The Signal, 1893-6-1, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODSRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 1. 1813. THC ,NADIAN BARN K VF COMMERCE isuoia. sm. HEAD OFFICE, TOOKINTO. tipagA, g1/110 OP) Plat MILN01l oOLLAI$ ss,o00,000l. 111.000 oCO. ' B. E. WALKlR, O(NafAt. MANAOV R. GODERICH BRANCH. 4 coitus, BANKING BUONEaa TNANSAC1ID. FARMS, MOM ninnotlh3e . Dents ItiUUED PAYABLE AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. ANO 1111 eR'NCIPAL GTas IN THE UNITED STArei, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, s,c iA111Nee SANK Oftfa*RT MT. of VO.I T$ OF SLOP ANO UPWARDS neceivED. AND OWe1tN7 RAtEu ,'F IyTEREET p i•Tg>tasT ADOSO TO TMS 1411104CIPAL AT TN;t CND Or MAY ANO sae IN ILAOH TIIAN. Spend AtNaIMes gleam N s. l , , sale Motets. the Ooltve4'• R, S. WILLIAMS, Manager. MERE l' NEWS INDEED e. true vele the Quer. rap. as. t.,„ Pr...Np .f U0tg..l.r• Tor,,T,.. May S. About It$MI members I tee cistern ..diem of the OA:. R.1 tet, Ire..rye's tleetety rsuml.4ed nage bon Hall ywterd.y after. Mire etas were • buttin- g, bouquet of igeposieg 4MaMy.,a.. The .,..,w w•. thi aanual aura p.rade of te anent section. NI ledges formed at Shako/Wry Hall W ier OW "Amend of Marlin& Plum and imam \unto the Noel Belgela at the rd ter•{ ahem :ha) of the j.v..ilt S O.E. rtr,4;a$ up the mu, they .taroh.•d by way 1 Vere and Carlton -streets tv the Ph. I.w. TL.-ranoo was pre cbe.l by Rev or: who to. his net from Gentians. t,I0 "As es have therefore opine teeny, it ado good mato all ONO, 'epsomite to.ia Abo aft •,! the household of faith." Dr. teed •p re of tb• greet good being dewo by ✓ 't(K as a society and cited man 1$ - ares of their kind. work. He erred ,the loyalty of Ea)ISbinen to Nor Slows* W ei country. Taklag up the subject of ,r.lty, he showed b) plain fact. and gilts that the goverawent of Kot i.o rte. the cheapest in the world. 1r Itwtor said Wet the second east bac w Her Molest) •s reign we. ties{ Hieb settiA her tricorn, at pl,!r_.S,Ituuper ger le return for this the Queen yielded eve .toes the .rows 'Anal aid her own Wf03..L property for the remosneter ot her ie. Gad he cute became adminsetratoe. 1s income from the eetaw which eh* con- n ed his gradually incr.aired, until in iR-7 .sount.d 1.. p2,n1111,000. In Il O.1. wag to U. severe agrtcultsral dprsemos. Id/crowd t.,11,f11f0,000. Eves thee. the ...:rt i,.d a pin of 90.000. Out of her tc..m• of 41.91:000 the tl.een has austral 103,1i .4e. r The ren of the income is ✓ aged by the Parlament Die Doctor then poke of eke *z. ms.e of the Prises of Wales, who ✓ aved a salary of IM00,000 per year. h aha had t.depe.dent property of ha Pets pit ••f which wue the Darby of Coru- na, sod on coming of age he consorted ire Ia.4s to the Government, Gad the P rimes 1.n..d from them h.s more thee aid the rMMl,sp yearly income. For ie - mote, in use yew the rename .as OiItfl. apt. to the country of $130,000. 1, thee took* of the objections meed by Dumber .f people to the custom of the tam gir.ag dowries to the children of the inn veto their marrying, sad said that 7 if. kora, Marriage Act no denendeet 4 lung •.e .rge 11. c•. Marry except under he folk. i. g eenditioss 1 They mut marry only atone of royal nod; Thee they mama marry until the le of _i, a•d eves they most give one are meth. to the Privy Conseil aad ohtai. hscomeotof('rows and Psrliasnot:I3) they asset engage is any oomuierci•I business e d •b they cannot accept any private Ceder thee. restrictions, Dr. Wild coat mi that ft te only fair that their living Ibro4 be provided for by the nation. Th. avenge mows from the /lutean property up to the present time has been gii.00keiiii per year, w that the `him% &etuell) ;rye the nuns $75,00) per teat for the privilege of ruling Ad groin to the Guess's children as door es hat a Leen Iarzel .