The Signal, 1893-3-9, Page 1BOW DO YOU DO
Da buy oboes or clothing?
oa go to the place (if yes
it) where they tell you flat
r wear the articles oat, sad
theyou're not sati.bed, the i1
money? Why not de
e when you buy medicine?
Pierce's Golden Medical Die.
is .old on that phut. It's
blood • purifier so certain
motive that it can be rank
to benefit or cure, in every
you have your money back.
rot like the ordinary spring
es or sarsaparillas All the
Mand, it cleanses, builds upt
vi rates the system. 1f
bilious, run - down, or dye -
or have any blood - taint,
can equal it as a remedy.
s die s eeeaael El
Bellrrsrea ..+r-OM.T O.. IMAM
• Ta•se faf V+•sQa
VOL. XLV. No. 240
Winter gaits. -F. J. Ptidh...... .. Pg.
PIMA. -R. It Settees ..... ....
Bull foe Ns e -Juba Herne
Howe b Lai -J. H Peetlead.... .
&uvulas (3en. W. Thumps• .... . ..
Ds.roluttou of I'artaonbip--IL F. Wflki-
soo a Co ... ...
Bull for Sole -Issas Salkeld.. .. .
B oole t Slows -N. Downie'
B� tMIa for $tale --T
Spring Good -Job. T. Achueoe
Har.lwarr R. P. Wilke:tow.
Bn.1. d: Sheet --C. G. A nuatrosif
Servant Wasted -Mrs. Mc(..tIi:u.idy
St Patrick's (Jtteeert--litaeel ()pen House
(chole ata- N. I!: Teirliesk, Mastro& .
worst cases of Chronic
ti in the Head, yield to
age's Catarrh Remedy.
rtain is it that its mak-
fer $Soo reward for an
able case
e Happenings Here, There and
8 Everywhere
• Ire of M'.�tee(M ibam. of ► •teatrhi..r the
)I t1 ife of tee
I04• la+" k Skh to i.o of l)Is re. 1 ul.. of
e • a.
J[W KL4-W tl.TKHts- At 4 on the
7•b fair , b toe i:ev. W. Terrace. Mr.
Thom..,..f it.v ICeptwam
Wafter., of ('olber1.
Mehl:IKy3-$i'.t1tK4 0' toe Rev. J s O..'-
su. M. A. .a tete reed .Ie .f Mata
try, ...dark* ra• ore Muer heli r h�
Deb. Itavid Mellaks sit lees. Marsh L
S mirks. all of •Ioterieh.
8 - 6
6 • se Sere a vele et ff11..ea' Rhea
5 Mayer Smiler te.rd as . t1K«1r•e.-
8 slew for teem or hbeaby whir Beat/ with
5 the.lees$dee •l, fersl..orl.l.
The Tomato •t .:serge • aeels/y sad rest:
Niels la .54U► I Mreld alibi r "allele
$.11erieb armee
tiovaisit ie. Yeb.'C-r.'1. L.
Meat. oar to 0 •
at gb Wele
Mix .. r 11t.00
Ives 13a.ion 0
10. le 01.13Ot
ix Al 1.1.111/
M Wheat s MM. se O. rage .1
r, . bash .......... . 0 0 1., 031
oak.. ani too N
we rowed. • bush e W toe • N
seise... 0 le et e le
sa7 7) to 7 73
, e befell. 0 7M to 0 fi
I/ bus► ..... _....... 0 0 to 0 r
sok .apab.d, • Itt ... o Is to • 3l
3 t W 3 S
elites{ moo be..erset. and that be
M MMines the 'cunnings. The
eras galeroed tet crates .- a .e bife
tb 1.trsas.
Monday : he .-ase coo
■ .red t1..1M.. wadi rr+.erred .ala
edgy w hes sosscl Noor f :..«b was lair
ad • new elaetum called for.
Wset To Dreiteesoe An eater
as held in the Met bo.l ist eharih,
loan.Tusedar es ening,tttwler the
e of the Royal Templet. of liadert.b,
dict beteg w ete.leavor to argosies a
o1 the Order m that place. Ther.
tea turnout from tiodence--.lea-
t( Royal Templar., ala., emeriti el
MISS who went tA. eaa;at theta week
meal pert of the program pre sated
the eve Ing, sad others who weal fe
he nee evening which fas oral the
The meeting was nuc ee..tul in els
a g...elly amnia 01 misdeeds el
mon rove(+a/ to rig t11 the More
1 501.11 as arrangeowst• for organise
in he completed. A fuller report
be of waren to many of our readers,
Ing to lack of space this week we
rats from further comnw.trng and
he matter to the hawse of oar obis
soon oorre.poo•ient, who will, r
deal with the mot ter nest week.
