The Signal, 1893-8-17, Page 2THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, '()NT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1893. "She Looketh Well to the ways of her household.,. Yes, Solomon is right; that's what the good housekeeper everywhere does. but particularly in Can- ada. . But her ways are not always old ways. In fact she has die castled many unsatisfactory old ways. Fur instance, to -day she is using ala c�lf IQi1V the New Shortening, instead of lard. And this is in itself a rea- son why -she looketh well " in another sense, for she rats no lard to cause poor digestion and a worse complexion. CorrOeltNg ie much better than lard for all cooking pulr- posee, as every one who has tried it declares. Have you tried it? For sale everywhere. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Aa. se..-, isorernue. THE POETS CORNER. The atm In the teaslasea, Fra.. H..rw•rs Weekly,,; "TM ERE wets % ff xn or ant -.seat aY! miT." it was in the Howse of Commons, and • fory ha.l the floor, "v : - w► Tae rafters of the chamber with his ela1ueoce aid roar, And, oh, he ha,i a pretty wit.a wit to pretty that Beside it that ot Losdoo I'useh seemed very stale and flat. He talked ant of the weather, and he chat- ted not of sport, But mash remarks as made T. 1'. O'Connor wildly mart, Where it T. I'. observed. amid a lot ot Irish It seemed to him that Joseph and oid.3udea moat be twins. That mut the ball a -rolling : Mr Healy then arose And tapped a British t •olnn.oner upon hie Ronan Dos., Whereap ea a noble Tory, to the credit of hu race. Bent both his Bate a -cursing into Mr. Healy's face. • ms Theo aixtew member. from the isle letout • wild burroo _1nd twenty-seven 'l tris they proeeeded then to "do," They smashed them on the benches, and they towed them to the sky ; The oely thing they cuuldo't Latch was Mr speaker', eye. When every Tory owe was red,'and every eye was blue, When every Irish het was smashed the scrimmager rot through, .\rad Mr. t;la.letooe, grand old mac, islento nage fit and pat, t'af'ed for the question previous, white was ' lVhere are we at A Lessen Bra assrtuusr NI Ind your own besaess. Ave d c.rutr berry jiad areument. ! .•, not If 000i.o ve any good thing. i • . directly when the call ur visit is end• e.1 1•. e.• t nut. e a hobby ot personal ia- tirn 1!t e. 1).t nn,t me,dn the matter o: entertain - men . Ito •u,: (rocs' lathing facilities for the even:er. "`.Imine yourself at hunie" -but not to much so. le ministering to the tenet do not forret the family. ito sot gossip then are better things in life to talk about. Ike sot make unnecessary work for others, even servants. (Al no member of the family intrude is the g ,eat chamber. t'osfo,m to the customs of the house, es- pecially s- p ecially as to weals. When several goes* are prevent, give s et are of attention to all. Be cewrteoue, bet sot to the extent of 'errata( r ng princip s. Introduce gams and diversions, but ouly such as will be agreeable. Potter simple food with pleasure than luxuries with annoyance and worry. Have a comfortable room in reit/linear, adaple.l to the needs and tastes of the curet. A gnmt need sot aetept .very proposed eater% lenient roe shoo ,1 be cow,derate oI Menet( and of hi. host. (,earn the likes and dislikes of those who are to b • into tined: bat not through the mmGum of Imperative catechise,. Regulate the Liar and Studs by the jad Mom o.s of National Pills, they are purely mgetabla a marfIwg Stent. . As active Jose hug doves a girlie book will give bar Lbs clearest idea of what as earthquake feels like. lie owe .ad prat • bog ••f Ayers Pills is year eata•hel before tr.veHsg, Water by lead or wee. Von will end thew convenient, ef- ficacious, .ad safe. The beet remedy for oettsvaeer, irdivestio., and .lei. headache, and adapted to any climate 1•vesws ewe Tbe.... 