The Signal, 1893-3-23, Page 4Y 1t .I 11. pas cr E THE SIGNAL' OOD1 R1CH, ONT., THURSDAY. MARCH IN, 11191. the $na1, is rwwLesin IVIERY THURSDAY MORNING SII M. reelleALSCII1061011. Miss of Pebustlon . and 10. Nenhetreet. tioderlab. Ontario. ferns, se eirese /pits pre month, in .droit, ...... There m.mtbs, • 131 M .. Hee wee ... .... if ••seri', r.sed. the pries per • su _ vA t. how thmmdagy i erase ken heed, and en him will thee rest the When he is dose wit== kindly head thew to me, 1 am, your "'bet Canonss. Mo that if there has bees • failure of pastier, we are pleased to kaow W least dues not lie at Mr. CArltiam's door. lo peening these oononeote we have .o desire to reflect oo the Judge. D01 40 R We are igooraot of his 010tlres or the towns that actuated him. The severe re..rks of the ,Judge in passing sentence wear I M es the guilty man shower clearly that Hie Lord.hip thought that with • min like Goon nothing but breaking stones in the penetenti, ry for five vases at least would even. Vet the prisoner was allowed to go out suspended sentence. All we desire now to say is that, in our opo. mu. there has been a failure of justice end that some one is responsible. We ray this as a public jowled del in the public interest. %Ye trust noise of threw' gaged iu allowing this man 4:os to esape re be ei,pended seuymi.ljectedby Sortie irresponsible scoundrel to tre•ttmeot similar totted witch Mr l'AIImute has undergone durum the last year. -_ ___ ..w. 'agtP**WAa.." rATaen en. There lives in Toronto one Rost.T Rin e t}2HAx. hosed '+• name utitrht indicate tibia he 15 as F.uglishman. But he is not Kugbsh. He is Irish. He is not en Irish ('anodal,, but an Irish immigrant. H• came- to this country to better his condition, a, many better Irishmen have done. l;° like the majority of his fellow -immigrants he had succeeded beyond he most sanguine expectations. RUNCRT early Identified him self with the Orange society, and having no viail.l.• means of support he was made acre try of the grand bulge and of a beneficiary breneh of the Order recently ivatltuted, sieldsr to that of the A O U. W., the Odd Fellows aril other societies of that kind. ftut that was slut sufficient for lout. He was a 1'onserv.tive, end his annection with the leteliog 1)raegemen of the country enabled him to secure the position of fuser servrtive organizer, when that office became vacant. It is in connection with this often that he Ins attracted de.erve,l attention throughout the country Enormous sums of money pees through the hands of the C ou.ervattve ewer -imam ion The electors of Causal', Couserrative as well a. Reformer, !wow whence that money comes. The re- velations made in the House • season or Iwo ago, and which wrecked the political life of Sir Hansa i.arusvl,, show that, an • few eyes of handling, a million dollars was stolen from the public chest sad spent ItuNr•T Goat.. Mr. CArtssu '' aoodoesil r*fertherla rlhe mese• Ofps Ccoserva gardener, eighteen months ago Merged Mr. tine pert of Canada: that in to ray, so fur - ('...sewer with having committed serious of-stwrieg the tolerate of the few individual• tenses against the moral and , rimioal law , who are .t the head of the duty, end the of the land. ofbce.holders and other hangers -sidle which o:w.wr- scattered theme charges br.dtaet I Wt named clan. RinhihuNer, under con through West Huron during the last Dorn- 814"4""°' bells... He came to Canada ,Dion election, In haad•bill' printed by him- self. He caused the charges to he printed ill a paper called " Thd World, ' of Toronto. He solemnly declered on oath to the eor- re,-tnees of these chugs,. He subjected ideal wire-peller would be loth to rex any Mr t',melee, and his wife and fancily, for change that would spoil his little recreation over .me year to the meat painful ordeal Pee of drawing go...l money without performing p..