The Signal, 1893-6-8, Page 3TIM SIGNAL : OODERIOH, ONT., THtJRSDA Y JUNE R. 1893
Ihos lets sem 1. Uses meths M resell*
wM flee la the Ayr m.
Osie a s ear
who kept
• d record his
Marr Yottt Herald than that nearly 900red 0
ant at 10,0110 prseriptloos he bad count-
ed called fes opium. But that is not all.
linen the/sinst medicines that ge to
melte ep l e.P.rurths c[ the merchant-
able sleek d Ihe obemist are gone over �e
we run anon 'wore opium. With few
eisoeptioos, the patented cough balsams
also contain opium. That's why they
are so dear. Tb. more expensive the
preparation the larger the amount of
opium U costaina
Many unfortunate grads cherry a doc-
tor's presrrtptiva online for half an
ounce or more of opium 1n their pockets
for vears and have it replenished as attest
as they like. When the pa*.•r becomes
old and fa=" -they have it .-.pied by an
oblegutg druggist's assistant and it lases
fur am><her oar ur too of loll
• tr,s, Mum. Asr toric. Wm. use.
PhosphNr. er ear Wwtea•• They are the perotsca who .00n.r or the cat hulic t 'mikes protested aiNnt
later es. to All up our insane asylums the proclamation a overriding the sot•
TT. Tr• ••.to. O.11. and private retreat,. If they are pew eretgnty of the individual Cantons. By
they betooene burdens upon the (minium popular cote, play tN, 1878, the dieputsd
ally. If they have influential (nends Section tib of the proclamation was
CRISP AND CASUAL they find a house in suite retired rot.o at charged en that the individual Cantons
where iho hope is kept green tight do aa they pleased, piewned that
��,•,•,anowel, R..awr.saa'. rrM.d. that they have not passed heyoud human is alma) cruises w, 41 out punished by
S,rwds were manufactured in England w aid. Hy thin tine they are physical an,l death. Eight Cantona declared for the
Use fifth c assn
moral wrecks, for nothing lis,* opium penalty, and pixtt •r four-tUth4 of
The l'u.tetl States contras 194,000 ayuere will undermine a noble character and a the whole pulxtlatiun. f the Republic
of cord fields• strung wiU. against it. In the eight Cantons which
odes AU this la the itioua side of opium. maintained the death•ppeanalty, three had
The ultra, of Turkey 0M ° •pl.4
Now what good can be said rat it' A been executed up to May, 1861.
�gg,000.000 a year ori his a"a.'."e"' great d.aI. It is beyond titivation a la Finland and Belgium the law still
The .tr.ngth d a borne is equal on an valuable drug and no doctor can afford calls for retaliation •r thecae's' of murder,
average to that of eaves and a half mise. to be without it for a mold nt. "To re- but no executions ave taken (lace in
p,.s. Sulphur Seap u as elegant toilet Here excruciating ,•ain, which of its •1f th tirst-nese 1 country since 18'26, and
article. and cleanses gad parities the skin may kill a person, it has no equal as a nose einem 1NNl3 in the latter. Norway
,pt etre. fortis. lm sedative. a sleep pr.,.iuoer an a t.nuc. h. a enuilar raw. Twenty persons were
The ihldfellows iu the Culled States 1f wakrtul nights ..ave sapped a augur- otheially� killed from 1843 t, l875, but
amber bol6,00R, and the Freemasons 606,• er's vital form! u..til there is little Jett nVele once thea In Denmark forty -
193. nothing like opium will bring on rest and seven person." were condemned to death
There are man iediwtioa- of worms, bat freedom froua pain. There are many from 1'466 to 1>♦80, but only three were
es hie*. N ire' Syrup meets them is kindred c od buss w which the use of ex cute.l.
