The Signal, 1893-6-15, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODER1CH. ONT., THURSDAY JIINH 15, 1893.
1 t. . 1._.!
missel. . . fic .,:ili
owe . tbiniret. ammehehwmsl RM.9.
Rev. Is. Ts= has bought Comet IL,
chews twit .
The canal is • lucky brute. It sever W
M hoop :tea If.
A hones age is told by its teeth, •
o&uy see is told -well, it is sot told at
alt toile'
how's Sulphur Soap is uh • y the t tAmsnick. and cleanest and purifiesIn,mat . rises ioally.
!t1 a.czrMQ31!! 00111111111011.
Oe•Mar ad gah.m•; wase• Oeeyeeeltp
Witt *0 she Owgr0Mt
F,4ry gnat scientific truth goes through
thea First, people say it coedicu
with tie Siwe. Next-, they say it had been
discovered before. Lastly, they say they
shays la Loved it.- Agus$L
It is ooe of the duties of the Prime Min-
ister of Madagascar to marry the Queen of
the country for the time beirL. The ores -
sat Raintl.turiwonY. h.. bean marded to
three (Men.. rue after another.
Tins remains in the faces of we m w who
ere sturally srreoe sal peaceful, and of
three reudered so by reIigtos, u dtrr•
snag, and lour an after summer, the re-
ds of their most beautiful bloom. - - Richter,
The Lep.iatcre of Jamaica, to pet dense
The "ot.hth" practi.e, has passed a law
satheixing the inA:cries' of 36 leohe• os
piers, w e. •n r i- tt tl of roc t Icing the Stack art,
sad veru lashes on any one found consult-
ing au (heel man.
A celebrate, ander forty years of age,
Mime hair was rapidly becoming thin anal
pay. began lbs use of Aysia Hair Vigor,
sad is six mouths bis hair was restored to
i iaturat color, and evert more than its
lwiocr growth and richness.
There arc in New York exclusively Jew-
ish social crabs to the membership of which
Gesu:es are not admitted, ae there are
ether social clubs, like the Tecta Iwegue,
which blackball Jews who apply for neem•
kstkip. A Jewish !aper murder s over
caw testa
St. Patty J. . 7. -Il was 10.310 .'
Whim Melrose Estes sailed the Interns -
timid Reel preslty Os.wWn be seder yes
ties repotted Janine Fisher. M.T.. t. be Pry ownisi gin.
The Ueited Mets decreased its Mkt
4tts d
Nelsen Crines, o1 Detroit, touched an
simnel' wire sad died
W."7'*Situs w Prni0 i I (prop suspects in the whit are reported
d Wiulpegebaires•s for hh.lrniast P. H. Rhily, Bt.of
C►I.hrtha. k/artls a Oa, Chicago Leak.
Forks, eeeretery. and J. SBeek of en' k've .lewd tile doers.
St. Pail, d A. Thelaposs of Duluth, sad ` Edward Bedgktni t Ca, Ash dealers oI
C. N. Bell of Wiseipsg ea associate seen- , Gloucester, Masa, haws •migsed for $its,
lariat OUO
E. V. 1/.0°1/0Y• ("trims 01 Co12111t1es 1 There is • strike on board the steamship
a Resolutions, nod the report of that Paris at New York, the remit of low
eonimtittee mid spoke briefly is its support. wages.
The reeoletioes cover only the subjects of f two Drab shot and hilted Mr.. IL
eeotiwooitY. deep waterways u4 tramer:wt• ' Ward and htmadl .t Columbus, ladies•,
Ha. William M. Springer 0f 111"°881,I C. IL Jewell, the Rock 1 1.n.1 rain.
eb•ira•a d the W. sa
. d Nadi" maker, maker, brought rain from • cloudless sky
tee et the National House of Represents • at Kansas !Saturday.
tlwhw, wt. iatroduc.d and expereseed himself
is favor of reciprocity with all the states es A $10,000 packaof diamonds can"
the Americas 00. 10 nt. ato.ea from the bow. ge of edea Charles •
The platform was adopted after some burn in Busts Saturday.
diseamioa. 1 Cyclopes, bailetorms, water-apouts, raie-
A 12w meeting was held lest evening storms and higher water are playing havoc
which was addressed by Hon. N'illtem M. in Tennessee and Arkansas.
