The Signal, 1893-6-8, Page 4THE SIGNAL : GODKRICH ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1893.
Zhe pal,
.Y a. MWWI'a..v.
Once nt Publication f and t0. North -sweet,
uuderlob. Ontario.
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A HAUT= N .'eineAweg.
Secretary Bot'TrLI., of the Detroit Cham-
ber of Commerce, hue published a highly
instructive correepondeoce reoseUy. from
which an interesting comparison is drawn
as to the relative condition of Canada and
Use l.'oit.ed States. The correspondence in
question bean tl some extent upon the
question of Continental Union, and we glad-
ly present a dige.' of the facts adduced for
the benefit of our readers.
As the total amount of taxation raved by
the Dominion of Canada, per head, of the
population is 87.50 yearly, while that of the
United States is about $5, including the
war tax and the large amount paid for pen-
sion, the Canadian taxation would be de-
creased 25 per cent. by political union with
the t'ated States. Over 320,000,000 now
annually squandered by the Ottawa govern
ment would be saved and at least #550,000,-
000 would annually be saved to our farmers
and workingmen that is now paid to Yam-
ada manufacturers. For instance, it •
('a.alian farmer should purchase 100
pounds of wire nails at Detroit for 11.75 to
11.80 and pay the duty of 11.50 at Windier,
this. $1.50 would vo to the Government,
but if he buys the 100 pounds of wire naih
off a Canadian manufacturer say J, .1.
Abbott, who is interested in a nail factory
at Montreal-- the 11.50 goes into the pock.
et of Mr. Abbott. The manufacturore and
the whisky moaopoluts keep the present
Tory Government to office by the seduction
of rotes, ooupld with(:overnment debauch
tug of oountie by means of public roads
that are often not needed.
We have three times as Reay o•bia.t
officers i. the Dominion as then are in
the United Statm and each one draws •
large salary. Each one of these Inas his
favorites, who must be appointed to office
to fatten at public expense. Half • toren
of our ministers are appointed on account of
their religion. faith.
As a striking sample ot cmmparet.ivs pro-
gress, compare the cities along the respective
frostters, Ogdensburg with Promote ; Os-
wego with I'ort Hope ; Rochester with
Tesroeto : &Melo with Hamilton : Erie with
Mt. Catharine.: Cleveland with i.onde" ;
S•ndsaky with Port Stanley ; Toledo with
Atehentbnrg ; Detroit with Windier ;
Port Herm with Sanaa : Ray City and
Parisian with (:ederieh sad K:noardine ;
Alpena with Owen Sneed and (;elltl.,weed :
Duluth with Port Arthur. A glace will
elbow the startlingly great difference its
laver .f the liaised States it is enough to
:menses ay rsa.osabie man that Canada is
in • tad Nate as .5mpaeed with her
(ati.a.e today • musk larger
p.pslattm them raeterhe, %'lts.s.vas, W ia-
nip g. Lando., Headless, Tereete, Ki.g-
ssna, Ottawa, Montreal, Umbels, RRNfax,•
Rt. Jahr, Menektes sed all of the towns
ef• havlog a peps/stem .f 6,000 .ad
upward., all put lelget►or.
(tiny .s. -sixth .f the Ina emigreats
setae r Omit a ; The maim .umber ge
to the United !Halm, se they are desirous
of .waling ie • reptiles. Thee has 11•
sir• to arae to it Iasigw.biu4 uoluuy 0t
Karepsaa Itnottltehy, whistler out .Q from
its natural markets by • double rem of ova -
tome homes whitlk mime at leant 50 per o.ot
of the sareisn of our farmers and working-
Thowaada of the Canadians who are in
the United States would return to their
native land as aeon as union was accomp-
halted and hundreds of thousands of Amer-
icas would flock to Canada to invest their
capital ad labor in this east country. Every
acre of farm lad would doubt, in value.
There would he seen a rush of emigrants
from Europe to take up the splendid farm-
ing lends of the Canadian northwest that
to -day eery few will take for settling upas
the sane. Much of she land in sur towns
and cities wool d increase from 500 to 1,600
per Dent. to value. What • contrast that
tame would be from the present, whim sear•
ly 100,000 Canadians are snenally Maytag
their native land to exile themselves in the
United States. There is very little doul.t
there are as many native Canadians and
their off.priog in the United states today
as there are in ('an•da Consider that in
Detroit alone the census in 1.890 gave 18,000,
and over, ('an•dta re.identa. Today there
are over 20,000 in that city. Thu Is more
in numbers than the pretest population of
Walkerville, Windsor, Sadwich, Amherst.
burg, I.e.mingun, Kingsville and the town
of Essex combined.
