The Signal, 1893-3-23, Page 66
jt.LE TTs
PIIRIUT. writoucasT. elelIT.
f rN1 ver eve aIin r• Pee
w ase •.m NY`Pa�es ns,est
este ass an Crewe s.d tlromaste.
s. w. a►sssasrr- "11.1.101110.1011•111e
A rlsau •• 6141 liver eery Glum ha. a
good hes.
It the tong,., ..,uld kit' not many would
Iver r„ o11 age
I'h•• mats who p,vke flu own cross neer
get, the right ,.tee
1'he easiest thing tau • looter to do is
nal fault with buy people
When ;monk are hired to he goof they
mutt work We soon v der pay stops
The .114610001i has the moot sparkle, but
window glass does the most good
1 he trouble with people who Gan talk is
that they are apt to say to, much.
Undertake to prose that there ts no hell
awl every miss man will throw up his
'They kw..w u, how much 'clown:
the rich h•%, I) th•• va. they :res• poor
The *oris! is tuii rt list righters, tout it
ID hand to find people wh•, won't ruu frau a
If .tea hair hue wrong kind ot religion tun
LMeti-001 carr .ou •los. ! hate the rra.h'
al ••lurch
Kr. ty nee •.,luam' eau• we make has the
power to telt u• vele! Nag we didn't know
abns' ones -Ives
Ila. trouble with the world m Chet there
are :oo many church members sad not
rooueh l'hrietians
Thr ren: 'r•ltug angel sever strikes a hal
ant- an hi. I..ok. by ,-hat i• said of it nun
os his gravestone.
It probably does the devil more goad to
put a long face ou a I'hristien than it doors
to burn dowu a rhureh.
When All peoyle ass aailtug to oeeo'.. as
good s• they Mink their aeigblrtre ought to
be. the nnlleunium will come.
line ot the times whet a man begins to
cry .at and sigh 'kat all toes are not hone
is when he gets the Wr,wg hat.
Their are urea who would be willing; to
gu •,n a mission to China writ, let their
wt. ve carr in all the stove word.
H1fi 011V SRO THEM
MM Uel, .LaW/sat Omani, as Nis Level-
veer- • Ow 1. W►a\ 0.. O..4 Nr,
wewp.. se Owed Pers..... -A Nerrtbl.
Timis - W taw\ lag name.
"The detective Maumee. my way yet
tab It. sand a member of the prolamin
,..sally. ••la interesting and sueuinig, but
here in the 'wilds of West Virgule the
dampen ge 'way by those suet ■,th au reg.
lar city work The city deteeeuve has all
the Mlp awl needful acoassones he wants
rot Isere M has to be the enure force him
golf, tar wheu he le woodwind around
amoug thaw m,satatoa looking for as en
owed 'medalist or a traaswreeker he can't
have an araft of puttee (Aron at lets book
ask call 11e auv his resolver ha%e 1•, be
the whnl+ thing, sad the soul) help he gets
N what hr has at the sed of hi. meapw
It ma►•u ham self rulivat sed pretty herd
to get - su,tnt to a bad place, but he has s
harda. er time tbone think., kuplag hem
s111 tree. He pie)* • game of devilish flaky
solitaire. in 10.1, and the worst .•f it is M
doe*... t get into the pap••,- like his
more• f,•rtunate, bol nu braver brother t•
the • ry
AI. ngn , sot ,.or ,.t 4u ,:,Iruern, a
the country dct.: tits at.ppwl t•, relight
his cigar, -go areal Witt. yea. story 11
rr1%11e1* mu of
•'N'rwag aga.u, )(rau�,ft man. returucd
the ofbeel, smiling, "tor it doesn't fr
mind me ..f hay lout-twra.11h escapee
Fact 1s, I nave bees iuckv in not rotas
unto any eery , lune pieces, and I aevet
dui a flung that onuld warrant my harttlg
my pun late pull.• dud tet the new apapent
•`l should Lope onl escl.omed th•
prang man fervent T.
