The Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 4} tr r Zhe $ijnaI, be Ist711•AWRIED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING St 1. sIeWW4pti1T. Ofiloe of PubltoaUo•-4 sad t0. Seetheares/. Ooderieb, Ontario. Terme or sua..erI USS t (Jae mouth, in arisen. •$ It Three swathe, Ste One year.1 M It ere•1tt is awed, the rim per 711r will be 1 M Ad reel atlas Satre Local and mbar eeau*t advcnis.meall. IR. per line for drat Iseertion, and 7 teats per SUB Dor each subs,"uac.t insert:on. Measured by • acsap•rell enols. Burma. curls et six ltaes and under. 03 per leadvrrtlseue•ts of Leet. Found. Strayed. Situations Vacant. Hitwtions tt'aoteid and RRuatnrar Chance.) Wanted, mot eaceodiag i Paas nonpareil. 1I per month. Meuse on Sate and Farina of 8s:e. sot to sures ti t lines, 11 for Ir -.t mouth. 50e. par + :�► srplrn. renin:h. Larger adrts. in prcpor•iam. Any apecial notice, tea ohlect 01 prosiotr the pr•can.ary benort of soy indi- ridaal or rompaar. to be considered as ad- vertisement r.r4 eiarrr•i sccurdiaciy. Lora, not I -.-sir. nonpareil type oue cent per word. notion..re less than 25c. Local netters is ordinwry reading type Iwo reeve pe... cord. No n,tice for lege time Sec. 'Notices for churches and other religious and b.. ..o:•at inatrt;ttlose half rete. f.mwrrrtai foatraet .tdverrt.enaewte. A litei•e I nnmler of dim illj .1 advertisem e n t... ii: he Inserted a: I he pfWier :ttc rate" : Per Ina h, one Insertion 14 t) - tour insertions ................ 1 all " th•ee month. 2 si sir m.mthe 11b ▪ ono year. .. t e" No advertisement ata thus two niches it length will be malcnlated en shove haste. S per cent. der. nue.t allowed for each payneat, ea three reurat: ceretraet; N per eros_ on sit moatM'. sad IS per neat. w a years. Thew will be atrial conditions> eaterced. ♦Met -The elewal" MNresy. Subscriber who fail to receive Tnr reeMitrI), eii her by ca -tier or LT mall, will center • favor by a:nom: ting ns 01 the feet at as early a dateaa possible. Levi al Peer Zabel. Your label is • standing receipt of the date to 4-h:,•'.1 yev are ;rid ..p. Sen that it is not • aoeri to h:' intoarrenr. When a cLaeae of address is desired. both the old and the new address shorld be given. Rric•rtel manuscripts rantot be returned. t'orreep,adenee moor be wrtt•en or. *ovoid* a' paper only. Publisher's Settee, .1. ('. i.e Tcoae•1. of (ioderich. Laa been ep Tar nttd Local Treadling Siena for the tows- eh.M of Oudereh, Coltwree. Ashfield and Wa- w►no.'•. !meal post minders over the district are also estnooered to receive subscriptions to THE tilos it, All communications most be a4dres•rd to U. McOILLICt'1)1►Y, ' TisR Sias A1, Telephone Cell 30. Ooderieb. Ont. OODERICH. THURSDAY. AVG. fit, I1Ip. 1r .'.ii tio'E 1% GIVES a r1.Ar't tat THE 4 abinet what will PtrrrirOs do for a posti.a1 medical atteadeat Tilt , ..1.[) a .TER retie lett. Or THE. CV, p:e who attended the Royal Templets' en- campment were fully tested by the rats• .torm that overturned the big ten! last week at the Toronto gathering. A• • naw... To H . aT & Ti .:. st Et.t. + t IR- ,ilar the total import of American apples into Great Britain lot year was 1,233,538 barrels. Of this yumttty 429,243 barrels were shipped from M retard, 11o,S2i from Heide., and the remaider from New York, notion and Portland. tH the t'anaelian apples ahippe l front fait sJ `t ales pert+ 47,680 barrels went from New York, 242, • 647 from I'orthtad, sad 60,300 tom Boston. PIH.T4 t1OS !IE%Es AUbali A nom. tit Tu the smith of the community or gave • man • day's work, says the Hamilton Times. it bas taken n, !lsooe frown the earners and hu g:.en them to. fevered once : aril it has wit Ldrswn ieler 1.enimat u1aland profitable Ines and diverted it to these w hieh could not lire without dermal/on the earnings of self supporting industries. And when the pinch of hard times for leiter came, as it is lwunn to come under such • system, the 'alrorrr, found themselves at the mercy of t a tax eater*. __- :,,. t .,. THE Tote azw+r.trca+ .nE rrn- Itsheng the is.teses in the volume of de posits in the Post f tifioe Saviors' Banka as • test of