The Signal, 1893-6-1, Page 1airs
;t maim %ow OsLr Dee 1101.1.11
• 1 WI, IS ApvA■t1
VOL. XLV. 2415
• r •
lies sus root Nate m Mamas
Or Is Anr•/e .
gu;IN ly Y FRS SPF A 6S I eh.^ ebb, ole would cement imagine that s preeperit is t ag•dw this !the abject of reciprocity ilii the wbiect �'l'ti M' TA L>; OF THE TURN 0 ;'„';"'it appodf "ii
a w [
v line...- k ties. Sheppard, and a Platt were
one discua0ou oftheAwa ) y• es • evamlttee to vas a
Iia Delivers tilt AddP/ftl/ Before ecte•1 to the un hjeOtesegeaker eh ottiea This dividing well is More uMus to any calretitltascyosasnexaumpntrctpJr Short Stories from the Report- ���• � meeting of the
beta M ► The who avows such a sen uuait will
SPE ' 1 y ea ivied
ilea I wY to ra 1 r pr'o�ram ,
_ prawM. Messrs. J. T. !echoers, [A N. Wi:
log her pbyaaIP • ala soastr to . Fete which are largely suburbs of your 0 t• darn take the bootlegs •ad appeal I kiwis",
`I►eppa J the
they had rhe idea that ere •,•d hili° dived wall t it muses It to Nt d muevtion he spoke ass follows . " Terre
Ca..da from where skeet � a trawl duan is loin. late such Y Wwdaor ales Furl is not r man In ib. IIntiah American
LoW0 tee the Mlohig;wti Club. "'• tree saw u• al- mountable thee any ubsteble that nature man i l ors Note-BOORRenerwl es.. ass will be held asxt Ttles-
way. desired to breathe the pure 1 median has ever reared, There ei something more be scouted by his beet friends. t1'hatother ' da a .else 1
air. 1%.11, I was able to teturm them that repeats �t( m otreatmentc
a foul unnatural monster, like• , should a wen .lrsrte e• ho sIwu ! y v4laiag h Ik5 1 hamber
the only trsrwtrr there .cold be would be pobtiwlly dividing wall, than there is ( kuru tr..ror to hie sovrretgn and hie rovers•
DISCOURSE. the tra..trrn■r of a lot of American pe,ple w Rocky cky Mosntatn.. meat`" Fancy the wasereble spirit d nay I THE LOCAL DOINGS OF THE WEEK.
lend Asn ran e.pttel to Caned.. to detolop Oise hundred years 4 expero.00e Man it !wan who *Amid fail to .peok tug hi. basest 1 __
ii o,u�.r,W,1�wtenee natural re.oure rr, and our owu conviour, Us that you Au:encatu will ,.u: - I ■eutiment, even thuugl, ire would tie wont- I
Yews. saes world aervse foe= n I 2""A Wear Mese transferring thetris.iv.s aide or speed your mosey peruse:wetly oat eft in society by his best foetal . They me. Leve t• ray ; `sem Lively ea
fav to eegoo ofyour own enutr .. Twould not pumas the' stuff your Williams Mvere a.cry*bliar 1. ..n.1 Ib.. tree
1 ■sea .r taw t w • s.wu/rte+ Ter •lire- ' y� try. ,.) e population CY-
masr ei t entl.rata' I alma i••mhsUH THh 01.0 l'tt lir ".w•AIIYINo., ada would get as the rsault of tow union Lloyd Garrisons and 11eodali 1hut1tpr were
would be the most desirable in the world, made of. t"•tiags sus 1111 -ef f o*a've a Nle Is a
Sow 4 •arida ,..Id be developed Am- I Our oppo005l also seem W fear that we leer 4.'11'4 1 redo yr teat N t ■ *'1051'4
while the .oro uwdestreble emirraat trues Ila Howe wee imbued with the European
celeste 111.1.• sad !*bee) weak. pal 11 •s would be swamped by use American people the warmer ckuute , ' Europe would per cies that h'yalty is dreution int and :ore- Aasasr ye T•11a' •NS.. aged table Melt
se lfe.t ..,Sloe a Oh It. \eiak .r If we united. Whether they refer to a .ibly keep further sot. vhert the climate -_
physical swamping or to • swamping by to not w rigorous Y it .. here. Population
Igslat.wu, they duvet sturm us. It is as to develop (',nada can, l believe, only be
emu. the lieiro.t iaeatar Sews, mamba:Me to seer the one as the other. 01' aimed from your country and after the
teen though you dratted to do so, it must uuioa. The t:uropeso emigrant leaves his
The aeum.diotu rooms of the Mmu.iam rl horn. to niaay insta•nes Lo mllitar
dub were not Mrge iwou{h 4, eaoommwdate be quite apparent that you amid not swamp lam, imperialuun rid tbo.c oreas4 and c1Yr
tauve •nese•••• fiat Pre.oited u'1 by mete
!ages %%'e could still pas. our dieuncuons that prevail there. He bear.
