The Signal, 1893-3-23, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODER1CH, ON's., TKIIIDAT, MAUI' WS. 1M3.
turWAte "PI
ftOt 4 A gANe a
.11,041.111i. re
meths gamma Moa•. 1.•m$W W
Two t • -- Was tense bate tete
Maria la seeds Or 0s•.e, Wm.a
Rae 01Yn M O.Mes tatetlsf.
i .t -w alt. harsh ia-Ilosid..le .f
nosy .or1ws Smelly ep.ited ewer • daring
.ray mood t•ard•r.aa street whose was
shoat a Wig and a half snot h el
MM village all Monday taxairg. The
viesee Marne ohms. was terribly nett ..
e. I.ssea•w A see" sh a elsw•d She aeoa-
• ea.e•e er the hoe .t the .eesad-
bas�i b.ek•aller when . puMw•o beta's
him a nomeme once a this
Please send Nee W •se.mpayug ...
t•.r .•la eine, it &abject b tea per asst.
Toon seam the ieltiodo -..t ohms the
l a ..we -sad they are "W. L ll,`
kw Os most wrutrsewe nada
•sat heater d the •g.. Whoa Mr.
Madan. bee dealt frequestly ami to
deli • bookseller, Itis phrase will be ti
abject to the seal demount " Usually
be writes hie orator n the edged of the
sod IS. • et lbsp� • of death. The burglar w already marked by bees, and
ewe g„000, whir woe hidden in the heal. vol • .eller u Iwdue would part
end ea 1•r they hove elided arrest wile efts of those catalogue. kr Mw. or
(ary is • bachelor .bout 60 yeas old, it•stry.
end has lived alone for gay years. He •11 this to Mr. Gladstone and the
ewes • Imes el 00 ser.., what is wood- Woke. len g .meshy, bet he
worked c. .hares by Audr.w Am..r. is • deferent i.tvureal to *soh t.divtdu.l
mita, • .&neat am who lives • quarter bookseller. ♦oowdtngly, I dropped in up
of • soils from tare,. Tb. .$d an rime i. on Mr. ('.salsa S. Palmer, •t j�louthampp-
• lowly spot, sed as he bee ae .ear amps- tea Row. cm Saturday, w ..e it he could
as the larglers meld not have setas • tell me asyuung fresh of the Brand 01d
atter o rerun. He het • goof appr.oeatte. Rookhuat.t.
a Ilia value d money, being close and In mower to my introduction of myself,
miserly• and hes accumulated a...tderable Mr. Palmer first showed m+ tb., ooll.ctNa
v.altb It rs sod that he bas au'»n6dr.c. Uiadeto.,ama which be has set pronnucut:y
u hooks, spat kept he stoney hoiden •way in Iia window In the center m a photo
is the Moose. graph of Ilr Gladstone, all round it
About 2 Selnek Thatrday morning two tis, postcards, and marked catalogues
an broke int.. the Moues, Im Ua
door with of wood. They were not
eentiou. rarglers roof .lid not 1011 whether
they *farmed ti. o:d ma• or not, kwwtug
that he nes •lose to the hon...
wheat he has reoeiv.d from the great stat.:.
''llse of the tetters, Mr. Painter captain
ed, "e a little testimonial which \!r
QI•dettooe gars me. 1 mw hem at Iloilo
Going t• Carey '• bedroom they dragged Mil um one (scams, and asked hen it b.
bin oat o1 lad, kicked him u be wnuid word giving me • test tailed Ha
lay upon floe mist Shoe toed his assented .out readily end kindly. mud you
bands ...d feet ■nd eat -Claim. fttea thew may to sere 1 eine« it Y it .ought to In
•Dolly went shroud,. the hese in awe* el esteemed. It rounds off, no w speak, my
aia%s uo. hK Thier letters lay.• sfer
Oa to • beak of poems by my father, &..1
a work em the 'I)e rlo``�ment f Revelation
by .y brother, Mr. Lives of
psgt•erda• and cataloguee are, of tonne,
orders ler Mae.
