The Signal, 1893-8-10, Page 6THR SIGNAL: GODKRICH, OTT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3e 1893. cfl.LETT!S PURE POWDERED L Y ARepaJe�es ST. SI1TSOMCSUT. SI�Uasea loerkrlai weir. Di. afeet/ • �$ hea01M nisi seas A as sees* * w7istrioe. mai q An ee.seew e.s el.egessea Mi. W. ozs.>vsIwr. arw.r.isse. HOW THE END WILL COME. he Darin Will lies Mr lay •neural, tat Prem $Mural lamer*. L'Aattur.orn . M. Canute, Flunntartun says that in all pr.l,sbtlilis, notwithstanding all the cir- cumstances which threaten it, our planet will die, not of en accident, but of a natural death. That death will be the ceasno•ence et the extinction of the sun, to twenty mal lion years or more - perhaps thirty same iu condensation m reLeuvely moderate rate .1,11 give 11 oa the one hand seventeen mil lion years of existence, while, oar the other hau.l, the inevitable fall of meteors Into the sum may double this number. E:vee if you suppose the minium of the sus to he prolonged to 40,000,000 years, 1t t, tea! anco•testable that the radiation from the sun cools It, and that temperature of all bodies tends to an Then the earth and all the other planes of our sys- tem will cease to be the abode of life. They will 1* erased from the great book and will revolve, black cemeteries, around an eerie guubed sun. Will these planets continue to exist even t hem ' Yes, probably, in the car of Jupi- ter upiter an.l perhaps Saturn. No, beyond a doubt, for the swell bodies, such as the earth, Venus, Mare, Mercury and the moon. Already the moon appears to have preceded us toward the Mme destiny. \'eous,youna er than us, will doubtless survive us. These little worlds lose their elements of vital- ity much faster than the sun loss its heat. Email century to century, from year to year, from day to day, from hour to hoar, the.nrface of the earth is transformed. Oa the one hand the continents are crumbling away and becomtog covered by the sea, which insensibly and by slow degrees troths to invade and submerge the entire globe ; os the other hand the amount of water on the surface of the globe re diminishing. A careful and reasonable calculation shows that by action of erasure alone all the land on our planet will be covered by water in 10,000,000 yeah. CRISP ANO CASUAL ■iser4. Ltateeat h oke glair Resaeree. France has an electric gun. There are 51,000 breweries. Mark Antony sells papers in New \ ork. The lead mins of Spain have been worktd ever slice the beginning ot history. Great Britain annually produces about 600,000 ouwes of saver from lead ores. Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and re- move worms without injury to adult or in- fant. The great gold fields in South Africa were discovered to 1066 by an elephant hunter ••emr'l Hartley. Regulate the liver and bowels by the judicious use of Nattooal I'illa, they are purely vegetable. The world's coal fields already known and worked contain coal enough to last a thousand years. 11) meant of the electric current it is now possible to produce • higher temperature than ever before. Ry improvements in mining machinery one man in 1888 raised more ore than four men could in 1800. The average life of • note of the (dank of England is • little leas than i0 days. Notes are never reissued. Mllburo's Aromatic quinine Wine is dis- tinctly superior to any other as an appetis- ing tonic and fortifier. Why is an unsuccessful effort like • lady who appears in public with her face uncover- ed • Itis without avail a veil). Wath disavow -Is now reduced in price to $35,000,000 per ton, what's to Moder one's wearing all one an stagger under • As • healing, soothing application for cute wounds, bruises and ewes, there u nothing better than \'wtona Carbolic salve. W hen a man slips on • henries skin and breaks his neck, sod the courts decide the sty not responsible, it is a yustiom of a That boarder lacks feeling who in the landlady's hearing begins to talk of the leather trust when the beefsteak is brought on. "!\ ou say you are a school teacher and you have no summer vacation : how is that' " " 1 in a swimming school teacher.'