The Signal, 1893-3-23, Page 2Iu
THF SIGN AL: (N)DERiCH, ONT . THHI10:1)AYe MARCH *3, 1893.
"� rto�" Pastry••M1�1 t• and
"Shorter" Bills.
We are talk'. g ahem • r shesten•
.jag•' which ...'.I as cause midi
glltteio•. Tito.- .. b° "know ailing
or teed' ain't.' t'„ohnsg Iltartow
U'fadand ammo; a boat of others
are using
•01 of 1. ' Nose but the
purest, health. mid demist
isgeediesu ro ,, Bake up Colt -
totem. Lail ; t healthy, sad h
eta alwsy . , Thee who ase
Conolese w he.kbier sad
wealthier the:. n..e who use
tied-litslt' . awe they wt11
get "shoot, ad; wealthier
because thea get "shorter•
grocery hal, molest coda
Do Notre the.. i a..d guts twice
as fru -so 1. 1' .1 as mal nelyit
Dyepeptlm.delight in It!
PlsrelclaM endorse it'
Chess prelim It I
Cooke estml It 1
Noeswel SU eseleenne NI
All Hee Greeters moll lel
Made oat, try
Wellington and Ann Streets,
H•IU(u . foe other day. while 1'. Roger
man was chopping in the bush, • fel .g
limb struck him on the back sad hurt bite
pretty badly.
Morris : Duncan Mclltltan has Meed •
bowie and five acres of lead from Wm.Cam
sew, w Morris township. and will remove
there next mouth.
Seashtne : A ewe. tie property of
George Hou i, Suaehise, prevented him with
• lamb on May 24th, 1892, and another on
February 2411*, 1893.
Hallett Henry Cot tie, of Pick ford ,
Mich , (formerly of Hallett) ie visiting
meads in this vicinity ; he looks well sad
likes his :tmerioaa his.
piWiighwn : R. U. Young.
trtsmiy et
this toga, Is now Ioe t.din Netigawa,
Mean •eba, b eying secured &good petition as
bookkeeper in that pl•os.
f &s* sell . Jeer HI•sbili, who lett
Reussele • few weeks ago, has takes a
eitwtios in'Vpsi4sti, Mich , which be ap-
pears to be well sailed with.
K Wawaaost H. La m isi, of Kass
Wawanosh, has old his farm. lot 36. coo.
12, toil 11 for the suan of 1.2,700, who
take' los Keeton on the lit prox.
t'hutrm : The next monthly fair will 1,e
held in Clinton, on Wednesday. .tpril 5.
whea it is expected that a number of both
horse and mettle buyers will be pressor.
Redgrave : hiss Maggie Met'rea was
married on Wednesday, Starch 1st, t.. E 1
ward III :Weald, of Manitoba ; they left on
the moo trate the sum day for their future
Welton Donald Campbell, blacksmith,
of Walton, hes purclmw 1 the blacksunitn
shop awl residence of Wm. Unnkie, Varma.
for 11000, and hu taken permeates of the
shoo and atarte l work.
!Linton: Jo.. Kusur a visiting his
father and brother here, having hem out in
M•.honaland, South Africa, for the last five
years, where he has an interest in the veld
sad diamond mise, 'o which he int 'edit t..
Wingham Jahn Tonsley, familiarly
known as " Happy, left town chi. week
for Manitoba, waters he has • farm. Hr
was • resident of Iwower Wing ham alone 13
years ago, when he worked with the Iet.
Mr. %webs!! as a cooper.
Wingham An oil -painting of a little
child, from the brush of Mur. M Me('o.
ns11. of Tomato, s former W,nghaanite,
which was on view last week at an eichibi
given by the Women's Art Aeswiaiion, so
trncted much attention awl receive.' rnaey
flattering notices. Mese McConnell is can
.idered one of 1'anads's feat portrait pun
Tuokersm,th On Saturday morning
lam then passed away somber of the go id
old people of this township in the person of
Mrs. Kobt. letalsh ro Mb. had reached
tie age of seventy years and two mouths,
and had been a remarkably healthy wmman
all her Ids, until a few weeks ago, when she
was taken ill with a complication of diene
es, and kept growing gradually weaker urs
til the eo,l came.
