The Signal, 1892-10-27, Page 1IND 1111111 lafM{1816!!g
spopmrywrit 1-27.,011,5
THE T.ia i► rZNGI. 241] WSp,AP73.714 OF HURON OOUNT Y-
�pj,. XLIV. No. 2384.
Stn Min roes at
Nae • Manamano Aireginaa.
Ili Noe OedtV R Tufa .. . ... . pg1
gemel -I. C Bl.b
eee 1
rd, s bleated - Wm.Erne ,.
Ip'd Tammy -Jewett Mirk $
i sauna of partaorsblp--J.► Peek .. • s
i h7, asst Wilmer *malt .. $
n odsr• -W. Ashore R list. . . . .. . 1
ms Fier* •rsr.emen A C.. 1
IN Waded Ceetra. ToMMO-
e re --M• L. Watson $
mile noire -Mrs R. Maeda 1
1r.•., Wems' -Ines ebeebaa% $
mod (mire Bossu -A - MwMre 1
muy run a1.-11. M.Maak . iI
,mils %' anted to root - Allies Motel , 1
Rival i'tetun-K L Bellew. 8
Ne sad Winter 01atblatlt-F, .1. Peltlam1
(0,I.LICUCDT-ta 0IderWk, tun rtidai.
the .tet teat Um wife se r. 1). 11.01111
miler. of a daughter.
Aye t4HASK-At elearcb. Wtk.
a w,d..s4ay. Oer. tie Rev. J. F.
Pen s.r
th, b H•ys.Lka -
roier. •wI-t�
t•vtl Yid Aaale rottenest
daughter et W. Bbanr.
Lf -HAV- WAOit-At 1k. Pears Church.
1.u.o•a. t•.11herwb, 11 the Rev, F. W.
Adams, es O.trbrr 111. I. William
glerman to Katharine Octavo* Wade. Mor.
only •• t,od •rick, sae.
pt)11MS1011 NEWS IN BRIEF.
A 'rot of cavalry will be mimed at Pet-
e, Manitoba.
Tie pe,wt.. rot ha been very extensive s
kis north of funis.
The Village of Krpwe.1, Udall. 110
lad. has been destroyed by fire.
The funeral of the late Detective limit st
ache was one of the largest that city has
er seen.
Patience's Paper
carie, the ally one in Manitols. war
N..iyed by fire.
. iw-tog to the strike of printers dl the
✓ ompers of \anosever have suspended
ht ',at M.w temporarily.
Hamilton's city engineer has decided in
rot of vitrified brisk pavements taent:cad
lar blocks in that city.
there is • pfssittg anticipation that the
hoer trade of th. Ottawa district is nm
,-se of • season of great posperity.
ft.e grape harvest in Essex County has
• phenomenal. About 1,5ino toes were
peed and 1,0O0 toms male into wine.
1 C. Patterson, Secretory of State,
tee tat tie rumor of an early meeting
l'arliamost is without any sound heats
I.Lnger• indicted for murder. was found
iter of manslaughter at Quebec. and was
teaed to fourteen yearsimiensonment.
;••eton, a small village in the SSonth rid -
•if 8imtone. was almost swept out of n-
rncv, by fire. The lees is estimated at
fen car mads of hay were shipped ea
lady fro Ki England.tom to England. At the
.ant rate of 1N a ton it is expected s
aI l profit will be made.
The11. T. R. carsb ops in fonder[ aro at
...cot very busy, 300 men being at work,
oral of whom lune recently gone there
so Brantford and Stratford.
At Itrwsbridge on Satunlay four mos
tried ender the Ontario comae laws
• hunting deer nut u1 season, and ware
rev t. ted and each fined twenty dollars and
The trial of Charles Luckey. charged
th the murder of his father, stopn.other,
1 sister at New Bliss, Ont., will not be
1.1 until the next C'oert of Amine at
o kvdle.
It is reported in loados political circles
at Mr Gladstone propose@ to withdraw
•iti.h troops entirely ttom the North
menean colonies, and that (Mead' and
rsionudland will have to waatain their
• defence.
The I !Italia Board of Trade passed •
solution asking the (sty Council to submit
by law for a boons to the Ottawa, Aro-
for and Parry Sound Railway, which will
welerably shorten the distance from the
'est to the seaboard -
The dittkolty over the inspection of
indium grain at New York bas beta set -
ed. It was agreed that the pais
om Manitoba doll be in.pseted is i,•
peg. while grain from Oaterla shall be in-
sects.l at the frontier.
