The Signal, 1893-8-31, Page 3STRONGEST, BEST. yet as r A: c °. Amnesia. Lens, Passpartsk er say IgjseiesA THE DUET'S CORNER. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 31.1893. 3 LEAKED OUT IN RETALIATION- Rlse Megtwe lre.eedr.P Weir t/lroree- MhseAtad cheirwee nee watt l.br.rhe.de. Avscas, Arlt. TI. -A startling seenalios Mire the tows of Stirling, sear the worth - ere boundary of Cayuga musty. Not lest vo the sewepapor esereepusdwta told a p ihl _tory of the aocrdental poiaoeing d M lulus that was given a eulutiou of pot- ash is its milk by mistake for llmewater. This occurred ow July 7th last, and sous after the burial, the parents, Mr. ted Mr& Chanes Clark, q led, sad the wife was torsed met of doors and warned to some bask. Sloe thenbaps proceeding. for divorce. The busb..ud retaliated by cl•sri ing her with iutaaucide, and made .thdriert that she Purposely poisoned the 101001 sad urged ham to cremate Om b.dy. The coroner has begun •n examination, exhuming the body nod making an autopsy with the physu:au from this city. The stomach of the intuit was removed and takes to the erenlist fur awlyaia De- velupmeuts ace awaited with kens inter- est bl the villagers, who are greatly el - cited over the tura of affairs. TARIFF WAR UNCHANGED. pea. -o• !eat: fortevsxe. 1a 11 excuse ane, lir. Parson, u I Besot • little sore. of 1al'd 0rl I've sung the swig Flet threew:ore years and more, @i tt wet hurts my (sepia's Far to .ee c'm put away. tttuts Ftd thane ham. *carton Al . eaptur.ng the day. ]bore's another little happ nit' 'At lit mention while I'm bore, Jest to 'Low 'et my °hymeneal All is • "dela 1 the round war 'wrung, h was....c y y An' es- ,l. in well enough- Sieve n_Sieve . ,1 w peoppeoplecouW ming rich .0 awful mese o stuff -- When the choir gave a holler, Au the organ gave it gross. As they bft our weak -voiced idler A terg n tbore sloes! Biu be struck right to the n54c Though 'lovas trying as o.ubd be, As when t tried to help him. ty, n) . LA hull church scowled at me. len ea} that's so -low einem' Well, 1 pram the Lord that 1 Glowed up when folks were trillin' To s.o: :her sop so -high. alb. 0i Ley r had such down's le the :oa,•t of Bethel days. When :he folk* were all oostest With the ample sump ai praise Nor. I inay hate spoke tee opt, But 'twos torp hard to keep still, AS 1 hope you'll tell the singers At I bear 'eel MD in will, 'At they all my $it to glary, Is my web els' Stp desire, Rat theyll mesa teems extra amain Fore they jets the le a •espy cbotr. -Paul Dunbar. CRISP ANO CASUAL.. atn:.r,l. Waeaeat Is Ise Male Iteaseree. Tl.e U.ee1. Ladeweere and teasaatry V a HAS wise. luau+, Asp. 21. -The tariff war re- mains is status qua Con,urrent advices from every commercial centre show that Russia u feeling the pinch of war severely. Througboit Southern Russia the prices of all grams are hl.tsg. Good rye, which mei 77 aope.•ks pr pool to produce, is selling at the same price. The cost of proJoction tkrmters to shortly exceed the market value. The knlowntr., who me weighed down wish debts incurred 'linnets the gra:• femine of Mot year, von neither esus further loan* to Ye, •Of 1.411 t ylr grain • permit then) to meet the.r ob ignitions. 