The Signal, 1892-8-25, Page 117' 1gter 114 ,tv,r y. -, . 4_ _.
C 11101111111111 1IMI tSAJrITIP
• Ase •
ge sin ,taw- ti Date DOU AI)
• Ysaa, is ♦IOTAsia.
VOL. %LIV. No. 2375.
■ OM AT Ti tfATs
Or or ADVatte .
✓ wawa. Wei. lassoes Pi t
orRres Mt4 NM.e•- . $
Ms• dal. el Toes Pralleety-Clamaszi
MU k Har 1
mar ter tele - W Weir emit
eras ter ,Pale -J. EM d
bidodf wood- esu R amen Omnist
wag parent -t y t Tsm... i
ow owed -ha G. 8ml•LBrute.. t
Myo Wasted --Mia A• Msiaosio
t ism
diel--Ie o. eh maiDos at •A.
yv, tie rare ot Amur ug
dyv m wife of Harryu 1) la uodertee T� 01 led-
ragweed. et • daughter.
dye ltit -Is Whet. se le of chastise :Okmier. ownth,
ma �
w• od lot Jobs 111ee0sItem ea el •' lith,
Willis togey1, a Ass. .k the
wok d m .
Ss el ler.
g M. he the ed er
1 M
. U. itas ef a sew
►ALI.KNInt -InOrey. ea WdseM•r. Atte
tib u. wif.of Joseph Fall ser of • sou.
tCRS1LL-1s Adbl.1A Towisbtp. ea Wed-
eedar• tat .Cut to �d 0 ears.
wJ. of e%eogt+ l.'
haw oar own oorressoodeat.
Rev. It do. (.airdser, of Miles, Mich.,
me Male for a abort visit
MIa abut et Berlin, has bets She gam
d ea. Will, noble Imo
A party fm at Goderich pitons= es Pro -
art ('ark un Thursday lash
Ned Murray ha: reterneEbenes bait the
awe weere be was sen ed.
Thos. M.rttn and two •hildren, ol To -
pats, are visiting Meade Mee.
Yrs Hattie Edgecombe. el (,.towel. u
go goat of Capt Freesia S. A.
Mr. Brew s. Leedom, wee the guest of his
simm. Donald McKesrre lately.
Ms Attie !Daley, Mesl/rW, is visiting
Ms Whiddua at p,am&
L Parke, the polite magistrate of
Laelot, was • trimmest visitor bore.
The San Twitehel. el Clinton, .re
,Wli.e M.. Kate Hankie. S.uble line.
Lunge numbers drove in from Seatortb oa
Tkenshy a being that town's civic holiday.
homy 7loorboase took • trip to Port
Albert on his sailing yacht the Tar Board
Mies May Knox, who has been vesting
Meg :be London reed is... home !amt
Our reeve, 1.e0. Woods, met with an ac-
cident the other day( by Wlisg from • load
d peat
Mw Maud Middleton, of Goderich town-
dup. is the goer of Mrs. T. J. Marks •t
Mrs. Whitt. of Clinton, sad eon Harold,
if Toronto. are guests at the residence of
Grosse Matra, Sr., was hand at the
ihytie,'d vomitory on gamy morning.
Hs was E: years old.
Mrs Howell and ebildr a, of Hamilton,
n o bate often reseticating here for some
oeelts have returned home.
era. Phots, of leis. Mieb., returned
how alter a pleasant visit to her sister,
Mrs .Jan•ee Johnston. S..bie We.
Mw t:ertie H. 1'yrk*, Qael* nob was
t vpitor at the tomiarsdd hoeei, has re-
tuned home nisch lined ehh bar trip
Wa. Wheaton .ad wife, of hada, who
hoe heea the geest. of Mr. sad Mn. H.
F.Iti wards, have, ritstreed home after a
=maw vert.
Rev. J. Turnbull, wile sad ebild, mad
Mise silty steep. Toronto, have • estIsge
mod here for the Samar. They .peak
mil of Rayfield.
Rev. A. F. Tully, of Mitchell, with his
✓ ile nod family, and Mrs. McIntyre mad
Ura. Neil. of Ssaforth, are greatly enjoying
rap Me here at prwmest
Mr. )(abduct; with hisgaag ot ms are
spoly bnngrng the improvemste so the
14blic school to ottemplatien. The new
sheet while giving ample peel etts
progress will be at the samea ea era -
met to the place.