• hoed idea.
Lwbby,ot London Truth, has • plan to
help women to hwb•nds that he thinks
would work better than thong bachelors
1. migrate that the first step for women to
take towards the.eq.irornent of their rights
should be the ermines( from mea of their
traditional privilege of nuking the props
itioo of rnsrrriage. He argees that .1
roma took the business of propene' Into
their own Mende there would be fewer of
li them u.marriel, many men now beton re
g steamed from metermmmy solely by t •Ity
about asking Mr the hand of the warm of
upon whom their affections reel Th..
selectins must fad wade by the w.00nnn in
say event. and Mr Inhnuch.m coat.n.14
that she the beet exerei . her privilege I.y
making the proposal instead of merely v
oaring or reMetiag a proposal which hap-
pens to one to her. H• proneo.lo on o he
assumptien intl., as .ha bas far e.-11
pirate ted tell ennwe! is all seri 1 ewe •r
gr.,w.,.na mold perform the dety tar err .re
gracefully thee • ems is able to do W..
met are populerly suppose) to hey• the
privilege of poems( the gwtlnn Amine
leap year*, het we never yet hard of any
of them Wittig advantage of the pnv.l.e.
A geed deal m he said he fear of II, 1..
lens►re's suggeetwes. Were women to
.Wm metal rit' in this matter with r.en
she euethr and the male girt we'd here
wholesome dread fee leaving an spewing for
say meth gaeetievi te be prepnuwded to hem
.id Or14 meld easily end what sow ellen
bane.. • painful eseertaiety by ',Isinlr
salting the gang gentles•a w0 mese doan
to .sealer Ant,R I•.t.ail .4 inlet owe
• Int et relat& them weather to sae what
bar inroads_a weft, die saner wake him
show his fused. mod M tele we. mush... in
M aha ewer Aeehl• 1..g. 11� Tees
. g
Amid Whig Si sastIsr
hotter lase waives may M
N.. Tarr. Ceaa.ree the f4ee raess4. her
Refer. rue n. the !were roe Ca art--
♦peeraee •r..... Yes.. Wilfrid tpner
•.d Mr -team rlaemM"a- Nem Mr.
✓ ust.. reme.te ab. Repo. t et tae Son -
peer Ity t'soleness*.
Ottawa. March 1:* On tl..uday last
Mr J Israel Parte need the hest gun is
the Manitoba M,'hout matt, r 11 the
following i meediateat
"That all the words alter 'that' be .track
out sad the fotlowine substituted. 'That
Ohs Hume desires to rapport its diamoebae
um of the Go.en.meut to dealing with the
Manitoba echorl yuletide, and in ttawming
to Lr pawswd of jdieal fuaetroam ooalliet
with their duty as cue/tttutioad advisors
of the frown, which atstemptwu is wholly
aaksuwu to the law, and it now moquiewaid
is weld be entirely sebversi.e of the prig'
sip!' at Ministerial respuusibtlity
o ddeadiag it he said that in the Pre-
vuce of Quebec the children to -re better
educated thea aswhen else au Casal•
and held that the Mammies Leguoiaturs had
iso mote light w abolah the $operate
schools than the Legislature of Quebec
would have to abolish the Kughah language
,n the Provence of Quebec. fle claimed
that the I)umtnws (io%eminent .aught to
protect the Catholic moonily
Hs held that the Minster of Justice
loomed himself not W abide by the iudg
meet of the Pro!: 1 .until, )wt to Kiva.
remedial oar.