•taldr people r..uld pass through labor well as fall' to the lot of the rest of He war Indict..l on two monis for wilful as. It is therefore got muter for surprise and ....irrupt perjury is o.unectio• wit► that at the annual meeting of the Grand them . hearges at the last sashes. The Orange Ledge of Western Ontario he should grand inquest of the aeons', without •0, mfr a greviance of his own, sod attempt to make the t )range society believe his gnev- ••ce is thein. He refers in he report, as secretary, to the Continental Union move - w ant and intimated that those active In promotsig the cense should be maltreated. of wilful and corrupt perjury'. and he was Now this country should not be run by Withyear, 20 the lire. political hacks uh " toll not, neither do punished, how Not at all. The Cody spin, although they sometimes act u vmclal pwuurouuy • td.ertl./.a Estes Lens] and .de n.• - rA.nrl ,dverl.Sne•te. tar. ler line for Arai 1•sert,on. and 3 f ora per Ilan for met .'.to• -•,i .t ,use-rti..a. Meesered b • nonpareil reale. Hndsaes .velit e1 sit liner and under. $,t per year. itr,7 rd Ade! nit".n"mt. 01 Lout. Mound. aptuo1len. Vacant. aft not Wanted :end Busts.,. Chances Wanted. out etoeedi*K 6 Ile , roe".,Pre 01 px Month. Ilei r.. , aria and Menu. en Sale. De' lu •i..•..2 .' new !I for are month. Mr. per oils elsonent n,•,nlh, hanger ad vie. In proper :4.e. Any .severe) mod ire, the oltt..', of which is ro prowrole the psea.iery benefit of sea) 2.241 vtds&) or ,..matey, le 'he oondderd so vel oar leeww,I *.'t nber.M•1 s.ventinrll. l.e•ul our„r, to n. n12slil t>p. one Mit per word. no norn'05 k•+.. • t...n '!ir Loral t.M100e a or.lr.,•rr readlsg type toe eerie pet woes rd. No notice (,r lethen 6m•. Nolo,'. for rh,rrhe, o .4 cher religious and hones ole^• tttsr,telion. half rata. eeasseKtal C..eraes adverttornsrwta. A limited number of displayed alveritse rae.1s will he inserted al the 'following Twee Perirei r.� .n.. isertiM. 40 fourinsertion* 1 00 " these w.wtb....... .... 2 On " siv months 3 00 on^ )'.-war. 0 0' He sdveresemenr les. than two laches in real'. w 1: 'we r.1, niat.d ,.n A lmloe bawls. 12 per area. ..ant showed for rush payments es thrr.• ret....15,4 . onus••.: 10 per cent. no Mx ...1h:. one 14 per rent. .in a )ear's, These e editlens will kw strict It enfurosd. *beat ••111M *lan•l" aeteresr. 8": aer,bar w tau fell Ns root v0 ort ia,. Nal. r*welar:v, .tither !tor .•mer or ley mill. will venter is favor rev ..•q'. ,,.ting u. of the teat at as any • dater puestt$e. Leek .1 Veer Label. Your Zabel is a standing recalpl of the date So whish you arc meld rep. ete.i aha! It 1s nut tl!••e.-.l to tall into erre .r. N' hen . eheoer•.. 1 ell trete le desired, both the old and the sew adorer .boeld be given. Hejeetel mooIto-rlpts ,•vont be rt turned., Curr.•.ponden.. ,nue' t» .v rtt*en un o,.e etde O f paper only. P.btb.ber'. Settee. .t.. i.:• Tunnel, of l:.alrrirh, hoe been ap w eed Irsal Trrvellin,; lgeut for the town .' .p• of orient' h, Colborne, Aeb2eld snit W• r inn• ,1 re0t rtiaoten , the d io, n. t are aim e..pnwered to rwrivr .uh.criptious to Tam Sergio. A!1 . ommuniestlon, mr.*t he al.tressed * h, 11 . Ull.f.lt'1'bhY, Tuo Sweat. telephone ('.II T0, tioderlch. Owe. iioukRil'H. THURSDAY. kaiak ft MIL A FABLE Bi wfilmosses. poor: he could leave at now independently rich, yet he has not earned a dollar es do the rest of us who pay taxes. It coo be easily understood that Mrs pol hesitation, round true bilk against him p he was arraigned en these i.dictmente be. fore Her Majesty's High Court of .lustre at 4:odench Inst week, Judge Roar pre- siding. 