The Signal, 1893-6-8, Page 5• TI 1 F SIGNAL : GODRRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 8. 1893. 5 THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE arraesseseess MOM HEAD OFf1Of„ TORONTO. somM. ow. OM w Nl$ UOU 'NIL`""' . -.000 B. E WALKER, Otednat. MAmAGER GODERICH BRANCH. A QMN*Mt BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMER NOTES D{aooU„TED. pa; rs WOAD PAYASLE AT At., POINTS IN CANADA, ANO TNM PRINCIPAL was IN THE UNITED STATE., GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, Se. SAVIORS RANK sIPARmutzRT. apRTS OF $1.00 AND WildnOS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST pw*o ,NST MIMED TO TNS PmeedopaL AT Tat EMO Or Mar Amo iv gess rN EACH ?SAIL g�ochl AMemflem {1{111101 Id iMe OoUMeflo:t of ''ow narolcI oa�sr. ad pa:n+era' *ekes MNse. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. IrskaItaM Men's Tweed Pants Bold elsewhere at $1.75, oar price $1.19. Men's Fancy Laundered Vests Regular price, $2.00, our price $t.19. Boys' Blue Serge Pants (lined) All size s, worth 85c., our price 59c. Men's Heavy Good -Wearing Lace Boots Usually sold from $100 to $1.25, our price 89c. Men's Fine Whole -Foxed Gaiters Shoe store price, $2.00, our price $1.50. Ladies' Imported Jersey Waists Wholesale cost $12.50 per doz., our price 4P0. Double -Width Challies IONBTARY PAXIC IN CHICAGO. New American designs, sold in city stores for 20c., our pr=os !$14.. NO CREDIT i ONE PRICE TO ALL! DSIva gToAS ALJ1MMD MA11 I BUN OX 1111 a4111. ?be Inasablls, .t tis. Ceentrys Seams Maes Oueeaiee.e le All Quarters-- Radven Plea.etal I*Nfttatler Attac4.d -Grave rears For Vso radars. C.,e*oo, ILL, June 7. -Thu has been a "bliss day" indeed for Chicago. The indi- .aliose are that noisy other "blue" days will *noosed tL With banks and business banes failfeg all around, confidence shaken and money earn or so tied up or hidden that it is out of &olive ciroulatio•, the situ- ation is • most unpleasant one to tans. How mach uneasy was •ithdrawe from Ike banks of Chicago to -day and thrown u gnat wade tato the safety deposit vada n o one an figure out, and no one pretends to try. With very few esoeptione every bask in Chicago was drawn epos heavily. Whosoever • crowd was sem on the street it was tt once known that • bank was situ- ated there. Nothing was talked of except failures and rex no urn banks. There was disaster in the air when the bu. na. community awoke yesterday morains. It was fe:t ti •t e omethimg was about to h•ppeu and there- fore there was so pertacular rerprtse 's- aber it was teamed that the M.Wowcraf1 Brother• Bank had failed to opsa is doors. Other bank failures were expected, but they did sot materialize, much to the relief of the deswial ooamuaity, but there is Crh to to -day. Th. • are loudly declaring their asssd.ar. but therm' is sot over yes The seems of .seiteaaat Miaowed is the d rete et Chicago yesterday hare not been paralleled for 16 year. Crowds surged to and fro in frost of the various basks. form- ing • masa is front of some of them and bisekisg p.destri•s and vekiele travel to soh as extent that the police were fre- gwtly called spots to clear the way. Every imagiwble sort of rumor was afloat and the names of st•oy of the beat beaks in the cit were carelessly used. At the Hibernian Bank, in the Ashland Block, sheet 1000 depositors withdrew their accounts, a/though the wanes. magsd. Id was said, lea than $i50 Saab. The bank bas more than 2000 depositors. As fast as the tellers could count out the ash it wee Molded to the anxious appltant., the beak not exercising its right to demand 90 days' n otion Early in the morning the demand for messy at the teller's window could sot be called • run, but ea tl a day &dv.nood .rad wild rumors were circulated m the serest • great crowd thronged the outruns to the Ashland Block and the line of anxious depositor madded from the tends window to the .tree below. Eleven banks were attacked sad the Meadoworlt Bros., Schaffner • Co., and soother bank clamed their doers. Inter -The eseitea.nt among the savings bank depositors matinees. Several banks paid mail late at sight. At 7 clock in the morning linea of depositor began to form in front of the various banks and by 9 o'clock Isundreds were in bus all clamor - ter their money. Che hanks opened promptly on time and the labor of paying off accounts began with • deme. Fully 500 depositors were in line in front of the Illinois Trust and Savings .bank aad a Large detail of police was necessary to keep order. Late is the afternoon the crowds surrounding the different banks have diminished and • measure of ems - Mann nems to have been restored to the savings depositor. set eras e1 1111 11111611 U. THE M'CARTHY ACT. W. ACHESON & SON. COMMENCING TO -DAT i CARPETS ATSLAUCHTER PRICES BARI;AINS IN EVERY LINK WIDE, WIDE FRENCH WOOL °RALLIES. OROS ROMAN & CIE. .\ number of uew designs and colors added to our iuiweuse stock. No manufactured wool goods throughout the world have met with such universal favor this season as the cloths sent out by this maker. 60 --PIE O E S---60 TO 1 CHI N» E FROM AT OUR CLOSE PRICF, 39c., WORTH 50c. NEW PARASOLS_ 30 different styles of handles :tit uiakt's to t ltocue: from. Frills, Shot and Plain Colors at Close Prices. EVERY DEPARTMENT OOMPLETE. W. ACHESON & SON. LADIES HYGEIAN SUMMER VESTS. LISLE GAUNTLETS, Size Guaranteed. AND CHILDREN'S WHITEWEAR. 111 our IILLINEIIY IIEPRT1ENT TN Desists. mev.eament M1rm a Wave Were se De Ws.. 1.. Orr.w*, Ont, Jose 7. -The Doedsies Qevusawt, it 1..sa, ham retuned to h- terb.,. hada. in the ems of the lames smmmimon.r, seder the MoCartky Ad, sea sl the crow.. It will he remembered that pas the ad being sledded to ie alma vire of the Demiaies Pa lismwt, all the moseys ..bated her limas. Mea were retuned, aad the iissosm e•ne imie.ere were miss - honed tar their eirde m Marfa. their .m- 101 es end. however, , widest thea ftre anderte.k y tree. so- ey • liu.ir mmpu.t.. seledee their Athe salt entered essimiedesere sewed is de liselmorper =or gas she meeveq d tha.. WIWI was d..id.d them, rd this lie gment was q. Cheriioreg a. - a m o 04is ..w that,.J the coma d *web W d.pri all legal .--ears , the Oevcamest wee awe the lees Mead is .errity be .e=mbers• the ',e the wend that they paid sus V god rem r, �N.. d, however. hen de - Tide d ere herby leen diego•a4 of by the warts, it was net wigh their pm - Moe le tardier IMulere in the mater. You will always find the LATEST STYLES. ()ur stock of Walking Hata, Leghorn, ('hip Plae,fuea, Flowers, Wreaths, Ornaments, .kc., is :rompletc. RONERY IN WEST LORNL • per* Clete Mt mad . (hat as Ase oe 7. D. Odderell .was armed JOnsey et ���lkde-- bmtk r 'J charged Liedengrid mu et w.J kLe, essakse- s• irgd mesa*, crrWsa hawk la d wA.+ ••. tweak L �d. e.`.k.ttes..e. a thi sal•111 RR- aM d Sb. besh w .kyr. ii.�i.hbereg :g'.�M.`e./.aRp dew111" viswAlag_aiaMMIA MRS. R. B. SMITH. TOOK THE PREACHER'S MONEY. A. Uagratefst Trams, Robe Rev. ma. Rea. denies .t Niftiest.. Wixesoa, May 30. --The residence d Bev. G. W. Hssideraoe, pastor of the Windsor-mveaw Methodist Church, mune catered lad eight and $17 taken from his desk. The burglar effected en entrance through • back window. Then is no doe, beyond the fact that. tramp was given supper at the parsonage hist sight He .aid he was just out of the Detroit workbags* and wanted to go to To- ronto. CYCLONE IN CHILE. puses S1sa ama Damage M the Nitrate Peet et .tat.. Loepos, M•I N.- OI. J. T. North, the "nitrate king, rseaved a dspsed from Iquique, Chill, yesterday to the offset that • hurricane bad dstroyed the Mole at Lb* nitrate pars at Juisia and had dose damage to the enamel of 8150,000. Tbesgat B. algal Jean Ht. Rau. Ovtt.rn, May 30. --Joseph Halligas, Hall'whe was arrested some time ago on • charge of burglary, end admitted to bail is as *sun et X00 about • week ago, was re -arrested an Saturday night, she authorities resiwring word that he wee likely to he • reddest el Dade Sam's domiaios when hie ace .nam W sohe Ora.ned le a Drum. Hann rex Js 7. -Theodore Elm, as employe of Wu. J. Delimits.