The Signal, 1893-3-23, Page 71 't HB SINAL : (I()))ERIOF, OPT., THURSDAY, )(ARCH 33, IAN. Da!rpetSa�d cyrtains !ace Curtains, Chi'celle Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Hem Carpets, Union Carpets, Wool Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Brussels Carpets Our Stock is Complete. No trouble to show Goods JOHN T. ACHESON. CRISP AND CASUAL- .nese++ tksamee tae •Na .reser.»• Only 10.086 Yrem i•ee bas's koeemss d over $7,000 • year. For nettle rest, rsmmr blot seri Reseal toilet porpoise w Low's 8dg►' r Bears. In The Hoa. Jaws M. Smith, Now Jersey's sew Democrat Senator, el largely mMnated is brie raising. He muse of the Mg stook - holders in the Monmouth rue track. Some symptosis of worms are :- Feer. Dolle. variable appetite, reetlemesess, weak ages end ..avuleroae. 1 be aofailiag remedy is Dr. Lu.. Warm Syrup. lo The household of tee Veritas will mosey. • hasdeouse addt'io.. its :to receipts by The impeediug creat Soo of new cardinals fees payable by each r.ciptgnt of a red het rumours altogether to t'SOO, • l.twe sem cosnideriag that the annual stipend of a eardioal is only 1:800 • year. A mew bishop has to pay 0400 to the corporations of the Vatican. Probably to March more than say other mt.ath in the year are the r.vages of cold in the bead sad caterrh most severely felt. Do not neglect either for an leotard. bat apply Nebel Balm, a time tried, never fail iag ours. gamy to use, ple.wnt and agree- able. Try it. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, pot paid. on rrecipt of prove 50c and $1 a bottle. Fulford •t'o.. Brookville, Oat. Whoa • President is laaugurated t' Washington be u usually sworn in with • large new Bible, which Is afterward pre - meted to souse member of the family. But Mr. Cleveland in 1885 took the oath on his Mother's Bible. do far as is known, be still L as the book, and in the belief that it will be used at the coning ceremony, the Clerk of the Supreme Court bas not purchased • Bible for that occssioi. Now orae FOR INSPECTION A7 MUNRO'S + t + , + + + Navy, Black and Colored Storm 'Urges, Whip Cords and Two -Toned Tweed Effects. A full line of Black Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheae, Whip Cordo, Sobel Cloth, AU -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- riettaa, Amason Serge and Bengalines, Together with Sateen, French D'Laines, Tearaie Prints, Chambrays and Printed Piques. EXTRA VALUE iN White and (,hey Cottons, Sheeting', Pillow Cottons, be. Napery Department well assorted. Nati lidse use thin ea es tact Y tel Ibk. 6 PIM CM! DISCOUNT FOR AASH. M'C.7'1NTR0 Cloth, fM4 Draper and Haberdasher. • Finnan Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters, Labrador Herring, Smelt, Ciscoes, Baltimore Oysters, ARRIVING DAILY. Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons Canned Goods O1 ALL KINDS, AND A CONFLICTS STOCK OF mob Made or Theuaat. Religion u no Sunday affair. ninavd a trdlssens erns aameraa. (kakis drives ; talent u driven. . laara's Lialnteet cares usrs . ar. Discovery is the pun of wrotig-dotna:. . lanrtrs Lt.lstsent relieves neuralgia. You can bet on the wags of • dog's tail. Hypocrisy is oil with pounded [lass in it What mm ,an do and has done woman sante to do. Zech of us, no doubt, is • crank to the man we think a crank. The heart has nothing to do with the making of " society ''s law The wise man may be above hull faow mei, but he will not look down on them. An inectite or torpid liver marms ust bear - ed and all bad bile removed. Burdock Pills are hest forold or young. lm Some men pray a minute and work an hour ; otbera work • minute and pray an hour. WI the former before dealing else- where. The trouble with most .,ongh medicine. is an that they spoil the appetite, weaken diges- tion, d create bile. Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral, on the coutrary, while it gives im- mediate relief, assists ratherraththem impairs the •ssimulstive process. s t S a.a weatherlieNle. The old a ttof baifog witnesses Family Groceries XV AT RIGHT PRICES ED. C AIGNE'B, Cor. Montreal-st. and Square IllarTelephooe CaoeecLon. THE BEST I8 THE BEST 18 THE BEAT 18 THE BEST IS THE BEST 18 THE BEAT 18 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TH BEST TBE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE res THE THE THE THE BERT HEST BEST BEST BUT BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 818? BE1? Beat THE 11118? THE BEST res BEST THE 8Eb? TBI BEST THE REST THE BEST THE BEM' E BSI? 1 111 Iig TME 108E1 TBIA THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 T8E CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE BIGN4L I8 TBE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 TEE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE SIGNAL A YA Ali. IN ADVANCE THE tOHEAPEST AID1'THE IWWNAL t+AND THE OrIONAL r s "fackaeh• memo the hid- a.da are is t✓oubla Dedld'S Kidw.y PM iug prompt r ie1- 16 p► cant. sfdi Is ist wooed by eli.ordertd kid- neys. "Night as well k.to have a mlthy pity without oewer- aq os good M.Ith when the hlaa.ye are (Slogged, they are oM' D.I s y Is dangerous. rus. Nog - tooted troubles recur In Dad Blood, Liver Complaint, and the gloat dan- gerous of all, aright. Dta mss Diabyyt.. and "�h. abous diseases cannot arise wh.r. Dodd's Kidny Pills art real Sok by a9 amnion aa.at y.raa reeaniett of orim p sow p•• box or lis Woe e. Dr. L. A. Said. • Co. Twvsss. bush odd Midaw Talk. vamosolormarilawahatilI M o L E 0 J'S 7 ARE you going to pet • Pursoue ie year bier' sr stere' you are. Ball os SAUNDERS & CO., and see MR. J. M. WORSELL, a practical warm air man, who will give you figures for the ciao ' FUR NACII$ IN CANADA YOU should not leave this utatttr until nest fall. Start right in at once and get your heating done. and be ready to start • fire in the Fall. Are you GOING �T v to build • house, church or school. We .:au heat than to your entire satisfaction. Ask us for figure' and plans before deciding on 1811y methal of heating do work business SYsTM RENOVATOR /124 11 .Irittit r&&TkU /AI MIKS. KEEP Specifier and Antidote for V A R Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys- •pepsk, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver ouatpliant, neuralgia, los of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary. diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY, 100ERIAN, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. 11.;Lsot:siiv.Tttl Ks. ovaTos OLD be bad from all drsrpcWs is town. ea wen as from all the d s between Owen Hound and deatonh. Bruisers. Iwrt.am and Tongan. `gdp,.atfilen Slimy courts : hat • Western taws it is 5011 h+tep--ssamtim•s however, to the damage alike mem examiner. Lawyer y1- I. well known for his ustornely habit. He cuts his hair about four times • year, aid the rest of the time looks decidedly ragged about the e ars. He was making • witness describe • barn, which figured in his last case. How long has this barn been built ! Oh, I don t know. About • year, webby. About eine months, p'r+ps Rut just bow long Tell the Jury bow long it hes been built. Well, I don't know exactly. Quite • whit. Now, Mr. B - you pass for an intelli- gent fanner, and yet you can't tell how old this barn is : and you have lived on the sext farm for tea yeah. Can you tell how old your house is ! Come, m ow, tell us how old your own house i., if you think you know. Quick as lightning the old fernier re• plied, Ye want to know bow old my house is, do ye! Well, it's just about as old as you b., rid needs shinglin' about as batt ' la the roar that followed the witness stepped down and was sot called bock. As a pick-me-up after excessive exertion or exposure, Milboru's Beef, Iron and Wise is grateful and oomfrtieg im Brussels. This week O. A. Ilead men p.rchreed two registered Jerseys of fine butter stock. One of them is 4 years