Springer. He fevered co.ierring upon the One thousand dollars worth of contra -
President of the United titatee tie author- band tins were seise.! at Ess }pp,porrt. Me.,
Sty to appoint u m
iutersetional oomtasion seined" by a U. cwt.,. cwtoraosr.
a the p•ut of tie United Stites lo 'rut The steamers Teutonic and Fuerst
with any o • oommtsstos appointed ) • tsurek, which ailed from New York for
minimum d Canada for the rpnse of sub- ' Europe S.rtur.ley, married 63,=•i0,000 gold.
netting to the respective Governments •
posse le, the ollowing provtaions: diem Territory sassed ley the failure to
Foot. •fres exchange of the products of roue $41,300,01X) os. Ile Cherokee Strip
the soil, the forest and the [nisei of the bond'.
two eouutries. and oI the fisheries of the The Victoria Cordage Company, of Cis -
Attest to and on the inland water.; ; ci.nati. • member of the Cordage Trot,
Second, tie free exchange of manafsetur• hu asstgneil. Assets, $:100,000; liabilities,
ed articles, the oomponsnt parts of es hick $4W.0t10
ban been produced in either country an The New fork Chamber of Commerce
admitted hes of duty in both countries. ' has wo••in oosly adopted a resolution ask-
lhte exception ahuuld be noted, however, ing Congress to repeal the Sherman Silver
that where articles are subject to internal latuchaes Law.
taxes, each country should Impose • tartff I Cyrus G. Sp•nblin;, the abs000diog
sepal to the &eternal tax. bookkeeper for Day, Jobson & C o., the
Theme might be some exoeptioas k is old, mum. lumbar deaden. a ;herr
to then general rules which ii h saatounu $12.000.
it is sale to submit 10 the jatiguunt 01 u The Columbus caravels will start from enmniiesbe. New fork on their long journey up the
'see nee mitiea for revenue might require crest to lie mouth of the lit. Lawrence
important ottditio•tions, both u to sob- River ; thence through the lakes to M-
ousse* and rat the time each provision
should take effort. It might be important c Fs- Presb terian General Assembl], i•
that • portion of the reduction contemplated y
amnia to Qeee at the end oe each year ees;ion M Washington, adopted the report
Pana is the greed po•tp n arket et ra matt ttbnted to striking misers who Lightningset fire to 4000 tales of cottw
everseed. hu t 1•y earl 9mutev regular • cv nor bourse hon! t b• leen cot of work for several mouths
stored in he t at Utiea, N. Y.. Friday,
the* Sso'pi Elysees, w nen: hundreds id c ea. owing to ■ cut in wages. The occupants of amit esu nearly all destroyed.
women and boys coogragate with their poet- the bosses were on the night shift at the Tho British skip Li:eanit, ('mutein (:its
tet stomp •:bunt and p•ekeges of stamps abs•• sad res nee esu iajarcd
am, drumC.h she March is for ani York,
act ttchasee has pot into Cape Town with her cargo on
Happy dart acid teethe' bilthta result from fire. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It so regulate' Five parsons were horsed to death at •
all Ile hu -lily fuectiot:s and str 01,th.ns the fire on Saturday •t midnight in the five
atrc,es ayttrm !lest worry lore fatigue are (lrrtwA, June 7. -The t-ivil suit for Morey flat hones at 13.4 }:tat 4.Cr.l street,
temper.'}„„a. tt . miknoon sod Inc i. Unly enu 1 $Sol (*t4 In annectioa with the Quebec Now Y',ek.
meed. It is ecrtarnly 5 rcwt wondcotul I barb it works, which was taken against the' The stumer Taco:ni . at Vtetorit, B. C.,
.tJ+our• Arm of Larkin, Connolly ! Co. by the Gor-
A pr(peotinn has been made to connect tram,"! after t)e Parliamentary tnvesti-
l k ted b th
tn•ty of teetproeil embodying en far ea There is • oommersial crime in the la
a ° of the committee ens n to I)r.
Ins •few supra until all the restrictions a B
taxes will be removed. Secb • lteat from the ministry of the Presby
should onnUnue until both parties 10 It Church.
•boald agree to •broa•te it. Saturday eight Augustus Nickerens, a
beard of trade speculator, corneae toil mi.
STRIKERS BLAMED FOR EXPLOSIONS. side at his room at the Metropole Hotel,
-- (Chicago, by strangling himself with the
Dynamite Thought T.. Ito Oaed te a spurt silk cord of his smoking -jacket.