Sir John Thompson rose at 10.50. Re
said that the Iioren.u.eut had been attack
ed as it It was destroying the rights est a
province to manage education, but it should
`e remembered that •Ithougb the Abed sec-
tion of the HriUtii North Alpena Act Rare
the control of education to the province,
was under certain reser. anon and t '.ti
Thr legal ti mit he mid, must he
rettic.l before any remedial legislation
.mould be properly dealt with. The legal
questions must inevitably mime up before
the courts If the t:overDmemt attempted
to pass.enodal laws before the lege' goes -
time were settled by the Supreme 1 hurt it
would only lead to confusion
Al one o clock Mr. laugh .1. Macdonald
of Winnipeg rose to speak on the \'oba
school questroa.
It was • most. significant speech, and is
regarded here as not only giving the opts
Ion of Manitoba on the school question, but
also of a large number of that important
pert of the House known u "the back
91wcheai' for Ostare°. The fooling there,
undoubtedly, Is that the reference to the
Supreme I'ourt can do no great harm, but
that uurter no cir•Smst.u,ceeWhale ter mast
the Dominion Parliament i tterten with
Meanwhile,' absolute control of the echo..
His concluding mateoees were were -
.4 rang
rhat is • question whoa has to be de
ceded awl 1 am certain, after having heard
the First Minister. tbat,no resp usible nun
(ea fail t., feel, whatever his opinion not)
be u to the right or wrong of the Mani
tole School lot, that the tioverumen' he-
arted to an impartial manner u referrier
tile natter to the coterie.
1 .ran promise now that if it is desired
that the Kann Catholic minority in the
Province of Manitods bare the right to ap
peal to the l;overn.r iD-l'oenc8 for nine
dial legislation, and if the (lovem..r in
*uu0ml decides W grunt that remedial
legislation, of the hos member for L Islet
(Me. Tarte) will Omit move a vote of cen-
ansure upon the Government. i will he very
glad to mooed it.'
On Tue.dey afternoon Hon. Mr. Foster
ltd a, the table copies of tar minutes of
the negotiations which took place between
Mr. Blaine, Gen. Foster and the 1'aoadi•e
dcIag4lrsoin February of last year The
papers are very voluminous and would
make five or six columna.
The most interesting part is that which
covers the point which has been in metro
wens hetwrc• sienoral Foster and Minister
of Finance Foster, u to whether the 4.'aea-
than delegates could have °bteind recipro-
city on any ether basis than discrimination
malt at Great Britain, and an aestmilatim
of the customs end excise tariffs of Canada
and the Panted Sates on the lines of the
latter. Hon. Mr. poster answered all
questions at length and all evidence went
to allow that .las G. House had insisted
that reciprocal trade could only be .etab
Band by the adoption of a uniform tariff
for both comities
(to Viedneaday the debate on the Year
Lobs echoola was eont,uued.
At 9.15 Hon. fir. Laurier ro.e. He de.
Mel that Mr. McCarthy had anything to
do with (raining Mr. T•rte's amendment.
Dealing with the •seertian that the Mas!
rob. Government would bow to the judg-
ment of the Supreme Court, he sud that
did ant cover the whole .see, becalms it
was tweed on the idea Chet the Supreme
Court would not 'stetter, with the legi4ls-
tt of Man,toba. It must bx remora
that the vary queatiol' referred to the Be
Freese ('onrt was very dangerous.
The Got .'anent was halting, haitatiag,
afraid to, decide between the Protestants of
O ut•te and Catholic,. os Quebec. There
was • higher and miner ground if Lir Oov•
Irnment could have brought eta pourer up
to mnkroe point and have decided the
vseetion from the standpoint of the brae
fit of the whole country. H. was a Arm
believer ea proviseual rights, wheels was the
policy of the L,Mrrl pert,.
He enutinud at sums length. and Beim.
d that the minority ea Maottob.. fad hese
treated with b arbar ons tyrsane •d that
4,1 one hour shoed have b.eo 4m to
g rant ung niter H• then deemed sew
erne to emend rine the Ottawa despatel ee
to The Toronto World of Nor. 47 and W.
u the lot of which it was stated that Mr.
