The Signal, 1893-8-31, Page 2prIttIllf 1COTTOLENE1tt what u d110▪ - LIF▪ - ^+ ~' --41111 tomOP-- .-1 4.0".' _ - f -1 tom' ---3181111 -I '-k4 the new shortening-'+ �--4111 taking the place of lard err cooking butter, ear -+ both. Costs less. gets t-i'arther, and is easily dp-▪ digested by anyone. -+ * -I - AT ALL GROCERS. I- * --+ 81191- Male cn:y by ^'1 Ow -- N. K. FAIABANK A CL, -4▪ 1. 11111- Wellington and Ann Ste., '""IIIIP dIP.--- MONTREAL. dllo- llillililil FELL BETWEEN THE CARS \• Cuemployed ]lien Nae Iloilo Legs Cat ow. II %NII T. , Ont., Aug. 21. -Saturday ■bout .% o el .ck a ratan named Charles Hue ton, :li•years of age, unmarried, tried tr bored an cutoolog freight train for T• route at the _function gut sod fel: between the cos. Koh legs were run user below the knee end Ffuston was taken to the city hos pital. a here. one leg was ampu• stet belies the knee and the foot of the other was taken if. Heston was in company with s man named Wiliam Simpson, mud the pair were on tis.ir way trona the Pastern States to Cornwall, lucking for work. A truest. Yacht wre.ck.d. HAIItt.Tov, Amt. '21.-.}. Jarvis' yacht was coning up from Toronto Friday in charge of Messrs. Bailey and Buddy of that city. when a squall struck her and carried away her spar. The MoJ jcsks cense on the wrecked yacht and took the two pause area oft. The ste.mer tried to tow the yacht to Hamilton, but the speed drew iu heed under and it bad to be cut adrift. Twc fishermen came out from Bronte after the storm and towed it into that harbor. -i Factory Wallin ed Milk. The American Dairyman gives the fol- lowing summary of a product chart that is the basis on which Canadian cheese factories operate: "A quantity of 5000 lbs. of milk of 3.2 per cent. butter fat should produce Seo Ills. of butter fat, from which 4:g3i lbs. of cheese cau be obtained. It will requiro 11.03 lbs. of milk to nuke a pound of much cheese. A pound of butter fat will make 2.143 Ib, of such clauses and the patron will be paid tett cents per 100 lbs. for his milk. %there the percentage of fat is .1,3 there will be a 5-iatuud increase of it in 5000 ite. of utak eve r the amount given for Ilse 12 per cent milk. This amount n ill make i i8� li s. of chimer which requires 10.59 11.. of milk to produce 1 Ib. of cheese. Each pootet of fat of such milk hi ex- pecte** to make 2.73 Ism. of'Wlema. '1-o, 1trier paid bit such tt ilk is 8'3 c.•ots p .r Oi) lbs. Milk of 3.5 per tent. of fat is set down to contain 175 Sirs, of it in 3001 lbs. of trill•. T1.is gtiautity makes 448 Ib,. of cherwe and require% 10.87 it"& of Milk to each pound of clii'a�ee. Every pound d fut 'Mould make 2.167 SIM. of cheese, Milk to be paid at MO d 118 cents per Het lbs. With n:llk of 3.? per cent. tat, Pa) lbs. of it is present in 5000 Itea of milk. which should make Ii7 lbs. of che.Tie, each pouts.' requiring 10.48 It a. of midi. Each jv0md of fat . to make 2.37 lbs. of chyme and gal cents per 100 Its. is plaid for the milk. Where the perc•etitage of fat In milk is 3.9, 50111) 1be. of milk will give 19:, lbs. of it. This amount makes 303i Its. of cheese, each �i pound requiring 9.92 lbs. of milk t., make it. Thor should be 2.58 lir. of cheese for every pound of fat and this class of ruilk cost. $1.03 per 100 lbs." A C ... Mowball. A prominent floriculturist says in a local paper that the ordinary snowball is tine of the txtmmo0est of shrubs. There a hardly a garden in the country that has not one or more. of it. Ib lame balls of white flowers are eo pretty that it hale been a shrub that everybody had t., have. Pretty as it he, the Japanese Viburnum 1'I Tatum Lt far superior. 