prosperity. Thereu another way of looking at this appircmt inereaes of savings, says the Montreal Wiesen. it may he that there is law confideew is trading oper- ations and investments this year than last and that money which would otherwise have gone into trade is being phased for safety in Government institution*. ('er- tai.ly people who increase their deposits yearly, when the n4 of interest paid is lower by • half percent than formerly. are wining from some reason to aooept • lower return from their moaay than before, which would sot seem to indicate business pros- perity. T:.3 smaller withdrawals from this point of view, are accounted for by the want of oon4deoce or lack of opportunity in in- vestments which are awn.sted safe. '.re. Helms Linos% is 1. THE LITt•eT Prater of loyalty, and in an interview i■ The Montreal Star, gives his opaioa on pretty nearly everythi.T bet honest •dministr•tiots of Government. Whew ere hear the de- posed Cabinet Minister tall of his loyalty, and rememher the reason for his &moisll, we are reminded of the story of the gentle- man mut West who was delivering • f•rs- sell utterance to a number of enthusiestie fellow oitee.s, who lead raised him from the grouted to the heed of as empty barrel, asd heel then planed • rope around he meek so that whet the barrel was kiei e4 away le would set bort his eerie 1'y ankle' the emend with hie feel Said lee• 1 have held various pastime in me titre, met most ray that the me i hold jest at pre- sent r. well deserved, that in, if he.eety us the best policy. i have been frailty of t,isey arss of metates and ee•waiwlen, seal have !soaked holes through the dealers* tl. thneaeoj• of wea•iene : i have net hese a road sea, • righteous father, as etreseplery huskes& er se hem* •.d kw ab lis/ teighhew, bet, fellow althena,.e atter lase I mead stherwks. I haw always bees loyal to the Old Ike, the est peliey sad the old party, tied that feet dssL1 hal out all my _igerreeineas. THE SIGNAL : CCDRRTCH. ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST U. 1893. Tste�t Mtiw IT MO. We hear that the Imperial Federalism Lmop.., of Loaders, Kegkd, bee decided to go out of Waimea Altbongb Tae Su r IL is diametrically opposed to that which Imperial Feder•tio.uts hoped ler, we are Rcauinely sorry that the Federstiooiete ba. e decided to diaoosinne their prupag mda W • regret it bemuse it forms upon the pro. pie • oo.atderation of its demerits, for of merit it bad sone. The bas of Imperial Fedoraacorn is ilaidy the example of greatness est by aoceat Rome, and which resulted frons the solidarity of her possessions. But no real analogy can be loouad between the greatness of Rome and that of /legend Whoa the word was young there was Lott ono great nation at • time. Almost the whole known world eras under but ems flag.. We bad Medo-Persia, Babylon, Greece, Rome, etc., and other great powers, but each of these salmis dominated in turn pr•.'Uemlly the whole world. Koch was without • rival l::eat es England is, her.power u lesiva. coat indeed in the present world as compared w.th the power of soy one of the great ea frons that existed before the t'hrietren era. Wises Rome was in the heyday e f pruape, - ity and gresttiela the territory over which h'r eagies New was comfit. Roue was the political centre and her imflaence and power extended in all d:rectioas. No foreign power interreoed to cut her off from any portsoe of her don.iuioea. hag- / land's possession*, on the contrary, are scat- tered throe: nous the world, in North Am- erica, South Amnerica, Asia, Afries sod Europe, and the taloa of the sea. but with- out possessing the preponderance of power on any cuutinent. lo Europe, France, Germany, Auetrta, Italy sod Spain are each her nude. She may be more powerful than any one of those which d.ri.le Europe with her, but in a military sew she would not be • ,catch for soy two of them. Rsmia, .Japan mid Caine, if combined, coald wrest from her ell her Ana;ic p.isesiva. Afoot is divided betweew several power of w fetch England is probably the greatest, Lot ache e by no means ai purer tul as all othere put together. %Vh,.t