The Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 44
Mu $inz1,
.T O. /eOlgiatINT.
Oise or Pah> Datum Neetlt�wt.
Teres .1 Nbeerrpats. s
Met oath. dvnstra 0 If
Us « M
1 le
credit is assail, rho pries Per Tear 1 i
wtU be
Adver1rstsg Maas
Iwytai and other oma sa) adverti.emests, 10o.
W lie for drat Insertion. and 3 new. per hue
Tar each subsequent I.sertloo. Measured by
a ao.perell seal&
Hula..e torus of Mt lines and wadh:. fes per
Adr.nisemente of loot. Foam... Strayed.
eltuatluns Vacant. Situations Wanted and
Barnum. Chances Waisted trot exceed's' t
Ware nonpareil, 31 per utoe.ti.
Hoare on !tate and Yams nes Melo. 1101 to
exceed 1 line.. 3l for hest month. 30c. per sub
seau.nt month. der, -r rune. in proport.•.
Any special notice, aha ok$cct of which is to
the pernoiary bette$tt of any nutt-
er company. to br considered an d-
er and charred •ax o:d101t1.
Le•a1 nor lora In nonpareil type one Dent per
word. no notices lee+ • tom ISr.
Local nol:ces In ordinary reeling tent two
cents per word. No notice for leas than 30.:.
Notice. for churches and other religious and
henevoleet instil:tacos half rate.
tramairrelai tagtrerr Adveettwv1..
A Halted number of displayed adr.rtlae
Mews will he Inserted at the ftolwine eves :
Per Inch. one insernon 30 40
" fearI•rr•n!•vu 100
Moe " tse m•+n:he. ... 0
months. . _ 300
one _. S no
l.n .dreRiaement leas than two inches In!t will be cakulat.d as shove haws. 5
per roam. dlament allowed for orb payments
e three arson, hi one. rat : 10 per Dent. on siz
msethe. end tS rer.rats tun s weir's, These
es.ditlt ss wtU be strictly eatoroed.
Atte.. **The Mahal" Senses y.
P"swe-riber who hill to TOMMY! THE. MUSICAL
res-Jarly. either by ca•rier or h3 mall. will
roofer a favor by a•,.luau.ting us of the fact et
as early a date as poesiole.
Leen et emir Label.
Von, label les standinj receipt of the 404e
to which you are paid up. See that it Is not
allowed to ran Into arrear.
When • change of address is derated, herb
the old and the new address .boold be given.
Ref•ct.d manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correspondence must be written on one side
of paper only.
Publisher'. entire,
J. C. Le Teasel, of Oodertcb, has been ap
pointed Local Travelling Maui for the town-
ships of Ooderiob, Colborne, Ashfield and W a-
Looal enstmasters over the district aro wino
empowered to receive subecriptlose 10 Tile
Stan tt_
AU Commuoicattons must be addressed to
!ton flsita4
Telephone Cab 30. Gdsenh. Ont.
MI* MIRE vas N•TIa ■tow.
Perhaps Minister of Militia Parris o ,
who is now in tow. receiving the =deletions
which fawning friends are ready to bestow
upon him. an explain the " true inward•
nem " of the recent " ingenuous " and " gen-
erote proposal of the Tory Gondola Free
Press, that American corn should be ad-
mitted free to Canada, despite the Natioul
Policy, on the ground that, as both Amen -
can and Canadian cattle are o0 precisely
the same footing in the English market,
they should be on the same footing here as
respects the prion of food.
On its face the propteal, no doubt au-
thorized, bean the appeeraoce of en at-
tempt to lighten the burden of the Cana-
dian cattle feeder, but with such a tricky
Government in otfbee, then is • very strong
probability that the man whom it is sought
to henefit i+ not the farmer primarily, but
the whiskey distiller whore wealth is le-- l to hare made a \sinister out of a
political adventurer, who howl• loyalty
while supporting the scheme of ('.,ttledera-
tine which ctmpels the loyal Province of
Ontario to pay the cost of governing the
Proem... of Quebec, whose loyalty to Eng-
land' is at hoer 0gtea to '1e++stion. The
benefit is intended mainly for the •lictill.n,
who have always opposed the duty on corn,
of which they use enormous quantities, end
if, incidentally, the farmer who buy. Dorn
for cattle feed is slightly bene3tted, that
cannot be prevented.
