The Signal, 1893-11-23, Page 4• 4 gilt $II*1, Te.. erode SVIRY THURSDAY MORNING ST h. iseelbetteelf. om.e et rubliwtiee J sea t1, North-itrwt. °odertc . °stories Terme el Worn see 1 Dae swath lm ad 1 •1),mete.Thea mete. ..... 114 Ola • µl M one year. If earedlt is award. t►s prlee Mr y� 1 M will be A1' commn uni.aeas.t.s he addrsns1 W !i. >f.pll.Tas Qat :ea.e►owe Call W. QO )EItI''I1 Irel .: :'.tV xor, foci Nei OUR PREMIUM A-DVANCE SUBSCRIBERS. Tit • • ,. has enured • limited mem- ber of :.,pies of The Capin AlluuaI a hand.untely ,1:,:.:r ted work of liter tore and useful keeeledste, worth 50c. • co, , w Inch will he given free to all sub - embers who pay tot Tie moi• . \1. to Dee. 31, 1844 To get this va!uahle I'trm.um and THE Sic 41 FOR ONE DOLLAR •11 order tool .veli ewe he left at tltia office not later then THURSDAY. DEC 7th. 98. subscribers wino have Already paid for the ensuing year vita recieve the Annual by notifying this office test you desire it, said notification to be made sot later than lies:. 1, 1893. After the number et.Aemuala now in the hands of T1s: SI... 11 sir disposed of, they cannot be duplicated. vend, in your names at once. 1). V.I,iIIIi1'If1)Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK r4..r_ Notice to Urotlitere- t tb •Acte.... 8 (La Estray Mrs' L1keNe l n o o n. .. 8 Come Estray - -John Tile 8 Keep your eye a C. A. Nabn Harper's Magazine paper Bros. .. Harper's Kezar Harper tiros.... . . . Harper's Weekly --Hares Bros Christmas is t'ominr W. • Geode, The Medical Hall- JetsEi noon Blankets -.1. T. Achene.... Mantle and Jacket ('lots.. -W. Anima R sem 1 tray Service %V01. Knee. The Weekly Spectates, Esstilbse 6 Local -Watches -W..T. Weigh Muff Lost -Mrs. Warssek. Make Money -C. 4.. Arsestrone,... . •. Tailoring -F. J. Pridkes Photos P R. . allots The Place Store -- P. llcLiia 5 lame Estray Wm. '.itit ' 8 tame Estray -- W. J. twee... - 8 Whip Found --Apply It Tug Wunrwt. Office....... 8 locant -(.so. A. Fear ... . ... . 1 Strayed Steen . 8 Load perfwtnes--11'. C. tante. 1 THE SIGNAL ENLARGED. THIS WEEE. W PREsE_ r our reader. Tits St. wow an enlarged and improved form. This rep has been made necessary by the Irgdy increase.! &dvr. tieing patronage wink bre been given to t his j ,anal during the put year, and which frequently encroached tp m our reading columns. Although the change ell entail a large additional outlay upon the ofon we desire to sta•e that no addition charge will be made to subscribers. The price per apnnm will reuyro the same t )oe Dollar in Advance. This will make Tui si u , by all odds, the hest vohte for the miser amongst the newspaper, of the Heron Tract, cad ems Yore our egeta will leers no effect untried to impren that fact emu newspaper Load- ers ie their respective Ian Aim One dollar from tolled am Jac 1, Ifp6. 5 5 5 8 1 8 4 1 IN THE 54 eTTER nr TRt I•oai DoSITHIO r election, Rr'er T11nsr.lxu, hes lay kw. Toe i)on.Io• 'al s' I Iwr r1•.1. w NI' N ponding elections an Ming fought are both aged sad infirm. F. S. Sri.,, 1.1.1\ 1 ft. I'Rrar,. ala esrgeged in a catch asatch cart diecussioa ee the'abject "Icor prohibition Prohibit'. Watt., wit IT'-'eIso. To at THK in Ti one of the Niea. Ilea eat M,ilart.. btlsia.oa, anyhow • I.A'o,tvet still cumbers Parlia- met- 11r T.' THE Ti41 01 15.. TO rata.. a7 bare been suable to 4stersni.s which has base thegpoopor faros the Royal I'rebibi. tion (•snsillta et les Tariff ('emmissioe. CLa+ 80USmL10s, fur. soh: ITG(R Ira., i ue Wet l. • lash *l tremble is Hawaii alvei c..\ Maar). reeinteR alter the means mi of tae dIMNy d emin't appear te eairriy the Jima, deakent of hM Meade •d spestry.nte.- Tors Omuta, urns. nr Warr Tirane will held a eevetime n (..gnats em Ilse. le, to einaider the airmiolitp el Mbg dasa They w met ins a p&rhar absry sndi s wettabg their aides alter " a eine sm.." WI M r net Mew at amoral whet Eiger Gellert* or &Witty - limes ,1,brii 1.waaNp, h,m A NOXIOUS WEED IN POUTICS- 1JP 1h) DATE IT LOOEi! VERY iamb as d the P. P. A., Eike the &baot Equal Right. Assooa•tion, was only ben d in for service dune the prove:M1 bee tiose, as was the casa during the agitation of 1890. At that time we b1 know what a furore was creed. and bow Rev. Dr. Si rage 14.51. and Dor. 1... 