1t nee& no pruning such as the other docs to make it a shapely shrub, hut (roto the start it forme a bush of uniform outline. Then in its foliage it far exceeds the other. The leaves are entire, not ragged - looking, and hire a plaited appearance, and ate of a thick substance that high winds will not tear. The leaves aro of a rich, dark green velvety color. and they retain their color log after the foliage of dung else has turned brown and dropped off in the fall. Hut it i• in its flowering that its high claim for favor is found. A more beautiful shrub dose, not exit The leaves are ar- range. °mop Ste each other all along the steins. and loon• the base of each lewf- etalk't.rtnge a ball of Rowers. There are often se mune as 10 pairs of these or 20 hells of beesutlful white R(W..rs, on a branch 1'1 inch.. Icwts. There is hardly • branch on the whole hush but what is full of bsl.tasonas, se that it is easy to con- ceive what a grand sight one of these Omits is when full of bloom. Thaw jells, as theyexpaall face upward, so that a full view of their great bnaaty is always tab. had. It is one of the easiest ehlfr}te to transplant, se it has a perfect mess of small 'thane roots. To be a universal favorite. • shrub mild he hardy, easily transplanted and grown. or Reed snape and hrautffui In leaf sod flower, atoll all phi. the laps. snowball 1. I111,. (ullM, et tent_ Tis. 410001. win k. east to any achieve sio iMamie as ihet'.N.d States hem new ..In Jan. 1, 11141, ter ?be. TIM SIGNAL: (IODERiOH. ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1893. GRKENTAI'S LITTLE Gill. NAi17oAe 121Q141101 oDIlel a 11 0174119 TO As CM: MA no /arta« Ats.mpM 1. 1.dee. 5.4U.ee i. 0e from Ttie rr..l.o. 1. sloe Mtsrtlowwt Ledo the seine Railway C..mpaay Med.ew the Freight Waw Tommie., Aug. 21. -The rra••ut vat of Premier Greener.,of kiauitula W Ontario, followed y the ,;<pmrture on Saturday of Sir Oliver Mown and olhei Ontario hsiosters to the Moth• out, is fraught soh a toresiguificauoe tbu would appear on the surface. We are In a position t" .nnounte on official information %bat the .lanituha t,overnmeut emigration olb'es in York - street are to be permanently closed un Ikt. 1, toed the closing of all other Ontario offi- ces has also been decided upon. Ti. aanouucement has not u yet bee. made public, and those in charge of the local other refuse to either coufii in or deny the report, which, however, is true beyeud all question Tia sudden move on the part of the Manitoba (.overnmeot is must significant, and while no definite reason a go en for it v the truth of at alloaed there is little Doubt that it has b -vu decided upon as • direct blow at the xnadien Pacifie Railway t',mpar.y and iuc.deutally :lie llomieion Government. Scil a gentleman in • poaitioi to know yesterday. "It no an ..p•0 secret that for mchths past the member's ut the Grecoway Government and their supporters hare been working up an agi.ation all through the West ugniust the Car.aJian Pacific R ulway Company on account of what they ulaun to be to easier freight rates charged by the .omtanq. As a result of this agi• talion much discontent has bean occasio..d ammo the 1 ometa The refusal of tn. Pr..t.ncial 1. cerement to expend any further .nate of money in Ontario to induce emigrants to go to Manitoba has been de. cited upon now, just prior to the 'Levi:. meat of this season'• crops, as • p.•iucd more which it is cootideutly counted epos will assist not only the Greenway but the Mowat Government. Whether or not the scheme will have the ',Met of s.er :i g • reduction in the freight rates u •n •;her matter.' "rhere is no doubt that the sg:• it 03 againat the freight rates is growing s. rt.•.y, and the disrmient amocg the farm... at the smell margin left f..r them after these rates are pita u intensityieg, said • polite- cian who has jest returned fiom the wen, "and the decwon of the l;overnmeot not to &said emigration from (Ontario until such time as the freight roes are reduced man. ciently to allow the farmers a living profit wi 1 rout with general acceptance fu the west." SILVER IN THE STATES. gaieties of Politician. Inc and against Qe• p.'al of the Sherman Purchasing 1:111. R'.v-ni %•-o.,Aug 21. -The fight over the Bank Circulation hill in the Senate has taken an unexpected turn. It ia plain the silver mea will cooing the debut., if pos- sible, until they can ascertain beyond ques- tion what proposal for a free coinage at an increased ratio would be most acceptable to the House. When that haabeen decided the programme is to make an attempt to tack on to the Bank bill an amendment providing for free coinage at thus ratio. If the amendment carries the rest of the hill well be ■Ilowe.I to pass sad go over to the House, where the advocates of the increased bank clrculet: •n will he faced with a