The fire losses in the intim of 8L Jeia'@,
in July last and than is the elty d
1 John, N.B in Jane, Ifi77, haw
eapared. The Mer i• 14t- Jobi • is now
h eed at 18,000,0111, with insurance of
1.516,00n, while that of !it Job*, N.B.,
ss about $16,000,000, with isatsae..f
Mill, Portage be
Thomas Nelms, head of tie
_ great publish -
hg firm ,d Nelms & Sous, Kdashwillhamil
fee leek. is deed.
Wm. lima. • colored man, aged 30, did
'ley soddenly is Basotho' Saturday aher-
tsoa of hemorrhage of the lenge
Luther Weeks, who is 1811 carried the
res of the battle ef Plattsberg to the
eine amend Barlia"ten, V., is dead. aged
Detective Harry flair, ef Leaden, died
tees the effects of hying shot Met Thursday
a attempting to arra* John Rorke. of
% elph
John Wegner, pr.rprater al a Wel la
bassos, Yam., was shot dead by tie pro-
of a bass o 111 -fee in Harv.
�ssayy N.D. A party, of whish Wagner was
In , was Myles to feasibly eater the
hr.m.k : 1144* wok Jima* was
Marl Id am" w14811-
▪ "' kpenedo. Omis dabber mod Inuoadd
Pewits he take me seem& Fuse
Wei ' The mesal mRarkn ef th.
gars Rifle 1m@sa1lsn were held is Mame
s W00,54117, Out. lE Lima Apse. Wil
it was the 016 War
*ions Oaten, Messee en prematedyore.
a l in sew she preset ofk. Wsea
I N thither -fa rid J. temieae .s1°Irednade etrld.
snores rad user a walker 61
A New.y (hist Obtained trod
the County Mill.
• Weekly rlg•.l w eeea4 hews *erved ret/
Minto Bvellybedy-oak sed ream Mir
ped mad C.aeeaW Irma e
eel seetMa-
1M Cream e1 she Ce.ate *ew • r •ese-
g>•lMms of es,,
1Wem and Seer 1: ws
IS. Orem ear Leese Sir etemees
Heard! : Geo McEw.n it...posed of and
shipped 8000 bushels of flax during the past
Clinton : A elitism of Clinton had hie
pocket Faked of 1110.1 the fair there last
Brands : Ir, Hors. tailor, nae rope t
Sossavai., Man., where be has take.' a
Exeter Joke Willis, Exeter North, who
last week had his arm amput tt.d, is pro-
graming cicely.
Rrearels : Lotus Hunter has potholed
• hardware business in Forlwieh. He took
peesamion Inst week.
W rexater : Allan Hong had the misfor-
tune M have the top taken off one of hie fin-
gers in a machine this week.
W imbue : Geo. Baker, of Exeter, has ac-
cepted • position in T. 8.11'. fondue* fie -
tory and has moved to town.
Amber : Mrs. Weaver, who resides on
the gravel road este of this village, tell
last week and broke ber arm.
Wiegham : Principal M.grove by heen
ro-ess•ged for oat year at • salary of $700,
aa advance of 1100 over last year
:Stephen . Matthew Morlock of Stephen
last week sold his form of 90 acres to a Mr.
Seeders ..f Rodgervilk for the sem of 15,-
Uslsrse : Jobe Hans has purchased 60
acre of land in the tad oonoemios of Ci-
boria of Reichard Harney, paying therefor
II'i bum : There have been inoreapples
shipped from Wingham station this year
than in any other year in the history of the
pace -
Wroxeter : Messrs. Hamilton A Sander-
son sold over 70 head of cattle to Mr.
Hoot, of Elmira, this week. principally
Wiugham A. Roe of this pleas took
second money in the trotting race on Friday
last at Dungannon, with his pear, Miss
Exeter (Morge Davis, who has bean off
work for some time owing to blood poftssiiag
from the h•sdlimg of paints. is •b{e to re-
sume work.
Clinton : Mr. Yeftowles is said to low
ees.ted the distance between Clinton and
Listowel -46 mile --Inst Saturday, in three
bases ea • cycle.
Exeter : Reeve R•wden last week per -
domed 90 acres of land in the township of
Colborne, being the Buchanan tarn[, paying
therefor upwards of 15,000.