141+or a &ad headredo of others of leas side sounded the tu,.viu of war aad claimed that they were opposed on principle to any government which did not see eye to eye with them ou the question of what they called Fejual Eights. They Ns4,ged themselves to dem in the last ditch agslast the encroachments of any and all 1 :ovenmente upon their cherished weenie twos, and made themselves considerable of e oui..n.•e during the entire progress of the 1'rov►aciel election campai`D. The close of the polls on election day, wound up the career of the alleged Equal Lighten, and during the progress of the ik.minion contest the following year the voice of the agitator &lung that bee was not heard in the laud, although one of the matters for public consideration was claimed to be the responsibility of the Federal t:orerument in connection with the Jesuit Estates Act. Where were the Eqn&1 Righter' during t8At campaign ` They were not dad, but they took no part in the political &Hain of the country at that particular Sante. They were sleeping and endeavoring thereby to get fresh vigor to attack the Legislature at the first favorable opportunity. They think the tame has come to get into harness. again and endeavor to pull and haul in the sante direction as they did in 1890, •e•1 then, if they are again defeated, halt into "innocuous desuetude" until another Provincial elec- tion comes alcn.. The VI' A is the old Equal Eights party revamped, but lacks the courage of its pro- t..type. It is more after the pattern of the I{uesi&n Nihilist, and, while keeping out of the open, endeavors to undermine its opponents in the most cowardly manner. It ea a rehe of medi.evalism and should be relegated to the dark age* from whence it was disentombel. The spirit of the age is op- posed to such underhand methods in politi- cal warfare. and the sooner earr,w twinlid ins iirators of such practices are taught that there tv no place for them in Canadian politic the better it will be for this land, where al:.,.. t should be free and equal ir- respective of creed, odor or nationality. THE O. Mb OUT OF POLITICS. X11 E RE('ENT kNNUI.'NCE, meet by President Yes Ho1L,E, that the C. P. I. was out of politic, is destined to have a far-reaching effect oe the result of the uext Lamm ion isection. Even at the present jus. o 1 • to force of the announce- ment is being f h. the political arena, and the tint 11 o.; . w "oohed in the step- ping doe u et ti c .it from Parliament of Hr..N June aluaosal.n, the sin of the former Prentice of t w ( 'onset vat ive I,ulern- met. When it ae kt:.wn that HI ell .Ioe. Meceov ll.D is pow. and hu been ter years, the $bichos of the O'. I' 11. Co., at 11'iri- peg, • close coonectios will be mesa between reiIg.artes and t he declaration of President V,s HoK.1 • !hat III(' s '. 1'. ft. is out of politics. It may have been that a hint was dropped to Mr. M o 11.1 Al o that it was not deur .h;e that he .honld continue longer in Par. liameot, or continuing, he might end in his resignation as solicitor for the 4'. P. R., which would involve an annual lass to him of 610,000. ( )a no other theory can the resignation of Hoeft Joni M*.'000c.tt.h, as member of the Dominion Parliament tor Winnipeg, be ac- counted for. He is • young man of good parte, pleasing address, and • lawyer of large practice. For yeah he has been in possession of a large lamina from hie pro fassion. He has not been &,node some in his habits. and ought to be possessed of a good bank account. He had the prestige of bang the only son of his father, who was the idol of a great political party, and his opportunities for rapid •dvaacerneat in the owned. of hie party, nod eventually to- wards the leadership, were of the bast. Then why did he step down and out nein. it wee indicated to him that, fleanoi•1Iy speaking. such a course would be prudent in accordance with the new junctions of the C. 1'. R. oo.oseming Canadian politico • Re