. A little girl, hearing her mother esy that W ill was going into " half mourning." Mao - ready esker! if any ot her relauvs were • half-dead To cure Kelsey complaint :,ou .oast treat the isle' Me., . _-'. :edeey and Liver ('are aots direct on the Kidesye, oomWked with • treatment f..r the liver. Try it, ot e nettle will eoei'ince you. 6 When you find yourself ore poverty's brink, Aad of hope you behold no ray. How pleasant it is lora,, down and think of the money you've thrown away ' As • hair dressing sod for the prevention of baldness, Avers Hair Vigor has no rolnal in merit and elficieecy It eradicates clan dn,1T, keeps the soalp moist, lean and healthy, and gives vitality and odor to weak, faded and gray hair. The most pop alar of toilet articles. re we. Ute,akee. ('holly A fellah knocked amu down Tem tenlay (Tappie (toad gr,doea ' 15 Mt torr • 'holly - Toes lee for • nuc. wase gay thief Is pepularitY iewwssisg. 1s reliability the stwudari. le merit the first 1s feet, the lest remedy fee all summer romplatnta, darrh : a, dylswt.ry. creamy., retie, ehel.ra ials.tum, eta, is 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Scrawlier'''. AU medicine dralees nen it ller MOW Slier Jt13tnS lie Mety. Zea �Wsn leer mew their Meshes spat the mare gap Josh What wade re late the arty, Tea • "Wen," repYsd Tem, ' i had se wife sod 1 laved war, Josh ; es 1 met. What Mole ye lie • " Weill," rammed Josh, " i W $ Mkt sed I laved pease. Teo ; M I watt' A CO-OPERATIVE COLONY MONOPOLY WILL SE SANI8HE0 FOM TOPOLOSAMPO, MEXICO - !M Os .sy M r.-OMe.atr. tt.w-1r.r AM OY ,peesltiep .f the tl."—An AM. . es Ib. ■ems—Tbe Great Irrtga- Mee worm-Ur+.sa It eat to ib. rabid* Tte every. Among the many experineuts oto Ming made in co-operation one of the ksrgest and most far-reaching is the co- operative colony at Topolobamyo in the province of Swaim. Mexico. About years since, Mr. Albert K. Owen, railway engineer, who had for u years been evolving some practical scheme of co-operatitrt,lauuc the pro- posal, posal, fuuod many adherents, and, ob- taining from the Mexican gorernmten th valuable concessions, e colony was ushered into existents.. Its founder claimed for it ninny natural as well as artificial advantage.. The sod is fermis'by the alluvial wash hogs of many centuries from the Sierra Li Madre Mountains,ke the general Pacific slope d North America it is rich deep and easily worked, apparently in exhaustible, and capable of 'inducing all tropical and sub -tropical grains and fruits. TNI T. OF UVIRPJOI. Aire erch TNT AO.'er♦ag .eerie .t ess As Amadeus skipper messily espsem- ed the opisios that he could always Aad tu at Liverpool a g that could pull the timbers of bn is veal or tow him home is lees tittle than he could sail there This is • high compliment, sad one which is wen deserved, fur the Liverpool tug fleet is the Attest in the world. British tug Mate by no sm teas limit their labors Dow cuo 10 hone or rveu tinrntal wanes. When a steamship breaks down a Wg w has to be sant W tow her ;nto puri and the MUNI 'meet occurs w lieu a veet is disabled by a collision or dismaated in aM• & 7 Among the recent tows may be mem a tinned that of the SWrutcuok,which took ,any , the sailing ship Ardencaple, of 1700 tons, from the Brazils W a hone poo. The sante tug has also towed the disabled steamshipSobralrnse from itaderia to Liverpooa distance of 1500 mils in 160 hours. The Williams Jollaffe towed the steamship Reading, 5000 tons, from l:ibralter to the 14. d Wight in little over five days. The Jane Jollier@ towed the steanwhip Marcottie of 2000 sums, fn.m'St. \'inoeot to England in the :lupin of veinier, tier but day's run bring 13.i salla The Sara Jolliffe left Minorca with the steamship St. Donets in tow on February 14, reached Gibraltar four days later, and arrived at Cardiff on the 25th. TM voyage from Englund to Minorca and back again with her tow only oucupist Ai days. Another Liverpool tugboat. the Pathfinder, towed the Sandia. of 3000 tote, from London to Liverpu 4 in 71 hours. Some little while beck three tugs left Dundee. each bounJ for ('anlitT with a vesn•1 1n tow. The Maier, of Liverpool, towed the Behoove!, of ;.Nils tons. The Mauk,*den. 1500 tuns, was towed by the Flying \'entire, of