Robert Harris, of Sloatreil, has been
elated president of the Royal Canelien
AC:Allay of Arta.
De. Oman r Ail., of Weet Troy, oled
from Mood prosteming iso Saturday crewing.
He was ill only • olay or two.
W. J Mecoloutiell, cheeelier of the Le
itica of H000r and formerly Vim Consul for
Frame, dnd To..onte on Saturday.
The exports of *per e front the poi t oof New
Yrerk during the pin week amounted to
81.296.666, of which 1673,080 was gold and
86E1,585 silver.
The Hawthorne rate trs3k owners and
officials were indicted ou Saturday hy the
Oswego grand jury on the charge of keep -
Chancellor %on CaprIvi shows no do
position to either daily wiih the Agrarsim
perty or to surrender • single importaut
point to the opponente of ths Army hill.
In the proviiioe of Miracles's. in South-
western Ramie, ailjoiniug the Cowan Sea,
• steads.. epidemic of a character as yet un•
recognised is killing thoumoode of people
Mil onetime east Mao, evesiag.
beard of health mat osi Mooday lita•
public school board will met sod
Ler ▪ Pridisam to • delegate frogs the
th League of North et. Motoadist
to Torooto this week.
Haber of the members of flolmoville
'outsell Mrs Musulay evening last.
& troop It Co. will add a shoe depth"
0 then dry goods homes. Op*,
narday Mann Ile.. Remember lh
Tholepin, who hes hero tbe NMI
brother, floo. W. Thompson, left
today for his hoses in floyteenteate,
Friday thesis. next the reglis
ly roil -call meting el the
larch will be kelt Mrs in berme 10
he carnival last Tridel methyl AS
wee the mee, three mike, by WS
seB!rimaillis three opponents WWI
, McIver and MAMMA
a was is splendid otioduths.
W. Thinness is Mal agent ler 111E
so, widths, Ism spd musnal MP,
e s. All el the besCend at reek bob
sas G. Martin, of Goderiek, sod 8.
s el Walsall, who are visiting is Die
, Maip&, eldest daughter of W. A.
of Detroit., sad gread-Meghtee
Math* fialdised, and Demi Forge-
are regained to osseous@ thee it
T▪ omato Hamm Bonet, here, mid
tiag will be held is the eine of the
of Comm« es Friday alumna st
An imanweed is this work eft
My invited es attoad.
t seek' beld bet Friday everting Is
Moth miler the weepiest of the
r Aid Ithisty proved to be a theme
O msk were method donee the me
islisticed program promoted. SW
of Mates, recited daring OM
athl her @Meatiest, were gm*
se hese rowed le the satithassies
eds that teeth eas he thumbed by
Is promo., snag sail serve pee
he liesthed hy harts' the
lent. TM ens is berwilost MOM
is they imposine. If yea met
1 resew Own/ Oiress Hems
soak pess.• boy there are matter.
of ant teed 'math mining up,
%stitch, although of mew importune, to one
or auother of you, are overlooked on the
orolioary editorial page, or alikalof 10 only
To the fah' Mum Lila Walter rslerrs1 to nay
be remelted have the time, or tne 111
closatem, or the ahility ta. deal with the
title and space of • co'utnu or ow of lee
lens AL, and will weekly, or wheo the spirit
sharps mot dice, high Up. 01141104
ii.irska, lad the other platelets %hien effeet
ow mode. Of thoaht and nanners of actiou
of mortals here below :
The Monne Engineers' Association of
America are evoke, min* to prevent the
licensing 01 British subjects as eat/twee* a
the newly tonericantrod steamers Neer York
and Paris.
Elizabeth Carobs* Steinway, the wife of
Wm_ Steinway, the well-ksown piano
usanufatierer and president of the Stolid
Transit Commission, died in New York
yesterday. Her death eras tamed by pilau
SSS AT fit Shill
OM ems Tom Nem o Malian,
er 11 N+ONINI.
- -- THEM." `_""'''•'°°i"`"'�l°'` t`' {Otrltalon FROM OVER THE COUNTY.