thus' it may, the exhibition of non- partissaship which the 4. P. R is .ow snaking messages a more evenly bala.e.d contest between the two political parties •t the next ge.ernl election thea has occurred at any I)omjni.e conflict in many years. The active i.Aaooe of the 1'. R ageism the Liberals in 1891 to a Inre e• teat saved the Government, sad the equally •alive eappert gives the Conservative Government in the bye-eleotione by the gnat railway serp.rstMn led seamy eons to the Liberal cassia 71ee.. in Rest Harts, Hem. J. C. PaTTi.Ro.'s eleetios was largely der to the emit& vela brewglit ie by t8. ('. P. R. And se with West Herm, se with many ether sematitmacies that were lest to the Liberals bootleg the eisetiene Mee. 1801. 7w'>Kepei g snide floes poetess* polities el she nig (Leadha• Railway 1 1••y w , Herel.ee. give • Lair Sad and me five, THE HIGNAL : GODERIOIL ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1893. as beta.es the two groat p•nti..t porde' at the nets lemon denim, is which event the Liberals. with • well-defined policy beam the Um of tang velem, will Wave sethilegt Io kb. Taey Mntelna lest v1avtial, anus ur Dur highly tMaamed oe.lempean. The climes Newe•Rese d has been worked up into • state of mind because THE Si.:.al. stated fiat he got disry at the Dun gene show cad tln•giued • vote thing shout the pries Out of the Aahtiekt and Wawwash show being stole. We also said he evidently lowed up wisb " tis e. a tea" on the oo.sistoe ; and now we further state that he must have brosght soave of the "tea" home with ham, for his paper of Wedmesd•y last lives unmistakable evi- dence of " iiin jattts." The tune was when the estimable young "pr.leo BASS' editor was a respected and coaseetent teetotaler, but, we regret to state, that although he still p.rukes of 111..0 t. ''tea , be is by au means • teetotaler now. With regard to his chicken•tMee n , fur.rery, arson, laroo.y. and other criminal experiences, we have n othing to say at present, as his later years except for his rapid drifting toward inebrit y have been comparatively upright and when we say comparatively, we mean compere tirety. Such being the case, se are not going to jump upon a young man who is trying to live down a Mot;r-ifyiag record. And in this spirit of peace sad good will we extend to our esteemed coatomporary the leading Conservative i .urn*l of Huron our distinguished cona.deratson on this day of T►anksriviag sod universal rejoicing, when "everything is lovely mei the goose honk high''; and likewise do these pacificatory remarks extend to the green young t )range editor of the atm e.aid t'lintoa News Record. But it's as awful pity he drinks so heavily wh.s s$$ ding Fall show.. TIIE .R51.41'5•1Ktc \•U 11.1• tTto.\L journals are pay ioz • good deal of attention to the subject of vertical writing nowadays. The cairn put forward ip- it is that the style admin* of greater speed and is more easily read than the eo-.Sal►col apencen&u, or slanting mole of penmanship. The fact that the faste:.•t graters newspaper men, telegraph operators and others invariably write vertically goes tae to prove that the elements of speed and ease of reading are combined itt that style. Ax " ANTI PI.irW'ITT .k1110‘1.1.1105 fir Torosto" has been formed in that city. .4s nothing can hinder the plebiscite being taken we tail to discern what is the object of the Associ•tiw. It n grate pwatble they intend to work &ga.nat Prohibition, in which event they should call themselves an 'Anti Prohibition Amsociatiom. ' In that event their object will be to workwgainet t.oven- mental prohibition and to reser., to them- selves the right to -put down" liquor in their Uwe way. H.... liar). E. Fo•rk'R NA- RLTI'wcri, from his trip of investigation in the North. west. and as the people up there •have be. cane somewhat severe on the tariff it will n ow be ID order for Sir .tori. THowt-.ov to get his Finance Minister to " lop on those moulderteg branches.