquisition of ao education, trade and oil its suppression. He was one of th. early equipment for futyre us.tulnese, strongest and woe ucswervtnq adveecate. o1 He do' not sit down and idle away hon tone. 'he milts of the I'rotestaut nunorlly In the He did Dot become duuouragedbecau.enature 1'rocmc. of liueha. N'hen Ma funouv or family thrift ha•1 not thrown wide open Jesuit Act was passed by the l,Iu.,1wc legal. - their lap ot ppleuty for ho present enjoy- tore, 1)1' I �,uglas deouumced a anti its nut l: meat. No' No : Kut with pluck and real or, Mr. Mercser, m thumdermg tone*, nod, of praiseworthy proportion he made the as :unmated before, he took a leading part in octet of the oppor)Jtntties at• his disposal. the establishing of the F.tual (tight ,rove• wonder success crowned hu commend- stmt. In • word, he took • vers active part able efforts. He speaks to all,•ud especially in everything 'hat ameliorated the condition t o the young men of tuday,as to the imp*r- of humanity. Hut Itis lite work mover. Hr taco of not ouly pulnstaktng has gone from the conflict and suffering of improve- ment of early opportuoities,whethermeagee inotality to the reward and rest of the diet or otherwise but also of an early couvenion ter Lend. Says Ih. I)ewart, " 1t is not to GA •lid of an entire eonacrentu°, to the too much to say that ha death has removed from the activities earth the most eminent, great work of life. One need but to note the treading of all hs energies to hs great highly eeeeeme,l and eloquent minister in Ids work -his humility, his self abne.auo°, the M. thudi+t church in this country. We his indomitable p eraeveraoes,he fearl,ssness shall see his manly form among us no mere. is denouncing wrung and contending for His great, kindly heart shall throb nwnwre the right. He bed the oourage of hie with sympathy for sorrow or indigna c,nvictions attd to make them known Von at wrong, and his eloquent voice e for He is worthy lull imitation herr. He evermore, evermore to be sur: te our joy ever mere in the silence of death." An 1 as speaks to us of the early and fondly cherish- Dr ('Arman says, " Though dead he l,veth el principles of Protestantism- He held on to the old lines - bleeped was bold to stand by the and bled hope of remains, in the city f ,undauon stones of the reformation. leaswhere there .14.11 be no mote deal. t:m• a Scvochm*n and knowing most of the arug- shrined•rn nee memories, glowing in our hie g es of the eureo•nlcu and successful tory, quickening in our mevementa, upheld- w.•rk d• u•• by Knox and hie coati. .ng m our aims, d uiding to our iont0- iutors an l the libellee, civil and religion,, stow• hu •pot b. sostallgw►th w in one march trot followed, lioudlas always desired to into conflict and in Christianity's widely ex stand by tl.e grand old pnuciples of the tendeai ampugns for the suhjug•ti n of the •be forefathers, by which be-ffeved the work the world to righteeusnaes, reason and re .•f th' church could be best a000mplished I131O°- We cannot better honor the olapat- 1\ bile ch*r.telde he was not • latitudin- ted or pay • loving tnhate to his grist arias While he lived in the midst of a worth than by faith)°Ily emulation his life, numerous population of another church, he and loyally snpporung and furthering on to 'wished to be true to the best interests of 'rester woes! the i titntion and work he the Protestant minority, sod hence stood so auspiciously began • work of hie brat°, out b•''d and strong for their rights, civil •work of his heart, a work to which more .. wee as relig.ons. Heoce he speaks tow than to any oiler he consernted his devot- ee though d ad in tome loud and clear on tate powers of soul and .f .ction. That it subject of ',oil rights to all and favored may be so is the fervent prayer of note of his pnrilage* W none. 11, stood out on the admirers, ad that one darrolitily wishes the broad platform of a brotherbood in civil whole church would nay. AM and Amen. rights an! an enlightened cttireasbip as generous and large as the great heart of THOUGHT IT WAS A FAKE. 1 cod. `one may have thought him • little A Leiser. frost ■ rragnlaeN al.glew nal narrow -too ant pokers a,d advanced for A Mawy it seep later al 1. Cre►laadv he tines, yet wan he tot prnpetic and Teta 1■ 81. Ow■ ward.45.44'.atdwey sow AA ,ome do not into the uture, and /Ills Agate. hence jedpad it but wisdom to cry halt on "1 would consider it a favor if you would cativo bow. The future will reveal allow me to add my testtmonul to the m•ey wk ther he saw with prophetic eye or not. hundreds you no doubt have in praise of the One thing must be admitted and that is wonderful cures effected by Ikdd's Kidney that he was