In order to pacify the distiller, who kick•
ed vigorously at the corn duty, a law was
passed which gave the is the husiness
such a mosiopoly that it is impossible for
any mat to now eta the busmen unless
he poser the wealth of a Centro-+. It is
net unreasonable to believe that a portico
of the enormous prof:s the whiskey men
made, found its way into the boodle feed of
the Tory party, but eve for this they
were recouped, as the public account' dew
that the Wetherell", whiskey men got
about $150,000 to assist in beildles • little
railway from their whiskey mill to their
The Minister of Militia atlas represented
North Kart, and Mr. W,.i.r Month ilesez,
holt core grower coastitao.oies. Kent,
which adjoins, was lir, represented by •
Tory. While they were sound is the faith
they received protectors ler their cera, and
the whiskey .asci got • mss opoty to square
them, but sow that all three Miami bre
homers solidly 1lberal, the O.verswest
appears to have se sympathy with their
osr.grswere, sad the whiskey distillers,
whose money m be elproad late ether e.a-
stiteresiaA have everything jest se they
wish it
(molds . • sense een.try. A politial
d veeesrer with ualiaited servo sad e
u tter lank ef asap., ran is a her years
hears • Mishear of the Crows and pse.m
e semer weeMb, nesm thee. he t.SS
BIB Mbar eserines m. alb "deed
meat M etch • whale Perhaps, as already
said In this arcane, the Mi.M0ar of Militia
who datiale Warn! is oar midst, and is
reputed to know • trick er two worth k•ow-
iag, Olin •xpai. the " true i.w.rdesss "
of the Free Pre=e proposal to admit cora
tree of deny.
THe Tvre.ury1111/: e.I.SADE In a .I N.•
log busier .1w•daye, Mann, up arid dos n
the lake .hat. rod.
Tits DEATH o, AD1.1K\t. Taros NGT O' Int
helped prumotioa, but made the task of in-
vestigeti.g the Victoria disaster compar-
atively light.
Arent. H... ,t + 1'trrINrls raattr 11111
toss' of the riding and has been Interviewed
by .11 the o lite -rakers we fear be will
think the grand chorus of the metre Is.
" I)Addy Wouldn't Buy Me • Bow -wow.
THE "TRAUMA 1.011. EUITOK .•F 01-14 K',
keened local cootempotsr� a t. • state of
mind about the bank smashups acroerige
line. First thing we know he will with-
draw his investments from the United
States and bankrupt th.: unfortunate
Nom ITH Tt'l+l••• THA ,•.[RTL.\
jingo Canadians that the Americans are
'utterly opposed to the British ani to
British interests, the tone of the press of
the l'uiad States was decidedly favorable
to Britain during the meet Franco -Siamese
emornglio. Blood is thicker than water.
As Ernie? 1. a,axc1 M ti n To IUM,1 THE
Minister of War in this section. He is 'o
be given • one-.lollar-a-bead banquet, and
everyone is invited to buy a ticket, irres-
pective of politic+. The question may e0•
ter the mind of the ordinary voter, What
are we hang meting the Minister for, toy•
II Ti1R CONDITION o, THE At :KO 'r LTr arr.%
across the line is so deplorable when they
have no duties to pay in getting their horses,
little, bar, puke, v.getahle+ and sue -ales
truck to market, does it not prove that the
Canadian farmer is in a still worse shape
when instead of having au eves chance with
his American cousin he is still further hand'.
sapped by • practi+xlly prohibitory tariff
.in everything be ranee for sale in his sat ural
Tut 1 I.'s EK..\TI% is OF Tmlt Neck or THE
woods purpose entertaining the Minister of
Plaine at a dinner on Thursday evening.
The Secretary of the Co.servatire Assnoia-
t•oa of West Huron announces that the .f -
fair will be strictly non-partisan. This in-
timation may be true -re it may not -bat
we have an idea that any Grit who would
attend the jamboree would discover that
the toast list was rather highly spiced be-
fore the night waned. Ti:kete at the very
reasonable rate 1f one dollar each can be had
from Secretary M I ri N ELL
From our own oorrespoodeoL
Miss Lucy Burgess has retnr.ed to Point
Miss Liby Ferguson. of Clinton, is here
vitiating at John Ferguson's.
1. Rose. of kruoefielI. was here on San•
day enjoying the bautiful treeb breeze".
Arthur Peck and Alex. Fergus .n, of Heir
all, passed Sunday at their homes here.