"1 tkeek klr. (.ladatose hays Mot o his
book. from the catalogues sot hies, met as
a result of personal Inspection of the hook
noose. Every roan. aas ransacked sod
loop On olee kitchen goon were re-
moved The search wee enemies' fel, and
th. bu.glare sensed ta lb. h.dr..o10 •ad
ree.we•: thee. brutal attack .s the h. -totems
old on no, kick mot hint into • *tate ...` ,else.
rtbslit, It .s .not known 1f they compelled
him t.. tell wi.te the teon.y was bifida.
as be 0 still ape.chlea.. bac at •n rale
the thugs 41st senor Wog orb nes
stowed away sen - bundle of Gotten hatt.:.g 'Perhaps that 1s w, but I have •u dnllel
u the bedroom'. that he has hough' very many of his book•
Th. money was w esu and 1011. AhK direct frost the bookseller's .thele• no
•.cunni the nlu..i . the robbers ray. ,h. doubt more to the past than at present At
sod mole their escape, leaving him booed . O tag o• e
poor o d fellow a oottpl• el parting kinks one tune his custom was to order try pat-
o•rd tt k 11 (roes tile q�r
Yl word awl in • dais, air./et a •r the book., he wished Y there
bow was 1.11 in • tctnbe state of dr- In more recent years. huaever, his Shwa
Kier, sk.ngMin�tansy -terve,. Wear,.ble '•sews has base to forward
Between 7 .ud 8 o'clock on Cha 1 1e° m..rked c.t.alogue It..Il. 1 leave
Melees Ammerman, *apse el tee use j aver seen an order for book. by Mr.
who works the term. wept re ole lid_ Gladstone which wise not In hu ow• Mad
M do chore. He ' toned the deet .wtttiag.
wide open, std e; tither ewrtlai hied ••11i41 long have TOn kwon the Prime
d• ed C+ bused mai Minister Y • link-k'1yK .
Base he ..eprer ley at. I **For nearly twisty years ever atom
PRR•a1 lviog the Aon He downyIt a big before Hy. IAgg.r wy father's in the old glee st PaternoKem
neat for moist .nor. ad seat to Lyedw ler • have been •ewe : and be was a cuat'om . 01
mea' r i1•w 1 shoel.1 sot Mr ("hd,toe.
strived and •Id nkat be could for tri old Mys so stony books _ a be did once.
an Corey's loads awl feet were untied ` sod wy oaly woad. u sew M bas found
Re • tb. gong was removed (row his mouth. I ti.6 to place, •sat eoeee to aoAPIPdatr
$ r e l se wtioesnoesbut lir bed 'ode
salty that tae n..ghb•.rs found out .eat II re. You ore, y
had happened. They had to ask him queh 1 •ed new, obi•lt M bays, but lobose that
lions *rid us would either sod or shake by I are. seat . bun by tbsir author.
bow 1 It in the way thN 8lneaow he o sis to gad tone to at leas er aas the normo•• .s.ker w .est already
his power of speech. and it was 11th clef . 1r it sot omni the books
i• rep •. nos i I{'e *1 t.rsetecalfy every book wind.
Whey odor .vfmd bow much nosey mai i once oast 10 •
Neo 1 1 little volume of porno by my father. Ho
ltd be tab rssch•s bio. A. 1 said, l km sok i The or� an e�
stoner" . was
•.. u:kaowl•dgement showed that he
After + real deal of Seeable it eau learned Md looked into it In my brother's work
that li 41410 was stolen. It a thought that en Ude 'l)sva lopateat of Reveimuon,' be
Mut burglary was wrwwit1nd by win wise toot, 1 mlgnt soy, a distinct Interest Per
knew this premises. It was comae calk hap the .ubj.wt was u•r thmt ap e d M
that Cary kept •loin .50001 of mosey bus m asp•ctal degree. He herr
is the bees-, being afraid to lank it &bolt it, and neat my brother and myyserf
Yesterday Ur. Beggar dot not Mre say sepw. of hu 'Impregnable Rock of
h ep.. that Carey world r5001.0 Hs was San ser. ..