• to
H.tesus 01 that tta.aieipl egtsaoil b. glrs. HE HITS BACK AT e( p.rty wit► iu i.trtgw+ sad bittersee.
toward. the �1 .l of the ata au(acl ole fab their bsaofiosnt doela.o. 1 will defend
fwd sale u( taIIS. %'ta is sad kr the
pro the ntbt of l auadtan .season freatlom of
eines u( Ontario. o hen that s.s.rtslwSS ,. aios sed speech in vital gammas
present«I the W.lkerrilM Sakes mood Pr•OL (}oldTl►t0 Sm1th pi110r1M ag telt lbo.s who seek to impose the pg.
aghast, unable W give utter.nos tether din Hle Traducers 1 will defenduuuawte11uuSS ouevicUSS gee
orally way of the attack upon whet they con orally against repreemon by the .o0is1 what
ties to which in default of the old utetre-
meate of persecution tyranoic.l iotoleratao
re«.rt.. This I will do to the retest of my
power and resources, and I trust that your
approval and .)n.pethy will attewl my
effort. I feel confident that I shall be found
to have done ooth.og as an Kugltahenan to
council el Walkorrille. MAX
forfeit your esteem.
otdere! the vested rights of the totality. -
TOWN C'' /RCS. lb. 4 em.illeiliss et tbe *ewes, amd
The review meeting of the mown council
erre held tei Vreley, Mareh 3rd. Potent, -
1 n aloe , u rue y , a hats, Th noon, (Spread us Smith this
Nicholson. rho mayor to t he chair.
well as uf St. to...ewe'. society at Torouto,
he is • member. At the ouitclumon of hie
Minutes of last 'steelier, were reel ap- George's society of this city, of which, as
proved And rogue'.
for F.:away emir he spoke 01 the attenipt node to
Rio Llree. turn him out of the St. Georse's society at
Palma fawn January - • - $1•667 28 f he object of the St. George's societies,
. .$718 98 he mid, es henevoteet, nio political. They
211 olo not seek to baud toteiher citizens ol
75 English extract -we apart I their fel-
31 toweitisens for the purpose of influencing
8 00 interfere with no messiah opinions nor de
- 1,218 82 they desire to control any nieuiber's vote.
" rhey lire Dot MOM Mahood •• Sociativa to
$2,886 10 any pm ticular allegiance, since their errant-
catiou embraces both seas tot the ha. They
are formed for the relief and comfort. of
tress Ai the mune time they keep More In
the hearte G1 ell who recognice Rosana a
their rather the memory of • land which is
tbe object of our love end pride, and our
connection with which is the source of as.
piratiou and digeitty 1.. the humblest of us
here. Tlie members of the St- 1:eorge's soc
iety of Washington am. 1 le -dove, bear wit-
tier* that in attachment to Eoglaud I lave
not Mown myself wauting. Yon may re-
member that I was with you here a the
time when Englatol esas on the, brink of •
war MILh and that 110 that occasion
my footings were entandested plainly enough.
Yea May have heard that in Kogan.' I have
been fightine by the aide of i hoer who are
strugeong nteintete the integrity of the
United Kiegdom. u therefore, he
surprised to hear Liirt at the St. Georgea
society of Toronto notiee has twee given of
a revolution to expel me from the society ors
the ground that I have been guilty of tree
...Haute in seeking, in costume with many
tithe ("enediente, the rrunime of our race up
on this continent by ounatitutional mean.
mel with the oontielit of the mother country.
float I, or theme. with 4 hhith 1 ism aesociateil,
Mi. sought it by means other them oonsti-
tutionel or 'without the onuses' of the
mother country is nor sa,l cannot he alkyd.
I spoke of tile res.iliit ion AS ist resolution to
expel nte,lout fact it. is nothing so straight -
Me oat of the society by insult. The attack
Some years ego al the request of • deli. -
There vra. a monkey and a parrot time at
the meeting of the Toronto St. llsortrat's
Soesety Friday siviinCig las'. For weeks it
had been in the air Oat • motion MOV011 by
Jay smell Hopkise in effect thet
Smith be &eked to send in hie resiguatiou as
a life member of that particular St. George's
Society, would be preseuteil mad uucouolitios
ally cartel. but when the day of trial came
it Sae found that Jay C. H. wasn't 111 it --111a
the youth aud beauty of our Land note say --
and • e.ompromise 01111.1013 sus carried which
practicelly wet fortes that the Professor's
online in tavor of Coallaefitell Unitan Mae
sadly deplored by the Society. That such
a maim stwolol ever have come up In any
purely cheritahle organisation such am the
foroute St. George'e known to be its • dead
.ure yroof thee the fouls are not all deal
vet, mid will at be white the Cestell H.ip
kisses, and the Desiumse and the sweet
tweeted Alfred Houlthees remain over
ground. Toronto Telegram put the
matter in a way all watt ea it
when it seated editorwilly Oat in the
event of the Professor's pocket hev.k being
dotal to the charitahle °bloc(/' at the so
cat,- by tits carrying of an adverse vote,
the needy ones who looked to the St
I learge's for mitatance would have to de-
pend for Dourisloneet upou the Mogan(
verbosity of Jay Cowell Hopkusi loyalty
Ou Seuritay afternoon tire Iwoke out in
Toronto, sal from the nitlivrnmeltle nature
ef the 'notarial great tItthculty with exper
eseed in suppreesing the 8 mom, Menage
Se the Amount of $56.000 ‘Vaga reeled.
