The Signal, 1893-8-31, Page 5TM! THE SIGNAL • GODKR1CH, GONT., TA(JRBDAY. AUGUST 31. 1893. GANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE toroosomoi HAD OFFICE, TORONTO. - Irrf S Nab s wink 01. • B. E. WAUtalt o,MaPAL MAMAoIM• 11111.000.004 81,100,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A 4*A1. BANKING BualarM TINUNIAOTILD. FaaMINr Moms Ctarlou.Tso. QoAFIS Bete[° PAYAt LI AT Al. POINTS iMI CANADA. AND Taal Mn.CIPAL crnu tN THE UMITLD STATaa GMAT F*ANOI. BIRMUOA, M eetnu•e DAM f (PARTMRMT. ot/orr!or 00 AADDONDDwerms TO TMs. PMIKMOSPAL AND *1 TTNNS SND T OI MAOlt Y AND NNW IN sAOH rams. epeeist At'featl w elven ifs flan Oenestton of R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. ad ,mutein' Salsa NNO& rtnu ONE PRICE TOE RULER OF Mg COBURG BOW Tilt DOES .F BDINBUK(iU'l acccs./to' IA rlawcD. Gee mai. Generally •urprls•d wad 1)1• aatMaod-B«awae too Doke Wham Be Admla1.4 ISM abs sear.ng at the Ie• ..ration. Brutus, Aug. 28. -Thi saocdai.,u of the Duke mf Edinburgh to the rulership of the dt►cbias of Saxe -C tburg and Guth* domin • rites public interest in Germany, anti widely dnergeet rumors to regard to the matter are everywhere circulated. I'uttiag ail these ••ode then is no doubt that the sacceswtot of 0.o English duke he surprised and dissatisfied the nation, though the f...t is quietly accepted by the duchies 000eerned- it is probable that Emperor 'William would har•e preferred that Prince Alfred, the only on ut the Duke of Edtoburg!i, should have succeeded Doke Ernst. Iadoed, it u believed (bet His Ma- jesty hastened to the dual castle of Kst,+har.lt with the hope that he ntreht induce his uncle. the Duke of Edinburgh, to waive ha claim to the succession in favor of Prince Alfred. His Majesty is reported to have told the Duke that ender any circumstances a re- gency would be Impossible and that be must take to. throne himself or abandon all cue- neetioe with the duchies. Finding the Deka reidste to his determiu4i0. to fore Er um of his rights and also finding that tb. Dukes mother, Queen victoria, was sepporuog him to his attitude, the Em- peror put tea the beat face possible and ac - teemed to the Duke's succeeding. He attended the ceremony of ad- "Ministenog the oath of allegiance to the Garioan coast Unties, being us- wtiliag to age's excite frictionwith the� family of his mother, the Empress F� Th. EarepresaFrederick.it will be recalled, is the elder sister of the Duke of Elm - burgh. All suck danger is now allayed. The extremist prem. Radical aced Co:. servative alike, are indulging to Anglepbo• b►ac Mumma,. They harp epos the in- expediency of adrituag a relative of a foreign Mese ie the secrete of thew federa- tion. despite dm abarem of p•pelar op- position, however, it is impassible to deny that there is an nwsay f �ngat every' hint may not pans quietly and smoothly. The changes that will Its made in the Ministry ate likely to be the first bother of his. kions u to the Kothi•g u yet publicly disposition of the late Duke's property. It Ms always been supposed that he wit im• menaely wealthy. Certainly his estates were .:unwire enough. Apart from the palaces, castles and shooting lodges nwned by him is Germany he was the proprietor of one of the finest "hooting domains in Europe, situated in the Austrian Tyrol. All these properties are entailed and paw to bis sue- cewserr. S..imetl.ing more than coldoees existed between the late iutke and Emperor Wil- liam. The former regarded the dismissal of Primer Bien:erck from the Chancellorship as a wee -fel mistake, it not a crone. He sever visited the Emperor or Berlin aft., Prince Bismarck went out of office. h i; gen• rally understood that tie sell for l'a'sh only and at One Price only. The following from a writer thoroughly versed in busi- ness methods aptly describes and compares the old and the new •t'stelit& The change in the method of marking prices has overturned the whole system a. machinery of tra•ie. The old way was to put two private nierk4 on goods, cost and asking price, and the selling price was what. ver .sum between the two the buyer and seller might slrree upon. The asking price; of euarw•, tt es pretty high, and the e iii„ price depended on the skill sad per1iotem a of the buyer and ,eller. The new way is to make oar price and never deviate from it. 1'r..ler the old way, ietyt•r and haggled over every transac- tion a most trying experience for anyone of sensibility ; and in tnost cases the buyer ane off itecon 1 best, became the -seller woul t be the more expnienced of the two and become the sharper of the two at a bargain. A storekeeper, not More than fifty years ago, had the wit to see that such doubt about the value of mercltanrliee and Isnch disagreeable experience in buying were serious hindrances to trade. Re invented the new way, had the courage to carry it out rigidly and became a great merchant. Others followed 1,i4 example anti le-canie successful merchants ; so many and SO nue- air Joke Them,-. Arrive. to Ottawa After es AMeae. of Ilse Mende.. cessful that treat) has conte to Ur FERNCH FLANNELS 50 PIECES, 50 CENTS We- open to -day a beautiful range of new Flannels from France, price 55c. a yard. Best quality made. PARASOL SALE TH=S 7.77-===. All grades marked down to Cost Price and under. Finest selection in Goderich. Inspection invited. W. ACHESON & BON. 3 BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITA I_, - •w $12,000,000. REST, - - - 6,000,000. .t Sa:iing liepartinc;ic has been o/t.red iia ceu- vectiori ..:'ith this hrnuck. Interest allowed al cti'vreft rales. II. LOCK WOOD BUMMER SALES, 25 per cent. Discount ON ALL Summer Goods. THE PREMIER AT HOME. Manager Goderich Branch. I wd11Ua ;tdviee these pasties %t1) Contemplate putting in a Furnace ter take BUCK'S "LEADER," Constructed on the same principle as the Orate. Happy Thought Range, with the Duplex Reference.: Rev. M. TUB*. to 11, St. George's Reutcry, and ]t0.. JAat-+ '' try., Hard- ware Merchant. Just received, a car load of WATER WHITE OIL, tp'hich I will tell low for cash -wholesale and retail. Itsl trust all thine indebted to me for the yea: 1892, will call at once and mettle the Mine Yours respectfully, DAVIS- MRS. R. B. SMITH. THE TALK OF THE TOWN SEASONABLE CO_0 FRESH AND RELIABLE. The new supply of Gold, Cold -filled and Silver Watches, and the low prices for which they can be purchased from C. A. HUMBER A SON. SEE TILE COLUMBUS CLOCKS. A full line of Jewellery,' Silverware stock. and Optical Goods, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Drop is and ase us. No trouble to show Goode C. A. HUMBER & SON, °mtts, Aug. Sat. -Sir John Thompeoe the oe the dilidetl into two c!aec+, one pric • arrived tn the eity C.A.R. Saturday. by Several d people were at the station to meet him. At Alex- andria he win given an enthusiastic welcome home which was Irel by Major Mcl•einea, an.l no -price. An.bofy who looks out upon 1 the world of business can sec the !1 P ' Four ministers, Hon. Mutinous $..wen Kir Pt' Adol a Caron. Hoo. J. J. changes going on. The one -price Curren and Hon A. 11 Angers, emu down to Alexandria to meet him there. system is extending, and great 1 Ots at riding here Mayor orocher %toren are growing up under it. The no -price system ie still hang- ing on, especially in the country and in the poorer quarters of the cities: and there is great outcry ' who t O e► tiflrali0. to te tt wit • source g'0. %tend the nature of the conflict. know th.t yon hs 1 bean elected as" 1105 read and presentedwelcome room behalf an address of the citizens "To Sir John Thompson, K.C.fl.G.; etc.: We, the members of the municipal council of the corporation of the city of Ottawa, os behalf of Or citisses, beg to Mader y0. a !warty welcome on your re- bythose 1 not yet under -tura to our midst. V. enure yes that your aatlty and energy le advancing the rroeperity of our country. U. Drwo IIEM, Mayor. " Sir John briefly replied, thanking them for :heir cordial reception. Sp.ak- ing of the award he said he hoped hereafter •11 disputes between the United States and Great Britain would be settled by arbitration. The award was in his opinion a lair aid lust one. Ueet.