terribly o.esteo, his trod. bag Week and „o you impressed by his nut
blue from the kick• of the brutes "The Iwo floosie *nick .track me moat
IC&ray's osditiwt i• •nit.smgod :u torr f were his extraordinary charm of meaner
i sad cosverseuon, and bit tremendous
knowledge of hooka Mr. Ginsburg was
with hem, and 1 wen you it was .pletdul
sad as h. bas ant reoeverod he speech a
has been impressible to get *II the awry el
(8.Iw,gl.ry from him Some of the neigh -
tools daub. that �f1ea was otoln from the b bear them, and bold to va.tne to join
ad soon, tat the, think • large .t•teaM ' i• with •word. To look u set Gladstnoe's
was esus. photograph s to be far from sadrrtaking
DIGNITY UNKNOWN. the magic of hie psrnonality-the spell he
sneer to be oble to throw round hies.
The ott.hwa t..peles.", oats 0.1 "Now, to goer experience, what are lit
was • Veer Ned e.e1I (il•deton/e tastes Y a boost ',eyes r'
OrT.ate. U.T., March II- Saturday "K• vr1'1 that it ie sot *as7 to say. but
was tee last day of the easel« of the i have never known him bee hoti..11. Is
Territorial legislature, eI the somas th•ll Schou, as in b'st'ory w philrrnpbv, rhes
were •nacre•, upon the ea.r were diogre«. •05 Y 7" kwon, IsWrasting and ran
(a1 in use extreme. books tontine up sue and thea. My own
For 00 .lays the Legislature sat and you- opteio• u haat book• dealtog In wy sbape
rd•d. Waite! the last few days, however. or form with bietoricul •1.11.05 aro Ent
the mon,lrrs asaken.d to the tact that the flavorists with Mr. Gladstone. That tb.ol-
peo ple of the Territory emoted 1•gs.latioa. •g, would Come almost side by aide, and
bot n th. hurry and erea(511.n of to, doss then philosophy. .endo and eo os. 11 to
ug what mea. dew was au badly u the variety of his testes that Mr. Glad -
jumbled that is inset things the ern cry any book bora. ei
Glad -
i• Ivor•* off thee it woe bridle. During as small, I ha•. eT" Came is ewntaet with."
attempt to .wpm Anti "You meas that while their an
'someday members called each other liars. of hook honurm, ChM 11•661Y took ter psi.
b T t stow "on from y r. great
st i the A t Gambling blJ plenty
sad at times shwa earns us Mews. Clare e N "Qu ..Ian. of
'Quite se. Nothing -eating is my ex as
d bnbory were *roily made perverse fiet:o.--_omen to ma naw to Cpet. Ind jut like to know what you
V•..row n•e►i.. ion Webs real ;its Premier. No aesu.r what the .nbjset, men by being ..gaged to bath Cboiy sad
Nswttvtw, N.Y., Marsh 12. -Mn. gm.' he is estereet.d ie n, be knows it, and could Sm •t �� MIs. Maine -Wkly. blas
worth Villose of'1.• amok g ...may pew write about it with almost the authority of you. tb... y
saber of yo. •lord to marry m., you
and • boy D.nmg tb. let .lithe ye.", and `lo I should he quite within the mark to kwon.
M Madison. the most owni•orous
nether of 17 .bi)4r.s Bb. has W� seam «1 t8iak than een.ot be • doubt •bort tae 1
d N w what lose
Z -, '-`•%S
Harry And, doorsill, de you task of
toe all the day lung •
Dearest . 1 did, [lorry ; bit the days ere
getting longer now, and of course --well,
you know that that .oust make some differ
The auMtooeer .•
jute you talk trek
Whatever one's lc
good deeds to show 1.
Jarmo says the pr prtetor of the merry
goroundkms • business whirled of his own.
One r.•aou why some people belong to •
church a because they haven't been put out
Henderson Moo herd used to think he
ka.w etery' Williamson -That was
Wore he trailed horses.
