The Signal, 1893-6-22, Page 44 flu signal, re rososenso EVERY THURSDAY MORNING SI t, taeCOIWCOMT. Oboe of Publloatioa a and 10. Nortkatave, Ouderlch. Ontario. Teras of Subseetgeler a Dae month. In advaace 11 11 Three unto t:.., •• M Six year. .. .... .......... 1 l If credit Is weed, the price per year will be 130 Ad,,F4SMsa Rake Legal and other casual advertisements. 10c. per hoe for Mot iurrrtioa• and 3 e. nus per Iter Owe each .ulreguent iusertiuo. lluasured by a 0ooputil.wlw Hu.lnesn cauda of ail )iuC and ander, 03 per year. Adrertf.emeata of Lost. Found. Slimy ed. letuatioos Vacant. Situations Wanted and Bueloess Cheroot, Premed. nut exceeding 0 Macri nonpareil. 01 per mouth, Houses on Sale and Patois o* Aide, sot to exceeds I:n,s, el for Ant mooth, SIO. per sub- Any ub se$ueut month, larger ad%ts, in Any sprc•!.I boiler. the ohlect of w bleb promote the pecuniary hene5t of any tadl- Tidnnl or company, to he considered w let' rertie -stent and amused secordlntly. Loral notices In nonpareil type one rent per word. no notices loos than Vic. In. -al notices in ordinary reading type twat (rote per won!. No notice for leas awn 500 Notices for rbnn ws and other radiafuw and benevolent inzt.tctiuna half rate. reamerrlal Centred Advertisements. A li:n:ted number of displayed at verti.t mean will be in.ertad at the Wallowing rote - Per Inch. one outer -nos. a' (,• " four insertions 1 ((, " throe months-. ..S u: " .:x mouths 3 n, owe year 3 eo No advertisement lege than two Ischos it Itaeth will be calculated on above iasis. per cent. discount allowed for web payment. ma three ruonthi eontract ; 10 per cent. on six most be'. ool 13 trr cert. on a year'r, neer conditions will be strictly enforced. (*beet '•Tke i4*wal" Delivery. Pu1rcriter who tail to reueiTe TUX SIOMAI. rcarulariy. either by carrier or by snail. will confer a gator by acgaet:,tint( to Of the CMOS at as early • date as ;easel ble. Leek at Tear Label. Tone label i. ■ ,undies receipt of the date to which you are paid np. See .bat It is not allowed to fall into arrear. When a chance of address 1s deeired, both the old and the new address should be given. Rrieeted mann.cripte cannot be returned. Correspondence must bo written on our. side 01 paper uuly. r.MI.kt'r's retire, J. ('. 1 . Toueel, of Itoder(ch, has been ap pointed Local Travelling .serf., for tee: town- ships of Ooderich, Colborne. Ash& d and Wa- w.nosh. I.oc.l postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive anh.criptims to Tux Btu\ to. All communications must be addressed to U. McGILLICCDDT, Tun ftsoste Telephone Call 10. Sedmrfab, Oat. OOIHUUUCH.11LVa+iDST. JUNI 111E tag. t TIIE MAN *110 • raw M..MTHM Mo. wee claimio, that the climate of Canada would be against it tor all time is now besinninu to hedge. IT IIA' !MEI ARIA ..Y.b TII AT A (0 VE\- tim of temperau o workers for the Province of Ontario will meet at Toronto on October 4th, for the purpose of organizing for the prohibition plebiscite to he taken in .Janu- ary next. IT I. T.)0 Ittm T,I tT Hn\. .ion. ( was not raised to the peerage tor stealing HAM..\', neat, instead of getticg a measly knighthood. Previous to the present time be had belonged to the becrage and from the Lper ge to this peerage is • common thing in the Old Country. WE FEEL A.AURgp TWAT TIIE IIE.t5T (11' revery true colonist will throb with great joy on learning that hereafter colonial states- men who have the title "Hon." prefixed to their uam,a will be accorded the right to use it in great Britain and Ireland. by the graciousness of Her Majesty the Queen. For she herself hath said it. THE o l-rukl'o or THE storm t•8•.rl.:. ' t'hicaro and elsewhere to have the Would'. }'air closed on Sunday have come to naught 'Fite Illinois 'Court of Appeals has nn animoualy decided in favor of the Fair beim; oponel on Sunday. The Court holds that the local directory is in full control, anal that the l;Overnmient has no standing. A. the Supreme Court does not meet until October this judgment is final. Arid now that the matter is settled, we might remark right here that at this distance