The Signal, 1893-6-8, Page 6,r 6 TIIE SIUNAI.: GODI:RiCH. ONT. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 18$3. jU.E Trs PURE PORED �� rS* I , STRONGEST, am. .f.•s wsae p.N. powae7k•t•°Uo ..bN a°a Mitt by An linesee. Sal .eawh•a NS. w. ca.xx.sas7rr, %bowsaw. A TALK ABOUT THIRST eslerat . rear ea M..Iatralaai d Irwin the TWA of Fever. Chicago Inter•tkxau : Thirst is sisuply sensation by which a lack of fluids in the system is made known, and to a state of health it is a generally faithful indicatu.uof the wauta of the body. Natural thirst, witch must be distinguished from the thirst caused by stimulating foods and drinks or by fever, is first iudicated by a peculiar dry • WON of the mouth and faeces. caused Ly a failure of the pharyngeal membrane to se- crete • due amount of Iiyutda, but if Muds were to be introduced directly foto the atoruach through • tube, and not Ly way of the fauces a, has been dose in some unus- sal oases—the immediate absorption thereof instantly allays the sane of thirst, from which it has been supposed that the senor tics of thirst is in the nerves of the sto.ach aid that the great sensation is • kind of re- te:sthum. However, the' theory can not be fully a..•oepted, thin: being a sensation caused by the general want which can is. supplied through the blood .easels, the rectum or the skin, as well es through the stomach or throat. The ei toiletries. from the lungs and skin and the kidney and other secretions are affected principally ter the expense of water in the blood, which inWc be restored to its normal amount or intense vsneral suffering follows. A sudden loss of blood by the lancet or from • wound, or • rapid drain on the vascular system, as in cholera or diabetes, also causes the in tense sensation of thirst. The thine of fever, on the other hand, is not (.used Ly the lack of fluids in the system, but by the dryness of the throat, mouth and skin,caus• ed by the unnaturally high temperature of the Morel. Pride of A.ee.4r. . t'luledelphta Record . Few things are score amusing in this land of equality, in which so lo.g as women and sea behave them- selves met person is as good as another, than the un and pretensions of persons w ho, be uause•of their blood or their money, stand somewhat aloof froom their fellow,. It would take all the starch out of the exclusives to follow either their blood or their money • lit • de way back. Take any "400," either in Boston, New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore, an 1 they would be lucky indeed, If them. [eat grandfathers should prove to have hem no worse than honest tailors, tanners or tinkers. Probably there a:-- no higher steppers in the country than the "First Fernlike" of Virginia. 1 -et it is altogether possible and probable that many of them were de. mended from women who were imported from 1•:aglana as so much merchandise and paid for with tobacco. They are none the worse for it ; but they never mention the historical fact that 120 or 150 pounds of tobae:.o was the equivalent demand, d by persons in the trade for a comely marriage- able woman for the Virginia market. For- tunate, indeed, would be he who, in at- tempting to traoe his lineage, should steer deer of jails, poorho.so end scalawag en. pest ry• ' The advantage of having plenty of money is, indeed, not to be despised. It brings Llee.i. wttb it as Mr Burne has observed, the glorious privilege of being independent. t wealth is evanescent, it confers no title to consideration upon its possessor except the opportunity of makanf bcueffcial use of iL Blood, noble or iguo ole, is more uncertain and difficult of transmission front father to nom than wealth. When a distinguished father is so fortunate as to have a dis- tinguished .on it is rightly esteemed remark- able. The fact that four y.oerstions of Bayard, in Delaware and fourgeneratint.s of Adamses in \larachuatts have be.. bleated successively with at least one able, honest, and reputable representa- tive is regarded as little short of mime - Sous. The ttayards sod Adams's, either through luck or judgment, were exceedingly fortunate in the choice of their wives. Men and women can only he riehtly estimated by their own behavior. No matter whither they may make their start in an oil weltl, a pekoe or a tobacco hogshead, or wbslM, they may hare for their progenitors nabob," or nobodies, they are entit te. consideration according