$ by the surplue revenue from tie Pmet el Wales' estates. But take plla1,I10 per year, which includes .11 dow- ries, and leave out the steeples reventie from the Prince of Wake' estates, the amount would o..1y be one-quarter tet a cent per year from each of the Inhabttaats of the Brnub Idea Th. 1►octor thea coutpared the cost of the government of England with that of other countries, showing that during Her \ta- testy's reign of 54 years tare have been 13 Preadeetial elections in the 1'nited 'tate•. The estimated own of each of these had beau let,000,000, which s (bermes of mak- keg a ptsndent, without coasting has salary it the expense of the Whin Home. Kui- Mbd cost of a few of the other g.,vera- an.$s *vas cited as follows. The (overe- aten of Russia come $10,000,O0II per year, Freon. $ .I$4I.IMUI per tear, Germany =3.0;5,0011, Austria Sa.S b,an. I1.iy 11,- 23011IO. Spate 12.000,000, Turkey F•20,000. - 'NAL THE ROYAL MARRIAGE �w Tessa Couple WNI tt.rel. - ♦. ,.rant seam rerltam.a.. L.••nn, Mar .111.-1`fl. ):ay of Teck celebrate.) the •_'1Ith analtenary of her birth ' Friday. The Kbits at Rtchno.ad Park sou gayly de.. Tree Uuke of York pawed tee day at the beige. He wdl he learned in naval undone as befits his character of Sailor Ponos. As soon as the Prunes. N awned she 1 wail, e• accordance with the Quwo's desire, 4 known as Princes Victoria, Duchess of York. 1 Mr. Gladstone aesos.cee that the Gov- ; *rumen does not iDteed to ash Varianten i to make • grant of mosey for the bride and groom. A wedding in the retguwg f rni.y without a state approprlatoe w unprece- dented in I•:aglisb histor It to anothn tastiest/0u that royalty � not wast to mow0 is conflict with the Radicals, wbo are bitterly opposed to .11 ouch greets. The Prince of Wales has a special al- lowance of t I v0,000 • year for his ^h:ld- ren. la crowquesce of the death of the !hike of Clarence the portion reserved for his use is avail.bie fee bas aury vIa asters Geed brother. If abs Mm a divided according t.i pre- cedent, scaly. £23.000 a year to ...eh of the gra.ddaugbters of the neeeu, the young couple will have $12,5,000 a year to begin hossekeeping epos. Mrs. Willa . Waldorf Amor will give • realities in honor of the Princess May os June 22 Other members of the royal family will he present. SALISBURY IN ULSTER. Depatasiase regrew Their Appre.twa..a of .. Were 11 the V,.o.e$N rau.e LONDON DEWILY, May 24. -Lord telwbury received S.terday a aembet of depesa- twos. who expressed their approbation a W. ACHESON & SON. coaITIEccINo- TO -DAT! /1 This f town, made of good Cotton, :rimmed with Shies Embroidery and Tucking, for $1.411. We l';ti . them from 49e. to ii.00. • LADIES' WHITE WEAR WE OFFER OCR KNtIRli .TICK 111- 6ARPETS AT SLAUCHTER PRICES 11AHIcA1\S IN EVERY LINE. WIDE, WIDE FRENCH WOOL CHALLIES. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $1 2,000,000. REST, - - - F,000,000. A Saving Department has VII f r ,rt Ir in (on- yection with this branch. interest allowed .iI current rates. 11. LOCKWOOD, Manger Godc'riclf RraM1. 4. GROS ROMAN & CIE. G- 1\T_ JJ g V I S, .\ uuuelier of uew .lerigna .ad colors told. -.l to our immense -tock. I .w.A.1.1itt I\ No manufactured wool goods throughout the sorhl have tact with such . n uniNersal favor this *Poem'r the ,11th, sent out by this maker. STOVE! t AND o `%Y G .3 60- -PIM C S--60 /V MHO TOW MDT 116311 it TO •ERs. T4) CIIIN►$E FH.IM 'T 111.711 PRICE, 39c., V111TH 50c.' If you have dauTlrai NtIItlut osutanyold novi this N2koi.f 11.1211.T NPW PARASOLS_ SU difiereLt ,tyle,: of handles ata' ':