-her. chao sews Mtnrwe. • KEW You, A. `.St. -The lion. 1. A , Cbapieao, Lieuteiait•Goveroor of Qn was • psssen(ef o• the New 'York. He drove to the Hoffman House, saying that b. expected to leare for Quebec to -day or the day after. Mr. Chapleau her been in Pirie Mom April, and under the treat- ment reat ment of a specialist, following a surKica1 operation. H. declined to talk on political questions, hot said he had been a clam follower of the arguments in the Sebring Sea ass, end had been present regularly at the ominous. "It would seem to me,' ht said, "that that question is settled for- ever." He returns to t'.nada much int. proved in healthy tat.ult of careful sad prolonged d tit. ub,u•tnre i. a ,natter of wo great SIlceedl always brings. failure into importance, from *0 imperial .nd inter - relief ; rod those who fail cry Out national standpoint, as the Behring Sea d ote. we realise that in your ap- '1_il:n4t Flt')-.! who 'toecee.l.d I polntment, occupying as you do the po.i- 'n. of head of the adminislntion of the 11 ik.: your own inference of .Lich is the betide system. If r• n re reasonable you'll probably fflt'nr the new. Add to this the manifest advantages of Cash -both t) l,tl\er and seller -and Neo if our u Dosrini0., and with your erntoent abilities aa a jurist the interests of Canada, so tar as involved, would receive fall and mulct coereion. Although we have nodosity to express any opinion s to the ultimate result of the award I the ,r hof f arbitra- tion nguished a tion of whir! y0m wore "Member It was with us, ie common with Ser Msjed!'s subjects throughout the Do - subject of sincere and heart - 1 0111110•.. - le tw rlrtim to ire the hi st and heat , has eongr*telett0. diet .eco snare M I N) i.I. A I ti WORTH F. iI I�^ aS o Mat draw« t0�r«►'Sw thwla 1! TTl i t not ryas - pert on able. ' be referred for mettlesome by the pease - fel seethed of orbit/trim iw seder *bat the 1We've ovist,• great preiiitrati'N1e swatters lagtlteeaOI•1 f "' ~I fattr�~ for F411. ( ►ver fifty caters already 1 vtp, piser:?mom.,.' • * east red. Th t of Sumner the riwewrs of Catania 0..d lead to •*pedis• welfare of oury, we woo td t skludi etlsm to a he •uLN•atial p'9r� which has be.. ,..de emu withie the M ief pitied abash Me elapsed eine` yen imam ens et ear eitiwewa we w do tents, yes f medial gereetiog ea 700? otters to raw aritssas d uIpertasj hers. f esid beg le A the bore aloe M rs0sttt+K d see me 1. IN* The remnant CANED MEATS, YEGETABLES AD FRUITS. AUCTION SALE ON Saturday, Copt. tad COLBORNE. From our own comes Sheet• Councillor Henry Merry enter wind seven nieces for diner cos day lastThe young ladies were nearly all trom dif- ferent points im the United !states and ()u- terio, all being in their teens, and were much pleased with the views and scenery Isere. Each, we are told, used the telescope to view the Cadmic\ town (lock, • distance of six mikes away. ,elm Krtewtng es n do t »P Stfleif its in the way. Some lines e,,es yes peke m • I that pertains toR bus {tbhali mess ot production. It'dCUrrent Prices' forRutter Arbil Fsja,S. GENERAL L GROG: RIES we can suit you in quality and price, and invite a trial order from ycu. R. W. RUNCIMAN $u,:oes*or to E. exmpaigne. We will sell by Auction, At the store lately occupied by Daniel Gordon, A 1.01 Ok llousehold FilniilLire! 11.ve you any idea of taking A BUSINESS or SHORTHAND COURSE ? FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, Sands IIEAD Sad Midi LDERS above the average Businesal s College for Thorough Practiced Teaching. Calms mercies Sept. tth Catalogue W. free. Principal AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Among which will be found Bad Room Sets, complete, Bureaus, lIeueh Statute, Le., Bedeteeds, Carper. t'artains, !libels, Chairs. Trunks, Belding, ('hina, Crock- ery, Glassware. Stoves, Pips, Tables, Knives. Forks, Spoons. ('r Sets, etc. soar gun., w tney certainty sewn diappeo.e KBdRLY WITH THE LORDS. to pIt i. b. great object to recur*mRule appeal to the country cu tl. Home Rule fru. alone. Now that the real .cops et Hoene Rule has been divulged it road entire - &CLS ly with tbemselvee whether or not that ob- ject tette be accomplished. FINAL sr4Op:$ OF rnF Bll. 1. Ir TBE ('0JI11GN0. Everything has got to be Cleared Out on Saturday Afternoon and Evening. T. iGIINDRY, 2428 It Auctioneer. 