The Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 88 THS SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3. 1893. NEW FLAVOURS IN 101 COOL RUDA THE pH.RIIACY. The seal wits esuey ear Ire Ciel Sate give u.eeedit for briar up to t. city standard. We have a large theta. of Savours to tempt you with. whirl' laded. the tweet potter flavours haedl d by lawn lino is au7 stare. which we have obtained and will tune 00 hand tm.wauy. The fallacies la • flat of Nr flavours ICE CrtZAM SODA. UHOCOWTI CRLM SODA. PINEAPPLE SODA. OBANDYduD.. itASPBLRRY SODA, O1NO61t [SODA. STRAWB}:RRV 80UA. 00rlltlt SODA. LIMON SODA. VANILLA suds SARSAPARILLA SODA. New nevoare being added all the time. Mineral Water of all kinds. including APPOLLINARIS. VICHY. 111NYADI, AND MUNT'ICIUTAT LIME ►RC'IT JUICE cr 141EAR pIIARMAC1", G E O. A. 1'' E A R. Druggist.flat Art. ART.x x x x R. C ROCKETT, ARTIST. Lan]a:are, retiree end portrait palating is mei and water edam - CLASSES fhi Thereday. and Saturdays, from 9 sou to II o'clock. aid from 2 to 5 o'clock t... .11iroNteesu!sl and mechanical draw.ag. Deo wings :w pater. • a. etc. STUDIO-N0rth.C.Int door from the Near* The People's con a.. J 1'ORTA.;T- rs I'uC WANT A fouling r A Parlor cilium. Cheerer thee you ewer dreamed of. 00 TO RMITH'3 FL:Ja.'ITCRE STORE. THE 1.ARG E T StOCR. LATEST f it STOIC. RV}:!,l"ilttNO YOC WANT. At prises taut cannot be bowie. Cordwood. lumber and Tanbark in exchange. SMITH'S. Crabb♦ Meek. 1Z1LDS YLANI\t. MILL - lX.aA.9rt AND IrO lJt r c-TtNtY.- 10L'Yt'}:S.1.EN T VAN 'HIT &1:.N.-- l� (1•11DIYOOD mien or ALI. 1.71 KINDS A (*FEt'IA1.TY. 1101' 1118H FRET ten PORTI ER war.; for srth dneewsf• in beautiful daiges-A:1 l,:nd• at late, for d»txrattona - Design* furnished. t'eratrt,t work lm latest and mote munern rir.iah to ...Cr tine mart taatldi.wt. Mn: always rt.naiD¢-Latex t:. nye in tumid work -Esti - elates luain hed to all repatn tr cc.ntrwaa- l' ^ the runt irregular order- and r Meet!r{ TfAt<M � m".atnM and tint: het. cabiret}--Tie osI ;.la's mW in town withaew• mist attache: std hullAuerM all geodes of lumber or test can be rut to urdet Shingles, lath. p.tfett, etc. and all 1: wider's supplies promptly delivered. Y Drain Ttk•w all Kaes. In m. Balt Works depur• merit 1 have an terellect wire greenlet - ed eabh'. c!.erae dna butter sail. Jt eairP11 Near the U.T.R. depot. Telephone your orders. Sty Spesial Notices. NE' CHOPPING MILL am prepared to do all kinds of grain chop- ping no etiorteet not:re. Mill is runtime ait all Your.. I nave the *tad and beet improved machinery tor diareteb stud effhdency. Price, reamnatile. No delay at y aur chop home With you. JOS. KIDD. 41-17 IT Dritauaia-et. mochas!' Ins' institute'. NA TOTE LIBRARY AND RICADINS- 000114, cot. a Kurt aren't and Square 4a7 Maim Ones from to 6 rm.. stud from :to 10 rat. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. 11KM11001.1111P TICKET. °NIX *tee. renting 'rue nee of Librari MA Reading - Roam Librarian, in room. Illekrich March 12th CIA NADIAN ORDER Of' HOME thhd day of each month in the hell ever Tine eat. office. 1(.1 frolea-Goderich Ctrs* No He. wipers indscemente is losenwee and etch D. CALHICK. Leader 11. J. AC X. Treasurer : Artistes tor Salo relleye-te ben 1 11-111 la. bare. or sea SAL/L-TWO 18 IN. OAST be bend to dt now shaft. Good ati sew. ZierttaL Steam Printing North -et_ 0141. • Ahem Landes and Laseeelare Fire Ina Cs_ mad time Dietriet Mimed Ins. 0o. Sabre at. waled to in ass part or the county. NO TORN GRIFFIN, COUNTY AUC - 64 Houma% bawd udarsor. ham and leareranee omen. arise atleatedleitatyorul el the eons Orillere left at Tee . Address JOHN Smtrat. Pew preeeptly attended to. MU TORN ENOS, 0111/DIAL ACC- g.t.diCar arm 1:144 with eatenestise wee la critreest by nail se Ids widens te We. dense, let at Property ler Salo or for alas. FOR RENT. - TWO HOUSER TO FOR w. aakty-t . eras ow oh net. rte ger earthman apply to i R& r. VARIES FOR BALE OR TO RENT.