In the remittal Cart of Pittsburg, Pa ,
es Setup -ley the ridge passed meteors on
poionsteg mem Dempsey mid Beatty were
each CIVINI seven years, (Washer five years
Ned Dosvidson three years iu the peniten
Sir Oliver Mowat and A. M Roes, who
was formerly Pros incial Treasurer Ooterin,
were Ottawa on Sat unlay to confer with
=Au Thompson the approaching a-
im to Footle the maritime' aceounts
between the Dominion and the provinces of
Astern arol Quebec.
of East Selkirk. Man.. while phiyeng with •
younger brother in an upstairs room of km
pareatie residence, twisted around his peek
a rope that eras hanging from the °piling.
sad jumped loon the cradle epos which he
hod climbed to reach the rope. When found
by his ember he waa dead.
Lieutenant Gomm Royal, of the North•
West Territories, states that the Territories
bays now a popelettoo equal to that of
British Cotentin, and that the white pop
elati_a of the former is • vs.. deal larger
than the white population of the lanes In
amain Sentinels@ le the IkelleW.01. he as-
serts they are seek* ke • restmeglesent
ef the dislikes tet se le *Mein sis lowered
There le • strange kind of • town °menet!
W•ter Rat
Nuts Res.
Patopine Stetson ..,. 250
Publw Works 27
C. C and Otboe Exp
Printing 111414 Adlot
Election act
Seperate School
250 80
485 00
29 44
18 00
14 00
106 00
13 56
76 00
3 42
This statement
Mame committee.
L'ammutoicotiou from town of Meaford
&eking the man couecil to co-operate With
it ottter Veins III petitioning the legis
Inure not tat repeal the Consolidated Muni
cipel Act of 1992, relating to 'maintenance
of bridges 100 teet to length or more. (hi
motion of the reeve and Yates, the corn.
wee tikel
tommUntoation of Reliance Klect.rie
Light Co. stating that they would guaran-
tee the workmanship ael material of the
sew dynamo, for one year. wee tiled.
Communicants' of town of Port Hope in
referenoc to maturity of bonds given under
the Municinal Loan Fund Settlement Act of
1873, was referred to the tinanoe comminute.
Communic Amon of Jas. Reid, oubmitiing
Jonathan Miller as his surety instead of J.
W. Smith. Also of J W. Smith. asking to
have hie tame withdrawn ea amity. Thee
matter was referred to the flume. outs
matt tee.
Communicatirm of Mrs. A. Cook, asking
the remittance of taxes, owning to imbility
to pay, on moonlit of meths's. Referred to
court of revision.
Petition from I '-ollisigwto-1 Hoard of
Trade, asking oo operation in sen.1101‘ dele-
gates to Ottawa iti referees... to regulation*
ehout length of nets and sae oof mash tio be
easel in fishing on the lakes, so the present
regulations gore disaatrous to flaking.
lon, that this pollen' hesignel by the mem-
bers of the council, and that Messrs. Butler
and Strachan be • detestation froni the
....outwit, with power to add the name of Jas.
Clark as • delegate, mid delegates to oo•op
orate with the delegates from Collingwoorl
mil of her points. Carried.
Petition from Domains Allow, &ski
for a plebiscite. Skived by Holt,
Murney that the retains referred to
special c ommit tee. Carried.
The folbowing accounts were referred to
the finanoe orommittee T. Swats. $13 60 :
Fraser It Porter, $18 16 ; Sweat, 819.06 ;
Account of Steven. & Burns of $16 waa
oe motion, ordered a be paid.
The report of the fire oommittee was read
1st. Thot E. C. Reicher be •=7:oded fire
warden for the presage year.
Slod. Thad. the women cossider the advis-
ability of purchasing a mew hoes
On motion it was referred batik to eow1MrtZIP
to get priose and report to aeons&
31-4. That the Wolk sad. ladder company
be mile esore ellkient. Carried.
Oth. That the Ike theist be advertised
for male. Oirried.
Report ot coert of reviles was read and
Report el &meth resemittes recommend-
ing the payment ef the followieg thinests
The Star IM 50. Pets= flarbou Co.