front the wordy battle ground it doss seem to ns that endeavoring to raise the moral states of Chicago by leaving the beer gardens and other questionable resorts ,pen and closing the Fair, is about as illogical as attempting to decrease the temperature at Lahore in midsummer by blowing one's breath at it -- sold Lahore beim, epigrammatically referred to by the elder Kipling, ea "bell with a lid HARBOR NOTES. Mose Items of Iwere,* *a.hered free tbe Lake erase. Fishing very light. The dredge is doing Good work. Str. (Iv of Windsor called on Tueslay• bound up. Tug Dispatch, ('apt. Alex Mclean, ass rived ea Sunday from Parn e. Ste. Monarch cellar' on Wednesday on her trip up the lakes and took on 15 ars of salt. Mohr Starling arrived on Merida), from Kaminsky with 450 toms of .'al for Kidd and 01cVwea. Joe. Williams' to., from l'ort Arthur ar• rived here nn Friday when she will lay up for some time. On Tuesday • rubber Waist in eoneetioa with the engine of the Government tut, gars out and oosaaioned a delay of a couple of hoar It is reported that the person who ha■ the 00.1,5ct for the exteasino of the piers will have a large gnaatlty of Ike timber required hauled hen next eta. Mohr. `epbie strived ne Thursday from Port Arthur with 18,400 beehels of grata for the bill mill, esti left rot %sterday for Owes posted to lead sirdar tor Pert Arthur, earl thew Whig a1.Thw serge of pots for this port. M.kMelo : W. McLeod, of Melt Weep, peened meesesehelly his aepad year ex amb eatisa, taking haws r Malkeseaties Meevele lust wash Baleeasa Memo W tbe May deme el This artery t. Mr. Clgek, •t 1M 1.10001,101111 ]hen. The poise 1e. ernived Me title w smut This 1. s geed F. THE SIGNAL-: GODRRIMI ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1893. TOE DROWNINGS OF i SAT. MANY PERSONS MET WATiRY GRAVES YESTERDAY. Salt a Des.. Pottage Meed 1leatk whn. anotu.g-Tere.te Slay Claims Anne/um Isamu - Naar Toto Co0rr.bete A I/.1*., To The Death Moll. TnkoIT•), June 19.- William It. Na - mop, a Young num w the employ of .luliu Mlaadouall A ('u , and titres wmpanlue, ale employed in .kat ntaidul iu,tut, went for a mall im a mall Twat Aundsy When thea were about three cubes west of the l'utut \r...0 drtd that he was very warm and would hate a swtae. He ,tripled and yluuged Into the water and had hardly baron in • unnute when he Is supposed to have taken tramps end mask. The lake at the spot is about 200 feet sleep. - A Tds.*berg Voting M.o. Titt..si i tut. June 19. --Harty Kaymoad, son of Mr. Thoma, Kaymend et this place. was druwued Saturday evening at Bay City, M.eh., where he held a p011lu.o in M. C. H Hawley k ('o.'s dn,,o. d, estabbisk• meat. The body will be brought to Tilsos. Wog for interment. Itrew.ed Wkit.• Wishing IIt.TIN. June 19. -James Audersoa, .on of David Andcrrm, IrroLer of flu tows, was drowned Saturday evening abet 9 o'clock. II.• w.a fishlag at the groat '1 dam and standing eu the stop logs, when tie took an c .il.•p. c fit, which be was a..b- ject to, and fell u.. Two met were Stand• tag hoodoo hint at the time. but (wing us- able to swim could not realer auy assis- tance. Ile oda tier Volas Goprw• u, Out., Jane ID.-l:e"trge Wil- liamson, buss driver, is the employ of A. M. Pulley, was drowned here at the mouth of the river. I)e.-eaae.i, who could tot sw-tm, went beyoud his depth and was carried away by the current. bound Ills INaly 1. the Lake. Wls.nrao., June 19. -The body of M. McPherson, • well known young man of kat Portage. wax found in the take. H. had beau missing several days. Dr..w ued to"lab sotkbE. Bitterr.'us., Ont., June 19._ While lest!• dug with a number of other boyo 111 rile Grand Riv.-r just south of the iron bridge here this af'eraoa.n, Juhnny Oleo, aged 11, was drowned. _ --- Struck Struck H1. 11.