- Thee' ranches.'T11re' wito'.0 tw.... r. TH1 'E 1 1. -ills, hive been having a hard time on both sides of the Atlantic during the past few week,. (in our own broad lakes disaster has been their portion, and later, on Albion's .;oast, the [teeth Angel hi, cast a gloom over hundreds of homes. 11 ('\.\t,\ 1e'L-.'T •.IT 11LK 111.11* 71 With the success that attended her display at the World'. Fair in Chicago, ,t will be owing solely to the tact that said head is set upon • mighty strony neck and shoul- d ers-- 11'r. %MIO.T tennis Rev. Miss.-. Ca.'.44- 1.E1 and Hr,Ttta that Mayor Krr,.r. has D ot redeemed nee twittery pledge that he made to them on the occasion of his N t. o dentes -like visit lest New Year's Ere. llROI IWKBOAT MN. Mani shire reeked Sailors Resoled oa the Euglisk ('snot, AN AWFUL RECORD OF WRECKS One Houdreel •.l Wooly -►ser M.MNed is true tray guy More a eprla al rt.. -kyrd Wilts-►:la►t Ashore 110*.... ('slat. and Dunkirk. 1 .'yu.'`;. Nov D. Reports received Iroes many potute alone the owlet rhos that the gale hit -i spent its force Between Calais and Dunkirk :.$ newels were ashore .t 6 o'vlock List night. Montt of them are Ash ing boats, test two aro steamers and seven or eitl:it are barques .1lou,t the .oast near Calais 1Z more dead bodies were recovered yesterday. The crew of the barque Julywue Marie. which eauk off Dungeuess yellerday, took to the rigging when the Tree+ went down they Imre expn.rd to the full fury of the gale ac.l their committee' war pitiable. The lifeboat from Dover, though its crew had been taxed to the utmost all day iu assist lug ...seeds and saving lite, put off for the ti.:q'le to reeene the' teen in the rtbryting Tli.y did nut get to the .roue of We div net. -r uutil au hoar after dark. The sea war r inuiug se high that it was impossible for the lifeboat to approach the sunken voreel, ro it laid off and on until daylight, by which time the sea had gone down sionrwh•t Seven men aimed .lewd from exp..,ure were then taken into the lifeboat Four of the crew, benumbed with cold and completely eahausted. hal fallen from their resting pla.•e during the night and dtuwuet 11 'hen the life saver• arrived at Dover iu the tnorniue they were enthusiast - neatly cheated by tae crowd that was awaiting their return. From every direction rogue .Locos of heroism on the part 01 lifeboat crews •ud c.rstgnard►1uen. Had it uut been for their noble work the death roll of the at•om alr...ly exceedingly large. would have had many Ir'l to it. Lloyd.* recorder rep .rted 144 wrecks, the highest ever reverted for a single day. Th. wort day before was in 19:9, when 1:81 ve.sel, were bet in 24 horst.. At Scat borough. uu the 1'orkshirecomet. several houeee were Llewn down and inatty were unroof. d. Fifteen fishing snacks are missing from the town The Swedish schooner Djalmiar tuuade'cd tear the head land. bat the crew were saved. This Norwegian barque Gratia is steed - ed on the French ,.'slot near Rarfteur. Nine of her erew stere weed and three were bort. The Danish barque Ewbla, from Gothenburg. nook off Withern.wa, near Hull Tile captain and four radon; .were drowned. A lari,'e schooner. whose uawe ha.s uot been ascertained. tuundertd off 11'itherrsaa yestenley with all on board. The British steamer Amcott, 6Y: t"pr. was wrecked oil Aldburo.ugh, Yorkshire. yesterday. All aboard were lost althonghi nine attempts were made to reach her with rocket•. The British steneship 1 rive Brand, 1,767 tons. was wrecked Off the Welsh coast. Only one of rho crew was saved. A despatch from Toulon says that a hasty storm he swept the Mediterranean axis: At Tunlon it did pinch damage. The steamer .(.bottkirb y was wrest ..1 off Morlaii, war Brest. France. Fourteen bodies have beeu ...00hed up on the .4.•.re opposite the wreck. - A viol«ret gale blew- Sunday all clow¢ the Atlantic swat 'd Spain mud Portu,,na1 great damage was done at l;tlb.u. awl near by porta. Several booths rout dr.wcing in river. are r.ltorte ; from 'Le inter. .r of Some. MAYBRICK CASE AGAIN. Maybrick May flare Ikum the vletiw .1 Arsenic an tilyerilae. Lnttn'v, Nov. 22.