1:one, pleaded guilty to both eharges punishment was hu discharge from the if ft helorge.l to them 1f the man wbn comity gaol un suspended se°te.oe-_is other words, no punishment at all, except that o1 a .elf-eonnicted perjurer. .Ve du not know what motives actuated t he Judge in thus dah°g with this uoterious criminal We do not know what represent - bolds the highly lucrative tithe° of organizer of the Conservative party doss not like things es he finds thew in this country, he is at liberty to punches* hie ticket and go where his services appear to br needed to Ireland Rat no fear of that • selfish, * tic.e wore made to the lodge on behalf of desmnrng man like Htmrr.UHAS. neve fight., hilt encour•g* others to do theflght (hots., if any, nor by whom. All we wish to say in this matter is . that In our opinion the ing while he Identifies himself with the coin punishment inflicted win in no sees arm mteranat department it may be accepted .ensuest. with the admitted crime coin that if there It use be any blond letting in witted. It a simply oflennr a premium Ireland this rowing j•wewith will let for scoundrela to attempt to ruin public 1 o''hsr do the hl.nd spilling while he re men and bolster up the attempt with per stains m ('seal• to absorb the droppings jury It w in our judgrneut guMiag more from his mastery' tables, Laded down with justice if such mew the spoils token from contractors, the C. 1'. or len than • travesty of j emy, when indicted, plead guilty and nape and the Mwnafs. tureT' Assocation, all with suspended sentence whatever that may of whom in torn sweat the people And noon•Mang them the Orangemen. On the other side of the hoe they have, It is to free the pen°. d ('anada fee. Coe - where mance fails, a more summary and of- Me gaup of these Mood suckers that Crn- hotive mode of dealing with enminal. who ten. tab 1'ninnuts have undertaken their go enwhipt of justice. They simply call .ettstton, and, with the help of a Higher in the ad of Judge Lynch • fudge who Power, they will not rest until they have atm deal out mom effective justice than eotnmphehed the purge. th.y ha.. in e1,w a•n .Ogl0Nnies b. gut rt ro l+.•disc cous. They did not MIS permission of Rtart,auaa b begin their •gitatinn. They are sot Ake ly ,,, ask his permission to 00.ti0m- He L•s bees living off the people .1 Canada long •soagh ; now let the people have • Wawa DALTON M.('AwTs. SAD ori .5 •t cons- ist. He has heg.n to tM5k on the gmeettee ef (a la's destiny We know et no wen who ever began to think seriously on the question without reongninng the i•rinmhle legit* of the •.t..*4ses. Ten to ow Dawn keeeeses a Cowttaetaliet in • yew, awl is doing es heei*N M • friend of Reglasd Or Grleuis Mnrnuiv, Tae Ben of Re/0M .ed the Grand Dade* of Oreageweu have within the last fortnight hese pyl g their renews to the Contie.ntel Hein movement the mm ma possibly de te •meth., • phased fear *Co those robes pFn4 ..d to bstiwve my Tamil& Was the midis is • terrible the .meet wee W . i ...1 ..at b be We ere glad Mr C•wseON was no party te .1 n .1 we cannot help calling a failure o1 justice. On Wednesday morning Int Mr. Cremator heard that (loot had pleaded wasguilty, and that he wlikely ' 'cpc as w p..dod acetones At once he addressed at the following drto the frown Counsel(louatre, Ort , starch loth, 1893. W K Ii.o0at L Ko. , ('rows 1'email, 1:oder,ch ,n Duet Sta. 1 understand the •. 4.ore W Wended guilty to the ten Indictments lendled against him arising oat of the out- ✓ ageous mandals published against me by him 1 also understand that efforts aro be. Wig made to lass ha punishment nr see tens lightened. 1f as. l.wn . i ssly protest w ettest it we This wan d,d othe greatest is miry rote Teta OrlandOnd .�tbeti.ra ti 'tightens wJta He eireeletnoticed. fR . raoge, sent it, that they okosid hag kat Monks that i heel •dneedJlnen be agitated aver *Whim Meanwhile the Lima. He had it pwl.lfah.d to the e.o►.weai grows lib. • rail*, e.ewbsI Temente World," A. pleds pity, and 145.1 ent /or alt. snLiw(bs mete it is supped be will swaps, with • ouninal ssi ear Gush ��wi� he emndieini ei.. el nee - ilea I mill pea he hind His lwrGehfp the p.