1)r. Witte, the Khoisan SL°tater of Fulmer, has summon...1 to lit. Petersburg the chief provincial treasurers w confer with the directors of the Imperial Bank of Rabin* on measurers to winter the distressed lawdowneis and farmers. The lsudowners have petitioned the Governess' to support their appeal to the laud banks for six months' cram to meet their ergsllernt•nta The \.,eras Vremis are Si. P. tersberg says that the Rummies rearm:try, who hare had only one good barn, et it, three years, find their prospects of ret.aorratkrn bleated by tariff war Gas. Von Kaltaoboure-Staeban, Prussian Uini.er of War, is reported to h: es re- argued his edits. The solitary commission in Berlin en•o0a0es that .`esptte the exec, - sire beet the public health is rod. Only a few cases of eboterioe are reported, and the general ase.ituy cosdttiou of the city has Leon improved (greatly. The Duk.. of Save -Coburg, who bee been ill for *eters' weeks, is countess. He hes been sinking slowly since yesterday n.orn• ing. 'tion Bismarck received at his villa is Keeei.gen to day • crowd of admirers from Fra.kfort H/ was in the best of health and sp.ri•s, and j'4.iuly war gratified by the enthusiasm of the demonatratros made by the Frankforter& SRITIa►I DAY AT TME FAIR. • Mas ermine M Aseem10,0•0--• lash oneirism Wash Merle wed t....se. Catoaoo, Avg. 111.--leatarday woe Gnat B itahs's day at the W.iM s Tab. Balsas T e'eMck then was • err at the lpea as sod it amassed at intervals diming the dy. amada, Australia, Lila, Ceylon.Tr 17 dad, Cap Coley, British Guiana British moieties took port is the wads sad alranisaies. Ths dsmramatra epee - ed at the lake troot at the states of Oslamb.s at 11. JO o'clock. Ties a proses - ion was formal, with apt. Gorden, aom- lloadast of the British troops at the fair, ea grand sashed. All the British troops ware in hue. The venous Fogliab moieties were out in full force, and cis coaches asses filed with Royal and Colonial Conmla- dessrs and Datives of (Adana and Kant Ilia• After parading the principal pi-intact'of the city the prooession dubs•dd to fest gain at 2 o'clock 115 front of the Vie _ria HOU.. Thence the line moved to Festival I1Ea1I in the lair stetted), where spusebea, mesio .red I'ruf. Tomlia's chorus of 1000 votes@ ware heard. BIG FIRE IN NEW YORK. • sal... Wreeb.d Ileeawse in Oweme Mefaaed t. M...Iv. 1 -ire Sufferer. Ntw• Yoke, Aug. 21. - Twenty-two t.milies were made humelees yesterday moriti7R by • fire which destroyed frame dwelling, in Cooper -street, Brooklyn, sled rendered uninhabitable nwN..others, while seven persons were injured by jump - Jag from windows to escape. Among the Injured were the four children of Frank Liebler, who were taken for temporary shelter to the neighboring saloon of Charles F. Meyers. The saloonkeeper, it is said, refused to admit them. This aroused irdrgeation, the instalments art their debar now which deepened during the day until it pay culmtoattd is a not in the °v.sbs$. d 1 t •pules that will le which Meyer. sislocri was demolished, Jecrnty nuhacu people in Europe wear wooden oboes. Mr sn.l Mrs. l;ladstose have been mar- ried for Jd years. A reliJmtis sect in Russia holds that wear tag hair is sinful. Lightning 15 believed to be visible a oils - bac. of 150 miles. The Church of F:dgtani ordaisod 1,473 ministers last year. There are many stone bridge. in China &tin; from 1,000 B.C. In Rosa isdolett or carolw °coke .re earll occasionally flogged. th:e trouble with Om weather clerk is be often gives too womb ohmage. Freeman's Ween Portiere destroy .54 re move worms without injury to adult or in- fant. There is sasnotid to be Divested innfA _ F breweries snot !91,000, '.ggas apti•L ketaisl* the Liver m5d Howe& by the jud- iciulsw of National Film, they are purely tepetsNa