Stephen Mr. Samuel Calfs+ on Friday
lest sold his 100 -sere iarw. is the 3rd cos
mission, Stephen, to Mr. Valentiae Mitchell
of Rodgerville for the sum of 16.750. Mr.
Callus intends r tsruing to the States.
Moleswertb : News hes bees received
that Rev. Mr. Johnston, formerly titator d
the Presbyterian church, and who bas been
Bvhg m Termite for • number of years, is
dead. Meeh sympathy is extended toward
the widow.
Wi*Rhaa : Whin warkisg in the Uniem
Furniture Fater! oat Tesed y last, L.
Pearsn had the misfortune to have four 6n•
gars on his head takes off, he was warkksg
with buses parser.
Sef.rti : John Copp, of Dederick street,
who was awarded the esmtrset for the eree-
tion of Messrs. Cel.ama.' new foundry fee
the sum of 17,900, now has • fora of
about thirty meal beady engaged at the
Wrotreter : J. Hooey left for Manitoba
Mendity. Oct. 17, with a ear lead of
hems id another oar of sheep. Mr. Hooey
hes )less iw Manitoba over 60 boss with
beam, se he ought to hew the rod by this
Wrangler : Apple packers veryharry
arwsd hen. The demand for applebores
in ersermeus. Mr. Howmes, ear cooper, has
tweed out over 10.000 beards so far this ma-
ma The WM indest17 10 b. •
good warm el reverses to
Orem* : ibea Weed. wbo has here ill
of emmoemplies for the peel yew. dad .t
her home es Friday el lest week ie her
terenty mooed year, she was buried ea
&erndip Rev. O. F. Balton pee•ebed
the henna maeemee to • large ooegrsptiem
nto* 7'M
C 4* other tiny while 0.' Werth.
logics was alight's, from hie buggyy, his
toe caught is the robe, and notwithetnadieg
.11 hie efforts Weave himself, he was threw.
m hs face. A sprained foot was, f wtaeste-
ly, all the injury -a*aimee.
Masse : A gg..tehfaa.a a tows, who hoe
resided .t W tsdrws s 1. run • c..arm-
elm .ad • proteetien
mst. but mime a ors live
fed .ay berth of time slow the Oaemdaa
border, without being ooavineed tbai OW:.
Ada is Ieskbee • bio mistake by met hse-
• bee trade with the dusts.." -1(w
Blesvms . 26 cheese • day is the record
ef our factory new.
iteloruve : James Agnew was severely
injured by • kick from • horse one day last
Merril • The -Jos Soso" farm, of 100
mine '.,e.t d on tie 4th lime, wee per.hased •
by James Scott for 16,200.
Ethel : Reeve Milne is back from Mus-
koka. Along with Messrs. Heffernan. and
McDonald Brom, of Walton, ke lies por
cleated a valuabb timber limit i o:mpnnag
11 mile, paving 111,000 for theism')
The timber was purchased from Ontario
eminent at one of their sales.
Many Promised M Sedses ..y
Tee seemaL
Flea our owe oorreseendent
Hoa[ AGAIN. -Yrs. Miller lase Min
who has bass, with her 'sugoter,
making an extended visit to Detroit and
other polite arrived home let week.
Mo.T*Lv Sretio r. --TM monthly meet-
ing of the directoes of West Wawancah
Mutual Fire Laurance Ca, will be held in
the meal plane here, oommmoing at the
usual hour, on Tuesday, the 1st November.
[ATOMS. -Weather at pretest is quite
antm.aal, the forest is being rapidly stript
of Its foliage awl stern Winter is approach
tag and ins) not be far distant. The far-
mers are bay u winding up fall work and
preparing for Winter.
Meme (Sias. and Fred Robinson, of De -
teat, and formerly of Ashfield, a. rived here
ou Monday on a visiting tour to Me former's
tonne, parent., relatives, and acquaintances
They look healthy and cheerful and report
doing will an tie ('ity of the &mita.
Wurmtts. -Fine wieder, wlach we have
been enjoying for some time plot was some -
whet bebop up darieeg" 8atard y eight and
matinee! wet on Sead.y. Early oo Monday
morning a slight shower of snow fell, the
second this season, being soownnpanied by
Veit -row -Rev. Dr. Davy who wee about
eleven years ago pastor of Dungannon cir-
cuit, and now rationed on Maridsle cis
slat, is visiting former •cgnantamc s here.
He conducted divine service morning and
evening in the Methodist church here oa
Sunday very acceptably.
