The Signal, 1893-10-19, Page 44 TIIE SIGNAL:s GODERICH, ONT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1893. iiu $igaxl, NI E VERY THURB� DAY YORMIMO as .1ess1 atissow. Oros ol Pub"ret t- • _ ! and K Itaetlabwl. @adrl i Ontario. Terme .1 tleaserttpatea 1 • womb, Is advances • 11 Ttlirse awotbe, • Qss year, I M If credit hwed, saire pees Yew per rewill le 1 Jr £dv.rtbaaa •aWs Legal sed other usual adventapanfe. les. � each curt enuesinsertion. rst ludertioa. f .ssereder b s acnr•rell sole. Bust near earls of Mx Mee and seder.IM per y Ad•*nisem•eta of Loaf. pband. Ytrsysd. lllt4et'Jss Vsunnt. 8auetioas Wanted and Business Chances wed, not saee.dlog t Pees ron1,ro•l. g' per mouth. Hour-, ..a die and Yarm. oa Sale. not to examen aline* •I for Orel mouth, 50o. per sub ses.aat manta. Larger Mine. is propurtloa Ar.y .pin al notloe, the ob2oot of which l• to pro in;e the pecuniary hamest of any LoAi- •iAwt or conmany, to be ouesidered an ad- vettlee.meat and charred wrnrdlndy• Local not:ce.la nonpareil type one Dent per word. norm .cos ler. than 25c. Local notices In ordinary reading t pe two come per word. Jr. notion for Mss than ata. Notices for chard).s and other religious and benevolent in...taiiona half rate, C.m.errlai townies advertisements. A limited number of displayed advertise Mehurried will be r•ried at the &following rates Per Inch. one iorrrtto.. Ip ,a •• tour Imam fond. tararrec'.tha s . trio.,. • • oe.. year _. a 00 No ,Avert: weeest lee than two laches In leau.th w I be calculated on above basis. 6 per n .:r. d'.-otint allowed for essh payments oe three mOnt4.'tentract ; N per o.at. on six rttoathi, aro 55 t•rr rent. on • year's. These 000dlt •..r s w''1 a. • erectly enfor'aed. Aram -Me a,geal" Deltvwy. BoM..•ra.r oleo fall to receive TH■ PInoAL ✓ ege'rrt%, ..khat toy carrier or by mall. will motor a 'avor by ac;us.t.ting u• of the fact at as early e. dater* possible. Look as Timer label. Yon, label Is • mending receint of the deo to mer.eb yon e•e trod up. See that itis not • IMwe 1 ,o Cat Int, arrear. When a chars" of address is desired. both the old rod the new add -ass amok! begirro. Rejected irsncerripts cannot be returned. (' .n erporleoce .nu.t be written on non side of paper only. tiNt.hers 541155, J. C. Le Toured. of Dederick. bee been •p p••ntrd I.,.•al Travelling Agent for the town- •ntia of Dederick. Ootboroe. Asbdeld and Wa- wshoeh. 1n. -at t•o••tmaater• over the district are also imf•owered to receive subeicripttons to Tun StoN A I . All comrunfeatb.e muM be addressed to D. McOILLiCCUDY, Tam nitwit Tolephose Call M. Ooderfch. that. 1 00 2 CO 3 0 OODBRICH. THUIL3DAY. OCT. lA 5Mt. FOR AY KA':LY F103.3.5L zoo -- tion. The hauls of the political dial p..int that way. SOME 01' THE Comic%.%T.YL1 rr H[G[ don't mire whether they vote for S•r Jou. THosrt.or or Sir Tom Ism %w os, or wbeth er they vote at all Boit RIM/ t'o.I(Aw'. %LT .00OF rre.II%m- ing coostitue .cies have been r orted to by the Youog Conservatives, of Tomato, is connection with the annual election of oflioen 1. r that body. Faggot votes and a stuffed voters' list have ranged their hydra h 'sed, and as we go to prey internal demon. 