the roprees• 000 •tate: laws untrammelled by yob.-
ou orby
Melt last evening to 11"4's 10 F.Igtu Mye re. anything you nught *as to do. This cry of the creat tmer e.n i-uubhc, where every
A Toronto, sad %'ilhaat Algis, of Alton, o' esatuputq was tamed by Nova Scolia man is.stud, and b, naturally goesthere m
out ie.* president of the ('u.tlneutal and Nes Itrum•ic:o when 11 w.. proposed Irprferenee to Canada tt'e are th.ret e to rely ou t:scat tertius for our
4, torn, ter below of Canatda, who
Union rssa:tatioo of Ontario. The most Lion and our development, but were every
th ht tLr would be swam b tlw
mesial g.anw over the tine assetnidage that other t tkeycra Iustoa.i of Thrl! they aro available and clearable emigrant to be taken
ted the pr..ker with enthusiastic ap the *polled children of confederation, sod from F.udlau.l and distributed ainally over
ire" that empire we w null .tamely [ratios them .• The Ie should look forward to the
ore would detect Its reps eotatite the great Province of (nun. in the milcb people pia m l To the Impos.tbilitier of get
err w .est of i., ioaal sed sun cos da when that vast continent might become
ricrac P' pr flog emigration w our prearnt coeditseo, a )'
aerciel emwrnue. Anions the eerlteet sr One thaw, rhe evened les would les forma
added the feet that the flower of lioaoliaa one great confederation of states, without s
ors;* were Junes F. Joy, F. J. Hecker,
Allred tiureil, Ford H. Rogers, W. 31.
inhume, E. A. Fraser, W. J Cbittend.m,
►toOcrt M. /lug, .Ioi,e-•Iect. Uoso -an, l . 11.
Ikth.. l_
N. 1 rowheelie. T It. Buhl, .lube
Aug sail .lames H. `hoar
accrete!) Haigh called the meeting to
order end expressed his gratification at the
Lull a:teudaomx, Mufti*, to his thinking, was
as rr l,ieooe 01 the deep interest taken W
the.iuratiou of puLucel lianas betwearn the
l'oue.1 Slat leo and Canada • ,luestwh
fraught .iib the most protouad importance
for thaw great countries. Premature Hoa
James E Joy es the chairman of the meet -
lag. Secretary ltalxh said that diatisguished
tad venerated gentlemen needed no intro-
duction an American sudisac..
)Ir. Begin Myers was uettedue.d with a
compliment to the hravery of his position,
sot great applause interrupted his addrees
.t may telling points. At the close
Witham Algia was introduced aid kept the
iodise« convulsed with laughter at the
yeast meatier in which he briefly reviewed
tae question of politica: maim. Foliowieg
n 1 H mopmel of lir. Myers address
roLITIc %I. r` the WITH .-AVAnA.
most to au individual 'ovarian instead of the treat 11.
people. An illustration of that can be seen
lis a
th British national anthem which is •
8asaders k (0. t are Just received a new
hymn of to a• individual sovereign.
prose stock o[ saNsn bore. tense reeb. ►aro rrrisk�
Contrast this with the patriotic sting of the ler*aad hydrants. They are analog special
Anwricaa people - pricer 1us' now for these goods. Call sad eau
" My country, 'tof thee, teem.
sweet land oliberty. Of thee 1 ung. FFNi TA1LOItIN0.-Sprtnghtnd Httmar
That idea should prevail on the whole of obtas . ' variate of the ee Unruly
Kest-st. 1'ou ou haver bye chola•. uses rely
the American continent. on good aisle and at at 'cry moderate prices.
n,S a1. 1T FArlewll+ i .w._ ormac
Perhaps Jou don't want a goad fit fur your
John J Bright, one of the greatest of ( ,mersuit. o willl DM turn adna is hat no out use
British statesmen, on the other baud, said bis store ur be i1 . Return aed to flt. " tine
iu a speech in Rochdale on Dec. 14. 18b1. the miter on the wall' Hee'
I,rd the subtest 1 am here to dimmer
u the most important that has, .inns your
re' ul.t.noary war, 1,,otme1 up in the politic
u bonnie of North America, and the men
who are instrumental in causing the ides to
become an accomplished fact will rank with
the revolutionary fathers sad with the
fathers of the 1 anadier% cenfedentioa,
mond :he benefactors of mankind. The
Interest this, Y well ss other chile alld
„rgnsuatioss through the felon, are taking
to the subject iv evidence that this great
people are beginning at Mat to realize that
there are abjecte of ng national tm•
memos to you ou a of the geo.raphioal
Emits of your own territory.