-nd Ow . Murk. June 19. -Albert Hine of Alice Renfrew County. was Tuesday swept veer McRae s milldam. A stick was reached to him at use foot of the dam, but he took Do notice cf it. having apparently been stunned by •triklug his head upon the rocks. lie was seri Ai ANthee At Ddhl ' 1)LLnt, June 19. -Arc Cole, aged 23, ion of John H. Cole, • highly respected and thrifty farmer near here, was drowned to Lig Creek Saturday nigkt while bulking. Tek.. wren Cramms. i.. •Hest, Ont., June 09.. -Alexander Mr lotyre, aged 1;, went i.to the River Clyde j:ut below the vil age to b,the to - lay. Melntyre nee awimm..:; out.. Ile ailed out that he had cr.totfa and tm- ncdutely sunk bu about 10 feet of water. the body was recovered. A LIVELY CHUiCH RO.V A tlena.lal of targe I'roportMns at a Dr - troll a .,ngre.sIl.. . 1)111r.1T. ,lune 19. -Unity CL:nrch of this city, an aboost croons.. Organaitiou .Professing Chcs'o,ns, is in U:c throes of a scandal. The Lev. C. C. (ioodricL, pastor of the chum :., tuteuded to procure a divorce from hu soft with the knowleal,te Lad ro d c.scut of ul.e it-ard of 'l'riutr,r Some of the menthol. erre oppes„ i to th:,, end an carat wax made to depose the nrie- tater. At a meeting hcid last eveniee grave charges against the monster wcie reed. They had previuu.ly been passed upon by the trustees and dl.::a iited. Pastor (food• rich repll.'d to tits charges In a lengthy .ddrena, .upplemente•t hs- a large number of 1,fters in support of his moral character. When ire had finished the Hey. Mr. Builoek arose and ..unouuce,l that be was prepared to prove that the statements of Mr. t:ood- rrch nem, "damnably false." Mr. (:oo-Iricb at once become violently angry, rushed upon Mr. Bullock and seized him by the throat. tesrral „1 the leadlno funetionaries of the cllur,tlr interfered and prevented what would undoubtedly have resulted in • much more %nous assault A scene of ►ndescnlalde confusion ensued. Won.en, who largely predominated, set earn - d and several fainted. Th. meetings fled ly broke up in great disorder. A disrup- Lion of the church will, it is said, result. TM Rev. Mr. Bullock exhibits lettere wrote° to Pastor Goodrich by • lady of the congregation, which are decmbeaily im. proper for a single woman to send to e married man, and the authenticity of which, it re throned, is not questioned. urea room tl. tw1.r1K 15t rrti... June 19. -Cornelius Mahoney, he young man who was shot at Niagara Falls Wednesday while attempting to tab s rerolv,.r from his drunken brother, Ohne.. did at the General Hospital at 11 o'clock Teaterdayr morning. Corner Walsh of Niagara Falls was in .he city yesterdayto look alter the case sad Sunon u la tLockport Jail. MNYK Murt, seer *pane. BUFFALO. June I0. -Nims. Kelleher of Brantford, Ont., was severely hurt at Black Rock yesterday. She came to Buffalo on an :•ecursifo and alighted at -the !Warhorse street crooning while the train was in motion. She serried a baby on rise arm and a had cagy in tee otber. The force of the tram threw her off bee feet and one of the an week her heel, inflicting a severwtcalp wound. The baby was not hot SNNr.etly. Tiro wt xlontreat. Mosra.At. Jam 19.-A fire, involving on eof oboes 'wow took platy in the .heleonle boot amid shoe factory of Tbosp. em A (b , (haig-itrest, yesterday. 11. origin .. mystery. 'I'►. Sat where Ir. was it reel as a cnttumgg mem and extended back .o Forti5wuea-lane sad oe.tel.od meal' valuable tusk. Ti.sspeoe d Ce. owe the r indirtg, wkieh M meowed for 5t4,000 amid tied, week ter 500,000. weetkern P.Na0 trate t.bb.er FArtn, N D., leaf 19 - Rebhan bedewed s Northers Puede Railway trate as Wad. .a yes eeday, treat Ibroagk sae el Me deeptag ars end messed... is °Matniag three gold watah's •ed 140 fool lbw pen Magsra Tb• porter of 1hw ear eras badly tlahheA Tb. sea paned the belLsrd lan before 0M Yds stepped Jumped wL gad 6.01114 DOMINION NEWS 11.4 BRIEF. Crop prospects nee esoellw0 is Mastoid district. There are about IW80 mesa wade, teavms at the camp at Stagara. Brom. county, (lueben, nmaletaias the Scott Act by 123 majority. The °owner some of • new 530,000 ekanh for the 1'tasbvtcrtaaa eras bud at Ptssis us Saturday. A company is being funned to place • Kae of steamers on the route between Port Stan- ley and Cbvelaud. A eon.pauy with 110,000 ap$W is being orsesaised at Il ea f, r.l to establish an agru:rl tura! and industr.sl lair. W. l'. Reid of Fergus has been arrested at Guelph fur arrang.ng to pt.r. h... 53080 worth of cuuuterfcit money for $00. A Kingston hotel keeper compile's' through the papers that lialuor u being opeaty sold un toe military camp ground there. Crtt!sae n in (.lsgow and Liverpool any mil to hit..