'ion over the discovery threatens to disrupt the bloorrnit Tory pollywog politioisn f sctory of toe Qosea City. 501111 Or TH1 TOttli .1' Now Rr ccrVT the DALTtar M.'CAKTHY ' '.e the p'eee of W n.'.•Al RALPH M•RZDITII at leader ., the Ontario Legislature, eo that the latter could go to Ottawa and eventually become Pre- mier. They forget, however, that llrCAR THY at the PARtO•: Imierial Federation mest'og pledged himself heaoeforerard to aupp rt MDw AT. They also forget that mit orrir, after his crusade of 1990 could hardly expect to obtain the French Catholic support. Toon: MD.Tr.iAI. STAR aHOl-LO:MAD Cr the judiciary *piton of tie Unite.' States before . ondru.0-,g it i■ tote. Si.nply be - cease a judge in New Vo -k ..r a judge in Chic-sm. ds 1.000 a Me position •t no reams why toe entire j,.disia y of t sat oorn.ry should he held lip to soots and ridiejle. As smell n•ii•►t the judge, of Canada be rated by the judicial oblw•nity of Cie EI.Liarttr, the U arc,.., the TUCK. aid the brawling Fre.Lh C&.pdien judge who recent:• 1•wt- teed the face of • townsman, with ut can. or Trovoration. The Hoare.' Star is • gond newspaper, bat its editorial opinion doesn't a'..ay• ro. 1e. CAttMW'S rSSITion. lasewhery is ties Sews we pablia s an extra t from the Clinton New Fera oomeme.t'ng .lens dee lit ter of Mr. Gleno, 1111.P1' , defining the orm- diuome upon which be wee prepared to accept • second som'n•tioa frees the Re- form ooaventios , f West Heron. Tn. MIri•AL alep•owed of the poeit'oa takes by Mr. (:Alamo, and at the eerlied opportosity presented hie letter to the oor,- verities to its readers, an that the electors of West Huron would to in a position to know of the indepeedeat stand which their talented representative was prepared to auks bases/ter. Mr. (;miaow is right. Thee moo resents why good wseanures iutrorlm.•ed by po'itical opponents •hosts be douse to death .1. thowrh w• moat confirm that for the past twenty years very few progressive maserss have bees ietroduond by the leaden of the opposition is the local Howes. or by any of his lie.tem•nt.. We are sled, however, that our teal representative has rewired to himself the right of iadivid.sl *Oise en piddle ,Iuartiess. Manor.., net men, lea good assume for the r.sdawee of a reburies ; and nosoares, mss maces le aloe a graved Wading prt.eiple. W. fed smeared, therefore, that the mealy and straightforward roost asiepeed by Mr 4.aasow will be sportive, .f by the dot - errs of West Beres. iedeposimit .1 panted shibboleth, and dist wham 'babes' day .wsssm seamed Neill he fess& tis* the Ind. -v pnwdtM potties he has aawmed win ha • _ d 1014111103 of strewth W mit a .edition of Br weolseiss Whim -----.-5- Bab DUNGANNON'S BIG FM R. ID. 14.bbser. 11. M. lfeetbaar t s boatel. 5.uatbai ...q fl, r 2, J. Wester; 2 b..5. begs. D. anthem., 2, J. Ualka(d i I hooka t es seed, J. I.ik1Id f, M. Stetbour ; 1 bushel flea seed, Dl se.tbur, 2, 8. ten; beet and lag's* variety of grata is the straw, grow. y .x Whiter, 8. Fur.., 2, M. Br.tboer. DAIRY. -6 lbw table issuer, Thee Ham Moe, 2, T. BWMw. ; 90 !k peeked batter, Thus Hammen ; shwa, set lam thea 60 lbs. factory made, Armor Isseery. 