It n safe to say that, ll the American
people were to acquire Canada, with all Its
lateral Hobe*, as the result of a successful
sed bloody- war with her aod the rest d the
British empire, a: the sacrifice of million of
prelims lives and billions of money, yon
would not 555.0 consider that yon had paid
ten much for the bargain. The same with
e iy own countrymen. Were we In sea
marvelo.i way to aognsre you as the result
of such a war, we wield feel no disgrace in
Uniting with or aanehing you. In ages to
to to for thee...n'1wn benefit to to en:arge
the St Lawrence system of waterways s, as
..lent[ utean t,.4rts t.. Ilrtr 'i',
Pert Arthur mud 4 Luca,;,.. l belie., e
K 'O IOi 15110 foot no e• i" c.wneet 1 hicago
with !he 111.0411 by a deep water canal by way
of Albany. at an estimated cost of 4800.000,-
000. The widest estimate of the co.: of
' alerting
the St. Lau
reuce system .lues
Our oppecnca air, ocmplain that your
laws are Ind. Thr\ frequently refer to use
elyctnw of judges sod other officials, rod
your law■ re:atrng to divorce. as illus-
trat.ou, of this. the tallowueu of that
cry hemines (lair apparent when we reflect
that these are nutters ot state jurisdiction
and that we could adopt whatever system
we chem.
l'ou will wonder why some of the people
of (Asada harp on these words. swamptn{,
transferring and c..mplatntog about your
laws being bad, when the cries are v. Mean.
suttees. The reason u not a lack of intel-
ligence. 1 have in my intercourse with the
penis of hots countries formed the opinion
that the C•sadtan mimes are really better
Wormed tion your owu, :4 you will pardon
me ter saying so. 1 am not. of course,
spooking e1 the political cl awes or men of
prominence in both cr.Jetraes, Thr only
way we cin account, then, for thou peculiar
sottoas prevailing among some people :0
t cede, Is from the fact that the discussion
of this question has bees uttered until quite
reosntly. and when the discussion of any
question u interlined the motions respect -
tag it are neoeseerily crude.
Tarn .SNP rater LOT I.TI
A limited number believe it is disloyal to
advocate • change of political states for
Cwada. Happily that feeling u rapidly
passing away, and the people of our oouo-
try are rapidly coming to the conclusion
that true loyalty consists In a superior de•
notion 1.0 the interests of Canada and of her
'sople. In construing it in this .tee, they
are only following the example set by Eng
ttshmen. who rightly regard tlags and sys•
tens Orf government as made fur men and
not mini as haying been made for them.
Engltsbmen manifest their loyalty by lib per
cost. of the immigrants front Britain
going to your c entry, as aptnst 13 per
Dent. that ams to Canada ; and in them in-
vesting ti10 sn the ratted States for every
ose they loves: in Caped", Lod this in view
of the fact that moo and money are tan-
ada's presstog needs.
Those in favor of pohtstal union are sec-
ond to none in their desire for the welfare
masthead has for years been &mug to your great army or navy, and not mating ttaelf
lam! as if iron. the pestilence and [amine. with the entanglements of European F°1•1
The immediate results of the union. I be tics"
here, therefore, would he a trs.nerdous in Had John Bright been a justice of the
crave in wealth and p••pulatiun in Cavia.
This would benefit all classes .1 iuduatrivo,
the manufacturer and the merchant and the
farmer. In fact, there n no in•tttutieu In
Canada but what would greatly benefit by
the c1•nge except that institution that
peace In Canada or a colonel in the l'ana-
diad militia he would have been dismissed
for the utterance of such sentirnents. In
England he was made a member of the
Queen's privy council.
One great reams that Canada hes not
grinds out .o-calle.l loyalty at the expense prospered is because she has not been loyal
of the Canadian people, eooducted by to her own Oontinent. Why she should
knights and other gentry covered with he disloyal to it I cannot oxwce\ve.
European tette., whose sympathies are with -tdterica has been the hope and bes.xn light
the class to which they properly beluag in of Europe for 100years. Amertaoonitesoda
Europe. and not with the( median manses the universal respect and admiration of the
world : and throughout the whole world
•[.TIaI..T L\%uty r.o'•.. there is only one poor.rdonywhich turns its
11'e fralttently hear the expremioo w back epos and despises her
Canada that the material argument. are in I believe, however, that we are about
favor of union but '.hr sentimental coissider- abandoning our folly. Will you help those
of us that have buckled on tow armor for the
ations are all opposed to it : in other words, �h, •gslnst prejudice and passion ` 1
we ignore sentiment. Nothing could be trust that no roe fears that the country
farther from the truth. The sentiment would be too Mtge and unwieldy. Russia
that should guide "snrtiiaaa is a r- timent is not afraid of ibis, nor u Britain, who is
of attachment and devotion to the interest 001 afraid to pollute. a0 empire much larger
and more scattered. Those who +peak w
of the Comedian pegple, to the lao.l that ten wap erenet acyuaanted with the se11
gave us birth in preference to a land 3.000 governing power of the I'anadisn people.