to their deem -Hags, and can afford to despise all affectation of superiority on the part of others, exeept the superiority of intellect or achievement Benjamin Franklin was the can of • soap boiler : Demosthenes wai begotten by a blacksmith. Solomon had on lock with his offspring. The moral is obvious. OM.kI. • ferns. My kernels"' friend with that chromatic n ose, while you are stirring up the sugar to that ten emit glans of gin, let one give you • fact to wash down with it Yoe my you have longed for years for the free, iodepen dent life of a farmer, but weer have been able to get enough money together to buy a farm. Pet this is where you are mistakes. For several years you have been drinking • good improved farm at the rat. of • hen dyed square fest at • gulp. if you doubt this statement agars it out for yourself. An acre of land Osa1isa 43,660 square feet Fatimatine for ewvenieaoe the lead st $3.56 per sere, you will sou that it 'krises the land to lust eee mill per square fast, ees mat for tea whaars least Now peer laws the ivy de's a.iali you are ma uMswb.ny lies.sibseet Call a. M e' year t� Miredgamin. i bap - dews I+g jam• a pelwud spree some day. and IV hoe long a time it requires tr. swallow o �a.tsn Iaege enough to feed • cow- Pu aowtt rr .c Ricer of gin: there's dirt is square feet of good rich dirt, war 404 fab pr am. I. Mawr r of MM. Tb. mast d Osafala l. described as were et i Is she sad the hieel h. ..iiia V the edircaftam d t. sin" thew gifts, with that sernitlen, eTereised • large iea...e . • was married at the aIlg/e. el eembres, wfitted . year la, Johan. Welles% a s kaon H rennin+�be+.tear ..a a 111111111F& =sigh:said d a " 1..i havheldffay have always h.ct a cock we wen beth yoasg teg•she. Illaases's --d fta M Iaemem AUTOMATIC TELEPATHY. 011010 anerlee voseamed Ice by eased. ahs Great Jewrnalte< "Lite, es we know 51, omit of three div...too.: The first i. Yngth ; fro cooed, Mash; and the third. blg►s,as4 the Mirth r thought, if I my ectiris le give K a same.' Thus writes Mr. Steed in the mew nm - bar of The Review of Reviews, and proceeds 10 domooMrste that we are 00 lbs eve of th fourth dimension" by describing his personal imperio.om as "a human teleph t.." He as, he states, "prepared to pro • " that tw has a friend in fwituburgh so can use ha (Mr. Stead's) hand wh -u its owners in Loo - don, to write rticulars of events oc- curring in Edwb. -tlh, or even states of mind or feeling without the interven- tion of any kind of mechanical inter- mediary." ntermediary." tics rime's Of these menages have been •ul ted by him to the Psychi- cal Ioimear.-ti Seely, and are to be re- ).,rtes uu itt due time. • Meanwhile, ir. Stead te.0:cii his readers daft every- cue was written by his own hand without his being aware of what it was going to vs its before he took up the pen. Suniet.utw, be vociferate hos haul will write messages which on in- quiry ..f mho Lor. a (rum whom th c are -t.i,p..cd to rants, are disci/erre.' to hey,. n.) foundation. On the outer side u( tL. account them MC Wa•tamns who write constantly with his hand and rarely make elista sm. From one friend he has alm.at eve day for several months past revel .ed oommuuications of this "automatic telepathic" kind. Otte of his correipstndente, un whom Mr. Stead has coufcrnst the name of "Julia," ie deacnbed by bun as an "Weigel.* in- telligence that from time W timecoutrnle my hand." "Julia" once asked, "'Why de you tt.ink it strange that I can write with your hand? Any enc• can write with your Lutist." Mr. St.,, l ..ked what she meant. mud she answered, ".\uv (.f your fries:As.' So the .'ulloquy is cou tiuued. Mr. Stead's ha.'el—:tltereat.•ty a v-oiuntary and an involuntary uistru- went—writing. of course, botu quesetiuns and answers. The Piscine a. a Spanish rake. It seems rather curious to mall the fact that very little more than lux► years ago the Pacific was regarded as a Span- ish lake. The nation clainsed it on the strength of Balb .'a di-covery its 1313, and insisted that it should be regarded as a mere clausum. Wien Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the glut"• his sailing acme the waters was .er.ottaly resented by Spain, which deruamd,»I res- titution to her of me plunder he took,hut queen Eiirtt,eth ma& a haughty reply. Rut long before t .e close of t Last cen- twy the Siwujsh crown again began te rpslte e ftj :cheeause its monopoly of the Pactlic was infringed on. It ordered the commandant,. of San Franci-e o to seize the 1'olum- bia. the first vessel that carried the Amencau fiat; around ('ape limn. lar 17'°' two Sp.tt.tsh men-of-war seiz d several Eng.ish tor traders on the ppurth- west coast attd war was tt ry nearly the result. It is (d.: that the Spaniards, though discover, n of new lands and water.