There is ouly one way of causing the tide
to tern, and that is by Continental Union.
1111111111111 EMIL
There ha. beau • mood deal of talk during
the past week concerning what lawyer
Deet.EY said when addressing the W.('.T. U.
meeting on Tuesday of last week. The
reference to the town council formed the
text for a column article in The Star which
has since caused the editor of that journal
to seek redress in the police court. ()then
who were not present at the W.C.T. U.
meeting have expressed their opinions o.
what Mr. 1).tsray was alleged to have said,
and to set the matter straight before the
public Tea MI..s.11. this week presents the
exact words used by the speaker on tbe 0c -
"1t is very e!ldom you hear or see, of our
young men, going to such questionable re-
sorts as 1 am sorry to say we have in the
town, without first getting primed up with
liquor. 'They have tot got the courage to
go to such maces, until they do get primed
up on bad whiskey, and then, emboldened
by the effects of the devilish stuff, they are
ready to go anywhere and do anything.
Take liquor away from this town and these
had houses will not be long following it.
l'bey go hand in had and are boon com-
panions ; and let me say right here, as a
lawyer, and speaking to the Womea'sChrist-
ian Temperance limon of this town, that it
is just an easy to root an evil of that kind
out of the town, as it is to take • drunken
man up off the streets and have him fined
for being drunk. It is all bunoombe for the
Chief Magistrate and ('hie( of Police of this
town to tell you that this evil cannot be
eradicated. I say it can be, and without
the slightest difficulty if that officer and the
heal of this town wish to do their duty.
They know itasyrellasIdo, but as loft an
they are in league with such people, an has
been the nue in the past, you cannot expect
to get anything done.
(:et • clean town council at the next
municipal election and you will see how
long a resort of this kind will amain in
Again, he said," 1-ou, the W.C.T. U., not
only want to organize for this coming pro-
hibition vote but yon want to organize and
send to our town council men pldgd to
support the temperance cause and temper-
ance work, and by mem l mean men with
backbone and stamina, who will not vote
one way in committee and then by having
their' noses pulled, vote the other way is
open council. The ladies of this town can
make their influence felt above both politi-
cal parties, because the political parties are
so evenly divider! that you hold the balance
of power between them, and with organiza-
tion and equipment, can dictate your own
teres leo those who want and cannot do
without your support."
THE IA).'At. .•HIRT .rt'aTI,K IAN'T 11(ITE
etre yet whether he is up a tree or down
the eo cession line. He is hoping for the
Hew nr THu rOriery , nt•!i('II.I.fipe LIKE
the cis wooden overcoats with which the
fountains are adorned by order of Mayor
ars all over tow., and three adjournments
before • case could be disposed of, it looked
as if • polios magistrate who knew some-
thing about the duties of the office was
badly needed in (:oderich.
had been om earth in the days of the eon-
versior of SAVL of Tarsus, he would have
Masted upon the Apostle t the (ieetils
keepiag quiet and Dot •x poring public im-
moralities, on the ground that the convert-
ed Nutria.* bad (mos held the garmeete of
the men who mooed SYurnite ('eaIer'epar
able of the Prodigal Son is evideetly not
a standard authority with the tteaday
eehnnl teaching editor of oar esteemed eon.
temporary, who doubtless believes with
Hama BtoLow'o fried Roatrrelr, of whom
it was written
.Sohn R.
Roba.sea, he
Said they didn't know everything down In
seise Mer or t.seroal aae.erei tram the
Bake trent.
Oa Saturday. NM. Pity of Wisdom called
bars ee her way to Sarnia
O. Rena B4. Defied Frnpirw took e..
10 aero d ash for Mancha markets,
gear. sawing left on l'uasda fer Mae -
dusky es lead ..tial for the hest
Rehr. Wry Rverett arrived se
from .9ade.Ey with AIM teas of Beal far Ora
trig mill.