• given um hope of the embargo agm,•rt 5 ana.Lru cattle being removed this et a... n Tne /luau: for Incurablro rec. mv.s• legacy a 51100 by the will of the late Me Dick, ler so many years a warm friend of the in- stitution. At Pauldieg..Ohio, on Friday John (.aro, m street soa ssnoner, was killed aad W. K. Crawford fnta.ly iujured during an 1 .et.t- esl Sturm. At Lsnarkviilage a boy earned Airman. der McIntyre was drowned while bathiag. He was II years old. Cramps took kis while swimming. The corner Inoue of 511, James' Episcopal ,,hutch, Hespeler, was laid on Saturday by Archdeacon lhion. of tlnelph, is the p.e- ssuce of • beige crow i Twu won Cau•dilns who went to Buffalo to work under contract, it Is said, bare been forced to return to the Dominion •hr the l'oited States authorities. At l'ort Arthur Asslrss the Grand Jury bare returned • true bail adai.st Rowe, barged with shooting Iris brother is -law, Archie Commit', last II.•camber. Mesas A. t:. t,oaierhain and T. f.. Blackatuck's saw a ram yacht, the Cl.o- IP• tra. was successfully lam e:bed at Hamil- ton before a di tiegu,es cd gathering. The Allan mad SS. Parisian, which ar. rived at Quebec at 7 o cluck on Saturday + mos niug. made the fastest pass ,geon mooed i Irum Lu erpoul 10 s'cel,cc via the Cape Race Jroute. The first imp-.rtaton of Australian frnit has reached \\'lun:psg to tint -class coa- lition, uuly 21 aiay. from Sydney. The )ranges and lemon are tut to be vary fin: in quality. Connolly and Carter, tho two convicts who escaped from Maritime pet:t•eatiary at Dorchester, N. B., were captered in the woods nrar I'atuse. by Weettea Fester at the point of a revoker. The le minion Women's Christian Tem - potence Codon is iu session at %Vinnip.•g. 1'be rep •rex previewed show a gen_ ral ad- vance to membeniup and a saudactory state of atieirs gtncra:ly. Vmllam Blair, sou of the postmaster at .tratford, has Leen arrested ou . 7ttarge 00 abstracting money from 1.•11•. rs. T'as young man has been a clerk in the post - (Ace. Inspector Hopktrk caused the arrest. Thirteen carloads of stall -fed cattle fur the Womb market were shipped from Walkerton en Saturday. Thee were the finest animals es , -r seen in that district, and mst the buyers, ,,Messrs. Rowland card Mc- Kerr.c: er, somewhere is the neighborhood ibe Australian mails fur England, *1s. the C'atrd-us. route, arr.veal is Montreal Filthy mnradag, were promptly forwarded 1. New York, and placed r,u hoard the etc•mer Augusta` Victoria. and are expected to roach Southampton on the 22nd oast., 3,5 days after they were slipped at Sydu.y, a saving of four d.ys. PERSONAL MENTION. Sir John Abbott's health has greatly im proved lately. Montreal contributes 17800 to the Princess NIA; present fuud. Bishop 11 and, of aloutreal, is now pro nounce' out of danger. The mllaess of Pres dant Carnot of France is said to be very serious. Hoo. Speaker Rollaotyw laid the corner stone of the new Kuox church at Moo -hell. The London W. C. T. t'. has donated 110 to Joe Hess, the sick temperance talker and .x •pugtloaa James. Id. Metcalfe, M.P. for Kingston, is in %Vikin.peg and will spend a mouth or SO an Manuola. Mayor Fstery-s 55 was the only contri- bution is London atm the Princess May testimonial fund. George H. Baton, a prominent young Liberal of London, was married to Miss Alice Croden, of that city. Commandant Herbert Rooth has ar- rived at Winnipeg and a big demonstra- tion was held by the Salvationists Francis ('. Campbell, of Minneapolis, has been chows Grand Master of the (range Grand Lodge of the United States. The golden jubilee of Rev. Father Duval, Superior of the College of L'As- eomption, is being celebrated at that place. Jake Gesdaur returned to Toronto fresh from Lia laurels woo at Austin, Texas, and was welcomed by a reception gives at the Empress hotel. 