Laurier would livid it difficult u. Llano the
Ooernme.t for referring the matter to the
&premie Coen. H• thought the appeal •
Hon. Mr. Oneonta .sol that the artice e1
the ()overtones.% in the past with ree•rd s
this smatter was the brat avid«,os of ete en -
mono. for the hetero. Te GnrerwtneN
t to aph.t to the old policy ea led
mom by the old cine taus, which was thea
s Knuth fair play. net McCarthy fur play,
which wea to straeg.t the perms, helms*
be .old 1r hear.,
Yr. Davis spoke *gases the anwnda.ant
Mr. Y .• mea 11 .o .) les, opper.el the
autradowei. He .ai.1 thee )1 r farts red
prdesesd to .hew tn. storm or the Coe-
..vaarve h. t.r..p.rd to tis...
aha osiers, .d the L ..pal po.. N• and •
sumer of •nr.e,a r., /II 1..• .,tar re slam
that she et. (1• .' ••. .0 na., etr..4ts wp
rasa did 1 g. • circ. 1I. .le.,l
hem tot. r.•♦ ......1 -,,sr ..e the
Nta homers s In Sha - t,. a ..,w that the
NH; w• opp....l to paid.,
BMW* Isa.... 1'.r'., r -,.a-., to •a
assi.i the I. r n .a . • t r.: tee Are
Jobe Thom.p. - . .1.• .. u a awn
retells, WV • 01 .1 . r. . r.g .aid he
p 4 the reerbe.. • red ewer of a •ray
gMEATEN ANO 110111111ED.
Lo mid Mesas of Teey, Own.
Attlee Louie. When
NAwruee4. Horeb ll-Heeldsmte at
Troy are greatly ousted emir a Jarseg
b.rgisrly and mord«mus assault widish use
committed .• ,rile ..• t
at swath of
aha ail su1rly17 al Thursday asereiag. fire
view. evils Carey, was terribly beams,
mid *1e at the pant of death The burglars
mole $59%I0. .10.91 was b0dd• ie in the boo...,
lead se far they bate evaded arrest
Corer 1. r b•abaloe 41,0111 e0 yews old,
and het '..ed alone for many years. He
owns • berm of 50 act at, whe9 es
worked as shares by Aintree Ammer -
men, r married mass win lives • quarts!
of • utile free. limey The old elan lives in
• lamely spot. aid as he has no near Iter n
• .the mold not have selected s
her victim.
About 2 o'clock Thursday mot naug ••.t
Imo Utak. *atm tar hour, batt..reng to ;..,
der with a suck of wood. 1...y were u.,*
.a41.101111 burglar* sed dad mut ..ue whether
they •loaned the old mut or mot, k.oaiLa
that he wa• aloud is 1,6r Low.•
(loing to Carey bedroom they drag[.)
him oat of bed, lacked him u he
lay upon the goo; aid taro teed his
heads and fest and gagged him. Than they
000lly wont through the house is throb of
mosey. Every room au raue.ckd sod
some board' an the kitchen fun' wise re
moved The 'earth was uasuooesefel, eall
the burglars returned to the bedroom aa.l
resealed their Iwutal •flask m the helpless
old ma;., kicking him lute • ewe of ensue -
Debility. It is not known if they compelled
him to tell where the a%Oney was hiddem,
as hey stilt sporchlem, but at any rate
the thug' liot •toot $4fI0O which w
sem ..b away to a' oldie et ,shoe battiug
it. eh • urdronu. •
11.t money wee in coin and bill. After
se. •i ri nK the plunder the robbers gave t h.•
po• rel fellow a couple or parting kicks
ural made their escape, leavtug him booed
and ,1yeg•.1 •n.1 in a dying condition. Tawe
6. u.•. a.,. left to a terrab:c state of din
utddr, everything being toper turvey.