5rm.:ivanCHAIL-Dr. SMabary bypro-
wnd through a Hamilton gam a now sur-
e= chair of the mise mdwn dodge It
k elab.rstely canoe= with ins eseo,
Sitio the metal adjustments are dlvarplsattowl,.
Hs will so doubt be a 'Mashie madfttiea
lir the surgical department of the Dr's
Oa Sabbath moneksg ladyRev. J.
?emboli, formerly of Itaiderisii but sow el
?aceto, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's
awe eloquent �dies.tsn. mwennmesh
mat ie evshg lies. A. % TiMy 01
*betel', filled the seen pulpit and will iso
tem Sabbath meoalar nut
Pim ear owe ee fit
♦ amber of the firmer have the.shed
eta their Fall wheat had oompbiim that It
In tet turned out very well
ARalsbuye,n are sumo waned bane.
Thee m a good crop of apples and nearly
NI Ise been twilight up at Med Prism
bie area= ben are
� karmlad gen M As snarly �all ebur
hM hen have the Gabor side of
�ye ars it leaves the eta faits short sl
We understood the HemiedcQQty P1-
Hai hides red gimUi.u.had a
son owrpaa et
chosen phis rad heavy drink -
ear lsot ' "� h.dap»ting We week.
reins v their t One esseplais .tah��saewt�lpMslead were
not hed their eisrly
Ink Om lose set to maygrom1. swan .arlw�lent.t
the Meld alum, lea ahs weather
a' +woe Israsi be rebore a a is
. r �xy.asa, eb Messes dssuka,
t , SiWt Mkc of the aslawal teeth
elniedeas4 a' wales. self.. tit Po A a
A Nswnq Orbit Obtained !Poe
the County '[UL
A toddy BIssst et Ussery Mws Mews/ se
es *MI averyledy-PIM sod hast !laps
esti and teatien•ed Press every aeetls.-
TIs Cream et tie Coaly Sews Is mem-
CWanss et Me Mead eel Seel sews
mems Orem ser Loral £sel.m ..
Wiagbam : J. Ui.sley'e well-known posy
1•e ecocumbd to en attack of ufi•mmstiee
Wingb•m : The voters' list for the tows
are einied,t a total number of voters ea the
list is 774. Total number qualified to servo
as jurors 346.
Seafurth : Brosdfoot & Box ere having
thea establi•bmeit lighted by electricity.
They will have their own pleat and run it
wall their own power.
Clinton : J. A. En menton, who has been
at Sarni• for some time, has returned to
tows .ad goat into partnership in his old
Menem with N Krona
Seatorth : William Ireland who works
in Ogilvie's mill met with • painful accident
• few days ago. He fell while carrying •
bee of grain, talar* his knee.
Clinton : Teamster Wheatley was sward -
ed the oontr•ct of graveling the Hsy/sY
road from the railroad to Ib. bitiegiug
limit, the price being $140 per Mime
Seatorth Dorresce & Surma haw ap-
posed of 111e well known N ire 'tallies.,
which for several years have been in
Whitely's livery. They .re now owned by
Mr.E. Christie of Exeter.
Stator* : 11f.s Maggie McIntyre, wooed
daughter of Mr. John 1icl.tyre, .tel prapb
pun has left Mitchell .ad gone to
to 03 rri , where she has secured • good pos-
ition is the post otos there.
Clinton : The Brendon Board of F.duca-
tiou bs. made an offer of 11800 • year to 8.
W. Perry, of Kincardine, formerly of Clin-
ton ColIs� , to take charge of the Brut
des scbooL Mr. Perry has the offer ander
Exeter: Tbe genial laadloed of the Com
menial, T. W. Hawkahaw, was neatly
married to Miss Aho. Murdock. of Lucite
A. J. McTavish, of Exeter, ectad as bast
man, while Miss Ida Menials, of Lama,
supported the bride
Seafortb : C•ptati Loftus Stark, a well-
knowu Se.torth boy. will take part is the
meeting .t the barrack. next Sunday. He
will spend a week or two an town before
taking his position ea scribe secretary of the
!salvation Army in ('hatham.
Climes : Ed. T. Holum was in North
Bay last week, and east Messrs J. C. Dialer
and George E. Pay, both old Ctistsiw,
who seem to be progressing ; A. C. Ot horn,
editor of mac of the papers there was
formerly on the•m Timss.
