The Signal, 1893-11-30, Page 7RY LAMAS 1 LA CREME OF CHRISTYAi (1001) 18 TO BUY THEY SHOWN BY c Porter Only 4 PSG and STOKES' ART KIR and SILK BINDINGS NTATION VOLUMES. )IES' TRAVELLING OASES, ...INA and STERLING ER NOVELTIES. -x-N-x- ,/itan Fashion Street 14,r .SER & PORTER, i Booksellers and Stationers. all Stove Pipe Varnish matron Drying. Use it °ace sad you use no other ture Polish, Brightens up all varnished furniture. Very lasts,. 3aparilla, A fine thing for the blood a • purifier and sec STOR OIL. R REMOVING SPOTS ON CLOTHES. D LIVER PILLS ARE FINE. FREE SAMPLE. Chemist. Bicyoles ES AND GENTLEMEN SELLiNU ALL COMPZTITUR9: from $50.00 up la 20.00 IMPLY NOT IN IT IiOB QUALITY OR I'Rlt L . WEEPERS, tM amt Uar maw. '• This years patters b perfection. OLS AND HOSE. oar iia. is se.miee• R. P. WILKINSON. ARE �r MUCH LIVE _* TO YOUR INTERESTS. WHY YOU BUY YOUR and SHOES )WNING, ods, mid everything w•rr..tod to be as represented rester utyUYh and van fashionable goods eerie ttis.� y then ai the ether shes Amiss • t ettyli the Lowest, ad Till he kept then. E. DOWNING. qty M lemma prime. use llO INDOWS NEXT MONTH Fri AND IND IT WILL PAY r_ sow babble= tis et B. J. biers Lacs' orb nest line of /mistral furaiiisp in the °0'mg, et funeral° as prloos reasonable &b1e tea ream bso �taum�m�� tly is by his sea William, abet,.MM klj p linept aattees is tin salas hero le ease part d lis puss--wenteth, as yaw wap W the jls°► ROPaEY___ sow. THE SIGNAL : GODEBTCB, ONT., THI'TIISDAY, NOVEMBER :40, 1893. White Blankets, Grey Blankets, rbc} Horse Blankets. SPECIAL VALUE 491A IN SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS ! Unlined Blankets, 65c., worth 85c. Lined Blankets, $1.25, 6 6 $1.50 r ,•':. a arise JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE 4. + + + + + + A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 50c. Corset Cannot be Beaten. - Ladies' and Children's Underwear, extra value. Navy and Black Storm Series, tic best 11 Tow for the Amy. L >IfUUZCTION =DLI SOLICITED. ▪ PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. flit MZTINTRO, Draper sad Haberdasher. PRAYERS IN THE COMMONS. the aervlee le Performed 1. the lime rem* Taruuue.t. Fan T. P. O'Connor is Harpee's Magazine for December. The Hoose of Comatose u uni-tise among • it{ialatures of the world in having so pkte ac000tmodatios tor ie mambos are altogether 670 sunless of the .se, and thele are exactly 430 seats, of • . h only 306 are on the floor. The speak- •aie. the chair at three o'olo°k, except Wednesdays, and unless the Hoose has -r•e1 to what are called " monitor sit - no: ' which begin at two o'clock. Three suftoieetly late in the attsrno u, :::ng from the exempts of *tier Instals- ; but it is too molt fee the men of • ;•scar, the practising lawyers, and the : a of Lashio., who still form so lase a s •'.r te the taesmbsskip of Parliament. It :, rarely, therefore, that there are mese :dna • few ase' ees a attendance at that tor. Aastbsr ewes*o for this abde.tim y be that this is the hour of devotion. Foch siciug of the House is begua by Use n readi.g of prayers by the Speaker's *spina -at prosiest the wail -know. Arch - bacon Fats. Those who attend prayers reap en imm*di.te mid earthly reward. O. the largo toile that stands is frost of the speaker's Asir theme is • box which am - Mei • member of aside with the word Prayers " prisbod apes them. The .ember who has attended prayers ernes his name on this card, and thereafter pieces it in the small slot which is at the back of each sat is the House ; and from that particular el.iag that seat ia bis Ile ata lave the seat for hours, but be ie stet to it whenever he returns, and cam expel any person who may have when it hiring Fie abss.00. Then are °sly two closes at weave in Use House wbo have any stttld rights with regard W sats. The treat teach on the right -sad aide of tbe `poker's chair is called the Traenry