Yesterday Ile. H+ggar did not ....vs aur
hopes that lardy would recover. He w...
eiribly beaten, hu bolt being black si
Iles from the kiok' of the brutes.
Cam's c•ndation ie sachasg.d to dao,
and as he hes not recovered his speech of
has been mmp'w'a a to get all the story of
the burglary from him. Seam of the neigh-
bors doubt that 45000 was stolen from the
old man, but they think • large amount
was taken.
., Dyna
t 4• Treasurer d t he Monetary Timm
('mmpseny Emote. .oddesly.
Malik I:t. Mr, .1. K
larnerou, secret ary-treturn rer of 1'h.
Mi notary Timm 1'outi env, deed sud
deuly at 6.30 last aught at his residgns
33 Cecil -street. Mr. Cameron, who has
Mee 111 of • bronchial affection for about
two weeks, was sitting at the supper table
when he was seised will an attack of
coughing. This brought on • profuse hem
orrbnge. which, complicated with a heart
trouble, from which he hes been a
frequent sufferer for years. result
ed to h.s death sabot five minutes trot
Um beginning of the attack. . Dr. Me
Phedren, the family 'Artemis, was seta
lamed and yeottoanoed life extinct.
Seveateea might Team.
Neu strew, N.V., Marek 13. -Mrs. E14.
worth Miller of told Spreeg recently pre-
sented Ser husband with triplet.. two girls
ud a bay. During the last eight years and
seven .months Mrs Millar has become th-
another of 17 ohu'iren. She has heti three
seta of triplet•,three puns of tw.ns and two
•:t ac t.irtbe.
]Its. Miller is 31 years olid. stir was
inert ed to Mr. Stiller on Oct. 10. tuna
I: gat of the 17 ..kaldreu are ;aria6•
Miller has an ago: who h... 1..- .. u:.
■.°':.•. , 1 't' children, 10 of them
Wade Hampton to getung atom; .0 year•
anti is • cripple, but when he was to %1'
region the other day he arrange,' :.,r
hoot in the South ('amiss jungle. and in-
vited • number of statesmen to Om hen..
t;eu. Humptun is one of tar told ,.shoal
pSocrlt:r tans who 'soul' rather be tight than
he anything from justice of the peace up te
James Whitcomb Kiley seat Kieluig •
copy of his volume. 'Children's Verses."
Kipling thanked ham Ili rhyme; and hen le
see of the 141)2*. ..i fare reply
roof true tin to the w1,1 vandl
!floe MM. to mute .awn pier,
tarns it ware 1Rmwere our te,fg♦-
1 ha.e set wan your far
RN 1 \.re reed your *coos
Wed 1 ma gums tn. roe,
Y. ie tlw harts of chilli...
T... c r.... tt.. or woe." - -
1•rnbt•.a ..rid«I.
I know wtat makes ale naughty," mid
Hat ry "It's des'( thisg. I bads t ought
*8s ugerura1lag.
Prescriptions tey Rev. Dr. P. R. H..aoe. or
Take plenty of sleep.
Cultivate a gond digestion.
Iieohew mince pies, with their crisp upper
crust and their unbaked under crest and
untold horrors between.
Cultivate a healthy stomach.
Learn to be thaakful for small favors. As
the o1.1 lady .aid : "She had only two teeth
loot .he awaked the Lord they were opo
.ite."w�(a" -
Take as isimpat say of your blese'nrs
Cultivate thankfulness of spirit.
Think how many things you've the'.
And think how many things you heven'L
rot that von wnakln'd like to nave.
People am what they honk for and get
what they go for ; look for the bright pleas
ant thing. of Itfe, Look for the .un.hone
and the h.w.ey.
1;.. to work.
Laziness is what ., the .utter with a
great many people who grumble
1)o something for somebody.