2. W. A N ilea.: amiss sot Lai thus 12 14, beets made. 1 and 2, W. A. Widnes ; loaf home made bread, Geo. Harris, 2. T. Helicon ; lir. bossy in comb, ileo. Harris ; jar homey, Y. Russell, 2, Geo. Hairie ; mspls syrup, Thus Harris, 2, Jaw Kilpatrick. VNGETA FILES AND ROOTS -Peek early rue potatoes, W. T. fellow, 1{, M. Furse ; pe.:k wlute elepbaut potatoes, & 8 Sanderson, 2, W. E Durnio ; peck boast of hoh,ou potatoes, A. sad W. Sproule ; heeds cabbage, $ Kerr, 2, Fed. Robassas o blood beets, Jobs Salted, 2, Jae. W117- lard h and ; 6 menguld warted., Geo Harris, s,2, Thee Harris ; 6 swede turnips, Jobe Mc- Lean, 2, Taylor Brea. ; long orange oan.ls, ('has. laurels ; white belgtao carr.,44, Than Hurn, 2, J. Salkeld ; 9 early bore earrets, T. Hamilton, 2. Jas. Cerwia ; peek onlsee Julia Salkeld, 2, Geo. Harris ; peck toots cute., A. and W. Sproule 2, Jae (hirwis 6 e.. Dorn, Joba Salkeld. 2, Geo. Harris pumpkin, J. L Patterson, 2, & 2 Reader sue: winter .ivaah, fot table Ed. Robertson . 4 water melons, Thos. Hamilton ; 4 bead. oaulttl.•wer, Jas. Curwin ; 6 heeds moiety Geo. Harris, 2, Jas. C'arwia ; 4 citrons, Mies Symington, 2, 8. E. Sondem. . . oo'leotion garden veR.t.hl-s, A. and W. Sproule, 2, J. Cure in ; special, beet 5 named varieties potatoes, peck sob, Wm. Bails, 2, A. 11rr.oy. FRUIT ANI) FL')WERS. -W,:erne ArrL5s, 5 or EAru.--'spies, Glee Ikea., 2, Jos. A. Mallomgh ; Baldwin*, Joe. A. Mal - lough, 2, H. Morns : kion of tomkioe meaty, GMs Bros., 2, Geo. Correll ; ribetoo pippin, Geo. Carrell, 2, H. Morris ; Canada red, Geo. Carrell, 2 Glen Bros. ; russet, Henry Morrie, 2. Geo. Correll ; Rhode I• - land greening. Joe. A. MaIloucb, 2, Ole. FALL APPIAN, 5 or Etcm.-20 ounce pipl ins. Joe. A. Malloagb, 2, J. Bailie . snow, 1). Jardine, 2, Jut. A. M•Ilougb newton pippin, Joe. A. llalloagh, 2. tiles Brea PRA.., 5 or E %re - Uucbees, D. Jardine: collection grapes, phi. a each, Geo. Harrel, 2, T. Harris ; plat • peaches, Thos. H arra., 2, hiss S s.nington ; piste crab apple.. U. llrethour, 2, 9 Alton ; plate quinces, Isaac Grammett, 2,J. G. lltt,I�otd ; to1 w t- tr o houseplant., Mrs. T. Anderson, 2, J. Car win ; collection gardes flowers, cut, Mrs. 1'. Audit/non, 2, J. Harrison. MANUFACTURKS. -10 yds. all wool cloth, Mira Not ; 10 ds. all wool Hansel, S. Alton, 2, Mies Nott ; 10 yds. enema flannel, 1d. Rethour, 2, Mw Nott wool blanket., Mies Symiagtoe, 2 T. H.s.- 'Itoa : best collection of tinware, Jaa. Why• .rd ; bast oollecclue of cabisetwere, /L sad W. S.mn.le. IMPLEMEND..-Slegle buggy with top, John Feriusoo, 2. T. L Patterson ; wood elle farm wagon. W. H. Varone ; rued art, John I'erguoon, 2, W. H. Varese. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. - Tatting, Mies Nott, 2, Mrs. C. Camped : crochet work, Miss Symtnrtoo, 2, Mr.. C. Comp bell ; embroidery in linen, Chas. Ducats', 2, Miss Symington : embroidery se musl•n, Mies Russell, 2, Mrs. C. Campbell ; em- broidery in not os, Mrs. C. Campbell. 