-A fret is ;.bout to he made public ben that by many persons ie taken to throw more doubt Opus the jus- tice of the sentence iusl.o.sed upon Mrs. Florence Maybrick, who is now undergo. p n on cunri.iiou of having poissoued her husband, James Maybrick, of liver pool, by eihninistering weenie to hien. it was shown at the time of the trial of Mrs. Maybri.•k the glycerine used by lir. Maybrick contained arsenic, lint this testimony did not avail to save the prison er from convietiou. Now Messrs. Bird A Sone, of Pinning ham, dealer in chemicals. inform Food and Sanitation. • trade paper. that shortly before the death of Mr. Maybrick they analyixed a quantity ..f german glyeerine offered for sale to them. They distorered that it contained arsenic and refused to buy it Later they learned that this carne glycerin* was sold in the midland counties and it is probable that some of it was pur eba•ed and used by Mr. Xaybrick. Imperial Rep.eeatetles. l.OIDON, Nov. -The Prises of Wales presided at Prof. Leeky's lecture at the imperial Institute last night lir. Lecky, in speaking of the imperial representation idea, stated his opinion that the presence in England of • Commissioner from Can oda with agents from other tolunies eon *tante • real though informal repre..r s tion. The fe.lityg in Caned• towards England in IMS' wee eoners•tel with that ruling now. The treatment of Canada at that tune was a reproach to the mentroller. of Britain's colonial affairs. Alter 14132 the Liberals were reedy to oblige the United States by the cession of (.'a'dian territory Happily 4'anade* immense re- e'mrces hall enabled her to outlive this treatment. &p••teb Rel41.re fN.s•L Manan, Nov. 22.-A sorkille military outbreak occurred during the tsobtlisiag of ere thousand reserves at (letafe, a town eight miles moth of this city. Some of the troops revolted and the ctrie Kneel was called to quell the disturbance This they songbt to do, but the mutinous reserves tamed on them and fought desperately it was finally necessary to ea" the regular cavalry and infantry 4i realm. cyder. The revery.* were being mobilised bemuse of the drafts .offs spun the make Meops in consequence ot the Yeabla al 1r.4 THL 1'oyo]71) Statue H t- i \.. s 11:►: Sh,Na.'- paragraph about the "Sense,' seriously, and it is feared a surgical opera- tioe will be menseary in the came of our es- teemed ce0t.musrary. WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SAY. Hamilton Times : It is rumored that Hon. Mr Patterson, the rejected of Essex, and who wee elected in West Huron by smears which makes every decent man in the rid. mg blush, is afraid to try another tilt with NI. ('. Cameron, whom hired partisan agents slandered so foully in the last campaign, and sad will try to get the Kentsominate. Itis quite true that Mr. Kill•cky's candidature wee most unpopular with the Kent Tories, many of them looking upon hams' on inter- loper, but all the same Mr. Killaeky will have to be provided for before Mr. Patter- son attereon bee • clear 6Md. Then the Kent of to- day is net the Kest of Rufus Stepheeem. or Henry Ssnyth's days. The one time Tory workers were disrs•ted enough by the and nelgibae.e of some of their ear adatee: the:N. P., Killacky, end the tariff inquiry faro* have been further object les - so.. Mr. Patterson will think twice be- fore contesting Kent. Ottawa Journal : He was • 4'anadian by birth, lived a reputable life, worked hard and honestly for has liennu, tared the re - ▪ of hes feUow elti:.aes. Ther support - him in his besieges. the publication of • wwep&psr, and were submeatly satirised eventually with his disscharve of his public dutyin that position• position whi• right-minded rein who ooenpies it meet regard, se • public trust to seed him repeatedly to Parliament, dele- te to Sad representatives in, the highest cos.cil of the peoplei■ ooedematag • Ivreag, it. of marled the criminal Andel by the j.dgss of the provisos, that orisons] se- emed the oometitmet of his antic to jail without trial So this althea, whose mama le IU1b, is imprisoned now. The owed of Nee. wee the 11918 aaaivereary of kis wand tag day. Rio+Helad amity sprat iso jail with him. The fact 1. quite •n i.ter.sl4R etsmgsnt a that remssia/ of 'mediaeval fogy and terrerhmt, the ' law of ,..tempt,' A. honest maw. a geed ahem, • faithful hew hodt e�ho.M d, u set he obligehim old esti 4 seleae&t. family rea.isas is • jail, save attar • fair trial by hie fellow salmon before eIa t._Ys'ed tribunal Teas assewAL 1. ally ane dollar a year. lay. M mint to year N8.'