The Signal, 1893-8-17, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERIO$. ONT. TH IJRSD AY, AUGUST 17. 1893. The Biggest Bargain We have ever offered is A JOB LINE OF CANADA TWEEDS To sell at 50 casts per yard. You can find Tweeds in this lot WORTH 75, 85 AND $1.00 RR YARD. Your Choice This Week for 50 Cots. JOHN T. ACHESON. IOW OPBB FOR IBSPBCTIOp AT MUNRO'S WISE ANO OTHERWISE. `N" PILLS tit OWL 1134t wysitek4041411,46, Mrs. dtanetettoe—Row do you like my portrait now that it ie finished. Artist (who bas been paid)—it is a per- fect likeness. 1 Mrs. Stooefence—Yon are joking. think it is frightfully ugly. Artist —.•lo do L ' W bat is a confidence man. papa?" "A man unworthy of confidence."—New York Press. It won t be long until the coal dealer's victims find him ITiug in weight for them once more.—Buffelo Courier. Doctor—Yon need change in climate. Patient—What's the matter with this climate? Doctor—It's too changeable. — Chicago Record. When a parliamentary division ends in a tree fight tooth the elm and nose are apt to have it.—Lowed Courier. Navy, Black and Qolored Storm SE.. -e8, Whip Cords arc'. Two -Toned , weed Effects. A fu11 line of Black Stuffs in O.ahmer'es, Barathe as Whip Cords, Sciiel Cloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- riettas, Amazon Serge and Bengaline°. Together with Sateens, French D Lainee, Teazzle Cloth, Prints, Chambray, and Printed Piques. INTRA t-ALUY iN White anal Carey Cottons, Sheeting*, Allow Cottons., Ac. Napery Department well assorted. er lines are oomies on as bast as losslbM• 5 PER CH.'tTr. DISCOUNT FOR CASH ,�.. Zvt'CTINTRO, Deaner and Haberdasher. CRISP AND CASUAL. Jack -1 told her 1 would like to take care of her always. Tom—What did Hie say ? Jack—Take care, sir.— V Those who denounce capital as a Burse stem. however, anxious to have the curve come home to them.—Boston Transcript. If some people think they can crawl through the needle', eye iheaven they're going to get stuck.—Philadelphia Tiaras. d p, rade tis spasm sad give the skits three coats of white seereel inside linos: eases' umre ■tewt la tae tale trst•e, thy: paint the list ea these souses with • 'Yuma uses Americas hickory wood- tiny poise tartish mid d black or rod paints. omen Citooria wimps foar-battaa glevsa . Rommel the frame sad tastes • .mall brass Aare imperial canal u 2,100 muss bark is it to ►mag it up by - see. tsa, tetaa news. l Masse hetaaists ams grew °like Mining experts note that cholera never :ktmlt{sa attacks the bowel. of the earth. bet bureau - row; bottom kid.—The ksll bays 1s d ` ity in remoras fbtd tt necessary to Ere Dr. tooluo•able bot.L Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for "He hu • large family :ties." "Add a , bowel oomplaiata, dyssatary, diarrh.. a eve. The photograph of a boy never looks like him, because no one ever saw a boy es clean es he is in a photograph. —litchi - eon eon (globe. Ile --I drank some champagne. you know, and after awhile it went to my gar, bead. Site—Tout wee to*Iv empty Land `y Lace lett, 1 suppose.—The � .tady use I beer." It is a sure cure. A reign of quieter cokesis the tentisiam Ths,esis,, • thana aaAts. uerdrobe is at bead. coalmine, it is amid, was paetim ssely :cad of watermelon s«ds. It is imp-osible to ran at aa altdsds of ,,000 le above the .s. Better hood the Lock thea bruise die forn- i: rad. 1 apish Proverb. r'd is the lb:h century frogs were cosside 'ab, sad allowed on fast days. The Greeks smelled is :weetmsts add touts. and the Rooming u solid dishes. An inaovtion of ray kited is referred to i• polite society u "a aew skiver." Freeman'. Worm Powders dor~roy sad re- mote worms without iajary to adult or ia- eat. Brom Rrion your silver weddings now .bile the prim of the white metal is way 1 :own. "Old Soak positively refuses to wear blue classes. despite kis doctors orders." Why N' '- The soda water clerk can't see his wink theooch them." ?kilos* Ore. Vitggilant* is neosssary against ase'pecte' attacks of seemer oompleints. No remedy is so well kaown or so aucoseefnl in this clam of demean as Dr. Fowler's Ertr�.rt of Wild Strawberry. Keep it is the hoses as a sfe Beard. ve n. The time Ebro. Yad ansa Peds dr assn eta mamas the soma r ttesa ho WPM a.rrrM _ Prem tie oes•Mow I fir eek Horning Joar«1. ]lira Whacker—Do you consider it a sign of weakness in men to weep. Mr. Facto? Mr. Factor—That depends piano.