• were among the p).. -oat navi- gators of their time. After c,..uing upon the Solomon islate a they could not find them again, and they were keit fur 150 years. The water supply of their galle- on seas nor kept in casks, but in big earthen jars. At, it was intj ea4ble to provide a sufficient supply for a six months voyage on hoard of a ship carry- ing 400 or 500 people they alwa ,. took to Ilea great numbers of stats. WI., never it race -.t the mats were spread to catch the do•l.•, which were drained off into jars tltm nigh split bamboos. The mor- tality from scurvy on long trips was frightful. —Washington Star. Literary PIM A, An offer of prizes for original sketches of tiotheru life is announced by The So ithern States Martine, published by The Manufacturers Wessel Yubliship Company, of Baltimore. A prise of CZ is offered for the ',est original sketch of story dealing wit. Southern lift' atidc•n- ditions, and $85 for the story judged worthy of second prize. Junto Ruskin, the new laureate, wrote hos first book, "Modern Painters," not, as he said, for fame, or for money or for constmpnoe sake, but of nstessity. Mie Charlotte M. Tongs Y fain.-1`ieme spore and ten and has writ en far more than the sante number of hook,. She began novel writing when she was 20. Mr. Quiller-t.bw•h is reported as Baring been at work on a new novel. thesubject of which is Cornish. F. Marion t'rawford is reported to be rewriting his novel, "An American Poli- tician." Frederic Harrison's magazine article on the "Decadence of Romance" has * roused the ire of the Eugli h authors. The St. James' Gazette flatly � gyp 5;j., Hsrriion doesn't knew what 1. talking about. Prommtio. er ■ydr.pb.bla, The New York Therapeutic R/view, edited by Dr. Paul Gager, director of the Paet.ur institute, New York, in the cur- rent number publishes some interesting N atietiea of ids pr ventive treatment aping hydr•nphc'bia for 18Y8, the third year d the existence of the institution. Of s total of 101 persons treated during tics year 47 had been bitten by animate in which hydrnphobia was evidenced by MARLS OF TRUTH. The Amer Mikg le de is to livid eat ptt*M% t ern. Wksa sinner sad workmen site, the week la seas Me. Uive one ma the right of way sad it will wren the unworn. Story d.ty we salt obscures some truth we s oald have known. The only bright epos left by some ter. is the soour.:J spot on the chair. it is eut the biggest pipes in the organ that ate used the most. Many of our cans are but • morbid way of looking at our privileges. No spew of regret cam make amends for one's We opportunities misused. Th. real roan is one who always bads ex- cuses for others but never .xouaM him- self. The home where each member Eu teemed to use he' or her own .putt is an ideal home. The world is full of loos lighten, but it is herd to find people who wuu't run from a Dorset. The intelligent have • right over the ignorant--eaniuly, the right of imstruotiag them. The sanity of Ammoniac is like a river, constant:y paining sway, yet cuostently coming o.. Most of ( ur misfortunes are more ss p.rtal& titan the comments of our friend s upon them. Ideas which only duet to the mind and are not realized in the lite will evaporate and disappear. Genius is only entitled to respect when it promotes the peace and improves the happi- ness of mankind. Use what talent ) ou poetises. The woman wound be silent if no birds sang then but those which sang best. SUNFLOWER PHILOSOPHY. A theory works all ri+ht until you try i1 No man is old enough to know some thinge. Women ■dmire nature until it shows it- self In a man Every time people talk love they try to pass their brass money as gold. The more worthless man is the more he bites to sit and apt on • hot stove. Every man tells his children that they must nut do lots of things he does him - .elf. Every nun makes a little money grating horseradish until he begins putting turnip in it. In love affairs men make too wild state- ments and women .re too wild in believing them. It is the dupoeition of most people