PS 00 WI'S read and
Moved by Sallow% seessiiied by the reeve
that the electrie tight ethunittes he regain-
ed to onesider the advisability of chsairiag
the private electric light *arced. from the
pretest to ea synths. Carried.
Moved hy Sallow*, sessieW by the reeve
that the question of esbomessi • Ohtelt-
Males Meek he to the Amoco come
mime Oirried.
The mama then adtherned tn men oe
Friday remise, March 17th.
(IOW 98
was referred to the
down in Thera.' That body hes actuelly
pewee! en unenimous ewe of 'honks to
Messrs. Hunter and Crossley for the good
that was .lone the people of that town by
the evallgolIStie•erviere recently held there
.1 at magma a vote of thanks to those in
etrumental in any work ot Mat kind being
elbowed to come before the llodorich town
cosseted while our ineyor Butler re-
copied the chair I hove an idea that he
would rule such • motion out of order,
Weil would then make • night pilgrimage to
the pastors and endeavor t4, ii01 the" to go
eesy on the ininrooralities which had crept in
during him tenure of office.
Speaking of mem who visit after the
manner of Nwoolemue, did it ever strike you
that Mr. Rutter worked mighty hard to ob
tan Die " emmy " hosor of mayor of this
town last year. t or a job that there is no
thing in as we are MI told -Kotler in-
curred • great deal of expense and went to
a great deal of buttm holing aad hypo-
critical scheming to enable him to succeed
himself io the mayor's chair. I happen to
know as much shout the running of the
Ratter esoipaign as moat people, and will,
when the neht time crones, wont out the
main factors thst contributed to his election,
hut at pra•snt it would be throvnag away
powder and shot at t -on loag • rouge.
Philmer Voila
Res emus, Oat.. JIM 11501. 1892
mak to the media el Mar System HMO -
the both illif MOW IMMO& skill meld do
ler my em, Its sertnely meld bays died
bed it sot both ler timely partakes, of your
System Reemater. Wm we west to you
he wee es rodeeed mil low that he theld sot
same frees ear side to 'Mother. His reams
and syseight were both allested so ler as to
Mow Isoly net eves his mother. He
wee quite simple and Wad. A41 coated of
the urinary orgies ipso Last the
power of hie limbs. Yee told es the Rose-
water would est at ease en the bilkers,
the Me et albums:Ise/ whisk he wend
if mit shocked This le did mosesedelly
hemmed demo Instil lie me able to help
k yea la six weeks. He is yew gong
Mem years sod is a Mew healthy boy
-eigkeses meths after ewe
Tee'v. Sat, 1493
Today sty see ie the Others
esh Meth essid he aided M. 14
If there is one thing Mr. Butler plume
himself upon more than mother it is hie
etraigniforwardeen mid lack of hypocrisy.
whereas, truth to my, there is so more
wheelie/ isdividual or no more meant
hypocrite os tbe footstool today. His
scheming 1 w01 refer to whets theasion re-
quire., bat, apropos of the oroppier op ot
the social evil otharoeersy, I will give one
illustration a Isis arrest hypocrisy. You
all know of the bad break Mat be shade at
the nomination meting. Two or throt
hundred element beard hen, and Tea Rio
e•t. pilloried him no mine of his utterances
is defame of the perpoteatthe of homes of
illtaise is this tows. Well, after he had
OWN to Mak oat the mather Mr. Better be •
gas to hedge th his seinthatioa etheresees
and the eight before Nth Years he made op
hie mind. th sea omen of the alergyeses
of the tom. and to call apes Rey.
Maim Crossley aed Rester, se that
he might square himself with them
apes the dergyesse 1 refer to, Led with
speciosa prembeee of personal reformation,
booed that they might not nes their in.
flearte divasa hist as as isdividsal. To
Mews, Croaky tied Roster he promised
that if Meted he would weed oat disabuses
sod immoralities that had biome hateeed
es the tows derive his menthe years of
elks asol endeavor to he a beim man per,
e ssay. Well, Rader the Meted, and
anwithstandise hie hypooritied sense as
the sirbt Dee 31st, 188B, he has made
Se siert ap to data to keep faith with the
prosaism be thee made
retheilist, will heed mpg myth
smillief le the Tomperanse hell so the
sad lath ama She le itgeg by the
Tleelpkee, le VMS the ledges Is the
A NeWsiy Grist obtained from
Ithe County KW.
es *ell Seery body - rise mad reels • lir
pea lied 4 awe Wrens [very aerates
Thee 4 reale er 4 lee reams, hem. l• Nees -
From our own erwrrspoiotent. Items. heels sar Lora' turbines?.
