The Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 22 THE SIGNAL: GODRRICA, IONT., TH(TRSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1893. Cottolono • A 1114011TENING. Dawn the street through the busy way A lady passel on marketing day. Who, pausing at a gtoury store, Stepped quickly In at the open door. With bated breath and anxious mien She queried : "have you COTTOLENEr The grocer, Ieaving off his work. Interrogated every ckrk ; But none up to that time had see. An article called"COTTOLkNE." "What is Hr. said he to the dame„ "Thai answers to this curious name• What is it made of i' What's its use? My ignorance you'll please excuse." "You're not the merchant for my dimes. see you're quite behind the times. For COTTOLENE, I'd have you know, Is now the thing that's all the go, An article of high regard ; A healthful substitute for lard. Its composition pure and clean ; For .taking give me COTTOLENE." As from his store the lady fled, The grocer gently scratched his head - On his next order. first was seen. "Um dome .suss Cu rTOLENE." Ask Your Grocer for its Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK A CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. SOME AUTHORS' PRICES. Melees$ Hees Se ese.t *weer for at, Latest Welk. From the Chchiast. Commercial. Y he member of the "Joint," as the pas, senr,-er agents of this city, when gathered f ,r social recreation, are called, had another distinguished guest yesterday, whom they entertained in the mow approved fashion at the Grand Hotel. The guest is one whose name is yuite well known all o:cr the coun- try. He is Mr F. Tennyson Neely, the noted t'i itago publisher, who makes the claim that books can be turned out cheaper in Chicago than they can in New York. Its an ill wind that blows nobody good, and when the financial Ines arove a great num- ber of Western publishers to the wall Mr. Neely, who was at that time ii Cuba, cabled his manager to toy the plates and ooprights of all of them. Mr. Neely makes reerettul comment ou the fact that mat of the authors live in the East, who, for a great part, con aider it is misfuttune to have their works publsbcd by a Western firm IN order to overcame this prejndioe Mr. Neely buys the manuscript and copyright outright. He ef- ferred Albert Rim, the author of " Thou Shalt Not," " Why I Am Single," and other stories, $10,000 for his latest work, but Roes wouldn't accept the propantion. For Richard Henry Savage's latest story (Mr. Savage is the author of " My Official Wife") Mr. Neely paid $5.000, and he seems to couaider it cheap at that. Warty teen -A elandaeata Mega We have it on high authority that clean- liness is akin to godliness: and it u equally certain that dirt and dishonesty are inti mately related The best child alive could be demoralized by personal uncleanliness and ragged attire: and it le probable that the foulest "mud -larks' that roam could be enuobled in character by persistent ,urifi cations and satialacttry wardrobes. Who has not observed the repugnance of some bright little girl to the wearing of even a rumpled apron to school. on the ground ti...t .he ..nidal 1..• chsrgc.i with slovenhm.a I y "the gir's," or on higher ground that "at.y tking mussed made her ciao"! all ottt'" 1 -his is the instinctive pro_est of nature against the degrvlation of untidiness: and children thei have become content with un- cleanliness are ripe for the ma itpu'ations of the infernal p teen. We, of course, do not refer to w hat the little ones sell "clean dirt," that i., the "ground stain and rum- pling of clothes incurred in childish sports; tame do trot harm is well ordered families, w'.ere the children begin iv. ryday afresh in clean', ars • .4 mouton. Bir. dirty dirt :e always and heaver not only • i ab,mists tion but a handmaid et sta. The .fide Is Tarbes, The Bible, it appears, is to tee 'ablated to • still n.ore rigid oeaaorship in Turkey than has hitherto been the case. A000rding to • correspondent