▪ exec successfully.
p,n opium w ►mutated, yes, deruauded, but Its Germany, the liberals have had the
rarely has. it any other vala.� in the abolition of the dr !h -penalty on their
The tresis cable, which has had r lift of therapy er Lha cure of disease. It is p* .gramme since 1►t8. The law rat 114 u
I..t fettle more than thirty ye@ra, sow seldommore than a rernaly nt expedi- when voted uppsoono showed 118 to 81 w
rHctche• over 120,260 miles. - secy. A. a nils it dtagutres the very favor of the alsolitiun of the penalty. At
Occasional doses of a good cathartic like sy:nptoueb that enable a thoughtful, con- the third reading Biasnarrk demanded
8.rd.ok Nits are neeee.aary to keep the pett•ut .l. e.t.a t.. strike at t,u. root of the tl.r retention of the penalty and carried
Wood pure and the body healthy. lm evd, as he should, ld, and it is precisely for his print. 10 Germany. death is indicted
It hu b. en observed by aciestuta that dere rearm. that as apparent Iusphazanl for wonder and high treemmn. In Ano-
de. &ars not appear so profueslyoo material sue ie e. much W be ouudeuiuud w tris. the law moor 1852 inflicts death for
cel .ret red or black an 00 green or yellow. medical practice. murder and trea.on. The same u tow
rat liuus:ary.
Penalty by death stall plays an impor-
tant part nn France. The law counts
tweuty-two cars sentenced to death, but
tne )swages usually listen to the jury's
recommendations to mere The num-
ber of executions is wally falling off.
In the first decade u the Ju11v monarchy
(1$31-W) 301 were officially killed ;during
the first decade of the Em 're 111451-60
278: during the second (1.. 1-70) 1655. In
the tint decade of the Republic (1871-80)
107: and from 1881 w IN855, sixty-one.
The death penalty ham always been
cowmen in England.not only for murder.
but tor rape, theft, etc. In the beginning
of chic century about a hundred persons
were hanged every year. Since 18)0
hal of the executions were for murder.
Since 1)461, with three exceptions, all
executions have been for murder only.
In Spalit the law of June iM. 1870.
alternates imprisonment for life with the
death penalty, There were 214 o xe•CU-
tiuus from 1t71-18711 The Russian law
of May 5. 1866. tets the penalty by death
as a punishment for many crimes, called
crimes against the State. Murder is not
puuiahed by death, but ley pedal service
in the Siberian mines.
The net result of these .tatistiea. shows
that the p.•oalty bJJ deatn t fast olisaap-
pa,nng front the European law and prat.
Lace.-Literar% Digest.
A s,rmre .t the earliest •sneseo.
■.4or. 4 ts.... T.waN. le.
The death -penalty has been
ak�.liehedla Its'. ,rex 1!!'16 crtuu
a lewd Jam 1, 1860, wkstitut.s
fo. it Imprison t for lila. In Walla-
chia there has be . iso execution Mhos
HMS, and in Molda • u none since 1648.
When the two antes were united to Rou-
saaala, their criminal law of l>M6 abol-
ished the .katb•penalty. In Portugal
the last execution took plats in 1646, and
the law of July 1, 1867 abolished the
death penalty. In 11 11and the net
orirutual .xacutiun ray dtv►th wok plate
in 1961, and the law tel 1870 put an end
b such executions.
The penalty of death is abolished f1
Michigan, Rhode laland, Wtisoe M ,
Maitre, and in t'e. ezuela, Costa ins,
aud flan Marino.
In Switzurtand, a pruclamatwn of *FY
66, 11474. did away with the penalty, but
Enrich the blood b) the tin of /dithern•s'
Beef, Iron and Nine, which se im the'
moe.@aty hloo.l budding mann W. 1.
Al an md,cation, of bow the slave trade
w ines in Africa, it ro stated that lot
Sumter a mealy of 10,000 camels anti
4,000left Thubecteo for Morocco.
A diamond weighing 474 carets in the
ro.ih is sow being cot by Antwerp laps
dine,. t hely one other diamond in 11441
werl 1. the l:rend ldogsl, be of larger size.
Kee. meat, is order to collect a pound of
do, • r hooey, deprave 62,000 clover blooms
of their nectar. To do this the 62,000 flow
ere must he visited by an aggregate of 3,
750,000 bees.
An Idaho 'tan is about to 000strtet • ss•
Bohai,hank os • hum tor the csmvesiesos of
wining towns on Kootenai lake The boat
will make regalia trip betimes the towns,
cwt eta o1 which is game enough to support
a tank of ita own.
Mrs Harriet A. Marble,of 1'oughkeepwie,
F 1 . ass for years a martyr to headache.
std neer fountl anything to pve her more
than ..emponryy relief until' abe began b
take Aver's Pills, smear which she has 1.
in ;fie enjoyment of perfect health.