. NOOKS AND PEIMOOICAL5 Wottstttaurasll Yotlaxllla- The Nowa- her .ember of " Wwtili.geoe's " is • swab holiday number, very abeam ia gs•lity, of •b.erbi.R interest, cad *ivies abundant promise of • sn*osadol future. A new volume, the thtrxi, begin@ with January. The Masai* will be beam then ever is 1894. Bary A. Livermore, Holes Camp- bell, Eder Fawcett, Rev. Frances E. Clark, D. D., Kate Suborn., 1.ili•a Whit lag, Olive Thermo Miller, Aar Fuller. Kate (:•as.tt Wella, Sara A. Underwood, Junius Herri Browne, Prof. G. Frederick Wrirbt, Walter Blackburn Marta, Thomas W. Kaux. cad scores of other flumes writers will oentiaae to croatnbute to " Worthier Iona" the choicest and beat in Aatwiaan literature. As the season draws near Irina the Targe army of M e readers will de cide the question " 'Whet magazine shall we take another year!" it is well for thorn to keep an eye on "Worthington's" and, what• ever alar may be taken. add it to the list For this month the publishers offer to send a specimen copy of • recent number fcr four cents in poaar. stamp. E2 50 per year ; 25 .,creta a eagle number. For sale by all newsdealer. A. 11. Worthington a Co., Hartford, t'oea. Subscription* for this choice 21agaiiae will be received sad forwarded by the publishers of this paper. Till 1.1541.1 a. MA.. All.► 1,11 Not'r i. nee. -- The November number of the Car - dun M•gaxime the great saoatkly of rasa - J. contains • rich variety of coatributiesa The articles are timely, well written, and interestme, and many of Owen will receive world wide • meat ion. In lbws the Yukon Won. O►itivw, F R. G. $ , ow house his *tory of sob -Arctic explontioe., narrating wonderful winter experiences in the oortry between the Yukon and Mackenzie. 1n Itaaeo& 4'ultivtioe in Jamaica, a beautiful illustrated article, Allan Erie tells much that it novel, and even surprising. The Rattle of the Eclipse by E, It. Borger, is • well told take of the Islandula slau.•htr and t:orke'. 1 kilt, thrilling in rte descriptive power. Plebiscite, by Edward Meek, will belead with creat interestbyevery student of political tastitutioce. Mr. Meek thinks that the United Statee is tending to the es- tablishment of O':esariant, and gives cogent remota for hie opinion. ID "taro Educat's and Isms' : 11'. lit 1-eSneur writes well w reply to a former article by .1. S. Ewart, Of. C. Other article. are The a old li•mtille of Paris, by H. S. Howell, Problems of Hama Winning, by .1. L. Payne, Mirage in Western t'aoada, 111• Mr. John Fleehr, The t'aaadiaa t'lub Movement, by W. Sandford Evans, Beowulf, the English Homer, by Prof. Horning, of Victoria University. clad Pculieritiee and illustrations of %lilt, by Ile. T. V. Hutchineaa. The fiction is bright, and the poetry of coosidenble merit. The Canadian Magazine with this number eters upon its mead volume, with an es Kill The Cold. idle it by feeding it with Scott's Enables. It le remark- able Item SGOTT' S ULSION Of Puro Norwetian Cod Liver Oil and Hipophcsphltos will stop a Ccugh, cure a Cotte, and • ,.ark Consumption In Its curler wager ,s .,.!1 as all form.. t Wasting Diseases, Scvofua and Bronchitis. 14 is .1,w•et a. ,•afar efe ea ,..Uk. nen a and self by teen i kerne. 9eMaallla t.Nleaed pens tttttwpA the been ninsiam of the day. r.Nitied by the Ontario Pill . IstIme.Cm., Ltd., H...bg Anode. Ti... to OK 50 per cans.. WAR ON THE TARIFF Harahan Times, It is • pity that *be, Cs M wave Mader cannot his 1.4.0.d to take sae side of the Made questiw awl stick to it. 1f restriction is as good as he , gays it IN he hes no benison to try to got Rtes trade by mesas of reciprocity. Termite hail : Lord .1berdeoa's bench isthmian nes give • sptir to the impede ilea est heather. Wherever hie Kaasl gess the bagpipes dimmer.