0:. R. 'Veltman, son of Ree. i)r. Kyckman, of the Methodist Church, was shown as ('meerrative standard bearer for Kant \'ork at the next I'roviucial e.ec- ttom5 ('banes IM Lesseps has been granted • ticket -of -leave is accordance with a de. claim of the Court of Caseation in his caw. He will quit the hospital and prison forth. with. It it stated that President Clereland has bone ask.' and has consented k art as arbitrator in the depute between Brazil and Argcuuw over possession of the State of Panama. Douglas Cameron, artistes. accountant of the House of Commons. son of the late (Idol Justice Cameron, was married in Ottawa to Floraoev, skeins daughter of Mr. .I. C. Edwards OBITUARY RECORD. Peter Lemma, who was bore is Kingston 07 year, age, died there on Saturday. Sheriff Ole.,, of Middlesex, dad oe y eight after several weskit Hiles., Of0 Mrs. Wm. Se►robb, wife of a laheeer, oeaa1Md Gehl& i• Brantford by soul. awialt o. rata" Mr. Alves) Johan, a pre°nist/it farmer .f ItheebNktewa, (tet, sad a well-hMwe dairymen, died, aged 47. Mr. Robert Wynd, ane .t the .01 pen- dent' el Rankled„ died sedisdy ea Saturday. Re wee ta•ITted may a year .. le Yin 5 Wardell, et Demist Oat UNITED STATES MOTES. R. Buakaas, backer, of Fel:held, lila, has failed. Typhoid fever V ravaging !ironwood, Mich., to an alarming extent. ('p to Jew 14 then have been 2 3118,7iI paid admissions to the World's Fein. The Farmers' Exchange lank at San Beruardioo, Cal., has closed its doors. The Farmers' and Merchants' State Batik at Fa.r,nouut, lid., has closed its doors. The Chemical National (tank at Chicago is to resume business, by decision of the slrarelwlder. 151. body of Hermann Schaffer, the banker. who bas been miming front Chicago eines the day kis bank collapsed two weeks ago, was loved Soalug on the lake. The Canadian Lumber Cowpony at El- mira. N. 1., has paved into the hands of a receiver. Their liakilinee are placed at about 5130,000, with nominal assets of 52.50,000. The lake Court! Bank at; Painesville, Ohio, which was forced to suspend Iasi week became cls run. bis leen foul[' to be solvent. Arcets, 5L .0,(.0) ; li.btlitiee, 5:1,10,(100. At the 'ovoid day's session of the tor. rational Printers' Prboor.otective Frakruity in Chicaaggo, resolutiue were adoptrd fevutieg the adoption of type -stung manhole. to ucw.pwl.er oHkcs. Capt. Knowlton, of the fishery protec- tion cruiser \'oblast, has se,zed the schoon- er Louis H. Giles, of taoucester, Mass., for sciniug n:ackerei whiting three miler of ( ape Egmont, 1'. E.I. A despatch from Wichita, Kansas, says maty fields of wheat will yield not mote than three bushels to the acre. Ilarvesuug u going on now. mud it is found that chinch bugs have done great damage. The insects now t5reatou the corn crop. .1. G. 1Gchaniaos►, of New Haves, Cont., has started a suit for 11.000,003 damages ' and profits, foe infringemeet of pates's. ' The act mu u against nearly all the reaper and harvester enanufactunts of the United States, including the comhine. The (hurt of Appeals at Chicago has die coded that the World's F.ir mey be opened on Sunday. This virtually settles the quire - Don. a. *lie next appal would hare to le to ;'..e L'uited States Supreme *'.tett, which does uot meet 1151 October, when the Fatr will be ever. ALCIOENT RECORD. J lnni,• thee, aged 14. was drowned at l:atntlu,d un Saturday while b•tk.uJ. Four perauns were killed in a thumb -r- eef -WI is western .Nlieso*rt un Wein. Imlay. Miss Eden Fitzpatrick, living two and ape -half miles hon Li.d.&y, was k..le.1 by Iigbtatng. George William'oa, lots driver, wax Jrowued while batloog at GodenLh. He trout' uot swim. The American ship A. 