• RAtaA rad.ttederO.wrwetMALDwrewtev bet estesser t "Gess we aka got the p.M4s see el the.sentry l die... this pn.fmn, wen throb Amp ray uses Note ma Iea11• Ts,. dlni i• Wig ea Owe* • en.ber d FbW..1 41 • wash either is the Bess sr ant ed M treat does not disc. •anes•Mesr the fast is. that It it ..he edy 4.e Ness is Gltmdtms polities to day. 1t is • q..stiee that wast he set - tied woo. F. WV. l;um rut ulrsr Joey Cameo, o1 Hamtltue, • crack between the eyes. Joest Is • K.lorwer, that is, be ie one of the Reform party. He has been howling against •nnex•uo° but for free trade with the Suttee, which it nes been demonstrated Umee without number is uo•ttemeble and unworkable, Mr, 61.1N points oat that Mr C&•tAs gats $3,000 a year as bounty Crown Attorney for Wentworth. and that he is not debarred from pwec)i•mg hie pro- faned. ".Ion* CusstAa i• • patriot for re. venue,'- says Mr. 61.ln. Soeatch • loya::at who is not an ignor••t fool mad youII And • loy idiot fee reveled melt time. ADDITIONAL LOOAL NIWS- "•Wt'orAvb Ivrt.usMta"--w( Mr. Simp- son, of RrueetielJ, delivered • excellent lecture un '• \Yuman', Ingress," is the basement of Koot church Task, evening, to • crowded surliest». The chair was tic °spied by the Rev- .1. A. Anderson, and musical selections were given by Mi.. Trauneh and M. 1'. Reicher. Some $43 were realised. Mn Henderson who worked se indef•tigrbly to make the entertainment • meter deserts great 00.41' FAoswItl.L RAryusT. The banquet of e o occas! Templar* tr. the brethren who •• go Joe ii to the era in slap. " and who u sIl s1ortly reeutre the:r &rocs'ion, was given in ti:e tensprlaoce ball 'too• ev- eve•nine end was largely atteade.l seine :50 sitting drawn to rho table. '1'h. *Mar was ,ce.- pi,ni by S. to •t. 1'owseillor Tom, and the vice•chairs by Re. 1..1 A Anderson and .1. h: Howell Toast. drug and sentiment was the order of the evening anti a mod enjoy - time Was spent by .11 present. Tile 4 ITT w v I1nL•i1AT10u. The Poem. hers ,.f the delegation toe/news in behalf of the fishing interests returned Int week, ami report haring heel • mond reception At Ottawa the I:oderseh n.en reset representa- tives from Owen sound, 4'ollingwno4 •led other points- Mr. Lon,. of C .11ingwood, was appointed chairman and spokesman of the delegation, and R. S. Williams, of 1: derich, secretary. The acting Minister el Marine, Hon. John ('nstignn, prnmieed that the representat.:oes of the delegation would receive careful consideration. The delegates were entertained at dinner by Hon .1. C. Patterson. ST. PATaiso', ('unrttit. The •onCen .0 the 17th inst. was • success in every respect. The various numbers presented were excel leetly carried out, mid the drilling of the girls and boys who took part reflected great credit upon their tutors. The singing of Miss Kidd. Mins Moylan, Miss Teaanch and Miss MecCormac, Mr. Black,tooe and others who took part was much admired, and Dr. O'Hagan, of Waterdown, proved • whole host in himself, and he showed him- self to be • versatile Irishman by the easy way reciting and si°gtng appeared to come to him. The Doctor will be welcomed to (:rwlerich whenever he feels disposed to come this way The instrumentalists ado won honors on t he oco••ioo. Financially, we are informed the concert was • sure.. On - Heel) Rine Smarr. -The (.oderich Off -Hand Rifle Club held their eighth and last match for their club trophies, with the following scores. Pis o oW 100 _ SO2 151115. . yards. ! ! a. Pe*nin1ltos -.. -49 26 Y 1' Wlkirsoa ..., 13 H 1)..�rnold if -02 K. R. Windom .21-0 Laa, "•" Rd. I:ampp.atlic,�nr l... .. ..... 1- e) K W nn Logan .. .. 27 .... 23. Ss Class " A " Trophy was woe by W.too., and clans " Rtrophy by Lnga.. This be - me the last o1 the series of matches for the club trophies, U. H. Pennington having the highest percentage at the end of the sorsa of matches, wins cl•as " A " trophyr and is now the owner of the e. R. W. sam Logs., having the highest percentage in class w, H," wins class " R " trophy and is now the owner of the tame. LOCAL BREVITIES. G,olerich will inaugurate a monthly Get ole fair on Tuesday, April 4. See advt- for perticulars. N'hy buy your sewing machines from strangers at fabulous prions, when you an get the heat manalactursd from Thomson for 128 00. Next Sunday sena will he held both morning and evening in 