`•414t, M.1 . on the other wit llout nude
lug the intrrr,: .ext, wr I .41 owe teas+
d•,wn In KA:14.wna 1.0001y whose life is
One of the saddest, nod at the same 1;ta•
the buriest of ass.) men . in the .tate
Never mind LI* wine ; he was at the Mad
of an agency, and died only a few month
ago. He loaf hal mere eirttntl; iu::identr
in the course -of his life than :.ny man 1
trier knew. and if it isese: writu•n out in
lull, it will pru,e as interesting ...eny ball
dime novel you coos.' find. He urs tall.
thin .nam, with *lit muleteer Gay, ,ouagais
Isle, and. strange to say, as mud. at as a
girl when teikai,g of any cf the many fin.
'eatchw' he made He had been a new,
paper moo .ung oefore he became a detective.
and that i,sve him a caplets y far irotenta4
sete..I of talking himself. 1e ',tee rapid
ly io the Lot profession '.e took up. and
there is isarell. a wrll.known case un th.
state wh:rh he wasn't cocne,tea w,;l. :u
some way He always seepu1 ed hiuteetf
well, too. And afmwe.1 he understood the
business lear from A to Z. Perfectly feat
lees and or agtie as a tiger, it wasn't often
that Ise wee caught unawares. Rut user
he came tear being lost, and by the gross
eat piece of carelessness he was trier guilty
of. Ile had two mem, as desperate as salla -
tam criminals always are, in his ease.
Thewere h.b:ufled but that wait
the guard having gess to pt . town
e Scull t.. carry them to jail. My fned
was entertaining thtnt a the meantime,
and ahe got up to .peak to the porter in the
ball for 0.4 half a minute, about getting
them solne water which they had asked 1- r,
when he heard a movement in the num
He stepped quickly back just in time ta, sere
one of the retching with both hands th
for a p4101 belonging to e detective,
which lay on hia desk. He had his hands
on it before my friend could speak, hut the
detective promptly threw .. chair At him,
knocking hire Minn, and, jumping . tear
aces the room in 4400 spring, he had the
weapon and was covering the other pri.noer
lettere eat her of them could snore. He saved
himself by hu presence of mud that time,
but he told Inc he wanted me to kick num if
he et er lett uaother pneoher to reel of his
dangerous 'toys.'
"Five years ago he was on a famous ,;ase
a trsln wrecking It sot llorrthle
thine; two men turned • train int, a
switch running down to the river, .s they
afterwards .confessedbet•ause they had a
g rudge against the engineer of the tram
Several people were killed, among them the
conductor who lost hie life trying •o get a
brakeman Ont from under a burning eare-
hat tnat is another story. As I raid, my
friend hail this ease, and the way hr work
ed rt was worthy of the man- I never haw
him so tireless u he war thu time: he lol•
lowed hu men from farm to farm and t suit
to town, working AA a common latexes"here, as a brakeman there, a rnachiast m
another place, but keeping them ,n sightrt
all the time. Not once in three months did
they get over ha:f • mile away from hum,
and he knew every move they made Arid
h.e reaard came at Isar. They had (vowed
Ohio and were working as harvest
kande all three of them --for he hal used
so many thermos os they did not kuuw him
and one Dight one of them got drank and
between bis tearf of repentance and drunk
ea hiccoughs, he let the whole thing out
The detective pumped ham carefully and
got every particular, and then put him to
bad before his partner rams home The
next day the drunk nos sobered np,and the
minute he came to his senses he knew be
had let the thing out. He went to hie
confessed.partner and confessed. That evening
w the deteetiv• was going bon• from
the fields through • stretch of they
c one on him frobehind and of them
went at him with ra.b skew from the
fence 11e got turned around before they
bad struck hull more than once, but he was
so dazed hr couldn't get hi. pistol out
Then thaw two devils stood up and beat
that poor fellow over the head like they
were 'striking' for • locksmith. They
knocked him to his knees three times, Ant
they didn't know their man. He was grit he
frost head to el, And the third time hr
emit down the pistol got out, and as they
started to ren he rents -kid all seven shots
into them, every veee taking elfeet, which
wee eert only remarkable, considering his
eooditloo this of thawag killed and the
other was wth.ded is loth lege They
were all three quiet whim the rest of the
Made rams r■sning ■p. let the detective
tame to an time t, tell them whet he w.e
sad what had happened. It was a fine
thing tor my friendas in seways. those.