mil" away. 10 other erotras, we should be Nor aro they aware of the decentralized
loyal to our own mother, w iso :, poor •lid *poen: of state and municipal 1 overnmeotr
struggling sod [weds our aid, in preference which press and are a sure safeguard
to our grandmother. oho is rich and great, against unwieldiness.
needs and asks oo sacrifice on our part. who
t hate spoken in run if 1 have not con
thitika but little of as aid taros farm Baa visced you that the tirht is not se much
We occupy now as a colony the lowest tune your Y Dire. We in Canada shall have to
of the ladder of countries, a condition that and are prepared to stand all the browe and
proud people have Always objected to. aldose that those who advooate a new pro -
Another idea that some people in Canada ;mo••'i• have to receive. Will you not
have is that she would be effa:el if united gee ns yn'Ir evmprthv and lid -
with you. No one would athrm that the q t sr IN , A1Ao\ rAtUlc i .i..v
citizen of New fork or Mtchigao Is not a
citizen of an independent country, yet the Bkeides the other coneideratioia 1 have
*tattle of the citizens of Canada after the ro'eferred to you have the military question
onion would bre the same as her. Ther to consider. l'soad• in the huolr of • fer-
would, nodes your system, be recovery of ei n seer o tie in"wet sad .d -
much of the provincial indepemh•nce that p° ppOeed Pr"
we aamiticeldwhen we formed our lbmmion. ice to you, ori! I .i population that • in
After the union the provinces would recover time amount to 20 or 30 million. unit. ith
many of their het powers. the rest of the empire, pose.hly I. :geed
i propose touching on what advantage with nom • other European power jealous of
the United States woaid derive from the America, "mold he a onpsiderande danger
union Canada as tern. mrngnita to the along an unprotected border of 4,000 miles.
majority of even the intelligent people of Relieve.) of this danger a nary or standing
this country, and I can only account for army exetp' for the preservation of internal
ons inr••n it .
tindifference beam united with nor peeve woo" hr a danger grn
our im 1 Brace to a With our .ymnathy and a•tave aid can
y this (act. Your mantes world by union )•
• on we nail..'r.n maks nor high and
In it is found more than one-half the fresh bray nu-lon a rower"- 1 y
water" of the globe. 11 would gnadrupk that there le • wide -spread sentiment in
the ares of your country for growing the Canada In fever of this mice. it is ruw-
comte our deco eod•tit. elan would wt to a best quality of wheat in the world. We
5511«1 '-ontibent, free from wan, and de- of the Brittab empire. But they perceive have thousands of miles of a coast Zine
voted to the arts of prom, as oee of the that facade is no meanie of strength to that which, for beauty and utility. sa unser
hkse.t fruits of • bloody war, and would empire: on the contrary, she is the fatale P••mea by any in the world. The ford sup-
ine it as as illustrwtios that eves such an weak spot in Britain's armor. Wit ply in fish is practically inexhaustible.
evil thing ea war coo produce t heastite Frame me■amttg her 00 otic head, end ass wealth in timber which nom ises US
great mpacies d forret nen, is 4 almost itestim-
be increased by nearly- t h" raze of Europe. assure y cad
assure on
Now is the season to here your outside
views takes. The foliage is getting full. the
limbs of the trees are on a regular bender. and
all mature noel. Oaf. IL R. t lows owns the
ounces and know• how w do the business.
Rrcvcr as • - Intending b ,yen tt( Bicycles
should call on W. T. Welsh and get his prices
before purchasers. Mr. Wrish has been •
pointed a,seut here for the sale of Whitworth.
Humber. Oriente & ttpsrtan Cycles. All lirst
chow wheels of retiable Kat[luh make, fitted
with pouematic tires sed the latest improve-
ments. Prices mating from $115 to 4116.
A e *Art■G rf l'AaPrrn - Will he made
if you use n tth's stair pads and wadded uoar-
pet lining. The best made. required
for nor w:r pads. Hee Mew sod you will use
them. Winnow shades with spring roller all
complete. tic. An eAgant Ilse at Ste. all com-
plete. and the latter styles In fringe. embroid-
ery and Lace shades. We lead. Smith's Ifurui-
tare Neons, l'rabb's Block.
W. C. T. U. Merrn... The Women's
Chrsti•n Temperance Union, will hold
their reviler meeting int Tuesday next, sn
the tempawnee hall. All members are re-
quested to be present. Mao all others who
take an interest in temperance work.