appears to be her by -cat- tle's is real y w aknee, in • military muse. Were i:ogla:.d :u a war w.th any great na- tion, her e,,l.auies would limper h tr in the struggle just as tao niucb clothing and equipments would impede the action of • soldier in battle. Imperial Federationists have given us no plan, though in a general way they tell us that they wish mutual protection and advan- tages lutrade. Were the union consummated and war declared between Eoeland and France, would French ...nada consent to send either mesa* or mea to assist England'. If one part of the combination refused to assist, the others would refuse an well. We would cot dare to attempt oompuleioa lest Let would cause Lower Canada to join hands with France mid we she old have a civil war here which would prevent Ontario from assisting the Federation in the other continents. English staateemen realize how weak they are with the colooies as mill - semis wound their necks, se Disraeli de- clared them to be, and it may be taken for granted fist she will sot risk war with any great power until 11.e c,lonies leave her, as she u specter' them to do when she granted them consttutional government. 1f imperial Federation involves a common tariff against the rest of the world, neither England nor the co!ooiee can afford the lux- ury. The wheat product of all the colonies put together, with the product of Eaglard herself added, falls hundreds of millions of bushels short of supplying British territory. Hence a tat iff would mean in all prof:ability • dou',le p.uoo for sheii, winch neither England um' any wheat ompnting colony would stand, however destrah'e it might be to the fanner of Canada The same may be said of other food produc:s. In arraaging a tariff, how would it be possible to reconcile the inureste of an.th counties as Canada, which, being northerly, most import large. ly, with those of the tropic., whose inhabit- ants go almost naked the year round ! The warm countries would get the benefit of higher priuea for their product.' while the weethern countries would get no elui- relent from the Monts, which doss not need the products of the North, either natural or manufactured. How could the common debt be Dared for Some colonies owe practically nothing, while others, as for example, Australia sad ('sands, have frightfully large matinsal debtsWere the debt consolidated, bow would the interest be apportioned with jus tee! Would all the customs •.d inland re- value receipts go to London, and the central government pay each colony • stipulated sum per head of population is retnro for the w rre.der of the tax colleetiag powers the self-governing colonies new enjoy • That is done is Canada with the result that while Quebec gets as mach per head fretum the Dominion treuary as Oetuio does, she contributes about tem ,sats when the On- tario ,ase onntnbotee • dollar. Then would be other colonies besides Q*sbec which would oostribute very little, while England, Masthead, Ireland, Australia sad 1)atario excluding India -would bear practically the whole hordes of goversiag sad proiamllsg the main confederation. Where wosld the capita he ! Why in Loedw ! If we ars to hare as equal vo'oe and as trine! istetest with the Melberg 'xa try in managing this ginntl-t oeufederat o. why al•m aid mot the capita go to the country which soder fie mow generally reoegsired pnseiple el representation by pop lati.e, Weald seed to the Imperial Parliumeet the Largest .nether of representatives ! That cw.try world be India. 1. flee, there le sot a shag& argnmeet that will stand • rwoea.t's isvenatptw►e .d nosed in (aver of the Bleated. 