Darius the week the dre:♦s W taken up
• very Lary .nwa er of lege eta 0. TINS
diap .nHei., it took n GNI Bunker d the
soh o RAM, mat was last • Fuer ails het
Tu MarnoIneT M.wastrapoaJnun 1/IS,
• is the opelumg arcade, Ms Judge Oar -
ma, of ('orewall, describes is • obermiss
manner the Easter Se of Dr. W ithro
party in Nazareth adventures in
climbing Mount 'I'• with beautiful se•
graya�nopp•. Algernon Hlackwnod contributes
• hasdsomely llleatrat.d paper en Via Mal,
Switzerland. The .toot hadsomely illn-
trated artlole is one on Remnants, by "Ps.
men Sylva," the aoompltand Qaese
Elizabeth of that touatey. A portrait and
life -sketch of Mrs Catharine 1400th, the
mother of the Salvation Army, by Dr. liar-
sarera, a mismaary article by Rev. B. Sher-
lock, one 0n Toronto City Missions by B. It
11 A , • soienthfic paper by Bebop
Warren, inetemeut. uf" C'apWu Bees Ad-
am.' and " The Squire of Sandal Side," aid
a review by the Ritter, of Mr. Campbell's
n ow volume of Canadian poem, complete
he thirty-seventh volume of this m.agezine.
So other Canadian periodical has rea.-hed
half its ago. Now ie a good time to sub-
scribe. The thirty-eight volume will open
with • specially patriotic number cootatamg
a 8ve-p•ge poem on C.tnada, by the Roy.
Dr. Arman, all illustrated account of
"Ticonderoga and its Memorise" by the M-
iter, • brilliant historical study of William
Ili , by President Quayle, and copiously,
illustrated papers oa Pale.tioe and India.
Price 92 a year; el for six mooths; 20 Dante
per number. 'Toronto: William Kriggs.
From our own correspondent.
Hay pressing here last week.
Sheep -shearing is being done this week.
A. A. Williams has put up a wire tenor
in place of his rail fence on the lake shore.
Mrs. Dr. W. F. 'lark and daughter, of
I;oderich, are emitter relatives here this
VISITOR.. -Mr& flim. Lee, of t:oderiob,
and .on gave a transient visit to our burg
this week.
Meer.. James Tobin, (:. Adams and A.
Williams cnjoyci a short visit to (:oderich
township this week.
The poet -office of our rising city has late-
ly been improved in sppearanoe by the ad-
dition of • new coat of snowy white paint.
t)t'R A'.Yi-tt. SI-Milt:1i VisiTtaus. A par.
ty of gypsies came here last week and cut
their white canvas on the old familiar
camp ground on Nightingale-mt. for the first
time for 1893.
Colborne .juintette of township fathers of
18193 drawn by speedy teams, pawed through
our berg letting jobs to a train of ratepay-
ers in their wake, ou places on the roads
where it was required.
Mw (:. MacPhail, of Porter's Hill, with
her brother, Sterling, gave our burg a tran-
sient visit when homeward bound Wader -
day of last week. They were visiting rela-
tive and friends near Lucknow and Glam.
mis in Bruce county.
From our own correspondent.
The township fathers were in our midst
last week letting jobs for repairingtheroads
Rev. R. Gow, of St. Thomas, will euedett
the services at Leeburn end Union, next
Lord's Day at the usual hours.
The Rev. Mr- Yeomans of Whelan
preached hem two Sundays, but is not, we
understand, a candidate tor the .all. The
reverend gentlemen is the person who about
a year ago gave the daily press such a flow
of opinion on his action in hoisting Uncle
Sam's colon on the Queen's birthday.
A couple of Italians with musical instru-
ments gave a morning serenade the first day
of this week en route ria the lake shore to-
wards the circular town. Their thrilling
airs dunned a few odd sleepers of those not
bound in the bendict forces, and brought
rather quick the end of bright dreams of
some pleasant conferences of future hopes
of yesterday.
Tanr[taA'ra.-Friday night of last week
the ottioere were elected for this current
quarter of the I. 0. (:. T. No. 213 and were
duly installed by the L D., S. B Williams.