Illustrious &twee: ry is • glorious thiue W
Wye, bit it won't rte tam as *aunty lit
• het mew
Urea% M oft ' said the man from Kan
me �who sat to the theatre near the big bot
pee , "the Leenslatere n oat be in see
• nut. who likes to
life, he should hare
"1 am depose of a whole ho•t•load of 1
sailers," reworked the whale, "but it's
waw 1 swallow their yarns that I fees
The bee of northern Greenland has c� '
Wag. Bat there s nothing in northers
O.eedand worth su•gu.• Nature seldom
Mika a bleeder.
W.ltee--"le the fare impro.Ingg at you.
bearding place •toy!' Burton "0h ye.
the butter is considerably stronger than it
was last week.'•
,Mor dealer -"Yes, cases. thaw show am
Away ahead of anything in the entire stock. -.
Mise "I suppose it's they have
ups, isn't it!
Peastmrs httl• daughter -- '•Papa, d0 you
knew why 1 am like • wudow.' Papa
"N., my pet, why•.- lta•gbtar--"leeus
I b... • pain on soy- sash-"
•• ea.. hull word," au ptedsd,
"thus that w to sooee ea pet.
.t. tender ryyr e . heeded 1
Sy softly ourawweag ••net'..
The dee .1 empioyiag pretty women for
b1U collectors looks foible, but it would
not work. The detin{uent debtors would _�_.__ -
all want them to all sotto, fmieodOld Mai.
"tile Johnny -May 1 1uteh the dog b • Friend ,.f Marna (to little girl l--leottie.
my Hied to have him pa11 we • Mothor--- if you drink so muck tea, you . ill Loan old
I'm aimed he'll bio you. Little .lohnny•
it'e the other end I'm gusts! to hitch.
Mrs. Bacon -1 think Mr.. Knockabout
dreams very quietly, dont you' Mrs. Kg-
bKt--You moulds t think so if you lived .n
ow lac under her, •. l do'
Mw Kaster.y You westerners, 1 under
stand, are very sociable. Mr. Kahten
(eadlyl-'Tun't like it easter be, miss,
*ben we carred our guns to function
"Why," asked the society wife, "do you
persist au sang that •b.urd nickname, ,
'ducks"' -"Bemuse,- rs,rlied her husband,
"you w r, continually in the .1110.
When yes we Sefe•C the ice beneath year het.
And over your bawl tale scow Rakes .bill, 11. • for
TV pisemnt, while walking aim: rhe sorest, •
Te none ot the on1. am rill 1 little I."
a 1..'i1
The yuesuoa of deportment u not ea �
unimportant one. A man always looks B,'tlm,.n
better who carries himself well thea when eke o...d t•. one the whole evening men- ,
two or more friends are trying to oarry .'"I fled to pr'.pe•e to her to get r 'to
him. any teat
* "Could you make at mourenient to lead
use $100. ,lack!" "1 don't know. 11 1
.h..uld lend it b vn I should he • 10u1 of
some douoctlon.a How ss that !" "One
out of • hundred."
Force Majeure. Florence ---Why, Mabel,
I thought you you n-..ld never accept
Arthur! Idabel- So I d,.1, dear. But bt
)tat put Ms arm around my most when
he proposed, and well, I yielded to pies
Wife (Nr, George, the water pipe s
leaking sad the WSW. u spoiling the new
tall carpet. 1:o and get a p:amber,
(pick. Husband - That a all right, my
dear; let It go; it'm cheaper to get • new
Is superior to all other prepara-
tionsclaiming to be blood -purifiers.
First of all, because the principal
ingredient used in it is the extract
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
root, the varmtr richest in medi-
cinal properties. Also, because
the yellow
Cures Catarrh dock, being
raised expressly for the Company,
is always fresh and of the very
best kind. With equal discrimina-
tion and care, each of the other
ingredients are selected and com-
pounded. it is
Superior Medicine
h;causc it is alwayr the same in
appearance. flat ..r, and effect,
and, being highly concentrated,
only small doves are needed. It
is, therefore, the: most economical
blood -purifier in existence. It
Cures makes food nour-
ishing, work
SCROFULA refreshing, sleep an
life cnj.tyahlc. 1t searches out all
in.puntics in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
channels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla
tii%es elasticity to the step, and
imparts to the aged and infirm,
r;nctvett health. strength, and
vi talit) .