W mgham : W. A. Mo lymst returned
from Grand Rapids, Mich., on Monday,
Any. 13, accompanied by his son ('.torp,
h,�o is yet m weak frothe effect" of ty.
Iliad reer. However, /Wage se recover.
lag nicely eines jtis return home.
Wroxeter : Wm J obsston, of this place,
wee oommittd to Goderich Mil on Friday.
last for stab • man named Cameron.
It appear that Cameron had bought some
furniture from Johnston and resulted is •
quarrels Cameron was stabbed in his own
hoes while reeding • paper.
Varna : John Yaow departed this life on
Saturday, the 13th inst. at the admitted
age of 76 years, at the residence of hie see -
in -low, Geo. Asdsrnoa. Mr. Foote has
boa • rssldest of the township of BtasMy
for nearly fitly yenta He was • m•s of
.terIMg primmpas, • fieri in polities tied
a perms well versed is tbm qus.tisae of the
day. He wee • great reader, and was pens -
owed of mss, thea ',Misery imtellig.m.a
Loakaow : For many years iPbile G.
Wleito, of Leekmow, was • well-known
ehareeter in Riese and Hors eematiss,
known es aueltiweer and v.r.
Wray years ago he my
Iw latMy been aeserteined that he died
within • resat year in 1h111•ran, leaving
a estate vaned as about $38,000. It has
eats haremed to over ,000 and the
mostbly rental of the estate is over $330.
Colborne : Joe. Fowler, 6th Dae., ace of
the pioneer settlers, met with hie death
is Saturday in $ very simple yet mammal
messes. He wee sitting s the top of •
fess kespieg ea eye en some heron aha
were lc the Said, hard •Me.ptf g M get
eamo him forward ea his lase ; hie toot caught,
savsrte�.wl died fitly after.
was wife and family his
?sats •
te MUSK W .heath. He
woe about 66 yens of algia
Hallett : ♦ yaw.. nen named Alla,
.he was welbg with by neon Goa Alla,
a the 11111 eta, met with his death a
BNeda� nlinung 1311 an. He west into
to .late M leen a tam to be mod as
tbe reaper, went inn ihe
field to inns Mini d.
rowed. Not brining
the team a otpmst•d, same oat mat to the
mashie sod fwd the young man lyielg is
the Meer. oeeocsence, with • large wend
skirl ewer Sha tempi•, evidectly .mused by
• kat keen acre o/ the hors= He sever otm.dwwsse sod did sou after.
H. was • steady, ad.sriooe yang fellow.
Chea New Tent: Tann Cat eon -We
love before ae • opt of the !few Ira .4
Avant Iliad. 11172- ty tan age -end
••n. over i pore Ikea p Is the T
nontlri haw when
aberw•L The mems of Brews t Owes,
Ther al Bates, Jens R C 1L
Areh/beMd. D. Poem. 0. C Delia. W. Me-
lba., and 0. 17IA1. weir messg the d-
vertieeneea, met ewe et wino le tome mew.
M. O. Omer=... Thee areaway were
...► ether is berth fetus t Mr.
and 0.r... Mena were
s�s� r en
fur Oenor H Ind the sienna
ts0.r H.b.eTanen gni tlsnee-
`.e, hminad a the .Helie. of fIs NIL
hers tar ewe e•rwtpsieat.
Assl.m..ry .ry .. dunk w0l 11.1eipk•M b
Mab Tadd 10th of Ag .l. Rev. A. F. Telly.
el Idito1ell, .Ul prgsoh samivereery ser-
vices or the Mtl. et 2.30 r. r. and 7r.*,
and will also give • =tare os " The
Pyramid. at }: ypt" on the 29th. I,s
Dullest : .a et 6.30. Admiesiom 96
teats, child:es 1.. Data
Frgm oar own o.rnrpo•dent.
Tama. Mdiillicvddv. formerly etl
Ooderi.h, who has plot. 1 a repatutien a
Toronto and obmwhere a $ sce.msid
letterer, has been secured by the Baptist
S. S., Wimeiaas to deliver oof his
hsetar-" ss. ad Heart "--on Thursday
evening. The metropolitan newspapers
speak very highly d the leetore.
From ~own earmemab -1.
Miss Alice Hawkins was • successful cat.
didate at the recent exam for third class
certificates held in Goderich.