2, Mfr Symington ; fancyy braiding, Sties Sven iodine, 2, Mrs. J. C. Strao • toilet est Miss Nott, 2, Mn C. Cin 11: fen y patch work, A. B. Johnston, 2, Mi. Symington ; patched quilt in wool, Mrs.J. C. �aughan, 2, Mies Nott ; ppa�tched quilt is moos, W. F.. Dorms, 2, Mrs. W. McKenzie ; embroil ery da worsted or silk, Mrs. C. Campbell, 2, !lies S mingtoa ; lines shirt, hand made tine - I, ua- wa 1, Mr.. W. McKenzie, 2, Mn. T. Hamilton ; embroidery on bolting cloth, M... Nott, 2, hiss Sym:egtee ; kntted s.ippers, R. Young, 2, Mn C. Campbell ; fancy kaittiog so wool, Mrs. C. Carupbell, 2, Miss Symington ; fancy knitting is cot- ton, Mit W. McKeuie, 2, Mtn Syming ton ; crochet table mats, Mrs. C. (.awpbell, 2, Mies Nog ; leases' knitted uaderweer, Mrs. C. Campbell ; table centre piece, Mr.. C. C'a.np'aell, 2, Mw Symingtou : Lean sh:rt, machine made (unwashed), Mrs. T. Hamilton, 2, Mies Nott ; pale woollen mitts• hand made, lin. McKenzie, 2, Mir Sym ington ; pair woollen gloves, band made, Mr*. McKenzie, 2, Mies Nott ; pair wool:en stockings, hand made, Mrs. McKenzie, 2, Mrs. Hamilton : pair woollen socks, b.s41 made, Shies Nott., 2, Mn. Hamilton ; sofa cushion, Miss Symington, 2, Miss Nett Pillow shame, Mrs. T. Anderson, 2, term Nott : point lame, Mies Nati, 2, RIM Spee iegtoa ; macrame work. Miss Symington, 2, Michael Rrechoer; crewel work, Mrs. C. Campbell, 2, A. 11..lobneton ; fancy flan - ed shirt, Mrs. W. McKenzie, 2,Mies Nott ; crazy p• work, Mies Symiegto., 2, Miss McQuaid , anomie work, Mies Nott, 2. A. 1L .Jobst°.: suit lady's eaderweer, Miss Nott, 2, Mies Symington ; dermal net, Miss Nott, 2. Mina Symington ; darn os sock or stocking, Mrs. W. McKenzie, 2, Mrs. Hon - dies ; tinsel work, Miss Nott, 2, A. B. Jobastcs ; etching os ansoaterdal, Ilse Or coarse, Mies Nott, 2, Mrs. Strangles ; waxwork, Mrs. C. Campbell, 4„ Mies Sy.- ieaggttoes. ; knitted quilt, Mrs. W. Davidson, 2, Miss Nott ; aoobet quilt,* Miss arming - toe, 2, Mims Nett ; 6 yards rag airing, M. Rrethour, 2, Mies Not ; reg .at, Muss Not, 2, W. E. Deride ; woollen yarn, Yrs. Ham- ilton, 2, Michael Bresboo; hemitoa Ince, MSM Symington, 2, Mies Neat ; embroidered dipser., lin C. Campbell. 2, Mies Nott ; dewing roost sermon, Mrs. C. Campbell, 2, M. 8ymtsyten ; table sort, Michael Rr.tioer, 2, A. B. Johnston ; t• sle cloth embroidered, A. R Jsbsaten, 2, Mme Nett; set table mgrs, R. Yocum, 2, Mrs. C. Clump - Th. Aahf ledd and WaWIIIIIab Show a Suooeaas. A line Tunas of ywtelers Saud a barge innsber r* ax blbhteee The leis M5- e.uM.l pair aver meld is the .Map .r /atts•aae.. The Fall Show, under the amplers of the Alhdeld and Wewanosh Branch Agricalta. - .J Society, which was held at Duuganuo. Thursday and Friday last, was beyond all doubt the must sacces.lul gathering ever held in that village. Hitherto the Fall rain et Dungannon bays been looked upoa as very successful, but i t remained for that of 1t3 to cap the climax. and give to the b,•rd of managers and directors undoubted cause a. o.w,tratulate themselves upon • grand success, which bas been earned by good work, wise admanistr•tioo and • desire to serve the public to the uttermost in the realise up of the beet fair that the