Bosch, sod on this sits the various stembsn el the eluting administration. TM teeth immedi- ately opposite is called the Frost ()prosaism Beech, and os this sit the members of the previous admiaiatrwtiea There toe, it will be thus amity .der stood, two psealiaritlss under these air .um maces about the attendee** at pr yeses First, the geotls.ee usually peewee are met always those most di°ti.g.ialad for their piety. The caustic editor of Teeth hes '•ken, in recast yarn, to laying the fo.d- arion atones of nonconformist plac°a of wor- ship, oeship, but nobody would he loss likely to set ap • clam for special piety than Mr la - bendier, Nevertheless, every night of the week Mr. leboechere imams with pines at- trition tation to the ministrations of the rhaplaia The secret reason is that the first east es frost beach below the gangway -I will .x - ram the term later no is %place peculiarly well suited fee the guerilla that in ever es 'he watch fix the mosnst t* make an on- slaught re • wicked dmisfatrstion ; ad Mr I.shonchere se the ehi.fetf the guerillas a'ap'etally food of his met, ad has eo- 'spi.d 1t few y*ara This ist.mbeney, :"ono u e etift.d try a h .easy yeaof aware, . still to 1.e wen 57 render attendees. at 'wry eveeiso's mayors : the rule is intim 'the - swept in the mess already esentie.*a that • mat cos be role only for nee night led that the. it •hall be res by attendants at prayers. The sesod peewliarity is that tie see whe are not is wont tet the s111 oe of primeta• u having the hnvisn of tonibility "fen their ehe.iisewthe met - the e( the adsiiabatrselee and the Maaie it Meths are shays emeriemunly ` 'wag prayer time the le° daNe a y.w°ies/ desert. ..ireh• by the ins of a Weide meeshcr N She adeeid► t"B+. germ er tamall -Pram "The lamas • hPy• Powell O'rdffeeele 'efsaum12110108W oak be abeepre etas Woe erdi bb PERSONAL MENTION. Igwrd's urda..4 k mod W 1by •setas. Mr. bloody is going to have • aeries e1 revival nateimp u Wsshloytem skis 11' aster. lir. ituhlmses, the of the let* ifmai I'.ab, will start ea W se=t itienaey tie Germs, Emet Alma, about the middle Of Deosiub.r. Mrs. Jelin t:. Uarliele will ease pubinh • oeuk both, as kin. ex `water Hesdenoa, " Mario. Herbal," sad Mrs. Bayard Tay- lor have duce before her. Dc. Felix .idler, who dots not pretend w be • practical politician, attrit...4s corrup- tion In polities.*', to pauper Im.mgrenm but to respectable Mumma wbo do not vote. I'be Baroosee de Roque', the mother 4 Sire. Maybriok, now In • Itrituh prima convicted of pussoniag ter husband, has been speedier some weeks a Nis country. Marshal Mahon's "Momorres," winch be recused to have published dune• t,.. life- time. are di. Idled into several chapters, femme four volumes, which oontaiu in all about 2,000 pages. Prot. Huxley is a devout believer in the exiate.ce of the see serpent, ani dee'arss that those who laugh at the idea of a mon star serpent living in the swan and big enough to drag down • while ship and crew are both foolish and Igooraat. l'rot. Wambold, who has been elected rector of the university of Berlin, to sucooed Prof. Kundolf Virchow, um not allowed to bsoonie • candidate for the head of the uni- versity by the reigning family for many years., owing to hu liberal tendencies. The McClellan Memorial aasocrtioa of Philadelphia, seeds 17,000 to pay for the oiliest/tan statute of t:en t:surge R. Mc (;lellan, which is to be placed on the north plaza of the city hall. The pedestal oast 15,000 and was paid tor by the state of Pe.asylvania. James F. Boots, of 1'rawfordsvi1e, led., bag in his poseresion a well preserved cors - sob and a piece of the husk which came from an inner room of s cliff dweller's home i i O'oloroids.. Though they may be ceslur.e' old. both the cob ad the husk are as well preserved es • Wo year's production. townies* ter WOOS,gl.carr.. n young man desiring to become • re- porter of the daily