'McCallum 1 as bases run down and stink by the C..w r car 9ervia. (inc sailor was doomed. Edward Davis, George J. Ringcamp a: d George \lorttan, All of earbtn..l••, drowned wi,tle bathing in Skuuk r.ve', Iowa, ou FndaT. A train on the raiiway between and Bellgarcde, in Southern France, w.e derated, and 'mussel persona were lurid and a number wounded. From 14030 to 5•145.1 damage was .lo.nc .t J. D. Shier', sawmill at Bract ('-I r,t;e by the basting of • large tly wheel. Tuu Intra .1i escaped without injury. Aria Cole, • vouug loan about 23 years old, and son of John 11. Cope, • highly re- spected cid thrifty fanner near Delhi,thit., was drowned in Big creek Saturday eight while batI.iog. Ila Saturday at Graveahurst, Al. zanier McDonald, while adjusting • ielt in Miekle, D%ment & Company's sawu,,;l, was aught by a protruding bolt and tl.rowe Iowa and rendered inseauble. Ile may rre-ovcr. There was • dreadful accident at Paest- um, Log., by which several persona lost .heir Ives. A barge smashed into n best- ed of soldiers, three of whom were crush - Id and .browned and several eh e:iugly maimed. A nun juml.ed from the roao.tav nd Brooklyn bridge and struck on tt cher omni lino feet below, kili:no lunse'i. to e pocket of Ms coat was found • coH o Five loafing tl:u inscnptiou "Marg.r t A. Muli,nne, died June 19, 11(94, c,;cti years and n 0.0151515'' GENERAL. A ship canal will he built to c-rtnec Bruges, Ueleium, with the sea. The draught continues in England and France, and it is said French vineyards are suffering terribly. liy the election of • Unloui.t in Linlith- gow by • majority of 100 Mr. Gladstone has lora a supporter. The seateoroe In eot:nec'tion with the Panama ('anal frauds have becn quashed by the French Court of Cessation. There were two more choleraic deaths is Also, in Southern France, nn Tweeds,. This makes 18 deaths for three days ski week. The town of t'tzermatlan, Mexico, has been visited by • ternhle water spout, which resulted in loon of life and great lawny . The tssdidates known to be elected an far in the German elections 'mother 213. IN there 101 will vote for rite army bill and f 11 against it. Mesa] well-to-do Germans living in Melilo• pol and Simferopol, Russia, desiring religions liberty, are about to start for C'aaaada sad the L ailed Steles. A seacetio1 hasbeen eaneed is Loudon by the street of 13. Mootmnroney Hovey and Richard i). Wilson. employes of the Hank of British North Ameru•a, charged with defrauding the bank of 5.21100. I'ari. le oa the eve of another ab driven' strike. F.iglle tbonsand cabmen, employed by companies and prtvat• mak proprietors, wall go out es stnke unless their masters arse to let there have tbeir vehicles for les. than :e1 (ranee • day ea race data TU. third clause of the Homo Rule Bill ha, Ing lees adopted, the Nome will west take up the fourth clones, wlikh deals with the powers of file peopose.I Irish Legials. tore well' certain re vertu matters t►s rights of life and property, and corporate .ad fishing rights Twelve hnudred men were working on the Bordeaux (France) dock, ender police 1tow, wh.n a party of strikers .o,l- .11 upon them, /rev* them from the 01.1050 laden with corn whit\ they were sad thea, alter taking the kavas the exams, termed the lad. into Meetly* ani river. A dstackmwt.l eighty geadtro.s rode .p obits they were thee saga/ed, het the tw}erity et the goiters made gleed their waga Twenty ether. IMO ewe et trim their e.sawda•, od the 1 them l01engelki aro ate the .es, ..d .,-es res Th0E OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS. Area■ NMI A tem st,rifib▪ y ` eo. men. a1a mks They Are Often Ks. as M...gtt... sad •s-etalet Meat Se De.. }len are paMageaphs frum four diftm teotpw►bie bust on the above impor- The Wow Nation, ikekrt, says - "There is Iso *tore sdrikltla indication d Ma rate at *Mph economic tendencies are forcing nationalistic saunas 1tpss the ettentroo of the ouuakj than the wa iu which publico of the railroads is coming to the trout as a nee ensue. Thu mere mention o1 such a pow ability two or three years ago in any average cu.upany would have been enough to olarrify a Iran as • wank." At the p reeeut time. however, moat busi- ness men pull will meet Iutve got b.yuud questiolli0g the possibility or even the probability vat tluverutnout operation on some plan in the more or hes near future, and the only poiuts on which teen is • chance for drewwioc are to questions of means, methods, and costse- ytseura." The