Boo. dittos. warranted. It is •loo rratifyieg to learn that Lse financial vanilla .re high�y satisfactory, and that the groat suooem was not purchased by • too lavish etpsr.dtture over receipts. The avowal day was very propitious, although harbingers of the big storm began to manifest themselves during trio aftotnooe. Het these signs did not de. ter the largest crowd that ever gathered in Duag•anoa tram taking possession of the agricultural grauads and witnessing the sport from start to finiab. The exhibit • lines cumbered 1,472 ; the receipt/ at the tate amounted to 3536 12 ; extra members Nee racbed $i1, aa.l special fee, $25 -the whole financial retinas being $612.12. Following are the officers of this moat pro- gresnv inatttat.on :-Jobe McLean, Kew - dent : Thomas Arders .n, vies -president ; .1. M Roberta, treasurer ; Wan. McArthur, secretary ; directots, Thos. E. Durnio, Wm. :'a:neron, Henri Cr. Taylor, Hoary Morrie, John lower., Hugh Giry^n, David •lerdiue, J. ll•Ilougb, Win. Bathe. Toe treae List. HORSE.". - HEAVY DlLLr..Irr.- Erred mare with foal by her ode, Thos. Todd, 2. John Jamison, 3, Wm. Wellirood ; 2 year old tiny, Wn, 11 e'Iwo.d ; 2 year old gel- ding, `Vet. %Vellwood, 2, W. E. Milligan ; 1 year ,!d fly, W.. Welwood, 2, W. Well wood ; 1 year old gelding, Wm. ('•merest ; 2 year old stallion, H. G. Taylor, 2, Thos. fodd ; 1 year t ld .tapioca Thos. Todd ; foal of 1833, J.Jamwon, 2. Thos. Todd ; teem in harness, John McKenzie, 2, Jot Forster he•yy draught atalhoc, 3 years or over, T. Todd. A.:ag'•CLTrk AI.. --Brood mare with foal by her side, Hugh Chisholm : 2 year old Sily, Thos. Brown, 2, Paul Reil : 2 year old gel d n;, Coo. Covell, : 1 year old tiny, Hugh Chisholm, 2, Joe. A. Maliougb ; 1 yc..r old cold ns,, Edward Mc4Juillin : foal of 1893. Nu;Is Chio oLa,2,Geo. Carroll ; team in har- ness. John Gamin. 2, John McKenzie. l;a%sL u. Pcsi u.t --brood mare 4:ts foal ns, her side, Eiwd. Mc4, uillio, 2, Barber rine., 3, K. llcKiunon ; 2 year old f'1y, Hugh l h ,holm, 2, R. Lockhart ; ? v.•.r 010 settling, John Webster, 2,Thus. Ford ; 1 rear old filly, Paul Reid, 2, Wm. Cameron: 1 year old gelling. Andrew Young ; foal of 1893, Barber tiros., 2, Thee. Ford ; team iia harness, weightoot to exceed 1,230 lbs. each, l a ler trot, 2, R. Wood.. ROAD AND (ARRIA .L --1 and 2, Peter McDougall, 3, Jos. Middy t Son ; 2 year old filly, J. H. Medd ; 2 year old ge:dlog Pel Reid, 2, Wm. Los ; 1 year old till Edward 3iotjaillin : 1 year old gelding, John Bailie, 2, 8. Cook ; horse shown in do. oaf" single, W. J. Wallop, 2, P. Mc- Dougall ; pair mooned hordes. no harness, Ir. 6'bi.e: , 2, Dr. W. F. Clark : foal of 1893, 1 and 2, P. Mcliougall ; stallion, 3 y. ars or over, style and speed ooaatdered, W. J. Little, 2, Peter Cook. aLADY Rioss'sA.n Dat% arta.- Ladydriver at o gle, Mrs. H. Nowell, 2, Mrs. J. P. Fisher; ...Idle horse, mare or gelding, s and tyle considered, J. T. Aitken, 2. C dMul- tm. CATTLE THomw,;: ,:a5D.-ledoh cow, hares raised or with calf in 1d90. Jobb Ar- mour, 2, T. Aoderaoa ; 2yearold heifer, 1 and 2. T. A,domori ; 1 year old healer, J. Web. .ter, 2. J. At ower ; hails: calf of 1.193, Jos. Kilp•.