old and the other 2They arrived in Brussels 0o Monday. Mr. Headman is greatly in- terested is the Jersey". THE BEST EST BEST BEST BE8r BEST BELT BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 818T BENT BEET 8EST BEST BEST BEST BEST BUM THE BEST EAT THE BENT THE BEST THE MIT THE iiEMT THE. THE ME NET THE THE THE BMST THE T1 IS Till NWT 18 THE BEST THE THE THE THE THE THE THE TEE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE Tea Cheap for Cash OODLRJOH Steam Boiler Works. tRl3TABLIBHi1 I0..) A. S. CHRYSTAL Ssc reser to Cenotatl & Brack,; Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright k Tubular 022r=RS halt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers is Upright sad Hortsestalttlier Valve gaieties A.l.Sletle Cut -Off IC ua • pecWty. All slam or pi a and ram_ 000etaatly7 on band. a.el r•es furnished ge snort aotice. Repairing pnimptll .wended tee tIM-1y P. 0. Hon Sf, erich. Ont. Works Oswssit. O. T. R. 8fallaa. t)oderiM Take for instance Over - cats ---a few left—to be cleared out at away -down prices ; also Suits and Un- derwear, Grey Flannels and winter goody in general. No Reserve right ruquiree a practical knowledge of the We have it. and do only first class work. by using either WARM AIP.. lure WATER STEAM. ,.r SANITARY PLUMBING from latest .-Sty apecificatious. Stoves, Tinware & Housefurnishings WEST STREET, GODERICH. It LITTLE CHIEF " BRAND CORN, FEAS and TOMATOES Are Inc best fanned goods in the market TAMILKANDE TEA ZN F.A.C7CICTS AT 40, 50 r8z 60 C331•TTS PDR POUND HAS NO SUPERIOR. We are agents for both lines, and .utk for Nem a trial, aesured dud, Ow will please and extend our trade with you. Yours truly, ORAL AL I a A. B. CORNELLI TIM WISDOM VND£R'i"ASCF:F i McLeuln's Block—On the Square—McLean's Block, 3i1L1, OONTiNUM0 r) Opy;UUt'T rUNILItAIM AT Ni:r USUAL. LOW PRICKS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class CHaARGE FORDon't fail to HEARSES.give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. :N sM-U A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. Boots, Shoes and Slippers fmm 2Oc. a pair, up. Odd lines must be cleared out if low prices will do it. to make room for New Spring Stack. A full supply of the cele- brated Crompton Corsets al- ways on hand. Odd lines and sizes from 26c. a pair up. Fresh Arrivals of many lines of ' Spring Goods, such as Prints, Tweeds and Worsteds, in Scotch and Canadian Chev- iotte, Serge*s he., also in Panting's Pants made to order from $t&O to $6.80 a Pair PaiAr full line of Family Gro - cerise always on hand. Teas a specialty. 27,500,000 PER DAY 165,000,000 " EK 660,000,000 4 4 MONTH 7,920,000,000 `t Y BIG FIGURES, but. E. B. EDDY CO.SAKS THAT MANY' MATCHES ANi) WHAT In LORI TO rile POilr'r. SELL THEM 1 MAMMOTH WORKS. - HULL, CANADA. UNDERTAKERS WHY J_ IMPR,OPH E ac sow Hare added to their present badness ter d B. J. $sah'a Latest Style d Qty manes, also •be finest line of funeral furaishiage is the sweaty, w ad are now prepared to oondeet &nerals at prices reasonable. This ds arteseet rill he strictly attended N by kis stn William, whq� ��- d the late D. ydw hyews, for the past a yes, Sins a - d the b. ger sad hw pro mpt atteadms bops hos Oars part .f Does G EO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beat stock of furniture and undertaker's 'Pappas.? And bow is it Hutt he can sell so cheap! BECAUSE He finds that It pays in the Srun. His motto is : mall Profits and Qaiek En turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before ppn°rches- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 4367-y Rs HOLLAND, Cs leni. il7hgt' P'"°- al year way M the pat Dunrshaiiiiiint I,T.SBROP8EY as 80M. Patronise True .Competition. Tees caw r r,, P �tm�rap�8iai�Ma'V Os. �Tn�ar 1:Arriri �haseie� tss ,rNl M My ansed Is m.8"1""les temaes ,rl.ttw.... 1a f� wet .Tor tt.w�.tywt/h1. asaissekrMi11 raid eiaass i lateo-iirrt all da Aea.l Met irM11>riasems. Ss senna