at Conetcn',innple, Turk- ish minor officials are not content with wholesale eonfienatioa, in defiance of Int pe.ial laws and treaties which are apposed to guarantee religious liberty, bat they have now undertaken to revise the Bible, and to declare what portions of it mast he elimin- ated beton they sanction it free circulation in the Ottoman Empire. All references to yh1 kingdom of Heaves are to regarded with suspicion, and are to be recast or omitted. The Old Testament, it is stated, wive" par tinder oifema. It promises relating to the restoration el the Jews to Palestine are in terpretd as rank treason to the Turk. who is in peeseseion of the land. The "revised dilites" Is to •y nothing about J#u or He blew, or the law of the .Jews, the old dis- pensation harm been in • measure, at least superseded by the kw of Islam. A fled se Geed a. • wish. Comm' Pnsssager toe as ocean steamship) Meal the veered tip frightfully' Iligni tied Steward -The wind, mem, is trying to set • geed h.z apt. be the yasssegsr. shwas 1 oRti www. Foe fifties yaw we lave fwd Dr. Fowler's Ettr•ct of Wild Strawberry as • family medicine for enema complaints and diarehtea, sad we sever bed scything to equal it. Ws highly notemenineed it. $caval. Wsaa. (irbete, Ont. Mhe IteweallSINSMIlmis Crew Mrs. Hiwas-1Ss$rl i'II take my tors r• heom dere. NW Rta .--• Wits the donee do yew MOW ? Mr.. ltisg--My cloak of course. I A'll it list beam* it D, threadbare. Nature provides a remedy tar all dLsasse, . ad is for Williams freak PAIL rouse bees • w remedy for all theills penalise M their sea Maria, dews pals.. �yield te tr'eatament�sad restore the speedily .Warer te health. Try thane. geld by all er treat ea rs.s pt ni prier. lbO . • its basis ler In 10h h aiderasisg Dr. Williams' Rea Oa, lhesbvW., Ona ! FROM OYER THE COUNTY. L Wows► Grist Obtained from the County Mill. ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS • Wsefle S1ess. N Cammely news Nerve. ■p Mean iverybede-?Ml* .d roant t lie plod anti teteea.rr Treat 15.57 s..aw- Tbs Cream of Me rate/ news 1. lidd e- estitmen d tae MOM sad Seal Sewn Mew ear Local txehmesee, Kgmo.dville : Thomas Hills purchased the house and lot in Fgmoodville that was sold bymortgage sal, on Friday,payiag for it i1tMr. Hills is always on band when there es • bargain going. Brussels Brussels voter' lilt for 1893 . oat. There are 254 names in fart 1; 113 in Part 11: and 29 in Part III. 93 are qualt- lied to serve as jurors. The names of 47 ladies appear o• this year's list. Ester . Thoma. Case (vas sold the oid Slayer farm ten the Huron road, west et iuforth, 4. John Fowler, for $4,300. It contains IOi) acres, and is all under grass. There is • learn but no house on it. Clinton : \\'e lnesday moruing of last week while Mrs. Kubt. Ihggard, was walk- ing about the yard, she stepped on an up- turned garden, rake, the teeth of which eatcte. her foul, making a bad wound. Tarim -south : The contract if cleaning out tae big ditch was let to Rahert Bollar and Edwin McTaggart. for $200, to be com- pleted not !star than Nov. let. (loderich Tp. Mrs. Oakes, sr , of the Maitland, has in constant use • small pine table that has Leen in her rosaries for over fifty )carr, end which belonged to relatives before her for cater tau hundred and fifty years. Borrie: Henry Gildner killed • milk snake which measured 3i feet in length en his farm the other day. The reptile fought viciously for its life and left the marks of its teeth plainly visible in the stick with which it was dispatch d. [tet field : What might have proven • very serious accident occurred one day brat week at the farm of Thos. Elliott. J. W. 1\'iddou was ..n a load of grain, wheu the horses ran awry, throwing him under the wheels, which passed over his back. Clinton : The Board of Public !school Testees have engaged Miss McEwen, of Hern.II, se assistant, during the two mouths model term, at a s•l•ry et 166." COMINION NEWS IN BRIEF. Winnipeg is infested with