choice between permitting defeat of the measure of immediate relief through the Lanka or its aeeept..nce on the terms of the silver men. In case the amendment talk in the Senate at Is the purpose of the suh-en inen to accept that as the test of their gin. and the struggle from that lime forward atlt be to resort to every expedient for delay to stave off the vote ote the repeal of the purchasing clangs of the Sherman Act. There is reason to believe that some sur- prises are in eters for the silver men before they get through with the strurg!e as starthog ea any which they Wink they have arringed for the anti -.Iver men. A Nt DEN SUED FCR *50.000 - choirgirl With Alienating the Alfeetloae of Mra 11.w41'. flash .0 /. W rel:%, (ono.. Aug 21. --Mn. Belle Il:uds, a des, rted wif.•, 24 years of age, residing hems. has brei gist a suit for 'aa., s to the amount of ;;'.n•lt5$) against Mw Elo.eletle Williams of N.w Ilesitord, f.•, the abeuatien of the alt.,' ions id her i.uelswn.l, Frai:k F. Hind., a 6 -thing Jrum• mer. The papers hare hero served 00 Stiss William., who is sacci t.. be worth ..vcrsl tomes the amount involved re the aclten. FELL BETWEEN THE CARS An Unemployed flan Ane both Lea. Cat Oft 11.4%1111,1N. Oat., Ang. 21.--Satordey about :; o'clock • men named Charles Hos. too, til years of age, unmarried, tried) to board an • ut going freight train for T• routo at the Junction cut and fell bete ren the cars. Roth legs were run over below the knee and Huston was taken to the city hos- pital, where no kg was amputated below the knee and the foot of the other wu taken off. Huston was in company with • man named 1vl.hane Simpson, and the pair were on their way from the Eastern States to ( oinwall, looking for work. Almost It meted If . un me, Aug. 21 -Alfred Hewitt, N. Hamburg and F. Mills of this city wet• rommtng op from fort Italhoei• in • Neem launch in tow of •Dottier launch whew the storm struck them. They had • narrow se - nape from foundering, ano Lar.ly succeeded in making Grimsby. They were drenched through and exhausted with leihng out the Moat, having been nearly swamped eel, etat times, but the Grimsby Park anthnri- ties charged them :10 recta admission fee before they would let theta throtgb the gets nn the wharf into the park to get something to eat. Th. Meal►rel Cwlleet.rehlp. Moellrmr. Aug 21 - Now that Sir John Tbcmp.otl is oboist to return to (.n- ada, interest is the customs collectorship ancreaeea. The French-Canadian, are making a big fight for the pneitioo ad to- night's 1. Preens madams a long article is favor of the ammo meet of • French- (en - adios is preference to "Bob' White. Yasuo', ex M 1' , ie said to Ids their favor it• for the poet, bet Mr. White seems likely to get there. • 5.w fa. TAR imag.. Telmer esti, Aug.1.-Th. (trend Tree! Rail.. kern dreaded to bend a sew hrddg• arena :h. At lawman at lloetr.•I. The old ei&gl. Creek Midge was too Itemised f.r aee..a arodatsoe of trellis. it will be brat .1•.IMds the oM hrhlge acid orn tb• les te•tite-t which will he br*tended. it will Ise • b. nptati .•w ityp 'J'A• weer l he job very expensive, as the kr/e a ewer two smiles hong. AN OLD MAN'S STORY. BM FRIENDS HAD GIVEN IJP MOPE OF HIS RECOVERY. N s uaMus aetlx, or a511aagv ILLS,.*LITS. Ttl► groat 01 tl14 gt'rraalatt AID Y- , e1&T'eY1a-. tolf - raAl w a14. As KR DMD AT / from the Daily Uatario. Del%rlllw Your miles west of Hslleville, is the county of Prince Edward, un the s ethers shore of the teautiful and picturesque flay of tjutnte, is situated the vidageof t(afeers- ve!Ic, • cle•rnung place of about (our has. dred ppulatlor, comp sed quite largely of retired farmers. Of late years the pictur- esque locative of the %abase bas given it some prononenee as • au -noise resort, a here may be enjoyed the (mol health= bees zea of the bay. But eveu to this cl arm• Sag locality durum finds its way, and when the epidemic of la grippe swept, over Canada, Itednera%ille was not spared a vlsitativa. Among those attacked was lir. George !fuse, a life-long resident of the village olio had already reached the allotted ap is of life. Mr. Rase had enjoted remarkable health until be was taken dues with an attack of la grippe, w heu grave fears were entertuned for his recovery. In a few mouths he recovered snflieiently to again move altut, but not ooh los accustomed vigor. Mr. Rose had *comely regained his health when he ass mixed with ,notbcr attack of this dread disease, worse then the Ant. 