Texas is large •ooegb to give all the papa-
lation of the world steadies room, sad it le
IAA that it all the people of the United
state. were crowded hate_ Kansas, t &literals
.el Nebraska, those ytatea would not be
nen thickly settled than England is now.
Is it hot enough for you' " is a silly
.iinstum : but if you inset a roan who com-
plains of suffering frees the beat, teen to one
you will find, .iu eagairy, that he does sot
see .'.sere. Sarsaparilla to to.. up his system
it M to 1 inure wadi kill flaw
Horse% by a it o. of 700 stiles.
The 1 .:I ' ving circular, darted by
Georg.. T..lu4t Il, president of the Am-
eriran Homan,- F.lucation Society, is
printed in t our Dui.:., A ' talo:
"Our readers all....member the terrible
house ram between aernran and Auettian
oMeers,which a fee months ago shocked
the humane sentiment of the civilized
"Fran our February paper they a:so
learned that sorne three hundred cow -
hors were pngs..ung to .tart from
Gudrun. Nr rani.•. at sunrise on )(ay
15, for a similar retool over seven hun-
dred wales to the Sehraaka building rot
the Chicago World's Fair -the tirat ar-
riving to receive a intros of $1300 and the
weasel a purer of 6.,11).
"Lettere now coming to us head us to
say the racy meets to be fully de-
termined upon, that the time of starting
ls Axed at about Jane 2Sth (perhaps the
hslhw part of summer). and that each
Mir 4 allowed only t wo horses; for oyez
weer humid miles mikes.
Igudev these cir ustauoes we do most
ly pray all the about ten
American editors who will receive
searited copies of tight patr'r, and all our
eeetem Humane Some:les. and all hu-
mane citizens, to prevent. by the power '
of the press and the enforcement of
laws, this disgrace to American citiliza-
tion, so that if the race is begun no rider
shall ever he permitted 14, enter Chicago
hail ridden two horses night and day,
' under whip and spur. over seven bum
drool mike to win these pun's*.
• In behalf of the dumb ,.•.t•.;i whom it
is proposed to ride in this to rrihle race,
i eerncetly pray theassistwnce of all who
are able In any way to a.obt in saving
them from turture and our country from
this disgrace.
sad free hrs blood from irritating humors. not
M tier, 51. exec the Meseene nrah.
"1 ,e 40111 in ler y.., a fried,' solilo
snored the meetpiMy it • lift»
deeper into the skapieg r aka.
tee sad tit w.s et Deaba.
" 1 canu.•t understand Pa American
papers,- sa,.l the ideated foreigner. "Here
is one cit mays ze lank is goes up and here
is nue rat mill re bask is gone utdea•'
A Ilene fesembIaaee.
Many symptoms of (mediae cholera an
similar to those of the real Asiatic cholera.
such u vomiting, purging. imt41sw p. in. rte.
Feer all these auspice's Dr. Few 'a Ex-
tract of Wild !strawberry is • We awl sem
specific. Prion 36 cresta at drepritla ihr
Med rates the PM7.
" She has a garish taste," said a nese the
other day, referring to • yoeamg metras of
ha aapuasntance : " else overload@ every
affect I believe @hit sprialtlss b.r .i*Mts
with perfumery."
Gess+ MINIM vfista/au
keep the bleed pre, the rums -b ie good
e..rkiag order, and the snake stystsm fee@
from morbid deb =attar by tidier Beranek
libod Bitters, when dresses. efs.egtheas
and un.s the whsle system. Chelsea im-
am attack the healthy. tw
• tr.ebeM Teller.
Fortune-Teldr (to extnvapat*y-dread
nal -Your \.,heed will be • per man -
'niers - Maiden (eagerly)--Uelw what
Fortune -Teller --Yoe dram mere eoseami-
tally after marriage thea yea de saw.
ea a ny Wisdom
Great reat sad time) .yrisdem is Showa by
krepsag i». Fe ll extra et Wild
Strawberry ole bead. It has se meal he
cholera, cholera duffle+, dysset-
wy, collo, cramp sad all smmmr es-
plunts or Inaeaeeea of the heaven. >N•s wae1.4.
t rotor l a■ ea read the fefefrt i rte s
Teller-l:eale that's ay bseasims, Tis'
iter Thea i you'd tell ms Y ear seek
Plat to leave, er sett she's hsaa mala*
wry Mr the Ise three dare•
tars a,fpsoesMa
sham ahe takes wad be
hal" that �Su
ktd Mlhm Is by Meg
aide the sass seam -/sl and .efe
t« Aysp-pis, h n-1. - , by
bad ihlsll, aka It is piePfke
• vial. reef as to Yo.*.