when they get any cues fnendship to draw on I at eight. Every woman tikes to hear her young man talk about his ma and pa until she has marred him. It is hard for • woman who has a big • ironing to do to get any one to sympathize iwith her this weather. Hive you nuticed how soon you forget e when they die ! Well, people will forget you in the mune way. A woman who would rebel at the thought of obeying her Luskin,' never dreams of disobeying fashion, whose mandates are more tyranical. experimentation or by the death of Rome other pere tut Or animals bitten by them, 42 bed M'st Or by animals which were r.cognia.d as rabid by the clinical or mettrinarl- :amination and 15 were cases In which hydrophtila could only be ex ctett, ss the animal. had dies& n id or wekilled instantly atheir boll" thrown away. No deaths are re- ported ut ported among the total number of per- sons treated. J.aetaw..+. Yatla _ U.less thou thinked that VW happened is an evil, urnu art ltd ; and it is shy pawsr not M �� �l� Of boat Leonardo di of the "Last Supper," In b represented es ovMtiarning The reaming of a race of believed to be the ancestors of Ilan Aateo., have been tlnMsrtt rt Mast Tenne sea Would you he molds t se Ola ;phis sad falai, iteltla_ Weald Tea M'is eseh jwtlrw0 . VIM You 50 RbetesTlismes b fife falba of ea wleherucilt Oa gamy C. C. RICHAaDS & Co. (:c"Ts,--I sprained my leg so badly that I had to be driven home in • carriage. I immediately applied MINARDNI- %I ENT freely and in 48 hours oould use my leg as well as ever. JOSHUA WY7.ACuHT. Bridgewater, N. S. That string on your tiooggeer means " Bring home • bottle of MINA RD'S LINIMENT." ter was Limbic to 6'►. He (anxiotasly)-- 1)o you think your father would ever consent to our marriage! She (carefully) - 1 don't know. I'apo is just like all other then so I suppose he makes 'mistakes somet i meg. The Cholera *rare. Fear kills mon than cholera Severe diarb-a, purging, colic, cramp, etc., are often mistaken for cboleratic troubles. A few doom of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry will remove both the disease and the terror it inptrra 2w weenies Americas Wet.. Among American young women wbo have as large fortunes as any girt in the uneven" are Miss Helen l;ouki and her sister, both lovely girls ; Mi"' Ames and Mons Perkins, t its Donau ?Greece. ; the Misses Rockefel- ler, who will Lave esormons fortunes, anti Mies Virginia Fair, ..other pretty girl worth millions who ie at the moment in Ca►ifornie. Then there Hie Angie Corbin, abroad with her mother, Mr. Austin Cor. bin, who will have • dower of =6,000,000 or more, it is said. Naive provides a remedy for all ill., and Dr. Warless risk Pills is nature's remedy for the ills peculiar to the female system. Suppreesioas, weakens, semomessa.d all diseases renals g from impovertabd Dosed, speedily yield to their few t. Said by deafen, or seat on receipt of •—:10e per Lin:, or sift hetes for SZ60. Dr. Williams' Med. Co. Brookville, Oat, r JWLER'S F EXT OF WILD 1l 4I`RAWBERR CURE 5 �•� COL /C r G HOL-ERA CHOLERA— D RBU DIARRHOEA YSEH 1i A,M Aft �C4�� SuMME 1 CAL DREN .ADULTS e sscT.S AWN wf IMITATIONS To Preserve The dehmess, ouisr, and beauty the hair, las greatest care is a.oes.sri, touch harm being dose by the as. of worthless dr.e.ings. To be .are of having a lirss{lass article, ask your druggist or perfumer lar As lair aim 11 is absolutely superior to hay other preparation of the Died. It restores the original color and hams to hair which has become thin, bided, or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heal. itching humors, prevents baldness, and imparts to THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can be considered complete without this moat popular and elegant of all hairdressings. " My hair began turning gray and falling out when 1 was about as years of age i have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it is causing a new g--owth of hair of the natural color."— R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. "Over a year ago 1 had a sevens fever, and when I recovered, my hair began to fall out, and what little remain- ed turned gray. I tried various remedies, hut without success, till at last 1 began 10 USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color.' — Mrs. Annie Collins, Dighton, Mass. •" i have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of presetration. 