'Chis 1•I • tatting eb:ct upon him and his family fearer eoosamption had claimed him as a victim. A physician attendeJ him regularly but seemed unable to give Wm any rile!. Howey all that medical skill could do for him seas done, hut daily Mr. Rose's condition grew wore, sed in March of thi, veer his condition was so low that his family, like himself, had given up hops of his recovery. Ih.riag the last month the general talk about the vitiate sad the surrounding oeuntry km been the reamskablc euro of 11r. Rose by the nuc o: Dr. \t-il.an,a' peak Pills. The caw create) such • sehaation that a reporter t the tint grin, personally ao nain•int wi:h Mr Rose, deter mind to alai uu him and learn Cte facts of thecae from hu con lips. Mr. Ruse lets found a picture of health and act.vtty few one of his years, and expressed 1n entire willingness to tell h:a Lt. -3y for the Iwooelit of others. " I am," he said, "a well man, and do not hesitate to ries the credit to 1)r. Williarn'e Pink Pine for saving my life. 1 had three attacks of La grippe and continued to grow worse up to March of this year. At that time I was so reduced in flesh and strength 1 could hardly stand alaoa In fact I was • ..ere ekeletoo. 1 could not eat because I had no appetite. 1 could not sleep Decease my lees and feet b.;ame so badly swollen and cramped that my wife would bare to rub them before 1 c odd get :est. The pain ass at times so violent the: 1 could not refrain from screaming, and 1 would tumble about to bid and long for day to come. If I attempted to get up and walk I was so dsooursued Oita I telt death would he preferable to my misery. I did not think I could live more than a few months when one day 1 read in the paper of the cure of • coo whose syneptuns were like mine. 1 must eay I did not hate much faith in the reined, but felt's. though it were • last chance. 1 sent tint for a box wed by the time h was half you] foetid that my appetite was getting better, and in other respects I could notioe an improvement in my condition. by the time the box was +o00e there was • stall greater improvement. I continued the use of the pill., found that 1 could now get a goal night's sleep and that the cramps and pins which hal for- merly made my lite miserable had disap- peared. The ewelliug left my Iambs, the dizz ne . dissappeared and I felt better than i had in four years. I know that It was Pink Pills and them only that brought about the change because 1 was taking no- thing else. I have taken in all seven boxes and I feel a. good now ea I did at forty years of age. Last winter 1 was so lied that I could not do my own chin-., load now 1 can do • good day'ss work. Sly frig•:ds con grata:ate me on my regained hcelth and 1 .101.'1 hesitate to tell them r:at I owe ma Ids to 1M. William.' Pink Pills. Many others hereabeuta ha, a found Him ler beet. . Last spring my nie.-e was looking pak ami A-elior weak, ud I adv ao'l her perm t , i Ina were very uneasy .$gout her, to tri' Dr. Williams' P.M Pine The result is that she is now the jeeturc of health. Vol may say that 1 sonid not he without i'u,k Pelts in the house, for 1 firmly believe.) they will do all that isclaimed for thein if they ore given • fair trial." to fact it appeared that Mr. Rua could not say too much for fink Pills and as the reporter drove awayhe again remarked, "do not forget to say tt 1 owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." la conversation with several residents of the village the statements made by lir. Ross were fully corroborated. Druggists say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have an enormous salt', and from all points come glowing reports of results fol- lowing their use. fa very many cases the good work has been scoorpluhed after emi- mt physicians had tailed and pronounced the patient beyond the hope of hums. aid. An analysis shows that 1)r. Williams' Ptak Pills contain, in • condensed form, all the elements necoessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves They as. an unfailing specific for such diseases so loeowmotor ataxia, partial paralysis, `t. S'it s dance, gaieties, neural- gia, rheumatism, neryois headache, the afte r effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, nervous pros- tration, all ,iissases depe.Jinr upon vitiated humors in the Mood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also • specific for tronhlea peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the bleed and restore the glow of health to cheeks. in nen they effect • radioed care in all oaass arising from meatal worry, ovate work, or overate of whatever nature. Dr William's Pink Ill%are ana.sfact.r ed by the 1)r. Williams' Mediciset'omp•ny, Brockville, ()nt , and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in bores leaver in loose form by the doom or hundred, and the public are cautioned aaggea est eastern* immitatiosrs sold is th%.k•pei at 50 ewes a Mx ow six Moves for fltl 50, and stay behest of t1j1 drug g ins or direst by stall frost fk. Mediates l7eas0say frets either address 1elry retsen *tm.,. Tseng►. Dhgr -iw'% this meat rather Moab? Waiter There's se denying that, sir: bet then we supply extra dreag toothpicks Mier it A Fre we Sp.pq.b, Dy.Osseia m • pvwOtte mines of emelt dila ssrss es hod Ittrrd. eueselp tier he artasb and lies avmpkai.t Itervvlsek Mond te gsarent..d to rear. or rehire* deepepen H teed asessepag se &teet es. 'li..ksm.4t have geed le whit best rendes Dr. Fowler's I TEs GREAT sours =Mao NERVINETONIC Extract of Wild Strawberry is • relhhb remedy that can always be depended ea to care chokes. cholera infantum, oaks, cramps, diarrlsura, dysentery, and all looseness of the bowels 111. • pun Extract eoutaining all the t irtuee of Wild Straw- berry, one of tteautust and surest cures for all summer eomplaints, oombiwd with other harmless ysl prompt enrollee agents, well knowu to medical minim The leases of Wild Strawberry wore known by the Indians to be an excellent remedy tot diarrhoea, dyeoutery wad looseness of the bowels; but media►l science baa placed baton the public In Dr Fowler's Est. 01 Wild Strawberry a routppkte and effectual cure for all those distre.eing and often dangerous complaints so common in this charge able climate. 1t has stool the test for 40 years. and hundreds of fires have been saved by Its prompt me. No oel:er remedy always Cures summer nom :elute ro cromMly, quiets the pain an effeetually am! allays irrita- titm rat succesofully w this unrivalled prey ript..m of Dr. Folder. If you are goal to travel this Summer be sure anal teko a bottle 01th you. It overcomes s,iuly and quickly the die tresaing mourner complaint so often caused by ohauge of air altol water. and is also • specific moonlit ae•-rackncatt, and all bowel Complaints. Price $Sc. It: ware of iuiitatioes and tathetitates sold by unscrupulous dealers for the s..1.4 of grtsIte:r profits. The Whiteman Pea Harvester The Leat iu the world for the follow- ing reasons: 1st. It is built of tare best malleable wrought iron and .feet 2.d. It requires no holes to he drilled to cutter bar. 3rd. The onside Divider can be raised or lowered at baok or frost, ,adependcut of lifters. 1t.,. It has no rod at the back to hold olstruct:nus and cause choking. bth. There are no springs to break or tet out of order. nth. It has movable clips and ass be set in lino with tongue of machine ,f cutter bar hangs back. 7th. F..eh lifter has a guard stay, read breaking mower guards is impossible 8th. Foch lifter is iudepe.dent of the other and can ice nista or low .;rat at the kick so as to line in front should mower guards be out of line. 9th. The comber of machines . 11 dur- ing the las: season enables a large number of the leadl.g farmers of the 1'rovin.a to testify to iia merits. Every machine is war- ranted and given ..n teat. :sample w. whine can be seen at R. Thompaon's Blacksmith .hop, Godcrich, besides at different Photse over the County. J1IF:J LYHiTF.M.AN, Patentee and Manufacturer. Thomas prows. General Agent, Se:forth. DUNNTS AKIC POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEftiD 1 ;R6[$T SAL[ Irl CANADA. Reneelle t♦iM Amy AT ENTS T thA pprgt"ION /A OOPYRfom 's, sew wrlit 14 ( N Y IAapA ird rte Nrery reties iceact T ~ OMkst Meson Ito y Mies y esus it 'Ie V roomsranetlesed hvellhe.dl ila 'cientific Atutrintan i.aertsf Ar.