W. .•ed1,�, th J. ' Ayrr k G•., L•wag, K.
1.4�ti, ,kbr., Yr l hooks
r. ; r sa
Cures others, will sin SII
= Ise tied t.asoy.
•• Every .1-ek ba. W4 his Jill, bat 1
haven't found mise," regretfully remarked
t doe . I.l Lope r.
" No w'u••:er, you'se swallowed yeas."
What .lo you n e1/. !"
• ''hoc y ,n t•k" w ,,ill at every drink."
♦ Care fir coop.
Croup k.l...bec.,. •• a hoer • Iw;o ra kills
tens. I!0r 11.• alert] d ,te.'te to re.noly .•n
eemp$rr ic. con dye power with H.gyard'r
'feline -0I. it loosens '.-n p11)»tin. glom
prompt :elle(, cod soon completely -urn
the tsi'*t Yno'¢a' r1Iaek.- 2w
Lottie --/)b, I don't lelirve that at all,
Mr. Harold Itlou.nrt chinks tem, and .1,e
has Leen .oar tied to ice, and viol ain't an old
maid yet
f..0ered re aeealr..
lista Root.- h'. r years 1 w0. troubled
with i..li2eetion. r ut brim/ a.h'.se.l to try
11.11 II. 1 did so and lied myself quite
ree:ered to heelih.
HuwAau (tobovA*4,
Mrr. Seth, en Farm,
2w- lionise, Ont.
That girl can't t•ik a
%shut t•!
h. The on:, telt
u we harm dew : .. e0n't
oeate•1 her bust and with triplets, two Sale • •penis
serer r of 17 Mei Miller bas bseew. the call r' . � Wards. -W esnally give prisoners
three book-hutK o the dy ." ..w 1 hes o work to de hero
sets of triylela,tarme pima twice two sad sot ablythat. but among book that they outwork. Now, I
k blsine 1 senses Piaopiaiea. In Mersey m•tare f• se were o. in! Tatter Toro --I mode a
Minor M 21 years old tai• wee ee ores
M M Iaade. ti of w - niadlag eight -467
Right, •1 the 17 odor.e ehng 1 pee•iala ye•
Ma. Millar his as sent was Ion loses la. "Do kwon ]11c fYyduet• said Maid.
Causes "Yea," replied Mamie. **Hese very learned,
meth.. e( !! .M$drse, 10 .f thN Ming aid dem W, bs"' "What soakee yo. Lhasa so
ydaNptsta i tl"deed 1 sot •dee the; •00k.y.r ef -Jns�L seed
The s.arto.e ♦swatse t1��usl1iilog . OM. es 1 Mo. name did,
1a. ar1*dgor =kg is"
Ytoroata, 11tR. Marsh 13.-0.11.s1K Si mar some e+gla w dsj
Osstoms Mi1w italorday t.ersiag rwnieed a the wend eraas. w� m•" fu use, loid.
to" frees Drp•ty r d liaise �""ts"n
..4 FI.h.•rise 8.ith ve proposed protective
mohng was se Peados eoset. TM
desp•tcb r.•.ir. "Remise (ho'urwe ant pro-
poses than year prebtiid.g meal heatesg sed
Moine whore �e�i.g within radio. el
110 miles commander laked end 11ebNe
island wed wishes 10 miles of the Revise
moat Wan seekers eeaewdi•gdy.
married to Mr. Miller en Ow.10,ISO w.eig81y pe••i 7
"He can talk se long eta umtereoting
Tapley -Mims Pr) teemed onwareA
loot hag What dad you seeseedlsseed 8 i kwon.