sincere and meant all for the fills. best false et of the citizenship of the land "i have Leen • groat buffeter from kidney he loved so moth. He hal the courage of troupe and sciatica for the last 15 years, his , esvictions and whether his thoughts and have paid out hundreds of dollars to- wers is hameny with those of the " pow. treatment, but to no erect. Seeing your ere that be" or with those about him he pills advertised 1 thought it was a (eke to fearlessly tittered them in language clear (et'h the poor unfortunate, and took no sod with • logic that could not be misnn particular notice of it Bat when 1 saw the dentnod. Moine would say that he was in testimonial of lir. Rose, • well known phy monntanpus districts. The population to- adrenee of his times. That may be so or sense of gond stooling and where !sputa• day is of three dtatinet clamor the Chinese: set, still we will do well to be as strong tion i am well agnainted with, 1 inquired of the aborigtmes of the plans, who are civil and told .1 he in the principles we hold my druggist it then were any in enc v,cinity I vel L. and th4•bonginies of the mountains, dear to the best Interest* of the ten Nom who had been coral by this FI. masa e 1 'Y ma°,lssents. Though dead he speaks to w of • well turned and well grounded religious attrition. For more than 20 years of his life he was the principal of the Montreal Theeing*re.l Tol)eg'e. In fact it owes its et inteoce more to the thought and emery of Ik 1Meglas than to any other. Aed ewe its owr•si.atinn he has tree the principal, fester tether and eo.ervstor of its inter- eMs •ndwawk. Snores o1 young men have received et the last Batas the foetid sties pwneiplee o1 • liberal and dv.aeeal literary acid theological tnisi•g trader the spirit earl hand el the iuts.arla) ligands, they have imbibed lemma and thought such as will largely help to maks their fitters • sac - ems is this world 1 ■ that great +,!' lis, where there ba • great religions etw Rt. New York has a oomp*wy which insures landlord's their rents against loss either by bad Waste or empty koese t One hundred miles north of Key West is the farthest part south in Florida that mow has ever been known to fall. At Mobile William Rrown, • negro who gains to he 103 yssn old, recently secured • license to marry • colored maiden of 60. Nearly ten per cent. ot the yield from this year's cotton crop in the South is from cot• tamed oil, once thrown aside as melee re- fuse. A resident of Chisholm island, �.0 , dor ion the ()etnher .term saved 35 ramose as the waters were sweeping them past his door The Kanner t'oart of Appeals has decided that . telegraph company s • common oar - rhe mad is auhiect to the inter state coax meets. law, Herman H. Arm., of Utah, Minn., who has slept mart of the time for 16 years, has suis awakesal, and is apparently in a nor mal slate. Mary M.(.ow••and /dory Abearo.d Sum- mit, N. .1 , beat 1eorge Brown .l that town with their fids for tdlisg al•nM..e tale@ shout them. new 1. seta '• asslsaal' rimers. Sand 25 " Sashed. Soap wrappers b.•ria the wends (" Why !Mem • tt' oma.a Look S.ONI Than • Man '•) to lave delivered by Her. I)r. Mackay, of Formosa, to Knot church Sunday' before last There was a large congregation in Knox church eunday, February 2e, when the pul pit war occupied by Iter. 4.. I,. Mackay, I) 11., the celebrated uusainwry who for the part twenty-two years has ilex oted hi+ life to the effort of l'hruttant:wg the ('hetes. and Ualgysn population 0l the Island of Formosa. 'lite auditurtum of the church was tilled. and there wits a larger attend - sum In the gallery than •t any me•tinrsince the close of the limiter 1'rorsl.•y rettval ser• viers Islet yeaF Fount; behind the pulpit was a wiry• looting man of nteditmt height , wit li a heavy L. dark brown bead, a high and bread fore- head etth a good.orertng of strong ':lack hair on the heat c,e.pt where a small bald pitch was v uthie at the rear M the apex of the dente of the rkulh The 'rye was dark and luminous, and, when the spe..k.r warmed to his aubiect, ,vhihil,d strong Clashes which at tauus hail an electrical cllcct 11)5)1. the congregation. Hip ..