-sok, 2, T. Anderson ; bull calf of 93, J. Armour, 2, Geo. Sto:Iuere: aged 64.14, 2 years or over, T. Aaderaon ; bulls eerier 2 year, Jos. Ki'pat:ack ; herd of 3 tems'usad 1 sale, T. Anderson (. to Or CAITLL---Milch now, having n 'el kr with calf in 1893, Robert Medd, 2 Ito ere Medd, 3, Joha Armour ; 2 year old heifer, R. Medd, 2, It. Medd, 3, A. R. Ands non ; 1 year old heifer, Robert Medd, 2. A. R. Aoderso. ; steer orf of 1893, John W.b.tee, 2, W. Malougb ; heifer coif of 1893, Wm_ Mallou`b ; fatted ox or steer, John Webster, 2,E. Denis ; fatted now or heifer, A. R. Anderson, 8, J. Armour ; 2 year old steer, 1 and 2, A. R. Anderson ; 1 year old steer, John Webster, 2, Ed. 1)uimi.. $HEEL'. --Lotto Wooten Haste. -Aged ram, John Harr, 2, R. Fastgan ; *hearing ram, (.lee Bros. : pair need ewes, raising Iamb* in 1893, J. Harr : pair shearliag ewes Jobs Harr ; pear ewe lambs, 1 and 2, R. Finigen : ram lam b, 1 and 2, Jobe Han. Soren Dow . Aged rete, James Lane ; *Marlin, ram, Glee Brew ; pair aired ewes, raising dumb in 1893, Jot Lan., 2, (.len Reim ; pair .Iwrling ewes, I. Salkeld, 2, G14. Bros. ; pair ewe Iambs. I. fielkeld, 2, Hoo Holtby : Ram lamb, Joke Salkeld. 2, Glee Rios. PHIS R.aKaalat-Aged boar, John Clark ; view, bevies raised pig* is 1893, 8. E Sanderson, 2, 1i. (Arvin ; boar Uttered is 1992, John ('lark. ('uataru W HMI _Aged hoar,- menet d, R. Bas ; boar littered is 1893, mooned, R. Rena. FG W L. -larahme, light, 1 and 2, R. Mclean ; leghor., wtiIs, Jas. Harriette, 2, J. C. Lyon* ; Ierhern, brows, R. McLean, 2. Jam Harrison; Nyusostl 'eek, fns Whit y A SOS, 2, Jas. Iferrisoa ; Week .panisb, Jos. Whiny A Ben, 2, Jas. Harrison : deckle'*, des Harries. ; heather's, black and white, 1 end 2, R. McLean ; bomber's, peneill..4 gold old sayer. a Medusa., 2, Jas Ilam. ton ; wyandeNes, J. C. Lyses, Jess W hitty R len ; game, R. Mel...., 2. Joh Harries.; ha.tsea, 1 nod 2, R. McI.w ; bare and fowl, 1, end 2, Jen Harrison : ems, W m. Venlig, 2, Jath Lane ; dsek.,Jes. Harrison. 2 JH . Napoli*. ; gad.*. fecal, 1 sod 2, Jet GRAIN.- a b...kd fall wheat, white, & !ties*, 2, w, T Pellets' ; 2 bushel* WI wheat, red. R. Fens, 2, J wIMY ; s bobble spring/ wheat, life, M Rrethonr, 2, .1 f1/4111•141; [bedside colored. M Rretb- , 2 D. Aeetbnar: 2 bushes ether variety, 8 r.r.e, 2, 1/. Bretton, 2 hi..k. r r" h.rlay, D. Rrwthrwr, 2, M. stoner : 2 Mnhels two rowed barley, J. odd, 2. M. Br.'.h.w i•beeh.lomilobdasb .ata. wNta. D. basher. 11. H. 1l a,s I s 5 of 4 Chronic Coughs Persons afflicted with these or any throat or lung troubles should resort to that Meet Excellent Remedy, Scott's Emulsion of Pate Cod Litter Oil with Hypophosphites of i.ime and Soder No other preparation( efGecttsssucch cum. �'Ci.law i�,g+ettsssr This Week -:- -:- Every Week FROM now until Christman we will be able to show you an i to mense range of PLUSH OR LEATHER ALBUMS -FROM- 25c. to $5.00. THE 7 CENT FAIR •ta'Com/ts TO t'AMT t Tri. ELM Blocs ell the Sgaare, GODERICH. hell ; tea nay, Mrs. C. Csmpt•ell, 2. Mies \out ; ribbea work, A. H. Johoatcn, 2, Moss Nott • .euros