Rev. Mr. MCKwan, of London, preached
la St. Andrew's morning and eras
Chas. Roth, of Brantford, is reoewiny old I
acquaintances hero ; he is a000mpwied by
Mr. t:olden, also of Brantford.
On Sardey. August 13th, Rey. J. W.
Hodgins, of ',oxfords, is expected to preach
in Trinity church, and conduct holy sacra-
Mr. Rrns•ihri.lze. of Setfnrth, was ben
for a few weeks t.kitig the ben •ht of our
i•leteoratiug sir. He wee tie guest of W.
There seems to ha a p•rticnler attraction
h.•r. fur Mr. ('uurtice, of '.osf•.rtb, as be
fr•+ltently spend, a iiund.y here, • guest
of Wm. Clarke.
1►n Sunday morning la+t iter..1. T. Ka-
rin preached ea excellent .ern on t•, a large
•onigreg•tioc, the subject l.riaqq "Tins
immortality of the Soul" sin Smiley melt
he will commence • eerie' of sermons on
subjecte taken from observtiess made
while driving through the country ; the
first subject being " The Broke Foams."
These sermon■ will be very interning sad
should attract large 000gregatioos.
These dayspeopleAscents have Asoas so used
to seeing mercu making advertisements
about cheap goods and have been so often
disappointed by finding those raise geode'.
be trash and dear at any pries, se that sow
• great many pay no &neaten to .sob an-
nouooemete: but H. F. Edwards has ob-
tained such a reputable standing and has
secured the cosflde.oe of the people to such
an extent that they know whoa say spaniel
offer is mad. that they may depend on ret -
tin` extra vanes. Finning August goods
will bet sold at prices mob as will prove a
big bensgt to purchasers. Call and •semia,
goads and prism and you'll be San te
At*ISALII -Riva Hotel -Mr. Metcalf,
Mies Doane, Mrs Whey, MI= 1. Tiffany.
Min L. Oris sold, Detroit; Mr. ad Mrs
flew aril family. Mrs Chaconne, Mien
Carrie Chapesan, Mrs. Cowes, Mn. Brod.
Mick and lir. Harding, London; Mrs.
headier...on mod daughter, Mr. and Mrs
Pitag.nhl, Mrs Grieves and Min Stehle,
earshot),; R. Rsiith shad Miss H...tag
Termite: Meer& C. Roth and J. Gelds..
Brantford. t neinv ttaiml -- Mrs. (Rae. l
Stewart. Coate.: Yrs Windom and oblld.
Trwto: Mrs. Chesney sod 1:serge posey,
Mr. and Mrs Govssleok, Mr. and Mrs.
Gray, Mie Asda, Lily and (iertie Ora'�,
Mimes Hattie Brooks .ad Ferree CaepbLI.
Mows F. and H. Clarkson, C. Winn, J.
McKinley sad O. Gr•ef, age d ,Glom,:
Mr. C.I.. Gray,Welw5e
k, Regfd,
Mrs Kaman,bliss sed Masser Km..,
Mien Hanley sed Mie Helens Arenas.
Detroit; Mr. sad Mea MaPbngs., Strat-
ford; Miss Srlerly, Landes.
.tares f rawest
Toads ..rens. p.Mf.l seem w Itbleedisig
k ..d et all hard Oafs. mess of .Y
dines, are saps r.meg ei to
• low dye by the um of Patron'. Pebbles
Oars Ineener. Ne.e OAR r ttsru. NOW
emus psis. Inter imam Amor Una
ri 1110 Pain
Belleville hes a new neat iaoney.
The harvest is Nigel Canny . reported
Wad -
Petrone baa new a ledged the 8..s d
Thirty brigs= failures have occurred i.
Casa.= this week.
The Salome run on the Skeen River. B.
C., sa reported poor.
The Bret ahipsneat of bay from Metros!
to Hamburg was made this week.
Me A. W. Burt h.s beau appointed peit-
cipal of Brantford Collniate lmautate.
It is thought this year's wheat yield i.
Menitobe will not be wceptiosally large.
The Prentice Boy's propose to have •
rand d..tratio. in Belleville on Atte
g rand
The Bey of Quinn Railway between
Sydenbem and Harrowsuut:s is about Dorm
Omni. Thhere w much complaint to shipping cir-
cles over the "Crimping" doe* at the port
of Moutteat
St, Patrick's Society, Moetr•al. has just
w t !•210 sterling to Edward Llake for the
Hone Rule fond.