tramps. Monday, Aug. 14, is the date of Hamil- ton's Civic Holiday. Grasshoppers ■re doing damage in the neighborhood of Belleville. The SS. Alcides bas been got off the shore at Anticosti takand and towed to Que- bec. Ald. Robert Lawrie, o1 St. Catharines, is alleged to have left that city ender suspici- ous. Reports show that on the whole the crops in Quebec this year are better than last year. The Grand thuge lodge 'nesting at the "Soo" closed oe Thursday morning at 3 o'clock. The corner stone of St. James' Auglio•n church was laid in Morr..burg Friday with Masonic ceremonies. Canada's fishery exhibit at the World's Fur is said to be s.nog the finest, rivaling even that of Norway. The Legislative Assembly of the North- west Territories lies been summoned to meet on the lith Inst. The esport shipments of grain from Mont• real so far this year are lewd to have been the heaviest on record. London is happy because the ;Os Fusiliers teem has won tba championship in the mili- tary rifle league matches. In broad daylight Friday robbers stole ffe110 worth of watch-. fr..m \Villie. Poet's store oe the ptiucil.al Street of Woodstock. A Montreal despatch says the 'township Straits of 4:ibr.itsr his been lost io the Straits of Belle Isle by collision with ice- bergs. A Pennsylvania [man is prospecting for coal et Kettle Paint, Out. He is looking •round for capital with w:ti.h to sink • shaft. A despacth from :Ottawa says this xason's cut in the lumlr,r woods will probably be historic on acoount of lis mag- nitude. Mr. %Villlam \\'sir, president of the Ville Marie Beak, Mout:eel, think, the Csited States would do well to adopt the Canadian banking system. Jennie Van Camp, • waitress at the British American Hotel, Windsor, went oat for • walk on \Vedoeeds and Lae not since been heard of. Foul play is suspect- ed • The dead body of Mrs. R G. Barrett, the side:',y lady who had been musing from home since Wednesday evesisg, was toned Sunday morning lying is a piece of busb- Isad in R,eedsls. The C. P. R. sed Q.T. R base Imo d • fist circular to Landow merchwets warn - nag them that atter the let of next moot► all credits will be withdrawn, as the priv- ilege of rauaisg a counts has been •bns- d. Is the Lachine bridge investigation yesterday Mr. W. W. Ogilvie, president of the Mos'real Board of Trade,, testified that, in his opinion, lir. Kennedy win the best sup.rinteadenl the Lachine oassl hes w is the past forty yeas. !laid. Champagne, of Ottawa, i. • letter to the Mnotr.s! Miserve, states that the English language and arithmetic are so in- sufficiently taught in the Brother's wehotM that student., alt.r their course, were un ahle to enter ordinary reeresatlle position Admiral M • hi, of the Italian warship Elea, visited the Montreal Board of Trade Friday, whore he met with • most cordial reception. la response to the toast to his health he .id that although the volume of trade between Canada and Italy ie at pros leer soesewhat limited, he trusted that in the toter then would be a very laat- tettsins of it, and that the medial relations stew esis►isg between the ilia °mate . wesld go en iaesrdag. Whew Celete.M.l* ahemsd alrai/.. Fond Maims - duster, y.0 rs heard Nellie sing. Dorn yes tbiak I .h idd hive her vans edtiv.ted • Cr.. Old Dieter - Oe.tsiuly, ma'am it yes have triad .11 m...o te step bor. Mote Sans Is ass {Ns. " Venni mos, did yea ever .eeseh Vie Saipan, '" .eked is. dunes -p. *e, sir,.. replied the J...g mea, who= a enwstable i " ea' yet wait 'as _tai by ase yer11 W ter gni on • suss\ ease real." A rasa ills Bgsp S.la- DWPRil is . swam sash dis- eases lr eases ss hid .• bsaia.hs sad liver eal.piaist. soklBlood Bitt.n is maereatusd to cure or relic.. dyspepsia N [sled a000rding to direotiom. 