Glas- gow: while a smaller vessel, the Bra - block, was in charge of the Coluntbta, of London. Each ves.w1 left Dundee ut the sane time, and each too: the northern way, round through the stormy Pentland Firth. The first vessel to arrive at Cardiff was the Scotch tug, followed two hours later by the Blazer, while the Columbia brought up the rear at an in- terval of let hours. Allowing for extra weight, the first prize in the interesting race must go to the l.ieerpuul tug. which towed by far the larger vesssL— Leisure Hour. t'UMATF ANI) LM'ATh,N. The climate is said to be equable and healthy; entirely free from malaria, yel- low fever and other Southern plagues, while at the sante tune its mildness die S pates the disease. flowing from our raw and uneven temperature of the North, such as consumption and pulmonary affection& Its location is upon the gulf of Cali- fornia, with a magnificent harbor, said to be equal to that of San Francisco. and one d the very few good harbors of the Pacific coast, where the close proximity of the mountains to the sea tends to prevent themast formation which brings safe harbors. It is aloe said to be from 10u to 300 miles nearer to every city east of the Rocky Mountains than any other deep water harbor on the Pacific. Its friends also claim that it ie directly in the line of commerce between Europe and the Chinese, Japanese and Australian ports. A 000D START. At the low price of a dollar per acre Mr. Owen secured from the Mexican Government, in who.* employ as civil engineer he had been fear many years, a large tract of Land. including the city site opposite chi. harbor and the fertile farming and fruit lands in the rear. ex- tendtng from the Gulf to the Sierra Madre Mountains, some 3011 mikes back and including foothills covered with valuable woods and rich in orfs The 'Sierra Madre Mountains thous - selves are noted for their gold, silver, copper, lead, iron and coal mines, and are covered with vast forests of pine and oak. The right to use the water of the Fuerte River for purpaaes art irrigation was also secured by the seine grant. THE NEW RAILWAY. Besides the means of communication which the ocean afforded, Mr. Owen made a contract a ith the Mexican Gov- ernment, obtained $ charter for a rail- way 600 miler in length connecting the colony with the Mexican and American railway system. This railway is to be built and operated upon the cooperative plan. Thus. it is claimed. the three great questions of sail, climate and means of transportation have been an. swered most favorably. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. The basic principles of the colony in- sist upon co-operation in the buying and irrigation of land; in buying and selling goods slid products, in banking. storage, warehousing, transportation and all other things at public concern. Land and all other public utilities must be held by the colony in trust for the use of the people. Interest and taxes will be unknown, and the laborer is to re- ceive the full product of his labor. Therefore it will be impossible for a few people to get rich at the expense of the rest by monopolizing valuable land and other natural opportuuities, or by getting hold of public franchises. If the plan works well it will remedy the alert crying evil and injustice of modern times. WORK ALREADY boost. Although the colony was started some seven years sine, the number of active members in the colony is only Douse 500 or 600 out of about 6000 shareholders resident in America and Europe. Dur- ing six years of that pend the larger number of them pioneer members have been engaged in cutting az immense irrigation canal coating about $9900,000 in money and labor. This canal was made available about 1s September, 101/2, and camee that time a large amount of work has been done clearing land and prepenng generally for fanning opera- twvns. it is claimed that the colony is now self-sustaining and in a very short time will produce more than they can consume. THE. KIND Or CROP% R.ttM[D, Rome wonderful stones ars told of the fertility of the soil and the profitable re- turn from farming operations. One is that Alfalfa clover, which in