Lrrn.k Mian Wuferias au. -Dante Rem
oar pus It that ere tis i.u.e of Te[ SIGNAL
is distributed Jobe Redmasd, of West Wa-
renah, and Min Minnie Robinson, daugh-
ter of our popular victualler, ('ha.. Robio-
e on, will e.e united in the beads of tnatri-
muny. More in our next oonoerni.g the
nuptials in the event of its taking place-
AcrtDmrT. -On Tuesday of let week as
Harry Cesar, ef Ashfield, was engaged in
picking apples he unfortunately slipped
from the baar:ch of the tree on which he
was picking and fell, which resu'ted in
fracturing some boas is his arm near to
the wrist, Aso, he received other brown on
his body. it is pleasing to be able to ante
that through the good medical skill of Dr.
McKay be is gradually recovering.
New Knwto['r..-l)nric,g last week Mr.
Kerrie, who ie appointed to officiate, as
orator, of the congregation, of the Epson
pal church, hero Ion account of the illness
of Rev. J. Carrie, which disables him from
performing the duties as pester), with his
family remade here. The people of Dun-
gannon and vicinity are being, we presume,
highly favored having, four clergymen in
their midst to watch over their spiritual
welfare. Happy people.
Ex vu. - Tbe semi -sane 41 promotion
exam. was held in Dungreinon public
school oa Friday, 21st last., ,t..' following
have been successful in lei..- promoted
From Third to Fourth -1, %V -ll .m Rogers ;
2, Willie Treleaven • 3, Am.•e t;irvia • 4,
John Carrie : 6, Willie Brv'l; .. ; 6, Carrie
Maldomgb ; 7, Edith Roberts. From 8seood
to Third -1 Lillie Mallen•:li c 2, LIH.n
Maliongh • A, Williaa Re11e. ; 4, Ethel
Dee; 5, Arthur Carrie; 6, Eu. Header•
moa ; 7, Beetle Girds ; 8, Brown Donis ;
9, Breast Duff 10. Ida 1Vostbraok ; 11,
Arthur Davidson. A. McKay, principal
U.S.S. No. 8, Aekbeld.
DRntow Corse Bwwren.-Division court
was held here os Saturday last His
Heger Judge Doyle presided, the legal
Ieagnthy wee repras.etmd Messes.
Prosdfoot and Camplea, of rich, sad
Dickenson, of Wisgba n. A large set.n-
danor of the rate -payers, of the townships
of Ashfield and West Wawanovh whish we
presume was owing to two interesting suits
being tried ; one of which was dispute con-
cerning ditch and fence, the other on the
parch/as of apples. both of whioh oa
sepled the whoU day. A lively interest eu
the part of Mime ooaneetd with the suits
wan manis. the •paortor. ally
NrmAi. -On Wednesday .f lest week
Alex. Mahn, of 8eefortb, espirsred one of
Dungannon's handsome via Min
Alice Mc4ath, daughter of Wm. Yollath,
of the asptial knot
being well tied by the Revd. D. Rogers,
sad aebeed by Revd. Davy who is former
yeses we a pastor laeiresit, at
the residents, of the m father. After
these pretest who ked whammed the ewe -
teeny had is ewpsq with the bride nod
groom p.r*ks 1 s upbndid repast. the
ewly married ample left for S.afairth va-
lederich, where they intend to make their
shade. We wish Mae the best of pre -
parity, poser and ..mingled h.pphem.
• la Immomente.
Rave yon ewes the " Universal inhaler "
kw the medication and positive earl el
Omani, Sremehits. Asthma and ether lila.
same of the rewirwtery er"mas f J. W.
WethersYi ea yet br the
s isety of Rem. Ossa 8nllio Smear.
esti Downiag's shoe Meru Read the fol
/VIM pus, AnWere *.
drellirCrr e the •se
of Yalleles,
The ids of inbbi remedies is set sew
as tealividw•1 pr&MItlnsere have employed
the method fee sassy years sad with great
meitema What ear elterrvatieos awl es.
reswi wte prow la tkee cam rvh. mm•
.mmption, *Alma mail Mk, letirune•bls de-
ars el the ale peseasse mad leap are gdti
Hatt• 111.I ninbella yield to IrWmeet
hens ear owe esersmpMiLst
Mine Jennie Yellin hoe televised boom.
8 J. Revd has h.m re -mewed for Ind.
H. Irwin has recanted from i4kote
where he emit the Reamer.
