The Signal, 1894-1-4, Page 6NATIVE WHITE GRAPES. !!e Niagara Leads 1a PepIarity-Othee Catlett*. Worthy et Trial. Not a few ease ra fruit groves plat* tbe Niagara at the head of the native White grapes for vigor, size and prodnc- ttrenea., though other'varietiee, notable tbe Duchess and Prentie., rank above it In quality. The two last named in many localities are. however, too uncertain to be recommended to amateur*. Moore's • Diamond, a pare native. is much liked iu many localities,. The cine is vigorous and productive, of large, compact branches, of indium sized ber- Contains ow Alum, Ammonia. Lome. Psespnates, or any lnjurtaaO AT HALF RATE INA 0OX. 11 sebea•ka lfwp'ftior.Gi . es she ,lwwtm o f Chem Illatheme Teazel, From the Onaab• Homes World. One et the latest and molt impresed methods of beating a railidid coanp•ay has lust come to light. The Burlington operates a line to Sheri. Jan, Wy., at which .paint the Adan. Ex press t ounptmv ha. an odic*. About ten days ago a man called upon Mr. smith, de- pot ageut tnr the Adana Express t'umpeny in Omaha, and ii.oluired the cast of shipping a box, weighing about 2.'0 pounds to Men- des. He was informed that it would be about $10. Saturday, Nov. 25, this man appeared again and incidentally mewtioned the fact that he would prepare the goals for shipment the following day. A few minutes before train time an ex- press wagon brought the box to the depot. It was unloaded, weighed, properly marked for shipment, and immediately placed on board the express car preparatory to Akins • 7a5 -mile tourney. The box was about nix feet long and three feet wide .and weighed 273 runda. The expense (*Urges were $12.15 and were paid,- by aid;by a man whose identity the express com- pany is now attemptiag.to estabh.h. The train pulled o:! a' 12.15 o'clock Sunday morning and arrived in Sheridan the follow ing afternoon. There era nothing abota theappearance of the tux to indicate any- thing unusual. The box among other goods c.watgned to Sheridan, was unloaded from the express car and stored in the depot acid the doors locked. le about half an hour agent Wood wag informed that the copes'• office door was;; gilt. and the belief was raced that burglars were at work robbing the place. The agent at once secured the ajsisuece of several" men. abd, after arming themselves, they entered the express eftice. Nothing was found disturbed extapt the t Omaha box. It wan empty. The lid had leen forced from the box and the contents were gone. When the -box was critically examined it was found that ori instrument had been w'd f -,tet the outside to loses the drover. Upon the inside at one end was pi ialy to be seen the print of a metres feet. The cue of the box, the weight, and the foot- print* were *efficient to convin e the agent it had contained • human beiaR: timid that upt•n his arrival at the end of the journey besi rp4y opened_ the hot, walked over to t..he door, unbolted it and dna red,'__ There are many theories advanced as to - the purpose of the nam in the box. Some believe that arrangements were on foot to rob the express company, either on the train or at the Sheridan othee, while others think that the occupant of the box was an escaping criminal. L •ay exert, he tact the railway com- pany out of • Koff • fare - for the fare for a hu..