it rammed his wwo
health, and ell nder
People got to thinking that a mon that
Mowed as maeh tight he he dal most
be of Nome account, and Mei gave hem
emplot mint right and left tie told me
afterwards that those seven sheste he
(ked dad him more good, pvr
Ism more mtishetme, than any he had
ever made before. He atnd that every tats
he heard the •rtndge go and new of these
usnendrels scream tt made a gn..l taste
la hie mouth 1 Goold .wd.rstamd th*t.Ioo,
ler 1'ee felt it myself, 1a a time --
"What unmans of him" asked e.• e
the group
"Well, he never really r'co•med free
the terrible haaieriag M got ra the heed
• tune ate He wee serer quit t as steaddy
after it, sad . year eta ee age kis tai
wt R. imagined he bid h.4*r .
Seelis• of leerie and kids. mod ol
tousbai tarsi di the Ma.a.�T
. hs eee
lel. M fee 4lrbt*m.
Nues, like poets, are born, not made
1'hey needtustructi•On and training -so do
porta but unless they have the nuniug in.
en• r With.-stto kr,d lith. lhs�SaL1 o vt become y a
the• •troug, placid, efficient, comforting pres-
roeare which the horn nurse ie in the sick
mon,. We have *sen little girls of teu who.
within the limit of their physical strength.
were better nerves then training could ever
make of any mature 0100400.
There is no sweeter eight ra the range of
donesth experience than to behold one of
these little women waiting on her sick
mot -her tutting from place to place with
the light step of ch'Idhood, arranging
blankets, patting pillows, drawing curtains
or standing before theglw with her smooth
little forehe•bd puckered into uuaceustome.f
wrtnkks of anxiety, as she struggle* silent.
ly with the bemoan on her own hack, the
pine in her Lollar, or the upper braid of
Liven hair which ought to merge into •
lower one difficulties m which she is re-
nolve..1 loot to trouble the inv.Ii.L Such an
.mt.aught but lotiog little atteniant u. tar
more .00thine to the sufferer than many of
those expsrimiced ladies who pride them
wises upod theirs vfficteocy, and drive their
pat ielite to distraction with conatont, .ffe.•
donate ,,ueaUooe arid estt,erimenta.
sick people rarely like to be " fussed
u„ r ' If they are strong enough, they
frequently Nay as much, and the remark Is
taken as an example of the proverbial ill
humor of the morales..cut if they are not
they suffer in silence while their pillows are
piled up or pulled down, irritating lights,
kept dancing before their elye0 through
change. in the shutter*. their foreheads
tenderly fanned when they are pining t. 1w
let alone, a soft question as to •' how they
feel nom" -.0.1 into their ear,, when the
effort to tiring out the hu*kilt' whispered
word, " better.- is equal to pulling up •
heevy buckets from the depths of a well.
The wrong kind of whisper, too- the
hisstng, penetrating uadertonc sets nsny
• sufferers- nerve on edge. end there is
',ethine, more distressing than the elaborate
tip toeing of an.wkward person, which u
ntewelr the utmost r'aggsration of natural
The boot ion ,,f armee: s, perhaps. often
rot to mutat the sick person to rest. A
child can sometimes do this where • well
srowning woman of many years' experience.
but without the gift of sympathetie peroop
tion, will fail and never knee that she had
The rower et%More.
ro csery ill nature hat a cure. In the
healing virtues of the Norway fine het the
owe for eoegha. colds, tromp, asthma,
brme*liti, hewr,.•sesr, etc. Dr. Woods's
Norway Pine Syrup represn.te the virtues
of Norway fine and other pectoral re
medico. Prior 2(w• 2er
II seas We.pes.