We would like to Doll rho •atentioo of
those laving authority in such matters to
the disgraceful ooaditios of Wotan/icon
street in this v' -that is that portion
of it between the I yet hotel, and a short
di ti, oe Wooed the north end of H. Ot-
wsy's store. What with uncovered drains,
broken and otherwise dilapidated bridge•
over raid drains. Sod embankments, etc.,
life and property aro not safe, particularly
altar dusk. It would be extremely advis-
able to attetr1 to this matter or the council
may have to stand • gait for damages.
r ewe eorrwrondsL
'Then an three bicycles is this village
slaw, two safeties and a high wheeL
R. Lang Ma almost completed Ethel
bridge and it is now parable for teams.
He has made • very good job of it
Quite • number in this locality availed
themselves of the cheap trip to (ioderiob
lest Friday. They all had • good time.
Chris Rckmier, Charlie Stubbs, Jno. Mc-
Callum and J. C. Hefferma., wear brood
smiles, each having been the recipient of
thousand dollar "check." presented to
Goon by their wives. See birth notices.
Spring grata isripening very quickly and
wit's good weather for • week more will be
harvested. Some of the farmers have com-
menced to plough for wheat and we have
heard that one Tanner sowed his wheat on
the 6th of this month.
Some of the fall wheat in this vicinity
has bees threshed, and yielded better then
was anticipated. The sample is not so
plump as that of lit year but is considered
very fair. Moses Henry had tine acres that
yielded 156 bushels, and D. Badgely nine
acres that turned out about 256 buabda.
rano our own carreeessdent
Mrs. Sparse, of Goderich, visited friends
here this week.
The thrasher's whistle and the chimes of
the school bell nowadays hasten up motion
in the homesteads and disturb the sweet
slumbers of the fair sex in the morning.
A New Ramos. -The township fathers
of Colborne have put up • genuine new
bridge over the creek, near the temperunoe
hall, putting in all new timbers ,the Dos
tractor a=d Wilde, was Geo. Calvert, of
tihesp.rdtea, John Horton being Inspector
of work for the township.
Tsrrseaties Norex. -Owing to the late
beresvesaat by drowning in the family ot
Revd. J. IL Howell, ll. A., during last
weak in Goderich, be was unable to be
present at our gospel Sunday temperance
meeting on Sunday afternoon end no meet-
ing was held, but on Sunday evening, the
26th inst., J. S. Allen, of Goderic►, will be
the speaker, anti the first Sunday in Sep-
tember A. J. Moore, B. A., of ch. High
. stool will address the meeting. Time of
moan( La be 7 P. r. Quite • number of
hymn bookn have bee got so that all pre-
ssed ems take • part 1n the sionair. Come
rise, tome all
Fsem our owe emrmgdst.
Mr. Siler, wbe has been very ill for seve-
ral days, is sow emavlri.est.
Mies inure Potter, who bust been i11 for
sena days, is now able to move erosnd.
de* n are ssmuons barefoot bow.
$1.60 -per berm i offered for winter fruit.
T. C Piskard has parth•ond the village
in apes whin; tbe Hoer hotel formerly
stood for the ism el $600. We Mere it is
his intent= to ergot buildings ther.=
wittiest delay.
No liege endbmsat wee ceased out Mon-
day so lout when it wen knows that
are. Jeb el the Maita.d, had
hats bur bee* farewell. at the nes times
teilleg *es 51p 10t Li to drown berself.
The bwriluml. who esers weridas is the Geld
is the alseesse taw i ging towards the
river sad parsed atter her, bat no sew-
ed the woods on the beak of the river, se
amend by beg teaeka, and tins evaded ;lm.
Tido was slam
l msta33 r... Semen was diHseat-
ymade ▪ id elsewhere, int with wt . the weeds. ail. Night
=nag w they gave ap the stanl, deter -
mated to emeno the river mere carefully
be the .stag, .Y.1 mild, when one
el the .huts= ems be the liver
whit the pasdmg ▪ that their
wether was be the span bed. She had evi-
dently ...oaks
no eight
sad mewling in threceitowheow, ion=
these seen magemal
m..a ny Prima fie then sad ants.
