The Signal, 1893-7-27, Page 7THK SIGNAL': GODERICIL ONT. THURSDAY, JULY VANS. 7 pECIAL PURGIL DE BIacl Collon Rose Guaranteed Fast Black, with Lisle Thread Heels and Toes. The Regular price of this line is 40c. We will clear them off at 25c. SEE THEM. IT'S A BARGAIN ! JOHN T. ACHESON. HOW OPEN FOR Ib3PBCTIU1 AT MUNBO'S TRUTH ASOUT VIOL T ARIANISM. vaaaaYlaas save lleees ..a lees ttraa47 -a litelarewirelle Nap. A e.poy regimsnt which •senna it win walk • Europese regiment Chet to doenpe, and do it on flood w) stele competitors would prosaism wholly insufficient to sustain vigorous life. A alar Hindu. sane* carrier, with a t of 00 pound on his•boli of course, is two divisivas bung on his neck by a yokes -will, if properly paid. lope along over a hundred miles in twenty-four Lours, a feat which would exhaust any but the bsst-trained English runners. We feel, indeed, some doubt whether the relation between the power of walking and what is properly called "p@ strength," is at all a close cue. Illisey classes of Bengaline, who are a feeble folk, seem in walking tireless; and it le within the knowledge of us all that many comparatively feeble Fngliehtue.t coo walk all day, and sit down at We .nil far fatigued than stun who, in a stens, woulst throw them in five minutes on their backs. Weight has much to do with it, and lung condition, and above a11, a certain soundness of the sinews which has qo more relation to the Strength of those sinews than the tena- city of a fibre, silk for example, has to its bulk. We believe the truth about vegetarian- ism to be this -that it shnoet invariably injures those who adopt it after being accustomed to a flash diet, that it re- quires invarielity and aLolutely a con- eumption of milk not easy to saw's is Noorrtheern Europe, but that, at the oust of some energy and much power of resist- ing disease, the majority a wen can live on vegetables w ithout any grave reduc- tion in their phymcal strength. They can do must kinds of hard work -not aU-as well as their oeighburs, and can do sedentary work probably a little tetter, though we must add that, owing to diminished energy, they are usually not erluelly inclined to it. They low a re- current pleasure of some value, thesatss- faction of being full -fed -your vegetarian feeling hungry- frequently and ssba -but they gain quite remarkably in cost of their food. Their reduction in ex- pense is considerable in all cans: and 0 Europeans could be taught the full value as food of haricot -beans. of lentils, and of millet, as containing not only nourishment, but nitrogen. and could obtain milk at reasonable cost, the re- duction would be very great in- deed, probably more than one- half. In an experiment we beard of lately, in which the haricot -beans were much employed, the saving was greater than that; and indeed the question only needs diecursion because of the price of milk, and because of a rather exaggerate ed idea as to the quantity a vegetable - food which tnurt he provided,* quantity which varies not only with each person, but with the kind a food consumed. A man stay eat garden stuff all day and not get the sustenance which he will obtain put of a c.mpatatively small quantity of beans, millet or wheat. Economy is the unquestionable "pull" of vegetarianism, and we should say the cols one. though the practice does not diminish strength in anything like the proportion which flesh -eaters imagine. 'This confute strength and energy and forget that the mass of mankind never can, or will, get anything but the cereals and other vegetables to eat. To abandon flesh diet is not to advance. but only to go back to the involuntarypractice of the majority of the uncivilized-Instsdos (Eng) Spectator. Navy, Black and Colored Storni Sc-' es, Whip Cords and Two -Toned weed Effects. A Rill line of ack Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheas, Whip Cords, E-..,31 Cloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- riettae, Amazon Serge and Bengalines, TogetherPrints, ith Chambrays and Printed Piquee. French D'Lain,T i a; :i 3 Cloth, EXTRA VALL E IN White and Grey Cottons, l3het•tings, Pillow Cottons, kc. Napery Department well assorted. New thaw are coslai on as List as p.selble. 6 PER CENT. DISOOUNT FOR CASH. � MT.TZ�TRO, Draper and Raberdaeher. 