The total deposits on June 30th is the
postother and Government savings banks
was 5434,103,373.
James Walker, who lived about five
miles from Itraoebndgs, was tun over and
killed by • tram.
The .Montreal sugar refiners have maule a
reduction of onee.gtlitli Celli par pound ou
granulated sugar.
Considerable dam age to crops and 5utad•
nags in Manitoba has been oa•asion.-d by
violent Windstorms.
The luinber trade b, -twee= Montreal and
North Anuric. is Lrisher now than it has
been fn. *nem year..
Both Calverley and MrI5..aell, and the
late S. J. Dixon, rope walkers, were bora
in Or near Owes Souui.
The passengers of the steamer Alcides,
wrecked on the coe.t of Anticosti lam See-
ley, have arrived .t Quebec.
The total amount of Inlanl Revenue ac-
crued daring Jute was $14100.4113, an increase
of $19,0000 over the same mouth Last year.
A quantity of butter from Sesatur Per -
.S ile r, at \Vi.lseley, N. W.T., reerired
five ruses at the reorut \1'inuiprg rzh►bl•
Hamilton will co.te.t Mrs. York. ?I0,.
n01t wit for damage.. fur the loss of nus uus-
band while buildtes tide Barton sire.[
The Kington Board of `(eparste S.•hnoj
Trustees has d,cided to dispraise wit • the
services of the Christian Brothers as
One hundred atoll thirty C.P.I. employes
in Montreal, to whom sales of dismissal
was given a week ago, were discharged
�1'a:s.w's box factory, London, was de.
stroyed by tire Saturday. The loss is $12,-
000, and 40 employee are temporarily wt
of work.
The body of 8. W. Flagler, postmaster
u Weilingtou, was tonna! floating au the
lake. He is supposed to bare fallen in ac-
Ih. Pattereoe, of Leek.1w, has bee.
find >ir1f► sad costs ley Mayor Barker, of
Kincardine, for peaccuciag dentistry with-
out • lice....
Miehasl Franks, an Indian, of Giber*
11 ..ere, Muskoka, is on trial at Bram-
bridge for the murder of another Indian, in
O_toha last.
W. C. Raid, of Fergus, charged with
offering to purchase counterfeit money from
American green goods man, was fined $300
and costs .t Guelph.
The election of • Winnipeg real estate
,put to ■n office in • church has been
vetoed by the rouge egation because the
agent is an 11005.1.
Wesley Hunting. of Adelaide, white
threshing on Wen. Neils farm near Strath•
roy,had bis left hand torn off by cooing in
contact with the cylinder.
It has been decided that when • Mont-
real fireman dies while performing his defy
his heirs ate entitled to *10110 besides the
smouat to the Relief Fund.
The Caugbnawaga Indians intend to ask
the Dominion government to disallow the
action of the Vneb-c t:.verament in imp's•
tog the Quebec business tin upon them.
isoting a fight at Three Mit.
Brnok, neer Edmuostoo, N. II , Herbert
Merenrs was thrown on a pair of scales and
had hie neck broken. H. died instantly.
Col. Tisdale will nuke an application
nest session M have a ship_ canal roustrn.:,.
.d from Lake Erie or ife St. Clair to •
point in Tilbury, Ewa, or in that vicinity.
A \I l'.R. Pap, em was wt. -eked at
Sprtn[tield Saturday. seven roaches and
the engine being thrown flown the track.
No lives were tat l'est.rMay Frauk
Sherman, • signalman who bed bees
working • day and night o. the
wreck fell asleep on the track and w.
William T•Ilmas, one of Hamilton's ear -
list ssNlers. is dad.
The death is amen0.eed at Paris 0f M.
Mario Davy, the well-known scientist, aged
Robert Lewdly, exReeve of Velem, died
at lou residence in Barrie on Friday, aged
Gen. George W. Morgan, .he was the
may surviving general of the Maxilla war,
diel at Forums Moss, V..
1k. James Cueniegbam Bachelor, Con
ttander Of the Sm Council of Scottish
Rim Mama, dial Friday et Wasbisgt...
Then . • rained crisis is Ravi=.
Th. Shames Oeversenet hag aeeepted
the full serom of the French ultimatum.
Te commercial failures scarred is Los.
do., Rug., Friday.