The " BesligM " MetttUa, Tmgcae,r
tbe IoB.waprim g peevery .e.4k Mil farther
seise, to boys and girls wader 16. residing
a tis Preens, a Oster* who seal the
oreaten .ember of " g..Yghe " wrappers
1s11, $* ;EA $6 i anis Oh 4th. $1 i leb
te 14th, • h_.dse.s beet i end a peaty
sisters l ..1e toad net ram its. 11
shop liOnet 1. Besse 1"T :Bet
tis. eek .1 wenb♦i.5511, give a,7�Ner
dank mg% .■i":n sloe
amtia souse wM >. ▪ T.r.b
WB es Bet OalMieft Mr semeh. • 17
ARE FEEBLE. Inas • .. Nr Madsen •• WAS VERY RANK.
The 111.10sueabl. Baokdown of
Last Wek-
resod Tery J.sraal. ell.sssM! wale •
craw =.leag'abased A
Taw Telegram. fiat "had Ile .tapldIIy
te ran se die face! Plata., aid gloat bad
Me cowardice M r.. away - A Pear ....w -
lag ler Canada.
Prom The Toronto Saturday Night.
It would be interesting to hoop with
whom the individual members of the Con-
servative Cabinet at Ottawa associate
They could not recently have been moving
about the streets whore the average citizen
expreese.l faith in the courage of the •dmin-
istr anion : they could Dot Lave (requested
those public plums where newspapers may
be had, tor the entire press, save two or
three snivelling sheets among whom even
The l mpire was ashamed to be seen, could
not ..outemplate an abandonment of the
Cenaaian position in response to a threat
from Washington. But that they Dame on.
der some emasculating influence in their
scattered resort*, and assembled for confer-
ence se spineless • group of frightened brag-
g•rta as ever misrepresented the sentiment
of a country u painfully true.
Of that Cabinet we were justified in expect.
ing better things. From the old mem we
might expect wisdom, from the young ms,
spirit, and in such • case as this wisdom and
spirit speak with cos voice. The gray-haired
ministers might well be supposed to res,
through the eyes made shrewd with age,
that Harrison's worst attack on u would
breed • sure uprising along the American
lake fronts, and that thereafter the Presi-
dent would forever renounce a weapon that
disembowels the one who wields it. The
young men in the ministry might well be
expected to respond to the strong currents
of yonthtul strength, and take • stand
ag•aist yielding to an unjust threat, ready
to suffer • trifle if need be to assert an inde-
pendence that is being studiously assailed
within and without. NVhere was the tar -
reaching wiedomAf Sir John Abbott, that
men who snooessfully disguised himself in
mediocrity until he was three score sad ten,
but whom, in the last few months, we hare
been taught toas one of the greatest
statesmen on earth' Where was the buoy•
ant youth of old man Bowels, and where
was Haggart, ;he man whose murky atmos-
phere we are required to breathe because of
his vigorous abilities ! And young Tupper
-the young man's representative in office,
and Ouimet, tbe oolonel of grim and unre-
lenting visagt, and Chapleau, the same who
made the Rhode Island speech, which lova
urs of patriotic eloqusoce have pasted .1..
scrsp-books-hare not these, and
the a
e Satter, belied in deed the haniihood •.t
their spoken wads ! And Sir John Thonip-
son, too, though his soul occupies • clay
too cold to permit it to reach an heroic ley
el, has be not prod as a Tory Mackenzie
who knew right from wrong and would
stand with adamantine firmness for what he
interpreted as right! He might err in
judgment, they my, but not in intention,
and so firm that nothing but blasting pow-
der could move him from his position, and
then only in fragment* and by degrees.
Were we tome him run away when
Harrison a him get out of the path !
The party once had • Sir John who could
save the country from being humiliated, and
had be lived forever this pitiful and ezae-
persti.g moment of our history would never
have arrived. He world have seen what
sly the blind have failed to erne, that Har-
rison would maks capital bytamping at es
in election time, and be wouM either have
abdisbsd abs rebate Dix months ago, or be
world have braved himself and the country
to maintain • peaitioo that had been damn
deliberately. But as The Telegram says,
this ministry, these pigmy esocemore to •
man, ' had the stupidity to ran .t the Uni-
ted States and the aowardke to run awn
Oar Government has made itself
mean and ridiculous by a pins of babied-
tbe-bask bravado, et esaltifg tip -teed v.11.