* bong, alive or dead, ii+elO 50. ear. N .1N *Meru • Demi Stats- Your Murdock Blood Ritter} excel all other medicines that i ever cued. i took it for biliousness and it has cured me altogether. ll"w. R'tit.nr. des W.1f eebare, dint. To Take •dtasuge sr Ike ■srkel. ' Mifgle. is Ktarrowsole a like isY Mangle t )u the contrary : we bear that coffins Kai fallen off 5 pef.ojtpl.'' price he would die within an h ttgt'.mdb Care (.r'Tt.krrs,--My little boy had a severe each* cough, and could -not sleep atsight. I tried Haeyatd's Pectoral Balsam for hits std he was cured at 0anc. Nisei. lie item 2w Leawood, (int. she Tbaaatir she rebid. He (teederl} --Do you think yon cans ever learn to love me • She icoafidentully• 0h, yea. Why. I learned to love Tom (tarry, este Wall .epi Last week. in two days. • PMraw,.te r a Seteedolie - " 1 have great pleasure i• certifying to the negating* of Hagyard s Yellow Oil," writes 1). Keva.agh, postmaster of Umfra- vi1M, (let , " having Deed it for soreness of the throat. bares, colds, etc , 1 tind nMbine local to it." 2w Their Droll Chaney. Young Widow (M, yea, he told ms be erdd not love me when 1 was old. • The ()their Row could yea Rose flurried kiss after that Y. W. --Oh, 1 was iB Nair Tia u ere. • HOUR* T.dlmtenul. I.F.xTl I sas, Two years ago my suffered from serer. mdigeatio.i . ooshpletely cured by two bottles of Blood Kitten. 1 ca* truly reoosmis d it M all sufferers from (kis disease. -"Mtn Joe% Been, 2se 13 Cross •t., Tomato. WT E'a DIAMOND GItAPT. tied of -greenish white color. The &ab is juicy and nlmotet without pulp. The quality is very good. -This grape bite. ported to have proved hardy in and ironed Rochester. The Wineltell, known in acme sections, Rif Green Mountain, heads the list et white grapes for earline,oi. It is alto of fine a nullity, and tbe vine is avigoroas, llaloTr and productive. The Reboot'* is ono of the highest fla- vored of oar native grapes. The terry and bunch are medium in site. Tire cine is a moderato, slender grower. but an abundant bearer and handy. It is reec- Atltmended fur careful gardeneyaltnre rather than ordinary vineyard culture. The Packlington .bears frnit of fair quality, avid the vine is hardy and pro - Mlles.. It ripest§ after ,the Concoct: Renee. in more northern sections. requires a favorable eea..p to -ripen it. fruit sat- isfactorily. e The Lady is a sloWlrower, witheptall cluster*. Itiipentl its fruit early bnt it soon rote. The Martha is a regorges grower, bearing` jnedinm sized fruit, a little foxy, bet gond. Amstenre.culrp$au rd many failnree, the chief caps of which ie tbrir eager - Y 011110111811817110. W'by ltd yes shalt Ma ma. • ' •' le sell de some, ' movre ted the polioe- Mse. " Why, he wee rim* away from yea`" •• 1 knew it le.botae. Rot 1 wee afraid he wearies are..d the Mock to admit me treat bWhiadrL" ,Wasbiugton Star ae,erete remota eared. 1Daaa Set, 1 ha". 'offered eery much F•orofnla and had Mood for seem years 'fix •as1.M sea 1 cemmeneed seine t F. i•sa.ally and *eternally end ran wow ray that I am ...dolly eared mid hove has. M be rowan era. To all auieewre 1 re r Boit. es •s .leans% remedy jrAde wine:Re ,I. (EARLIEST WHITE GR*51). Deus to secure large crops of trait from young einem. It is ranch better to prune the vines closely and let them come to their work gradnally. Ezcemisive bear- ing of young vines soon ezhnuste their vitality. Wiest t0. Iflerte*s lay. Hardy herbaceous plants are fast tak- ing the place of soft wooded, bedding plants, as they give a supply of Sower, from early spring nntil tete in the falL /Rine. (Nosy is one of the best canna.. For the garden in summer, for pot plants in the conservatory or for cut Bowers, canner' are equally uaofnl. The star magnolia is a very deiirabde ehrnb. The snowdrop Mould be found in ev- ery garden, not only breams, it is the first flower in the sting; but because it 1. the loveliest. Among the best varieties of winter blooming begonias are Alba pieta. with small, pointed leaves dotted with silver, Feosol, cirrnlar le•cte, dark gates above, anti .red Nemeth, flowers a bean- tifnl pink: M. de I.esaspaaad President Carnot flowers of good size and bright scarlet ci lee: Setnper gigantea area, *newt crimson. an ever trimming vie reef - The George W. Childs chrysanthemne le of an intense dark rel hila (realist in variety M one of the taost neefml winter planta four egemarvatory nee. (i.rdaNas ars i.valnable bent hum and can be retarded or adva.trd with eons. They winter oomfartbly 4w e tamper* of 46 to AA Brion, end THE SIGNAL : GODRR1OH,` ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1894. Mkl6AGE TO CONGRESS. 