Keeper Theo she picked the catch on
her handcuffs, deg through • two foot wall
of stone. took out • pane of plate glace by
removing she patty. and thea ep.aad the
big lock on the gate What tools had she •
Metros - `one whatever, stay great
Mavens' 1 forint to take away her hair -
Keefer Thea permit le melees •the
still has them.
The Mel Mites T\ey Lake.
Three girls are exchanging ooefidence,and
tolling sack other what Port of men they
'eke hest
First, flirt " 1 like a man with a past A
man with • pant r always interesting
. -
Second (11,1 " Thai's true ; Mt i don't
think he is smarty es iatexe ting ea the mea
with a future."
Third Girl " The woo who iatereeta me
meet is the nese with a pressen." -AI
YaTaa t OBIT 446441 14 demi down until
Wand INN A aur tet d heat timbers
hang kit sp OM the nips.
" What's le • sane r Well, that de
rade Per isnasee, the sane d " Ayer "
se waeteet gpara./m that Ayer'.
.ua is a seenne, eslsawe bleed,
e nd net a bin. th thM Mss by
dyne of '• 4wree �.
's tits ,
Itawwu be to get aj. rya this muddle u( tlae
sight sad with W revolter patrol the
inerete i■ .eselih 1 w IoM wbu t..,. hal
towsag luta. as he thought He need w
give the weeps', w fake murders, Irly
sad he'd pt theta worked up over the de
Wls, sad after defy had Misted for home
for particulars, they'd discover it all .alae
treat ray poor old firmed a troubled bream.
H. had to give .p hu berme« at lout, and
Om minute the preesare was takes .4 he
took to fru►tag. He died a tow months
ego, • re, tg sanest, Tut 1° may um 10
.idemt, but it es eaougb to shoo yue what
1 maid that the country detective lee a
hard time, take it 811 un alt
Mr I..b.eMre u. Pr.-WerItel u..*e
er.u. 1•.•10001 t.atmen wiener,
The marriage of IM Doke of ', hark ami
t'riaceam May s a very tuneable on.. As
the divert heir to the croon, it m. obvaou•
that the IDukds first dut, is to have . w,u,
all the more es, it he .toes loot, the LOOM.
nom would go tutu the lite family lira
a= May is pretty and her wanner. ars
'doming, and it is for u,ory remit/ethic that
the future queen should have been bar
and brought up in England as an F:agliee•
a1r1 than that she should be imported fro..
tlermtariv .Asfor n,•; ha,;. i.eaysIs.:brit 1.
sit to
the. lair fluke , I • .tai lite. which hs.
been urge,' a. an objr' . •n, there as hot unt
UR 11: Mt It nw:roi)- •'. 'w' that It was
thought w tear ago that .tee would be the
treed selective for the • -n ,.1 the Primer
Waled wise stood in dere---t age*ewlne t., t h.
throne. awl what was erne than is stiv.
true tt that time there was s goat
.d Arts el m rltten about a lore watch. !n
the 0e1610. 1441 the two persons ee,a•erne
liked • acb other, hula might lieu • I,.0u co -
reel l'r• iwith , in this tonne. It i. corer. •
now i and I' .e:,• much hk
MO people .tli sn;,rr. le. or. rely non-u
a*.tterof haph.zard. I'hey often cosi
measo by an attraction 0n our .ode or [b•
rther, and this u term -'i lore. Ilea t I
sr called losers marry. w rho' know, it,
much ot wool other's character. 1n wont,
caws t:'• marriage tnrm out well, in "thy. s
wit w, ..;1 Chi. .1epu•1s rather upon
their feeing to eats other after they have
hued mime time together, and got thor
o.ghly to know ea ,. other, than ups the
attraction before marriAge. U het her M`_I.
Smith vowel worm: ,Its. numb, ter 4hethal
he had nsarrinl Mrs doles and Mr. Janne
had married Urs. Smith. is a mere detail,
p-,vidr.i that Mr. aril yin •ion hit mi
after nisrrwee. This s not the novelist. -
view of marriage, 1 know. With thaw,
Miw •400.. beentuele a 14,.romc became glee
owlets upon marrping suns Iieowa or
Rol,lne.n., lie defiance of coatmon maw, in -
sterol of Smith, who pr., would have
made her a far Reiter hush:o ut. Ami this
silly son.. new pasers eurren• became the
novel •away ends with the =arrive, roil
serer le:., the •eider knew 1,nw tt tutee
oat.-laon•ior. 'Truth
N•Mab'. Ili ••• 1111j 1' ,rlr.