1Monetro my ear ooweedve4 i• the brain s1 a madmen. We an geawieely sorry that its spooeors have decided to let the movement die. for if it were premed ups. the peeps setoreat.d, the meat 4eemly I/.nsat, esespelled t. rimulae it, weskit 4..r its steer silliness. There ti bet est pratesi that will stand every the b... �N 'a - nay and test tic Awerans% ea ender ser (3.r ermea nx, BMs amiss 1TO SS TT► Daring the past tour weeks •000nate sip grepMsg $10 have bee mat out for oar Isaias from the busier* silos el THE Sau- cat_ Penne whe have reo•ived skid soumtsts, sad others is arrear who may not have re raved ae000.ta will be good enough to re - amber member twat the atomic* is to hays the same pawl forthwith. The iadtvidual some are small but the se- gregate is • large one. You stead to the tndisdual acuouuts, and Tex Sumo. will take care that the aggregate sum matures. Otherwise mete will rwlt. A Thereto memo Saban ill siotim.Tov •deaths% that he " is • direct descendant of General Cg Ma. 11'.ugIIN/ .Tu!I, the leader of the great American Republic " As the reputed "father of he country," never bad any descendants, we fail to ase where the Clem of Dr. tt'Ac ti. yob oases is. Tut ('Linos Neu s Rause 1+ at !pur- ity for the statement that, " Hon. J. C. PATTaaws• has been in the West Riding for several weeks, sad breath- ed the saw healthful Huron air that all classes of this section have breathed for yeas." Voss, yes, .unity: and he rot the air as cheepty as be gut his trip to l:wlerieh is the otheist car, Victoria_ Perhaps at the next election the air of Hurst won't agree with Mr. P.trriu...u, say Letter than does that of Essex at the present time. REGULATIONS AMENDED. fhaagn 1u the Own feetarMee Caam1.s- tee.. The following are some of tite recent a.d important amendments to the regulatio..of the Education 1)epartmeat:-- 1. Hign Soho l entrance Examinatio . -- 1. The examination on history 'will be is ('aai:dian history aloue. N3 pie -items o iii be act u Ilri:uh hi.:.-;. The luipsotor shall see, however, t tit the •a!i)mot u taught orally, and shit: report any mase of eegligeace to the B cad of Truce's. 2. Physiology and temper..uee emoom011sory, ani shell tote rank wail the other subjects for the entrance cxnmin.tion. Pie new text -book iu this subject nuv not he ready before the 1st of October, and this fact will be takeu into amount in *he cone: ru •tion 0! the examination papers for 1894. 3. The work in drawing is limited to Drawing Bok No. 5, and in remise to Writing Book No. 6. 4. The Pablic School leaving examination or some undifieatioa thereof will be substituted for the present High Jobool catranoe examination as soon u results of the presatt changes in the Public reboot leaviug examination jnatrfy the Eduesticu Lkpartment in adopting this course. 11. Public School Leaving Examina- tion. The changes with respect to the leavi.o examination are as follows : -1 The euhjecte of the fifth form may be taught in may school, irrespective of the number of teachers on the .teff or the grade of ter- titieate which they may boll eupils may write at the leaving examination without having paused the entrance examivatioa. 2. The examinetions will be conducted by the board of exanunen baring charge of the antramoe examination. -,ad will be paid for at the saw rate pr candidate. 3. Physio- logy and temperance are oompulaory, and the examination to this subject will include the ground covered by the new text book. 4. The subjects of .u.thd and algebra will be mclnded'in the small textbook which will be the base of the examination and will be ready about 1st Oztoirer. 5. Agriculture, buuuy, and physics ars optiooa subjects: the coarse in each to be determined by the teacher, emblem to the approval of the in- spector. 6. The High school reader will be used for reading and literature. The Pub- lic school arithmetic will be enlarged to ad• mit of greater practice in commercial work, 1µ1t no change will be rime is its peke. The additional exercises wilt be required for the fifth form. Th3 text -books in the other suI•jcets will be those author:eel far Public w hoob. 7. Candidates who o%,taie Public school leaving cellith:eta shall be me nled to atmismioe into the clears in ferns 11 of • High school in all the subjects of that ex- amieat.os, an,l the commercial coarse for tie primary should. if possible, be comply ed before they ester the Hta;lt .choal. Can dictates who tail at the leas tog examination, brut who olrtaiu 20 portent of the mirk* f w each subject, will 1141 admitted to a litgh school. 111. High School l'nmary Examinations. 