—Cleveland it. on w, is playing the piano ptaindealer. • • We hear a great deal about the seven ages of man, but no one ever alludes to the seven ages of woman—what is the Komar 'Gallantry, my boy, gdVS try. --Boston Gamete. "John, what a loidy place! If we could only mange to raise tits rent." Mr. hunter Rowe}—"Ob. I've no doubt the landlord would We W that in a couple of months.'—Brooklyn Life. )lies Sweetly—'•1 bought one of the veils that ere so thickly dotted 1 can scarcely nee, and I look like a fright in it don't f!" Mine Tartly—"(ib. nhitt al- most conceals your face." Inter -Ocean. Asset( the .ale era thaw we sleet. its rabies' one eela be who hornets d his lute fir _ %ben his hod 1. jests as ,oitt sky au meow [Leat. Rambler- -Code's shafts struck my heart mos std I mime ismer peopamag to Mhs (addygirl, but 1'ss retry glad I didn't now. Bamblsr—Hampi, es arrow escape, seemi t it! The oeck ruff, such as was worn in the "ai,etbaa age, now sctrcls bsasty's Leek. Wampum watt adopted by the New Knit - load colowistn in all their deeding with the Indian. llilbure's Aromatic Quiaue Wine is dis- .s-tly superior to any other es on •ppetis- .ag tonic sad fortifier. Archery le «ammo English women that they bop re s Royal Toxophihte 'eciety. it is mid that the bow women of . few yams ago would sat be ewes mime tIe mend clave sleets d to -day. The Chinese paytheir doctor may oolong m he keeps these health. They believe n ting rather thea twist disease. This u mud mem, end ore of the steamed rsesi m..datimus of Ayer's Saresperilla, • medicine whish not may curve bat prevents theirs. A.ssber Lidded►. Doers at the shove-- " Doe% let the hotel -lark ase von taking that heti* of nuoilage .e your room." "Why ! " " 14111 charge ran oorkage." A Owe dor Ormerdsea. DesPssilm,sa prod& cause of such dis- eases at bad blood. cesetip•tiee, headache and lirer complaint- ,Burdock Rlood Bitten is guaranteed to oure se relieve dyspepsia if used a/wor•ding to irw estlo• Thoasssde have tasted it with bust result& Too tis. wss Immodest* relief if poo will ally Ret a Mule of Meinbrey's kids.' and Liver oars. Why•nteer with Relit Asus, 1rdti4srtio., fain !weenies the ubosidsrs, eresstip•tiote. 'Tek Headaehe, etat, _wham ' you owl get n IRI by using tnia v�11ale medius ! Pre - are a bottle wititlllhdlhp• For w1• by '•. A. Feer. 7 Orae Mfejt 'lotion eels �a ts.r•rel eme')tit "'unlit Ismailia ntaglibtsry lira few the ei. who dose dee daily m,eeksb•g to red • het of warms tardy to her herd spelt daY. 1 tVhea Mw son•lepbor wan proifag Air Ix the housekeeper who Wass to herms oleo. irail.owe w n her oek'e heals' to seppty this es • tiwlss. ARwrsse'erawrltsds "Hess. glee Awl IwaA esnepaay allow p.nssmprs 'Ilisesettswat • sod e- 4*. , et vies, it lb" b 4.551* ahs use timaaerhat IM 'written, sod ba the •slf►r, K katter, fir spies M wasting. Tie °�w°see ,p bA► ostises +tae es, "M A H1els uteiyiase fist w01 as hand ra► ase-sdM` Nth 1.1"1"'"41.11" N wend be nal l t• •ooPd *a ('blokes awes Ms se 11100•11 Mother -William, didn't I soy 1'd whip yes it you put another rubber banns on the store ! W Mime —Tidal me, ms. it's pe smoking one of the cigars you bnugbt him fee bis birthday. —ro-.. She—••Hast was such a funny story yon told me ye.tenlav about a donkey. Mr. Grieco!" Hr—"tk) you thin isze" She—"Yes, indeed. After this. when- ever I pre a donkey it will remind me of you."