took to its heels the e retsick
mane paper. is braise, the logical ms g .1 .beholder the ,intro
in answer to Harrbsa's treat ' Evw+rryy
(haadise," it says, " through the ds.saMe
=of ba own Oevesionna. is to be
M the United Mane Jo, burglar
wire simply tasked the ao ng. so get .way
with /he he save$si The laws d
amiest�ea *veronica sation render a as -bba-
est Qaeadlsa. fnlimgp." While I an abet
it I may as well spa • sesames from Tbe
News . '• pint l■ a series of manes= ludli-
atiens cant for very shame's sake,
will east of a saea.-Iity that is but a bol-
lowAad . .ran
it s� Dep eon-
. heniion
ft i bh.the alleged result -
iimmesh= st.d eswoedly piney M this j..etura "
irma our ewe emmgsdsaa
Ms Reba 4Sbhald is en the sok list. •
Wthe .! we�,,� see=Rasiay ands,
dell the fanniesle this a.alty have
The applle hewers Dee s.eesd baying the
fan sea whaler apples.
dared Reim D..
~ oas-
Aaa. (leaky. of the lith ---.anise, Mor-
ris, Sud ysd.s Jobs Ooe4Ver'a
Mien Mamie Shelties, elm rho bah ewer
ells. Berrie was bar on rssd•y.
Senn M.Hanty net with a =k severe
sodden d�dlass weg..oder She ikr g
1 e to gel r"aft. sell IL
•e bin
Pious oar own oorrwposdee6
KOCLom.xn.-Aa- -()avian service in Ers-
kim Month hen to Sabbath evosisg, the
Mab, oseammeisg at 7 o'clock P.m.
FIM( W LNTY[L rots Hwayserriso. -
Wester .till very favorable for harvesting.
We prams* thea the greater part of the
crop is ,seared and In good shape. Thresh
tug maohues aro in full blast in this neigh-
borhood. Every farmer is very busy.
Coreoze 'tn Tri -noel IS Pyosis s 'mexet
-Olive Crawford, daughter of B.J. C'r•w-
ford sad Clara Soldiers, daughter of
Stepbsa Mothers, on Musday haat entered
auto the ranks of our public school as
graduates We bops they will be sumer
al as they grow older. They are about six
years old.
AasIS.:. -- Ft Finnegan,
Crewe, Ashfield, has just secured (but not
as yet threshed, although be will shortly)
two kinds of Fell wheat known ea red claw -
mo and volunteer, from which b all appear
coos he anticipates to have upwards of
thirty bushels to the sore. The samples in
the sheaf aro excellent.
Misses Corrie and Alias Whyard daugh-
ters of .Jas Whyard, have returned home
atter having for some two or three weeks,
been visiting relatives and friends at Tees -
water and other points. They report hav-
ing had • pleasant visit, but we presume
they like Dungannon above and beyond all
places where they have visited.
DIVIr.1oe Cotter. -Division court was
held here ue Saturday, 20th, Judge Doyle
presided. The level fraternity was
ranted by E. Campion, Q.C., of (:odsir ,
sod Hugh Morrison, of Lucknow.
court was light there not being many anti
of •tnv importance. We are informed there
were light courts in the whole county.
Rory emelt Hums. -Mrs. Carrie, wife of
Revd. J. Cirrus, incumbent of the Episco-
palian church hare, arrived home the
Latter put of last week after having been
on a visiting tour to feLtivn's and friends
at Loudon and vicinity. It. will be pltoeing
to the relatives and numerous amends of
1dr. Carrie to know that he is somewhat re-
covering from his recent illneas.
aim. -We have been informed that Miss
Maud Whyard-she is but 17 years nett
October, --daughter of our popular and much
esteemed citizen, Jas. Whyard, and George
Uurnin, sou of ('has. ()orlon, of West Wa-
wanosh, have been successful an obtaining
second -clams certificates at the recent and
difficult examioaiios of candidates for teach-
ers. Also that Mies M.ggie Wilson, of
Dungannon, daughter of the late Richard
Wilson, and Hugh«yon, son of John Ry-
an, Ashfield, have suooseded in obtaining
third-class certificates. All of the above-
o amed graduated at Dungannon public
school except the latter, who graduated at
No. 1 Nile school. We, in common with
all other we1I.wishers of the young people,
heartily congratulate them in their success.
CIVIC HOLIDAY. -On Nedneoday of last
week quite s number of our prominent and
esteemed residents and others in this
vicinity spent the day in Port Albert.