Resttis' eel minas will work sly fear
days a week le reser.% the output,
The reamer New York will try to haat
the Campania from Retbasipte. tomor-
A di.pateb area Brieha . ay. that
=sad lose *0.1100 the Roto... 1. -
Two Okla, e.eb sheet Ig, /audit • duel
i. Frans N. week, and bah
The celebrated (isi.sbeungh pietnre ro-
.edy stole. from Ague's, 1•5Hd-ui. may
be rewire ed.
Twelve death from ehdra res la= within the let few d• is the la Ruder
+uresis preens. el (ruse.
Thom . • s.eement es fled he Uedss
to eel the tared of the inspeW Federa-
tion League, .wing to Its wain ef hods
A Mehemasio hes woo the int prim.
ef MASS .war, d.m by
Pi..s hoed let the lits d10111114=
mesaaotaisniiiillien2anmuss. __i
F► tromps wen injured ie • wreak war
heW'hat dropped to ID seam cash a (765•
sago Friday.
August tate ink will he BriOaia'o Day at
the World's Fa..
The Rases. Ingwtios at Wee/i.gton is
to be tamed to an Kmbassy.
Nene.' Hoyt, aged 10, was arrested i.
Sioux City, 1&, 1.., beim .terlieyt.
The mases of the Mesal Collar Com-
pany, to Webb comity, Texas, have named
Hugh ]Baler, colored, was Waged .t
IKlla., Tawe, ter the murder of Policesian
The First National Rank of Greet Falun,
Montana, with • capital of (X:30,000 bee
Hardy Caldwell, a well-to-do farmer.
killed his wife and then suicsded near Bowl-
ing (assn, Ky.
President Cleveland bas proclaimed Por-
tugal within the benefits of the lutarna-
ttoual C'upyrighl Act.
It is repoa.wd that Medford, Fifield and
Previte* Junction,, have hew
wooed out by forest Brea
Wheat sold lower in Chicago os Saturday
dies at ary time mu the history of the
Chicago hoard of Trade.
All the wire trail factories is the Uoit.d
Stases are closed down at present. They
will be closed until September.
A powder till at South Acton. 31ris.,
blew up ou Saturday, and Wm. Clegg of
l'tbridge was Instantly lulled.
.lames Coutnev was Imaged at Waycross,
G for the murder of kis room nate, Jake
Sisnr , , last April, over • game of cards.
Tear U. 8. Government is lying repeat-
edly asked to uacoaditioaally repeal the
sliver penhwog cLatters of the i.herm•n
i)ck Hall, the noted moonshine. -chief,
of K.ntuck,, is reported to have been
killed by John Belcher, ou the Elkhorn
Senator McNaughton, New York's Far
C•immtwnuer, died at the New York State
Building at the World's Fair Grounds yes-
1t is now 1+14 that Charles C. Loekstaidt,
• s.tas..factersug elect, 0.1.., is the man who
ewn•.Iled tit. Cricag.. beaks of about
>J ;s i, gNNI
Tiro League of American Wheelm.n hes
refused to e.netioa sat colleens tmeml.-res ..f
the iter e.'legsate A \ \ wishing to run
I'resid.ut Cleveland has teemed his pro-
clamation persitti.g Canada•m vessels to
be coded m cue of wreck in waters con-
tiguous to the U. S. by Ca..adia. weaken..
John Sammie, • laborer, 33 years o:d. of
l'sn.l.0-g. Pa., murdered his wile and bra
dare:titers Mary .ad Madge, aged 4 .red 2 respectively, and thea set the house
oe fire.
!t is said that the British pnstof ce
authorities will discontinue the pract,,-e of
forwarding the American malls by special
train from tjueetstowa oo account of ex
pears entailed.
Solite stove polish, while being used Inc •
Peddler os a stove in a Pittsburg. 1'..,
house, exploited, ca.ato( two deaths .ad
fatal injury to three others and the dist,oc-
tion of the hone..
Acting Secretary Curtis, of the 0. R.
Treasury, says that fish caught in Canadian
waters, by Canadian fishermen, wit► woe
owned by citizens of tin. Caned States,
cannot he imported free of duty.
A special cable to The New York World
tea -•shadows the decision of the arbitrators
to the Behring See . sea h says pelagic
w aling will be restricted, but
wall not be given the full property tights
The Nawab of Romper is it New York.
Ma)or•Gen. Herbst has returned to
Sir 1'b.rl.s Tupper will ail for Canada
0o August 17th.