that part d Memmcu is worth 1110 per tom, tures out a crop of 11 tone per acre and that six crops per year cam be grown -1360 per acre per year should not he unprofit- able fanning. Here are also mune ex- tracts from a journal published on the spot Senor Berboa, of Mochicahui, has bought from tie twelve sacks oaf potatoes, weighing 1,500 pounds, at five cents per pound, which he will pias on tM Ala- mos market. This's the inti shipment from Engineer Farm of prnduee, and it is sent as • sample shipment. Morena Ansel, Butterfield and E.nw'rirk .Iso take to Sinalis a wagon load , pe'tatoew, weighing 067 pounds, to place on market there." "This is decidedly • potato man_ Every crop we have tried on the b4, farm en far ham hewn a success. Espe i. .mood farmers pronounce our potatoes Se es of se tine • quality as they hagsttsl grown anywhere." • V. W. Emenck brought in fmm the field to -day samples of wheat and oats A wheat stalk was five feet and seven inches long and one and • half inches in cireumference. Fifteen stocks and eats had grow..: r one kernel. the enunt- ed ear gave sixty grains, or a Meal ref nine hnndr.d grains for use. The ost's lead was tweaty•ivei Mohr Meg and sat .ear ripe." A New Preach T..rp.4.. The French paper L'Echo de L'Arn ee announces that the French have acquued • new torpedo,which scene likely to prose a very formiiable rival to the Brennan, for which the British Govero- ntent Inas paid such enormous sums. From the description given in the paper above referred to it secant that. like the Brenton, it can only be fired from the shore ; but it is claimed for it that it can travel nearly 4000 yards at • speed of ;!0 knots an boor, and that it m Invulnerable to an enemy's fire, owing to the depth at whit li it travels below tee surface of the water. It ao also completely under con- trol. and can be fired by electricity at any part of its course. It is not quite clear how its course can be traced by the firer, as it is supposed to travel et a depth of six feet below the surface, and In n roughish sea it must be very hard to distinguish: of nurse. it follows that once it is het sight art, its value is gone, as it will then become impossible to direct it with any certainty. feet to hope that it is net such a furtnidable engine at our friends across the channel imagine. —Pall Mall Gazette. A Inward, Pa.tsral. The warmer Pierre to tall and .sraight, His eyes are brave cad .-Isar . ANA they .hiss with a Aft.v, deeper um *Lea sweet Lints* is seer. Pair maids there be in P4•srdy A. airy that mat be art : 11ut nese more to 1, sd tree$ to see 'rhos b intim lima. MYl Mrd they give to the Meer teem This .lumbnrw wo,tser lint well Iy ssea*,., wood, stet arenas The oxen Ite.. thirem. Piens mew the More, Metre oke saw, The tatter and the clew To 'be i,: ole tuanite they tate their way Throne. lutes at po,•lar trees. Awl he aol she for summers three 11.‘e worse,) on the .ane tann, while moral 'hem Inv its ntenhen neve. Aad eronght a dale .-harm. IA►e motes for them to sate etra.gbt gram e, Is anon m one ars)_ lose; But tl.ey''e ask. -ked the world .r love, And stark it all their emu. nor lo.. .Ula Mads at rank and rale, And a usher aro, n, 1 seen, to nen". tor a maid at a making steel '1)... for a Memel queers, —Robert Rkiatdeon, 1e t:o..) woerda ('atber'I.. de Itedlea's Doctor. Pharnelius, like many other physicians off those days. was much addkeed to philosophy and mathematics. but. hav- ing taken to medicine, he speedily at- tained a great practice. Henry 1.1. as Dauphin, and afterwards as king, wag hie constant friend. Among the most grateful of his patients' was Catharine de ll.edlci, wbo believed that his skill had mimed her from a state of chiidleasness, and who gave him on the birth of her first-born $10,000, ordering that a like sum should he pparod to him at the birth of each suo>L-eetiinx gun or daughter. I think that Cardium liked Pharnelins Let- ter than he liked Sylvius. Hs nays he was a pale, lean man about 50, who loved his etude, and was full of domestic affec- tion. He was the Protease of Medicine in the University. and the first court physician, but he must Lave puzzled aa.anate