.9 rteweege.
A statement prepared by Comptroller
Prreenrw., Pa., Jaw 7. -Joseph L. Mar. E(kles at Washington shows that siaw
tie. foreman at Dilworth. Porter t Co.'s January 1 ■p to June 1, °i0 National beaks,
sinks teed, 5,tardsy night blordd the with a capital of $6,130,000. here faded, u
Kest Penusylvaeu (road "Owl" train agaivat see.* Nattenal banks, wiib • capf-
togo home. Between Willow Orov. and 1.1 of $823.000, for tee eottespoedi.R
Bennett an explosion cosirred in the car puiod d pot
when M•rtsa eat. He was picked sip un-
conscious. His right leg was shattered '
from the ankle to the thigh. Fragments of
dyaarnts cartridge were [Quad
About four years •`o the Amalgamated
mem in Dilworth's mill went as strike and
were defeated There baa been considerable
feeling between the strikers and new mi.
ployes ever since. Not a few people think
the strikers kid something to do with the
expIosi. ti.
:r114.1. A, Utah. June 7. -Two howaq
which have beers occupied by eon-umien
employes of the Hellion Beek Mine wore
blown up by dynamite yesterday. The mite
Steamer Otter u ashore at Severn Islands
Bey, near Quebec.
A four-year old son of t ex. Leask was
accidently drowned Dear Paisley.
Wiilure Met;ors, at Siretbrny, fell
I under • team of horns and was trampled to
I Seaford (Becker, sun of Photographer
Becker, of Stratford, was run ore( sal fill-
ed by a wagon.
A Friend
W'isbee to speak the Rsgu►err of
the beneticssl remits has received
from a regular user of Apses PUS. !4u
says : ' 1 was tfe..eb. s g .ick and eked wad
my stomach seemted&U out of order. 1
trout a number of remedies, but nose
eeemted to give me ethyl mired I was
induced to try the old reliable Ayer's
Pills. 1 have taken onlyone box. Fat 1
feel like a stew man. 1 think for are
the most plusea"t and easy to take of
anything 1 ever used, being so finely
sugar-coated that even a child will take
them. I urge upon all who are
rind Over 417 the gseheener Cert tent
Scot son nest Ireland bye a tunnel under Ike
gateau of two ssssione ago, has been once
moth channel of the rale Sea at its car- more disposed o1 for the present. It cease
scoot part between C'cunty Antrim i. Ire- up ti chambers before Justice Burbidge ie
bend act Wi a in Sootl•ad- The length I the Fxchegeer Court on an application of
o1 tl.e tun scald be twenty -wives miles,
ateT eminent mg seen have prosoau ed the
prefect entirely hoof le -
the Crown to de • day for the trial. The
defence rioted out that as it wo.ld be
necessary to have the same witness to
from V •,koboma, rep mete that th. Roadie
cot vette Notes was wrtekel oo the C,rssa
coast on May lei.
The Wesleyan Female C 4lege at Mur-
ireeel,orce, N. C . was destroyed by fire
Thursday. All the young ladies won ret
cued without theelig•.test injury.
(.'h.ries Kavaasgh, .1.1 -'3, sad George
Wilton were upset from a sears n-ar
It takes a New England landlord to attesdance at the °rimiest car_ against Brscebridge lest evening. Walton was
Rawaos u
dente v1tuble plan for getting noaetbhag N. K. Connolly end Hun. Thomas Me -
by some [Wends, but gh es
In Need
of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills." -
Boothbsy (Me.) Register.
" Between the ages of five and fifteen,
1 was troubled with a kind of salt -rheum,
or eruption, chiefly confuted to the legs,
and especially to the bend of the knot
above the calf. Here, ruining sores
formed which would scab over, bet
would break immediately on moving the
keg. My mother tried overything she
could think of, but all was without avail.
Although a child, I read in the papers
about the beneficial effects of Ayers
Pills, and persuaded my mother to let
me try them. With no great faith in
the result, she procured
Ayer's Pills
and I began to use them, and soon
noticed an improvement. Encouraged
by this, i kept on till 1 took two boxes,
when the sores disappeared and have
:lever troubled me since. -H. Chipman,
Real Estate Agent, Roanoke, Va.