4t. Oeorggss s church. The regular miseioriary collecting will be taken up on both occasions. A number at the bnatho,iaee near the steps at the foot of Waterloo stn, which were not removed Int f.11, were badly wrecked by the ice let week. rept Murdock McDonald having Weight the .hare of his brother In-law, in the *chooser Mary M. Gordon, is .t present having her raised,when .he will be repairers. Some sly that the " Anti Nerve Poeta " need by Dr. K liachard.on is • poison. The ,s false, and hes been said by someone to in• pure the doctors' business. For further in formation regarding this wonderfsl method of painle.s extraction of teeth, Doll sad we for yourself. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mies Joss McQuaid of Meafort►, i. visit. rag in town this weak. Mess Marcia, of Salsford, hoe returned from a visit to friends to Detroit J.. Somerville, ex -M. P s.1 Iweknow, wu in town the latter end of last week. Miss Nellie McKenna left for Toronto on Swanky 1•M where she will .pend • few menthe. lre. Morrie and R. ('. R.as.II, of Walk. w►Ile, J S. Morris, ei Weans, Wis., • ed Mrs- O. R Rohan., of Petrrlss, who had hew etwodeag the obsequies of she lairs A- D Morris, left this wait for their respect in homes Mrs. R Riehardsae, who left tense with her mother, Mn. Maes, sheet toe weeks ;coravisit friend. In Mitchell, ,eternal y lad, hewing aeswpwid Mr.. Mem, whir win taken ill, from Mitels.l) her home le Aylmer. fit Mary's Argue Mh>. Millie Anka, .f Ude tows, hem been severed b the srw5os beard of the Oedloneh Collegiate ie- .utete to superintend the eamesernel ens eatlswk lithe Alien ked hale as en. esptiessily and tenrk.r edwe Owl esslithse t12:tthe �Mw.d will las. ws eves. 110 NINS lib MINN DUNGANNO*4 ✓ amp renorew Prepared 11r •wire et wt. sired. Runny Busuats Mews Powell mad Morrow are dwsg • rsr►iag 1ltsiams is butter, esp. etc. W a. Weather has Most .coli el Id uttered seventy and a su..what wilder. snow is rapidly diaappsarmg, oee.oqusoily sle,ghtug is becoming bawl In a great moue puts ul the road. Rrrunntu Hoes Ars. Stohie who has Asea on an esten•lod vs..* to her parents, re hoses and bleed. here, left tor her hone at Seater -0 ou Thur'e.iay u( last sleek. We hope elle errivei home safely. Irrt.aasoT Aus,T. - MIS raerinue general unpleasant agent, %Vet. Varese„ see ue credibly mlJiu..sdt, ie doing an .1 'metre 0441110g 6441110414 and Is .• Poring g rate It uumlwr ,4 sales fur .J1 k:xto of l,raiiog implements. Mr V is . bustler to sell, Now Srtlou /:onus. Our popular and genital usercb•ut J. It Crawford levites in- spection of his spleuaiJ Spring stook of dry guo.fs, carpeting', etc., which h. 1... tediely received from the.satern markets They are of the latest patterue ami aa. lecture. is lit sestet. Attain. We base h. rre.lilly informed that Ilva.r. Murdock and %I Chiron, roaeuuy et Dungannon, have purchased • suds and grocery Iasi new us. Hrprorth Cu-, Brows and will curl turner edately Suceea to thecal is the macre wish of the clave. of I luagennu.. Hers *Gm * -Our popular and much respected milliner, Mrs. Witten,, returned heroic the early part of this week atter ha. - ttg hr.1 a rjl.arant vett to friends and re- late .. Al It g¢per•..II and other points. She els.l sale weir-. t trot of 14,. lit, A. .tyles and host quality of good. to be obtained 1.1 the In:ninety line. Nrw Luara -411, Thursday ••vrui.g of last week .1. E. T,tt., P S I . orgrooe 1 • '-..urea of R 7' of T. in Ill., : !ice. Prs- 50''A.fa "...d CO,Iart t A11 ', tv o •1 �L sal r new cuunc.l will i,v ku..wu u Dungan- , on .•otn,%l. of it. T T of "r 1 urtner ter ieu!