88••••••• Set. Varga Nis Star es the ;�ma.y5 Naw album good low. Wastltt.nun. Dec. le. -('resident (*.e- land yeeterd•y Gent to (Omani • message un the Hawaiian q...thm. Ha says be is coat iuced that the difficulties lately cre std hen sad is Hawaii, and now stand lag in the way of a 'elegem of the question through executive action, render it proper that the matter should be sub netted to the broader authority and da cretioa of I'ungres► Ne details the proceeds. quotes liberally from Minister Steeple' .orrespoud.nce. in which the latter. stud Hawaii had reached • crises end one of two Conran was abs• lutely n.cM.ery. either boll and rigorous measurer ter •ueexatlou or • customs union w'.th into] Atuertean protectorate but he believrd the former to be the bet ter course, sal he could not refrain from , 7.pres.iug the opinion wait emphasis that the gulden boor waa at hand To th t mini.tar full of zeal fur annex - shim there' seemed to arise in January Ma the precis* eppxrtnnity which he "Waited suit he ann04,40ed on February 1 "that the " Hawaiian pear was fully ripe end this is the golden hoer for tit. United States to. pink 1t. tin this seise day. unable longer to re strain his ardor. he ironed a prc'ciamatiou whereby in the (tame of the l'uited States he nonmed protection of the lalands. { iabug and ad,bjeet to negotiations at Washington. This assumption was die ovawcd by our (iovernmeot. but tie! I tilted States flag remained over floe t itev • •romeut building at Honolul.t said Atuert corn force. remained on guard until April, when titey were remove&by l'omteliti•iuner Blount The PrcwLlydt' next dotal% floe teens rem.. tutu Lj�tAim. -eubrerai.:n.-of cuasutu tt•..nui �ove}ifinett, in Heeaii• mud relates the ffiel I-srt to n therei.d by Minister Stix ens, Pw::etiea of ♦ intra. a Preteseo. lig coutin.ation, alio•Pte.ident'a rummage tram the landing i t United States fore --s on tea soil nt-iiont uln was of itself a de tearttton ef.wer ur era matte with the nun ern• of the (i:.rettiaent of Ransil or ton the lana fidleirw le .e of protecting elle im- p•nlldd fieri aril the property of .tmeri ran eitireur, C,:t. - Il ware, There is no p:etetro of inti *tic% ootltint. In fart, the vaeea Pee...redasst it, sad there h.. little bac s T.: prtlteu • t.:a' faropswere infidel to pr ,tort Cie :into and propiettzv of Imefiniii . it.:o-r.• Ir .O. they w, t' 1 ;dace 1.. -en etat.oned i. the xi/ -:Lira- '('such propet•ty, which was in a J.+t•it fetes, of tee city, ivatead of so as to c•.ivatand thr Hatawlia: ttuvernment b'itling en 1 palace. When traps 1.a•1 - ed the It. was in a peaceful •ondiuua anti tiler. was no aymptum of riot or distotrb- •itce. The Pseaident therefore concludes that Hawaii was takers possession .t1 by L<'>tflsd States forces without the a oueent or wish of the Government of the islands or any body elec. so far- as shown, excei:t the United Mate, lfinister. and was without just ifica.