pros., received the fol- lowing suggestions from an oldtimer to whom he applied for proteeaoeal ups : la rescuing drowning men, it must al- ways be whim they are 'going down the third time.' No one a on record of • rescue when the sufferer was going down the tint time. When • gentlemen Gives a bank Dote it must always be • ' crisptine dollar or ten - dollar ose. Thuds are of two descriptions, the ' dell ' and the ' sickening.' Of mutes, every writer knows that fire must always be mistimed es the 'devouring elm...t.' What, 'wildfire' is so one exactly knows, het when anything spreads rapidly, remem- ber it ' spreads like wildfire.' F especially political Does, must .1- ways be lung to the breeze.' no matter whether there Is any breeze or not : fling it, de mot unfurl 1t. If yeu can manage to rt an assault, • dog fight and • burglary all Into one column do it, for it will secure the alliterative scare head of 'A Carnival cf Crime.' Speaking of winning or losing money, it mud always be a 'cool' S00 or 0000. How- ever great the struggle, the amount must always be 'cool.' Always remember that • Iran is 'launched into eternity,' not hanged at • corms IllWerr cremes. As the road titres smith it sbortlyre•che• again the noble Polemic, and for many miles follows its winding, merge, with the bluffs of Maryland rising bold and blue on the ether side of the broad stream. When it touches the river, however. it hos left in the eagle it has meds Mount Verson, the home of I;eorge Washington, tad Gusstou Hell. the borne o1 t:eorre :Mason, who drew the Virginia meatitatiou and the Virginia Kill of Rights. Then, after a run ,cross the same poor -looking country, the train sued dimly crosses -a high bridge over • small river, with • hamlet ma the near side and a town on the other, in • plait between the riverbank and • line of semicircular hills. The lints village is Falmouth, where George Washington went to school. The tows oe the otber side is Fre.laricaburr, and the heights which bead around it are tate far- famed Maryi s Heights ' proiouaoed Mare*, from the old Virginia handy whose r eodeace crowned thew. It was up these heights that Meagher's brigade charged time after time, to be swept back by Lee's litre with • loos of seventeen hundred in fifteen minutes, and on the plain below men were mowed down like grace. The countrryy ell around Isere has been • battle proud, for this is Spottsylrania, where much of the war Was fought. To the westward • few miles Lia i'haoo.BoeayW., where Stem• wall laoksos, atter me of the mmm brilliant military movements ever conceis ed, and which only genius could have pleased and aoly genius could have executed fell at the age of thirty -nice with hiii tame established. Not a huodred yards from the railway a dorm miles below I. redsriekeburg, in a gar. dee stands the little quaint bones in which he died one Sunday scorning, alternately giving orders to forward his infantry to the frost, and whispering of please over the river to rest ander the Amide of the tress. Alar circumstance has reesetly Dome to ht. On • pmt of the battlefield et Ile have lately beim dis- covered the site and re-simu of ()taverner Sps•ewood'a furnace, the fist iris tarsams ever established i. Aeries. The old rams has bees timed, the foundation of the old stack .ntovered, std the beginning of that iduetry which is now said to ooetrol gen- eral oommeroe has bean laid open to the sight. ()sly • snot t distance to the south lies tbe country not inaptly called the Wildersea-Frau "Tho Old Dominion," by Thomas Nelms Page, a Harpses Map - rise for leeember. •e titeene.e Det edy. Grtm.aN1V,-We have used ard's Pectoral B•Iwm in oar horse fur over three years, and find it an eroells.t remedyfor all forms of coughad acolds. In troat and bung troubles it affords instant relief. Jots Bennie. Columbus, Oat. 2 time. When • person atter an acciden- is found to be dad, it is beet not to say so, 'but that the vital spark has fled.' Speeches on the political side which your paper advx•te• should always be 'ringing speeches. Irespecting one'. 