"No, tank you. my dear : I do not
want any fly -papers or fly -traps about
my bombe. 1 learned. ■ gre et many
years ago, that the more things we have
*tail Auto the store Is ill come. In the
neighborhood where flies were dimply a
nuisance 1 lived anent unmolested by
them, twcaues I never permitted a par -
tick of stale food to accumulate about
the premises.F1iother things,
e", like a good many
will never stay where they are in dam
of starvation. and I never kept any-
Wag about the place to feel them with,
not even Ay -paper. Everything that
Could not be burned was tarried as far
from the house as poesible and buried.
All is valuable as a fertilizer,
Mb Ossmasenses
Rave yes me seesaws? shrieked the
im.lignset victim" " Tee bet I hate,"
Vesawed the el the Odi+hMe
oak. Recuse '.led wimp e, Ws AM
wsdd ba'as se
ail t •a� dos w M MS yes
la.w, 0.I.g Used with *.errs la Severs*
.f the EagtIsb Cities.
The l rnctice has l,ccome quite preva-
lent at Eagfi..h seaports to use salt water
ter street t•pxwkling, and the method and
rt tilt. according to The Boston Trans-
cript. are prtnounc.d very satisfactory.
A lVarm•,uth whe has a population of
about 50,000, the se.. water is pumped
b• a gas engine, driving a pump a 9.i,-
O00 gallows daily eapectty into a tank 1
it is
coneiderable elevation, whence
delivered through a special system of
d.strituting ppesniue mileslong.ndthree
to seven inches diameter ; these pipes are
of cast Leon, coated inside with a special
pree rvative compp.nund. The total con-
sumption annually has been 50,000�
gallons for street watering.t
of 5 cents per 1000 gallons,
*considerable saving over the expense
of the same work when fresh water
was used; the statement also is made that
during the summer months the dust is
kept under the adhesive qualtities of the
salt in the water, and if ,1, 1eeurfaee coat -
tog formed by the .alt is removed by
sweepers at the appearance of the=
no disadvantageous effects can be
10 the use of salt water. At Birkenhead
garbage it is found that one spread of salt water
and I stili*. it as such. . on the surface of a street or road pro
"It is my opinion that every form of equal to about three spreads of fresh
paper and trap which d• water, as the latter evaporates under the
baited w� anyp�whdaaoe a just so heat of the sun, whereas the crust on the
much inducement for them to day surface left by the salt water kerns down
around home They think -if Aim the dust for a caosiderable length d time.
oan thinkn at all -that they are god to In another locality the report of the en-
list 1u ons, and. tb�r's
TO• gineer claims that one load of salt water
hang around. The best fly preventive is as three of fresh in that piece. and
to starve the f 1..." -New York ledger. in various other towns where this s1 tern
has once been put to the the it has been
adopted as nate p.,mmtng special ad-
That AYERAarsaparilla CURSE
OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases,
Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver
and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh should
be convincing that the same course
of treatment WILL cues vote. All
that has been said of the wonder-
ful cures effected by the use of
during the past fifty years, truth-
fully applies to -day. It is, in every
sense, The Superior Medicine.
Its curative properties, strength,
effect, and flavor are always the
same ; and for whatever blood
diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is
taken, they yield to this treatment.
When you ask for
don't be induced to purchase any
of the worthless substitutes, which
are mostly mixtures of the cheap-
est ingredients, contain no sarsa-
parilla, have no uniform standard
of appearance, flavor, or effect,
are blood -purifiers in name only,
and are offered to you because
there is more profit in selling
them. Take
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mao
Sold 17 .11 Dr, ggw.t• ; Pru -e- f. ; •ix bottle.. Ss.
Cures others, will cure you
The P.p.lwrllr' •r Total •
The cause of temperance is gaining
gr,und en social cu -des, tint fact
may be denier, i.