(:.eel Rasv.- is /trivi.g mew the meant-
•iw• 1 ton& $ ervere enkl which settled 'e
m. leurk a.d kMwtys, esu.' -g am. .u.y
.le..pte.a ..ghats ..f pain Th. $,.i appllea-
*n...4 SIMARD'S LINIMENT ee ra14►ed
a r that i 1.11 a d•..p idealised eulogist*
trent err Mori ly followed.
Joan A.,
and And it •
groat °overfle !
and saver of
•ce sees•• •
Has no equal
for purity. nor
for cleaning and
eweettening, nor
preserving the
clothes and
hands from In-
jury, nor for
general sed.
.o►oesh kgew1•dw of w D.i.rd1
taws we cls mown the • enafteea ef'""'_i
seed sat 1'. a. W it • r.*'41c N
eltl•e fir Wontoote• f.
ethrew w r rlded oar breakfast table• •
Ml ate • II reared beverage wh.:► mar rare
US v7 dumerI' bill.. It 4 b7 the Jett
rims* w' ••1 mob iwslotto ddlet *bat • oesetl
tut.•. m.7 be gradually bent up main tersest
w\� to maim rower tere.eeio7 to Ohms*.
, Im�eregtu..dre. .l salmis tea/adios are d•atlwa
ainud as read wetted' wherever (here Is •
week plat. We may moms 4541
• aft he kende. ounrives well 1Mtl ed with
ours bleed sad • properly meriel .4 frssaa'-
C irnl semis* assefb.
Made eltaWy with bribe( water or mak.
Aad only 1a aa.-ke•e,by unmet. Iabrlted thee.
- ' d- ta
Me -
I rey : John Strac!:an ..r..l daughter.
uhn hay .• been laid oft w Ions (resat typl.nid
fever. '0911 MO • be roily n••'••red t.. thea
use! good health.
U•borne . &limos t'.1. p +11, who resides
• s the Thames Hood. it. . F'anlubar, re-
tvu;!y ...l.1 •�.pieeit of 1..,r. • ft r the very
*nog suns of 94325.
IHarpr's Magazine.
0•117111 01 WADAsrs. tar 1O 4111 eeetuee
u asalaeahe ln t.wrlvall•d eud
..rd of •lost
kms which tea obsrerserlld it from ale be
grunter . mow the notable features of the
year there will sew Merle 1y A. Cowan
11.71 It. Uua.Tasao. runtmuns Woofaow, .d
WILLIas ducat short megrim will he casein
'silted by the mast p.palar wrltra of the dal.
taolu.Ilee Mane ft. WIutIDo. HtcsAR& HARD -
Ise DAVtle. Masna*ay U*LAea BRANDS&
alarmism". und Russ others. The illustrated
da+crlptive papers well Habana artrole. ler
Jt-uae KALYII m wee tluslhees sed Maestro
■ ubJe.Is by Twawows Onto ea India; by
1-ut•Lrosy Bemea1w on soda sad Dermas?
by Itttm*RD Hammett Devour • lapdog' tiew
...: lei Coimel 1'. A. 'Milanese Seaters Riders.
et... Knurls A. Aseav'.Islustrit4Reof 4b•ke-
.pear.'. ('umedles will he motioned. Utersry
articled w111 be.entribuIed by Cleanup BUM
ViIIn,rn Ian. JANaim T. Yiau,e. W iLLar
Imam H,WRLtA, BRawusw SIAert•R4s, sed
IleHPXRS 11404EINX ..P.. Year 1t w
/Ins RPKKN BAZAR. 1 10
It.AKPBK'S 1 O(1NO PBOPLK.. r mi
i gyp. Frye to all ao4erribers ie rhe Paned
(.forma, Cbwadi mad Jitney,.