'e-isiter Hew des11 the Lad 1k sot tide wag • I'',nseer It isn't the hied that 11.., Mit its th. load area "1 de.! peel NM sails kssaktass We. arannai Thk 1 a e11sanan reaesrk ..d w rad amities thea Ihs Cane.. sad Liver ase at of osdae and nasals asitia emit liar robot A bowls el ye.'htly'v Cid sea Law (yew son w` Ow of all er..W. Try It Tar ask IP G. A. rasa ata. ?. TH[ LATfI JOHN LOVILL, re Was so Osseo. What the Chambers Urethane W.. Me the Mosher Lead. With the death of lulus Lovell, as the Ant of this moat►, au epoch ls tiara in the history of (:antdies literature. Is that sphere ot our national life. he might emphatically be calkwl the "grand old case" of the Dominion. A valued curre- nt with literary tastes wi.ung to t ls ual on his death, save of hien : "Oa frequent °tomatoes has i.e Loren wasted amongst Canada's dde.-t and mast public spirited lenefactas, and particularly as hrviug duos much the sate grand work as a putdiahrr. to 'this Canada of ours' which the brothers t'hsnibete, of Edinburgh. did for the mother laud. Mr. Lovell's coag-uwtinued and nobly (eeriest part in journaliuu ; his patriotic and uuselfi.h eatery's.) iu oducstional and literary publications; his generous stud self-sacrifking besefic.nee iu .t orthy causes, and specially in such as t•uu- corne.l the welfare of (caned t: hie readi- ness to acknowbutje �ooe1 -iron en opponents- jusn (dr goosodne..' lake; aml bis manly tlettuotaation of ret-aourw and wrong. either in individual., parties or cum time even 'though 11 were to his own hindrance. have ever secured for Mtn that confidence which he so well merited. Exceptionally remtrkable, too, were Mr. Lomeli's activity and enter- prising iudtwtry all along is tan last. At the ripe old axe of eixhty-thr.-,t, none will grudge him the well-earceu 'rent (rout his tabors,' whilst all wit., know anything of the male and of tai large - minded nal patiaetaking activities, will be thankful to t'.:uk bow these wort fol- low tum in the continued ptutnuuoo of know ledge and truth." Tiemeantie wan, knew John Lovell can applaud and eudoree this. He had a (wart above creed and a soul above pert. , Au illustrcuon can be give:[ of each a thane statements. Though a staunch Piutest:utt, he mice taugut the nurse of one of tete convents the art of pouting, and helped them to establish a printing office. Years afterwards when he had a serious strike in his office, these good num, remembering his unselfish act of a former dee. cane down to hu office and tusk their peuei at ie.. ashen till hie trouble wart overcame. Eeon. plifyittg the other statement, a ,;,at 1 [many years a•;n u certain cabinet mein - ter sent the• wunlrcript for the retire ceneue down to John Love11's office to pout at h s own price, provided he woukl take a given hue of policy in his raper 011 a political question of the day. The job was worth tuou*ao ds of doll dr., but John Lovell returned the nat,u- script on the instant with a nicetes" that lett no doubt of hie independence out the ratite" of the cabinet minister. who expresee.il hue surprise with a mut- tered curse. There is a savor cf redemp- tion for humanity in the remenibrance of such acts of .elf.forgetiing goodness iu tete oust case, and of rock -term in- tecrity in the oilier. When John Loretll felt moved W do a thing the financial cotrequent'es of his course were of no more weight with hint than if .money had never been invented. He could have been a millionaire three tunes over, but he ralued character above wealth. As fur pattiottem no mac ere loved Canada alta a more intense and con- stant lore than lie. Many a book by a poor Canadian author be published, fore- seeing a lues to himself. Tile first Directory of the Doaunios he Waned at a hien of about $Sou(, and yet up to the day of his death he was intent with ail Itis soul tea the issue of a great gazetteer and history, in eleven volumes. which would give an accouia of every lake known. never, stream and mountain, and ..1 city. hamlet and settlement in Ileitis,' America. Everyone who knew him knew that such a work, dough of immense benefit in slnowiug t-, the world the wonders of our ci 'unts.. would have been published at s certain bra; but they also knew that the question of financial gain never entered( hie :.cad :n evolving the enterprka'. It was simply his denier to pay one great hat tribute at 1, it believed ro nd:y. lied it orae moat touching to be wish v: it.it euunetnis 11e .aikt,l, and with what in.lu-try lie work. rail on hie daruug eeheur• et • intro hours. He never ktww an idki • our iu his life, end idlenew, in otters oat about the only thing of which he was in- tolerant. f)av a(ter day he might be been, at 11..