Bootee lays claim to the oidest portal Berk in the eernoe. His nesse is Charles I: ultimo. The alligator glows as long as be lives. An.' he sometimes lives as bong m ten or twelve teat. If sunshine bad to be paid for, there an people who would declare tilt saadle-light could best it. Mtlburn's Atee tie Quints' Wins is dis- tinily espsrier t• any other ea an appetis- ing taste •5d IertWr. The mw who See me wester the teaser - mice pledge vaF>r 1cgeeotly Ilse muck use for the pawn An electric *WI amp that it would be dangerous toe a tmaelaa wearing =iodise to croon elmetgis w Meas. A copy of tie fiwtsaitiea of "Tor Josef` has out bees ..M r Kansas.. for abi1G was uncut and is seiRlaal bast'`. As a healing. asatbktItapp11a51i._ for eats' wounds, bruises ani rota is bathing better that V iet.ris CaeMiM Silva The oldest tree amnia Y said to be ilei Row tree ib the snored stip t AnsrspoerO, %welsh. it Well pl mise hal S.C. 1 ou can never haws redly gleed Mt pterion until the Imptr1y is awed Erni your blood. Whet you seed is• thorough snorts of Ayer's Sareegarills, which is ab- solutely free bets W lutist iagrsd*at% std thereiore, lterfeetty eon The Victoria& oddest bus declined as offer of tits Brild Halon burnt le supply the dolens' department of Australia with twelve Rremmeit torpedoes ata ant of 04- 000. 'he_eel of each' power M he work t ii trot the ober. would be about tl .000 to 41$000. 1110 Maggi' Domini), Mae1lej� Oat. Dant« : "ren a gnat sedierer $se51 bit- liomnnan and Msdtshe red 1)r. Wither' after much of its spinouts laid been de- stroyed. A squad of deputy she/mtg. and coost•bles arrived at the saloon in time to NO the teat of the whisky barrels golog cut of the door; thou followed • geberal battle. in whisk emend persons wen injured. A .meas..' timed. Este, P.., Aug. 21.- , '.4 Ammer Oneida, owned by Davidson of !lav City, was horned u. Lake Frio yesterday. She Was bound up wi.h o crew of 19 men from Buffalo light. NM lies on the loath ►boot 20 miles flim Ere a tout luau bre was valued at 1511,000. 530.000 frons et trait O.rsed. ERIK, Pa, Aug. 21. -Fin yesterday i• the amts department of the Erie Fish Aso - elation hewers destroved • large amount of froaen fish and .ppltsnces. The fish tag Annie Lurie was also burned. Lots 11304- 000; insurance one-half. WAS THE WELL POISONED, • Mead and Dr1ag &smile Uise.v.red 1w Dan Arkanewa 1.Irrls Rte., Ark., Aug. 21. -Three dead children, another seriously i11, the mother dying and the father tyiog helpless on his hack in a small cottage in the resi- dence portion of the rtty, was the report rreeived by die city autburtues yesterday. The head of the family believes s ey. & was peneer. The physician ,t palmettoes substance is the we1L Jtu .mdy.is of the water is being made. A COMPLICATED FAMILY AFFAIR. MwM,.,l., wives ea.' croons .11 311Ix••1 Uta ad w Semites Salted Ow. A veers et iisil.ilegs pane. NSSA VILls, Tenn., Ang. ``-1.-Firs at Dickson yesterday destroyed a score or more of buildings. noes $:1,000. Nsw Baihstaos, R.1., Aug. 21. -Justice Acker had a Strang* MattImoaial and parental complication to straighten out Sat- urday afternoon. Mrs. Andrew Britto was arrested on the charge of cruelty to her children, Dad two wolisn from C'unnectteut appeared and claimed the chihdres to whom she wee cruel as belouging to them. A few days ago a middle-aged woman of respec- table sppesraace, who described herself as Mrs. Hattie E. Britt° of Bridgenort,Co0s., appeaand .std that her husband