21)64 THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Freon :he Oast Reporter. e The old rockaway stage -coaches which have recently formol part of tbo outfits of the' wild west" show exhibition in Galt ace somewhat new to the younger generation in this part of Canada, but a little Less than forty years ago similar ooacies were run - sag the streets of halt •very boar, and Ow vacant space at the rear of the tjueen i hotel, and afterwards the lot of which the skating rink now occupies part, had gener- ally three and four, sad sometimes many more, of loess coaches standing therms. salt :n those days was the headquarters for the staging business of Western Ontario. Four horse coaches, largely ooatrofed by salt men, left Isere twice a day for Hamil- ton. and upas their arrival from that city, after passing throught all the dangers and trial, of the tar ,anted Beverly swamp, the eran:pe f and weary pr.engets would find ether coaches in from of the tjaees's Arm/ -o it was called in those days-w•i'.tug to Hart otT for Stratford, Galeria, t:wlph, Owen Sound sad the "lag S.ugees." And with what a flourish the drivers would brine their teams and lamberts' coaches into the square and draw up in frost of the hotel slop' Poor old Webb, Jon Niece. Tommy Aitkms, Dan Dineen, and • Freschmaa whore name we do not now remember t hey were sever •e happy as when:the Hasp of the hotel was crowded with passengers weit- tsi to take their respective coaches, sad they started from the hotel yard with a lively team to make a eiroait of the melee and draw up in treat et the stops. Talk of the cs,ndactor of • railroad train' Here esu a man who was driver, con- ductor and brakeman all in one : sad it was sot steam he was dealing with but skit- tish, std ion many cases, vicious horses, doomed to • time of "'taxies" because nothing else could be done with them. If that would not oars them of their bad habits they were of • variety beyond hope. Then we most not forget the "whistle " of the aid coaches, formed by • geed, strong bens, and the driver's lips. About the foot of the Hamilton hill the driver would take the lies in his oma hand sad with the other raise the horn to Ms lips, and thee the va- in would robe with • ssssd that told all within reach of it that the " stage was can' lag," sal the Dark in the post -office would wake up to the fact that Is. would coos be called upon to exert himself is distributing a marl. Meanwhile the driver had dropped hie horn and again moped the linea, and what life was aft is isle horses was brought' eat of them as they rattled through the street, over the bridge and werebeenglet up is style before the hhotel sl Aad saw we have for all the whistle of locomotives Miley pas through the town, drawng their hundreds of massager, is luxuriant. enachea. It is a great theme, a wonderful Manan -it weld eat sad to fie bask to the sled stage -oath days -bei, after all, are we nay happier for the chasms caseate* Mae Trade. The Canadian Gazette ear the Casadtu inet.6ods of shipments during est rats have been irregular and slovenly, and tails attention to the instructions kissed by prominent Kagliab dealers, which mast be followed out if the hay trade is to be a success Thete scoote they my, to be a future before tbis hay trade, but it must be duce on altogether different lines than at present. The best u to send it to the coast oosssgeed to your shipping agent there, and thee let him make out the bills of lading the e actual quantity shipped by each steamer, and arrangements should be made to sent the documents direct from the pet of shipment: otherwise, if they have to go back to Quebec, cr Montreal, or iulaad 'swot before being cent to England, they generally arrive after the hay is landed, and to heavy chars are incurred, which qe debited to the .hipper is Caaada. It is necessary that every bale of hay be marked, but trot with the name and &Memo of the presser: am initial or daub of any colored paint will do. The qual.ty that commands the beat sale then is timothy well mixed Glover aad brieht and amen. W. prefer bales wei4hin; 100 to 130 lbs to the large ones. Sh ipm•ata should be at least thirty to forty tons in order to esabtes u to get tl e as as ppo amble a Hay ens ttrad•in this country ly is done on • long credit, and if the trade with Canada is to amass any great dimosiost, arrangements will have to he made on your side for the banks to deliver the decussates on &operation, and rot payment as at At Liverpool. Mr. Dyke, the Canadian trevornmeat agent, tells us, some 6.000 toes of Canadian hay were received, and realiz- ed from 1.4 to £4 10■ per ton of 2,240 toot 2,000 lbs as in the Dominium). The peewees price is from CS for easier to £7 and £8 for best. For the peat fifteen or sixteen years Liverpool dealers havereeeived bay in fivactaatia* quantities, acrd Mr. Dyke ears them is always an active doomed at oeetals prices pe tided it is good clover bay arta is 100 t p..swd bite bales of o 1501b. emeh for email owmwmmars. The expanse es Centel - Se hay shipped to Liverpool are 8134 sad eves taking rho value here at 810, this leaves nj to the shipper. and compares favorably with the return from the best United States markets at New York and Roston. 