• Our smelter. 8• J. Boyd mems greatly
buoyed cep siege the rest arrival at is a
Om weer wheel will be ready for eat -
&spawn ie a few weeks. Mt tie epamllg
eerrmeeire will mot tall. pad 1411 aisj
8l.evale bays tack it ia bad 4 years age
and every year it be increased 60%. How•
ever this is the first year that the mamagsrs
have bees able to give prima Tier year
the palace we feud to be far too email to
accommodate the large crowd that tbrooged
to the ticket Gibes to swam tickets ; it was
(owed to be ut.deyoat.Io supply room for
the immense display of painting, fancy
work, dairy produce, poultry, vegetable,
etc. The exhibit of horses and cattle was
excellent. Iu the baby show the judges
were unable to make my descriminstioe, so
the twice was awarded to the mother. Ex
c.Uent music w.. furnished by some good A
musicians. A. Craig, our genial wagon cud
cat ridge n:.,her, bad an exhibit on the
grounds ; also Robert McPherson, one of
Huron oo.'s bet harness oaken, bad some
hareem on exhibition. Mr. Geo. Mc-
Doaald had some of his famous Bluevsls
cheese no exhibition. About $33 will be
Riven in prates, less the espouses.
Frew our own corresposdeest.
Tee W Mr lam week.
'iia leaeel F.1 'Mow took pleas ea SN-
�, s it was '• del Me casae
111 earn el she baps were
se weed with sesame se every mese d the
term. sad wery wee
ajwyeeathlamwlp tmYag that
they had spat se11e
thew i the eute.m- e! a et empty.. . Tbe
Ihat the polities of Mts. (lore be referred
es the rend eager of SL David's ward.
ONTHE RUN. tThe wing suss .t• wore read mad.`
l fared to the bassos committee . Al.z
. $368&i sdw, 17.96 ; McColl Bros. t Co.,
Cabinet M1nLtt re sire, 56 ` T.
Vd"a, ~'�
The following oemmittee reports were
Made In Canada. read.
From the public weeks ownmlttee.
GitermiM ty,-- lour oommitt a have con-
sidered the application of J. ('. McIntosh
for a side walk in front of his store on
Wet -wt, would recommend that a wooden
side•wglk be put down for him under the
supertnteadseoe o: the street iaape:tor
by the uteri eoiployed by him, providing
Yr. McIntosh pay half the oust.
Sgd. Tune. C. NA,Tu.,
Moved by Humber, .000mded by Pod -
ham, that the report of the publtc works
committee be adopted. Carried.
From the market oommittee.
GgNT LMIN,-Your committee ha.c let
the eostract for re -shin liug the market
home, to Joseph Kidd his tender being
lowest, viz, 172.66. All of which is re-
spectfully submitted.
.iyal. now. J. Paj1.HAu,
Moved by Mittel, oecooded by 1 ate.,
that the report of the market oommtttee he
adopted. Carried.
Report of finance committee.
G[Nrs.zwzN,--Your committee have ex-
amined the following accounts and
mead their p‘yment
D. K. Strachan, 57.00 ; F. Smooth, 021 82:
Canadian Electric Light Co , 120.06: The
Boob Mt'f g Co , 170.00 ; U. C. Strachan,
16.30 ; C. Crabb, 169.44 • D. K. Strachan.
517.00; J. Kidd, 123.30 ; Goderich Star.
52-75 ; (Mo. Elliott, 13.50 ; F Belcher,
('Sid.) Wu. Pao.-nvoter.
Moved by reeve, seed. by Nicholson, that
the roport of the 6smnce committee be
adopted. tart .1.
From the specie; committee.
G1aTI.[wz, - \ our committee beg to make
the following recommendations :
That uo action be taken ou tie application
of the (;oderich ()roan Co. for exemption of
That the application of the Cadet Nand
for • grant of 1100 lay over to the first
meeting in llsr.•h n.•c
Sftd I'nan.rr HOLT.
Moved by deputy•reeve, ('ampIoio,
that the report of the special committee be
adopted. Carried.
Mord by Murney, sec. L)• Nsfiel, that
Mr. Halls be allowed to trail the report of
the special auditors on their audit of the
special account of the town. Carried.
Mr. Hall's report. -After • careful exam
inatioa of all the books, papers. vouchero
and accounts submitted to us we find that
the town treasurer is indebted to the town
ea the special account and through duplica-
tios as follows :
Order fib
Mrs. Robt. Sibbald is not improving any.