% grout. !i and 28 Eiag-street tis. weyesterday et..wee the violins et •wide e terneem He bee .hared It o 10 she maim, whisk is trod h eoaeeotion with the weak- lag of bottles mad to generate the elestrie light for the mterw The belt of the drawee worked loose. aad in readies ever to ad- just id he was draws is by the mackhery, which crushed the thumb d hie left Mer( sed mangled him arm badly. )yag♦naer sad Raeseas Rated. poems rre, N.Y. June 7. -'Phe Ihra. sight *apemen to New York on theD=G. were, Iaekawassa aad Wi dura Itearead, d.. here .s 11.90 *Nook, collided with a raawm, elegise as the boa bridge three - Vero d • mil* sertk d this station. �j�m .s�•sr Inde Wllas, was killed hetes ,t! . Firnmas Bert Sherwood um WNW teem the wired h • badly brdhed emdiths dad clod a kw ossBed mos Need is grease& .m d the pm - sewn wove Miami TRURO SCORCHED. BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL, - - 1112,000,000. REST, - - E,000,000. A Saving Defarlmenl has been of shed .in cots- ' vection with this branch. Interest allowed al cu rent rales. H. LOCKWOOD, Manager Goderich Branch. Mang rtr•as Srtata Sears Lessee MOM ' Small tasewaae.. Teruo, N.S., hum 7. -Fire broke out at 7 o'clock yesterday moraine in the build's( knows as theCoaveresram u English -street and burned it to the grossed. The adjoin - leg presumes of J. E. Bigelow & Co. is Havelock-etreet ned Gunn & Stack is Rag - ball -street are all dstroyed. Victoria Hall, ooataiaing tlalvatios Army barracks, aad Coldwater block, occupied by A. T. Dalrymple, elothtng store, are also badly damaged. The Boston Comedy Company, whish began an engagement in the Conversion's last night, lost all their offsets, valued by Mr. Webber, the manager, at 816,000. Five firms are burned oat. Tie tom ie wery heavy and the insurance' comparative- ly /mall CUT HIS THROAT. • 1sll.d l IMMO a wound 'net Was Nernst Reortro', June 7.-Ebenc.sr Hamilton tried: to Aad Ns troubles and his lits together by setei.g hie throat with a rusur. Easelieg es the door ear the bed, he drew the racer deem W threat, inflicting • gash three btrhes Ism bee islet day moo to miner either the wilsdpipe or the jugular wash. He Ned geetsmilY mad wee t, stoned M the bsptl.L Sure. R.Mb I. Dead. Nsw Yeas, Jar 7. -Edwin Bead did at 1.16 ►m. The late Mobs Booth was the ohmis tragedian es the Aadds s be -day. Harald •day. HHaroand Mama eel ,asked with the greeted dessetedestiene in de history of the Maga. 1Rie q ant=e were tmaere permed mepseim . a vest hod of tregie great *yokel dis- tinction aad rare paid elf Medea Ms asses war the moot antheritadve erne is the elnaaMk affairs of Ws. esstires , and wee seed for may meas at ►as.wolesee mad i=ity to W diem d the &54.g pre - He wee here Nov. l3, lsii, and wee w=ide doge from the this he wee 14 revs coeds.. w Deena. ONAN., Neb., Jaw 7.-Aeeiie Brews and Ba iada Arad' spearreeng risseraff eg aad Brews . Armada ewer the he.•d wltk • lighted lamp. The Imp buret end .lasing Nd lowed ower the woman, g bis. - Beeves wow 11 is idil Ar. 4 dbd a the b.gi5 Is • awav- Cheap Boots and ShoesI ARE YOU DEAD G_ N_ DAVIS, l)gALKI, IN STOVES AND RANGES F11N11 TEE REST 11UCVAtTL11Ss. If you have decided 10 01 out your old stove this $ a�• try g ue of my $�� TaOIIGET5 and Ils.Afis D�cO F.s>kflsa YOU CAN GET A FULL SIZE N0. 