1. The course prescribed for the primary examination with the science option may be taught in any Public school, subject to the approval of the trustees and inspector. 2. The amount of the school work prescribed for the commercial course has been reduced, said the details of the work modified, s- pecially in drawing. The examination of all candidata to be conducted by the prin- cipal of the High who -dead the High school teachers is charge of mach subjects. but • written examination will be required, ie ad• defies, on peperw prepared by the deoart- ment For 1894, my four of the books of the High school drawing sours will be ac- cepted. in the ease of candidata for the primary seami.ations, is lieu of the pre- ..cribed books of the new course, and any two books is the case of other pupile. The work dome in book-keeping in the blank books hitherto used will -1so be accepted for 1894. 3 The whole of Euclid Rook I is row prescribed, and will form the subject of exa.mtinatia. is 1894. corneas or art of . Miner details of the proposed ch•ages will be fouled is the regnlationaIirw below . - toes Ir. Reading. The Fourth Reader ; the liter - •ton of every Innen. spelling and %Vritiag. - Systematic or thograobr amt ertheepy: henries fermis and angle entry, without a text book. 1 : raoby - l;eeglrapbyof threat Meats, and ()starts : map Grammar . Gramar and 1 imposition. Rb..mteats of formal grammar said eesnposesiee. Iteserip. tits, .arrative, asd letter writing History. --Leaden events i. 1'tubed His history. Oral teselikp e.( British hktorr. Aritbuoetk. -- Review, of elementary work, .multiples, hastier, perewtagm, interest, meatal arithmetic. Physiology and T saes Digestion. rm.pintiele, Neat e( the blw,d, sod the .arrow system. The .lores et alruhel aid aeraoliem Rxenhos ; cleanliness. Drawler. - Astb.rked Drawing Rook N• & Writing.--Aetheri.d Capt' Reek Ne 6. roue r, Re.dlega - A gs.mr l k.swladge el the p*w(ples of el*egeylay asd f ahsetem ��tktr sn ..rlLkierstfn- NOTICI is hereby given that the pin ,whip well wlriatiag bet weal w at the teen e( Cede - wider the Dame of " ('eddy & To was Una day diesels ed by mutual comsat. Dated at (;oderieh, Aug. 17, 1893 tY 'teams ..g 1A. Hixrr.o, 1 W. D. 1:'go, 1.(tgned 1 IL H. Casuv, With reference to the above bustards, it will be continued under the Mame of Tile 7 Cert Fair SCHOOL BOOKS THIS WEEK, wd 3yst x ; exercises chirpy oo pe ages from prose anthers not prescribed ; themes on familier auhjecta ; familiar sad business letters. English Pnetical Literature. -Intelligent comprehension of mud familiarity wtth the prescribed eclectiona ; memurixatias of the floret passages : oral reading of the *else - History and (:eogrnohy. - The leading es cuts OI R i:i.b history the aiuste..th Cc:i:urym. .r a part icOa; ly. Commercial and p!,rattail .r1, *phy, f ;engrwphy of Canada an i the :' ;tioh Emma- more particularly. lritbmetic and I....aleatary Mentwrs- 1.•,0 -Ar"•htnette to t:teary ami practice special •I ...atlas IO r ,mmercel problem : intaraoem, simple au•I compound interest a•: engine ace"uute ; dinosaur. stock. bunds and partnership area of re;tilinear figures. Algebra. Elementary rules; fractions; emple tremulous of orae unknown quantity: simple problems. Euclid --Beek 1 , propositions 1 26; sssy deductions. Common iwl beans. :Vritinq; bo,k- kn.•pine, single entry; commercial forme: ,;.neral business tranaartlona. Drawing. 1)rawisg Cook No. 6. Physiology and Temperance. The counts in the fourth form continued and including s:.o the Other eubyccts is the textboak. orTIO4AI. +11&J4'11c. Agriculture. -The coarse to he determ: .4 by the teacher subject to the approval of the inpector. Physics and Betsey.- The course Its these subjects may bo determined by the tencbar, subject to the approval of the inspector. They should be mainly exper- imcntal and practical, and without the use the textbook. t.reenan'se nnLraeloxs rue 1894 from the High School Reader for Piddle School Leaving Examination. 1. Leeson X X X L To • Highland (.ie. L 2. " X X X V. The tales of Orem?. U. Iloratius. 