*,a as to utfi •' etc. will be referred to in the uear future. Vuties to it. tt t,t,L A.241♦. Weare pleeW asd to be .e 10 state that our ',tinnier siker, S. Roche, u i,o was ill for some time, i. better and .b.. to resume business as formerly. lh.r- 1,g his Illness and in couseelueove of which the following say log. sere Indulged ill by .our matrons and maiden. etc , " If Saw dont soon get well, what will we do for the 'vent ..f brawl." The •..nelsu.ns arrived a nu: , .sod h. 6 a4enrh, ! `racer, r we will Lasa t•. Lake hruo „.arises ;1 •t.er, •s Soo 25.11 I .ht again, he will supply ell with the needful as fur 'ocrl' . (71LANM1 WS. -At tile reedit meeting o1 the Directors of 1)uagaowo A. k D. P. -I,ssoeation. .l eur,a.lttee tom formed tee brake artsagen.eats for the celebrated' of the seventy fourth birthday of Her Majesty Qu, a VtOa.1 L We are credibly so:o-•diad lM the gentlemen of the wnmattee -,re d 01010-4, nothing prevent tog, to form •, p sotto tor the oecael00 o. • larger. eters to • .bel more interesting sale then sr • Pee- evils eetetvration, although those tot Ice hood successful beyond anti epee - tiers. The committee being a tnprsed o4 gentlemen • energv and great vim, will use every effort to make *he ensuing oeleb.s- tion a greater success than soy previous. Sutras to you. gentlemen. Fansinelsever - On Tuesday evening 11:e 'at entertainment under the' n14 - piing of tet Kppworth League society was held in tie Methodist charvh here. The pastor lien. 1) Rogers ably presided over the meetiar,wbich was opettrd i+y selection from the choir of the church and also by prayer by Rev. R. Pntl6pyrs/, after which the choir entertained the *04tence with an ex- cellent selection. Miss ('rosier being intro duped to the audience by the chairman, res- ponded by an excellent recitation which was well rendered and elicited Treat ap- plause. Rev. R. Phillips waa next intro duced. The rev. gentleman before taktod his subject of address, it hieing an ex- perience in an Irish mob, paid • very pleas- ing complimentary tnl•ute to the choir, the sexton, congregation, and cinema of Dun gamine generally ; the choir for proficiency in discoursing music ; the eextoo for his suave manner anti unceasing painstaking e, deavors to make • 1 pr, sent twnttor'•',le and happy : to the congregation and citizens of Duoga000n for the manner In which they received him, although A stranger, among them. He address tom •m.sing, attract- ive, and interesting, being descriptive of the habits, manners and warmheartedness of the Irish people wh:ch is so characteristic of that nation. He gave his experience in • mob whilst he was there, it being abut the 13th .July which he corn•dered cot very agreeable nor pleasant to witness On the whole the speaker said he enjoyed he voyage very much. t:nFCAT1071A L. -4 hi Fnday last your humble correspondent had the pleasure of acaompanyiog P. S. 1., ,I. F. Tom, on his official visit to R. E Rrown's and tided' schools in Aekfield taking Mr. H's to the forenoon and Belfast school in the •itereooa. We found Mr. R'S school in excellent ads dition, as to progress, system of teeebtne and rood order. We would sagged that in view of the health and comfort of teacher sad pupil'. the trustees would do well to raise the oeiling of the school room some two or three feet higher as it seems to M low at present is every other respect the school se all right. We might here remark that we could not but observe the kindly feeling that existed between pupil@ sod teacher. Mr R. is very popular Si • teacher in his present so..s.es. in the afternoon we had the plasma of •.siting Belfast sofonl, No. 13, As1t8.W. The school house, which hss peso recently built, is a great credit to the see tion. it e else furnished with sesta and de.ks d tat latest impovaest, and alae an .*esM.