11rship. Down, the Bristol agum . advocates ship- ping hays from Ott. Juba and Mental, by g t to Avasmssmtb, the advantages ion desk does, etc., being quite 4s per ten. J 11.11110010 0/1" Ow add fll►s•r..m -. sande'y and M•Y••Itoil Of all the well-km/bens !eye propri•tersa the tars we speak of. nose sew aro kit mare Franca Low.11, et this Wire. Heb... Thorpe. !Sampson, chapoae, Yount. Coe - hitt - all glee Tine Ma drat 1' tly with ear alt Mead Ile, Lowell, sad ie 10..tamkeegs 1 his noon ie tad sevesestsl el the p i� m Ines : bet he his moments oents hie met often revert 1. the day .f theca stage essehee, .hes he had Shea i. the Game her to try sad move a balky home or vete' r posters *lee 1. beep Gem rain wfipped hismeif t Nernhray'a KI4.y sad Liver ear" le a pr'pnelen et herbs tail rens, the w..Iienl 10.1 of w►leh aro universally hears. TR it fee petrifying the bleed. Fe, baa, n. A. Fsse. :.Mthe"benlI dollar a pear. Mresr and And 1t a great oosnfort and savor of Labor VA light „AP •••••00•••• Has no tlgtaal for vertu►, nor Air Moaning and invemettening. nor preserving Um Athos and hands fltom 1n - jury, nor Aar all-round m RarVslid 0l41AP iiMITATIONS • saarew tease. Yrs. bangle --My husband begred for woe whiskey this morning, but 1 wouldn't give it to him without your permission. Was I right' Doctor Probe-ls it the same brand that you off .red me' Mrs. Dangle -Yes. Doctor Probe -Madam, you have saved his life. LOOIE =IC Now is the time to lay in your Winter's SAUNDERS & The Meet aeraal•p foal tit Ma 0arke rts•erdd tM 33 Meat Crede of sena'• Coal i se 3 30 Seat Slerk.tetteCad As 1 am ensuring for a oouplc of cargoes of A Madrid .pear. onagers, a Rumanian country town of 11100 inhabitant*, bolds its annual fair on the Feast of St. Theodore. On this occe ion the place swarms with newly married brides from some sitar to eighty villages in the district ; widows who bave taken fresh husbands remain at loose. The young women in feetive attire, and generally attended by their mothers-in-law, carry jug+ of wine, enwreathed with flowers, in their hands. They kiss every one they meet, and after- wards present the jug to his lips for a The individual thus regaled be- stows 17 a small gift on the fair Cybelie. Not to tartake of the proffered wine is regarded as an insult to the young wife. and her family. She is, therefore, re- served towards strangers, and ally kisses those wboen she thinks likely c �td as her wine. The kissing is every liere-ie the street, in the taverns, and iu private hwueee. The origin of this custom is veiled in obscurity. Some say that it dater back to the time when the Turks made frequent raids into Transylvania, and carried away all the young women they could lay their bands oo. Such of them as contrived to escape from captivity, happening to return to Halmagen at the time of the fair, kissed their friends and relatives, even strangers who congratulated them on their wonderful deliverance.- Rumanivclie Wochenschrift. Edward Lintel, of Rt. Peters, C. E., says-" That his hone was bully ttorn by a ppfitchforir. Om bottle of RD LINIMENT eared his." Livery Naha sen all over the Dosniaise tell our swats slat tads would not Ire with- out'IIINARD'S LU.ttll ENT for twin the HARD WOOD LOOK OUT FOR {'RICES. arAU Coal weighed at the rner-et. W. LEE. 11deaM..r ttssseetlea. fu -11 • trees New L.1 1 ° peotlesam wbe has tie elts.st- w hislan of rating hie mobil Mess ee year taes whoa taftteg)-Yea smoke ted tnhasw, sesesiser ! cleat (asessiebel amd emiliat) I*1 1k I serer M. make Lady -Time pts• home iter M..Ms'. Kidney sed Live Cent M Cethe latest t at ipls la phase.aey, fee the sere of Kelsey sod (Aver treelike and • positive ow• for hook est, sour •ten•ek. diari.sas, esaotlp.time km. 4 lllloaedei aesement sores BsMrw Where Hermes Rear Vells. The oddest things to be seas is Cm streets of Colorado Springs are horses decked with veils We have grown ac- customed lathe jaunty little bats worn by many hones in our towns to protect them from the heat of the sun. We can eves mean umbrella foamed over their to bee& without surprise gives noble beast a dandyish look that is very droll. Some of thew veils, belonging t0 fine saddles, are mere fringe• of tee stripe of leather that