The Volumes of the 4alasitse bsgla wall
the umbers fee Jane *ad December of owe
3 , r When *.0 t iuuc i. ge.'slbd, ouboorhyt taus
w .;l regia .soh the Nan.. r . uirent at the
I t :car et recoil* of order. toaad Veasas°.of
a.{ef's Mainte.e for there bars back. 1a
°eat cloth bldasg..IU M sent bq wed. pem-
esW, m rnreipt of IMM ver volume.(70th
11, a,i�ms., for lindasg. +.1 coamot, ol, by man, pest-
, ave should be ms's by Past ogles
Mosey Order or Draft. to ovoid Moth of
Yerepnpperr►e are use to coop (Aso advertise
Isar wifhat 941 express order of Harper k
New Tart.
w"°'1893 Bz%ntJoMl
"ma rsen 22 re N Ler.
Merin : Wee Kwtglet Moth sae of
Da v i.f R.l(11. Ph 11,.►, te here em • edit
Ines Msvt.ts, Ilk,hlgrha. No has bawl
4'm:we Mar. 1r oh. pas 'tau years, he
.e ear see she f4 trek it eel 9114 wi his hell
Issued 191. fbns M gee rug&
Harper's Weekly.
ILI..0 iTAi*.'rLZI7-
The 6.eId Bicycle Co. Ltd.
Kerr, 110 same erU•IT
G. W. TH02MI ON,
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
'specialty, and everything in
the latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard -tunes prices at
The TeriDIo Cash Sun
P. ODEA. Yanllatrr.
±n�rwa t�Jrwwsssmms wrt4 w
tmt.m sllD�wsetr►, - ens >►
eu.t�bs •� � p•�eelm ks�r�
/ ntutific 414ntrria an
The Signa
RLtr•h'r Wass, 1 la 'caws. ledge d as
.1.idlol4 Ina easeag dlasrrated weekly period,
Mania Arisen.'.. 1101',,'.a plea between
that of the burrtnl daily taper and that of the
tees timely monthly au4arie. It includes hot\
literature and news. and praoeas with aq..I
'orae aid felicity the real event* of curtest
history and the imaginative taemes of Malan.
•lo acoount of its very complete belies of Woe
teatimes of the World's Pair, it w111 be not only
the best guide to the wrest Kxpoeitbn. but also
its beet enovealr. Kvery public event of gee-
eral Interest will be fully UluMrated 1a Ha
Its cootrtburlo.e being from the best
w ten and artless In tam country. it will osi-
tinue to excel In literature. news. and Bluster
ellen. all other peblkatioma of its class.
Mr Tear:
11A MVO fe'KKK LY.
114 r
t M
I. Of
r oto
i'o•(ayyrr Jnv toot! eubar fibers i. the unshod
Motes. enemata and Meriro.
The Volumes of the Wesmt.v beetle with the
grit Number for Januar' of each year. When
no time le uwnlloted. subscriptions will login
with the Number eum•nt at the time of re-
leipptt of order.
Bound Volumes of HARr.Iie WINDILY for
three years back. in ne84 cloth Wallas. w111
be Gest by trap. postage peed. or by express.
free of estimate 'provided the freight does wet
exceed one dollar per toluene). for 47.00 per
volume -
Cloth cases for mete ,dome. suitable for
binding, will be trot by mail. prW-paid,.. re-
ceipt of $1.00 each.
itemittances abouts be mode by Peet -.tans
Money Order or Draft, n, Geoid ehaneeIon
N.w.paprr a are nor to copy Oda adewrrue
weal without the rrpre.a order eJ HAsrtat &
Hltoru ERR.
- -- Mew Teri.
$arper's Bazar.
Hammm'a BAZAR Is a Journal fee the h.taa
it Elves the fullrat sad Wert
about perinea., and Ito sumweas'Ileste
are tdlspalikeis
ras.ble .• the 1 ssddi w
seeker an
../fate. 14e K-
pease Is
N NH pheight stories.