•t art of wraps. etc. The teacher, Y .1. Boyd, pit the p'.pils t►rratll cls various exercises in which they acquitted themselves. in a manner which evinced thaong$ and spite. n ano traisisig by the renditions, t rompt and onrre0t answers is the dtfferreet subjects of school curric.low. We noticed specimens of writing and drawing whish were nearly and well doss Mr. Boyd put the pupils through verities exercises to o•liet imumas, tithed were .. Well mad properly perforated tiro they dowry, special attention As is ender moistened is the wheel. i presume it it oo.ld wet he surnamed is paint of excel 1..es Mr. Rnyd'..viand of ranhiwg and ..ase of awdaeli.g the school dwarves neat credit, sad the emotion r • foram- in hones sash • w.eher os Yr Rood. I ieepeetor Tem ie ewe ..heel etprea..d Memelf highly theised with the progress, artier, ate , as mics aha good and kindly feel. hg that tom exhibited between tench.s said en Oh &rnvwms 1'a/TT - On the events( .4 T'herrat re Aare.lay bast t..whereof Iesrwed .f Wes ef $ Paul'. wee. ha. the appdata.sat of Re.. Jett. T Kerrie to the *s•wheasy u I•yfi.id, he savis, laboredmamammama thew M st chelye seethe a r---- * bosh pn.e. .u. the , kis pander. Wm* and the .. �respandsk �Mi. '�p•rerwese•.�tedwith a etas era Mod. .ad w. i.erist~dwas we . the reigion& el • b••i- fd hoagie lamp. as whew et the great s• teen ut whisk *4.7 wete 12044 by the ow grrgstie.. T. S. Dari. read the • idrw s. .tteowpa.l.d with the peewit& which woos Eros. Tito rwnre.d gestlesaa wade a inuuble aau.ess• l)angsaos, Marta lath 1111113. To Rev. John T. Kerns. Dns Pastor, We the members and trt.lul. of St. Pour. church, Ilu1ganmun, have assemolsd to speed as *vetting with you and faintly pine to your departure. It was with feeliuga of the profoundest regret we learned that the 1e..d wh.oi has linked us es pastor and congregator° a to be .d, whilst we feel rhea your pima in thc pulpit sod our homes will he difficult to 1111, we tow lis bun.ble submission to " Him w1.0 dost► all theass well " Mine y .0 came •coapt us you hero been untiring to your s.r.eeta.es and seal hu our spiritual welfare, in feet denying To•a ma( the corn true and ~leering ties .4 home and faintly to further the gal work in this portion of the M.Mer'. iirreyerf, Yeur patient, ern pat ludic, unassuming .ad 1'hrt. t tan character has sedates.' you to every member nut Daly of our own church but also to all throe who have had the privllwre of hammy to your eloquent and werwng ooussel. The best wishes of *11 eleron,ia•tiuw go with you 1.. your new field e4 labor. We ,aamot allot* this opportunity to peas without presenting you and year estfnseble partner with . ow,e slight token of o°r affection towards v ou, end high apprecat om of your dales amongst us. Mrs. Kerne mated ne greatly to church work and by her refining owl elevating influence will not .00n he !for- gotten. Please accept thew memorials of friendship sot o0 a,v.uat of the it intrinsic value, but i..r the 02 ,1,0e. which .aawtr.t w is pro.enling them. May you always prosper in the Ihv ns. calling Signed on behalf of the C.ngrention ( T. K D.rni. ) Role. J Dur.is James Main strAA. )tr. Karin feelingly replied.. tellmwe is them Psorls, P. emit me, for sey. .lf..d my wile, lefute taking leave 01 you ail, to tender to tree and all of you our must e pmer..thaaks for the unvary,ng ktodsw wl,.ob he. be.. extended to u. •Ince 004010g Amongst you lour klodner has b.w s1...wo 2.1 vary .:,a'y eat. of '•1n•'el •rehor •'id co.rt..y f •r -vete!. ver ate.trtpty trait tut Our stay amen I. jou hes sot bees • very long one. but it he !es hug aweigh to form tie fneuo4h.p .tte1 eude.rwent which will last as losg as life shall Int. 2.. shall even leek beck .. pon the taw spout in .ogntron with feelings of .inose *wire, .Nire, and ,f In the future tear services will a .ul to help forward the chug. 1. work in ' . ar midst we .hall he ever .t year c•nn- w ' .d. To nur Father's gracious tare a..1 Fr •teetwu we commit you May the Got of Leese bless yea ell very richly an all year Libor* for tits et te..iat of His k iisdow wt. tt much lore in the Lori Jame We remain in Hfw very sessejy you.