• ion. Iib instrnrtiass to Willis. Tile PzeslJent then gives the text of instructions' io• Minister ll'alia He was interacted to' Amy fv the .Hazen chat the eondiuuns relative to amu maty !utlat be •egttiesed in 'Ey her or ht. w: n:d' du n thing: if Ike queen shoe:4.14k what the United State. would do towards restoring her end maintaining her on the throue.the Minister was if' reply that the President would not agthonze the use of United etas.. troops for either puypo.e and that um of troops Medd only be anthorit.i by Art of ('ongry.s. . Ile was also uustructod to tell the Pre- visional I:oyerruuent. if it should eek'tho -f6o---Pleddent would do -d1: h. Mould under executive anthority to restore the yueen. but•the tummy fails to elite what the Pre.ident could nod would do . urler the term " Exec mnve authority - Weaetvofoe. Dee- 18 --The preamble slid rewlutiou which Representative Bow tet..- Repubh.yf, Maine. attempted to in- troduce in the Huim yesterday, and there- by inland a eeoe of .wild excitement whieh ended in the abrupt* .adjournment of the Houser is as follows .. '• tahereas-The. exrearive eommtinll•a tions lust read to the Hume clearly diacloae that the rights and dignity -of the House of Representatives. as a co-ordinate branch ai the Congress of the Putted States, have been invaded by the execntive department in furnishing secret instructions to a min later plenipotentiary of the United States to conspire with tee representative of • depposed and discredited monarch for the submielou and overthrow of the eetablish- ed Republican t iovernment to which he was accredited. and to which his public iestructtons •pledged the good faith and sympathy of the President and t lov.ree meet and people of the United States, therefore. " Resolved -That it is the sense of this House that any intervention by the exscu Cr* of the l -nit. l Statew, its civil or mill tory representatives, without authority of Congress, in the internal sfa r. of a friendly retog*taeS Government, to die turb or overthrow it and to aid or abet the substitution or restoration of • monarchy, therefore, is contrary to the policy and traditions of the Republic and the letter and apirit of the enestitetlon and eaaaot be too promptly or e•iph•tieally repro bated... Mr. Houten. says be intends to present the remention just as erten as the tart op portnnity presents itself. and should the speaker fail to recognise him he will eon tine. its re•entatiew iNefkoitely Dee of the Slit N•110 110. LONDON. DSA 1S. -Thoma Heat Has sett. who has died in N.w Vnrk, was nue of the six notorious Fenian prisoners' who were rrwened tram Freeinantl•, Wset.r, Australia, is 1676. The trial Nationalists In the United states resolved to fit out an expedition for ibs purpose. and ander an oath of.trietest secrecy. the violation of which was to he punished with death, x10.1100 wee collected. and the whaling ship Catalpa. of New Redford, was bought and Stied out The rescue was cleverly managed, and the prisons esfely landed in New York }Ia.eett'Rr-rigin•I aentenee wee to be shot for tteseon, as he had rhe rrte.i from th. Eoglieh army and gone over to the retolntionist4. He was also a moldier in the Papal a y and was wound «I 1H the 111F. M Peril& Informoreireepate la Cotte. Rocs fere. Lib 111. -A I invernaent inspector wee Ib Pittsford meet of fat week examining the drove of Jerseys at Frau Hawley's stack faro. There are aver VI) tootle in the drove and they ars r.garu.d as remarkably Sae animal.. It i. learned that the Inspiresi fonnd the se totem* of plena pmotitwwi In the drove anti h his orders a considerable number mast he killed. • eiime•.a elm gear. Naw Yam, Das. 4t-Qs.f Ms Orem is the trial of NEW YEAR NOTES. Monod' •_demons s the mem Meebswe. A warn heart makes • bright face. The lowly leek Itirtker (ba. the lofty. A good wart M a pled t[wybt ttaatt rod. It as less dilficeli to alter our faith than our feeling,. A light shines brightest and farthest m the