disap- pearedre(om Bridgeport eight years •gRo.mnd that at ase tine he lived on Staten Wend. Eight years ago last month, she says, abet turned that her husband was attentive to e woman tamed Emma Merton, who lived at Bridgeport with a man named Waterbury. W ken she accused her husband he left the city, leaving her with five children. Ono was a babe • few months old. She gave this child to Mas Hartung, a sister of her husband. Two weeks later itritto appeared .t his mese. hoes. .red kidnapped the skill. Form. Morton deserted Waterbury shortly afterward and disappeared. Mrs. Britto says she heard nothing of her husband until • few days ago, when she js.roe d that be was living with the Morton Brightens.woman is Clove -road, West Bright°, I. Mrs. Hartwig was deserted by her husband about 15 mouths .go. When Ler husband went awny he took with kiss their youngest skill. Mrs. Britto onnte In Staten Island and identified Britto. She also learned that Hartung brosgkt a bobs to 1141110'5 how sol Iotg Louie. Sha also found that a child waned Lorene* had bees 1egslir adopted by Aedr.w sed Emma Beiito.ltra Britt° swore out a werreat for her hus- band's arrest, charging him with desertion and Thursday at. Os. flan Dans •bearing before hones Mi°nebas Mrs. Britt° withdrew lea eiarrnn enders in a diverse suit Yesterday siort eg 11rs. were appeared ow the seen. ad the tH�iMilissies appealed to W. W. Corbett, arse of the res') ltutet to aid them mope,'tmope,'their Adana. (plaint was stria before deities Asher, sand the child - res are sew is custody. Ayer's Pills Are WSW known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the use of the pills is attended with only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic f unctions, being especially beneficial in the various derange- ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. NOT A BANK IN TOWN. • Calque g,metaeb. as Let aro, Iowa, ea Salida}. Srorx Crri, I&, Aug.21.-Lemurs, the nungy seat of Plymouth County, presented the unique spectacle Maiurdey of • commsn- ity of 56,000 people without • tangle bank - tag house dos.g bottoms. Toe following ooti.e MIS posted .t the four banks: "Owing to the counoual withdrawal of deposits ase bank has been closed by order of the directors. Depositors will be paid in gall." Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestion sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve cold:., fevers, neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. Th:, are taken with great benefit chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For tr .velars, whether by land or sea, Ayer's Pills are the best, and should never Lha omitted in the outfit. To preset 1 e their medicinal integrity in a!l climates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. " 1 have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and aiwa? found them to be a mild and excel- lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. it is the bast pill used." -Frank Spillman, Sul- phur, Ky. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver t Ce.. Lw -ell. Sp41 by sit Urut:10". ort r) + Every Dose Effective moi --1 YAM s1& $*7 Ri'srrlled. First Tramp-KaY. Bill, what d'jer im9 sat dat hotel was nrepnsoI feel 1 went up dere an' 1 get fired geek enough. letiene sews Mining experts Dote that coolers sever attacks the bowels of the earth, bethSmlw: ity in general Sod it necessary to see Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for bowel oos.pLiuu. dgasst-ry, It is a sure erre. omen, Org.Nsiag t■ Chlease io...t'raMft, Ind. Aug. 19. -By the ar- rest hen on suspicion last evening of Jacob Ramey. • Chicago tramp, the Log.oapurt police discovered the e.itence of a secret organ:zation of thieves and pica pocket. Buoy had papers with iostructtona in cipher. which show that the organisation has heedgwr tern io Chicago, where all stmm- br.teare required toreport as to the best fields for operations, giving the mimes of .11 r.s likely to keep Dams of mnoey or have it about them at stated time., rad especially naming persons who hoard money and the elanoesfor approaching them. Tits mNtesal Glleetwrshlt. Momear.. 1, Aug. 21.- Now that Fir John Thnmpson is about to return to Can- ada, interest in the elstono collectorship increases. The Freseb-Canadians aro making a big fight for the position and to- night's lA Preece °outaiae a Inag article in favor of the eppoiutme5t of a French• Can- adian in preference to "Bob" White. Vwa,se, ex M. P., is said to be their favor- ite for the poet, is • Mr. Whits Deems likely to get there. Pink P111. surd Sad l5r ell outer rosmdke bsA 1.tled." AR DY t f10s. s toot err s: bstlp`l5 j0 bowers of iw- itatioee Dr. rod, Cs.. Nook - 'Me (int, wad sonsuridy, 14. Y. �@ War et Tara faMsIlle.t. A tow deem .It 101111b.oi. Ma1MMas of Jones ordain that is s I .* 04^ kills hi wt•gamist is WO le ors Ile, wipresseaseit 1 leureplri S,rb rest s!•r o feed. M1�rw~ alky. ems "Nes gad onssyugWy htalratlr.M smrlesMtag; ss salt. Rescuer -Hurry ! Quick! Throw bcr a life preeerter ! Drowning girl -Reveal -yon_..-wbitm-oleo ! T i Ly-drub -doees't-matwh-my- i Tars SIGNAL will be went teeny address in Canada and the United Status Iron now un- til Jan. 1, 1891, f w 25c. Poses Glued to . Three noun' Meet, Crerrr or Mexico, Aug. 21. -Official ad- viese have just been received hen from Charisma, is the State of Smoot, that a band of 200 Yaquis mane down from the Sierra Madre Mountains the other day on a cattle stealing expedition sear a place Balled Arenas. They eaeosetered ■ con- puy of 45 setiosal troops under apt ►1 p.. le the fight which followed mina of troops were killed. The ladies,' fighting was mostly from ambush. The fight lasted three boars, after which the Indies retired, ,011 lgbtdug. A5•v/••w Ong . Nsw Town. A. TI. -The Awnless Agricslturld in its rmsu•1 review cd the seep situation sad el the ark -miters) year says 'TM harvest sE len is the United States is is wary reopens swilar to that el three years ego. but with every prospect tot hams .enesm invasion ainvasionw p s• s raises es to yield iel dust es large • she rotors to Innen u m the average .i risen 'M erant"4 t.- Me of do perraint E$ehwlgli bat the easnial Imessei a who► the early arovitimat Imp ..d�� mea t•e`etly •-.tto wies* •e'mlw. N.Y.. Ang IL -A -A birdie) spa s .sstieat mesmrred at tam mta-.dsilal el Vann Balm& two h•Vh• lin fair ear lst�islt� MIM e# 51* liSpor • nus. l 101 d $.w Teak. 11 it ti 1 . l 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS Goods Aboul Hall Price 1 We have about 900 yards of Colored Dress Goods that we are selling as follows: 50 Cent for 25. 25 Cent for 15. 15 Cent for 10. 33 " 20. 20 " 14, 12 ; " 9. 30 " 20. 18 12; 10 rl 7. The most of the above are all Wool and good Shades and must be sold to make way for Fall Goods. 35 Ceut 111oo1 Challis for 25 Cts. THESE CODS ABE DECIDED BARGAINS. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. b discount for Cash on close cut regular prices. ga first-class Dress and Mantle Maker up -stairs. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse) of the County. 5 4 Royal Electric Co. @a we• 150(1.7. {ere -:c aeon _ ..d Oa_..*,s. sInTabCT,$1 IuIINU M ELf1T.IC LmsT W lw1Tt $T&TIOU 'Haeesa.-_ u. Derma. w w ve WallIMPoa tis. RUA Mani If WINOS V the Irate Catcano, Aug.1.-Aa a malt of • furi- es@ itEast is Midway Minnie early yesterday four er less severely bars Blondes were were sad throe of the sons of the desert iasgoWr petWoodistra polies . The oases of one of the injured is !sows This is Haat sib Abaked. lad he it wee who swoeout warrants ageism Ab• 11. ps . 1l &abider) sstopits el Rain. listot sae you on tart arks n Lamb es yon wadi horstorea >�+} iia �afllt4t� _:� .1!►.t No Mem? to hear imp•et Raw. CaSAJOU ants, N.Y.. Aug. 21. -The Hay Trade Journal Saturday notes • weaker teade_ey is Re review .1 the ►ay warkmti.. The foreign demead bis the and sables just r.mdvsd peas paid there le lower ibis bare whoa trans - ripens lM" ii Mi m the pregame 'i • f.54 s dr maid is deagsto.e et the lmenont sties wanes, rarer s ase dew& Prrrssamo, Aag. Tl. -Dr. D O. teeter. of the Seartmantb Saginaw% ;Tr, god ems el the bast tan Orli- glens odd& this sens idbt( Ibsen l5 she bead at bis hens at Crane. Tera ism knows reins lee He dui Yews ort■slat Wrapteag 1.41.1• 1r s' PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOL NOT A Aiireb POISON FATAL TO COCUOAC(*EU AMS IMATU SUS$. wrlreeilree.L.,4s-..,.r pees'& we.maner.vre eeaa.Y .L.. t W rrc.M • Yue. 0 erewir seat• EWIN4t HERRON dl. CO. g'"am .°41. lab Infra, RS t MI alt Taut saes•, MMI . choseelme. see a melewe. M •-Mere. Armour. Aa. flu-NM,Nhgts5MuE roper% that abdms bee brakes Iwo Amis ilee nein@ sends notion bills of Mad es reaseb. eh ewes =meted er milliMe, M bas Mas OdMN d lea IMF. ▪ Alai ilart•M M nob �;,. .� &a Pr nom s.mt.e •ue•.s.bom twee°rtfawt.e.y� L•' Ian.- T5 er.../asTsae, I N E do """.M$PIRIT .i......= `' wrrsnaf, .ea telamer... j.. a.y1.. MtjRONAMT. terftwa Owl" fom,o�i a a01.aI L 15 a Pd.rer.: rano- tale 0i�,,...& ttie..ru)a.vr bt�ewe. �1. Me fit. Post Streets• Merrtreel. maltreat a ,At TRADE O I Wall ; " 1 .•° COUI L 11 �.. MAR CT11U0 Paper �# a CO. v4 �orvrgtssv CMggg>* Mlle DOW 1.. 11.1 F. Ont. her• lilAorMole / 1 icniDeele illemend Pe.•ttfactd Lasts amu torr y�g, , C11' T� iteui.al Seto fa�C1t�SE a USW SLUE 111A1111. 1E. AULD Prior Silt. Tie Craig WWII FUND MANFN. W.BROW, Ishan souk is13 hole Dan 11.11.111141Latemelminalpuldis.illeng THE EQUAL OF LUBY'S PARISIAN NAIR RENEWER ennui be floes%ter .-.0100b.( grey hrr M e snw seise ami Lwin' is keep d no be rum sod .•d. rod sass from 4..arst. M wets ta• b.tr fres rating sea, rwr.@wth' rum*. sod (Oval We heir re g1-.5, beset, sad rsr.yr d yeets: when wed es demand s wa swat ham to . 5.ld tat MY tar res e( ow ohm rspmwMe•, ad is ow& fits M* them ami bmasn hen Week Ma timprolaas se 155 • isidla g•4 tiN 4 l ecu A Preparation of Herbss Root s the Medical Properties tiwh,ch are universal) known .15 amast 911111011 til4E0r rag .+►""`J PVR 'PIING THE BLOOD u t4. Cosflve11e55.1ndigeston Dyipep5ia.50ur 9e11ac0 KA04ief duo 0‘21111S'3 CIE . A. FILAR,Dr.®oderdcb, ant AN USE ANY WRITING INN. A._WAT al:CMR, Carriage XACcaam:ta.fetyct-o_res, Rados peti&md tae benne 0l !ilo©R*ATH di WALKER I 51smiw ash wale M •mtlret tM Cordage Trab, bat have demoted to do all damn et week i■ iiisiiioi1J9 LID GUM BLIOISIITH.IIU, SON'S NUT TEs SSW 01 WOMRMIf1f =PLOY= E1) iN MIRY DIPAAT UT. 3'IO. day WIALICetstwrom