W. C. T. C. Ifslssi aiml.T. -The W
C. 1' 1' eotertainaaat held on Tuesday
.reeler w the Temperates ball, wan well
attended am' highly interesting. Mae
Acheson charmed all by her sweetness 0t
ezpieesion and ability we an elocutionret
Miss Freaks also read m • very passim.
manner. The musical program was well
rendered by Mrs. F. I'rdharn. Misses Gra
haei, I'ridh•nt, 11. Wilkinson and Mrs.
Moon. L F:. Lamm delivered an able
and telling address in which he .et forth
some of the caress which had 000tnbuted
to the present low moral status of the town.
The sentemos,"1-on want here a clean town
unless you have a clean council." was heart
ily applwded, and throughout the address
loud applause greeted the telling potpie.
Ile. Whitely presided in his usual happy
OetvING Ut Tisa A,1411:111,1.1 HAtI
The Goderich (•te institute Literary
Society held their tint meeting in the new
Assembly Hell last Friday evening. The
members of the collegiate board, besides a
number of traitors, were present. A letter
was read from Joseph Williams, expceseing
regret that ea account of ill -health he was
unable to attend. After • few remark.
from Mr. Strang the following program was
then rendered , solo, Mr. Thomson ; 'elec
tions, Mie. Shepherd ; instrumental, Miss
Aiken : address, Mr Jordan : address, Rev.
Dr. Ure : reading, Mies N. Strang ; solo,
Mem Bain ; address, Judge Doyle ; address,
Mr. Colborne ; address, Dr. Holmes : Reci-
%atieu, Mr. (libber's ; Instrumental, Mise
Torrance : address, Inspector Tom ; ad•
dream, Mr. Park : recitation, Maes Fergu-
son : address, Mr. Lane ; nolo, Mr. Freer.
The meetlae was brought to a clam by stag-
ing the "National Aatbemi." 4)irUtg W die-
courteny on the part of the permit who had
the management of the affair THs So.v•r is
not in a position to give a report of the pro -
reedier' such as Iheme:aeir.n deserved.
P1IOO•NADS CONCIMT.-A very successful
concert was held Thursday evening last
under the atopioes of the young people's
society of Knox church. A good musiatl
and literary programme was provided and
was greatly appreciated. The set proceeds
amounted to about 425.00.
Fine. AL.Ath. The fire brigade was called
out on Saturday last about b P.m., the bock
part et D. K. Strachan's foundry being on
tire. The firemen were soon on the scene
and had the ire under centred is short order.
Mr. Strachao's card of 'Awake to tis brews'
for their services appears in mother column.
N••. 1 Co. -The I;olerich (.ompa•y will
take part in the swami drill at London
camp this year. In our advertising col•
umns Capt. Holmes makes announcement
that there are • number ct vacancies in the
company, which he desires to have tilled as
soon as possible. Members of the company
who were out at the lot vamp can arrange
to secure their former uniforms by asking
early application.
Barnte(I.I . Mr.rsrne. - -A meeting was
held on Friday evening last for the purpose
organizing a Bicycle Club here this summer.
The following ottioere were elected : R. 1'.
Wilkinson, president, Joseph Kidd, vioe-
prestdent : K. t1', Logen. captain ; I .. 11.
Nairn, secretary ; 11. Baird, treasurer : M.
U. Johnston, 1st. lieutenant : Hector Hays,
201 lieutenant, Ellswood Campaign,
standard bearer. All interested are re-
quested to meet oo Friday eveenie next for
times said that the eenrtmeait ss not *5 a club run, after which ■ general meeting
etrleg now as it was in 185+, when the mile- will be held in the \ ousg Liberals' rooms.
braced annexation manifesto was indeed by •THs LA.n 11- Pmre.rtSIT1i. --Some sixteen
many prominent men in Canada. But i or seventeen years ago Hugh Oyatt seas en -
know that the feeling in favor of anion is u the manufacture of brick in I ick
now mach more widely spread among the limed
masses than it was then. In fact, this i. • now, and like hundreds of others in Canada,
contest of the massa in Canada against the met with many reverses in business and left
to mankind. 1'et the remelt the peaceful Rosaia keeping • covetous meet
eye on her valor. Nova Scotia and New Bruns -
sad honorable roam we would be atic poeseeeioa, 41 meat 1 t that Can
•weed Wath a wick, in the wt, luxuriate in a wealth of
precisely the same se if hr sboutiLby ads, situated 3,000 miles away
war We wools'. have the one centre' de(etwelew enact d thousands of miles, is a
rbreroment, together with a number of spume of soakage.. The wieeet statesmen
sate or provincial goverwmeats. m. eawt of R.aglsad recognize this and express the
people would rover themselves. openers that lia•da's proper position was
• H•ye dtheT'aR Malta THA!. rant - 10 remiss with her Own mamma Can-
ade's psseieteooe, like a w er-do-well child,
ih h•agisg on to as already over•berdened
paree1a is mot, to ay the Int of it, ezbibit-
t ofi
pe !lbs
icy Dg her own nes is satires -
al life without .onterrsne soy banedt on
aurae. With oatinental .ala our Mad
Weald blossom as the res.