WW.C.T., H. A. Horton; Y.T., Suter Rachel
Gordon ; W.T., .1. G. Clutton; W.R.S., H,
Horton : W.M., A. McLeod ; J.(;., Sister
K. LiaBsld ; O.G., W. (;ordot ; W.('., Joe.
Hotton ; W.F.S., S. B. Williams ; P. W.C.,
J. R. Linfield The recent entertainment
held by the lodge showed *nod results 1:11
nancislly as well as two aew members join-
ing the order. Steps are likely to be taken
later on to renew the Sunday gospel tem-
perance matins. Any one who would
like to address • meeting would confer a
favor by letting any of the lodge mentLery
know personally, or by sending a card to
Dunlop P.O., to the secretary of the lodge
wnth reference to what time they could
come.. .. At present it u thought of en-
larging the hall which will be a good metre,
as at entertainment. or public 'Towneait
is d rather cramped for room The 11 ge
is oat of debt a0d the foie of joining ars
low, so the; all who would become members
would not be burdened by halting to join
on that account The delegates ap-
pointed to en to the ooming grand lodge
meetinr in Hareilbee are Bros. H. A. Hoe.
too and .Sohn Li ieli
MOM fa.wf1tn aro
It was the fate d a practical and patriot-
ic Sootchena of Rochester to assiet at •
meeting of • certain improvement society,
the while a Shakspe•reen scholar dilated
spot the virtues ad hu favorite writer. At
the dam of the meeting the N
preached the lecturer, and the 'Melvin,
dialogue earned.
" Ye think • Sae lot o' Shakespeare, doe-
" 1 do, sir," was the emphatic reply.
" An' ye think has was main clever than
Rabble Berm "•
Why, there's eo comparson between
" Maybe on, hot ye tell us the nicht it
was Shakespeare who emote Uneasy las
the head that wears the crown.' Now,
Rabbi would never hue written cin .Barras
es that."
Nnnsease, dr thueder•d the i.dig-
sat doctor.
Aye, jest nanesnes. Rabbi would lee
Lent firee that • king. or • games either,
disc•to bed wP the erase on their
head. They hang it ewer the back o' a
chair ' "-Rtreherya
Creebrsek : F. Redder bas re saved the
ee.treet for the new bridge to be bout hen
this Summer. HL tender wee 11676• The
tenders for the (}..break bridge were
SAL lam, 4164 ; J. W. Fecal, sin L.
Hardy. 14601 F. R•ddim, WS; A. Rummies
Colborne : The oasts N the IW J.J.
FIsm isher e Falk Rteere l het 11 melba,
&remising Byer 1500160. and am lipped the
realm as IMO., tai. was • very Ilse animal.
;tire's( over 0 ft They were .Bid M Ie
per Ha
u'. IE R
the ISM 1r s wee se eMke.hle� yews
lady sheat
rows et ig•, ad her many
ds here0 wrevel le lena d her
♦ let..le prima le to be built at Rieg-
el m this entetmer.
The poetess ea Wears to Newlouadl•.d
bee hese redeemed from 6 to 3 ovate.
The (pashas Aaglloaa Synod hue ..dried
the W %aip.g eauss4daUon schem5.
Fight carloads of Meafurd cattle ham
been shipped .1 Terme. for Euglaad.
A Ldmdoe barbs( has been fiord and
ousts for shaving • oestemer on Sunday.
La grippe ►aa broken oat to Wianipsg
again, sad may people are down with it.
No case of diphtheria are reported
aboard the Oregos, detained at Groins
The Reformed synod of North America
has refused to change the creed of the
The Grand Trunk Ryer ram from Kiag-
ston to Belleville Thursday at the rate of
60 .miles au hour
The nasurance men who have been dibbler.
atiug at Negate Fates have signed • ems -
promise agreement.
The Chignecto Mania. Traasport Rail-
way ('uny.any have failed to doat their new
first mortgage bonds ad the eruject bee
again failed.
Burglars broke into D. K. McArthur'*
store at Roseville, Dine mi;.s from Dun-
dalk early Friday morning, and stole 3123
from the safe
Evangelist Moody has reaosved au appeal
from Lotdoo, aped by 1214 prominent
persons, asking him to engage ,n evangelis-
tic work there.
Detective sienna arrived back iu Teroa-
to Sunday night from Kana. (.Sty with
George Pyk., the default ng accouatent of
the Imperial flank.
Th. C. P k steamer Manitoba stuck on •
reef at Bear Island Saturday night. The
Athabasca, which spent 13 hours in a fruit-
less effort to pull the Manitoba off, has ar-
✓ ived at Owen Sound.
Mr. Larke, l'anadisa Executive Cements -
e loper for the World's Fatr, is making are
rang•ments to celebrate the First of July in
Chicago in fitting style.