• age of over eighty. .n his printing °(lice at Ira penis nix or maven in the morning. • Ave,n.:n. with a bre. Iu in his Irt'e i ewtel,lag .mint an un- ary comer, adnn,'timee ret.1t114 type at toe one. ionietimrs reuoloir; proof. lie w-nr the oldest r.ublisher on the coon. nein and few people have any idea a the number of books that have been tunicd out of his establishment since he began buainea.-13,O01 W d).WO different books, besides pamphlets and catalogues, would be a reasonable estimate. When we review a life like 111i, we may well ask oureelvos and our twigh- tton the question, What might not a nation like t '.nada--etnall in numbers as we ars in the eommunity of natione- attain to is character. power and enter- priee, if any individual comp rs ng it had taw patriotism and the spirit of John Lovell? IllawtN.1 Cut labeer.ed, TM.s•mierId's de. in rugs. again e.• 1,the was* lapswd .- 17wd 1.. ft Mem and broad .tr.. hat and Wrest , tea,. galore: MM .eu.re e. .serf mean tlrt ..ares, .he Mann upon tea Asia And wars to lose et .11 her .cad -or cm- ; disc She wan. upon Um smuts arm elm whlM the mos. rooks.1,.m, And says the th.mr. to Tnmm1 HM'k.she .rid Iret night to Hems. Mae gi w young Job. • deal rat Mope. and Tompkins feels that he. Prat what .he rya dem ,v all Mr Mart .,ta mammy AM 1n the teatee8 'ram night she wait.,. with irk 1'ar, A. If elle ryes, amen bayed to dine* ,ie rah. seam Tbonglt tae, w the Mita' paten she •Messe a n Aa thong% ar ti.nght rat he Mom et all rose ass di. Or Reeh terms with thea wanly hails wean rep wren,: 1001/ tars, VI e mast ,ern ,ire Crown and H1. -as et d am veer near mew Aad tar i. by we room th.•r ,emit awe vire to this tdoom Each bet lc" lir emit W the met twn•mw girt berms --Ns*w9 brew T. ball Tibyatt..e .f the throw r«w. improvements are being made every day In the fan motto whitb is hemming • geniality in mumrnrr time; but sone of the earlier forms of motor are apt to mime • grwt deal more vitrattren then r pkwnt. There aro various ways of remedying this objaitio nab.. feature, but probably) the beet dampener far the vibrate -me of a highop ed electric, fp motor r a pad of wort felt about h� test bets thick planed elder the bass else motor. A pad of folded aswep.pata make, a good substitute, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Kkawberry is a reliable remedy thee can always be dspewbd as so cure cholera, cholera b/aatum, enlist cramps, diarrl.w, dysentery. sad an alaeeasas of the bowsla It is a pees Extract enetaining all the i irtura of Wild Straw- berry, cite of the naiad and surest cane for ell summer complaints, combined with oilier fannies yet prompt curative ysak well kuowu to medical science. The leaves • of Wild Strawberry were known by the Indians to be an exultant remedy for diarrheas, dysentery awl loommies of the bowels; but medical reierw° Inas placed before the public in Dr Fowler's Ext- of Wild Strawberry a co: opiate suJ effectual euro for all those diatreesiug and often dangerous complaint* .0 common m this eltangee able climate. It 1154 stool Use test for 40 years, and hundreds of lives have been saved by ite prompt use. No other remedy always Cures slimmer complaint., ao promptly, quiets the pain so etit'etually and akin,,s irrita- tion no saoceesfnliy as this unrivalled prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you are goittb to travel this Summer he mare and take • bottle with you. It overcomes eafely and quickly the dis- tteming summer totnplaint so atlas caused by change of air and water, .sd is oleo a specific against war-aickn.s., and all bowel Complaints. fries Sic. Beware of intitattons and snb.:titutee sold by ut.ocrspsbss dodoes fur the smko of greater profits. The Whiteman Pea Harvester The best in the world for the follow- ing reasons : 1st. It is built of the best malleable wrought iron and steeL 2nd. It requires no holes to be drilled in cutter bar. 3rd. The outside divider coin be raised or lowered at back or front, independent of lifters. 