" 1 suffered for years from stomach
and kidney troubles, causing very severe
pains in various parts of the body. None
of the remedies I tried afforded me any
relief until I began taking Ayer's Pills,
and was cured." -Wm. Goddard, Notary
Public, Five Ickes, Mich.
Prepared M Dr.). C. Ayer & Co.. Lowen Mass
SOLI by .11 Everywhere.
Every Dose Effective
A Ofwee.w ■1.4.1eee eraser.
"A.R.1T.B." plata in Loogman's that
once Dr. Black, • wel:-known Scottish min-
ister, and another Glasgow minister, baying
a holiday in Cumberland, found there was •
little Scotlieb kirk near ; soil on a Sunday
morning came to services rather Lite, and
got into a remote corner of the little Laild-
ing. But the a;:e eye of the minister spot-
ted them; and in the intercessory prayers hie
so expressed himself as to make quite iters
of some aid from them. The good man'
words site these :-" Lord have imam es
Thy ministering servants. who have peppwd
in open us so unexpectedly; one of[ thou
will .reach in the afternoon, and the other
in the evening." It was impassible isay.
1h. Black) to put the Scot, an exile in
Ecglaud, in the painful position of hewing
ensile a n,is+tatemest ; therefore they did
for nothing. Ot h SUMMIT resort pro rw it Greasy, which comes up again next Sep- drou nal.
to gine inexpensive prises to the den timber at the assizes here, it would M • The steamer Morayshire, ICO days over-
shall catch the most i i.s. 1t may eat saving of slummy and trouble to have i due from Java, laden with sugu c"nsitln.d
work, too. Summer Waders are just about
lacy mooch to sit at the dining ro.:rt table
sad wait for flies to settle in frost of 'bent.
English women who devote themselves to
tie Somerset hunts have unqualifiedly
adopted the men's saddle and doe decided
skirts, mannish hats and blouses Some
appear in IQng riding [mate and beets.
bo•k oases come on about the same the ITCrefinery at Vancouver, a given
This opptosaion was concurred is end
the erns up u lost. iusuraace papers have bees tiled
w itdjoartied sine die on the cargo.
ERASTUA WIMAN'S AFFAIRS. Mr. John Watts, 65 years of age, .nelson-
__ , ployed in the Michigan Central Railway
sued of ate ANNA. 11.9 Yard at Victoria, Oat.. was run over by
tAe,,ttuNes. I severed ars nmol raeetvd horrible injuries:
wlhieb were speedily fatal.
• State12ess
Englishmen are maid to favor this innova- Nsw Voss, June 7. --Tb• direst palette. iYosday ntoroteg about 3 o'clock, firs
tan on long eat•Llished customs. ties of Eraates Wiesen as scheduled in the . Oa wastbeadin We general Stn o' L.
..Spinning wheels are not tilt( 'ether 1 slash of the clerk d Richmond County, $ane discoveredeviin near Welland. store StockJ.
the past, leo do into Cornwall w states stand, yesterday were stated as was valued •t $.1600 ; insured for $"3000 :
Wales. or up to the Ilea -tisk Highlands. I pNSI,A00 I building w•a i•aared for $6511 Tke 30•u
and you will (led plenty of cottages where I 118 seetdngent liabilities are $313.!100, t su used to ban of Th origin.
the spnnit.g wheel is u mach a pewee of whhh with other eontiagsse liabilities, I PI
ttrejel household familiars as ars tbe Usti ' prm.Moally represent the siesta
bis brush and the latches brew.! no areata included is the schedule are PERSONAL MENTION.
l: swmh•Iiy worth p900.000, but the nomad
Men who are , eery indiscretions boa Immor . l furred cel repr'e•sate •bat'
of the come work, earlyhatbrr any •awmt rasa y Chief Justice Stroeg has been knighted.
et the , ihnul w cased that honk dors the w► The Ubersle of Inverness, C.B., have me'
staters, mhnukl use lir. Williams' Pisk Pills •e.e*e9ew a'wevaew r..eeted initiated Dr. McLellan as ssndid.lo ler the
A cercus blend builder and nerve restorer. (!colo•, Jo" 7. -Word boo bees real wed Commons.