°. - Joni T. RHHslllr. PORT ALW.RT• K rum owe owe aor,esee'd "t. A. 4'. Hawkins is en tat sick let. Mrs. Noting has let her house and I .t to 1). Johnson. Ma Murray who lases been very ill for sone time is slowly reoov.nme- Mies M. A O'Coemor has returned from • four week's visit te relatives ..d }need• in Detroit A number o1 our neighbors Intend reit ing their fortunes in Manitoba shortly. The cry is net now Ona no, Ib uta -ns., bet Manitoba ' Manitoba ' Rev. fir. Kerrie preached M. ferew.il sermon Ins we ere informed) in the Bpi.co- p el church here sem Smiley Int. The rev gentleman, we understand, returns t.' Ilay- field. -AS- SHFIELD. trap. our Own correspondent. Quite a nembee of children and adults are .ick with severe colda witch seen to he very preveleet at present The irppactor, J. F. Tom, *woad e choed No 5 and expassel himself p1...a with the discipline and prof..•sency of the pupil. The township Association of the Patrons met in Finlay'. school, Ashfield, to make arrangements with Mr. Katie to open .n Implement shop io I..cknow in the interest of the Patron.. All presidents of Aeeoc, anon. were appointed as • committee to carver in ,t. iotere.ta, LEEBUHN. From our owe norre.pondesl, Jamas Chisholm $*ten led court Int week se juryman in the County Iowa se Heron. W m- Stirling visited friends and relatives on the fourth oenees.ion in I:odsrioh town- ship this week. Wiser To DAKOTA. Tuesday of Ia.t week our leading farmer J. l) Stewart left hero oe • vest to his con WiUiam at lialeshsrg, taking with him • hone for his .os Ptm,o'al--Mr. Sod MT. John Aortae .ad others from hers were called to Clinton IoM week to attend the funeral of J. By. . Mies Rachel Gordo., of Shepp•rd•on, who lately retorted frees Stratford visited relatives here last week Crowded oat IoM week. Rev. Mr. Fear, of the Nile was visiting ammo( members of his church bore daring led week. A rag hes Tseaday of Int week, is whits raw • good attendmeroe of the young Isaias tom 0 id toss held et one el ow bra. sea Kill The Cold. KIM It by Reding k tlrltr Scott's Emulsion. k V wlllnwlt" able hew BGOfl'B EMULSIONOf Pure Norwailan Oso Lk'sr On and NyissolaoupMto• we .t°Cpa sero Cold, a C°' gad etiork le is rear sews* - *.1I sI 4.04 w se poshooms me talk Neptml4rSM`Mdtla1.41 asa1dllh NASAL BALM • k OIdChftvn (CUT PLUG.) OLD CIIUI1 (PLUG.) No other bra.nd of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Birt Todrtoc• ` tuners ifs Catesa. MONTREAL. Ott Pkg. Mk. Iib -THE- RECOGNISED STANDARD BRANDS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. ('nivereally acknowledged to be oupenor ltt every res- pect to any other brands in the tnarket. Always reli- able, RS ha* been fully dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for them, notwithstanding an increased competition of of - ter One Hundred an 1 Twen- ty-five Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufactured. S. DA VIS & SONS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest Grade agar Manufacturers in Canada. 74-01 TleeNisse esssieV ala We w indebted to • Itadist ebbs. for the following letter from • Owns first fn New York to their traveler se the read. It is veaeks•ted ler m thereegily asthenia. and is rather eemleel. The letter reeds Ni. You, April 191h, 1t Mr. Rimae* Yew espouse wesaad1 end root ifsbo ser wird .sde.t orders. Ve Met an mosso, osoesndt mad rent lists. Ve ?lint erd.rs V* has saps i. New York to leek up rest Nee mad lane families to make es exposes. Mr. IL5.tehn. vs ..tin is your taper eees.mda $5160 for Mllienda. Bay en is mese billiard. Aad 17 60 for vee. Mere. mad Baggy. Where is de Horse? 1 .1.m express you tool•y are asses d (7. , Vase east $1.00 Dey w imbed V6. Viagra wad de sides $1 40 &mob d. $1.40 hoz yeomen. vase after ease .sal 1 elan impress yea • line of samples dot *set $13 00 per gees. Sell tins at O. >a viae deans if pie sent fent IN Ila sal dam $It 96. Day hobs hese h steel� �a=�Irrtt�y drew yews. Calet l dem dm Mesa et *41baL. We we Tows trey, Oossaws.b .. Raw new th Sas a " et.attawa ' Pteawre. Seed 26 '• &.wligia " Soap wrappers (wrapper Waring the words '• Whir new • W..s. Cosh O4 Sooner Thee • M..) r Lows aro., Ltd„ 43 Oasts 111, Terse e. mad yr. will reeshe by pest a preNY pie tem bee from t>tstwldsa Tbir Y1wia Haig ds.or+ar thiNg, wed well worth .rh.k tm� M kr tat t4sd b M mg hi et �f r he liar ma..r.., imam.