Alex Bruoe u having his hoose fixed and
Rev. George Lownee, of Moredeld, is via
itiag at J. 8. Tin.min's.
Some of the farmers an this vicinity are
taking up their turnips.
J. J, Musser, of Hamilton, wee visiting at
Wm, Mercer's Wt week.
T. Dann, ,f N'ii ham, was visiting hu
old friends around Rioevale.
Rev. Mr. Paul, of Brussels, preached in
the Methodist Church Wt Sunday.
Robert McHardy has purchased the bolus
occupied by John Wyman, from Rev. Geo.
Fd. Coultas, who has been lad up with a
Mine knee, was able to resume work ou
Robt Dunces sad Meter Alvin, who
have been visiting in Woodstock, returned
last week.
Quite a number o1 the good Templar* at•
tended the I. 0. G. T. concert at 1 ; tenaan.n
and report an enjoyable time.
room ear own dories*oodest
Miss Clara Stirling, of Garfield, Oodrich
township was the guest of her maim the
Mines Allen, let week.
Improvements are being male on the
kitchen of the post office dwelling house.
(;has. Morris and sta.'s are doing the work.
His gonial foreman we regret W learn, badly
hurt his fingers with the hammer. The
deep brumes made had to be dressed by
several uovaces of the sick committee staff
and are progressing nicely under their care.
Burrows' 1 eerie= Liner was in our midst
let week winding up the threshing herr,
with • north's work ahead in other places.
Grain returns hero are not as large as in
former years baring the pea Drop on Lane-
dcwne farm which turned oat about 30
bushels to the acro.
The dancing party at The Exchange on
Thursday evening let was a decided suo-
oess, mine host aad bootees, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Robinson, ably fulfilling their duties
to their gusts, and all present having a
Rood time. John Macauley and L. Currel at-
tended to the musical department with
their bows un the violin till the ants hours
of the morn.
IT t+ Tm[ow. Ov[ssoAaD, -Daring last
June in our items in Tee SIGNAL we not
that steps were being taken by W. F.
Young and others to have a new road .,,on -
s4 out to make • aborter and gt.,uker
route, to Dederick, and the new lice of
road would give the tsidees of that quar-
ter a great convenience to drive their cattle
to water at the spring creek that runs
across it about half way up the proposed
list. The township fathers have not se
ret made any report of their actino in this.
In their meeting about :he close of August
the bill came up for discussion and later at
the recent meeting held we see no record
about this new board, which if opened would
carry sway much commerce from our burg.
But the caimans of our burg may fear not Y
we think the matter may only sad in smoke
mina the leaders take the councilmen to
task on nomination day in December and
tell them that if they won't do what is
wanted of them new mss will get their "X"
ou election day. Who will promise to sup-
port the leaders in the great questiea
which s more exciting to tines interested
then the oomiiR World Fair of 1893! Also we
are told that Wm. Janes is on the move to
have a new sideline opened out from Rea -
miller to run into this point. If we hays
been mi@iaformd in what we have said
about the movers in the petition, and why UM
eoeetil did not make mention of it at their
•••tiara, we will Isar correction from any
fellow scribe, the champion, of the petition
can bring forth, for a friendly debate is
hearty ge.d •will, but not to to . round
et perusal ahem ageism each other.
• 0.r.Mr 0ewspesse Nees t p rhe rt1s•
ere.. that Led M .be iteHMn ed flea III
J. C. ralsevoa - 1i.. Drell *.etlrw
edam Small conservative reels ail eves
-S. J. k. Gore a. • l.Nrael nl./Mrr 1. the 8s 14.,14111.1..
Irmo The tit. Thomas Journal.
The arrest and co" inuttal of Robert .1.
K. Gore W stand his trial for perjury in the
late scandal tools at (:odericb auoplin •
chapter to that alrealylong story of wrong
which has been agitating the people
Huron for some months. This is somewhat
more important to the outside worldt ben
was the wretched story of the sandal itelf
which, eve it it were true, ass • local
matter which the oourte and the people
could adequately punish. With this cam it
s ow, no. The laws of the land can, and
wall, punish perjury, but what must be the
punishment for those baser criminals who
bribed this pooretch to swear away the
e_ employer, in order that •
y might elect a Cabinet Minister !
enough to steal M r. ('amentos 's votes
mender, not enough to bribe .
utrict by the corrupt expos -
of public money on the public works
lake shore county, not enough to im-
port the " heeler and tamp followers
' with the influence" front all over the land
to Good Huron with new bank notes and
bad morals. *11 these things were done
.ad would fail but • baser and more de-
vdsb plot was planned, and M r. Patterson,
in the big•wheejd chariot of scandal, rode
over the ruined character of his opponent to
a seat which be could not otberwia have
reached. The Ministers from Ontario
should feel proud of themselves. John
Haggart--well, be is simply John Roggen
and trot mach worse could be said of is�tt�1yy
public Irian then to compere bin. with Jltltn
Haggart John Carling sits morosely in •
seat stolen from Charlie Hyman. J. C.