Colds are tromp now.
Alex. Aodenew to under the weather this
John /leaser is %lading at Ltstowel at
John Lennoz, of Mem., is %lefties at
Merry Ihentoorufs'.
Fred aud Mew Hartley were vowing in
Bre...els this week
ers' convention in (V111)014111
out in Grey, re; iuneil hone Otte %seek.
Tina Flutter is oo the sick list this week
hoy will hose to do de work now. -
Win. Ilray, merchant tailor of doe piece,
has got his eprin4 goods in and la ready to
suit everybody that comes along at lowest
The Mons of Scotland concert held in the
eaves,. The hall was packed to the doors.
Meldrum wan chairman. An tutored,
mg votaress was given by Rev. E. W .
cif Arthur Twitohell, awl W. Kay
left for Detroit, ou Slutiolay morn -
Exeter . Chief Coustable (Sill, of Exeter,
Atm married in London len week to a Mrs
Elm of this place.
Clanton . John Smiler hia a clock in his
ponseemen that a 120 years old, anti it us a
goal time -keeper yet.
Clinton Jantee Steep shipped ten eerie of
apples flom Brussels last week, for Liver-
Witighain • A. Roe has dareed of his
Morris, for • handsome figure.
plays the pipe organ in Trinity church.filit•
Grey : Robert Work, formerly of Ode
townahip,is the town clerk of Hervey town,
ehip,C•valar Co.. North IMkotat
Hallett . Jaa. Cunningham has moved to
his farm, mar Belgraie, end Mr. Tyner has
moVed to the farm vacated by Mr. Cunning,
Exeter Mies Hannah Rowtcliffe of the
London road. south, has completed • quilt
with 476 patches and not two of the IMMO
pal tern.
Brussels Robert Arnietroeg has bees
under the doctor's ems us fighting infi•'n-
noatory rheumatism Re is still confined to
the Mame.
Seaborth : dolin Daley loss • cheat still
twe and in a good state of preservation.
which he wale himself in lre'oituol over •ixty
years age.
Winghem : Ed. Pekoes and bride. Stan-
ley, atel Miss Ide Felton left en Saturday
last for Manitoba. Miss Pekoe put -poem
taking up miesiouary *ork.
*hole interest iu the astern. Mr. Ime
will still Manila ail
Clintoo : W. (trigg was very successful
in the gun conteat at Toronto last week,
wiseine $135. Mr. Blacken was slat, • wie-
ner to • coustderable amount.
tVinyyliam . We are glad to know that
John who was seriously injused in
Thom Rell's factory, is doing well, and
there good hook. that a will regain ha
usual health
Leadtaboro - Nevis sae received ker.
lain week of the death of Mrs. Hill, relict
ot tip. late Thos. 11 it Mrs. Hill *as may
ing with her daughter in Montreal at the
time of her des, h.
Prom our owe correspondent.
ileorire Ferries is at preterit speeding •
few Itays at Lanionde.
We hem it whispered around that there
ie to be • wedding in the locality in the near
Mr. and Mrs Henry Scott spent last weoek
visit our (needs is the victnoty of 1- -trash
end Ripley.
A few of the young people attended •
piety at R.. Harraon's on the 6th couceamou
on Monday evening, bth.
Miss Jane McIntosh end Mies Mary Mc-
Lean, of the 12th con., were the gueets
Alex Mcleau on Thursday.
Mr and Mr*. McManus, who hove been
visiting friend/ around here this Winter,
left on Moutlay moruing, 27th, for their
home in Dakota.
11ovr is it that Tett Swis AL does eint reach
this offioe meny taws till the folios tng
Monday when it should be here on Ft 'day
inoruing. We pre.unie there must he • cog
loose in the machinery of the mail servioe.
Joe. Scott end Wiliam Johnston are
itsray on • visiting weir flows mouth. They
intend to take in Porter's Hill, (110100,
Rlyth, Manchester awl several other place.
too uunoenous to mention. We hope they
may him. a pleasan... visit atool return Ditty
recruited for the spring work.
front our own eorrespotodens.