emba.iidery, Mrs. C. CLmp- bel:, 2, Mrs. J. C. Stranghau ; drawn work. Mrs. C. l'amphell, 2, Mrs. A. R. A.dee.om woolen shawl, crochet or net, Mrs. C. Campbell, 2, !lies .yen:$g.au ; painting on • Ik or satin, oil (amateur) Mir Symingto , 2 , A. B Job.ston ; 8: a screen. Mn. C. ampbeld ; fancy tdy, Mus Nott. 2, A. Juhnatoo ; avebet lace, linen, Mrs. C. l'ampbell, 2, Samuel Ken ; crochet lace, cotton. Mn. C. Campbell, 2, Miss Syming- ton ; chenille embroidery on felt or plush, Mi.. Symtu.rson, 2, A R. Johnston : mai, he dra ie, R. Young, 2, fillet Hamilton ; fancy :idy, drawn work. Mrs. C. Campbell : best mid gneteet collection of ladies work we- `ul and ornamental, the week et oar prtaa Miss Not, 2 Muse Sysniagton, 3, MIs C. Campbell FINE ARTY.- Arisen- tt -- lhI. PArNT- t.tlt Laodtape (Canadian subject) Mn. C. Campbell, 2, R. 1 rung ; fruit, Mir Lane, 2, Mrs C. Campbell : original paint• ing, any subject, aline Lane, 2, Mrs. C. Campbell. WATER COLOW-AisATara.-Lead - maps. Mr.. C. C mpbell, 2. Mini Lose ; unwise view, Mr.. C. Campbell2, R. Voung : mammas from Ids, Mia C. Camp. ortrisal, any subject, Mrs. C. Camp- bell; :.apbell; sepia, Mum lane, 2, Mrs. C. Graphed; pastil drawing, Mrs. l'. Campbell, 2, Mrs. Fairbeire; pen mad ink sketch, Mit C. ('amp• bell, 2, Mrs. Fairbairn : crayon drawler, !lass Lane, 2, Mrs. Fairbairn; opecilneu pen• m•nabip by boy or girl under 15 years, J. C. Lyon, 2, M. Woods, 3, Geo. Harris: by B. J. Craw ford, 1lwngv t..a., for four neat al paintings, amateur; subjects lamdecape, marine view, animal. from life, portrait, Mrs. C. CarepbelL For the special by W. H. Wilson, for the beat 3 foals of 1893, aired by "Rauwber BIB." 1st prize, free use of Ranmbe•r to oleo an for saa.nu 1894: Zad. $3.00; 3rd, !200 :i. Jardine recontmesd.d. Applesbl.nheim orange and ~pee spitz - caber', highly recommended, Glum Woe. 1155 Jrlx.SM. Hewes -heavy draught, agricultural and g.seral purpose -Wm. Tipledy, ('Eaten; A -ch. lr'v Walter. Road, an:age ud apsed'ng in the rise - F. Mrlbasgh, Calow ; D Geddes, V. 8., Loeknow ; J. Grieve, V. R , Seefortb. Cattle -Jas. Jenkin, Saltford ; Jos Mo• - rim, M•Itford ; Hugh Roe, Blytl Sbsep. Swiss and Implements -Flaky • . :.d .�,r."as ..des.,., ••- l;r.�, v M,ahlaa, =told; tit ter»-w� a.dtri.b : a. H.r t.s, Gedsoish ; M. H.io8Ismt Oedema. Daary-.L&Mrs. H. White, £. 1 Mrs. C. W W. a01iu,g►� Wawewo.b ; R. C. �arlimg. Yra and Flutters --A. armada. doltftt4 i Albert Ander..., Chagos ; Jew flttewttrt, 1laltfwd VewI - W.. Kirkbridy Gabriel. Lobes' Werk -Mr. D. Regent. Deny sea ; Mir Teas Geodes, 8k Helms. 30.1.srime 8alllaad i Mw Besse e. S.M. Fr to lb. Miles New am. The ro'ost'-sties of Mr. Garrey se ML. Liberal.