lieraald, Duluth : "A new law for the regulation arailruwls, which went into effect in Mexico last Saturday, place. the railroads largely under t control of the tloverumeut. The Latter L authorised to approve tariffs, prevent the payment of rebate., make war on all tomo of diecruuivatl,n, prohibit pools, etc. Heavy floes are provided for the violation a the law, which approaches more nearly to,, the standard of absolu- tism in the treatment of corporations than any legislation which has yet been atteump tial in North America." The (Robe, Toronto : ' • W but matters it how fertile a oouotry may be if it is in the power of a great railway to take thirty per cent. of its itroduce for the mere service of carryiug use remainder half way to tnarket i' The what. ques- tion of transportation would be the bet- ter of a vigorous and searching inquiry." The Courier, SL Louis : -Railroads are public highways and the public should own and maintain grew as it ds*'s other highways. But there is uo reason why it should run the trains on there tl:an the carts or wagon, ,.f other roads. With all public roads td what- ever kind, owned anti maiutunc'd by the public and shade free to all to u.. under proper regulations to ova .I a_'chIents, railroad monopoly would be no more and free competition would secure the heat service for the lowest cister.,'e, wk n the speedy adop eon of all improved meth- ods ; whereas -government op,•ratiou world put great, if not in.urnt.,ttutal.e obstacles in the way of p rogrurs." Aastk.r Polio of Y1.w. Writing from Chicago show. the World's Fair, Mr.a()twrge V. Wells save: The thing whic.► haa cleaned mho at- tention of ,:hieago people for three yraro is uemr completion o•I and the txoo- centration of buu,lrela Of Uiou..amis of people with the ac.o nip.tnying expendi- ture of millions of money has hod one main effect: to avid to the rental value of (':.icago land and increase the rent roll of Chicago landlords Single tax advo - cate:l are not backward in pointing this out upon every oo an s i. Multitudes who lure come here and put their little capital into industries more or less dependent upon the World's Fair will ttnd that the landlord has been hese befcrs them and arranged for a division of the crop upon the Vents of the highest possible return to rent and the lowest possible return to capital and wages. If the complaint is male that money is statce,and Waimea confidence is lacking, and capital is hiding, the Single Tax men point to the fact that there is a limit to the price at which real estate can be used by labor ; that it it the abnormal increase d land value,. and their diver- sion into the monopolists' pocket, which causes periodical trade ,depressions and hard times. CspStd sad L. bar, Rev. Jacob Todd. writing io the Methodist Review, New York, nays: "To determine the precise equities be- tween capital and labor is a problem for the solution of which our civilization is perhaps not yet Nen Bat while we may not be able to formulate the law of equity in the case with exactoem., we elan diioovar where it lies and approxi- malely OSUIne it. Tho gigantk trusts, syndicates, awl collocations of the day have themselves eliminated one of the most perplexing factors of time problem. It ilo' l to Io that the capitalist and Inan•a,'rr were one and the same, but in all th..a• gnat companies the manager is employe d by the stockholder*. The amount of profits due to management, therefore, is a fixed sum which kavea the balance to he divided .imply between capital and liihnr. Capital is entitled to interest and to nn allowance for wear and tear of plant, buildings, insurance, etc the ducting all these monotone the balance ehouhl be divide.