'The young turn 16 110 to -day makes up his
mind that he will be un rho- twf„ ride and
adhere to.trict •hstii,ener, will 55.41 that
he is not alone. Ile Las now the very best
element in businew' aa.l social life in the
largest cities of fish I e...I with '11111. He
will not be chided ter his prineipl.•, hitt
through it would cumm...,I respect. It will
not retard him to co11.n,erci at .ucces•, bet
prove hes surest holo. 10 will win Lien an
enemies, but bring hien fire friendship of
upright mer and Y•rri w.emen. It wttl win
dam surer fiver than .04111, dee 111 his eyes
which be wilt sometimes in life think are
the sweetest he ever looked into. 10 will
insure hits the highest com.oeroal esteem
and the brightest social pwitinn. And as
it moulds his character in youth, so will it
dry•',.p hien `•Itis a successful man and •
good ,citizen.
Des's Weems Was Wee .f the Oetsa rs.
the ,tory of obs English
lady ten to visit the World' Fair,
who said that she would prefer to board
it the suburb et Chicago while dolaango,
andMr o mirage
ra e� 1 Maine
The Buffalo (7nntmereiai conte me as
fellows: "Now this seems very fumy,
hitt we have heard of a Boston woman
who made no Bette of her education,
if it was es the Bodeen
River r thanm
t., not
Sella* to the Fay
ego DI1 $5onian was asked by a
1.w corker who derives hie education
hens a very pilar university whether
IL shortest way from New York to
IWO° was not by the Peonsylvaeta
0.. *.MM. Imam&.
At the last drawing room the Duke of
York's bride that ks In be. Printing May, d almost se sash attention as
ad the Queen hea.slt. Abs was very
settees user the firs of hundreds ds of
e Tem thomen` waf ho Mow and wag �ai..otw .eeh
•fllip emd •t•dy Mena mi she dome%
tow hew fie bow, bed, if A moicao. Ode
altstrotko pest
Di dietr�ta leas.
7.. Di die
EU WNW it of ba whale Is
tom; Wines
stat essaew ..d Tor. ltreseete,
Thom who est heartily of bananas
may run wine risk of becoeting tawny
or corner colored. This my be inferred
possitdy from the peoaWeiMn !f plunt-
sge in the turaoos of Orion As long se
the vreather is dry them bids are gay,
the primary and ee eadary bathes bring
gorgeously alines, bet elm the rain
Gomm the color h Milled esI and the
1i1.66 man to breealYa/ed and ashamed
at the te.nefo.m-1l . Bat the oohs re-
e -fur sr. The ma of the
ce.oration hese traced to e..rrpper in a
very pure state. A single feather burn -
.d gives the characteristic inti. anon.
The source of turacln has now been trac-
ed to bananas, on which the cursors feed
chiefly. All the aborigines who teaks
hansoms a dist are very deeplyttinted,
trot the color M sooty rather feet
The North Americans Indian oalse0
k/s bas
oars sown of flus front on r.servatiom,
and ekifl► by the peelings. -the Fran-
glais Os��
Lk *beet
's 'sal aaw it mrww sten
tied she was aul
wk. Wei OPP yaws I
�iarlrieen `m.r•m••.
�k 4
11 .1,
NOW C01= !
And we are safe b saying that esu have a. fin, a ewe k; of
Prints, Challies, Delanes, and Dress Goods
as can be found in wen
Se. Yriute in light and dark *hallow.
k. Challis and i,e•. Muslin.
We have the celebrated Crumm Print in ludigo-NZ
guaranteed not to fade ; also in light colors --all fast.
Our Pongee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures, . 1
colors good ; also a tine steek of Sateens in black and .•olors.
our Dress Goods are in splendid shape. .t great variety
of the newest lines and t rimunungs te suit. A line of litres
Goode at I.'.. than WHOLESALE pt lefts goal sound goods
and good colors.
We want you to examine our Spring Mantlings. Wo• have
a grand lot in Black, Navy, Fawn, Drab and Grey -the newest
things in the market.
Tweeds a specialty --nice goals at 35e. to 51h.
A complete stock of Hosiery .u►d Gloves. We ares- s�uw -
ing a new laving Kid Glove, every lair warranted - splendid
value. Cutl' Gloves in Colored and Black Silk.,. A Black Silk
Glove with a pocket -something new. Lacing hitt Gloves,
Black and l Colur•eol.