9 STOVE FOR W000 FOR S13.00. I KEEP THREE GRADES OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : Ths American Water White, - 4 Gallons for Oas Doollpasr. Imperial W• ans hite, Water Waite, - 4 dd oo Gats. These prim are spot iasis. ('barged at the regular price. SPRING FASHIONS IN Gentlemen's Fine Hats All the ueweat and nob- binat stylet in stock. See our DERBY HATS IN ALL SHADES ; .iso our WIDE -BRIM TOURIST HATS in latest colors and shapes of Eng- lish and American manufacture. Boys and Gff School bats and Caps in all styles and at unequalled values. CaII and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We can show you the newest and most varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 2405-tf W. T. HAYS & 00 Agents Parisian Steam Laundry. NEW FIRM. OLD STAND. R. W. RUNCIMIAN Has purchased the Grocery and Confectionery business lately conducted by MR. E. CAMPAIGN?, at the corner of Montreal -St. and Square, and begs to announce that he has added largely to the Stock, and is now prepared to meet all old Customers and as many new ones as will favor hint with a share of their patronage. Special Values in Teas and Sugars. R. W. RUNCIMAN. Zai IIELLOi THERE 1 YOU Al=ts WANTZI) AT GALT'S CARNIVAL SOIIETIES' DEIONSTRATION, JUNE 14, 15, 16. TO YOUR INTERESTS. Tee will save time, money and labor by buying year SOOTS AND SHOES from T. FOWLER & CO., The Acknowledged leaders in exquisite Footwear. We also lead in medium and low priced goo& For ex- ample, we are offering a beautiful Kid Buttoned Boot fee $1.15, and our 1CIDOXFORD TIM AT 8150. IS THE EIGHTH SHONE NDER OF THE AGE. Our Mea's flu)moral's at 9&.. is the beet value in town. Geed Meese Slippers at 10e. We awry • large ..+ortment of Tnrromee and Run- aisg Mess, et pries, that (isn't he beaten. N ate the s11.1 of atreatless er.ad rellk..mwa CearerI Aum iMveae Wild west Mem. .mek rders' Sand aad Las... end Psr$i U5c e Feet Nall Gemee. .Ewe.*. e arRarM. lead {,en.. Es n sSall ..m.. (..l* vs. �•.d Twra.se.I. 5..d.a ve. Rank ,hvtwl 1' s . A*ahstk $ ob. Amens w . Werear CHEAP RAIL M'O BAL IR BI SERVICE. LST ALL C•MR1 MATOaOrt,IaeN. He 1. Itsros. J. u aNisU.. end Peva. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUSTOS WOKS. OMs MOTTO : "Good Goods at Low Prins." Tpi 00. ....n...i..�Jr.d i wfhMali it■ sty w . , BINDER TWINE Piro Manilla Bader Twine manufse- tared at the CENTRAL PRISON lima t : $. McCrseftes's silver wedd- ing was held on Friday of last week, sad the number present was very barge and the presents also costly and numerous. Mr. Mc('r.cken was .t hie best and seemed as i1 be had renewed his youth or wr living back is the early days that he often talks about. He hag beim in briness hue for 26 .std eseataspeechwswsdppfi the evening, that wan both pleads' aad Miming. Trimmed' were bare hem M.11a1 parte of both Omar* end the Ussited Maas. WOOL!!! ERASION OP' 111. As usual, I shall be prepared to take is any gaaatity of wool in exchange ter my manufactured goods, or boy dor cosh at the highest market prion I beg to &asovaos that my stock of home- made owmade Tweeds, Blankets ud Smoking yaws and goods for general farmer'n wear i• owe - pima aad wereuat.d all to be of pure wool from native Seem i guarantee my oar towers to give eatiaooWn es hmetdfer.. JRmE °LEDHILL, May Rab. USE IL11 EwmlTsr Wade. MM. atrlaas at the wlikke the «sose y ries stated Pere Mena& Mader twine h sr Made H ante par 14 P d�Wrmstw~ It, isms tea Iso 41e"42111.___v rs-mtss questew. ared els fle .Air t. wi naw. a the eeMr assts ares mad of v wheelie 11s tRd.q M- 141 thea N meter. lurk rOsosesentssiziatmotaicheite=1.... Pl vlembi SOWININ- The wh=im Pea Hnrreeter The beet in the world for the follow ins TESSOI 5 : ld. It ie WWM .t the Irdl .ss.tl..kle w�eag►t iron ned /tees 1i-4. It requiem ne helm to be drilled is cotta Mr. 3rd. The oet4Me divider ma he reamed or owored at Mak er home, indmpe-4 '-t el littera. nth. It hem so rad at the back to held ohetrueNmw aad came ehekha. fit; There are se sprite to beak err .ret eat d order. 611. it W movable dip marl ss Meet in bre wah twg.o of madhe if ostler bar '/11 limb .Mor hes • cm/d stay, and arRer r �mmlbin g1h �mmh iSlmpesia.6 of w other ad oma he reined sr lemma at the bad as as te tine is treat UMW imam gaols M oat et lbs 11h. The Rmaber ef e mchiw saki dor- ies he bet mamma mobs a Meme samk.. of IM newts.. le the to Mm muNa Baby mmehise a wove W alms w Mea iw�l me wm eve es sem et l ♦ 1O .s► +w• paw seam.. Osimerikret, eerraln, •