Patterson holds his amt at such • price:
pland.r ret the public chest for harbor im-
provements ; bribery by wholesale in its
worst forms : the heelers orgaoersxl bribery
impersonation and fraud; the blaetiovo( the
reputation of • public mad by bribing his
gardener to swear to (abeeho is ; and now
the latest rumor is that Sir John Thompson
wants a mate for this precious trio, and
that the villianously-stuffed lista of East
Elgin are to be used to hoist Mr. Meredithint*
• seal which the honest and qualified voters
of the riding would uever eke. him, Mr.
Ingram being handed the oonemission of
postmaster and told by Sir John " that will
do. " The in this Lair land .re Cabinet
)diaster. made.
Gore, while in 1)etrot% made a.tatemeut
.hieh was filed in court, an.; ntwike l Ex-
hibit F., it having been declared to by him.
In the first paragraph he declares the story
of the Toronto World to be " false in every
particular." in the seamed ,pre
aregph be
says the interview Wath the II orld report. r I
was distorted and misleading, and says he
would not have "sighed or sworn to any
such statements as aro therein cootained,
had 1 kuown the Mtare and effect thereoi."
In paragraph tour he say. ; "I never would
have said or written • word against Mr.
Cameros bad 1 not been urged to do so by
the (conservatives of Goderieh, and promised
bricking up by them, in fact, I never had
any reason to do so." in paragraph five
he admits writing an anonymous letter to
:John Hargart Ithe reading of which is mid
to have made that honorable gontlenan
blush). In paraersph six he says that
"money was to be raised for mein Coderich
by the Tories of (;oderich, to lire.p me there
to worrMr. Cameron. ' filenames several
people, last of whom " told me to go
ahead inat Canieron and mid I would
gat all tee money I wanted." in paragraph
seven he admits his own criminality with
the Gordon girl, and in paragraph eight that
the Gordon girl incited the i -.mag girl to
Manning Camera. la the ninth and tenth
phs he exonerate Cameron ooms-
by the
Fuses ser own eerreseemileat.
RefarmerR ie thin ward will meet desks"
this week to mud is dsbjPtes to the esnm-
ieg Reform oo.vwties is Ooderioh ea the
Mi met.
Miss Janet Fatheragham, from Remo -
Geld, returned home Friday of kat week,
after a plenaaat emit to her sister, Mrs. A.
H. peltate.
Ceases NOM.. -Revd. Mr. )flask, ei.
H•ailte., formerly emm@eted with the
.herd lure as pester, pushed here last
Semday, .d is 11 be bree for severe! Mee -
days .widths" the melts of the to..iwg
Presbyteries .satin" a November.
DmNoy COW& -- Owing to the heavy
Mas daring Sunday. Wm. McCloskey, of
Porter's Hill, did .os come to address ..or
imparaec. gospel meeting is the ball. For
Seedy, the 30 inst. at 7 r. w. the Revd.
Mr. Fairbaire, of Duareentoo. will be the
upeaber. W. haps to se a goad •tiled•
fB.wb tram is* IMIs sale anis.
Th. " 8oslaght" Beep Co., Tomato, saw
the iellowleg prism every math till (artier
amino, bens ani glen Rader 16, residing
is the Previeee on(Oaterio, who seed the
Carpe�m�t awake of " Sunl' t " wrappers
a ; 9d. $6 : art, ii ; 4th, 61 s 6M
to 14th, a Waaeahe beak ; and a prMMy
panne to theme who send ase less thea 12
wrappers Seed weappar. to
Seep Odie, 41 Ss.wd.. Tereme , mf kW
time Molt of .eek cacti, and worked
" CempMtlta " i aloe give fell sae% d -
demi, age. Red member of Mr
alr'1 names "MI be pebbled km TI. Teem**
8.11 a fir* 1lsl.edmp ie math •em11. ly
d Atelt he preliminary hearing of the perjury
cltaage arsenal Gore, Mr. Cameron was
swore sad pus the whole aeandaloue story
as em tic dead, in which he was nip -
by the .videoe of his wife AU will
glad to know that the charges against
Mai were not Vas.