4th. It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cruse choking. 5th. There are no springs to break or ret out of order. 6th. It baa movable clips and an be set in line with tongue of u,achine if cutter bar hangs back. ith. Each lifter bas a guard stay, and breaking mower guards is impossible. 8th. Each lifter is independent of the other and can be raised or lowered at the back so as to lioe in front should mower guards be out of line. 9th. The number of mscltioes sol.l dur- ing the last sosasoo enables a large number of the leading farmers of the Province to testdy to its meritsa. Every machine is war• ranted and given on test. Sample machine can be seeu at R. Tbompson's Blacksmith shop, 4 osterieh, besides at diderent shoos over the County. JAMES WHITEMAN, Patentee sad Manufacturer. Thomas Brows. Goma! Attest, Ssafot'th- DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAtIGC$T BALL . 1 CAr•*DA. filatille Amass Pow Ibr AT !N1! OO►a WN roe riM U N .Awaa�.i 1 llaoattWAT, ` itYesa. raver ppnwteat :awe oat . It M - hue pWJfe hr • •,ones d•es fres or chine 1. stentiftc American Tamewraa Orrefors ofmy.� wend.eppiedfdabaldwe eI • ZveKIHu f.Ma.1rerAt= PLANING MILL ESTAILISIIED ISSS. Buchanan & Son r.xr, yarn •what SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kinds oaf LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Awl builder's notarial of every detsertptsa School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL ee- SMICX3M CADS LATEST STYLES. A.-asst.t.theory Mama N Perfect H. DUNLOP, he Weetet T5Osr TEX GUILT SOUTH & IOLI ERVINE SONIC StomachlLiver Cure The Most Aston Medical Discovery of the Last One undred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste es the Sweetest Near. It b Safe and Harmless as tho Purest This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors alai manufacturers of the Great South American Nen-Inc Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few cf the most learned ph;,sic'ians, who hare not brought its merits and Talus to the knowledge of the general public. Thie medicine has completely solved the problem of the cnre of indi- gestioa, dyspepsia, and diseases of the p;ewcrt.l nervous system- It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by toe great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by Its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomack, the liver and the borcls. No : eneiy cornitares with this wosderfuily valuable Nen-iae Toaic: as s builder and strength- erler of the life forces of the human body, and as a great rtacwcr of a br.ketialown constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the' lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent- It is a marvelous cute for nerv- ou,ness of females of all agues. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in Iife, should net faii to use this great Neriine Tonic, almnet constantly, for the space of two or three ycart, It will carry them safely over the danger. Tliia great strengthener and curs - tire is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, becaaee its great enerrzrzing properties will give them a nen l cc1 i can life. It will ado ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of fauna who wilt tilt a half dusea bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervouuacss, 'nervous Prostration, Nervous headache, Sick Headache, (Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous ('holing, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Vitus* Dance, Nervousness of Females. Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Broken Constitution, Debility of Oid Age Indigestion and Dyspeps;a. Heartburn and Solar Stomach, Weight and Tende:net.s in Stoni t.5, bets of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, Weakness of Extremities said Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, * c'mfula, Scrofulous Swellings and Meese, Consnmption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Longa. Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhoea, Delicate and Scrofulous (children, Sommer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wc.ndo cul Nervine Toni: - NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for every clash of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, whi•_h is very pleasant and harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved ncrvcc, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of fiord is supplied; and a thonsanl weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system west supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a suf8cicnt quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it be.'otecs n('eessary that a nerve frxxl be supplied. This South American Ncr-ine has been found by analyeis to coettia the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formal 1 hie ceeounts for its universal a:iaptability a Cid cure cf all farms of nervous de- rangemcnt. Caawrea)syrl t.^. T': o., Ag�er.'at, '!i. anise's'h CiLarsw't. et areas eratirr, 1.4 7'.rf4.6n.rr Se1A A,.wri.wr M'* efon" .rs : 1 ha4 tun. 1. a t:5rre11sed t't.ad,rlee for Da.■ uavn:-i desire 1•. W to 7•e. 'tial 1 leave marred for sway years wits a very twines: tae years frets >erro.:sume, weeks... d tuts diaewr tar tea.t.teweb sa,1 n. eve.. T trial every t atoma'b. Dyricep.ta• Lel •.wap.tln•. ,. nO 1.7 ssseriseils Rend w.'.! 1e. "so sa',wa 1s taint, auls w:ts tear. 1 aaA trwa ddxter!ag tars try y.,wr List Sesta Aa -Glean �<t+lw Took i .tact* ..Ila me iNx!. 1 hosgyt b.4*Ld *trimly nd hroa^.-k end Uwe :' .r, aw•b • .r n.•aw' Monti Alii! -as %er.ire, .hl.i d.°84.71.ca sew several bottles of It I must yen stat 1 es our. ; peed two nay llss ..or,b of doetortee i ever primed .1*'. wooderful pones_ , n tort• Ibe slew les la s r I:h. 1 wocid adrlee every weakly pee aebtwataeemend esd ei.n,l.sedy l.. 1 dayesti 11-er lo .•a to u.• Oils valuabie cad lovely remedy ; • eat ks he s to sof Od tea dtrsaad. am'a d n has rand s. emepbt.17- 1 J, A llaa.ss, lis -Thea.. Inoateslaag.es, leant*? It the grandest meamise tie Ivoeld-" A SWORN CURE FOR sr. MTAs' DANCE OR CHOREA. CfaA W FOnn/TILI.R, IND., June 2.2, 1 AR7. My daughter, eleven yearn old, was severely) afflicted with tit. Vitus' Danes sr (chorea. We gave her three and one-half hottlas of South American Nei vine and she is completely restored. 1 believe it will eure every case of Mt, Vitus' Dance. i have kept it in my family for two years, and am sure it is the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and Depepsia, and for all :. formof Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from Whatever muse. Staleof Indiana, Joan T. Muss. Montpomerp Gbttntj1, } •5: tiubecrlbed and sworn to before me this Jens 22, 1P 7, ('IIA*. W. Wanner, Notary Publlea INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Fermin, Ton!c Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the erre of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of dise:en c'i-i 'rh;P!', of the human stomach. No person can afford to page by this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, beenuse the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the c::a end our oxo great cure in the world for this nnivcraal d.e'ro\errs 'I Isere 4s no ease of unmalignant disease of the stomach which tan resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Ntrv!nc 'ironic. H4101t13v R Neu- r Waye.to e, Ted . wow lila. Rt.ir A Itserr .• . d New Raw. rad'Ars. 1 our say 1llie to the Wont Meth Animism Mewls.. 1 bad eves te 8al tor ase taoetee tees ea17: «p d0aatst atprvw Dow r•.ttrh I r we. to t::e the osteo eras esba asst 11hiassh,Mints* Turk. Ly p-etem was emermeosr oho t• ammo' Prostatlws, esti• avweri saaabrej gams a peeler ser. e c , r,w: reher surf rptl ting 1'asdltlos d y A"M Wilton Had gives p up Meed; as sen 1 was m the oust to as home ef ea Geos Had toted three d • sem tee•, with se rens/. The std bottle et As 1ray. !'ammesasial a Icherht. my hepar ti Me Towle segh s't4w1 e. rya con t d 110 toting Iasee.vwdwrwawhtiMleraseiMM the Tnnle, W rntrl•ttW It. .