Among them were B. J. Crawford, wife and
family, Misses Mary Anderson, Ethel
Wheeler, of Lucknow, and Louisa Hough-
ton, also R. C'lendesaing, who although
an elderly gentleman is brim full of
vivacity, and fun, Wm. Berry, and the
popular Bert Treleaven. Owing to some
unaccountable causer the early train to the
Port did not ranee in time at Dungannon.
However as they were bound to get to the
Port for • day's recreation, the Dungannon
'bus was engaged. They report having bad
an enjoyable time, especially in having two
or three tripe on the lake. in Captain Mar-
tine beautifulacht. They are loud an
their praises of the captain for his geode.
manly demeanor, also for using his very beet
e fforts to make then happy. So muob so
that they intend to visit the Port again in
future. Others of our caissons
.pent the holiday as seemed best to them,
mod according to their various inclinations.
Throe Ininysnnon civic holiday for 1892 is
now cumbered with ire predeoessors, hoping
that the next will be stall more enjoyable.
The weather for the occasion was all that
could M desired.
V strottn. -Mrs. Wm. Shell, of Rock-
ford, Illinois, U. 8., and three children,
and Edward Frankish, of Mstreal, have
been the roost* of Mr. and Mrs. W. McAr•
tour. Mrs. 9hie11 sad Mr. Frankish are
sitter and brother of Mn. $sArtbur.
b�yenjoyed themselves vary much .hilt
and commented avor&Wy on our trio -
lag village, the only and most important
requirement being railway .000.mcs1s:los
144: Dungan= as one of the foremen
the Prowlce of Ontario. R
Thompson and Miss Nellie Hoktees, col
B1rwthroy. serompamied by Joe. Thane=
and hie shpt, Mw Jeanie Theta., vibe.
by the way, is a teacher is eyl�A kiuiergatr-
teo sAeol at Bodeen, visited mostly
Mn. Thomson, of our villa.., a the 1.-
.1 Nn week. They, sr doubt. m-
ad Iva. to their satlates.=
aster Robert Cloedinimg, of
Dakota, sod formerly of 1)asgpamcas is the
g,ast of B. J. and Mrs. Cr. at= one
1. visiting former Meade and sespemtlea
He states that then have bels gross a Im-
pewvamwta made la De n.= sines he
nh .bat eaves years .go, and tet 1. is
doing well, where be i {Dotted. The ell -
mate oat Mort seems to agree with 1im, es
he leeks the pieta. of good heal* .. .
Master (Merge Hart, .1 Teamster, le wait -
lag ka anon, Jai Whyard,
t�eestx .sd to all appearance is
awesomely (horgo
d T. 1111.11, .be a sew
reddag a M_dI ., sod Wise recently
slip/si sale haus. se Mssdtab., hes re-
m=tarad'.to this pea el basimesa .... Miss
Tilley Oen sed for hostler. Albert, d Dad-
Hebeiansh, the beilmi p et Nie wash
Jas sod badly.... Revd
R T►iehea.e 1a Weft left here es
Illsolay, Mind roues ler MOODS
toner and petits to visit relatives.
Meade sod agssate---s, has to egs�or
an We haslet Ws whir We awl 1salij .
pl-eat tear had tab More
The em.Beme bawd .t the Jon. Mille
W Oalhe ap owe atsmemparade
The Impure Wells In 81- An-
drew's Ward.
Alf. au.giam Tall. •5raigl1 wet t■ e.eet.
Sus About Ube Ials.dllre Mar t. ale Nate-
Myr+• .f taw Ward Wef.asea/. There
Is tenger et Pe.Uleare If tle Tows
weer r• etas pt I■ -every Part .t tee
Teas ■! let Ile Muse ('lase..
Alfred Bingham walked into Tug Si.:NAt.
office Wednesday last with a I.rga bottle
tilled with • filmy -looking liquid which he
averred w -as • .ample of the well water in
he section of the town. It wasn't aqua
puna- -it was aoytning but that. It was
strong enough to knock out John L Sari -
van in the first round, and was decidedly
oR-color as au invigorator. It was, as Alf
expressed it. rank enough to have oome out
of the Nest -et sewer which Tut Sa: V AL
inveighed against last week.