- .11: The prefort4being seem ei les «m ll I. the w. swlnri David friebee. 410 acr s. Ahs Wf el let 7. weeoIt W D. Colborne. ee. iebilen M meat lfee• loft will be geld seer err en Mer. Mar ��•srt��ieo onsets. .1. H. Mlle L1AI1.. J , ii MARY IL mer rti- pR emati iia, r a C. MAYS, tled0. ��k A GOOD HOUSE TO LET, NEAR the sem" s wined .all .t • bareale. Apple to Mtn HOLT. or C. PAYNE. os(the Mendes FARMS FOR SALE. - TWO VALU- able improved farms se the fourth cost - nonstop ot OoM:rtcb towwabip, throe mules nes (ieder.ch. Por pardoners !weir oa the Woos. lace to MRS. ANN IIINCY8 or by letter to Ooderich P. 0. rid 1 W ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -TUE cid homestead ot the late James Caesar day, of the townebip of East Wewae.h. be- lts bast tell of lou 31. coareasioo 1. on the strove: rued 'hart loads !rum lioderich to Wait- ham. Was iham. A is sl,ua:.'d about 00 rode Erten Aub- urn. • Orris tug village with four cbunbea sad • vetoed neat u hang. t comparatively new trace house will sew en large rennet and cellar with other eoaveuirots . and good bank barn and about ]W large bearrag fret trees are on the pre isms. ANA,: 90 ares are cleared. Tbc soil tem the beat. Further information from ants. CASSADAt. Auburn P. U. 11-15 VOR SALE. -N. h LOT 31, 8ND CON- «eetom. East mew .wanner. 100 acres. This is a 8ntclrw fart. Also Won lot nidi, Dover rick. also let 13.1 Gudetieh tows. on which there ie a good , brick comms. awn :to PHILIP HOLT. MM. L'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 1 oorunwdious building on 1Clag.t.. Bros: at pesnct e.;tupesd as a paat-.b09 by �t,8mit1 uowsada. Terms.as. Appt�t� P.O. 06-t1 NORTH-WEST LAND. FUR SALE. ,,1100 ACRES OF VALUABLE Improved and unimproved farm lands at distances %aerie/ from 1 to is miles from tic'Ap;c':e eta ion. N. W. T.. for sale very cheap. No better :sada for mixed farm - lay; are :o :.e forted In Canada. For full ri-:.cclara atp'7 :o A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. Mid (lu'Appes. TO ADvsszilliZEUL Notice of &maim meet be WI .t I M Olio* not Wee than &weds, DOOM The Oopy for °heaps most be let not later than Nom day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon d each week. Situations Vassal. SERVANT WANTED. -GOOD GIRL KIDD Sn1Werth-at. homework. ♦VN7 e�Mxt1��.. tIOOD GENERAL SERVANT lJf w,,••NTlu). - Atip17 to MR8. LINDSAY. at W. T. WELSH'•. =(-•f CIRRVAAT WANTED. -000D GIRL Al' for general homework. Apply Ulla t'. JORDAN. Ztnguiter wasted. IrEACHER WANTED AS ASSIST - 1 ANT for Voles tbrotloo No. 1. Weet wagtail. Apply. dattag eatery to IL Mc- PersonaL LARSON AL. -1F 'nit LADY WH6 A took. hp saterske. • black Mgt twilled trams the basement ot Kean church est Veit parasol with plain Meek bonen, with ev.auue. July 1, will kiedry Iesve the same at the (Merck with Mr. ntoddart. she Will Loafer a favor oa the owner. Society have eempasted arrangemeeli to make en exhibit from the Ct..iutvorlimun el puma years sad spates rt tee World's Columbian Exposition. All exhibits packed and enema ed direct trent here. Parties will 'tow% a 101 etedii foe way exhibit they may make. Ad express Gr ber ottani-re for Reno ins; from mar part ul the couely byre alit bo paw kr ot this rod. terrespoudeute regarding nunither at amm/reene. time for @molar/. be.. tabour( idly tioderich..firr Mi Mit ,.,1ERVANT WAN -1E11 -000D OIL IV OW servant wauted ituntediallity. 