New (loots FAr-rosor A pont stook
company ha's been formed in this vicinity
Ration I ran for the preeidency of the so-
ciety. Tbe majority by which I wa :•,.
fasted waie very narrow, but the opp.-
to ntiv was manifestly political, and we- ow
ducted in the moet offensive meaner. .The
same party spun has hem ehown before
wheu I was propieed as en honorary mem-
ber. Not liking to hove clarity M11.4
wan 'swami' or rellshing the aessomstions
iuto *hien I ea. being brought, I withdrew
from active inemberehip, only abstaining
from the removel of my IMMO NA a life mem-
ber lest I should eau., unpleesentnese and
poesibly injure the society. I was at tbe
sense tline receive.' into membership of this
W•ahongtou branch of the orgenlot-
at We, where tit. introductionl Oi Wi-
tte, was s t to be feared My rep-
utatiou has hero for years assailed ',oath the
utmost virulence and In the grossest
e.g. by ch. Empire, • violent party organ
t Toronto That journal attempted to
Talking Moth hiek-booded sense is a
ee▪ tly OWNS at the little whisky village of
Wallowa's. Hiram Walker & Soss, of Ile
treit,prethiselly owe WalkervOlseed Walk
areas usublet be Welkerethe hot fee the
thee is earthed ea there kip
2.1:112Lir Nom Well, the them
dig, se Me Omer pos. the Dasiinies
Wm some see 4 their resenviale
• arse male. Tenders are called for the gatimal church, Wingliam, have settled
erection of the buildings, &c., which will be wit h the insurance et m pan ie., receiving
tocau.t on wm, Jon.. ism. ose mite myth $30firehoofortiutinodeavdawne.oagek. done the church til
of Snoilis Hill. We uoderstised over 200
'here. haye Already been disposed uf. Mullett : S. Meer. I trarketed shout 640
TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. bushels of wheat during the past 1.-w clay•
which tested about 63 lbs. to the bushel ;
this te considered • superior average ten
March 4th, 1893. for sn large amount.
Colborne councri140"m7t. in the township „„i h, position sii pset„r „f ii,.. 0„50.1,
Winghani : Rev. Mr. Hughes ha. resign -
hall . All members prawn al 'owes of chi' I ch here and leaves tor England in a sheet
Wh'uneY* f`w gra'el' $1.70 ; Ge'rr Kv"•• Wingham : Two hotel licensee have been
road work, 11 00. Alex. Young move.
i• cut off in Wingham, leaving only 4 bceneed
--* hotels, and the fees hav• been made =S.
eemoded by Samuel Potter, that A
sant for arbitration Morris v. C.,unte. at a the result of au agitation by the Wo-
Savis receive $5 00 for leveeing out eta .
tY enen's Christian Temperance Union of that
sect my name with a I.:nameable tram- HUrOn. --Carried. Mr. SInellaer preanted
Stahel h : Mr. and Mrs. Lightower,
who have been with the missionery corps of
the Salvatiton Artny in ludia for the pule
five years, have arrived ie town and ars tbe
guests of Wm. Copp, Mrs. Lightoe Ws
irf fallirh.ruseels . It is reported on good author,
ity, (het James Laird, sr., foonerly «1 Brea -
h. seta, is ill with comer in the emeneach and
very little hope he entertained for prolongs'-
, Lion of life. He lithe at Updersood, Broth
ma by the osiobeastoo of docan,00t an amount for care and board of 01,41
protoo.lo,a to ho,,o obtoioed boa, a Webster during sicknem. H. J. Morrie
otor who had beirar,d dm confides°. of moved, secooded by A. A. Yonne, that
prove t0000teoreetibly to be a yahneaterw. hard oesamescing Feb. Bth, until ishe meld.
'mate reonvery of the genuine daemon agreeing ••
George's society, was at that tone ou the PlYstis W•bster alinO• Feb. ah. 4 wee
of the Rinpire. Mr. Hopkins, I learn, 1110 00• Adjourned to meet again April 111.
defaulter is the payment of his sub- 1893, at 2 o'clock r it.
ptioo the society, and therefore legal-
itheampeteet to bring forward any mamas AUCTION_SALES.
hatever. Jedge whether the interest of
°bora, ot Ill" 04 LI" _11°1'6°1" Par1•1 bi All parties gettlag their Mae We petaled at
pperinoth ia his mind. The St. (hares Mis mhos win haves hoe Ratko isearliall
society of Tomato is by ita act of inewpor- la this list hp 1144 the IMO tee gala.
tiou dedioated solely to the relief el die- Agatha sale of farm Mook and imple
rem, sad ita by laws stprotely prohibit the 'neon es lot 16, eon 5. Won Woman...11i on
trodoetio. of polities or religion. The klined•y Mar. 90 1893. At 1 o'clock r. Withritam • As effort me made last
took me oosenenced just when 1 Jos Mellosigh, auctioneer, Jae Sistzwith, toi wool"' amemepecderial meistumitigh„ towtherelaintiwn•
11011111 to have left Toe -mita Yid gone south proprietor.
or my health. Tbe sigma the gives for it Mort= sale cd fares property cis Tees- to hotel homes, bott a majority of the coon
by 4 h t twelve o'clock calor. would not Mow the requisition re-
Morrie : It is and that Tbomes Lass•
dere has purchased the 100acre farm belosig-
ing to C. Hamiltee. 'Myth, 711% 0.•., paying
$1.325 for it. It is the mooed lot fri m Mr.