Jerkier( night. Kindness does aot throve gersered m a lomp, but grows as it spreads. If we sotto*, we may find as much sue shies as shadow to hie. Nemo Isom get so teaakd thee only death oats smooth out the sortie. As the salt waves wear Away the rock, so do harsh words this sumo pagaeot heart. Old Meads are Dot unlike old garments, they acco$nmodale themselves to our pecu- liarities ► Wim Mew orf It. The death of an ossified man io Teamster. is reported. He died hard -. & htorgo Tn• bunt. . There . no better remedy for worms of MY kind foe obildr.. or adults than 1/r. Low's Norm Syrup. int a _ 1H9I. Harper's Magazine. ZLL LJSTJZATED_ HAarwai s HAUAUUNN lac 11 4 well maratat• the cbareeter that has nude it the hsoehe el levitated psrieiical for he home. Ameag the results of o osemeesse node/taken b, the pub- mb than roll •pp•oar during the yea illuetrsbtod Aper. OR Indo by You ix Lain \'aaka. en J• ere Seesaws by .11. - rust. 1'Altsu.a. ea easy by iot LTxet HIORLow. err' Hlt HARI. WADING UA'•Is, sed Ta Mexico by reEt.silt Harem. t'blt. Amon( the other tenable features of the year wit! be Dowels by toanau: int Mat meat and CHARM. lit ItLax \t AI:Nal. the personal remintetwce. of W. U. HoutLt.s. and eight short stones of Western frostier life by (ter ex \\'yiTCR. Nhort stories will also be coalrlbuted by BRAN/01•1 HP NAND HANDnid. HAI 1.. MARL- E. WILtiss. Ili nt ]I. Beni% i•TL ALT. Mia. LAI WI IC Al. MA liUctA. G►oil:► A. HINRAIwU. Ql 6,pNAV Da Ut.auNt iAtil. TuovAa \aLAWN 7•►ur. and others. Articles o• topics of cune•t Interest wall be contributed oy dWrasni.hed specialists HARPER'S PERIODICALS • HAHI'KlrS JIAUAPI.\ A' ..1'. r l -tar # HAKPRKS HARPER'S IgA AK. . HA UlJ I. 1 oC \(: i'PUi'I.b.... ..... Pa*leye Pres 10 Ml aehareiberi-4 t e Stair's. Canada and lkriro. the Vulames of the Mawzi,s begin'wrf the Numbers for June and Ib. Plebe? d each year. When no t:me ie mentioned.sub.cripttoes will begin with the N anther -urrent at ibe :amts ut rtvript of ender. gonad Volume. of Harp•r's ]tagartne (orhtee years hack. in neat .lot h binding. a i, t be sent by mail. post Cpaid. en receipt of $3.011 tier volume. (.Mit ases, for binding. Weents cub- by mail. post- paid. I:emtnences .houhl In made b) Post o01ce Money Older or limo. to in old chance of loss .\eseapap re ort not 10 espy lAr. adrrrhw,- rarM v.thout lhr ..yr.aa order ur Harperk Brothel,. Address. HARPER k BRUTHERP. New York. er's Weer 1y 11.z.tV+e{'Z %A.TEI7. • H AN PCNs \VILlitx' Is heyoad all qu.al ion oke leading tett.•! in America. in it. splendid ill tot rat ions. in Its corps of dietietuiened con- tributors. and in its test army of readers. In specie lints, it dras• tot the highest order of talent. the men beat Opted by position and reaming to treat t be Index topics of the day. in action. the most populer story -writers con- tribute to its el limns. superb drawings by Ile fon mos: artists Must fete its special artic- 1ee, its stories• and ever[ notibie event of pub - tic interest : it conferee portrait, of the die tingu:ehed men and women who are making the history of the time, w bile special attention estaiv.•n to the Army and Navy. Amateur Sport. and Music and the Drama, b, dis- tinguished expiate. In a weird. HAiereice Week' x combines the new. features of the daft) paper aad the artt.tic and literary quali- ties of the mapzlee with the solid enthral character of ib.- review, HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per rear HARPER'S )I'ERKLI'. 