•wMetnw Mnant)rai rsellttine paper to Ow aiMealds Mtdi�t IAost tt, t►,e�I'a • car: ►1.10 Mx A )11771 Wages, to ,btu. rata. PLANING MILL UTULISgtb 1153 Buchanan & Son, la VVsr: rams BASH, DOOR and BLIND !Malmo Ie all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad 10h*.r's material of every de.ONpthen School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL d - SUMMER GOODS LATEST STYLLS. r....es teern abs leated eve wy set. `'eTf.N H. DUNLOP, V WesI7l, 7IOgr Stomach#Liver Cure The Most Astonishing _Medical Discovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It Is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar, It is Safe and Harmless u the Purest YIIk. Thle wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introdurel into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Greet South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a eucaine agent has long been known by a few of the moat Scorned leliteeeati, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of ipdi. (scion, dyspepsia, epsia, and diseases of the general nervous systt•m, h u also of the greatest value in the core of all foams of failing health ftr: whatever cause. It performs this by the furcate tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organ.%, the stonlack, the liver and the bowels No remedy evmlars with this wonderfully veluahle Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength encr of the life forces of tee.. human body, and as a great renewer of t broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in tae treatment and cure of diseases of the Lungs than any consumption iem:dv ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure Ger eery. otl.aess of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the erititxl period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nero', •Conic, alrniest constantly, for the space of two or three years It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and cura- tive is (if inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because it great energizing properties will give .hem a new hold on life. It will Ltde tea or fifteen years to the lints ..f many of theme who will Nae a half delta bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostratiost, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females` Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing health, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Heartburn and Sour Stomach. Weight and Tenderness in Stomach. Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Fars. Weakness of Extremities Eel Fainting. Impure and Impoverished Blo.r1, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, I�erofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lung., Catarrh of the Lungs. Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, (Ironic Diarrhom, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer ('ompleint of Infants. All these and Loony other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine 'Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. Ass cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy ham been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all Re edarts upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. igertion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood. a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result Stared nerves, liko starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and t, thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the eery. s recover. As the nerroas system must supply all the power by which t:te vital forces of the body are carried on, it js the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not cast tain a sufficient enactity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our peeseat mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it be'nmes necessary that a nerve food be supplied This South American Yetvine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out. of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts fbr its unive:sal aiaptabiiiiy to the cure of all forma of nervous de- rangement. CSawronmen.Lt. ire.. AU.