1 am forty years old, and via a 'ridden the plains for twenty-five years."—Wm. Henry Ott, alias " Mus- tang Bill, ' Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Peered by Dr. . C. Ayw k Ca. Looe . IS... AIM try DesrgM • gvw7wkse. Of Two hits. Me. Mea Poindexter (horrified r--1 beard to- day that Mrs. Colbaswood leads a doable life. Miss Forty (with • sigh) ---That's much better than a rtsgleone. R. B. HOLLAND, DUNGANNON SPECIAL SPECIAL VALUE IN THE W. E. SANDFORD READY - MADE CLOTHING And a Special Discount allowed for (:ash. We placed a special or- der fur these goods, and conse- quently have a very heavy stock on hand, which I wish to reduce at once, and in doing no, the public will get the benefit. In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, Berges, du., the stock is Large and well -assorted. Good Tweeds and Serges from »,c., 45c. and .50c. a yard. Suits to order frun $10.00 up- ward. Now is your chance for a bargain. Another consignment of choice Teas. A liberal discount allowed for Cash. Eggs taken as cash. rat B. B. HOLUB'S, — 01 PY— GOAL AND W000 YtiRD_ (%oat, Wood and Kine Lin` deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. ILL= Irmas 15.. best grad. d hard mei la Se market, via.: the New Toek, Osten. k Wewera Railway Cora Oslekr.ted Lackawanna veiny Osa1 1a Mur snag. via : Chastest. Steve. 4g aid Ota.. WTI GOAL. Beat Sim tram Lain ()cal 'tor w is pratesstoves, tureen's. etc. 1114.0:11313CITZ NAL. Bast quality gleinims Msseh.,ah ssnah- tsw oral always• biol. ameba atom - tint rives to canna r tlIM& w000. Cu sad mitt weer, la Irss mad f bet lost always h Meek. WI OMNI IDM i .e esami wen. At abi as slay ee 7N ea. b4 Mag wen so lir oradit All en wee Y ns14 he the end of IS net er half ewe MIL mom% woos.4 int teas, se 00 sl. so*, M bolos I.. Tim 11041.211. 1 Imes seen es my wellegrr_1 owl sad wan 7514 a sew 5 No mop milk Aa cal wear t.eassaot aansassad 011111011. YAPS AID Oouu. $acsa is old def , Nslaw.t., lest Id Haar rr�W.:Yrit+.: elfi......: i WALL PAPERS SPRING --1893 DIRECT FROM AMERICAN AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS. THE LATEST IN DE8IGN8 AND COLORS, THE BEST III QUALITY, ALL PERSONALLY 88LECTID Years of experience permits to to my we can suit the suet fah tidiouOurs tastes. papers heing so beautifully blooded makes it only a pleasure to show them. As for prices, they are the very lowest ptwtil,le_ from Sc. per roll. Customers will find no trouble in selecting $order., Friesen or C' hangs, as they ere designed to match our papers. Over four hundred samples to select from. A few lines at cost, as they have been in stock for some time. FRASER & PORTER Led - - a ar11 Tekpho•e rte. Booksellers and Stationerg, The Henderson Plant Food veaetatl.e—floit and wer+. ttl be delighted' ortetabke. Lawt�t¢urr�, way it satrir. wombat to um. (bis only tom, worth at Most etc No odor. Inas Climax Furniture Polish. A11 whit use It .resonate it the bast made. You need 0 it limas cleaalsr. Ms. D'Avig-non's Witch-I-fa:el Cream. wing wlasa ter mused for the chaps, trritatio.s" tea. eta. caused by es 'u oar Tooth Ache Oars, Daly lOc. W. C. GOODE, Chemises. ONe ea suadays for Prs.etlptlea.. rte. SafetyBlcycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMI$N. We ♦Ht OUTS ILLINO ALL OOMPIITiTURB : PNEUMATIC TIRES, from $60.00 up CUSHION TIRES, iiiadi 20.00 OUR ( XPRTiTOItB ARK SIMPLY NOT IN iT FOR QUALITY OR PRICK G08HER CARPET j�SWZEPE88, the liar" u.e hMlirCt RIOUT. LAWN MOWERS. This years Pattern Ir perfectiao. GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. our I1.. la eompten. R. P. WILKINSON. NO DOUBT YOU ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE TO YOUR INTERESTS. 1 HAT L" WHY YOU BUY YOiJR BOOTS and SHOES E. DOWNING, Where you will get good, hoist geed., and everything warmest, 5.d te be as repreentel We have • huger stook sad greater variety than all the other .hoe dealers is tow. oombiaed. We keep the most stylish std fashionable goods mads is Canada. Prig are Loner idea the La st, ami iW ie telt there. E. DOWNING. N.B.—beats.. and VIndfap ia any quantity at lowest prise NP'9!... TO THE PUBLIC. We hive just received a very arsies lot of NEW TEAS! BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Whloh we guar ee to sell at Leat 10 Cents per Pouted Cheaper Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will our rimming re a< this w� fMl b� t .'hpw4 r •F k