10 the °arrive. tai. , a the l01...t ifu
'Heath the elan.... • •.r tie• ra.o.,:
ism., the Tete the .1.,410,414 Mies
'no glad, yontnn.l t.• sa • tri time.
. . .. ni,
Ugh err i•ted the roe. of eves.
In their -las, b at 74th.+
Meese • •toe .•,• deft hetet. torn.
dtb tsar.• lir roe . try016:1,4
n+ tlr .lean hu...•r hu°rr'
tea the) of ata went Owe • inter
Jets. 0, tad ad mom are eons
m.1.1.3. near th.
RR ith .1w . 4,4.., .,ser el
I'.a•'0'•..,throe • new, of .-81e,
war tM •.l % ...r1.r • et..
u.hat .heels .4 ha,yy langbter
.'nein Ihr h•sel •'t led or ni.•-
6arrly s r•d .r .horevm
Aad to. .'..tux 'e•'e .•Arm• a Lula'
*ROW sr n,r,:• t0,n11.1.1.14,
0botroe, I. ., ...,,q,,,. .ft „ries.
)tee elle Maw N.•terd kr•I ,'-'•i.
Are, toe Sadler. iirs,i rte. Ns.1.
1~11) rah ih. "*..we nig ajnn we,
Mw Mete rya 1 n. Ikin_ 4.ern.
nirr.-hnl, tine t'e • ,r. 1. s,ij,
r..r+•art, Me...ard. ' , - :n I h. -el
la th..arreeM,t. .t•en•'.t:aa.
-1fri,.rie.s tb.• t:rxiaia re, 1.
Tdk d ^ity
The Feer fluent l'. til ass 1 ,..o. -
They civ dn11 hreide the erste••
lune a • •aur-• 'n I1.",... soul Iraea
nark! The Ilea's are aeon•t:,.: wager,
HukIa14'* Mir)- llue.t
Witt hit. -.rem • youth milked.
Who to team nett totem.• o weiw.
muttai.. ,.n,aa. rre,da seal n,•).
queen of Maury sad .4 'rare,
Slade her.elf, rye iutroh,^:inn,
1n the wrsee•r•. Bina enshrine.
To Presort',
The rie•boom, color, and heinZ�
hair, the greatest carer
.sack Yarm beteg dons by fie use d
worthless dressings. To be sure of
having a first-class article, ask yearrn
druggist 00 perfitar for Apse Nair
tl�r• It is absolutely auperior to any
other prepar•atton of the kind. It
restores the original color and fullnessm
to hair which has be mine thin, faded,
or gray. It keeps the acalpcool, moist,
sfree from dandruff. It Wake itching I THE LATEST IN DESIGNS AND COLORS,
lners, prevents baldness, and imparts
SPRING ---1893
a silken teat and lasting fragrance.
No toilet can be considered complete
without this most popular and elegant
of all hairdressings.
My hair began turning gray and
falling rut when 1 was about as years at
age. 1 have lately been using Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and it it causing a new
growth .*t hair 01 the eta' ural color.
R. J. I owrv, Jones Prairie. Texas.
"(leer a year ago I had a *ever*
fever. :and when 1 rev-m•ered, my hair
Ite)gan to fall out, aril what I. le remain-
ed turned gray. 1 tried various remedies,
but with,..' success, till at lass 1 berm
tt cry • flaw Vigor, and now my hair ie
gnowing rapidly and Is restored to its _. _- - - - -
original cular." - Mrs. :Annie Colina. I
Dighton, Mans.