1h. Measure To n. Read a First Time by the reev. ow tiers. 4-ER.HIwa Wink .f the Onitloti..-Many Ctaiees raid- ed without lrl.ees.l.a. New Yung, Aug. tom. -Th. Tribune's special cable letter says: LottnoN. Aug. 'X --The Home Rule bill is now mooring upon its elos.ng scenes by tete use of the guillotine weicb buss left a majority of the clauses in the measure absolutely undore ceased. l b. bill has now reached tbestageof 1110 third mauling. It is Intended to take the Anal vote to the Com9»ns next Friday'. To do this the closure will be nein applied if TUM SiI/NA1. will be soot to .new addition is Cassda or the United States from sow sn- til Jesuitry 1, 1894, for 25o. Walt a Bit! CAPTURED IN CHICAGO - A Montrealer nib) B.bbed a ltwak Ultras rp by Ilse ltr.lb.r, C,/lett:o, Aug. 28.-C. 11. L.pellieor of bluutreal is behind the tars of Hammoed- street station charged with being a foamy. from justice. His arrec was caused by his brother Maurice who notibed the police yesterday that young Lapellier, who i. only 22 years old, was au embezzler from Montreal, where he had been a paying teller. Ile carne to Chicago and sought protec- tiou from Manrice, his brother. That rela- tive, thinking more of his own good name uero.sary. than of the ties binding him to the young Um dept 4 ate hal will be read for the Artie 1 toeeonder, went straight to the polite, and ,lore in the lords without 01 ger the inert I"Il,le,, ed. 1 be second reading stage will not sit t.e- 1 peel four days, and will esti in the 1 John B. Berton., also of Jlnntroel, sa- rojectlon of the measure on UN Duke ..t 1 compaoied Lepellisur to Chicago and he Deyooahira a eineadnene Thus.zb the pub- I was taken to custody as a possible ac000i lie is becoming wear,• of thee Home Rule pli..y, ♦ users prey 1�1M frMil "lit" serious reflection, even 1) th..w oho are .train bytwo Frenchnwn, who tied 01 111e f the cheviot. to fresh dr 1 claimed to he detectives, and placed him un- to the re of tbs gas, which was to s Nutley I der arrest. lie was allowed to get Dietkfw& b tete spoken o stage' tbte were:, by thirds los spnkra uf. Vcw that a more drest� before befog taken to ',neon by hie captors, form of closure has bona put into force duan 1 who, during the ureal, proposed to tis nat- dnrlug the "eumb! reading, *vel the Itadleab I ten for a consideration. After some talk ruay well pour aur, o.k wyrie snob a Pre-. Lapellienr says he gave them S1Wet to let coleus n cols sew term of lictatorsh'.p may • bum go. Siwe thea he bin bog. 1le4 by s land thetas ' of French -1 auadiaw out of huorlrad• It may suit er. ut whew T todaCwhen ` Po_ opers. Ile thinks someone lolluwe 1 his tam are In power. but whenever it will be I from Montreal and began au organized raid vativre return to ofli^e It will hs epee to them to apply the rod which air. en his ili-gotten funds taad.to.e's own hands bay* fashioned. The I He only had about 'Mtn bit pocket whoa Spectator on this polus says that "for the, sear. Led at the station. There w.. 11.90 ant time in lb* blatory of P.ruf mart, st.io* t found secreted in his room, and he declares Cromwell arbttrortly broke ep the item- that is all he has left of the thousand taken. mons, it leas not Leen allowed to the Opposition even so much M BLAKE 15 COMING HOME. to rote au arni•a.1.n5nte without discussion I --- of Heels. At itr. pt•datonis word amend- i . tT- u •peed the Kerins 1w CawwAa- "Masts here been swept away 1.ke summer Irish leatl.awn.ta w111 Bwaee.t Him. ..ayes. Tow np*rNlalous troastitutsonslist 1 .tx>r Aug."4 -TM Nstiosalistswill ext week to Velw■rd Blake, thei• r mein r for Semth Longford, who is abr-ut to sail for his Caosdian home, where he will pm the recess. Junin klc(.arthy will preside. Ise - As r s e veryu+n" ,tint