0=0 n1VJOVIS Doth the method and malts when Syrup cf Pip is taken; it pleasant and rafrcsLing to the taste,and acts Ter and llowels, cleanses the sys- tem &roc tr.r117, dispels colds, head- aches and ftsers end cum habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the enly rernodIr of iti kind over pro- duced, plea:zing to the ta3to and cc - effects, prepan.-d only front the moet to all anti Ezra mad .1 it the most hyrap cf }",gs is LI- alto in 75o bottles by di ls:a:11:ig druggista. A rtlitt.b -; druz-iat rho may not have A ca hauLl will procure tt to tq it. 11..ncilartuntd only by the CriffeRMA FIS SYRUP ea BAN rennorsco. CAL. N. GREAT RALE DVS 111114111Ca l• NMI Mr VIM, 111011 fa01711La. Ramer arid Row Teswee Wades • Inenr- antes, That the ladiennants be Paid. Loewe. July 111.-Oreas Britain on Fri- dley sallied Treace that ebe refused to re- me's. the Idesitede et Warw. end would sneree man set el lasetlirty against abe Bra- es by Ent. sU rebtrictione hatultiaPronee to this 'atomism upon 110111111PWle Manx Hews at We Mean& ehattiorei of all fer. Zmootenteree rosebud London on Tbursdley potables to Lord Disfferin, at Paris, by • yr limes the thank Ambassador and M. Dowell* Friday. ?Ma oil, July 31. -1'he Siamese Giv- ernment has act/opted ibe full terms of t he Freficn WI stated here that England protested to France that the threatened blockade of the thartithe coast would not be • legal ace, sod that Frame conceded the posit made by Great Di France, it is mid, has undcrtek. n that British commsnvi wall in so whin be biter - fared wtth by Freach warships. English enrols wall be allowed to crier Menai,. bar inward for Bangkok after Sunday. The sit spun here preseata • much more peaceful HON A FARMER CAN CLEAN ANY REED GRAIN TRURO!, GILLS. AN D.WITH WHAT TO 1 e0 IT. Mammy. Pers. guides Cin. •.r ntber peas rya tat all splint. oat.. kc.. taken from them. or onkel! poaa separated from large ogee at cue _l.anintt. Ssru.k.'n and broken barter. wild oats, mustard nerd. wiid [peas end all foul geode can br'huruuardy eepar•ted from Seed Barley. Cockle. thea, wild pea,, wild oafs, mustard •end. d c be tl.urtusblr separated from Fox tat:. mus'ard. I:robs warier. light earn. arsd other Odgers efdtetiouable is Seed weir separated from them. Clover xed, tt .notby teed. (Lir teed. Neave separately: it . epa:alcd from est: other. Any kind of grtht or s.•cd can be a.. a ed u it ,hon:d be for se.•1, No foul *eel brown the Elva nil ear 411 be blown lIta vitt the IMPRCw-ED APMSfRONO GRAIN REED CLEANER. e tanniant m:11 .ttacl.tutnL No new mil: re - Can lie put in any mill. oil or new. without 1.11 Matlibiee entiren:cr,d the work claimed for them. Fifty hirkhele of Weill can tie gleaned per hour for market porpoises. Orders by mail promptly atteeded to. Dem gen attached to any mill. ahy eepth of a ell hy means or thumb screw shit,. Earl:» worked. xis Mr 'mod tatiethe- (SQL. au kind of pumps oupplied. AROITRONG 118911. Pump and uniug Mill Werke. flODERICH FOUNDRY AND Buy Runt -anon Noe. 9 and plows. Rune' men ND.) rollers and root cutters, Watford Noe. : and I pines. American mouldboirds. Watford tis in plow. lt te the bait, Watford ecuttlen. the lem'ers. Watford hay ranee. Al too other implemen.e. Plow points reeluipad in mire. niort kinds. castings node to ord.:. Cash fur old metal wady J. AUNCUCAN. • the the Kirkpatrick Stelae tat 11101. - tend the trade In ev and sow prepared to offer tlioirliffltem tor es of every deam.r.r.on. No invitee quantity. JOSEPH 11E0K. Travelling Guide- -- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains a -rive sett depart Godetieh as fol lows . Mau awl karma 1.14 p.m. Mixed 110 p m Keg and Itxprese 9.57 p.m. 110111106114 Mall and Express . ..7.00 TUTU EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN 5115 1"115 r AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S 0111111 MOOSE KOCK' IIMST-STMIT 00:113.1031, OXT. the meet essampiem to bare the sad Wahl te en le se mese the West *Mr= Mies? ISM 621411111111 the masa el teeth se te seed, entreses MINS. .A.St -rritlerVni Pon VT A. litzbiaLmarielre hitentwiliesser airset.tr se owth to renter amme we grigietber es seta. sesimit• et She voreurassAucaray how DR. HART'S CELERY IRON PILLS. See. STICKY FLY TAPER. FLY MIAMI PA DP sad te e. oath. PRO* my POISON minim Rt* TTERMILK 1011.1ST SOAP. Esse OMB NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DENTAL N1. rourie 4prusfle POOL Wire. Weiner_ and/glee. All sum hied amd Apart:teed local anseathetic* on Laud fur pansies* extrao- lion of teeth. 3irlirty sturgeon demist. Gam and vitalised a.r adunmetered for patois*. extracting of teeth- iirand Opera Home Murk. reliance on West- ticalegieL, 201-15 01, PitIsTs, CH ALLIES AND SATEENS. 1111A. WHITELY 81 HUNTER. 041 TARS. SHANNON & SHANNON, tr. C. rimarosorr.--Iteerlerse.-. tlapieret sear. Gaol. J. R. Sniereis.-Iterarlenoe North -et, opp. Model Schaub 011Rxe -Over Jordria's Drug Str.re. R. CAM loan. ;al 1J Staimiter.Conveyameer. Ste., etc. Money le lease: Inseam men Idakii Block. tiode- V E. LEWIS, BARRISTER, YMC- A:A. tor in Maritime Courts a Outerio 011ice-bouth Colbert.. Loccu. Mil Offiem corner of Square aad Wait atmet. lioderk b. over telegraph Mace. Pri- vate Vends to ic.nd at lowest fAtell of tater. vet. Into 'Mama, Attorneys, Sol lettere. Sec.... Goals litariatere, Solicitor" ts Chancery, kr. Du• .11ey Halters. • . Re.. and outotatesinasehr Lakin end re- vise reeranizaems et ball, 101Saria. es depositions ett Mama deelera- newerning any aerisa. we or pro- file High Court el Justice. lb. Appeal for Oats.* est le any County 111010JeCY sizonitee. Religiose. and P.O. Warms- -initser.on Out. WO -if 1.01111/1 Atte IMSUP1111011. 11.1. Private Puede to Ifted et el per tam an Oetiorkh. 10141 RE A 0 ER, AGENT FOR THE dest. Biteread. °vie et Sheehan* sad strommet imetweess Cossessedes world. lo- A.D. MO. Awes' over tighten' c▪ eettellg selletted on began of Um above J. T. NANTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND *sten .Nortiret. tied Swaim Hod- ti00,000 TO LOAN. API'LY TO Hob. hes MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGI LTA sarotott Prt rite Funds tor lavegromoot Iv.mum Real Estate sad blariey ItADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN- nelessented. Mosey to Lend en eirsigh Issas, at the lowest rake ef leitemwt__goinit. la mg way to Putt IA. twurfiliwat 101•••- Haw end dew from Square. West Clyde- aY our *dee end hardy mews soma. lbw erermit ninon*, te sew hese ia awes "awe assamaoreo logl IND 114 Moo IlLes.westortiose. • W. Y. WIN The 116smail- t rOM ear (mai elleTPWIMOM4010, Bram" Kimmel. As Mem* all are boldly engaged is berresdieg aporeasse mows is oaAt. Nor A LAMM Anita. We arsomors, frees pries .11.11 wtaget, that set se me one what we hoes hoard, Med Se the low of ell whist alll be sows la the soothao af Oho gaiety as iermarig. Arnim -Mews. Powell awl Marrow are rise thp anti linsimes We ewes. ellibrIMIlliellewhoo burro ma bra aim, Also all Summer goods for the t 1 days, commencing Timm iay morning 20t11 July. 1 2ic. anal rie. Prints 'reduced to 7c.; t4c. and 1 I c. per yd. 10c. Prints roduced to 71c. per yd. wortJi 10c. for Sateen* worth I5c. for Sc. Ater yd. Summer No other store iu the County will sacrifice goods as we are doing. In- spection invite!. JAMES A. REID. JeIy Is 1331. SRL or ea inspvtion of orr herds in this and sur- rounding iletatty, better than was thought it would be. QUARTrill.1 MEETING. -The wawa; guar. terly emoting services were held in the I Methodist church he.