•-dii.Inte for the Local H.... wee • well merited eempNmert to sae who hes proved biun.elf es sxoellwt lather is every way. From time ant Mr. Garrey flee show• himself a capable legisl•tar •.d a mousher a d. s'--1. t spirit We r oho ly ase. with ht. that there le or t,swl Mr so much politics to the Light/stem 11 bee largely to do with the " hems laws " et the People. Its expeditors is entirely for eke foots over which there is so dMp.:a The questions arising (em tilos to Uwe need bet give rise to partisanship, and N,;ht t0 be oussidersd upon thew merits ales.. To, freoue.tdy they aro judged by the politiesl steadies of those who introduce them. We hail with great pleasure the lett.r- aaanly, frank sad booms -written by Mr. (farrow to the LibeiwI Conn n' io, Nioeatly held hers 11 was the .aaifesto of • roes of to rpwdence and wi..1 the .rnu'.g* of his oosviotiotts. Equally gr$Hfyi.g was the wa3er of its reception by the large ..pre srstauoa of the Liberal party pr.seat. There was no d neentiest voice •,d Mr. G•rrow was again make the candidate ppm tis distinct understanding that he was at liberty to stand by every ala. es r f hi. Mt:.r. �1We believe of r. t .arrow is e -day a mi .oi been snob as to Ontolti,011 Mal 10 Lib, e ill gild atro.ger mobilo* for West Hu -en than when M f:.t ran •n 1890. Heir .,4•'ew.rlo- kb.wa sod his y grew is the Nem•. I an Cotretrvativee :dike. He ►a bean a pony taking and lumber lite edresintaUv. He has had charge asooemtslly of several av • aNlio. os M�atrt otk two • lmaN s.worii {est t WEAK MEN beer and oiQ swaarts' Ae. �� er euoyaFRERINo t1NWarm lad PALE AN S AEAN. s should take theesrs.. 'Lhgesdirestor ggee .e hin.gm•e1amL M w 11133011:122 borknoms.- Them Pik an teedsby 6mtsss ady boss bieriega er will basun by mall, pd os rasdpt tt pets.-.5eebte a boa ar s t, THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., 5.yUls. Ori. or Yutrlmo.s.lL7 private We Iron the Bounty ad km tater ea active put is the vont levelehes, As a member of the tenet tmpora•tt seas ei trees he has rem lend 'tied , ,,. asj W made his way to the frost Besides these Mimi Mr. (Jarrow bolos 000aletent is hie support 01 Sir 0'•tw Mowat sad liberal pr{oiplos. He air e„ the Girrrsm.mt when eecassarl•, ken It believes, se the greet mem of the people de, that Mir Oliver and his colloquia are givkr us • claws, homsst •od economic.' .loved,. trstioo of provtocial affairs. Whom tis dune comes M r. Darrow will, mare mtisiy, bo own triumo5aetly returned Underear. Ladies', Children's, Men's, Boys'. We've the larges t variety and unquestion- ably the lowest prices in the County. These are strong statements, but test them you'll say they're true. Having secured at a discount the Travellers' samples of the celebrat- ed Penman Mills, of Paris, one of the larg- est manufacturers of fine underwear, we of- fer them at wholesale prices. This is a great opportunity to secure good underwear at a comparati 7 'ely . small cos/. In dealing at this store the cash customer is not taxed to help sup- port the credit customer who does not pay. Here all are on one level -all are cash customerz. There's quite a saving in this, losses, interest, ex- pense of bookeep- ing and collecting. And as we buy for cash also, we're able to give you a better dollar's worth than others. Compare prices, and you'll find us on the bottom ev- ery time, from a spool of thread or a paper of pins to a fur coat or silk dress. 1311011111111111111. SI to$5 SAVED ON Mantles, Fur Capes, Fur Sets, Fur Coats, Overcoats, Rubber Coats. Fashion Sheets Free.