Continuing, he said, 1 brought five bottles
to the Lawn .wuacil over tux weeks ago, so
that the members could see for themselves
and cute, too, it thea saw fit. Since that
time no action has' been taken, as the Dom•
mittee reported that it would cost 41,400
to Isy the service from Stivem i "dead end"
M the locality which WM Milt it w much.
A year ago seven hom..helders a the street
to my place signed to take tie town water
it the service was put in.
Now, said be, it couldn't possibly cost
$1,400 to put in that service, and eves if it
did, the people in that part of the town
have as much right to get it as have those
who live in any other part of the town. We
are toed for our share of the cost of con-
struction and the running expenses. .vnnect-
ed with the waterworks pleat, and the
danger from pestilence it of as great
couaaluence to us as to any other part of
the population of the town.
So long as we are inside the corporation
limits, he went on, we have • right to the
Loot value for our lues that it is passible to
get, and it is of greeter importance that pure
water be furnished to the ratepayers than
that sidewalks should be built where they
are no more required now than they were
twenty years ago. At the meeting where
the petition for the water servies was re-
fused, a report was adopted recommending
that • plank sidewalk be laid to tbel :rwmmr
school at a cost of $100. $100 was Mee
granted to Newfoandlaod for the relief of
the people down there when no relief was
to be given to the suffering ratepayers at the
southwest end of the oorporatiun.
It is a crying shame, continued Mr.Bing-
ham, how our portion of the town is treated
and toe councillors and Reeve who live in
our ward as't deserve much credit for not
seeing that St. Andrews a consi,tered es
the other wards. Lest year an expenditure
of $P was made on our street, but this year
nothing is being done ,although the corpor-
ation "fiddlers' have been engaged picking
weeds on some of the pet streets of
the town. The fact is, we are run
by • one man power in this town,
and if you are not in tow with
the machine, little or nothing con be dose.
I have left • bottle of this staff with iJr.
Taylor, the health officer, for analysis, amd
I hope to pt his report soon, so that •
further effort Dna be made to get justice
from the town council for our ad.
(hem our own cerre.rioident
Mr. Whitely, of Londsboro, was the
guest of hie sister, Mrs. Robt. Quaid, Inge
Mrs. Whitely, who has been visiting for
some time at I.ondesboro', returned loins
daring lest week.
Not going home after school bell had
rung 4. r. It.. ose of the urchins osaesd
some Mere wader the parental roof tree,
which was rather hastened Sy the report
that the led bad gore down to the lake.
This gave the paterfamilias • long walk of
three mi les, mad mot Stiles him returned
hoe, but stimesehadm. y ♦ =mbar of
in the sauna, bat no
trate e? the id e.sld be hand moll M
t.nmud es his 1 • a
ewe amount lar
ante through
repeat die pmeremarw oa
will m
Tess Annan Loma -Inn ssei weeds
on arming sommuaity as greet the Inn
.misname ot the sew tbroebiag od a t, -
neatly pesuboed by Oeo. Barrows, of bhsp-
pmrdtas, kern the lawyer & Mammy
of Haab= It is a complete new raw with
every msiera wpre .most tie age of
menses sew an hest a the m.nfeet r-
i7i Sia pea ewee of • new ;Moak le bbstios sons% whin; is s
=sang awe of the threats( slash gave
soma 11tH Mashyis the eummag. sod
the Sam L the Ambtious City comm had re-
pressatmYw ef its skilled wean= b pmt
t a fiat unmet 140[1. Allhm ws here
as Smaoriy mad the day preemie palling
it a masa/ gear .ed aft it to the
full smaitlrIka of Its interprets' par -
Meier. Tim latter deserves muel pais.
for the interest he takes in trying •iwmy.
to keep up hie end in tie threshing line,
end we don't bink arty of hie fellows ams
now compete with hint Two little .beets
w os either sides of the 6riav door of the
satinet Pon es • Hale teak mad the other far
• ...reuse alas& This Yoram year J. ol, et
Pert Albert,
esmlstord by L�CarrdogaA.►Mld. �fmg�
be they nee pmt tbremth emirs oma d
Fen whom sad • big stet of ems, wad,
weather end mem working is good tame.
Thewhat tared ems twcny -uvea b nhetk
to the we Thee. Often seal Ana
ler ewerybsfb, needy will rivet =Hoe
• vial cif iia Mil .t Ws MOM Dad ma
way wi* year mane the pawl= rose le
=aced le ewe a Otarie.