1 hemesds have tested it with best results. We wasted es knew the law. " N'.U," said the lawyer to the rural jsatio., " you sent ter ow " Ys.," aid the justice ; ' I want advice about tkt• hen primmer. this b.e. Latched .teals' hogs, aa' as I Mal got so law book, 1 dent know of I'm entitled to iyaok hime or tot." " 1 ONO wens ass BIaasr.w Well it yea should mw a meal, all the better. nasi let auvbody induce yen to eat if you don't Leel inclined. Tell these to mind their own stomach and you'll wind your. The appetite will return stun the dwestion is male all right, and ens of the safest and surest helps in that dirsetios is a course of Menihtey's Kidney and Liver cute uuw on rale by all druggist ie (Lauda. Foe sale at G. A. Fear'e drug stem. Uwe rete au THE cancan TION. oe Tet DOWELS, RIONIYI moo Liven. Iwo err owaouauv, wiVNoVT mums. ism Tat Y, all Ireea. Tlq a.. e5YL Nuro•le. AT TNC .are TINE CORRECT• ING ACIDITY or Twe STOMACH. Costae SIIIOU•Ntae. OYOPCPSIA. CIAO - ACHES, DIZZINLS$. NCARTSUNN. CONSTIPATION. RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN OI . JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS. SCRO- eULA. FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL OC a1LITT. TNts. ease ALL .Imus Couet*INTS OUICCLT TtCLO TO mesa cysts,. T,vt ierLutNCI OF BURDOCK BLOOD DITTLNS. The Whiteman Pea Harvastei The [,est in the world for the follow- ing reasons : 1.1. It is built of the best malleable wrought iron and steel 2nd. It requires no holes to be drilled it cutter bar. 3rd. The outside divider can be raised or lowered at back or frust, independent of lifters. 4th. It bas no rod at the tuck to bold obstruct:ons and cause choking. 5th. There Ire no springs to break or vet out of order. 6th. It has movable clips and Ga be set in litre with tongue of machine if cutter bar bangs back. 7th. Each lifter has a guard stay, wad breaking mower guards is impossible. Sib. Each lifter is independent of the ether and can be robed or lowered at the beck so as to line in front should mower guards be out of lin. 9th. The number of machines sold der ing the last eeasot enables a large number of the leading farmers of the l'roviuce to testify to its merit. Every machine is war ranted and gives ne heat. Sample machine can to seen at R. Tbottpeoa'. Blacksmith *hop, Goderieb, besides at different shoos over the County. JAMES W HITEMAN, Patentee and Manufacturer. Thames Brown. Gaseral Agent, Stafortb. DUNN'S BAKIN POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LANGC$T SALE 1N CANADA. A 60111119 Animism AlseeY 6r ATENTS uses ate_ eaSL�irtaweseerSOr 1D.°A. 2. a1.. +iNli�e. b „cmawsx, Ncientific American mo.. a Sire .neo at� nk.pree Ice tw orMPVAi.toms'InnpM •ear. MILL UT*U 111110 slS6. Buchanan & Son, SawVP&Orvawta SASE, DOOR and BLIND Demises lean dale et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And halide" .Neotal d every d.seriptlw School FIll'nitul's a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL --•s- 131711121E11 GOODS LATEST STYLES. trtsas..... 1.sme ot r1Assts.f rd.re H. DUNLOP, h• W. tfsar TISB GUILT BOUTS ANCERIOAN NERVINE Stomach#Liver Cure The Most Ase Medioal Dleoovery of the Last One Hundred Years, It Is Pleasant to the Tuts u the Sweetest Nectar.. It Is Safe and Harmless u the Purest Illh. This wonderful Nervine Tonle has only recently been Introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few of the most learnel physicians, who hare not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of' the general nervous system. It Is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the levees$ and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength- e:ucr of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is also of mere real permanent value is the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used oa this continent. It is a marvelous euro for nerv- ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should nut fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, lamest constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm. because its great energizing properties will give tbcm a new holtl on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of may