* V. Ts He Orsi Sorr4 .1...e,inew Jfn(ich. r:w: Dams Ostrre:-! Mune t, a -y to you that i have toasted for sum, yeas s with • eery ..Ileus arose of the Mount di a:...1 norms. 1 trod •very sard:rus I could tea• ,r of. but notthrt doe* .e any apttyet.eble C, .4 seta I um e.ietss4 to try your Urrat South sneer' us Nervine Took and ltutna.i and 1.l1ar (lin, and renes talar, several bone of 11 I .dust say toot 1001 MT- prised npris d at Its wo.d efLI vosrvs 10 cur,• 1he.tess- aeh 10.3 0,0er.a a.e...i..;s.tern. If cenerine beam the rah* 01111,01 remedy se 1 do ; w "Md sot be abbe to levee the dam..d. J. A. ILAaeca, is-Ttw. Itoserpormorep. leaner. Wn.nr.oe, rt arow.svallcy• 1d. soya : •• 1 had bees 1n a distressed eoadltu,a br Moss more from Nervowrnres, W•••••A• tl IY Glomera. Dy.1.1asa. and In.tlgeetioa, wool id health was gone. 1 had Mv■ doetnelrg rem *tautly. with iso reed. I bought one bottles( aorta A meAeaa Nervus. which dor see raw good than soy 311 worth of dortodag 1 two id Is my elk. 1 world advtm every weakly pm see to use ski, valsebbe and body ern«=y : s fe. bottler, 4 It has toad tea eo.pktelr. 1 ea.MMer 1t the grandest asides La the ...chic" A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. ('BAWFORDSVILLE, iND., June. 22, My daughter, eleven yearn old, was severely affltete+d with lit. Vitus' Danes sr Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South Amerken Nefe• vine and she is completely restored. i believe 1t will cure every ease of the. Vitus' Dance. I have kept 1t In my hmlly for two years, and ant mire 11 the greatest remedy in the world for indlgeetlon and Dynpepsals, and for all forma of Nervous f)lsorders and Falling health, from whatever cause. State of JUIIII T. lima. fen# , Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 22,1:714 2, 1Rf.7. Cao. W. WatOHT, Notary Puble1 INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonto Which we now offer von, in the only absolutely unfailing remede ever discovered for the care of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast tl: a of symptoms tied torture r, hich are the result of disease and dtbi:,:y d the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of ;lest' culabie valve who is affected by disease of the stomach, because t'..a ex- perience and testimony of many go to prore that this is the oxl: ani ONLY mix great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. 'i bete is no ease of unmalignant disease of the stomach whitit can resit. the wonderful curative (towers of the South American Nervine Toni,. }se: Ba'.i s. Rater.. d wy..,. ,, led. nye: me RLI.. A. amervett, d Re. ger.. In0hent' •• 1 ore m) lar to the (k.st S..th the he a say. Troversle":".gemerneallim:":".146111wea" „esbowmienttervtes. 1 as hese. 1. hsd br gw moatha hnssRsrvleteNernssperr es.ets d •. wha..mi .•gree . llad e� 117110.5 .Aawes.. ?ruataanos. W ..excel.Mannas Mrd. aeswaseeegblsa.eside..r mtRyy whwbe semen. R.d gime up up Mo-Ii was A th. .rbe tda.ef45 ernRedtrbedthewdee-M msa..ewLeeslit ne.east rte. araehottie.4,hr Ife'v. MmogY 11"111.1:"""11:::t: M'rb.%Ng.,ved wen merb thee 1.5• Mien, the t(.rvtse Testa and w:.e..od 1'e dee' milk .Met. W a fro betas, eared me entirety stent ill , sed r ee.nrty c.rvd n I bila.. K Y ate seed sssrras r the wwfd i 45. meaasst r.mear jar mew .to•s'b 'M .55 .04 rwessr..d N Ise ttgtiy" lige 7 La s ear .e.i IIs IWO* own. Mt! *'i.wu AtlsSa:ai Rheims see saw pie tee even. i e w*twtr "ew tares one BoothAmarka. Nese es . w..be.s etas ter the seers.. reedy wtl! .t r IempMe with fleet\ Alums.. Noreti s es • ems for WI Arms of ;Mir It arvn ►air w eta. I..sas.ltea and Dyygela 1t mew kis t.. sue Quer. .w Its. v it lu p..1“....."::: e"" ~ bald se the wink .lens .w .O.drAal te She ...Lem• h ernes Os eMs. tbss asd 1......-7.H"'" , .ca la•• 40. 7lek, &slvgtset talt\i theI�inr.47 wiles to Me .fit ts.tah g•wt iltrM.. lowbrow e./,, e.fy 1. ee. pw.t cedes k* p�.t i�55ryttp�pk.�.a./k 5ingeis fsplw. yea 1. sem ar .164 Ma ..d esjatly LAN .wq ri5r �ItlY�lllS 5M .satffsa. ~M Large 16 ounce Bottle, $1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. F. SO II,I3.A..1NT Wholesale and Retell Amt Goderiob and t7• 1