4. " LH. The Raven. LVI. To the blearing Wit.l. LXVIL The flanging of the ('rams. LXXiX. The Lord Ikarleivh. LXX XL The " Revenge." LX X X U. Herve Reel. 10. " CiL A Rolland to Queers Riles. Loth. 11. " CV. Tha Return of the Swami. 12. " CViiI. To Winter. 3. e MON THE. 4t.TRTH 1:1-AnI:R for H,`hScheel 0atrs.ce Examination 1494 Lemon iII Lo.. of the It rkesl,cad. XL The Everting ('load. X IL The Trona. XVI. The Humble flee. XXiV. The Face :tginat the Petit XX VII. The Batik. of li•aaocabsra XXXiII. The Skylark. X\XIV. heath of Little Nell. ' XX XIX. A Pal.r, of Life. LI. The Heroes of the inn, Solt. 1V1. The Honest Man. UX. farrow l'nri.fted. LXW. The Exile of Erin. LXIV. Ye Mariners of England. LXiIL The f'baageliag. LXXiX. The Capture f Quebec. LXXXVII. The Ron of the Shirt XCV. A Forced Recent at Solferino. 1885. Lesson 1. Tom Brown. lames V. Pictures of Memory Lemma X. The Barefoot Roy. Lesson XVII1. The Vision of Mlras- Fim Reading. Lessors X X. The Vision of Mirra - fieeood Reading. Lama XXIIi. Its His Own Rlisdoew. L. XXVI. From 'The Deee.rted Village.' Lasa XXXiI. Flow (lastly, Sweet Afton. Lemma XXX VII. The Bell of Atri. Lases X1.11. Lady (late. Less. LXVIII. The Heroine sf Vereheres. Lessen LXXVI. isnd'ne of the Pilgrims Laws LXX XIX. after Death i. Arabia. Lasses \Ci. Robert Burns. Lame XCIV. T m Ride from (;heat to Al,. I.a•.a XCV1. ('made and the ratted States. Lessen X('Vl11. National Morality. lissom (1. Scene frau "King Jobs." est.p TTOK. fist ultimata .Tim% - EOCSTU' READER. 66 .. .. 64 66 64 66 44 61 .r 46 THE B[HNSNO UA ARBITRATION Sett* sad Ttsetim � 1.1$. Sol astielhaderr taadoa Advertiser (Ref) : In tie flaring 'lee modulo (beat Wale gets • little glory 4 the electro -plate variety. The Amer em.s get the seals. Camas gets left. Ottawa Free Prrrn (Ref) : It bee cost the Dosiinio. • ttemwduw aauunt of money to here bee rights in the Bebriag sea seal fisheries sexl8dued. Turouto Empire f Tory a : The Flehrie Sea arbitrator.' might, here had the coma - *notion to state which Bide won before sup. arattmg. It would have oared meets dls- cneston. Homilies TWINS (Ref) : Thee does Ust seem to be mach io the B.hriug Sas award to justify the cooselntioo some Candles newspapers take out of it, the:. if ('asadi•'r meet 4431 take seals in certain tunes and by certain methods they are no wares pashas' than others. The Yankee sealers are all but unrestricted, awl the Brhaing Jest •tbi- eaturs have no power to compel others thea parties to the arbitration agree:mut to abiJ. by their decision. Our " victory' seamu to be • rather hollow era. Terme. World (Tory) : The World be- lieves that England hes bees escheated is the Paris *mud. She grasped at tie shadow and let the sul.st mea stip through her flugerw We believe t arm:Lane Lad .othisa to do with the terms of the treat) under which the rcfereine wee made to the arb,tr.rots, a:.d it. alas the tceaty abet was the basis of tLe parer to nsle r: gn:►tit8. that aril cow ¢u into force, and which •11 male fvr the Americas eoeip..uv a:'•i against our sealers. Weise leas two remold* and well reformed ever to have eine:rely believ- e -1 in the mere ct•usua tt:eory, under rarer of winch he went for the ttguuot:one desir- ed by the company. '1 he Am: s *eau c'aim was • nurse -roam 0.11rige our lt.ternaUunal law, ai:d shoo raid know bett.r than Blaine Rut the edam was a utero bltud, and Jepr.d on it all ti •� 1 u koss who eerie in 't t an ohuc:-Ilug ever the result E •laud signed the !rusty cttiuout due cou.i4feretiav, act! altar th a:: earldom .:ate.sanars ens lawyers were only kicking soonest the air, sad the argument was • Lenient fulmen. There was only one way to a compromise, and 0..' was to decide the law to our favor and the regulations in theirs, and The World's opiumau always has been that the claim to the .ea was just nut up to be knocked down_ W1.A 1 THE PAPERS SAY. Brass log Atnokli who is scavenge Se months' term for n.alfesmance in otlice, is in EX hevitb and .111 prelubly be released before the expiry of his seotenrm 1f Ar - s dJi follows the movements et the big poli bleed ramoala anJ e•.t s their private car trips to the wtnl'rerresort* and the gener- alh goo 1 time obey