It is mostam11 beams asserted that
psrlt would follow the dentreatioe or the
wall. Reform ppdeUfN�thmm are now
tellies the peopled (Maas that Nen is
N the tm.oaat Clevelead ednei•ietration
1 ou may Dot be aware Mat your stater
hare much grater power than ser prov-
iso!' have sad our central government at
Ottawa pommies a power which has bean
the fruitful mother of mach friction sad
Provincial hest -hustings, that of vetoing
all provincial legislation. 8. tar Y the
different* Mittman the laws Dad the system
.f government whish prevail lo each sotto -
try. about which we hear so meek In line• wt that bow only. of
Cane -
4 -1. t Id he imuseepic of a thaws et oktaahine
i esu rejoin t w eye nears., if N. of Canada return them
the Astoria. to dieoevtr. ".11.
1 li yon mss. wi1bM t t gdva
'' 1 forma of goesneneet let tools contest : yP all the I..Osgil ci she Araerie•a
That which is bre* admimhtersd r bast"
1 mums •a d it.
..eth.ot wiliest their mum if� say
1 were addressing • religiesn oaese'ag•
Ilse 1 woakl choose • test. •aMd woo take
for my s•hject the word " Prwjedioe." or
ening such word to express those ideas that
ere so difficult to uproot. This prejudice
responsibilities, it mil be
tied that yea ars s mesa- acted people.
sod ao ors would rejoice if should follow the merethaa prosperity
mimeses of (Made. It woad poise
Goal, gold, lumber, iron ore and fisheries,
which, except for this artificial barrier
placed by man. have easy acmes to the
market afforded by the New England states
Ontario and Quebec only want contact with
the Goal el Peaneylvania to develop their
immesh wealth in iron oro, silver, copper
sidtel, and measly every other kind d
mineral. The resat Amerman cities of the
west would obtain the agricultural products
of Maoitobasod the north-west in exchnnre
for their naaaufacter•es, and you week' also
participate is :li vast riches in the gold,
kola. noel, ore, fisheries and timber of
British Columbia. In fact, the whole of
this vast ot.lry Deeds but a Outfit 'ihing
el the yell to disclose natural riches so great
sad varied as to almtest equal the most fas-
cinating tales of eastern romance
1'0105 wot-1.11 ■111.1) 1 na'TnettT.
No cities would profit mon then the
dtws of Toronto and of Detroit Yes
would sot be confined for your trade to the
t,.rrttwry en ass end. d you. With mesa
veal• psnotratlag the meter of the wittin-
ess, the oammnee of the world wean pass
their deer. Oar groat Woes ..aid biome
sew •en hoth rides of the lies.. this ash -
far a*ee tine. hcw.ver, ori for nee vast imbued ors You cam easily Gsseeive
Pet, hut 1 week admit that tree i. 'mob M believe that unrestricted ire peeity .what en imputes woad he sive• to year
m(we of it on the mirth (ids lima en she ua1
"nth. It i er ides ha ewe hetonme ie
the ors or Mesoo et the word esaagalien M
'laeraha the relationship whisk we desire to
bring Omit beams the two ess.Wrloo. i
obieect to it hemeee it does set tewtif�ally
f'''er're`t what, we Mein, and it mover sea
idea test is peculiarly ./calve is the Om
eople, that sib.
fore. rat sae aide sad etetared •��•e w
eineMe e slither d .hfeb weld be mpii
instil that Mai of though
.mnt!iatiw of Nene that New M the
Che mere people is romeed we"
ef otlatamess ides
et Csss4s sen% the fittlIMd$UM5.Ub des pro-
nad eoek.4 apn,4 asy 5*54'---- Y ooeeeeii l
when tertsiaf their ru'enYye eesfedeea-
(;ee i. (7..e+...e .leo sea.
-bateA.miw aid
1sr1y pw�
tewol5. o„s000mpaaial by "II •lion dry U mem velmmia were to regi
= that ""'wellIbmstrametar
n that prvspenty that many •p' trate hero• l nor eeesp usi•a
world bring
ppewrr to .ntieipats We wjsyed 11 hem injure Toronto, for tier would be plenty el
X11 ao 186f', sod tee did ad aalre ^ a Weiner for all. - Rol Camila net been ter
yery werkd fewest° h w.•IN er Pm"'"' • century divorced frees her own eosebotst.
ties. wleb the trade d the aertkrn haat of an
classy.. Let os, therefore, work heart and for the Neaten, States heavily in debt. His
hand together. homes
these two lands will ie creditor were numerons, sad the amount
the hives and homes of happy mud content neoee. 57 to sandy that due reached
eves millions who will blew the moo who, m into the thousands For many years poet
the beginning of the Contest, when reason he has been in I.eadville, Colorado, encased
was weak in Canada and prejudice strong,
had the courage to stood up for their conn
try agairt those who are endeavoring to
keep her in subjection to aristocratic a°d
military Pampa
Then are natural emanate of trade be.
teem the twoosuntrlea along almret the
entire border, while the provinces of Canada
are separated by rungs of mountains or
hundreds of miles of barren country. We
have bees trying to faros the people of
Canada to dal exclusively with each caber
by means of a political sad commercial wan.