—Judge. Dr. Thinllyy—'•When you go to bed do you say the iratifnl hymn About It I should die before 1 wake!' " Little Ilypatia tot ikntonl—"nit. 00: its verbal inaccuracies grate upon me. 11 1 should die during sleep, how oould 1 wisher— Truth. micro GTN mERIF STARTLING ! The enormous waste of fuel which might be saved 7 IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when they are buying Stoves to go mem Pwhohandle none but the best, and guarantee nr wad Mumble— /Chat is • good thing to keep amine hair from aiae out Henpeck -- Don't get married. SAUNDERS & CO. abrem•Yane in tie knee's. tits, , - About two years .vo I took rheu- matism in the knees, which became so bad that 1 could hardly go up or down stair* without belp. All modiciaes failed until 1 was induced to try B. B. B. By the time I had taken the second bottle I was greatly relieved, and the third bottle completely removed the pain and stiffness. Aron Ba, sr:a2D, Morrisburg,Oat. ltl.aed'a ustneent a isle twat. COAL AND W000 yam. aaatory of iA Terra. For fifteen years we have aesd Dr. Fowlers 1$street of Wild Strawberry es a familymedicine for °seems complaints std dirrr-s, and we never W anything to Iwjual it We * as. W Corbett,ank Oat. A Oars ogt)da have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL : THE SOUVENIR, THE ART COUNTESS, THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR GOAL : THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A fu l l stock of Coal .and Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stoves. REBIIEII TIIWkRE THEIR IIA}IBIABE Spatial attkstioe given to SAWED ANO SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BUCKSI 11TH COAL. Goss wt.lf;\ed os either market or my Scales. Get my Pewee before snug elsewhere. TRAM cue. Televise feaaeetito. He—Is there anything 1 cm do to prove tnv affection so [last t nn will tot doubt it ? She—There is. Marry sinter. She is older then i, and mamma is de- termined not let int marry till sister is disposed of.—Indianapolis Journal Mrs. 11edowlot—What sort of a thing is • magazine rifle. anyway, Ebenezer. Did you ever see one? Mo. Me•dowlot—No ; but it's some new- fangled contraption for theta editors to shoot poets with, 1 suppose.—Buflitla Courier. ' My baabas' is s isariy interfered with by strikes, ' said awe assrebuit. Why." said the ether, " I dielet know yaw were • large 1.ti•loyer " ••1`0, I'm ret : but all my clerks are of te she baseball game every a1tera er. A readies t'.ak. A perfect seek surer presorts us with b.- �, There are few pedant d' Thio Nod. rooks aid cnseeque•tly indigestion is very prevalent, 1-oe can eat what yaw Ifk. sed as womb so you wart after asing Swdesk Blood Bitters, tie roses toles for k. - diseases et draperba JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. 1111-1r. LOOE HERE I Fencing. She ---We could neper afford to get married in summer with n r in- eome. New potatoes and gree pees and things come so expensive. Ho—In winter then. Hots• --No dear boy, think of the coal and gas.—Brooklyn Life. Foreigner fart a enbtrbun train)—Who is then distinguished -looking gestltrrtan showier en much attention to that o dl- «gqlooking women beside him' Itinthir --Oh. that is De Fitz-Mmith retureing from town with a new cook.—Life. Mr. Chimpanzee —Thatt bat do fora ostrich eats enough for two birds. Iv u� c t nuppeme making it so greedy, . -1 heard the keeper say it swallowed a pair a �ro� ay glasaes yesterday, and they eespify its Now is the time to lay in your Winter's OAI .tae Peas •erawees aced C.., In tats ■artee. a*Q. yswe sad CfeANt•.. the WO Geode or sort Cana a z• teat ti.etamM\'asw.l- ' .,.�. a ;• As I am arraoyiny for • cs S of cargoes d HARD WOOD LOOK OCT FOR PRICES. as'AH Coal weigLed at the market. Te eppstite. - `rogue - "1 do think Jerk it the most geesloes Authored' ea bas Sew. man," she said to her caller. ItA11i w a slaw- *want to feel that way towed year gels* sou Weed tree twain st. Jewelry husband. Has lie' naw !lle a IfyotD.. it ss.tiatt nsad axe ltftsr tis war."No. 1101 we !left a Milk rontao•ersy about onmsihing. and he het me a hoz of candy soiree a hoz of cigars. And, do you know. the deer fel- low seemed dreadfully worried for fear 1 would ltdee."_Weehingtrrl Mbar. •'You're made r great mistake. lir. " wed the summer girl, "is. We LEE. tl-tf weasetee.. HAVE YOU BACK-ACH E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS I t. mods of i ..