'best girl,' the old wan licking the lover out, sire of his hoot, or respecting 'After the Hall,' '1Mirada,' plumbers bad ice -mos had better take a back sat for the present Paean Bulletin. sem In ear..r.1.. Mamma Did you find your reel* Tom tick i. bed. Artier` Arthur (aged sora) No, mamma, he was sitting up with hie Father Hubbard wrapper en : ani he wee maths some tea. C. C. K1. ii at,. k Co. My son George bre sneered with neural- gia round the heart since 1882, but by the apphcatiou of MINA D'S LINIMENT i. 1889 it completely d:aappared and has not troubled him since JA McKss, Liawood, Ont_ manor BRITIeH BEER AARONN. Irma werten.. novae is /he rswtag 1. gentian -A U.aa,b atddes p•ape°•• The most i•rs•iwroue talnabl7 in the United Kingdom et •.s moistest is the brewing in"' rest. The tram trate is par- 1lyted by low priers, the furnaces out' of blast and .hipbutl'leno idle Mem- cltaete•r complains of ruinous competi- tion in the cotton trade, the tin mutes tell the same story, and *1l over the land ole get..t eollierw' strike has crippled every ; industry. But in all thea. centers, , though every other be euro Haid m.uke- lees, the brewery chimneys belch forth their black volumes merrily. The British workman may tuU, ho may strike, he may beg, may eterve, but it must be to a running accompaniment of beer. Its manufacturers "grow rich beyond the dreams of avarice," to quote 0.. Johnson's prospectus when trying to De111us friend Tbrale. brewery. In generation or two a brewing family may rise to the top rank of the county gentry or scar into the peerage if they are pus - seemed of cash enough. Lord Ardilaun still makes stunt in Dublin, and Loral Burtou makes porter at Burton; the Al- wppa divide two or three titles among thew, and the life and fortunes and the sacred honor of Lord Iveagh, who lately purchased the Mariuis of Ail.0bury's Savt'ruake estates for £701,000, rest upon the prosaic but unquestionably solid foundation of beer. It is thus that pa- triots are rewarded for distinguished services by a grateful couutn•. It is true that it norma an expensive iuxnry when the British ratepayer comes to toot the bills. His drink ('oats him very nearly double what his bread does. It costs him more than 11 tires what he pays out for education and 'ZS times more tbau is spent for Christian ml,nsions and Bible societies. The fig- ures are: Brad, E74,000,000; education, £12,630,000; miarioas, etc., !`2,230,000; druik, 1132,219.271. Tbere are the Mar Defies for wee, the latest available. Tbt latter amount wean• over $000,000,(N$), of above hall the national debt. If the in- direct cost of the drink traffic were tc be incltu:ed, this sum would be vastly in - (Teased. So long ago as 1883 a parliamentary committee estunated that intemperance and the drink habit caused the loss of ate -sixth of the labor and production of the kingdom -16 per cent. As Mr. Rob- ert obert Griffen, in his "Essays on Finance,' estimates the working income not in eluded in the income tax returns at £6.40,000,000 yearly, in round numbers there is an annual loss of £100,000,00( to begin with, for the proportion of epic its consumed per capita of population le as great today as 60 years ago. It court caste, police, jail, reformatory, work bonne and penitentiary expenses shall be added, the coltunn will not be wide enough to hold the fearful total. Mr. Councilor McDougall of Man- chester. after a careful investigation last year, showed conclusively that 51.24 per cent of the pauperism in that city war the direct result of drink. How much of it was due indirectly be did not at tempt to state. And the same report comes from other cruters. Eighty-fvt per cent of the pupils of the great Her. nardo Ragged schools of London