Mr. Cameron was • hard hitter in public
life -e dreaded foam es. It is to the lasting
diagram of the Tory party in Huron that
they purseed such a villainous plan to got
rid at any mom It is no lees $ disgrace that
Mr. Paterson should hold • amt obtained
by seek Inseam
1 3.00
" 87 3.16
" 122 15.00
" 175 186.62
.. 288. .. - - 13.35
/IALANr'm 111ILT on .smolt AL Act•ni'VT.
July 24 -Deposit in B. of C
)et. 2--
Oot 23--- " "
May 31 -interest.
Checks issued to persons
than town treasurer
Payments made am cheeks nosed
to town treasurer . ..2164823
Balance de town 221.13
Oa referring to the general account of the
tows. Dec. 31 1889, we find that the gen-
eral auditors then debit the treasurer with
a balance of 1301.28 due town from ep.cial
amount, while we find that the treasurer is
indebted to the town from the special ac-
count, 1221.13.
The difference between the same, vs : -
180.15, we presume is caned by the vosoh•
ors being more oomplete it 111 we awe
than the in the other.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Ste' HALL&,\ Auditors.
A. J. NAcuaa, J
Dedrrich. Oa. 21, 189E
Moved by Marney, seconded by Nichol
son, that report of special auditors be
adopted, and that the tremorsr he credit-
ed as mentioned in their report, viz :-
580.16 --Carried.
Communication from C. A. Humber in
reward to mistake made by the .ee.aeor, Mr,
Rafted. in the number of hie lot Lot No.
794 belongs to the Canada Co., sad the
taxes ea it were paid twioe, while the taxes
en lot No. 789 which belongs to Mr. Hum
her were paid but were credited to lot 794
lasted of lot 789, thereby making the
tonna int 794 paid twice by the Co. sad
by Mr. Humber while those on lot 789 were
Moved by Mersey, seconded by Yates,
that it be referred to oourt of revision
Moved by Pridham, seooseled by Cants•
Ion, that the matter of petting vide walk
on Were and Fast street., ant pre';isg
shale trees on the beach sea h 01 the eolith
pier. and between the north pier owl I•••e.k
water be referred to p uu:4k rwk., coo ..n't
t�jaar ,.�i.g of the animal held is
lila ()@osi (lambs, Friday, Oetoh.r 21st,
P,.s..t-11. Mayor in the chair, Reeve,
Depot ewers, .eodlleee (Minden, Mar
weir, (isaipios. Tb.mpeoe, Reid, Naftel,
Pridhwr emh.r, Yates, Wilms. Dunlop,
and Rh:hobos.
Minutes el last resnl•r wiestbeg red, ap-
proved and signed.
Petitions were read as follows . from H.
I. Strsaq asking the council for the privi-
leeg"ea el holding &uletic games in the Arrl-
eiltoral Park ea Friday, the 28th int., by
the students attending the Collegiate le-
Moved by Herber, seocnded by Mersey,
thh prayer of the petition be granted __
Frew A. B. Davison •skans for the re
minion a hie deg mt. Referred to the
moot.( twines.
Teem J. W. 8mieh asking der the ea of
the Apk lswrsl Park for the purpose of
holding mese ow Mab is*..
Moved by the deputy -reeve, .wooded 1 .'
Yvvssw@j,�, that the prayer of the petition he
greed& Carried.
From bra. R. Oere.eking the menet) to
greet her sense weed.
Moved by the rows, seesded by Wines.
see --Carried.
Moved by Hak, @seeded by Nicholas.
that the matter of pleas( the earth scrap.
c ap-
hp a the equate ee Me market be re
ferrel to market mmeeitw to report to
Tim eased Mee ai}weM,
este hurls SMreeeita
The please* ./sees aid lbs parte*
safety with whisk Adie .hay rte the liquid
fruit larstive, Syrup of Fico, nyder all era -
dittoes make it their tavern. reoady. It
is pl..siag to the s ad to the cafe,
.... M, yet ei .104 M tang ea the kid•
net 1, beer milli Medic lm
7 ws Rm*a& BID VII MIMI Jaa*ary let,
1894, for $1.00