Aad yet we wonder why we have not pros -
Let aloes a you who think that when
the fruit is rips it will drop into yeer hoods
remember that if things be allowed to
drift tkq are apt to drift into the wrong
elms Omsea, oar opponent. will mot
permit this gaewies to drift. These who
speak that way ham but little et the efloete
that are beteg lade to Europeanize mend dm•
prialiv that parties of the North Ameri-
can meanest. side,
have all the faces d
nature oa our aide, sad we mulct masa if
we improve them.
.Ow . •.NADA wo4rA ea erns Erma. tn.tjheat, which acmes have bon teem!•
by the time, eeaveegkag
The malarial swam t, a eat mm of peopled
hie ilii illi `ears" tu the esus Terme* weld
derive ft10w the swam l; •gnat prolbehly base hese the eemwwrksl ee.tar
Amorists M and •wpit4J iNs eke ooaatry of the venters oeotin.ot eased of weeM
M agyast e0r s^•1 aaYes•1, The America• people owe it to the w.1 i
which week% oars cities and toms M w a ge/tarM et a �ihe{d weYMab
ompleymw1 » sad pies. yen ha.. p�••lunbamea2 eeeo•
Iteeale semi sat only Meek
Wi..low we des al- N.eNs the espor Mb IM wsoly prams
We elf ewes MMM .. well MM'y s bare silitrle coil v ether
West the ea of Ms eels- mlowi. Mart Maw in Ha oohs K.i 1pe
inn Ammo a _the .}•ales.. ef as armed
At way W. 5.. M� 0re■asta
eas�re mow~ 8le Nal � 8i'M. I vamp. W .head s* %aim Ravepr is
1 Wkmamt. et Mien Palk 1 this.
arts sod hseireen Se I s end lie Mwei�ei 1 who Is omulyi�w+� of eche Jea•pk Sem,
t *r (Oke 1515*- 7+e prow au .1 OmoSaa smarm upebe lailtillellerol
*hut vim.. tIIM tri O' 411
in mining and having met with success, re-
turned • few days ago to carry out his
pledge and wipe out bis iodebtedsea
Sande his return he ham paid off huadreds of
dollars that were many years ago " net rm -
ed," and which the owners of had king sham
given hp as Oat. Mr. I)yatt is a member of
the Colorado Legislature.
SrrAlAT1 System 1.. Am. -The saes01 of
the children who took the highest marks is
the different studies at the May examin•tior
h the mepar•te school are se follows
fourth oleins Christian doctrine Nellie
R. S. Hays, of Seeforth. was in town on
Maitland B•rkwell, of Lontion. spent the
24th in town.
Miss Flo Horton has returned from Brit-
ish Cclombia.
C. (.w,. Armstrong is in the easter° mar-
kets this week.
W. Howell is spending a few day at his
bone on North-st.
Mrs. Jno. Reid is at King.too visiting
her son, 5..1. Reid
Rev. Jas Wilson, of Niagara Falls South,
was in town kat week.
Mr. Tanner sed son have returned to
their home in Toronto.
Mr. and Mn. McCaw returned from a
vet to Seatortn last week.
Mrs. .1. C. Stevenson, of Clinton, spent
Sumday in town with relatives.
Mies Myers, of Montreal, is visiting i_°
town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. W.
Rev. David Santee, the well-known Meth-
odiet minister and evangelist, died at Tilsm-
burg, Wednesday.
Mrs. 4'. B. Armstrong and Bias Skamin,
of London, were the inseam d Mrs. t'. Geo.
Arnstrosg last week.
St. Mary's Argus Mw Beatrios Carroll,
west ward, is visiting friends at Sea(orth
and l;oderich this week.
Wm. Craig end family left on Saturday
for Port Huron. Mr. Craig mold the British
Exchange to Thos. Tilt d Galt
Wesley Reid left on Saturday last on the
Ste City of Windsor for Detroit to take •
powtioe in a drug store in that city.
Mie. F. .1. (;issing, of 1 ilifornia, formerly
of Goderich, has returned to spend the
.unmet at the parental home at Prince-
Kant ire, at one time a resident of the
Celestial F:mpin but stow of Stratford, was
in town last week making arrangements for
starting • laundry here.