* on Lau Sabbath. kneed by many present. Onivr.tav. We sinterely regret to hit -.•e to chronicle the death of the infant (laughter of Mr. Martin, of this village, which took place since our last. The sympathy of the citizens of Dungannon and vicinity la ex tended to the bereaved parents in their tr) - crop, which we learn ta exceptionally good berealemte, is beteg rapidly secured, "'oil in 'good moditioa. Fre our next. the toot toot of the threat's:mg engine will be sounded. T. Begley, who is well and favorably known along with his expert staff, will be on hand AO fortnerli to separate the grain trout the ttraw, bleh he eau do in good form. and surroundings of a church not a hundred mike distant are, owing to thtatlee and rub- bish, being allowed to grow and acgumulate, not very attractive as to appearance or in keeping with thc manner in whit* they (*WA to he. ‘Va would take the !liberty to suggest to thine concerned, ao as to prevent the ingress and e.!rees of cattle, etc., that the paw he cloyed mfier srrrice. Toe Al'e trunk ()mina to continuous dry wealhar in this locality, Spring gratis are coining on tee rrentaturely gad are not developing in finality so to ripeuess a. they would have done under more favorable eir. cemstanete. Root crops are ie great need of moisture, especially the potato crop. the tops of which are withering we presume from the want of rain. However it is pleasing te learn that occasional showers at rain are falling in other localities not far distant. Viarroste.. -Mrs. Mobile, (nee Mies Alice ahmatiocit Sealerth, is visiting the went - al beim. . ...Mrs. D. G. Omens, of stashes*, sad formerly of Duegmerre, is vim ' some of her former aegnaintanose. Nevin., University student, ar- rived hose retestl and is enjoying himself under the reef. We, along with hie numerous acquabitemose, ars glad to have hint antringet se for • whila A. IRisek is improving his hotel by raising it aal making other repairs. Jobe Meleen, framer, imatramor, eto., who bp widely knows ia this locality. is sersrintmedieg the work, whiaille • guarantee it wdl properly doee. A lhowlosasa.w I. Tremble. GILAPITIAT. Owe., July 31. - Probably there is so me. more widely Maw. in the Ceenty Dmides sad vicinity them Mr. J C. Iluere, thl. pima R• has serried on yaws, sad has alto for enemy years ban Ma heal prataraotar. He has boos • tam ia soca/ *visa Be has always hes, looked ay to with rearm sad oraseas, sad ha weed re sow • plows orwroat TriPwho; how hha, is as pod as oh= wils a maim, el puma rupee whoa It Imam* hamar about tear years se, dint li• was befirbeg iron drawly, whisili hes M- asted hie wow dem. Th• pismire at Mr. Howe% may Monde ewe sadly be lemened Mao whet it tees Mareel be bad haven Dadra Wray pith. and led breed in • owe by Tlilaka Britain lie* tails Host at h. PAI ,a0, July 31. -This setni-oth,hil st•te- Wlent. was given to the areas last evvatag: The Summits tioveratueut, her. reconk:dered ita fernier attitude. now accepts ell conditione or to • France at -t •11 who Mere um, depiroes ef Making the Stammer ditti.mity tbe occasion of Dish colleted entereriee." After referring to the Cabinet meeting to- day mid the Cabinet meeting railed for to- thotrow the state/went denim witla the words: "The French Gevernment, dean- preheLly wire? rates further objection. in ieg to give of its good • i il to Siam, the affair." Another eerni-ogicial statement &fatal the truth of the rumor thet 11. Ikveile esti &I. Belem.. Ceder Seamier! ri1 State fer the Colonise. have resigniel. The peddle will find proof in the &einem k !Loire. my. the statement, that West Britain has not intervened and does not intend to do en. The dour aocepts this last statement Doty with • grais of malt. It MTh that something has been done twined the sweet., and the Frescb are liktly to awake won to the fact that Great Britain. after ell, hes Kul MN better of them ut the d.p/omatic negotia- tions. The Jour atcribre the auddes euften• ing of the tea. of tile British press to pleats amarances from official sources that effect wculd be 'Ives to British re-, Stamm Visa lilac. says, editorially. to -der. ••Stata ati. with indu bitable tsdotn. littered n the apathy of Great }Ulnas mid the heel/lit, of France. the had no choice. On the surfece it looks as if Great Britain received • cheek to her prestage in only arranging edeetually to sat•guard *tisk commercial in- terests. Now • protectoeate over the abide ot Siam west of the ilekong ceseary to restore this prestige. Anything snort of this wouid be beetitisitittg defeat for England." The Morning Peel atys editortel:y: "The th▪ e acceptance et uo ultioot,..o. It memo merely to have entered • Dealt stage of Chins butiu§ sets: invert fur :elate tn the Anal The Times bee no leader on the stil(j.t. Its Bangkok reveepoident telegraphs: steamer Char.tel»ou the native crew were. answer* of the bloekule They tiers pante!. strieken and deserted the elup. Thereupon she French boarded 1 er and an her agroutAL The seizure or rezarded as illegal." The Daily News understands that • meet- ing of tie t'abinot ill be Deo1 to -day SO COW zr&r questions arisitig from me similes* " Nem'. acceptance of FranoPs ultimo, MG of tlui conies hos dote • Rood deal to diminish anxiety," says I Mt News. "lint it has by to Keens estard the difficulty Lawson France and this country." shadowy iiquirtee alleged to have been sew Mined lay Irar.re recedes ample emend. by a well-filied breeches pocket The sePiontent is Mt equitable perhale, but it might he whre thr Siam, mei atom it ends • tat Indies in ebte.h England might have become re- tinal(*) it is cordially welcome. GERMANY AN ENGLISH ALLY. Mid lieweres Game Te War Germany Ent.t.th. July 31 -Public IntarreS bee WOO divklial during the Pow week between the Framodvisna trouble end the Rosso- Oisruise tariff war. Important en b federal mencil's mummy station ninon Nan* it ha. madly reached in ;subtle opinion the tia,,e Of blab inteinalS0eal polltke Of Use SI:lemvee questiott. Th., result of Greet Britain'. iitterventios * regarded its having rare agnilleance for taw futarli grown( of the Europese great pow era For once the German editors lacknoteledge the British Uovertiamiat has polled its *me- atos out of the Ire without the aid or the Aeolian or the Italian catapew. By Do doing they believe the great Orit-00elehord naTal power of the north west bin bone drawn irrevocably from her position at Sr este her we t With 005 or tee other een- ',Motional critical nature of the Degoiletioes hetet... France aunt Great Hritais ma to the Siatman blockade wee not la so either capital did toe peep* with as meek earwigs that the Reel ot Reembery uede war sae Ciy 14110Cee Interference with tlia restores at Illenen meta The thereseed whim 11 was endleahly reported mat riersoray hod agreed late la tho wee to Grist Britain he bar speentioe to 're ever-rweetets pointy. As ma asposissiew bewess great *ham and re Mese. •iewe *61111 811111111..4 fro= swear Osseo Vea OayrM sad Ns Torero Gem Oa Thursday sad /May Ilba se =DU= asewsloal- lba prow et MBA nowvAsz, it EA mammy parties ket:4111110. 