Lela! I awe., Ea Writ page 4 famous as •
mart nit
of wit and Wooer. 1s 1t' weekly Mose
everythisc is sash isd which 4M 4 M
wanes. The for IgM will be wefttus
by W aLTa. a#T sad Zara Imam
Cwawe feu Tutmcwa Hamac= will ten* •
nesettosl revise, entitled At {lee 'hast."
ucE [two. 1,11.1•11Tara a Musa. eW
CANDACE WRRLas WUl he(t,e��� usstrlke-
teed lite work of woods to els rya.
Ti,asad.lea w111lesfully represented_�rW\yy 7 W.H 0et3sogr 4 "Mate mai
Yana will Kowa • cultivated sd4K..
rffigirt40441111111. e
d4M OP
IIl PPXXaR'a roam; Poop, i .. f A
aPwtsyrAm t� f. w MOM
d Ih
,trz=z "
ma wfee
aser ver wk velem*. mettabl. 1.
Yd.14.ieglM~4 zt b mat pe t-eald. se
rem 7 UlO..• vomer it tad. h! Par 11 .
Y alae.. t mss•. M .veer .hair of boa
are tall •• 181.9 Ude edsrrliar
the memo maw y HAIM= a
ease were sobs= .I Missiles is se
Jett�br�1iu� iwihtyr whin me sem-
pwd magi. the .Mies for the prompt
assap t `ties of all Karr, of
• perusal tk4e eassessm
mot may wsMoat seas tkiag you may
bs is .e.4 d, aid f• seek ease we sog.
dt your esaIdsat
that our 1.. pleses w meet w uh
the apptwal d ear 'stems
Vote. ' %tAt98 -
This useful sins is kept is the tun
range Of qualities same as letter
heads. While
Zaetter i\eLldas
In this line we have a very lsor
stock of tine writing papers salt
able for every class of busmen
represented in this locality, con
prising lad arid wove, b1
quadrille awl other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may be required.
�etm0. aaWd►8
are not so generally seed, they ill
an important place is oommerciai
morrospyndenos. Bee what vies,
got under the above heads.
If the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the deemed
for account paper would not he
so great ; but there are sane tar
who get so many dunners thea
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it tie,
and at present our stock is cora
pieta in this line with four silt►
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollen
and vents columns. They cow
cheaper than bill heads, and see
the proper thing to send atter a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to tough him 'round -
Now, it would be hartl to get
along without envel and 14
keep up with the derao�i Ise
them we keep a large stock ea
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, sail
the prices will range from 7fie. r
$2.00 per M. We handl, eflm
menial and legal sings e•el•aivels.
has already been partially anus
ersted in some of the heads lbws
There 1e, however, a vast •94444
of work under Chu head that le
enumerate would more than tabs
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at TEE
A uv:A0\'oras
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in eels,
tion sometimes, but we make it
an may platter by keeping is
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and no.
We aim to excel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we tarn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain sad fancy papun
suitable for all requiretuents.
of entertainmenu and meetiogi
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with oord and pencil attached.
Card.% ondt T\.e\utks
This herd covers a large ramp of
work, from a bread or milk Wei
to a neat calling card, from as se
Binary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a heodaomely
printed membership ticket.
-P esters
Our facilities for turning est Ws
clam of work are evidenced by fir
fact that the great bulk d it d
done by ma. This line abs it
which our three fast-rsaais.g jth
peewees are able to turn oat l• .
surprisingly short time.
to the poster department
else, and we make • specialty id
them---promptnem being our sit
in this reaper*. A notice et sale
will appear in Tin Swim. free of
'bargee when bills for imam are pt
#\\ Rutile of W ark
in the typographical pti.Wug lbs
can be done in this ewabllskee tt
iD •• expedition. sad arirli
wow and
Ovot -P Ikte8 ilibak let ¶ota.A
84V reamolmbke.
we merged OW Swabs /ee east by.
we and mask • e _&&minas e/ die
t %c1415,