The St. Thomas police raided • hones on
('enter street in which a number of sports
were playingpo'Twelve welve were captured
and Police Magistrate Witte fined theme
144) ea,h.
('.Borpne Murray, of Eglinton, has takes
proceedings to quaeh • by-law earned by
the property owners east of Yo.p street
grating a bonus of *20,000 to the Toronto
and Richmond Hill Electric Railway.
A tomb's triple murder u reported at
('laren.'eville, Que., • father, mother and
daughter named tidy being killed and an
attempt trade t,s bunt the bodies. There is
no clue to the murderer. The victim have
relative. in Toronto.
The lab:- nes regagrd ca buildings beim,
constru.itd its Ottawa • • out on strike.
They numi e: about two I.sndnd, and wast
their pay increased from ono dollar sad
thirty oerte to one dollar ad fifty crate
per day of nine hours.
The Tirades and Labor C'oagre.s of Can-
ada will hold its aimed eonve.tiot a
Montre..1 next September. Delegate will
be prevent from every part of the Do-
minion, and questions of the greatest im-
portance to the working classes will be da -
The excitement over Stanton s trunk
UPI its amouut of script cooled down when
it was learned from Brockville that Hal-
berstadt• its owner, had died in that city,
that be had been mane, and that no meek
company as the Equitable Gas Company
Alexander Harris, grocer, of Belleville. L
Robert 14‘. -Ghee, reeve of \felenetboa,
died •t Honing's Mills.
Franco, Gauthier has just did agar St
Charles, Quebec, at the age of 114 years
Edwin Booth is much worse, and little
hope of even • partal recovery Is miter.
Dr. Washburn, of Ithiu*, N Y., commit -
'cid' at the College Hill Hatiterisse,
f. Ciocinnatl, Friday.
William Edwards, for 40 years • resident
of the vicinity of Nilestown and Dnr.•beeter,
Oaf.. died at his home at the advanced age
of 80 yearn
The Derby was wee by Isinglass, the
Eighteen; persons have been drowned by
the floods in Kart+rem Galicia, Austria.
Peace te restored in Nicaragua, and the
new Government went into operation Fri-
An outbreak of natives against an Eag-
Iish ms.ion is reported in southeast Chiles,
Robert T. Week, ex -Minister to England,
bas retuned to (Risago and will reso.a his
law practice. .
A severe earthquake was felt at Guaya-
quil, Ecuador, on Sunday. A jail, with its
premiers, was wrecked.
The pope is reported to bare screed to
aminate two French bash ,pe for the e r-
ii.•I•te to the cemetery ea June Its.
A Leaden cable says it is likely the r.-
iMristim.e os the importation of Canadian
cattle tato Britain wall last six or eight
weak, yet.
Eleven italan stodeets have been ar-
rested i. Trieste fee having male • demise -
emotion in favor of remitting the Amines
provisos to Italy.
Bir Charles Rumen oraeladd his Grp.
met en WWI et Geese Britain before the
leiri.t Bea trammel at Paris, and Sir
M�isa�. J Webster M sow wigwag.
Aareld Frederick cables to The New
York Times that the strait on Mr. OW -
stem is proving too groat, aid that It is
doubtful if lie will 11v5 to set the third
re.dlag of the Hots Rale Bill.
A serious Ore broke oat is the resale
seal mites, is Mexico, fear mils from
Lgk Pass. Tex. ,Mones Saturday
Twrat aiz d the Es were entomb
endsit 4. Mama ssstds that all have per-
It le (sassed that the (leer... of TA.-
ta+�, Asiatic, .r►sy, bs. sdvieed the
rkY Geverameat to adieux's i.d.R. .ly
the trial of the ArMeisen seemed e1 rem.
«'s'!l000r to promos mrad.teue
Mr. John Reim -a1. M. P., lo a tater-
vase said that Jame Gilbert, the diynnea
after, lobe was r.kased from Peetled
prima. le selasellis from se hmenbie de-
eses, sod that Hems Besrslery Aaonit► had dor Mop urns pet-
tses setMill peeper treat-
Iliant bed bees damned
i L
Meths* *swim mime wee
>rtGhlr far fist behead • had
ogee. �d started te the
aeeskl0 le .meet Noe dee temeate
bit nd ahem* Tenh* alae NM axles
mertheeell of bola. *boa
1p emeeel ms It the spat
Nuke* weeitied. Wee
bill ••lis id eitereek‘ ismer
OOUNTY 13Uf1rlt:NCY.