greatly, for Ile had an undis- guised contempt for court sociey,— Blackwoxtd's Magazine. A. C..raes.d flan a. D.serv.e It. It is PI -Judge Gedney who tolls the following g..el story on Colonel Fred met ewer, the well-known racing imam. On election night, when the return. from California were received at Republican headquarters. members d tbsoommittee doubted their accuracy. lbsnocratio trick," said nee "The sun rises four later he California than it does " "Nol No!" cries another, •'it Slam four Mews earlier' Upon this Colonel Me(wwee anise ht ills might anti said: "Well, gentlemen, I'iy beaked horses and 1 ve hecke l playe Met never below have 1 hacked my sonnet net • party whose leader. didn't know where thri stn rsea The returns are all right: 1've loses my stoney eta bei► load i now w that 1 deeper* h, New York York Daily America. sees a sees twill reegh. 'ems The hilarious group that haw* their pictures taker while peeing in limp at - S. „ear tit.dl. and wet bathing in iwg duelers • Yam wetlsr -MM is neweep•per losses rose irt, but aha lea ao heartV . bwty y.. tangles rhes.. —LteT- _ Yen Miner—Ifes. sits ir-iikta, Cures Others Will cure Yom. le a tree avatets/rt of the mhos of AYER'S Ssruapesibe wham takes far diseases origlaating r kmprs blond 1 but. while this asset en y Imo of AYER'S S.rsapvIlla, as themesda ossa attest, it emonot be truth. fully applied to other preparations. which ..prkeelpied dialers win recommend. and try le I-paes opus yeet ase just as good as Ayer's." Take ,'s Sarsa- parilla and 3p 's only, if you need a blood -purifier and we.W be bombed permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, Isms egyvyed a reputation, and mads a record for cures, that has never been equaled by other prepara- tions. AYER'S Sarsspsrin& eradicates the taint of hereditary ncrofu4 and other blood diseases frogs the system. and it has, deservedly. :the confidence d the pearls. AYCR'S Sarsaparilla "I cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use at AYER'S Sarsaparilla. 1 was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six mouths, suffering greatly with pains in the small of any beuck. la addition to this mybodrwwaa covered with pimply eruptions. remedies prescribed failed to help me. 1 then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla and, in a short time, the pairs ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing the case may be to take A YER'S Sarsaparilla, '— H. L. f ar- mann, 33 William at-, Ncw York City. Will Cure You Prepared by Dr J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell. Mase a fusing seals. From Marper's Young People. The boy was covered with mud to the top of his kilt skirt, there were mud patches on his Moe and hair, and he had lost his ha , but in hu hand be grasped a chicken - a Itmp, wet and muddy chicks.. It was the cause of his trouble, for he had thrown stones in the yard that afternoon, and had accidentally killed the chicken. His sister had declared that she could cot love such a cruel boy. Then be had disappeared, and had been found stack m • swamp. ‘then Ice saw hie mother hie feelings over- came bum, and he burst into a loud wail. " My sister doesn't love me ' my sister doesn't love me ' 1 want to got tooted in the woods and het the bean sat me " But,' said his mother, "you cried when you pinched year linger with the clothespin, and it would hurt you far more it the burn should eat you." The boy was interested sad dried his twos. " 1 mtan a kind, tame bear,' he said, choking a sob. " But a tame bear has sharp teeth." The boy rubbed his eyes etch his middy hand, and war lost in thought for a while. Thea be raised ha head. His countenance was cheerful, t here was not • trace of sorrow in his tone, and be cued, " I mew—I mean $ nios little early dog snout any teed." ■Iaard's at-ttseat Nr Raewmatbm. Ile Indies Knew. Over 150 trains a day Dome into the (;rand Central Ikepot, and the other after noon. hast wham business was heaviest, and one of the long suffering station attaobee was calling oat the 5. 