Burdock Blood Bitters
le a purely vegetable compound, possessing
p.rfeet regulating powers over all the organs
of the e/1 om, and oontrol ngththeir it time. It eo perilce the blood
an from blood humors and dosages, fros sem-
W OE pimple to Me worst serofskas eon. and
Waewnbi.ed with its unrivalled regulating.
d eeming and pnritying Weems on the
e eerstkne of the liver, kidneys, bowels sad
tido. render it unequalled se a waw fel ail
slim ries el the
new see Se We bottles will sure bids.
bistelles ee1rash, and. leave.
W s31 the simple Imewill s d aids me Mete.leer bottles sira u8.rsahibs/ma
▪ tannin s0rse.esdernipolits
b is ndiaaahle iW mama (tae
i l seed
. - _ _ -•w eon •t s
ars; s; did.t deal having to wear beeps ales•- js aggravated b{ i.�eM•
Aad toese& arab WNW .lis this
His diadem 1 ya y e.bades on the
meg eisd ea tae illned d the. ne Nes ffgt*ls d the Messes by B.B B Psdng
f►p•esd d -ami. a tweibies St fee Beep. se' -1 baro wvK toid yea ilii the
smart tn..s my little Iwy does a:ei says, fl. yet ttl In«osdimness.
andcath r
lids bo ..d Swot el died--- .lei la
Abided Mwed teeno-
Them Aiwa air kreenht hiese Melee heir
I fes.+- wWwlytr And we WM
rasher et serene -O.. YMl.Mw.
Me,Teatt, 12. --Mr. Marlen!
M•e••d•,•• eM }.K who teak part is the
S at gft iotii.rlee. ►.. died r
the perish of Re. Nimes al theaagge� i 7e
rem. H• was the father el !1 ea4Hre.. 17
e l from survive him
� .s..M jest
-ham wtlr•wb ..4 ie the Ora,
Osdd.'S Owner aloe
New - glad hoe the repeteuee el sea
re* i. Yoe aeeer have. -Briggs
-Thee don't lin think you ase grid es sea• f ScRo�uL
�I ---
ttonint to load ter Bob! li
Chellie--lee'er, 1 have •nmstMag the
esap•h with herein, meld •w you tell
physieis her as don.eal asesflo sot • MalabaMr Oibi (tluenhealibi le eliftlit
peyefN.■ Yr-. defla+e. please. (hood day. {fid
f 1
Spring Stock
And we are safe in saying that we have as fine a stock of
Prints, Challies, Delanes and Dress Goods
me .an be found in town
5c. Prints in Tight sari Clark shades.
5c. Challies and 5c. Muslin.
We have the celebrated Crumm Print in indigo Bine.
guaranteed not to fade ; also in light colors - -all (ant.
Our Pongee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures, and
color. good ; also a tine stock of Sateens in black and colors.
Our Dress Goods are in splendid shape. A great variety
of the newest Tines and trimming,' to suit. A line of Dress
Goals at Ira• than WHOLESALE prior,* good sound goods
and gooti colors.
We want you to examine our Spring Mantlings. We have
a grand lot in Walt, N.ivy, Fawn, Drao and Grey the newest
things in the market
Tweeds a specialty -nice goods at 35e. to 5(k.
A complete stock of Hosiery and Gloves We are show
ing a new L.eing Ki.l (.love, every pair warranted -splendid
value. Cuff Moves in Colored and Black Silks new.
We have taken great pains to •elect our stock, and we know
our prices are right.
We carry the largest attck of Brussels. F
•I'ape,ttrl•, Wool and Union Carpets, Art
S.iusres, Hugs and Mats, Oil Cloths, and
Linoleum.' ever shown in the County by I
one house, and our stock for Spring is now !
I.trger than ever, as our growing trade
dt.mand., it.. A grand line of all wools, right
from the twills.
Mow -
We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur-
tains, direct f: om the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 50J. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See th. m.
5", discount for Gash on dose cut pries.
gar first-class Drees and Mantle Maker up-ntsirs.