Meddle; F. 5ahery hal • trate and • 1
year std Obeli& Beit Mimed by • herb wire
femme lam week.
Rsigray.: Mr. Badge, sae of the dile
residents of this place, is lying very tIl tkoes
the effete d 00.051.
Morrie : Jas. Martis had tea or goers
bead of cattle dehorsed. J. D. Warwiek,
W. S., Brussels, did the work to first class
&Worth ; (1a Sunday' last, Erwt, esu of
Was. Brox, f511 dews M s cellar stairs aaA
received a dislocation and fracture of Ike
lilt elbow.
Clinton . The other day Mrs. Wow
acoideurally fell down stairs ; .1 she
hurt herself pretty bads she with.
oat the fracture of soy bones.
(:orris: The Fast Huron t:axette her
removed front Corrie and will hereafter
be issued from Mil.lnav, which, no doubt,
Mr. Greer. the proprietor, will find a larger
Exeter The Hunnn District Royal
Tempters of Temperance will hold their
district meeting hen on Tuesday, June 90th.
A concert will be held in the evening by the
Emerald trio.
Seaforth Jimmie Archibald purchased
from F. G. Sperling on May 24th, his big
dray horse, fur which he paid a good figure.
It is a fine animal and tee the scales at
over 1600 poondr.
Ethel: llariag the late windstorm an
elm tree was broken of in 1:. W Taylor's
Held in which he found • wild duck's Beet
with ten eggs in it.. He took the eggs •.d
put them under • hat to hatch.
Exeter : We reget to •neoa000 the
death on Saturday, of Walter Htll of Steph
en township. For some time, owing w
financial troubles his n int had been de-
migod, and his death resulted as • mature!
V^ .ne1. t terra'•!.
Winghem : A. Roe's trotter, Mies Gar-
field, took third mooey in the 2.50 pacing
race at St. Thomas, on
There were twenty-one entries and sixteen
starters in the race. The tints was 2.30,
2.271 2.30 mad 224
Easter : Rev. A. L Russell, M. A., B.
A., t f Exeter, has been u.asimousl invited
to the pastorate ot Ambewtberg Methodist
Church by the Quarterly Official Board, to
encored Rev W. H. Gans, whose term ex
pires, and who, it is .aid will come to
Exeter : R. Sanders, who attended the
rams at Toronto last week. met with •
serious accident while here, by the grand
stead giving way. Omer 300 people fell to
the ground, and while many had their arms
broken, Mr. handers escaped with • badly
sprai..d kg. He cannot walk without the
aid of a staff.
Seafodh : The numerous friends of Mrs.
Purcell, who recently removed with her
family from this town to Salt Saginaw,
Mich., where she intended keeping a board
ing house, will regret to learn that she has
been called upon to suffer • great loft by
the destruction of all her hcu.ehold furni-
ture in the recent big fire which swept over
a part o: that city.
Seefntth: On Saturday aftenema Int
while air. Rancb•p of McKIlkp was re-
turning home from Sealorth, oa the North
road he lost control of his h:.ress and they
daubed into Jams Wright's rig throwing
Mrs. Wright ont, but fortawMiy she re.
crewed no serious ,juries. The infuriated
animals afterwards ran into John Malone's
rig and demolished it.
Huron : Ammer those who have passed
the final examination of the College of
Pbysecians and Surgeons, of Ontario, we
notice the names of J. K. M. Gordon, St.
Helens, and H. K. Hyndntaa, Exeter. A-
mon, those paving prtatsry are T Agnew,
Itelgrave : Mary F. Allen and Jno. C.
Hotchisnn, Fordwicb ; K T. Kellaip, Sea -
forth ; and ('. A. Orr, Goderich.
I:rey : The four -year -ole son of William
Taylor, 10th concession, lifted up a trap
door in the barn floor last Friday and there
tieine no hinges ou the door it fell through
to the four of the stable underneath. The
little fellow lost his balance and went heed -
long after it alighting on his head. The
wonder was that he was not killed bat he
eeoaped with • few bad bruins.