mosquito hat bbangbb g eel un awn arel+110111 b•otiy back mad faeten- ed like a woman's now veil: but the moot Myna:. and altogether effective an of netting drawn over a hoop whisk bolds it away from the • ss, yet com- pletely protects them. The exaggerated Asea give the gravest horse • waggish The veils are not worn for fashion's make. They are, indeed, a stern noose - city, and the aoesfolt, if not even the W of the horse, demands it. Colorado, with all its attrectiosa, has one plague -tad el Aka Flies of all Seas, from up to the enorm.ss bine bottle, see everywhere. Most psis of his body the base cash but eyes if not deprived Of his tan. J eamot, mod thew delicate organa ate •objects •r sheet ny the beet • sea ran do fly��tri�ibee.M. p,u1. ting veil for hs most fahtbfttd • .watts, HAVE YOU BACK -AC H E DODOS KIDNEY PILL WILL CURE YOU "Backaok• means the kid- neys are is trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pil!sive om Prpt relief- "7t- par carts. of1 disease is ist caused by disordered kid- neys. • Might as well try to kali• a h•altky city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidn•ya are Ithigged, they are the aoavengen of the system. "Onlay 1. dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the moat dan- gerous of all, frights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." ' Th• above diseases oawaot •riot where Dodd's Kidnel Pills we reed eaty ald.tlees or Beet y mars e(,rk• so amts. per box or sin ,I lass. hoe thio r co. Tororo. sib iw O. ROLARO FIIIINACES ooAL. We are headquarters for the hest (Mal and Wood Furnaces. LOCAL Rar6EENC56: REES PRICE, E•Q.: MRS. W. T. HAYS.: WOOD. WE ME ALL 011@ ON TINABE FROM RE -DIPPED TIN PLATES. DON'T BUY SLOP WORK 1 Eave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice - Work, Heating and Plumbing. PROMPT ATTENTION. GOOD WORK. Ile IMO 'laws an the loom eels Oneelasd whale never hes tsldh bet ewe. sod that l when it boa" as whaNew ler. Yorker. who was Trcas teethugh ass la waned �lthe oeg whole lbsot fan owl MM label Wilt Volk ay b la the jaw, asdManed a Mane d of lt•ieg h ns l taetb. plater a� � ass wkptUe/.d far l..Jttrww� �'1�d1 s'ala. rf DwLp4'1'S 0 WILDR� $TRAWBER cUR� C :46. CQL/ cHOL o�H-E cHROEA ciar DflIARNe�ERy DY �CON sumM •,^pl�aTS c•�rlos a SAUNDERS & CO., :w.et Street. PAILS AND TUBS of fibre and Pails of Wood, reliable, strong and good ; for pickles, lard, jam or sap, for use at the well or the tap. of the finest materials made for your household, your farm or your trade for every contingency ready and pails made by E. B. EDDY. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, MAMMOTH WORKS, HULL, CANADA. SUMMER COODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing • specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at AEiTS ! tfiRiTM. It :1r R>lrlf LL2 G011MIT`S ^t airs•, ares all ba•larw les etw t'. P. 1 erect set... e1.040l se in MuNt'L,l rF rleo, . ser +thererel11 1' . 11%64+1 0f - to . awl a • est Isa• fa 1.11111tum. w- hoa dd,,•. •D1L fromr dB//NJf V. i rin� kIODB1L O DJs/ 1i1Jt10. �e rt.. the 9 uta, The Tornio Cash S1.orc P. O'DEA. Manager. WHY Patronise True Does OEO. BARRY, the Oolerich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's suppliest And how is it that he can sell so cheap? BECAUSE .Competition. Tors Clew Motu Leepppalvesi nt. a rve aft* steer •ae pi ptrt.dan aid fit arriseltriele IvisilizaP etas yew .. r, dvle• tt.le+e.mae.l • r Oasis Bw tflt.W .Mede. fill• tit et _Ms�i of ever perces wee He tints that it pays in the long run. His motto is : ' Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-7 OODERTOH Steam, Boiler Works. (ssr•Bfr$UsD itM1.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, 'ats34 a.tiinoi: wfess tsset �mse ft.tnrar i•..erw. to Ckrp.1rl • Mfa•Rf Manuftrct vers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tabular 313017.-IERS S Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc. Ise dater• la Upright and Rorisootal Ill{de Regime. Automat le tart -Ori Kiebnee a poslalty. All vers te N • see eip••letlaa oesemeerR atle •.heeed. K.elaat•s tarnished ea 2 -ty 5' `0. ee IL ` atteht as0ae Ato. W..-owsta . O. T..sa1 R. Mattes •.Avfe` 3YSTP,M RENOVATOR AND annuli Tim ni11a'DI . SpecifiCand Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished Mood, dye- i=sbnw splsea, palpintiee d the vet caseplaint, rsralgisti tem le tmsmsey, kresaitis, ocnwmrnytiaa, gall meek jaendiss. k Mislay aa�l urinary thsassee, s► Vitas' donee, t male inr slari11es and rem.rel debility. 4ANOtt1'ONTtIJODERIMI. ONTARIO J. M. MoLsOn. Ft..11 sw sae 5aswfsrteesr. .V -at,.