The Signal, 1892-8-18, Page 7• THS &SIQIIhAL : Gt00ERI011, QZi'i'.. TIIURBDAY, AUGUST 18, 1892. 7 1(4IN• T. ACHESON Ili CASRMBRE ROSE 1 A full assortment of our famous linewith Double Knees for Children. pECIAL RIBBED LINE FOR LADIES In 8 1-2, 9, and 9 1-2 inch, at 25 cts.; regular price of this I i is 35c. IPECTION ifivretco. JNO. T. ACHESON. b 1 1 CAN USE ANY WRITING INN. tiaS y ...O d 4,1 d el 40 to WI 1 'l 4 o y 1 d W H >i co r W ▪ 1e s W 43 Q 02 6 1EMOVING HIS BACKBONE. .warred "'arta Tate■ Oen - tt "e taeaaa.leg R.. WWU use. e Passaic physicians have performed • LeBow operation on Jobe Hackett, the ie eleetncmar conductor who was fi- ts a Allem last weak. theyi spine wee bsdly injured. His extremities were numb said .stuns physicians who attended him at the declared "tat could r resod ern: To tneir • he miner anti .bowed Was of improve- ros.ultation wan held Friday night. esu decided that leis only bops of m- y lay in an operation. Be was thee d on a table and pot under the imam of morphine. A long cpoeitt. wee nab the backbone and the mud ver - were caret;.ily ezmni.ed. Five w -s I to he splintered sad fractarsd. They hes i ily on the .pleat cord, which wee e d and iltscolored. e operators decided that it emelt be to retro%e the fractured vMebrs. sed vied In ',compliant( Mb deka, sr m. The patient was esauudtated with - viscera had remit. He is mid to be meg e physician' who per'smed the opera - were itrs. Terhnse, Randal, Via hip - ties and Terhon.. Tae atSNsr s nateeme. 'editor sat in leie onoe *hair, kis shoes patched, his dish,s threadbare sad iu looked weary sad wort erbk carr. k sadly thiskia at bests— Net, old ses slowly rowed hint crept ad be- he - kaew it be eoadly Wpb i mad .lamp beeine,f that be mu dead ale fru. Me sed tori hie mirk" bad fad, and trot a cowbell tolled for the weeded net ■ cowhide .ole. Aid as he leeched eg the .hula" that as eke and twee h is ✓ ►sok., he shortly abaarvsd em bee • that creakingly hangs a Mage ist the eatrance was ekes/ with • rad ted `latae himself, owed pespi.t est mr for travellers there shork and the. V Pa.iav .atter spat. t "Cane is .y rot shall mat yea - .i .d thi in the piece I emit the sees who w gay their obsaripti a ler et r life tyy may sweeps, %bay' 1 Aad . they're dead it's set Ms bar. I will It od trtM w�p pparsewhereeeIlush tie. tibia sad I condie "re I ca.their beads with s of tie, akes • ale melted leach, ad If el .d s.h- r they only limit, ghees dies tiler ` to debt : w het b sit here base, and nit hot b' wear tut ; sad if -bey mention they deft fine s� P their maths wwilnkkwereea Kest del tarsi IdNa ovvir1b NM wtf- kale." Utht kle .p p Is saber webs wed `lett Mel it uses, the kwme ;''' v iamb, and phi _les all a dream, �i Ms of tifia�. who Mab tit sed sewer pap the prlater. pn$P Alto CAau01►.. nta...ani ssrt.w4 asnrsavw55.ses tn...a.. The .sung bled hates the oast red a nsnc► 55 Nes ban dna. • art .. paeratias be .,lore mit bl Artier tee the d l7 Meade het is reesemmedail nisi - hub • Ms bu Pw+iisnes, It. 1., bee ham asmkir. shesateiy. for 100 yes.. Ata Paris fair a pries was awarded te the was with tee magi •io•atema .a ml abb. The oet.try .bout Norfolk, Vo., Lit Feat pausal prod.sdag aoatrs at the wsr� Expoditioa Island, of the onset of •r.. treks, bas el.terioaakT disapps.rsd from view. Of the 82.369 prams taspriaoagd in the United ltaas for crimes 6.t "year, 7.367 were =cyder.,.. Workmen ars net allowed to work oa the streets i. New Bedford u.kaa they have bees eateraljped. og the livor aid bowels t y ism jod oior..D w of Mahood Pilo, they ere psr.ly vegetable- is Heaters .ear Cab lags, P., aro excit- ed over • ..ow -white deer sew several times recently fa the nts.atadas. The baby clothes mark by Ma. Job. Ad- ana for her eat, Joh. gamy Adams, win be exhibited at the World's Fair. The ossa, of tali., jest completed, shows that aosatry to have a population of 0,000,000, • gain of 11 per sat. over 18- 81. As ice yaoht has travelled a rills 1. la. 10s., • running horse in la 334., • ter - heat in lm. 60e., • stemms yeast is i a comber with the following alphabetical rhyme, dssetiptive d the inebriate's ezperi. saw gins abohoL The dears says be Waned it from • patient, • young mar of ability end fine meal perceptions, bats cos - finned drunkard. whose .yes would areal with tears se be recited this graphic deavip- tios of his own downward career : A stand. for Aloosd : deathlike hie gap ; B for Betdnasr, who takes just a nip, C for Cyd- tike owe hi. on : D for the Dames el drink that is horn S for lydsnser lie maks to reset, F .ads for Friend. who so loudly Jriedst G for the Guilt that he eftorwaeds feels : H for the Horses that hang at hie beds ; I his imitation to drink not at all ; J .t.ods for Jeering that follow. his fell: K fcr his Knewledaw that be i. • slave, L stands firths Liquor kis appetites crave; M for ewtivi.l M.obt'O gay ; N ,tads for No that he tries hard to say; O hr the Orgies Mat thea cow to pass ; P steads kr PMMde that he drowse m hi. Q far the Quarrsb that nightly absent Z atami Ise Reis that hovels ere uad 8 steads lar 8y►r flat kb vibes bodies. T Meade for '14r ince that seises hM limbs U for his thelebesss dank is the slat. V basi ser veers hs y bsm.sa; mates W ter tet a 1iM mama don ; X far Ida e.p.tk.4 by true. Yeah of tW elrhn sash weaken is mints; iltal.ady tors from Cie tempter in time There were five Moods in February of the years 1616, 1644, 167K 1700, 1712. 1740, 1765, 1796, 1806, 1836, 1864, 1892. The like will moor in 1904. Samples of tea grows sad eared at Sum- merville, 8. C., baso bees received io Bal- timore which expert tea dealers have pro- uoaooed wpenor to Bast laths tea A cariou. mak. in Sostb Africa lives wholly upon bird.' egg. It bus De teeth or stn of teeth in the mouth, rte whole &m- id array being located in the stomach. The • • well of frau., air " is agar Ia►yto., G. The drill paused throat!' a five toot strata= of fromo gravel dues a series of Me- ttiee from which `Date of framing air 000au with perfect regularity. A new oil pips line, rival to the Standard Od Company, . to be ran from Northwest- 1 • era Pennsylvania to Newburg, as the Hod- ge. The line will be 212 miles long, sad will cwt about $1,2080,000. An origiime' method of inducing the Tea- ddate of Abaco- Lorraine to become Ger- mans hes bass discovered by the Volk, the organ of Herr Stoecker. Thie journal pro- poses that the State shell give • dowry to every native of Abate -Lorraine who marries a Genesis. OPUI, A R• r.�ABTNC� ' ROFITgBLE THREE P's IN ONE POO. THE PRIDES AU POPULAR 1 THE GOODS ARE PLEASING 1 TRADING WITH NE 18 PROFITABLE 1 ALECK SAUNDERS, MET Has all kinds of Novelties for /he Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRANITE l CLEAN, HEALTHFUL, IRONWARE DURABLE. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WHITE -WARE Papa•e saw..:. t'b.r.iag as is the weer y prattle of 1..e seat childhood, it is ..w pintos arly agree- able at shoat 1 o'clock m the wer.mg, whoa you ars "dead for .10.11." There ere young sad talkative chidden' who have no more regard for your feelimp. or for the proprieties of life, lima to open their peepers with a tip et 1 or 2 A. r and seek to engage yea in ealivantng dialogues of this .ort: Yoe theta you will p57 no heed to the begelaaive little voices, hoping that silence as pen part will keep the youngsters quiet ; bat son the boy of 3 pipes out sharply : • Will r you say. • Yet wake, papa!' ' Yes.' '8e's ter.' •Yes, I bear that you are,' you say with said earsaua 'What do you treat r 'Oh, main '' 'Well, lie still and go to sleep, thea.' 'I isn't sleepy, papa r 'Wolf, I an. young mem.' 'Is you! I isn't --mot a bit. I say pope, Pulls ! 'Wells Tea gHd a'.Ornosi. Gmrrinstap.-tent Simms ear .Wdtsa wen vary had with sad the ally r that � th raj ed was Dr. Fowler's timet el WW1 We read twelve books a. the berry. Latweather ad would set be wiliest N at in these the oast. Ju. Hawn, New ifdiaburgk, ON. 'If yea were rich what would you buy me r '1 don't know -go to sleep.' 'Wouldn't you buy stn tuna r 'I f•.cy se : sow you - 'What, papa '. 'Wen, a stems engine, maybe ; sow you to sleep.' ga'With a whistle that world wed, papa' 'Y0., yes; sow yes yetsleep.' 'And world the wheals go rated, paps" 'Oh, yes (yawning). Shut year 5755, • lee.... awe. Ora of the tenet swam beam in the world i bead In !bleed. It is a aotseal b.a.stetar sad slily Perm s& pssbabk ehamtsa i• the wetlkw. It is called gems. .air and twins bleak ..only haws sa era pinnies rah, whits is les nether it is a.ettiod with spots of whoa Far • kw Om tido beet as em it tiats..sbowr i ts edam) end sate • les arties of rusk b edldtr. Tks melt, .b.orlds( the steistsea, tented Meek whom tdiesw n while tire rsemat atertephan Ineght set the salt hsm the krtntw bras Nees hm while spats w W wAt.a M asebMee tbe w leeWr. ✓ M' ifemm.b.r oath •-s.basm ILO - * i.