411.41411'. Their Ws was se set messy. They Web* epos *believer le elm& W - n.alsaftainilesplawr iteirceeeirth.,fryD41. lace tte Prescription* claimed for it. nt s t leo I owe, ai yre la a 1: • 4ige that's youresassi indanunation or ulceration, &min* down sensations and kindred ail menu, if it tAtir fails to knefit or care, you have your money back. Anythial " just as gool," or as invigorating, restorative tonic, so. anil perfectly harmless in :my Coo- dition of her system. So sure to cure every case of Catarrh, is Dr. Sap's Ca- tarrh Remedy that its pro- prietors make you this ritier: " If you can't be cured, per- manently, we'll pay you $500 in cash." • THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Noneelett !Pekoe Unttessen. Amor Ntl PE flour family •itt•ess Phone.. tea 1.1 WA WM to Huta 10103. Live limos 3 Se tos:,, EEESU root our owe eorrnspondem. Miss Mary F- Kelton, formerly ut tus Oboe, bat now ef Windsor SA up twat frieede and relatives about bare and Geke kith Township. Simooe cattily, Ontario, gave ralatives a transient,. vain. The doctor sari quite • onaiber of the friends ot his meth dulls his brief sojourn. burn and the Union shoran os samiaf. Aug. 6, sa the Rev. Murdook Haalativ we not be We to he bere as dim measles. sootiest of niornag Ilia gamily hither. Wath the oursoolar power ot bit pedal a - tramways need on the wheel, H. 0. Hort... of Termite, is prefeenag hiesselt about cien- te: aware lugs dada friends and re- latives; Mae lousliof bun mad there on the facet eed its homework* ot has boyhood days Cnrims Nines.- As we *sod sti to plies (jade • number from here are to at- tend the ordieetem ami indectien services of the aew pastor, Rev. Murdock MseNey, of Terkel" in Kurt church Goa,. Tues- day of tins week. For the past two weeks Rev. Mr. Barr, me of the pioneer minimum of Huron Presbytery has hien in eberee preached toe.rnetive sernmes to us. The gospel temperance meeting at the seem 'The address rims by Loftus L Dieney, barrister of :odsrich, wee of derp interior.. keeping the marked attesters ef all. He oeneidervid liquor Gee of the mom deadly foes suffering buounity had to me - tend with, and gave emend reasons apiam its nee, intros, the experiment of these who had suffered from it, and said there wadi be few of the ladies' ballots cast against timp effort to banish this evil trent air midst. the women underwent the despot saw* from the curse of drink. He waned ihr young nee repeat to keep away how places where Imam wee wild sod nay weld never regret at. Nest Smutty dimness alla will address the ageism h• g tit the leading workers hi the presoaks el temperance in Rare& DUNLOP. Slues ear ma serrespesediet. Stirling. ot (laree$4, are visiting hero No Miss (sieves, el Deeemetee, end Miss speed's' his holidays bora Manner el die Mona, of Ihraeseek Joan Morris, Gem Doi* several days, slam si Ikeda, ~bait br under the parental reel sit Joseph M. lloadaraid, el Alper. Nile* aliberlesaraThailli."dumarraays."."114primidepamag iyaansadatassegna rah:: es MEW lart the WNW. .1 Maga Re sew • fall geared ebbs* *I Us* abribeilsee betothsenrose.asit yet bowed the hams* tho Charters, of arnesiloid, pee der MO seayvhdt wilaireeka partemdv eitiverfoghisedatheireor:se leftresties walk to see tin lake, spy glom • gross awl la skirlsfirer= heats with thoir *triremes Mrs. Mood* bare lase weak. hem eew ewe oarrosaradeas. wish the obereh, In MU es awl Asermi A J. Croobidt, et Nem eel Sec .1. Wilhelm, el Aides.. mows els the emsies s lie OHM MONNO INS I.