Long yearn: of experience permits tea to *ay we tau suit the suet b►
odious tastes. Our papers bring so beautifully blemled makes it naly
pleasure to slow th('tn A. for precook they are the very lowest poeypk _
from Ne. per roll up
('uatomeri. will find no trouble in selecting Borders, Freels or t eiliggl
Y then are deatgiterl to snatch our papers.
i ever tour hundred samples to .•lett from a few linea at cost, as they
hair Imes, tel +task for some tittle
Veal !*.ager. Well Telep\ear 4 e.
" 1 have used Ayer* Hair A Igor for
nearly lave years, and my hair is matt*!,
glossy, and in an excellent state a
atwn. 1 am forty years old, and
rc ridden the plains fes' twenty.(dve
rears.' -Wm. Henry Olt, alio, "Mus-
tang Hill,' Newcastle.Wyo.
Hair Vigor
Pree.ared by Lk j C Ayer t Co., L. -.u1. Mat
Soki 5y Drucg * Everywhere
r standard ',Otte Liver I'f11S
Standard Worm Powder..
TIt6ir ARK Rg1.lAMA
*le Women have no reason dflrnew .tette Welker 1MYsmOthie t Atettmlmw■. Spam*, rte.. etc.
She Yee, they have.
He How do you know • ---- - - -�-
She Rectum 1 do.
• Plata ltweemeal.
Hai/Nardi Pectoral Relearn cures coughs,
cokde, asthma, hoarseness. bronchitis,
1irhtome of the cheat, sod all dummies of th,
throat and Innis. teres 2.c 2w
Booksellers and Stationers.
w•e tae .sly
y.: su.c a OF nw,. w.
et ecerythim in (impounding PrewervpOons.
Patronage feeperttelm softened. Opus oo Sunday tax Medicine.
W. C. GOODE, Chemist
W. C. Chemist.
r1o.dard Headache I'nwar es.
.1 W.*..•• news..
• - 'ben
Yoq„►isgbe'ny -- Hew tiro things dos n
Imam .
°- .gidiela All Mit. except dMBitedly
Me start • Ire -k i• ...rtereation.
Roil. the r'on,t n"n.i.!'11/041r, lee,
"Thee -.hal v441,4f weledot`
"!sere. V) • 11.• .•uta
. ,.
"Von nnenteler.tnil, 'fir t,-
..Ih16.. the ). i -h 1.,:.,aatfeuueeee,,
'syn„ 'OW See the grit Jai me
Thee there .seas lu6 ear.aatiow•
Orris' ear. •s1,010 ran M semi,
Ad the darnans and the leawur
laming 4411 the .arts more
Iluldah. ham. .uh t..r h'l,t•ard.
In her Mur hot,, . inter A•er,
td he. hiseime Yanks
Never gree th. ,•ort'•s red ear
Mat he vires 44 ..-tl remember
etre read night In 1 •«tart"rn
Whey he... the frryiggOI'tenerl glitter
le the epee of H.kIah Moen
Dexter matin►
Qee.r Qs... rive
Som. of the most amusing reading that
cu be found is often prondad by the
quer) columns of the newspapers. People`
eek,hegueerestquest wow sometime*, and
often' vert tensible q.estinm are &eked, but
so vastly filament in kind that the effect i*
laugheWe, a* the following from • Restos
paper will show
'•(_#IR:. 1 A reader desires
"1. A ropy of an ulo•nptee in the
mortuary chapel of . tie 1)nke ot Norfolk
(family own Howard) beginning 'Absolve,
Lord, the enol of Thy servant, Philip
•'3 A rub for taking honshoned
remit tae sublime to the ndiulou is bet
• step, • tai sorely itis curious to find a per
taxa anywhere who te coefrented by two
inch problems ea those to the .atest that
M finds at n eemeary to write to the papers
to set his mind at rest- although it nut he
eonfemed that a recipe for nnakieg good
horehound candy is ssmM►tag we tehonj1 all
he glad to have.