They nests fell. Try them Sold by all t*at t,I,s C. .11..' de'.etive ies I4e.. Andrew Csnadngbatn was elected
dealer, t id receipt of toe (Dr. M tb• eRmct leeaM•11 Ins Pur'" Mr Lees (pees test of the Geelpb Conference at
or mit bores for !{'1110). Address he Lure of W rheas gnaw,.
olliame' ,fed. Co., Brockville, Ont. dela ,,raewtiose hen. Ciba *• I Robert T. Lineolm, es ai
"utas ire mss" c.o" set K Nott•6
prows to W terry"*, Inimedi•M_ prtwwd fie Mi yt.r N rnel•sd re' turned toChimed*,
wilt nadoebtslly he takes rot (?arras a
It'" stated that fetus Relell• will pass
dews the 0t Lawreace shortly and .teat
Erre os nu pewgew Wens. Moetre.l se her wsy to tie Saguoatiy
()ry star Jose emplo7.-Aye
Eddy's sulphite v M.A. of the Central
m4111 yesterday as emtpby srshed l.aresw Re J. 8. Rage, ,
had two dag.t "Ms lora og M • p•infd Hetbodist Church, W..desek, Ise beep
H I t d Niagara Cesfer not-
ef lbs fewer siesta prweides
Pool -rig wall hying drawn R w CopMrws ivy* of West Durham to erodes
pallhl oI ate
a Ins nr Poll
D• • on d rete Dr. 11m11owwdd is t liens and este
R G+rd•r, t Nth'" t .United States
sad will res arse his law pt active.
Yon should treat a book as you woad
a person with whom yen are talking for is-
formalior. That to, question it, read it
over, and turn back sort try to get at the
n s•nitag. 1f flea bask itself does not an
MC? the .I:tcatioes yeso rube, go to some
other brook : amh • dfelism5Q sr a id
for information. And if tie 4••k
ie this way does not Mr dem. it M o1 so f iia t• Twe o/ lb mei1•
rsors tomes 40 Too alas las easmwontlos • and the pt Tao awl sod CoanMw of ensues, with
of s dull ignorant perigee. 1 Ind used the wen ipsesN Mrs ;Yea. the bride's perwt.. Yr. sad Mrs. Bradley
word "Moline." Yes ie set read all books Mattis. N
or er sires 9rtmse
A bsrdees states that be will
t" idea., a ye•tessi t to do R.a.a. motor et She Y. R aetwob (Sees►1. p.aaieblr friar* for (1•aaL•r e Amp., 1. k..
w.1m+M" lea he d tion d to ss
•ane wewee a grist Mhg. l• Wow old a •iea•d 1► Realms 17 res dog•• knota wile a. gepmged rpm enols •rr•11gata
aMi. la the "'IL Yw re•i •i•r7lk.' Sea ys1111w,. i..••• eMlgmtsi~lme .►• A aM°t•1 .elle he!p ► esls=ai reps•.
deed d ol..ik..
poem r " tie lady el toss lake " mast tw
s amok end Asa
i• ka b "mg k• y pe•edrsas __as,_ .. r. 11 .sin Over the CsswMa
uu,, s wee on tie rep
ygmg to lift ewer tb. rallies{ • I Mr J.Davy les bees shoes by the
RoyalEN i
- sae ga*hrrtite
osololeal& Mins
lbes*srY LeYse.
Uile mI
)111412.4 betwesm the the rid*/ •e the meet ProvistoW hiteoUen.
y _ -- et esu York. wiled Friday by the
ter (acts t *.o =ti mlgbly, lest p 91.509 wise out 0r5P•ss•• Tatsssde tee Serape.
tenter". to , 9. ygsr tkettt . idled ep Mtw q,1 Joe 7 Rew. I TM reel et A
t°tom your ambition a y with h'" este. t •
w er wenias mMr fold
• 0 ehildeei 'I b• & ika as•bir Earl el Derby •b•elRsse At to maks
!het tN
• ale .olio. w • herds mimrmeMr- air sa'w's
h e1 tt.ewtns w the
sr the sasrlae• of Nadas Hes, or mob •
H M tare N Too er•mvt•a we.m dr* nm
w,s5ee whoa W„weeobi mum Id pr. party egoist
EMU, NE11101 a ea, "-ham"•
bele 1tn., ria a 6t M. Peal barest, •
isle rreerhew et W i. toe
w.retee. Aitr.a.t.w-
Ude arerrea. Lrea te- A 'e..