Speaker White has gone to the )lard tint.
pen emcee for • holiday-.
Emperor William sailed 'uturday frr:m
1 Kiel, for Cowes, Isle of Wight.
Hon. Mr. Fester will 'alk tari7 to the
Frederick's', N. IL Board of Trade.
Rev. F.the Davis, of Mario,. eelel.,ated
hie silver jubilee is the lirtatl.uel `,•
Lint. -Gov. Chapeau his .i,eide.l to
prolong his stay in England for two
Sir John Thompene wd ilon. ('harass
Tulare are still detained u• 1•.'n., •w,,inig
the judgment on the Bohri.g sea arbor.
A 3123,00() lumber Bea oeeurred at Lad -
begun, Mich.
Charles Restos, aged ten, was drowned .t
Waterford, Friday.
W. Phipps, 20, was drowned at
Exeter, Out., Friday.
Fire has broken eat •..w is the Pettibone
mem, near W ilksb•rre, P1
Rix ears were derailed a the G.T.R.,
n ear E,.e•to.., Oat„ Friday.
Mr. Woad. general merchant at Helton,
w.. seriously injured by • runaway.
Half of Wahines, • tetra ie Here
County. Ohio, has been deete.y d by firm
A thirtemayw-old girl Wad was
killed in • runaway secid•et at Emerson,
Mao., Friday.
Mi= ilaIsy L..grill, d•agkter of Lk. A.J.
I •.will, of Hasillte•, i. an &eeidest Net
5..f her ea
Jaw Hey.yrl, proprietor d the WeR..d
(:ra•im Werk., bad by l g bnkea by tea
fall el ••t.
Wats R. Tooker, • 0 P. R
operator, was drowsed by the eprelZartf
a heat at Oldbury
A Widger woman, Mrs Resit►, had her
right side reemplet•Iy paralysed y light-
ing, which stew& he ,mica
1iri. Kaes., a rim, woe horned to
death while play ahem • M is tea
weeds, sear Bridgeport, Ohio.
ih. ste•oesr Pearl was run iota by se
..knew• steetser mf Oennty Dews, be-
hind. The Pearl mak, marrying hews sena
fns itponieh steamer Ras Jess, leaded
will heres15., es rets t. Amoy, h.5....
draw, ed be he. (Intel 430 preens es
heard *sly M were oe.eid.
A d..psreh frees Rem.11, Mao. , says than
11Ebteleg snook Lowther Brea' imp, T.
Ltwthe, who wee ose.dd le i a dTeen
billed. H. bream Jobs wee
warm them feet el him N the time boa
w1. use Want
•Wam. il•teser, .r Wdl.riy .
A Now notes... Who sage ecce slew We
earn*'. FAL" OK, Jaly $L -(Mee murder oR Me latter at
Lanny. was was fosse DOI Aare.
Isle. sear iia en's Falb. Ian inriag, w ell he
mph reed at the Fah Ageless for Me mar -
der of his masse asd sneer, who were .or
tiered as hila semi Yea Detsosve Ohre 1.
Whist work ea 1hs ease. interest Is when
h.s bore derived ke the nslgkbo food of the
sass of Os awful e.esrreme by the mato
ewe el s sue who sow corn forward and
is,. be saw • ywnsg4•ahlag sten acteally
murder the girl. Ills story Y tat a the
day the Lnstmy family wee ereniated ins
we• hie Ingram Irina Creek to tab. the
Wahl for the/Omen H. toot • short est
he L py eeines
••d pd eis
by Whim jest 1�wide 1. a asyy.e
below aseam fob mob fres the
hoses M ypet~ of • girI , who we• rsnwims
sway r.ei_.��� at the top of her .trio• A
sheet Menem the boas., be says, the
ams e.eeMe her. arrack bar down with a
sorelyardeurflgeoped b.r !leak rose the house
Atter ...shag Mi, lee esy. h. on
his way. weet•e Jasper, took the tris for •
peat 1. the 533.3.. and said ootbi.g most
it to serene soul hie new • few dap
agDebieldes Orem will kteeMpM this latest
s.telr.g Uetahl..t tea Mbs/4y Wti. Ube
OTTAWA, Jody %. -.lame Hadd.rd, ow..
same eaterpriw. arrived ham yeeerd.y •.d
a of Auutr•lia.•Can•deais lite of steamer..