declatations probably will be wade Ae ayerr sucee.dior lion devetrpel dew miaeet s kers. coutroverry. err, D ( Lapeilieer was met •1 the station, where tor LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP I Facts are so scarce in this world that it is possible to live good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is one We've been busy as bees ever sinc we started business. I be lett th k a The reason is obvious: We have made your needs our are keeping up a feast of good styles and good vnluea, and your Boots and Shoeq from nt yon get better value fo • than you can get elsewhere. Yon will be delightssl with the goal gnalit:me of our jjpo(ltk We have a choice *e- lection of Ladies', 1Miseea and Children's Oxford Tie Shoes Thousands t, chonce from All other lines complete, and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, and give entire eatiafaetion. Onr-prieaa ata the lowest. Save money while you a by buying your Bows obi Sob f e study, and in buying our move s �, _ . who Pros nicest heaven and earth to gat Ire ' La'(, An n fres Parliamentary utterances for irelwsd i g bs waves his band and all the eorresponaing rights -.t the larger Islands disapi.ar. TM tyranny of W. dictator attracts today m•,re attention than the actual clauses uu- de dimlenittee and dies.l tt:e imps act cabtlrty r; pro of Mr. (OlaJwtoae's problem, the resource.' of Tile $w.0 will be sent toady adders to atat.sutanabtt gay. plea to the methods of Canada and the United States from now un - an autocrat IN tl» bid itself public cyto• t ion le sick 0.4 weary. It may he a ptomain. til data 1, 1804, ix Tie. sntertainneet to wi•nem air (bamberlin F.xater : Isaac Carling. of Exeter, rued night s('. -r nigh. 1 -in out k•e . pponts brother of How. Job. ('arise) who hos %wow est .pun t tela•. "r sra wbftrw,s par. lysed for rears, is lying at the point of cotes • is 111111 ate. Dm IT Wart Hartbout death. He was formerly a very premiter% confronts Lim a With his own argdner*tnts about i re is itis) aMairs, bet has not heels the sit it+ rating. In d, r. G son+ 0.0. ' •get politicos' to tie UFp +olio to end Ur. G tea•. and .Ale to tales part io public again for years. Ids henchmen contradicting . mit Mbar. and I Gene avereatly uud^nng 'IOW this - wir or that c:ae will ul:nately operate. I Th. III. as shown be 11. Iforiel's answer to 81r Chariest bulks lest night. is incomplete and with 1.1(11 a ro t wetbtwtt lb. Coens-t.e ever, rain: dime 1.. it I. re g rr'led as beating tee air. 1.. f..te of lite bel is sealed. Aim -G.7 fortstgbt will scs R. death and burial. For ere moment the Government Is more concerned en know what .trey Mall do in regard to On so' sato Is.sslo.. Titers is a netwte of sosethtot being sow. sed Tet the Ylsbt.rs 1..r tie power of the Oppieitto.i. 11,. 0104.1one may have to element supply K M insists en tM Commons rising by the end of tisptiesber, ie ornate ►ween in November, Let he resist tag the Olpositirie %low tie Items of tbl. November program.. No mews* plead. an be Ms acne le the surra d House It we, that there is my ,amus irons the meek y to Met is Nth registrable'', perish wt.eb. eight �yy liability, legal weir, or any ,Orn et dare ebbe; edema wheat Mo toleed•4 se • sopa) lib lsglssarws mod In aw4et tAb oral yeses as tea sett. essausa. t N swa ► • Iare sodas at Ws � The a iiera wt crew M o w 11lerle g •, MOM, AO 111 T. POWLZIII& 00 .10asamokii'i illswi .. .. DIAMOND TE A MEDICINE. How it performs its work Horrible Itching Bcsema itstirely cured in 10 days. *110,11001 Tea ('w Lood.is : !have two MOO 1111.* e411dres. who as yes wyl teem ns 14th c( January last were a auto dreadful t4 behold (rum whet* the deems e ll Sernws. sea Mier talk. their sedieloe for Mee meatbs Mesis• 0.t, growls worm east day. mail alma. heart bratq 1 tam ls- lama to 4r.y IA titter w�se.iweirdo.enA try the =Has, i seisms* Meier.. toad. of alit, 1•7e Has' on Its healthfeettr free e ram *vary tdudet MIS tlsea s. sail ••se v,sow its Naval as • frwttly Is.dltle.. 1111H YALrtr Roo. D'rtas. "Ilea '«Nbl.. two a.1,.,* hall ►.