Gleet Ca pehouse 1
County.of the
�rsr w.a Simi :
$VMMEf 000DS
Rasa, b be cleared pet, ;Weal
se Mt It ie • 1h Gra- Tars is • We bane -dl d proof Meat from Wee .a/ .hew. shape•.
y and
great minim of S. •r, ,g H• DUNLOP,
kki.eya, Menlo and bbod, N. eaaeat
tee abets eoweery.
ft es lot .)1 slogged and belies, mum
bobbing • Ivgn shore eh .d o Jake Here's • sdv.rus..leat a th paper
o Cho rs name ma kneed_ ?M was not
♦ppasw or the sleek (K that d. g y " setkew e1 Tae ala.11i. M wast et.
en story r.e..aly Pros blah o d J How d'y
Ielle dets• replenished.
� mew. ♦ gntleos�s
sae o we ef the
• J &ke- Tb' se � M opo the 1" Ieyelsan
t . the 'we .••renes asked.'
i• tM a..•Ky u Now � y
kwon i1 s a waw paper ye
(Seemed teas. N.r•.l
Room•.., 0.t.. Mamma 1R -Mr
Ores.' general seem in Irenella wee
es Netaeday neereing, together with err
teats and dn•Ilias, laelsdlsg the pesaefee
sed M1.pbo.. Aka. TM re ca (reel
the .tow. pips. and team b•ye.4 ...heel
wb•. dreevw.4. av tb1.g nes ear
nosed Lim them
NOOft lasssad M
atntee w eM ono*
Hnirevtu.a, 0.0., Marsh Is. -The bade
el J.A. Treas. ase .t+ ender ef the Teem 1
ieew owes tree s. wiles. earth ireiy was Mead 'by Memo
!Pk howling been rem �f b sd warn M
Ha�Irs, wMn reeks end Maidens (. "t ariod wj pr'+m ea • dig, air, 6.2 yep
sewthe •baerMd nlargo and the aid advised." vised." sold use poet."Wil," ward Cha
termbosass •re ganef le meso waw • boy of 1111111104 'what was the remelt' "1 wee •r
twelves fe.n.on hemag to .eerWirad se rested by .a paver of the BesNty fel Pre
the mrde el who w'eeld be proem keted se vwtian o (bushy to Amanita"
e.ybedy elm's farm. The trawler reined le omen Iles, ad IUghtdnger, that seed to
Me berm said Spoto to tee bey. ''sear Weal everything he mood In his bawds e..
owe leek. rather nuelL Has he improved ..y r •'al. 1 mh..M
I we "
sod is a way se klepurnmeine."
•Weil." end the be,. "we pl••td 1.esf any be Ira H.'e «rib half a MUion ane
hake yellow trod Aim"
awl tae.,. mei mere pa chat .nether, -tans se tree 6esIS.Ke aleseld waid tea
"!.l N seed "11 is StI•ags," ward mss ropes tame. 1.
be .eaieee w SSU she.eelves se •molese
della. MOM remove
wNhwet ftitiae b nom*
�anSeirsMv arising
el Meese* +ellb�
tfper, kidsay+. eters. 8, bowie did bleed.
larremee every beetle el B. Id. B.
emy poem
be wflli whsi ed a�
"M demi* lash es U yea mead mea sew ��s. ..Tea Timm w Sized
j d�ilet serest M. 1 *Mod IS eel 111"1"1&" •• - -- r "!'b waft ..p aas ` (r Mesa el B
keg* es the Mein flbs Amos•
_ tenet
ESTI$LI11Ee tt6i.
Buchman & Son,
1)•sure 1a all blade of
A ad be1M•r'. s,.terl•l M .very dem-toralee
W ts. f•.0 Belo' life tooto lis
Abtaleel. sad all busdelos 1a the (i,_1k Ian
ore. b w ntRA T PAI
per 'Moe is onralte w U.S. Peewit Or
M amid w • La poyep In 1Mei else
lam Mies 'cwt. freer ASW" T les.
seed xwoaL ' U sAW ve• •d
• A t VMS 01
'mew" Mort• tie pwipt
elisehe es no
soil K far.a1, ttTfaa wa
f a we • tllw..
OPPeilie Peematlibeekinehlegkee.D.0
School Fumitare a Specialtj.
�Yeou Think
illi7ems.i I,ws'imi NTA,
ser worsts fen cheers ess'se