Mrs. Hooker, who has been visiting in
town for some time past, accompanied by
her children, has gone to Port .Arthur,
when she will meet Mr. Hooker.
Prom Ryrsmr. Masa
Middispett, May 29th. Ankh Rym•i
of :leastf.rd, war as eld time resi-
dent of this piens. As hie many trleai.1M-
limed his ems 5*M aka hllowingftlt, it t f. �
Onl1ur wen p.tifyiog ao everyone :
" Mv. Rymarm ems whish is k.owa to be
be a dsakt that Dead's kMery
glib ass of gleet : Sr fa s Sea r"es• they
1eo1e1esMivia trweatlrm Seam Ithas
l the
'j akineses the MMMles d the
mod manta+ sem wad Mr.
aim ossant s is /kY dry ketal'
Willa haw r sway drodis ta torsi
loaves sad vterM/.w
1 Mitchell mau advertised a 420,000 stock,
but when the anemeor os/led he aid he was
only worth 2600.
Masers. Bunches, Goode and ('olborae
Bros. an potting plate glass front. in their
stores this week.
Why buy ou sewing machines from
straognrm at fa prices, when you can
gg.ett Ne bestfor from (l. W.
i howwoa for 298
°Q The trooti .Hatch, between Robert Me-
e-Webb : arithmetic, Nellie Webb, 84 per
Lean's."Be d Raaf' and J. f'. Martine
nest; grammar. Marg•r'et Payne. 82 par .,lacy f; mine aeon the 76th, "Lacy
east.; reading, Fdward Tighe, Nellie W ebb: I iroff ' wiseisag in three str•fgbt hats
orthography. F•any McCorwac. Margaret (:so. W. Thomism le kcal agent for Bell
Payne, highest attainable marks ; literature, sewing machines,
nr�r•t Payne, Nellie Webb ; history, lei talk
tea and mnsinal mer-
Mre�ic Shattaoo, 16 Per .ant.: ge°gr•Phy. .media. All of the beat, and at rook bet -
Andrew 1.yno, 83 per remt.: nompritaolt ton price. Now is the time to tur:base.
Nellie Webb, Andrew Lynn; dowing, The editor of this paper departed from
().rtret. Ilbyle And; Lynn : writern gtt�
his genal cowmen d atteerling the moue an
FeaierinShasaon : neatness, Frederick day ea the Miele of May. and this year went
shaman,meths Webb • higbo*t toW Mar
of the
Wlsglm.: Os Felder aft_.eea, May
19. nee 1am05M ales messed web wills the
Toosorsoor dab h.. kir rale ' sod
sure d.
pr�aMt P*yn. scones sighed, Nellie %t'ebb. in �d to ass the id th,ner slows t
liked eyes, Chrlatima doctoriw, John Nes M rt church laid there Mitchell
pk.lam, BMoh McCorm c. Margaret Wdb; Reheserw 1*7 that the " Asti Nerve P.ea• "
aritha.Hc : MYy harm. Yar/•nt WeAt,
f10 par trttat : gram Margaret Wobb, 87 aced by Dr. R.. Riehwnkeea is • tssleas. Tris
per soot ; n•el stag M•rpnt weld, ; atoms- is false. and Mo been said by oemeone tops.
repky, 3.ha Moils.ald Bemis Mel lose. ; j�'e lbs� deeters' Maims For f.. rt her n
literature, Rdamad 0am+pton 68 per eeet.; frw•tiw regarding( this ws,adeerf.l method
lata ntesetim d teeth. call sod w
Ussery, A5). Mdkdlam, M•nanIH04 7; erf ltda
Mand Curry. 76 per amt.; am- for yrii11-
=tiar'k Besel. MeC 97 seat C AMH•rPer lac of the plwmbiac firm
&swag, Tema Doyle, Marmrst Harley i of K•iph R )iitmrisamese, Toronto. Ma
Margaret Ream Jahn Nano. ; ..tend tete the firm e1 it•amdww & Co. as
BealMargaret Wena. • primer. Re mum well reammembod m
DoierMow Pvt. Thee was s seemkag d ai s1� e�ted the r is" ta Mrfksinke.
the r0eletrar Toead y wra4Ml to 5*i Harper is the hied q-yemagpmea we Eke to
ass all ahestbes .ailed by prega me...a M w eemilg Mew seem end w0 Mali him
take steps N 11Ntiagly eohbwie DrtMsism ettrisem- _
day h Oedrh►. "RP attasMd, Anai5 : NMawl loloo114 Osiris M
..d M wee emmimeittely d"eidd M bel • hettlll. M amiima. •file to Iaaflasw.
.mho ed p.m • 5*ti . harp by e.. good»ta,aflwt