and IF. W. Ward, also oeasectmd with the
had as interview with Hue. Meekes5ie
Rowena, Su Adolphe Caren and Mr. Par.
eines as the Uspartess.t of Trace sad
(bsla.rce. Their with the Gov
vrns...t wee to tattle some details d the
eiontract for the subsidy of £1.3,000, vM1k
is granted or • moathl perm* hmksass
Vaucnurmr, B.C., and Sydney, t•.IIt-sq at
Hotn,.ula This, it a understood, w5U be
sax. -..sully aeoompliebed. Both gest5•
men ars hopeful of the Iran doing a big
trade bros.. Camels and the group of
ialew& with which it.o,i.eeta. At pressen
Ne•sssra also mall at Brisbane. Lot to as -
thane this will require a beaus frost the
Queensland Oevenumet, which has bee.
pprrneamisel The Gerstner el the Fiji
Iea.da is elm seeking .sorts to gut the
boats to call there, •ad the bits.& (lovers -
meat will he asked for • sebvNuoa for this
p.rpra the New Routh Wales Govan•
meat has given • boar of t 10,000.
T.. Vadat we she•.•rtial-rope
1t...k. Apwitsed.
VALETTA, Malta, '27. -The court-
martial that was appointed to enquire into
the loss of :h: be.ti:e ship Victoria has
rendered eta &lemon u the cam. d Maurice
A Bourke, captain of the Victnrta rh.
court fiend that no responsibility attached
is Crept. Bourke fnr IM disuses, and he
was therefore acquitted of all blame. Ti..
verdin of the court -mental wee that the
accident wan ds. entirely to the oeda giro
by V50. -Admiral Tryon. Nut rosily was
Capt. Bourke bot all the survivors were
acquitted .f .11 blame.
After the d.rtsiou was renamed Capteis
Bourke's sword was returned to him by
Vic.-Adaur•t Sir Michael Celine Seymour,
oomwnaader-ia-chief of the Mediterranean
squadron sad president of the alert, amid
genera; eougratolatioaa The court es -
premed regret that Rear- (chiral Mark•
ham, who .n the day of the disaster was ,m
I the Campenlown in command of the port
cassis, did not carry out hu revisal is.
Ovation and triers 'guide displayed by did
O.. Presiw .r C..tew.a That IN ILns Was
t. Death While negate 1105.3.4.
Wutarrna, July 31. -Riley cod Lebla c.
the two toughs charged with murder and
robbery of Jobe Wilson ut fjUtord, (.h,1..
hers last week, bine bees committed to the
laps mines for trial.
Leblanc has put tk a written confeaalo..
which states that Raley .b•ke.l the old man
to death and they then divided betimes
than lots money, •Mentf:AL
Leblanc loan old tinier. He l of Preach
extractlou said apparently Miura es' years of
age lie ...lark nod wears a heavy OHM
tact.a d:.•oree lousy is a toting manned
ore who I•.ola as if he wo01il '5'..te.per.t.
urtnce. He or ab..ut _ . ..slue. • all ted
active 511 4011.1 ant) rrrr dark. I1. seemed
to be pretty inervwse and tt... word •-innrdsr"
appeared 20 startle aim. 11e, erre • rnugbt
into court M different tint . ■..d het.. prim
kept s•te ever anew Heir arr.'.t. As
W It4My's ant...dents rite 001)0. st.i. that
babas tames ran "at of kiwis NNt. llama 0n
genera. prim-spls.
rare.., Infewination 11..,. br •
Lake c.w.o...
Kier J.,y M. -Ovum' M..01
of the stamehip (City of Windsor hal
brought i.telligrsm regaining the portio.
of • ship recently east ashore en
lal•ad. Oily eae body was footed. Tho
wreak is • piece of the e•bia reef. •host
.is fest square. 11i the body was a Mack
errs a•d vest, black .tripod crew•/-., fair
overalls, yellow oilskin trossera, new rods
bee boots. He was about u3 feet is lent
sad between SO nod 25 years of o,.
body was need about 14 mils from Duch
The r..lstrae. • Whim et .ws .a
t.. D.r..4..t
KINCA.Di,., 31.-1a the mss of
Dr. Pant eras of Le ek.., charged with
pprr•aeettising de.tisiry without • lieges.%
Mayer Harker has decided that rhe defend-
ant is guilty d • breach of the dental law
and timeshare esovisted him l• the sum el
tweet. deign .red east& He e.ssidsred
Nat the defesdaos was sr.Mid.g d.etaste,
Yen, but feed it with Seeles jlsidis.