of those who will use a half duns bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Neryouseess, Broken ('onstitution, Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old Age, Nervous I1cadache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Nervous Chills, hose of Appetite, Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and Hot Flashes, Fainting, Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Mental Despondency, Boils and Carbuncles, Sleeplessness, Scrofula, St. Vitus' Danes, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint, Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhtra, Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infanta All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases., no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insuflkient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer fur want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food he supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements o;tt cf which nerve tissue is formed. This nt•t ounts for its universal a. aptabi!ity to tha ccro of n!I forms of nerve::s de- rangement. QYwroea.Tn-t.!. 1• 0.. Acty. e. w. Mawr i ern tmsoi. et Croosavetlro. 1.4 Te 14. Greet Sesta A.aertree Yidtrier t e s,.re : •• I WM ben in •• distressed eusdltte. b - Daae Geste:-1 dsslte to . to yrs that i t�ece ,,,,m Kenosseew. Weak ne d ter haw adswsed for tasty years wltb a anima Plwv da.aow of the sto.arh sad cerTs. I tab.' every atoaarh. Dyspep tan u. 1 tar flp•tloa, este my meeairy tueapp t code hour of, rat wotWaa diad or beefy ane p. tea 1 haJ 4 ea doeturtag roe spy apf Oreaas good ars*:1 1 was •dela.d to sta•tly, with Ih.t tviki. i " MO settled try .oar Orsat eo.tI Aat'r'eta ?Week. Toole '� seal se.„ sed I.Ivev d en.....I Nur. slow $'sill American !tentae, ski, I deco nae More ovneat bot,lrei of It 1 mica: ray that i , to aa:' Mod than sty M aucth of d.rt.w'otr i ever prird at Ila wo.drrtel p. moa vi cute the ,tote- did b lay Lie. t would advise every wee kly ew lick and enteral sennas .•-sores. Ir entwines. moa to nae this vInstt. 054 bni noway;1 karstthe rate of this remedy 5s. 1 therms wo.a s a sot to able to supply the de.ud. M hued'. et It km raved use roopyyty. I I. A. Hums. Za•Ttea.. eiongerieraretle. t.eldlorn the grandest sr tn.l• the euehL" A SWORN CURE FOR ST. MTAs' DANCE OR CHOREA. CaAwroRnfivu.tg, fen., June e, 1fI67. M daughter, eleven yewrs old, was severelyaflleted with felt. Vitus' Dance ey We rive her throe and one-half tles of South American Ner- vine and she is completely restored. I believe 1t will cure every case of tit, Vitus' Dane. I have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it Is the greatest remedy in the world for Indlateatlon and Dyspepsia, and for all forms of Nervous Disorders and Falling Health, from whatever mums. State of Indiana, Josue T. Mune. Montgomery County, Subscribed and sworn to before me this June 4S, 1M7. CHAS. W. Winona", Notary Public* INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American /terrine Tonin Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast trniu of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ma and ONLY 0111 great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. }ss. Haa.ww t Sau., d Maranowa. rad . amp .• i .as w Ins M the Gnat Horth A.erlraa RsrvIse. 1 hal Mse IS bed kw sae months from tie Warm den aah.se..e stomuek. Rear ssues ar el my Mob system NM Owe imp .a ••yes of •shits we Had tried three mor use., .Nh s [asst. The arse bntIb of u. Nen._ Ins 7bal* loormire nese owl that 1 tree MOW Meat. sad a Mr bottles roved .s esgl.tr assn et is Me Wet Med+... tithe vette. l sea tW res.mmstd It las higar " Hes. au.. A. mea?TO., d Kew R.sat r.Nsww. etre: "I esas.t wpm mnw twerp 1 owe to the Newlin Teel*. .y views was eos.partely Mea hoed. tap.pews gees. was weeder sae wefts up Mee: tem awe 1 wee le the ante Mews a�lese.wen.p._, pas abeAtaan Modell dee, ldes W IGr.falese Timer. and madmen' hoe me owe ModM th. �sl�.s santhe. and s. MOM cowl. If Imp 7 lave veer leet '�sst� M Mews ea..sa mod He 11.14y s seems vela anew mosenap 1ovme •• a ten Sr $1 Se ram pews week theft Amebas Newby se • ees$tsee ewe kr the dears h. ds s I t par. MIN Mee* Amortise Ns'M. sa • ems tet .i kN's- d a,�. It wards WI •t .R nre a O�.ns ea ew yea q�.