Maunder@ fann ea the gravel road Mouth of
The Kospirs, whir& you troy have sess
reported in souse Anterithe roareals. Med-
OP a story, 'which may the blindest
hatred meld have believed. ot my Meng end lot 10, 000 401, floderioh Towaship, at
ommassicated to a New York reporter foe 2 n'olock r w., John Knot, auctioneer, Met
Public."'" gnv intemem 4 milraging 1" " Athens sale of fano stoek MIMI implement.
treasomble intrigue with the prsiodest-electt on Temiday, klaroh 21st, 1893. et I rineek
of the Ursited Stoles. To pass Dis resole Ir. la , Olt let 11, coo. 2 of Aiditieid. 2 usilm
W• og merited ins Mildwd WY beck 4 Thos. Polley, propriatew 2w
ma who fasey themselves (0,00"ar• Amine Me of lane leads is the town -
Perla el Regliek gelakeina. net keening ship of °oiler- h, en glatordas March 11,
the way* of the liegliek gentimes, who is 1883, et 12 °Melt. ems, at Fetlock's hotel.
m oarekl of the linter of °then as be is el in Myth Jetta Less, metiosser, Cameros,
his owe- Ry alloeriart itself idi In mask Ant h 6111116111. Venders' Solisitera
usages the 144 Gaisarre'e esesety of cri=alitt
Ow aegis. of party ramour aad
will, 1 Mists, degrade Deed meth more Ind III " Saone% - Ilaigrit wrappers
Mos it ma degrade ale. If the rambles.
io ~Hod I shall tram it simply as the in-
sult that it. is, asil ehallege my amaillests to
reamed le my espelmen. Of my won pen -
Ms as • mother of the moiety I have, es
self, sod it ithold, therefor*, be beestly
worth dehnother. Bet I will deiend the
sheritty mg Ms kegs asthma septere by
sone, at Martia's hotel, Goderith. John qcoottag ota701 to oall the meet ing
0•01. ssolionmer, rantorom, Holt & Holmes, sesfotas . Lam week g, iyinniioned
Masse in Philadelphia, of typhnd fever, of
VIN.d"reAecties. M°saislicit.noi Leo choice farms em Fri- John Omphell, win of Dr. 0knieltell. of Olin
de klatch 17th 1883 on lot 11. cos. ard town. Latest &deices comersise boa are
sot rerissurisx, and Ibis thee was so critical
on Thursday that hie father was telegraphed
Tockeranith Wm. Hodsos, of the 7th
Berry, ef Hensall, one of the best horses
that hes gem not of the tetweship for ems
thee. He was bought for the Raton mar
the Methedith Mirth was packed on Tues-
day nets the mersethe heist as address se
tassoperanee Isy L. R. Deese, barrister, el
Weems Leek Otti Rename Tbse a Meal te (1°4egiell' sadierseumns71.1.1--- 14-6,-"-A-1-1.7. The
address wes delivered miler the soviets of
Lem Ikea., Ltd Sesta 84.., Termite,
and yes will resethe by post a minty pia The MO. renter -es attaised ead the gni-
tore. free frogs advarbeimx. aimA well worth threat asespeame tied approval of the
Iressisg. nit is es easy way to dessesse mai liquid feud remaiv. armmi, of
year Imes The seep is the here le the se the mot escolleat Ithatitre Mims, Wes -
marks. awl II will only met la pesisee te trate the vales of the qualities an while
send le the if vim knee the ile seams based end sth sheetheatAy
leEp. IT l Mai.
Tem Stoves lienee the emetic year
will be mesh tithed by our may
• ▪ smell itent, bet she warmth. thine sp
thesessis of dollars. sad if every sehowiller
mold mho up his mind to ethineence the
sew year hy rimier; ettaight with hie Gab -
th▪ is loorsal could be Imply ethended.
If ym don't es •11111101t deo% get et-
feeded, het mail yams Indebtalsom to se at
sees mg the owl ges 'resift ler is
Ina se year MIA end see that it gthe
mewed ems sthice In Mot el Os preithe de.
drerilLosed the seheerlpeles end well de
as ma
41$1 1111111.K.
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