14 40 HARPICRS MAUARi E t a HARPER'S &AZAR... .. .... t of HARPb:RB YOUNG PEOPLE. ..... • Postage free to all sab•eribers ea lb. United Sta(cs. Canada and Mexico. The Volumes of the \VictorLt begia well the ant Number for January of each year. When no omnis mentioned. subscriptions will beetle with the Number current at the time of re- ceipt e- oei t of order. Hound ,lames Of HARt•aa'R WQRLY for three years lack. in neat cloth Mallow will be scat by mei!. postage paid. err by express, free of expense ,provided the freight does not exceed one donee per column. for $;.a/ per **lame. ('loth (eases for each volume. suitable for binding will be Mat by mall. ppsid•o. re- ceiptoI $twt- l.00 sack. Remittances should be trade by Poet -odic, Money order or Unit, to avoid nk.acs of les. Newspapers ore *of to ropy this families. mewl witkop( the express order o/ HARP= & Rntn H amt. Address: HARPER it BROTHERS, New York. 189t. Harper's Bazar. ILLT78TR Hawrtle Renee is • journal for ta1ar►. It Kern the Iowa and West 1tn about Fashions. sad ito ommorow,illustratiallei Paris dredges. aad pattersakeet supplsasnts are India Ms alike to the beam thew maker •nd flee /nfereine•1 *podia*. No ax pease M mend to maim lea ertietk attractive of the Mersa t ranee. a•ttrla( oe sdlos, sad t mays est- eemstsfr all tames. 1ts 1•o* pass le two en • beda•I of wit sail homer. le Itf weekly Mouse ererysbl•g is iaoltadd why` feet iMwvat to we . TWO Verna to 1114 will be action by WItu.ine Beare tied WALTrm Bmah T. Mort et ones will be edifies by Hear E. aces N va !Mime Looms PPM. RETIE 111cExoir 10t AK. MARIox iIASLARR aad sums. door moms and la -door Games, Pooled Maser moment, i[ubreidery led ether dmbreettag tomes w111 receivereasant •tteattes. A wow .erten M prestls•d o• ' Usdba sad Repartee.' HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pee Wow t HARPRRR RA4AR....... ID .r HARPERS DiAUAitws inn IIARPEKB WNSF L. . . t re HARPRR'R rovito/ PJpPLR f re Andope Ass to on Mr►ATe kik* United Motes. tbaeda. aid Mal Y. The Volumes of the Ratan nada week 1M G est Nm for Maw, oei year. Wkea toith tea Number canes at titreM"eess t w ci eider. Awad Volsoodi of Hemmen Baha ter three yeah ►eel. In mot doth Mediae. ern! he free of ey mall= imbr arst eeemit pwye la, piperNwdtetaal. As' per for saelLvelirlase mailable ter melt. ,.oipsim, sift M mit. by Peet Mees • >7etmft. te avoidp tamer of hes uIle 01re 4nue mei *owns t Good cicars are . now high iced, y becaus highe of tariff law.). MASTIFF PLUG CUT IS makirlc pipe -51110\14 popular because it civeS more for the money. J. P. PACK Tnh•cro i'n li whinond, Vs.. and Montreal. Can. REMEMBER •telitabsestromeil es ``tunas. fartbe d W the sympt ass indicating Alfer*T • rvua OemeIat.t if roe ar• Dtrgsoswae, lillsobiess, MEMBRAY S! Indlgrrtoa, Pa•rrITrT( riling t t RIna . l x.,. lost t sarx Pail'i. hi . . Siena. M.tanrbolr P' elimg. P e Jima, elessiway's- .Kidney auto f. er 1. KIDNEY AND' w Lsaedime r.'hef nmol Err•ceattre a all Drogltor. a MratLray Medicine rysepaay or r.terburu■ah, 'Limbed). PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT LIVER CURE For sale by O A. FEAR. uoffriob. Ont. \ Patronise T rue Competition. Tail CANADIAN Pecttric RAILwaV Oo1 Tzu•sarii bee bees establim ted to she the public a $r telae, ssrvlos with fair sad par manna compete 'on. it is tnaiaaevt on Dominos principles sad b the interest of its patron.. iI deserves the snpport of orrery parson wbt believes in competition. For r.iek despatch ■ee this Capes( • Ilda,+, tonnectinr with e11 Ilan awl rabies kr ratted allaMs. Canada Direct throuw all gh paints !a Nonbweut,llritlsh Celambl•sad Pate& 1401 Office -South Side Notwr. R. )1AleCLlFfL atitf Local Manager. Goder4b A GREAT OFFER ! IJRATAT PAPRIM AID - • (JRSA T PRIM, WADS We are Iv a Waddell a after The NRnal sad the rser/ly Nereid sad Weekly Mar, of Montreal for oue year for SLIM. This seer en- titles the eubacr(ber to deem of two greet premium* givea