~ Ib. oft.• li=t ism his c.deibs- e k i4ttaptlino es "b Deeehumain • li�esnl OL.Meer t That mothst week - !y *rod Toe o.samaa. Res as. is sand Ursa by the prams ,ares DL YAW- 'I say. papa ,, No saner. 'Palo,. W dl, what now T 'Is you 'fraid of tie dark!' 'NO (drotrod7. ) 'I isn't either, papa,' 'Well" 'I want a jiak.' No, you don't' 'I do, p.p. Experience has taagbtou theel the will be no peace Datil you you brought the link' sod you scurry out to tbo beth roen m the dark, k.00kiag your shins arena everything as yea go. 'Now, I don't went to bear •senor ward fro" 70" tonight.' You say. as be gals down • mouthful of water be didn't weak Two .mune later be say. : a ' .hook bels, laddie, papa will have to it-' 'smash vans n •poll 'dog,' papa.' 'Well, nobody wants tr. boar you spell it at 2 o'e1sk m oleo .os leg. v6 ag- dog : b 'bM rt kt !" 'Yas, yes ; Dow lie doer., .ad go to sleep instaatty •' a''Tahai I shall be • good boy, won't 1 'Tar, You'll be be best boy on earth. Good eight, Iberia' W.jl, we11 t W but Der I. I year little boy 'Ye. yes ; of ea.D.' 'teams awes haven't get say little boys ; bat Tee les.. barss'1 Tea'' ' D,.'t yes wish you had two, fres, as; 'lehee. twe•ety dz, .1e -tee, bee him. deed BINe beTn r • b. mare passibility of .rah a rsmeb and seatiapet cah.it7 se pearly... 7w. Chet yea lie sessebhms for bus .boat., *w- in you tsar a yawn at tare 1• aha • W your .N•, a utile Anese nibWeis le w « ane tine 1f.•.• Pair o[ •h. as ossa or twins, • wars, swiss inns load mash.. oat ma towobsa year few le mar* eer• Yes ars there sad the b'iy is ▪ with his Meek whore btu head might is ha Handsome for the Table, Durable kit Osikia& Chanicaky Pure. HAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE 1s SELLING FAST Nothing like it has ever bebn sold in the town. I have it in all lines. TEE ONLY PLUMBING Mr SANITARY PLUMBING AND' A. B CORNELL TSi Lie ".e— v SMT ASR YEN"' McLean's Block—On the Square--McLean's Block, STILL CONTINUES TJ CONDUCT FUNERALS ATIHIS USUAL LOW PRICES. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZNO CHARGE FOR HEAR E8. 111011.47 A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. andassary reams kw sail& i�Dim Mei , with bowleg the town the Ai- sne wit Issas ens of th.10 beet sad east Menss mi rsasw ad ashen grimelpb The �rasnay b be .tis wi be a 1a.1 ens to tp, bei «y. 11. Mallhookles s0. tat r ehgrat ie vim ear el .111 grostr I.peebmse To the Front se Usual. • sees ..owwea hind -Yaw tea year esu has yen as. t h> tom.. Zeete did it Ie.w able t _ llsisees .eass lisaddes see ewes Tori Weak. eeettls ile sawn. is awe • r.P.eallm (1► 10114 OTW ITHSTAN DING the loud -toned advertise - T menta to be seen in our local papers from time to time, and the now stock -phrase : " I buy all goods for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought for cash and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Those who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my SPRING PURCHASES And will have full lines in all departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to none. I am not afraid of competition. ' Strictly one price. . T �T Deader and Haberdasher. I WHY Docs 41E0. 1: A R RY, the (loderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the hest stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is it that he can sell so cheap t BECAUSE UNDERTAKERS J_ 1314.01:11-rErr do BOW Have added to their prom% badness one of B. J. Nash's Latest Styles of Qty Hearass, also the inset litre of funeral fferwi'thd 1s in the meaty, sad are sow prepared to eetadast funerals at pilose T SIOoabltl. Tib de sebnsnt will he s iietlJ alMadsi to by his son William, who, being b d the late D. Oaedos ler the pest to years, leas tk ►a, e the bait, sad by prompt -''a begs to share part d t=. empstmsedia Ryaw the pis—We.ket, ea yaway to the post us. efts nit a e.fl. J. EffOPHEY let SON. He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profit. and Quick Its turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. (Sive him a all before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2367-y Patronise True Competition. T.Twa CCARAntall Paine RartWAT Ogi palet,' ~jrea�hy-esnjsrvtw.s wtatathb Air i p.► isIitt le i =lire. h� .lees vrtus5es e.4 i �..awsesmms�eNfe Pett even �.sma wwbm imawrta~�trm Zit= w testa Tat:: V.' l scat >rrmaa•r. e.desW