* their he•v ..brie, cold the amnia' emblem is wore by all Heather, however, is sot imported artitrle. The Caledonian Society el Meat - real recently entered • Large supply from Sootl•nd, but it u detained by customs ole dale to pay • duty of 20 per eget. Here ea • oleer s•staacne to which the effect of the tariff is to curb patriotism. Tureen, Telegram . t'ual oil of the best quality is but eight verte per ellen sot Chicago. 11,1 of the same quality c••rwt tat iihit for lees than twenty cents • ea1H. orusw. 1s out the ditlhrence bM.sea eight and Sweaty cost. • samuwher stiff price to pay for the up building of I'etrolts' There is so disposition to .iaibble over the lore of • few tete if the dsfferonce won applied to patriotic purposes. ('•mad. wishes to be patriotic. iso tar the country hos made all the sacrtdces. It is abort titre that the ell producers ware taking a tore. If they must hays advautage it would be cheaper to let them take their living from the o..utry in the (ono of an witty thee to get it in the shape of aeries eartly high duties. Toronto News : Apoko.jists for the t edam' Administration gay tete t•rtff bean lightly ca the ..onsitaee of the poorer people. Does it if &sy attack u • meoessity w those in ,root or very moderate deems - signers it is ready made clothing. How is this affected by the calcine taxmen' cow in ferns • On 6756,000 worth imported last yet the tax amounted to 6232.000. t'o'ts, vests, trovers end other etceteras to the value of 6138,030 was brought from abroad. sad a these the duty was 445,000. roman mode shirts sad drawers vetoed at 4.484,000 were pun -heed, and the customs taiatioe on the same amounted to $121,000. The importations of printed and dyed cottons we.e valued at rst,.500,000, fel the tariff ex- action, nu these goods totally d 1!492,000 more. Evian the rice used by tl e people el Canada in 16.'12 was fixed oyer 838,000,and the sugars and molasss oossumed tint psis 4146,000 is taxes directly to the Dominion t:ovennent •ed indirectly a (;rat dual more to the protected maaufacturere To gar, in the befit of then facts, that the tanff tear* lightly on the poor man is to in- . stilt puler, i.talligeece. Ilriseets Ile. Gilson, who has bees u Brussels tor several moieties, has ttnRoved to Jersey- ills. near Itundra, oleate be bee parch&red a practice. He more to the coo- clusioo that four med/eos in Frua.els war• owe too many. Ac CATARRH � R. SIIJE cal are sbewlag a hill rare ..1 Ladies' FurCapcs WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA. CHAN and 'POSSUM. GENTS' FURNISIIINGS. Frill Uses is every 1>.'partsieal, /1/:all sad it emote g sods . ni price,. C. R. 891EE & CO , *l con'. Block, Cor. Wieser and Motorail e, Sailerth : Oa Wellamily aasratag, No. 15, at the radians el D. wies. on.la.a strest,MllesRuns J.kassa,s.eof ,e•f.nk'i most pepsif saeidsnta, wee united a mar- riage 1. tarry F. Wilhelm, of Barden, Conesesieat Mr. Williams was u ass taw • teacher in the Institute lor the Mal at Brantford, and became aceeen ted auk Miss Johsmeu while she, else, was a menet of the mead of that 1.et1w1100. a1W ,r1 111 11) i1 They won't smoke any other while they can get OLD Chest even if they have to beg or borrow it, for there fs no other tobacco which asrs-es that cad, mild, mel smoke ' s. ammo ik t... 6iteaasidslwa IIIlsdeesb Nn INF Deas. Lawton, Noe. 111. -The wattgemsat the Tryst R Lan Company of Canals re - rt • not grail et p1,M1 foe Ns cis mouths .able Bsp_b., f, The arm - ion tormanial a ditridond of $ per amt and • par beano d / per amt awe for Yee 45 Imods. Ilya", l:env. fR.-N to inid Hat the Oar le abet to tons •a ultra= In4 lin b thew RanhT�.i, whieh sw owned by, as -118, ` sorsa those bac oasts ~�Y 1.. their WOW If you want to make the every Dollar, come to us. We everything required to furnish artDo�uS�e OF most of Overcoats keepMantles .Fur Coats Fur Sets Dress Goods Under- wear Boots and Shoes Woman or Girl, Man or Boy. We don't give credit. We've only one price. Did you get the December Fashion Sheet? GU a Price Lis( ICASUCM ash lemtleiiit, rel T 0 h 11 a