Teem book "A s,,.,-
sira.e. Msaer, w
MWa waasv, Lim m -••e,
5.ena•ha Cr.aart, Lha n
11rir4, A• wusset, u*
seem. t lye,•e
Lisa wrraifer rain weea
nifure cobra M M ., is yes •
Mel'WeSteel ems* M oda t
esus 4 wersw }ziarra
= d t. Paul 5U'W, Ment►M1.
Mh pNfan r uI I5 r tie tiesk Deni flsn/as. w °le abws M .tit
feted •ata 55. fair ties aittwAml tie pin side dlethe 0.0.51 is thrombin tie e54l
MDaeg 55 o,ssswt• tame Ila eider M swears the guessed dotoke m1
J Jwrn 7.-'limae•aies.a 118. eiewhtttriattrhsk leto
i►. $rest., • selesmd I
imrM wiy Nese u M M•Ilitt.t1 t`dt ,he 4amii Mra...0.*t
n timbm flakes aid theses per woad
rttst es tks aorP of e•erh•t wM fS mprm• the
tie bat welm•w+e fa sold flew wmtttfl r •Ilm hhmta emir• until M he • koe►si ole heels I r fl. M tie
but 1r ye. M tv111• Amt-! Yin Ire Ilmr A(Ma .11 °I.466.
aif. 14 esu w tewm M Pl 1 tin alb dM•••••y d
Sri it the .:.055 " .9r.g Haat ,ap.t the awns .tt.+wa+ 1
c,se,e,rr.s+ caaaraS1101.4.
Montreal aE T1AD4 0 pN
Wall E . COUN t r
Paper fl" t4011. coves
ssaw s I,Ml .M 1t most by g bye•"Yea.
Ise w al O•m► Mat h'" mew Weise too Pett,
•ad es woo . m
r11:111•66 T*US f6(TA1!
111, Rd lm r. s '. rt...
..r .+•eD. mt•eirr our'
SpringStock "
NOW CO1•41::E=
And we are safe in saying that, we have as tine a stock:of
Prints, Challies, Delanes, and Dress Goods
as can be found in town.
!tc. Prints in light and dark shades.
5c. Chattiest and 5c. Muslius.
We have the celebrated Crumm Print in iutligo_ Blue,
guaranteed not to facie ; also in Tight.aolors-all fast.
Our Pon ee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures. wu
colors good ; a10 a fine stack of Sateens in black and colon.
Our Dress Goods are in splendid *!tape. A groat variety
of the newest lines and trimmings to suit. A line of Drew
Goods at leas than WHOLESALE prices --good soutul goods
and good colors.
We want you to examine our S ring Mantlings. We have
a grand lot in Black, Navy, Fawn, Drab and Grey ---the neweiit
thine in the market.
Tweeds a specialty -nice goods at 3.k. to 50c.
A complete stock of Hosiery and Gloves. We. ares o-
ins a new lacing Kid Glove, every pair warrantee -splendid
value. Cuff Glove. in Colored and Black Silks. A Black Milk
Glove with a pocket -something new. Lacing Kid GloNtk
Black and Colored!.
We have taken great pains to select our stock, and we know
our prices are right.
We carry the largest stcck of Brussels`
Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, Art
Squares, Ruga and Mats, Oil Cloths, and
Linoleums ever shown in the County by
one house, and our stock for Spring is now
larger than ever, as our growing trade
demands it. A grand line of all wools, right I C
from the mills.
Carpet Priuee--ranging frocs 10c. to $1.30 ; A goo- union
at 40c., and a Brussels at BOc.
Our Carpet trade so far this Spring is away ahead of our
expectations. A big stock and close pnces does it. Be surf
to see our stock before you buy. It will pay:you.
We will have fully 500 sets of Lace'Cur-
tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 50c. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See them.
5;; discount for Uaah on close cut prices.
131'A first-class Dress and Mantle Maker upstairs.
t r
Great Carpet Warehouse}
ofof the County.
E. AU LD Prises Ririe. 780 Craig
1913 llitiVe ttme
W.NNOW, poems srpttl1.
ilalfo fiS" rR.mttsi1
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licr tip
NI teaN *AI I3 0.
tt = a °'
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d ogan
P"' 1 31:g *1 gg„ 1 0
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:No. A. WAL$ER,
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T. =Iwo 1NTew G"zoceza,
Havea Stock a
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
which for quality and price cannot be exeellavl.
The INDIAN and JAPAesr ]
handle exclusively A TRIAL STURDY BROS.,