Feeding the cold kip. It, nod . ea*
cam afford to bete $ cough ter eold,aeut.
sad leraing• . emeemptien. kthE
mowed him
sham's 11111w1 11pft Qed 14..,'
ou read Iltrimpluseraitse
okimigthsw SWI tally Os,
Int rug
amos tenniter
ba : o aolewr(tai ww�,g ie.t,,gars7Msa'
_�i'!.l +hes•
mwlrbst. ad MyL�ea
�w Meke�ioA banes
tltaah nl.wotfees *te-. to
gad Nam. Y rasa
ehowld take these PIM. They nein the peek
.tail le. l-dlrlw M MMoshe k. anm
d e
y •H .- ll. per{m °sen
es [ee t i wrw■pienpt w -teles l k•�y s a hooee sifter jtM
Beenvilla oma or KOMetnetn. LT,
x x
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plus and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Ort Tobacco euvessjat•
fusers is Cascada-
Cm Plug,Mt 2 ilk.
and me set draw any Use Wines the
sechaoial and prellenelonal i..1...s whish
go to make up the rt ed ds"Ysery.
lir Jt... r- .. ps•a's P wade .
OTTAWA. July 3l [Apsoisll,-To belpeva
the tally taw .sa. el the s.wupapees w
pbb15.b .g ridiculeus storm el cheap* is
the (I...ram ss . soon as Bir Jake
p•�o ro mo. Thea oiled
to the e
*Yat the Premie will retire hem the leader-
ship tad be assailed by Bir (lariat Tut
per. This is a oo.►ism Thome who an
roan o. the Mends know teething of a
this; Mined, men of the minister, are ta-
ng • hcliday,ssd .11 are awaiting gar Jskn't
nears shout Aug 90 at 15...04 1.
What is likely to happen i. tele: If the
Paris .ward peas is fever of Canada, eft
Jobs Thompson may .waive soma Ii.perW
honor, most likely a eammw to the
ljsoon'. Privy Cesncil with the title i
Right Ho.oeabi., similar to 81r Jobs Mee
desald. Bar Joel Thompson will thes mil
for Cicada, acid aft. • short net .mist a1
a number of political moetisp so •
tale i• Ontario. neon N Y ONMUahee a Moe
N . E, July 31. -Mrs. James Wiling
called to v btstbasd, whet is no
=de with M..... Car.a•11e. Biqa.�.iet•herrl, sad while seated rani.' Is
him enm.eod sd1Mly to &
terwly...d dud alma* fedwtly..
H.teW a 1M free.
All are stifled to the hose that their
maw will boy, se emery haily shield
heel els ser.. booth d rho halt f11e �/
11gr el Syni ..' MW. 14 area is 111
ism motive K
awn heeds§ by dl Imams 1s.
Plowoo sash mimes rq•irrd 0
mdse.. , B..d-.m.t.r e1 (ii4
Ash Chimes' Butt
Tho Y.P.E.C,L. of Ross ehsr.b. sheared
holding a lawn mold w the Mom grsrA'
es the mvs.i s el Monday, the 10114
ire. •
Tba.. Gundry. A�ssto55
lwr, wHf 41 b!
amnion at Mad.u,b'e how Duos**
Q. 80Iw1.4•y And. 51h, North + let 9e, Wi-
ese. W. Wewmes&
Ush, Malts. and M.1sbm of Wen
e n -1 -ole, satwl b b .bats. byWad'
trot% E•w-twy Wks. Thlo wow fins
Sold by F. Jelies, DrwoM.
Thum wit Moly M w .amens boo
by as wow*
dthe �Mj14~ji. Msetalmefor Avis d�Wok ••d
of ase rpimn who wish so os bow mots
fes a My% wainwen 1.'.mot to te. pia
tumilty en lo
at kw ye oft 13.10 IMMO
511 mule
lam. Bea. thea.. 4 114114.
g ad Imo wf11 ..silks pens • p»t41 f`
orU. Wham r ra.MISM rr�lii�
Mgr t. Am a"thes11R1d flltrtlss*•
SIM 1111 " Sioollsbe
wrap'. Maisie
ai1� fir weeds " W17 a
.e.a� (wOM Ma Tilos . 1Iof