15 express from Albany. • woman came up to him. her whole figure a life-size interrogation point. " Do trains from 1 onnecucut come in sere'" aloe asked - Yes, madams, " replied the station ens. s " Express tela "' " \ s, madam." " All trains •' She covitated • moment and then caked : " What time doss the evening train from —fres- oh, dear, I've forgotten the name of the town, but 1t. in Connecticut and seventeen trains a day stop there—you know the town i meso. Now tell is. whew the evening true from there oomes i•." " Rat, madam, mildly expestul•ted the trine caller. you haven't told me -' " Ys 1 have,' interrupted the wie mow. ' But, madam, i don't know--' " 01, Mat's 1t," .M snapped, " you don't know. Whet are you here for but to know when trains conte in " I'd be happy to tell Ton if---" " No such a Ming,' sesrlad the now thoroughly aroused woman, you know but you won't ten me. Voters an imperti- nent rascal and I shall report you at aur," which else proceeded to do,—:few York Ad- vertiser. /rest toe."'. teem arca&. Dasa Brits, -1 have much plower' in certifying that after suffering severely fes 1b seethe tram diarrb.iu, which cane on after childbirth, previous to which I had suffered from dyw at.ry for seinem& seine onth er Wild Strawberry.Ur. Fowlers Extract 2w Anent M. areas. 1lry Ws wLER, r' S l:rft\litacwli.LB:F6!!! C pis /C A C HOLE A CHOLERA— DYSEN ER Y SUMMA TPLAMS CHILDREN erA p(�TS �� C TATiONS 'THE LATEST NOVELS Fraser & porter'= " The Doctor's Dozen," Paper, 5Oc., by Monist. Es ran G&j x. "Grave Lady Jane," Paper, 30c., by Ftoagxca W ARDRX, it Tiker Paper, 50c., by (Ittoaoa Donis,•, " One False Step," Paper, 53o., by A'.Daltw Seto am "The Honorable Jane,* Pape., 40c., by As v r Tee " English Pharisees, French Crocodile,, And Other Flh A Tye Paper, 50e., by MA% cm,. .August Delineators, Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. FRASER & PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers, Meal I♦seenses MU THeensae re. TJ<A1♦T'8 TBJC IDB.A- You kill a few dim --the earsivtrsLoy an indignation meeting. You (etchthe whole aasetusblage with TANCLEFOOT STICKY FLY PIPER. cheapest and best !nadir, or els kaook them out with se PURE INSFA,T POWDER, which sem kits Sea -Bathing at Home. This excellent aseataace to bealth may label by purchasing • box of sea salt. 'mac. We keep a. COOLIE°. REFRESHING SUMMER DRLTC4 are Hire. Root Beer ---a 25c. bottle take 5 gailsaa Lime June, 50 et.. a large bottle. W. Ca GOODE, Chemist. Oen as $sudsy. hr Pisawlpti me. t» Safety cycles c cles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARZ OUTSELLING ALL PNEUMATIC TIRES, CUSHION TIRES, OUR COMPETITORS ARE IMPLY NOT 1'l4 COKP=TITual : from $50.00 up " 20.00 IT FOR QUALITY OR Pitil'L GOSHEN CARPET SWEEPERS, ib. 'a" 11ie In RP i RIGHT. LAWN MOWERS. This yeah pattern *per' anon. GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. R. P. WILKINSON. NO DOUBT YOU ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE TO YOUR INTERESTS. Wins , WHY YOU BUY YOUR BOOTS and SHOES FROM E. DOWNING, When you will get good, hoeeM gmsd , sad everything warranted to be as repomisi. We hare a larger steak mid grater variety tint all the ether dee design i• town oomWaed. We keep the most stylish ad beldeeable geode mask 1. Chad► 1 Prices are Lower tial tie Lowest, and vnll be tept tare. E. DOWNING. N.B.—Leather sad Ifindimga in any lm,seity at lowest prima tt LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND CORN, FEAF.1 and TOMATOES Are the best Canoed Otleds be the market. TAfILKANDE TEA x q' AT 40. 150 dot; eo omnsvre PER POVND HAS NO SriPERIOR We are agrtaie for both linem and ask for them a trial, arver'ed t1 they will pleas: and extend our trade with you. Yours trily. CHAS. £. NAIRN. UNDERTAKERS tT. 311114.01e2331'ir !1c gON Have added to their preetat haulm= eine of B. J. Nara LISSA SW. Of (sty Hear'laa, also 'he finest tinlo of funeral furnishings in the ca" and are sow prepared to onndoct funeral at priogg reasonable. This deperte.nttt will be attended to by hie ahs William. w8t > In the empley of the late D. for 18. past tan yews, has a Out knowledge el the barium., and by prompt attention hope. to shays pact d public patrooege. Remember the plans--Weet-et, on your way to de ►1ie tiw dive us a °all. J. BROPHEY i JON.