were children of intemperate parents 0lselip). Ten per cent of Liverpool's abnormally high death rate is ascribed to intemper- ance. Bnt statistics are always tiresome and on this subject dreary-. and I will close with a figure or two quoted from a pa- per, "The Cust of Our Drinking Cue- tome," uetome," read by Mr. James Whyte before tate Manchester Statistical society twc years ago, and to whom I am indebted for now, of the above intortrtation. He estimates the annual root of the delis - anent, dependent and parasitic classes, nude .0 by 'drink, at £30,000,000, the lost in wealth producing power annually at £180,000,000, and the direct cost being over £180,000,000, as before stated, we reach the very respectable total of £340,- 0100,000 for the drink bill. When we re- flect how large a proportion of this goer into the pockets of the manufacturers, the fact they soon achieve wealth sough to enter the nobility and gentry and be- come ecome pillars of the British constitution does not seem w remarkable. -St. Louie Republic. ('rebs.. A physician writes to a medic.l contam porary as follows about cycling A wheel that sells now most. be very light, the brake and all superfluous appliances that weigh • dram must be left of: it most be high gear ed, with high mat and low handle bar. That to Use model bicycle of today. Such • wheel is ante to coast upon, se much so that coasting is out of fahtou. To ride One of these bicycles, one most get • kir hump on kis back and serutne a very necomfor• table position. i have • machine with the handle bars high, so that i can sit rerfectl erect, he the most natural position. and 1 am not exaggerating win. 1 ay that it tins me more to ride 20 miles is a carriage than it does to ride my wheal that distance, My advice is never to ride a wheel that you cannot sit erect upon, and alway• avoid neo violent or p oiosged exercise. It promotes deep breathing bettor than climbieg hills.' shale ape' N. Cared. (Letson evict, i suffered for a long time with on.utipetien and tried many mdi- chess wittiest oneness. i then tried Her- doch Rlemd Bitters and very aeon bad greet relief, es i oanti.ned its me ad am sew smmpietoty mind, Jow. PRn.t.up. Q.,Mr, Que-f mew settee seen. TIriehu+siiitattte-lyy1TsIM, Taihemontt, 1 bevsm't �'111Rsee.0Ntr No, 1 have been making a tear tit Rilwpe, and I just toil yea std bey I arm OM »..a.--- warthere gees Ant: ts. leam ewe ani toil you all aim* 11. jilgipsYwM'Nr,w w4eM1 Weir. "ow M lum,let.aatI... Brings --dart. we queer things, aren't the rfgp--Very, but what makes you my so' Reirge i was thinking of %lies 1:•..i,ud. 1 happened to meet her on Use aver'' yes terdsy about noon, and laving • f,.,. • old bones is my pocket, and, being metered by renew tailor-made gown, 1 a.ke.1 her is to De1'n (kigg. Did she weeps - Mine .tt first she 11..1..'? a sre for any. tbi.g, and the. she enol the I.eltevr.l .he did feel • little fent. %sc, old sten, did hiyou weer take • girl 001 to leach shwaINDa t • little fait • fTriggs - No Del .he est anything' Briggs Doi she at morticing ' K ell eir. Nat rill grabbed the wenn, took • M8thoie' gime* et it, said she wsoe't 1dag humpy, mid then she ordered- Grlges Well, whit did the order • lfk°p° lther wi'slyl--Oh. ordered *lame a.d bililss, lobster maim, sweetbreads and pias clashes a M Mee7Md, sbe;t.p sated. Went elms, eeeseres.a, ssela, net creme d. menti Great Stott 2 It esut rue $14. yes mike (le be wli, w Mew, 0101 aha fury ttr W1b', lid aim i' tt.m'I spy ->'t dere -Beets he all purpose. Laundry and Hlossaellsold and find it a great o•rnfort 'and saver of Labor S'ii' 1 iihIt $OA r • • • • • Has no equal for purity, nor for cleaning and *sweetening, nor aree•rving the clothes and hands from In- jury, nor for all-round general sash Rafues ONIAP Iisi?AT'IOM • Gaol teerl.r. "Pool 1 do .'1 sem to agree shoat out sew doctor. N'hat do you think of him : ' " 1 think he is • first rate fellow. The first day he saw me be ordered me mot to drink any more wafer."