el; ,y, he ..tat hove a keels apptecietina of the Justin as She 1. K'wwu in Canada, sat :Let old saw tl,nut "Honor amoug thieves "--ilamilts,m Timer. Ciinto..: SUWO.3larch lost, by the tit. iu ('IieLu., upwards of 430 worth of touts, which he tad iu the factory. Sinn wee epealt.tgg • couple of weeks osi the farm and rntet•:e.l going In for his to.le the sight Ise fon, but thought te would wart until the mnrai.g, when it boitpea vl :o lee too late. Croy batt ''a• u. d •y 5'r . Wm. Camp- bell, 3:.1 con., died artier ,in illus with dro. sy of ore 13 mouths. H.'r hue1ard p ax t •way vory "m.id,..:y but Set tug Mrs. l'anrph.'ll stat very i.•gh!y aian.rA by all wl-o knee Ler. tel a war • faithful member of the Presbyterian cl'Ara'. Fire children urvive her. Lowdeaborc: Ids A .u* J. Rny, eh. pawed the enarauoe exa iiva:iou et t hoot Cwlegia'e in 1841, .rad alio passed for ptbhc se awl leaven: ex-.nr•, •ti•w in 1392, bas passel in \ ;rdt.n Coii. iats leatitate taoors•fally the r t .urination for third class certifisite: there leiug 3:1 1iyisg fou trate, b.t only sine beim. Awakes- !uI. VCOnstImohjon is oftentimes absolutely cured in its earliest stages by thc use of that won- derful Ford Medicine, Scott's Emulsion which is pow in high repute the world over. >r .•.-sraemsfeaiMrssN y4 pesos d seaew ems ail. asst eases, rbemysoi, /trees x.,41, s a e settee an the raw emssamniaiv and women. semsrtes lest WEAK MEN (yanr and old)suImrlag hose ns.) meg,overwork. Inomnia• exereses, or erste e,�s�nd should take Ohne hey will imam BUFFERING WOMlgr .Sated with the weaknesses pander N tiyy downpass.btnase, s��,pb,W the paioda ked. and these pills an sntettinq Me.. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS iii.n ld take titers P111., They enrich the blood seat allll letigule IW M the awns sty est - seat Biew8.. or lbws PIM ass sold by al ees, may le bozos berries on tradtr mark or will be seat by toaL, pat on reasipa d pries -410m ate a box artier sois THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., lteeektdlls. Oat or Murresow•.1.1. OldChwn (CUT PLUG.) OLD CllUft (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joycd such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plus Tobacco. Olden Gift Tchsero awaits ftrsge1 e.1 Carr& x MONTREAL. Cat Rog, ilk. 1 lb Aug, 10e. * Rug, 20..'c. • BLYTH. Wrest our saws earrew ondeet J. K MoK'a.on has gone to Chicago. The hires Anderson are verities friesdr is Brumfield. Jas. Los.a sad liken. Stewart left In Manitoba on Tuesday het. R. Howard is putting the front in Ito brick Week at presoak Miss Doyle, of (:oderioh, is visitis* (rieads u Blyth at present. Mem R. J. McGee wad family, of Kumar dine, an visiting at Frank Stalker's, Marts Joe Clark, of Seaferth a(onompanied by s party of friends spent 8naday is Blyth. Rae. A. Melees. and Rev Thee Idd,ia a:cheesed pulpits on Sunday but Tux SI,.IAL will be sent to •ry addresses Quads' or the United States from now earl Jas. 1, 1884, for 26.3. The Misses Maws lett borne on Saturday last to resume their duties la tc•chiog the yoang idea how to shoot." P. Kelly left for • three mouths' trip le the "OW Sod," ea Monday last. We ea - pad to see the "Home Role" gor+tion mt tied at ease and the QOM timbering the hewer of knighthood on Patrek before he return. A grand, heavy clean eat cedar sbieglsd at Kidd's fur 41.80. Look out for this label, 4 1. The Belle of Shan fon. pp 51-52 a 2. Ta Mary ie Heaves, pp A7 98; 3. Rime out Ileus, pp. 121:122: 4. Leidy('Ian, pp. 128 130: 5. lead Kindly Light, pp 146 t Wild 6 Ilefon Seders, pp 199 ; 7. The Three Fishers, pp 220 ; g. The Forsaken streaks, f pm 298 302: 9. To • Skylark. p 317 320 1 10. F:Le, writtis • on.ntry shards- yard, pp. 331 336.pen The Public School Inspector will send a ropy of the complete regulations to each brasher as seen w they cam he obtained from I the Edta•tio. Deportment. BELFAST. "``,•a Pre ear are ti►►e*siesdent. Mead the farmers armed here will !h bervmtieg this r+.eh. C Media took a the bieye& tournament at lideriek. Beth papas whit treats at the metre.e• wawa , hem this echoed lest w B had • trip to DwrM/