•r fm oath asset. std a M WNW owed .r eadrap, ease! ens mariaam want vend It Mame be ie Y the kat mimeo le the enema i r Ihs weae�ir awes. aW ma ass to weimee d N w hlgap." hangs e,,, « Me alta *esu 1 ... Isaacss we a esu b ti. !hews. no r.ew4y ane. seem ewe aswea ierreliir e • 110111001311 ewe ter tee *Memel No ewevdy wwl wt all 8osspor.�lvia nova Anareta a SwOlk�esty ret re•S5 N► dto era esoap ..,e d to llow seyo, It It. p talo to Meas deww+11festm sot waft -. t11otdahn f tY11 istta13r. aro tea old ott tia013sw Nw pe w+ to r woe ft b • great bawd te tl11 mei •sd Weft ant 7hle o t br aid. a yrs de. 1110 ami/ .seise tea /.nw�r 1151.• err restore Ito al& X815 411 hens. Mewls. Y awbttlt ..gni wart ire M11 smlw p.awyr•m d amd0.mel11.1 A Iwwke- sew. chose til A fi�gt{ tad Mgsty apes 7 apee ad lyyear r5Ma ted quality Mie away" pear mimic ssaansw.a, Large le ounce Bottle, $1.00. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. H. JeORD.AN, Wholesale and RetailAgent for Ooderich and v>�ty. • The Signal woes Joh Tawe mills_ e, wkaskerare is ie ow passed twinkle the tithes fur 15s pries and proper meouo* of all cams si pr*osaut• A perusal of this s.aory meat say eggeet soahothiag you a a need of, amid in such twee we t tet our orarta oer faire" .`ep3eW3' i�lr ovation Shia r to 1.plant win Wott with the approval of our patrow Mote i‘eot►s This useful size is kept in the f>a.; range of qualities saws se letter Reade. While •setter k%cot►a In this line we have a very large stock of fine writing papers wait able for every class of Wiesen repreeentei in this locality, von pruning Laid and wore,, quadrille and other pepsin, ruled or unruled, as may be required ce�o. \\eot►s are not et) generally used, they 611 an important place in ootnmetris; correspondence. See what we're got under the above heads. Vi\\L i‘eQois If the " pay-as-you-go" plan was the order of the day the desuaad for account paper would not le so great ; but there are some nes who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is troy plete in this line with four sirs Good paper and neat ruling, *I.littattunente. Both single and double down and cents columns. They trope cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after s delinquent once a month. They aro sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. Vane\ores Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes,and is keep up with the demand ear them we keep a large stock es hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75c. to =2.00 per M. We handle con inertial and legal sizes exclusiveiv. CommerC.Q\ '' V.MV.nV has already been partially emus crated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vest amain of work under this head that is enumerate would more than take up the entire apace occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tu SIGNAL. T nvktomove to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in *lee tion aometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and troy *Stake BW\\s belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty el them -promptness being our aim in this respect, A notice of sale will appear in Ties SIGNAL free 01 charge when bills for same ore gel here. 4rosrwens of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. Coatis one. rC'.ekets This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from tin or Binary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. 4 esters Our facilities for turning out this clam of work are evidenced by tea fact that the great balk oaf it is dome by us. This line n so is - eludes winch our three Inst-rnm.tag Jsk 100011100ptthe. ere elle to tarn out is • surprisingly short tiate. (,'.re..\ors We aim to excel in all the (h&c ent kinds of work we torn oats but especially in this, and keep in stook plain and fancy par" suitable for all requirements. ¥\\ WAroks oS Work in the typog teal printh"(OA' can be (lone int this establiaMeeld in an expeditious and artier manner .ad Oar \! nesse we\\ bs joV t'i► btry vemac V.o.b\e. We extaad our thanks far pest (av- ers and •slidh a continuance of the Gans TNS Vs\ 0.141•1*. UooaaKI. U'K