The MesIey eves•\
The wewk.y wrench is sett so walked tae of me fanetei or aeteal reseusNauee
go lir Ilerwer'..iniac frt.,de, tar bee.ase
Ire al a handy tail to "mok. " with, but
simply boysese it is t e ineeatsnu of tau
Charles Moselty wow (!i e>< K1 a (busty,
?dew Vert. Although the world has pests,
e ssay Sass trash .4 Me. Meeeky :wet dear
key % 1 seems to be a isrund feet that be
odd Ms genes M KM ad needled she
pressed. wd tf
bn.eeM the shows d
• Member M tae .start &nerd et Seattle
fly. :
1 have prescribed Scott's Emulsion in
Coosumptaon an. even whirs the dngesttve
powers were weak it has been followed by
good resuttc" H. 1'. Yd,e*',• A.It., M.1)
II n. Snag- " 1 woader what makes
young Yr. Manchester bald at his age!"
Snags •' It is hereditary
" How soe"
•• Both his father and ,(randfa'her aur 1
born held."
Mw.n of Vetere.
The healthy body throws oil 0.0 germ. '.1
cholera, therefore wisdom counsels the use
of Burdock Blood Bitten this spring to petr-
ify the blood, regulate the system, and
fortify the body against cholera 'r other
eptdemle. Tw
Nahum t\. 11140•11 ef It.
1)uhaway What ' you ha, CD' t got your
watch•chaiu oo with your dress Boit. hate
you • Don't you know it's lad form `
Travers 1 can't help it, old fellow, its
the only opportunity ('11 have to wear it in
the next thirty days.
Ghee S,r►ok aged Appetite.
1)104 `late, -Last year 1 W44 vert thin
and reduces. very fast, owing to the bad
state d my bloo•l and appetite. A friend
of mine induced metore • limas of B R iL,
which I did. I obtairs•I immediate pere.p
tii`ie relief from it, have gained t'r•ngth
anti appetite and now smelt 193 potato.
M. T. Mcarie,
1E4 -cheater Bridge,
2w Vuebee, Qnr
Coal, Wood and Kint'Iing deli-
vered to els parts of town
with quick despatch,
1 handle the beet grade or hard Boal la
the market, vis : t14e New York. Ontario
& Wailers Railway (by'tk ('debeeted
Iaokawe..e Vattey can in tour elms,
vlw : ((bMa.t, Move. Rag and Orae,
1101F_ago a nen lamp ('oal fee w la
grates. Move*, fnr0.ofe, err.
quality e•wsi... 111oesbwegk swnt\-
Ir weal always ea head. a ealal at*ss.
Ilea glean to eeuetry trade.
WOOD.• sed spilt wend. M imams sail f red
levee. alwq* le unset, 110.'4 fearer that
i eat wrksg wed, eat sail e.pnt, m amap
ae lou aa* tar flung wood ass the taerket
•11 aty wood is said ay the etre of Id
feet w ttaf eine beta
sisfal.>xS wean.
1 feet long, er est and .gilt, 14 leave,
wuna sokaa.
1 rare added to at wenwtw,pp.4 east
eel wetted yard m sew I tee welt\ scale
4111 wet ht• sold ase eeeee eafsatgd
Omen, YAaa ARO COAL 411110s in old
drill @b Nelsonal., loot of Has-
ti1111s CAA.
I have now the pleasure to announce that I have ac-
quired and will conduct under personal management the
business carried on so successfully in this town for the
put four years by R. P. WI BON & CO., as Hard-
ware Merchants, and am further pleased to announce
that the business has been secured on most satisfactory
terms, enabling me to offer special inducements to our
many customers. Thanking our patrons most cordially
for past patronage, and soliciting a continuance of the
same, I remain very truly yours,
A Shoe -dealer should have a practical knowledge of Boob
and Shoes in order to obtain the hest results to himself ad
his customers
Thirty years in the business has taught me much that will be
of great benetit to you in your dealings with me.
I have the largest Stock west of Toronto, and the best (orris
it has ever been my privilege to offer.
The price:. are lower than you will find them for the roam
class of Goods anywhere else.
Ordered work and repairing given special alluilioe
Rips sewed free of charge
5 °/ ort for cash
We hays jM su iwll a wry .Miss tat d
WMieb we guarantee kir will at least
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will c
vine ou of the truthfulness of this aaertioa.
best 007VZ1 obtainable,