• Ytfse Swim He has to ale seriMaw hlamb miles me w 1`s. tM �imat 1e care the ala. the yw.y, tact '.aa s vee obs y« esinyaaa eO Mead be Meese ate Do sot .syselawet a re this �sth A Mee. e ems` easelmele pas*� N oil= IK ;rtys�a�yl*�t.f memory. No el*tlw to 11rl*a to M mot tee ee �1r Ml* red an' wV fat. �i.a�s ane s.. lhossto ~se your �s sad Si your es.Mt• Large 16 ounce Bottle, =1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. T"RTDg1\T, Wholesale and Retail Agent fbr Goderloh and vicinity. The Signal awimrs otdlm sitseli,a N ib. p,.., t)M"tl�tta.�` Mr th. pimps mai sr. 1l_ M a11 cls peidA pausal of {his w.ouy,a be «i rw.b mgma g )re ow date" year Burlin oc"Ll,� [bat aur M t. aiR mart trek the apptwal ad ear waft ItO<t i‘tU .I This useful tale is kept in the (sp rran�tyg�e of Il•lities same its j,gxw he•dm, While Le«ex iiewti.s In this line we have a very hey stock of fine writing papers tut able for every class of liaises represented in this lotelit,, eel, prising laid and wove, quadrille and ether paper., rmj,i or unruled, as may be required er•o, uloids are not soimasgllly used, theyU an important place in commercial oorrespondeuee. See slim we',► got under the above heads .Sek� i‘eatJ►s If the " p•-as.you-go " p;.w wn the order O1 the day the dlewttd for a000nnt p wuultl tot 1, b great ; hilt are [toms ales who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will "ref run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is coli pieta in this line with four sire. Good paper and neat ruling. Both single and double dollan and cents columna They come cheaper than bill beads, and are the proper thing to send .hers delinquent once a month. They are cure to fetch him 'round - sometime. V.»rt\ohes Now, it would be haul to get along without envelopes,and is keep up with the demand for them we keep • large stock os hand. We have now ►boat s hundred thousand in stock, sad the prices will range from 75e. to $5.00 per M. rine handle con mercial and legal sizes exclasiw•h. Comvacre'mak "V lit • roe ham already been parttAsly enol* crated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amass of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by thin adv't, but we do it all at Tu SIGNAL t'oretu. esus to an "At Home" or a waddler require considerable taste in oder tion sometimes, bat we make a an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and bed samples to be had. Cal/ and rsr. t a\e ?•»\Xs belong to the poster depot -toast also, and we make a specialty d them -promptness being our a1rs in this respect A notice of sale will appear in THE SIGNAL free of charge when bills for same lee got here. 4 rocyrMita of entertainments and meetly' promptly turned out, from lbs plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. GardA ice & T ‘c\tt<s Thu head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or dinary admission ticket to • tasty busies card or a handsomely printed membership ticket Os<te t Our facilities for turning end Ili claim of work are evidascad byw fact that the great balk of it dome by as This lice •.'m Ib eludes Do.\revs which our three fast -rune presses are Able to turn cL.t is a surprisingly short time. C'.r ee t. cter We nim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we tarn o1. but especially in this, ems keg in stock plain and fancy pep" suitable for all requironestm. #\\ \Cete&s of VY ork in thelea) printing Ilse can be done is this e.tsNishrnast in an expeditions and artistl< manner and OUsr titers ale \it SOtt5 % eery rtasotnab\t. We sztesd oar thank. for Pest fay ars and solicit a continuance et as .lase. ^� WT. (Joosaics, tM