*t was the convent tonal black flock -coat and dark trowarrv, but that *as all that was ,eovea- ttonial snout him, for hTi_di,u)w' warl�- /- departure Ironn the firstly, second) , Itnhly, and tenthly that u too often touted in the r anafisn pulpit. The sermon was A „om- 1 to vt e LLna toil T h kH aa{t n,Oa X 01. hY. p Lary. nor e vprneear, sided by • map of Furrow, as.l * pointer such as school tem:here nee its the puunatics for purposes of ilii: ? .t on ; the whole l,'it.g rue.S•rge.1 with • r. agwus ter- ror ao�l an abiding faith in the power of CAM to accomplish ail things that bre asked for to the name of Jesus ('hetet, His S•.n. Stith appeared to be' the pereinality and methods of lir. Msckey, the lameal niesn o- ary ea Formosa from the Presbyterian church of C tt Canada. �I The service opened web a brief initiatory prayer which was followed by • .hurt het fureetul commentary upou the first verse of Plaint Ixvii : Oat be meteifnl unto as, and 1.L.s+ es : and cause Thy face Wahine opo° w. The Psalmist, the speaker said, was a measianary, although he was' net Renee ally suppo.rd to be one. /cod be me tii,ful to nti, had another meaning. !Entrant God '•pay" me, and the phrase shower' eh. superiority of (Sod aid the tpleriority of man. I. -t us be real : !et ua hive no slam t let u. w,r- ihip t•eai in stacerity and truth. Let each mie r 1 us my.' God pity ti►: no, ..t. for ptty for wane nor else. Whe. we -think w0 do not used t:od's pity u the element when w,• need it most. The second part of th4 terse, "and h,.as w," also demanded expianatwq. "Item" and ''glory- were cammeely- u..d, but did not always get their full 'felo i -...r-. Io this case let "help' lie subaIitutcd for "blas" Everyone should ask for 1..l e , help, for we were all sadly in need of it. And cause his face to shine upon us" There was something cheering Mann the 'nn shining the morning, and in the text the Psalmist asked the Lord to cheer sum. Many of you have wetted your hartker- chiefs with tears during the past few weeks Of mouths, and you are in treed of GA a cheer : well, then, ask t ;oa1 1.41•, cheer y.,.nr heart up. And Ga} will do aa1 youll acp, away your tears, and lift tip year heart on gratitude and praise to the lewd of Lords. Let the prayer of one and all be : God pity, help and cheer me : ask for the three blersiogs from (.a1. For thin. i• a (foil, said the preacher eat fleetly, no matter what so-called scientists may say to the con- trary -for m-trary-for only the fool says there is wo Gal. The choir and cvngregatton sing. "+ill Hail the Power of Jean's Nemne. . nor: *xauo.. "Aad Jeew, casae sad .palls alts them, say ing. All pow., h given unto me in hea•r,i and in earth. Oo re, therefore. and tra,-h alt na tions, baptizing theta In the name of the ret14- er, and ot the boa, and of the 11 o1y lib -•- Matthew xtrllr 1119. It was this ,command, said the preacher, after resoling the text, that sent me to one of the faroffcorners of the earth Indo the work of the Master. When .)esus stye "Go then let every one determine wi h• hamlet' what is his duty. it is • c-otnles thing to hear people talk of " Home'' and " Furman " missions There should he no such eistinctinn, for the loll's work is In every part of the globe The message is to h the 1.o sped to all Hie creatures. that message took the speaker to For- mosa. The foregoieg was the prelude to the ear - mos, sad after the singing of the lath Para- phrase the preacher continued in part The island of Formosa s 250 miles from North to Month and tome 70 miles frnm Emit to West, and was originally inhal iced by Malays. leer 200 year. sig•. Chine," pintos took ppsseeeion of the island ad merle set clement, and in tino time caused the •b ri giniee to take to the inland sed more who have not been reached f the civilizing over several remarkable cures in Kievan. 1 process Before his advent in Formosa idol and amongst others • lady whom 1 knew worship was universal and the knowledre of 1 consulted her htub.°d and he verified the' the Tree trod was unknoao.. L 1'hiooee statement. 1 at once preeara.l aux boxes I dodders, carved in camphor wood, was which I found gave in. relief 1 had not felt - here exhibited by the preacher. that bad in years. 1 took ax more boxes and am 1 been worshipped tor over 100 yews. am now able to kick the hat nR • masa and which had belonged to • man heal teeth the kg i mold hardly drag .loops , who lead been • sorcerer, and who .1 and my back feels e,00, •. a Ward' 1•d carried a knife which he heal ea ' 1 wooed oon.t ler I was doting wrong t.l rectally sharpened to take the life of " the you and the public if i were not to aline dog of a mserianery ' Afterwards the power my name to appear in teatimes rf (14, f the inrd hal changed this man's basil, worth of Dewld's Kidney Pala, sad forH.r, ; and he and his wits Bird lemma devoted I will brehappy at any time to asa*R say Christine A tablet, another objeet of wee one who wrhos to writs me with regard to' ship, woe also imbibed The Chitties ba- the above. Sincerely years. sieve that every .an has three wets, and J. N Rau s w non, that when he dim one of them goat 1• Kinnstea, Jaa. 4th. salt ry Isepeeter. Hader, nee to the crave sod tb fiber ipme