( among the laborers. It is what their to„1 produced; it belongs Of right to them. Not to be divided equally, but equitably, acoordiag to the value of each man's labor in producing the output.' PORT ALBERT. Free our own oet'o'enosdse(. David Johnsons spent last week u the- tas'. A moa°ter school peas e ill be bend at the lake grounds on Saturiay text. Nina A. Moire. of Port Hope, is yidtlag her sister, Mrs. Handel (:rabam. Mrs. G. Heister, of Loa lm, te theweer of her putt a, Mr. and Moo T. Hawktes. The potato bag cad cattle fir are the OF PURE NORWEGIAN C00 LiVER OIL AND MYPO 'HOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA, will Meters a lest tp bS.M. and MeekekMt:, villi slr•rli1let rapidity. and eMlle s 11:10 . dome W PAt.ATTMILII *1 MILL idl,ger Me let so de r.Aweaearkrri f • • a email e ars he sat 11000,01, Wei Ne ablik spinal hien▪ " a t• ye44.4 masa Is many, eta r, Ms•w a uta Ike sexual ,slay both and weans. reeherble hen nom WEAK MEN et4 OesdnE trim taaatal um,y, BUMMING WOMEN • Nerd oda the e. __es p.aaltar toss., elms,setdsa Mem peetAs. sadism moose PALE AIN =ALLOW ilex: Would Mks ties. PIMA They surteb tit, o rest °•n k s d ta MIM dwellsdwellssae sow tr soqld k7 all Mame bear see trade mark a o sant by mad. post con d °ser•hozeeato THE OR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Ifeoekvlfw Out.. ex Iienissuwa, 3p L THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. C.Sevlwa muses lf Wheat. it 1. Oannutou. June 1;,r. If. ' yro n prt 0 :.. to ow 0tioloOa Flour. tnmlty . I* to eq t(horta. V len 13 Utt MIN ll►aa. P ton- 12 00 wile Screening/ 1 tea. 11du tang Chopped Peed Wheat V dos.. 00 of tone Mata, new,y1 bads lit to 01 ('e.s, • boby; fa in • Nader. two rowed. bosh 10 to 1 Barbey. romans 1; to 40 liey, ♦ tea an to 741 Pinatas., w bosh. W t° t Y Apples. W beam..... - 30 11.1 e gutter. 01hi10 5'.. fresh - paoku4. • M. Cheese. Wood Wool Hides. W:etalons . ,..... fleas, • cwt.-- Pens -Ibiza lire (loop. dheep sale y to0L 15 to 04 CO to IN Is.:o01 00 to2Sf 15 14105 30 to ; e Li to 0e 00 to 600 0051(51 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAI1 far 1111 cmc Or AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S DEN TSL rattan& OPERA NORSE MOO WEST -STREET 00Di3I0$ ONT. 1t albedo tea ollwN.d isele s ilia attar s ticroegmrm. la UR aWod exc1 4 --c right tens M tM isi scientific dkeosvery. wbhm le warraabd sere to create mho kat pain during the extraction of teeth or straps of an) kind. la beads every ease. sed very Irt5e pen' to the resat extreme oases. ANPO>DNA la • local saaestbctic'that never .leets the /atkeat 'n lit. slighietn. Is hannisa as warp. *ad the best method known oe earth to rends the tooth non sensitive to pad.. I's.:few SWIM sue of ;e restore., far, ears. I. Ns Meets, Preservatlnn of Ike natural teeth atrecielty All dental opevatloca well and eafllfsfly doss. Y) pattering interests are slaw DR. Y. IIICHARD•ON. 1310 -if LJOW 4 FARNZR CAN CLEAN AN\ SIIKD 4R&1 TIIOROL°HLt' AVD WITH WHAT TODD 1?. Mummy. Pctter, 0014as Viae or sober pets eau have all .puts. Data ala. tak.a hs. tbse< ass small Nese ,.panted frons laeg. ewe at w cls.wnlewgg fShrwnkea trod ben51 a bad.,, w1M ea.• mustard asset, wild woe aid feel meds ssa :haw/wrong k5*ly tel Earley.ed. Rc. Geo be p sep° rated M°ai, .sN, Fox all.esh hiattswM a 10 !!MI Data srparwtdtd trots tm.a. Meer seed. timothy seed, fax geed. clone ae Aay kia r 5.. • 51 etker. It tilwwld bs r .°r..04 w be oksned + No foul seeds blown late tks test Tbla can .11 be dear with the IMPROVRD APMSTRONO GRAIN Ago e55D cutas CR. • tatWag .til -Yale ,as. ate ase Mill re e pat In sal i i walled WI flit zi er illris st see al • le at m ON g.mfr ss Me aaee.d is den PUMP DtQAII[TIGINT. tie. ties G.ra sew utile dept! d Om. £U Itta Od 5k10 • PumpA • amine 11! THE'WONDSRlUL And meet remarkable e•ntMaat eft el M glvlsm twterals te the world le eotaieed g et. Loss Water. se nay, 0. SSW Amert+a Pretense Prnaaas, N. 11'.• CHAS. A. NAIRN IIs, r° dr • ass, meets area hem metilP A ped trial w0* eanvines roma 111. Imes wondered mealrin, 17 It 0 A. iIA1la• West pest the tow hes to ,.sated oldie and they keep hila sowing. i Wena Te. SMiase • see ne• AEpens. he great ipe s. obs Ms seed Pala% sma% wadi! est bawl* er' ' eat it if R 10110 OM Seller, a MOM A ( !d Wog le worth its b OIL sed r+' villa• le the habil eeneally le 1M world M err Bads M pita it awes •wu/tl ai nstg•. t.etheOM In w atonlst Immo M w ha•dashe is • fns meat* sod PM itsee b is