Hallett : The family of Jaa Grasby are
certainly "naming through the deep water
of affliction," for only : few weeks ago they
were called upon to bury • son, who fell •
victim to ooneumptioo, and last week they
suffered the low of another from the same
ailment. The sympathy a their many
friends is extended to them. .Sohn W., the
last one who did, was aged 27 years, a
s; oog man of great promise, and vary high-
Clinton Hon. ('anter Harrison, the re-
cently elected mayor of Chicago, has recent-
ly showed in a practical mann. r his
Fohta spirit in the appointment of two
young gentlemen from Clinton, Ont., to
positions of responsibility. These were
Percy r). Appleton, son of Dr. Appleton, of
(listen, who is honored with the post of
chief clerk of the mdewalk department, and
George Irvingg, who was made chief clerk of
the metre department in the city water
Wingher n : Dr. P. Maodonaid, M. P.,
has let the contract for the erection of his
bleak of ,tors in town. Nell McGregor
gets the excavation, atom mad kvi.k work
aedplastark st nng, and H Kerr the ter
work will oeattmmeaee ea it leNext week, expemed sad
the matron is to be eopkts.d by the 31st
of Deeaather, 1893. The Beet of the block
whew completed will not he nisei abort of
$11000. We cosgnnulata M.nersM (Jregor
and Kerr co having retained the eeatetot
in tows.
Morrie : Tbe (ollowiag partieulare ars
takes from the m emsment roil for 1893 - -
No. of chiMren, 6 to 10 years, 708 ; from 16
to 21, 879 ; from 11 se 60, 1,449: pseosa in
Persons afflicted with these or
any throat or lung troubles
should resort to that
Moet brad lost Ram dy.
of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites of Lime and
Soda. No other prrep.ntio.
.tseta ssch cures.
sere toe
zuell •
soars an ort==.
tram sad old% buteAag bees
overwork inaomata,
• take oPuss.last enemas, both physical sad sitmdri
a3""°:,:h1 P"'11:92=6.41728..'
la�5 har.'"a siknk 1 ~ot the pie �b�l6iirir
a rens 11. 50 .itlli-g aan, .s•s• em" 14
theaM take the IMUS m., toric& thetas*
/.tan Ineerahlarlites. t0 the dusts sae .w•
sole ms- Thane Pills
by all ma or only In boas. beering for
tesAs mark or will be sent by tall, pop
corrsse/pt d psiw-tOoente a box orf for KA
itinkvals. Ont.. or MonL
ier ao1fL
No other brand of
Tobacco bas ever en.
joyed such an immense
wale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plus and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest at Taws* n - i-
81.Prn ire Cdhlls •
Cit Phtg, i0e. i lb Ptsg, 10a
t ID I'fu,, 90e.
Universally acknowledged
to be superior 1n every res-
pect to any other brands in
the market Always reli-
able, as has been fully dem-
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing demand for
them, notwithstanding an
'increased competition of o%.-
er One Hundred and Twen-
ty-five Factories. This fact
speaks volumes. We are not
cheap Cigar manufacturers.
Largest anti Highest Grade Clgat
Manufacturers in Canada
MOB; •erre• el lead, 54,961:
cleated, 43,737; value of real peop.rsy, 11,
780,806 ; personal property, fa,400 : enema.,
*900 ; real ..4$1,783 866 ; days
Mutat* law, 3,182; ti , 32I ; bitaher.
3 ; cattle. 6,663; sheep, 3,871 ; hens. 1.411:
hems, 1.991 ; amen woedlod 5,617F
mangobad. 1,*N : orchard. 1004 ; P•1
*bask 3.10fi.
Ills Reese.
A eolNed Ran 0.m sued a adtdler
_ ler IM len at bindeg. *Us* his hell Mast The delemileeli wishes
le }ewe that the deg wee • weethheee ear.
ler whose deetrses.e me dametgee ell
he re eve e I
The sltseeey be the Idese we
Saes Posher e the triter OWL
p.. the I.L .1.g w.wsMee •
"then, did yes him. We dog that we
killed by Mr. Doose
'Y 1 i wee pameserysequaiesed yid
"W Ili IM jalry whet W r • thj
he w.a"
"1% wee a lig yhe eller
' Wa• ld, tree
wwgli't hen%ere be WAWA
M ss Tr deep. Ss jest lt/ NOW Mt
zea iaM soak .m• oil 1a tree der at,
" Ta W y whA14 they eon Nos'
" Wall, sabe,,I Am% wet len hurt yowl
I elise, sae, a' i Ile soils' •••-"'"' n
dal. ash, hot d. a--� +C' ' Law'