•1I t lab. Pee* tics• paps es ser 1145. from the treat nal t►a mw*bse "mg b foe dsasciitR. 1 etttye ti""'" el �e « Nti► the. fib woo of tM t twie. Fero fw �r vl.wtoesm • all Jour energies into • ball dosses. .Las kali recon. bat flow stair. anti •etwt ready • 110 la of aR w..so'ary Ng". t• "'we". • a•wt Oust' i.,l.l srt4•li• Of •rs•rktb. Wbea. pre •m14 are MMA •sow'wefts1 Imo IiM r • wo a„IL ilii s yes Ant donna ripl•ss.bi.E. es • ells e1d WaiAmato es f e itlobmalrk we amts n wet% ie MwtdMs►'" aw that all tb. ton nt • 4,„„„ at w wip ti. � t e •t piaraar. • .tet ale to i'. f town a d M .. .► .... - .tor MIM line in sittiaK .•n its•• stilts y15raswwf ,lata p5154 h . lei d piclw+e foe wts. Nee w itis "esteem _ rtpitt head uses. Yee ems Yea ddwl't isMl ism M t a as wa Issl•l as el pasha* oho a' steps j %rttmr lora Saba ••tides (N W. �y"'fie Master. Ylatsrls is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STREET- • of fibre and Pails of Wood, PAILSreliable, strong and good ; for pickles, lard, 'am or sap, for use at the well or the tap. AND TUBS of the finest materials made for your household, your farm or your trade for every contingency ready and pails made by B. B. EDDY. THE E. B,2EDDY COMPANY, MAMMOTH WORKS, HULL, CANADA. SUMMER C000S WILL CURE YOU 11ta.iae44 the Nessus tog hM. of the= seri are la "Delay is b,uNs OW./ dangsrow. Noy- Kidasp Pitts Owe I.e ted It if trey prompt relief." " troubles sone/t "75 per omnt I n Aad Bleed, of disease /s Dyspepsia, User Pet oaasadbol Complaint, and disordered ilJ- the most dao- 'N/yht as well frights dm= try to have a Diabetes wad healthy cify Dropsy. without ~or "The ober* age, as good diseases oiNNet health what the •rlst where hldseys are Dedd's Kidney slowed, they a PIE . ars rad Oen by 4siws morn, le rodeo w'e,k't gr.,elps erne 1' , . • .+i �., li osbol Tii il The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- i lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and beat I market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at WHY The Ton Cash Siore PATJTS j fill i, *: ith• f S Mie UPON Al ) Il'1u. •e .,.•. Vt !".. • •••• e- • 1•..0. it wiir .M► 0••••16.. ,,ptw...1.• IM 1 • •.•..1.1 a• I�Md w- ;•e H.,w t'elt eta to "e. lir tie ta•as" 'tM••'w fr .t,• 110o .V. Satre htUU. • , pj Da/Nr/AO. We al. dilutes to plrtawtabt�tl.�ai Olt - hie rep 8.islieliolltehli se •et se esteal WW1 • D of ' W Aga. D.0 P. ODEA, Manager. Patronise True Does GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is it that he can sell so cheap! BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also make. a specialty of picture framing. Give him • call before pur bas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-7 GIODERJOH Steam Boiler Works. (LSTABIASHLI► 11803 A. S. CH RY STAL, S.otreser to Chrystal it Mack; Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright & Tubular $O�•.ia'ditissrlirlews7 Balt Pans, Smoke Statics. Sheet Trot Works, etc., ete. Alas dealers la reticle add itertreaiel Slide Valve chutes. Automatist Cit-nd' fealties • pohltl. A11 site• of p1 • aid ripe etttaw =tautly •• bard. tiet:mats tarnished ea effort Halo! Ror•Irles promptly attender is tadt-lr P. O..lox r. GOd.rl! . Out. .Competition. Tus sears a Ws�p ecrrss•et ia ii Ws fire �sea�• •t geEt wet« oft \ lair end Mr fi m! ! booms Rs•sylss sad 1s. f 1Ys 1.►ne .-a."'• \_•I////1t����Mrrrrr m_ew d.,sys tof even i+etsaa win `raw tees tt,L= womb as res s aim 1 W Works-01Meene O. T. R. Stella'. Orderlek. MOLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR £yt 01)1.5 T.R.D •trtwtx Specifirr'.and Antidote for impure, weak .ad hareem -16W Mood, dye - v =liver palpitation of the hurt.liver naw t, nsoralgia, low of memory, tresiobitis, c.mmmprtws, gall .totes., j•uadioe, kidney and urieery did..•.., ht. Ni it..• deice, reruns* irreg- ularities orad aeaosl d.hility. LABORATORY. frOD11118, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor mil Meewaeturee. Arum- *Ton ear be be* Is Iowa. e• weY Urs eau, rieledetratifts. it aK " MTml=ia aeilt=e chti..t ■e It �� I t a a].