We have taken great pair. ••., select our stork, and we know
our prices are right.
We carr • the largest stack of Brussels,
V2 Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, Art
Squares, Rugs and Mats, l)il l,loths, anal
Linoleuws ever shown in the County by
one house, and our stock for Spring is now
_-,62:3 larger than ever, as our growing trade
`•� ,lemands it. A rand line of all wools, right
front the mills
Carpet Prises -ranging frost Ilk. to el.3u . A goes union
at 40c., and a Brussels at 60c.
Our Carpet trade so far this Spring is away ahead of our
expectations. A big stock and close pnces does it. lie aur)
to We our stock befon' you hey. It will pay:you. % `. •
We will have fully 500 sets of Lace:Cur
tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 50c. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See them.
5 / discount for Cash on close cut prices. •`fle-1
far A tiret-class Dress and Mantle Maker up -stairs.
Great Carpet Warehouse w
of the County.
O g112 s •a .
all•►c. i °
I's' 4 .: 4,„s • _y.
silk as 2S a
ae ° .
,g o • 1
. o; .aa ; _2 o f
5.111 r v�g$ 14 5$ s e H
7 1 s" R
A ii' a Al YO .�,rr
7a� �
iiiii1i so s$ q ol
III I,1 8 r a O
t*Iii 2,41'1! 1 ..a.1 g il,i •
•� 1' h • r t 0
y' e � id Ps
g It a r
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a. ,
W a is:: la; az
as` rf
- I2.°e Q 7u Lt. • a
= S s a
r. (r °Fla # a
Ihj,to -11
6ae �'
= d u14 ,�. Iv Q$ 3a
�i " Id 1
J_ .A. �C%.ALgE R,
Carriage Z�axi'ufacttzXer
-THY. --
Royg Electric Co.
£rr ..d 1•rn..--•t 110art
Llibd s flee+-.-
awl fao..e.t..•
IOeTMCTtns t Stlt.Y*S
Tatmei -..t tb, mini ft.
N to 70 Weillart n at.
News ;' ,
Wrapping ♦t\`
LNtrss_ til'
trrtiewif.re1.r. tin )•en nr.rrt-•. W..1'1,10 'trey
DeLL.i.d. . U e+. peeve v ttar. it r. Marts eve a1
ENIK, NERRON & CO., ",Ir• "creep
W 4ba, Wadi IO s Paal street, lmlrTal<AL
An erten•• m me t lef 6 P IDE
teeeel ped. am ebb..,
kw _Mem& met
�.e.� 'b•.-�•A w1�iA.t:3
,y essaar, Ll •t. W I N E el
Wt��as. `"""' It: 8 P I R I T
r.., wn.a1T, 1.M
..a kmean cr,Lr
moi um aha o vs. MERCHANT.
ate MrMrw eeA s.a.4wii Irma., 1 J ..
eass, assumeItiw..'.,r.....
Cal... Trowel. Caaatweaa,vr ter wreak r1..•*.
411 81. Paul IptNfe Montr.sI.
Montreal a d o ,p,E TItMO4 p♦ 1
Wall g COUN �
1 fie MCARTNUR t
Paper 1.404CO• +
Factory . ov
nt. isL f. ,Mm, rm.
ppgh„e..Nwail blotr?Sy
•e.cV t,leea••tis•. wat• aPPat. Artificial Wag
- Seed he
7 Me•pw+a►
s. AULD Prices Rigl'. lie Craig
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Ons it be feud. for renaming grey b -1r lens
atlesat ester sad beauty a is hese the bead
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cher• the bar foes trtfhsg est, /...herone
fPersm. es4 ghee the ear Gm glee,. beastly
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Wise thee smg bar.s bele heel.
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Baying paroliassd the humiliate of
I have now arranged, not oely to continue the Carriage Trade, bat have do- -tiled to
do all clam_ of work in
Mee Iy.
MO. £ W&L$ER,
The New Cl-rocc=a,
S T -U :E D Y- B R O S
Have a Stock of
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
which for quality and prier cannot he eic•ee11c1*.
hlhandle exclusively ran -
TM INDIAN end JAPAN 'I'1f.A8 wthey
net be surpassed.
• �L,.IO1Tirk ErrtraDY BROS