- Paris Fyn . 1',o!. t:oodwia Asides tow beak -a sal - lection of testy* os reli iMtfledMaislyNs- tio.s-- will eons be knm*t fele. coag AND wood Y11.RD. --- Spsaiat rustpe glow to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all pain at HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. Cu•1 weighed on either market or my 19cates. OM mI Prices before going elsewhere. TEAM CA6g1. A Cettalatest Tr-per•aee A4.erale. They sat around the banquet board enjoying the good cheer. Governor Mc- Kinley was there, and he spoke. So was the mayor of Columbus, O. It was all in honor of Bishop Watteraoe, a Roman Catholic cousin of Henry Watt.•rseoe. The bishop thought the mean needed Sottas explanation -there was no wine. Ho he arose and spoke se follows: "I will say in reference to the banquet tonight that it was the only thing in the celebration of the silver jubilee that I was at all consulted about, and I was consulted only abort what we should not have at the banquet. I, am you know, bare tried to be a consistent ad- vocate of the virtue 'of temperance, even going so far as to advocate the propriety and the need of total abstinence on the part of our clergy and our people for the peke of example at least, even though the practice of total abstinence might not be Altogether neeenary for their in- ,1'cidnnl welfare. 1 am not a fanatic on that t -•'int, but 1 inked the oontmittee that there should be no wine or intozi- eaticc !ignore at this banquet, and I did that in order that I might in same way r.r o!her preserve the eoneiatency of my policy and my teaching for the last 19 y: ase.... relrpbeae C r --Z 11en. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. 1104-17 GODLBJOH Steam Boiler Works. 128TA mAsHED'IS t0.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, g.cressorto Ckrvaral Q Bleck" Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright & Tubular 330=-1 3 Salt Pane, Stroke Stacks, Sheet Ijon Works, etc., etc. Also Maim* to Upright and Horizontal MMd' Valve 0.gi•e•• Automatic Cat -OR Engines a penalty. All mass 04 Id a aid ripe tittle. constantly en bead. estimate* furnished on ,tweet swam Itrgyairing promptly 'Wended to !t8-ly /. a box Z, Oederieh. Oat. ways-OININI a IL IL R. maws. Osdefma Item *Ills toe Prises.. The great tncreame in the nnmber of prisoners in Masimebnuotts is dos almost wholly to drnnkesne.a, and except for the added commitments for thin offense the prison prmulaeiou would show • rsd- ettve decrease in comparison with the in- habitants of the state.-8ecred Heart Review. Drank • (mart or wlkshy. -- A man who lived is Dickman (Sty, Pe., drunk a (inert of whisky indole a quarter ort an bony recently and enrol heroine so ill that a pltrwieien was slwsw+oned $otking mold be tine for bim, and 5 flied At a Ikon wiles ORATEFUL-OOM1ORTiNO. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. _ "By • dgovern thorough tbe oMsrwtro.e et diof the gestion laws triad govern utrition., tad by ayp ileation the faad lne propertied. of well -erected Coen.. Mr. Mims has presided for our breakfast and sup- me erper • detiaatelr Mvoneed beverage which tnq :dieluso.a ..e of Pigma ooh articles ofd emit ahy ces 40.ttes maybe g eitheiry buut.p wall OMNI en= ts regio every trodeey to Messes. Ifuadr.dg s d suet. m.laltes are Mattes armed us rued" M atteek elrberever these 1s • weak pont We may maw man • tatel theft b� k-..,krg oueselvee well fortified with ogre_ 1M..s ase • peeperly nourished trsmw'- Ole4 8ev,rttee OgsAta •Sttad. limply with bolting water or sink. eels to eseketa.by Wooers. labelled taus: •AlrnhealMsErrestw4o dRagland hie STARTLING! The enormous waste of fuel which might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when they are buying Stoves to go to dealers who handle none but the best, and.guarantee them perfect. SAUNDERS & CO. have had the best Stoves for years. M SEE THE NEW STOVES �--� FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL : THE SOUVENIR, ' , THE ART COUNTESS THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR COAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, J THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, _ THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. THEIR HAND -MADE RETJ1PEB TINWARE is telling its own story in increased sales. - C WEST STREET_ 1 7 Carriage Maxzufacturer, Hacwg iterebawd the Widens of McCREATH dA WALKER I have now arranged, not only to continua the Carnage Trade, but have decided to do all classes of work in HORSE-SHOEIBU AID GENERAL BLACKSIITHINC NONE,BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. 2396-1y. � J TO.A. WR ALER, PRU PRI 6TOIL 2 SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By .Irtue of a warrant 'soder the hand of the Warden and Soal of tho MBelatisa of the County of Huro•, dated the lith day of August. len comn.andiug m° Os lsey mem the leads hereinafter described. tar the arrears eel tams respectively due trireme. teasther with poets • settee is hereby given that unless ouch taxa and cons we sooner pain 1 then. is cumpllanoe with the Aas.s*niant Aot. Chap. 194 H. 19. 0.. tueoeod Ie sell by Public Amuse the said Diode or so moth thereof es .tar be necessary to dieebar4.58 mime, at the Court Hessera, la the Tow. or 001)00110, on FRIDAY. the F t?TERNTH day of DZCILMBEtt• 180, at ONE o'clock e the afternoon. PATENTS ! CAVEATS. Naar •iggi AND CIII MYIT$ O�ft.t�ra, a.M ail btslsess is the U. 1, parse 0 . atts.dsd to' •fODRRi!R FK. Oar these is 0150.4ta tM U g. Patent Of - gee, sad w t sae obtals Patents is tem toms has these -emote tros WASh II►GTON. Baud MODEL OR 1)54 WINO. We MI - Mae el e4else.. his t..*aabtllt fres of sissy LIi PATAMAROR DNI. S iN we refer, hers, to the Peotaeter, the abut. 4 ?4onee'm Order Div., sad to *Mohan of 11. M enc Ogee. per °treaW, advice mime end referewoes to aet.al Mesta 1. Pea ewe State er Comity write to C • attests n., oamt ts.lwt owrra.wakt■stsa IA 0 Pardras 4 OW PATENTS 'diezti t intim . w 11, a ,11o.or LOT ncacal 1.110.y. OR PARI' OW Lan, Part of 8 1 3 4 6 Louisa -et. !Ina Pio. 9 Mill Reserve Tou warm ' or il0 I'''t. P411 o Asoe,T Costs •xi, No. o» Coe. Near oft or Ta=sr. CORI al sou Test., opt t9r•Rasr. A' axs cvPAI 0 1 CT•. 11 cis. $ CTS. 12 1 Pere 1 le 1 13 2 w l u.t.Ata. 01 FUROK1C m IN 110w1' a. Victoria M. 8. W. part of 2 a Lagat•d Peed HoOsaaW !hovel Part 16 tet beep from river) Part of c teed ehp tem riven rr.soestow0 Survey 5 \I1.r.a•:a 0 B kB ".d cilli';a OI Ialatelth. Paid -_- -p,. ytt.uca or es ET1s 11 "F 1s Pard its Comity Treasurer's Ogee. Mitt Oedertels. Sege 1110. 19.3, WHYi Doe. GEA. BARRY, the Goderioh furniture dealer sad undertaker, keep the best .took of furniture and undert.ker'. supplies I And how i. it that he ass sell so cheap! BECAUSE effro He finds that it pays in the long ran. His motto is ' Small Profits and Quick Re tura.." He also mates a � specialty of picture framing Give him a call before parch.. ing elsewhere. Embalming Plaid always on hand. 9357.7 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER n¢aaca[srneeio to ee er ee 31 42 2 es 62 2 te e2 155 11 ?t'!W 112 te 4 755 11 1s 1 19 t'f 1 14 1 16 10 7t S1l :7N HAV 1 k2 1 ;i 143 142 �a 1 43 1 V, 18 2M II s 677 1123 wM 1lo t e. rer BACK-ACH E D0005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "imokes i• weans the AM• nese are In troihla beef* Kidney P111. yffe "At nl.f. •#, ho �dIstrrbsre/ , lw% iiyht ee w•tr fry tis hone • A,a.aIt•lp snipe►.•..Itd avMs1Allenl a.lia ashen Um .slat where Moneys are boilers Kidwell gi elegy* Hog n to ate Mod. ietfoeurs:11...eldialmasheremerszkbpizIl the ammo Iv Ma d.1"belay �•gb eel e, Is elsores ildney er troubles result In tad 1N4 lbs► Int, sad 11• most ulna. yore** s1,. 'la bete. gaff s