by the pubilWeea a< the her 11l Nereid. rheas }readioN are the • • Me, " •l.aasor for Ian. a sorb left of 430 mem. or If preferred • em of tea groat reaslly mereld MeweNr FIeewee. whieh twenty defies TM premises--Alae.e" and Pfoture-will be reedy about the sial d Nov - whim mad w11rT*M� a Iroaoso�Mle meats••• to the papa saybona at dr Remember the offer of • one belt to peps who sN the Held* ho the M withdraws. Mitt 1311B13CRIBE ova Canada's Bet family Paper THE HAMILTON Weekly Spectator ENLARGED am* IMPROVED. resolee all the (ewa. ■ear yreesl ►,.sorsa. e'reep and PMa..d eommetM•, The Mese ..I.ri.tehi Meries, The r1.s sI Iai.very 1!•404. averyibleg fes .vetrybedy. I TO 18T JANUARY $1 • IIlWiTligreat wiper frees am ton January. trea,i7pr oem reediest owel ^ *_weakly- TtIE N'Hlt[IJs 041 ROUND" Gar oily p ea Agents Wanted Littoral esemYd.s aD moos A need aDmt ser tttb•lk...dims. 15 *0.i 1Ma�owea-��d000rw w*w =es tferou/ hi weer..e of 0 ilat.ts(.. rep terms gas worn.. Wens RNeataldt' •lierstlese SCHOOL BOOKS. Ck Special drive in School Book and School Supplies. Best valu ever shown in Exercise and Scri bling Books. Remember we keep in stock a fu4 supply of all Books authorized and recommended for Collegiate Institutes, High Schools Model Schools, Public and Bar_ ate Schools. . B e FRASER & PORTER, (oral Maatagrr. fHip&p.• te. Booksellers and 8tatione 1 FOR THE Alertly, Merry Christmastide Thee week we will have a Designs were serer ea You ran dad a.erhta( suitsb our full ApiI* of rn.hTN•a 4:0411104 MYties w nR0.U.w, ar value better than this r any Iriecd i• our supply. I12A411u1n. C4T=GIJ$S PZ11f17]Lsr Taylor a McMeekin • am! others, t• lately casae, is usque rrilulu.d and atelier howbeit rte . is load pslaltd hawse, sad other .tying. • T(E MOST ACCEPTAltf Of All GIFTS Prion from tic. to Ii d'0. kT OCL Very beautiful and ran far the whet -not. etc. 4YIIeNId 4'aw, teak 4ens. Plumb sac.. •Ieeals.ss 4..,.. 4 eltel.td a raaere.ls tae ..isotone to asemiea. You must nee tin m. Watch our show wladowa, and drop In aad nee. We will be gimped to show therm. ChM** akar. Masse le time to be a rttab for such attractivego•ds. I [7. C. GQODE, - Chemist. CHRISTMAS FRUITS Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready fo your orders Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are ezceptionall line this year. Besides, fire clean every pound w sell. Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS De ment if you are looking for anything in that lin we can suit you. 0. A.. N.ASRN. e People in this 19th century are bound to have tbe_ best that can be had for the money. That is why EVERYBODY WEARS GRANBY RUBBERS. They give perfect satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it be- i comes a hy•word that w ORANBr RI'}tBi R: wear like Iron. ' It -is not Sawdust 1' We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE Some people think it is, but they are mistaken We use nothing but the longest and stronger Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without seam o joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest, tightest, sweetest and most durable ware eve made. t r Ask for EDi'S. UNDERTAKERS. 3. u,OPHEY an BON Have added to their prw.nt huskies MO 01 R. J. Nash'. Latest Style of Olty Hawses, also •he finest Home, funeral furaiski.p in the county, and are now prep►rwd to oonduet funerals at pr{oes reasonable This dspartme.t will be lteietly -Miall to by his an. William, who, Kling in the astrpM, at the late D. Deeds" ler the past M. yaws, has • thossaglP katowtollge of the boil.-, ..d by poop' 1J1 Jt _ bepm to tiara pert of the public patronage. Rea..mb.r ti• ploy --weld., e psi way r do pee AIM Mee us a oall J. BROPHEY & 80N.