The Signal, 1892-8-18, Page 22
Dr. Oaa'I Vel' lnder'm Vicissi-
tudes of Torture and
of Meana
i e.rvtves Them •11, axed Weeese s sets
Wesderfal ereuverwee .'ram revers
sed aleatab sad Ms Re.1erMMe M
Prespe.Yi sad Vigor et NW
sled meds -wed Weeds we
Chatham Massa
Gs • Raleigh street residers there Uva
with wile rid ems child a pale to year
old daughter --a mtleren know. through-
out Ontario. if mot the whole Dominion, as
• prince among pianists. eremitism and choir
masters -a ver$Mbie maestro eel "Wizard
of the ivory keys," and no oue who Wad ever
listened to his menips1ation of the great
origin in the Perk Street Methodist Church
or herd him evoke "magic music's mystic
melody" from the .tsgoi t Decker [:reed
is hu own drawing room but will declare
Our his eminence im well deserved, and his
pars can be but few among the professors of
Devine art. The door plate bean the
following inscription .
Da CA.L Lau Venal N uxa,
To sit as did • Planet reporter • few days
ego, in • very atmosphere of sweet bermoa
created by 1)r. Verrinder'smagician-like
touch was an experience Chet might well be
envied, and one calculated to tansies the
most sentimental reveries. Rut se&Wmeatal
moods finally wealth aid leave ooe lacing
the sober and practical side of life. The
music oared end the couvereetiou took a
turn leading to the real object of the report-
er's call.
"There ere stories abroad,," said the Daws.
paper man, "regarding some extraordinary
e iversace from death, which you have
met with recently, doctor. Would you ob-
ject to stating what foundstioo there is for
them. and, if any, furnish me with the true
facts for publication." Dr. Verrinder shrug-
ged his shoulders and laughed. "1 have
sot," he replied, "been given to seeking
newspaper notoriety, and at fifty .five years of
age it u not likely I shall begin, sad yet,"
said the professor after thinking • moment
and consulting Mr. Verrinder, perhaps it.
is best that I should give you the circum -
stenos' for use in The Plaine. The story of
my rescue from the grave might fittingly be
Prefaced by • little oT my early history.
We resided in England, where though I
was • professor of music, I was not depend-
ent os my art, as I had acquired a com-
petence. My wife was an heirs, having
£50,000 in her own right. Through the
'rarity of • broker she was robbed almost
of all her fortune. while by the Bank of
Glascow failure, my money vanished for-
e ver. It became neoeamry for me then to
return to my profession in order to live.
1 do not speak boastingly, but i stood well
among the musicians o, that day in the old
land. My fees were • guinea • lesson, and
it was no uncommon thing for Ire to give
twenty in one day. We came to America,
landing in Quebec, where I anticipated get•
ting engagement as organist in the t'•thed-
nl, but was disappointed. Subsequently
we moved to St. ('atherinee, in which city
I procured an organ and choir and soon had
a large clientele. Iter, to oraer as I
thought to better my fortune, 1 took up my
residence in London, first tilling an engage-
ment with a Methodist church and after -
wants •ooepting the position of organist in
St. Peter's Cathedral. In those cities I
made many waren friends, and their tri-
butes and gifts I shall ever retain as among
the most precious of my po..esdons. It
was while living in London and pursuing
my art with much earnestness and labor
that I received a stroke of paralysis. Per-
haps,"-bere the speaker [rose sup stretch-
ing hinged f to his fall height, thus display-
ing his well built and well nourished frame
-"I do not look like a paralytic. But the
truth is I have had three strokes -yes, lir,
first, second and third, and they say the
third is fatal, ninety nine times out of one
hundred. \ et here you see before you a
three -stroke victim; and a man who feels,
both in body and mind. as vigorous as he
ever did in his life. My ultimate cure I
attribute to my testing the virtues of a
medicine whose praise i shall never cease
sounding as long as I live, and which I
shall recommend to suffering humanity se 1
ant uow .constantly doing, while i know of
a race and can reach the ear of the patient.
After removing to Chatham 1 had not long
been here when my health further began to
give way. Gradually I noted the change.
I felt it first and most strongly in •.tomach
affection which produced constant and dis-
tressing nausea it grew worse and worse,
1 myself attributed it to bad water poison-
ing my system. One doctor rid it was
catarrh of the stomach. Another pro-
nounce) it diabetes, still another • different
diagnosis. I dept on doctoring, but get-
ting no relief. i tried one medicine after
another, but it was no use. grippe attack -
el nye and added to my pain, dsoomfort
and weekber. At last I took to my bed
and hemmed that I was never going to get
well. Nothing of • nourishing nature
would remain os my stomach. No drugs
seemed to have • counter -acting maniere
on the dieser which was dragging me down
to death. My wife would sit at my bedside
and moisten my lips with diluted spirits
which was all that oould be dose to relieve
me. Besides three local doctors who gave
m. up, I had doctors from London and
Kingston whore skill I believed in and to
whom I paid heavy fees, but without re-
ceiving any help or encouragement. it is
true that a stomach pump operatin afford-
ed temporary relief, but yet 1 felt that my
peculiar ore needed some epecal and pr•
ticular compound or remedial agent which
I know not of. But, at last, thank God, I
discovered it. I had been for egbteen
months • miserable wreck, enable to work,
amble to eat or sleep properly.Mymeans
were becoming exhausted.My poor wife
was wore out in body and spirit. Suddenly
the &Ara er cane ! Pink i'IW ' Yee sir !
Pink Pills --(led blase their inventor or dis-
coverer 1- have renewed me from the jaws of
death and mirae.louely made use what you
use M today, hearty, happy, with • splendid
&write, • ole brain, • aspseit for work
and ss ability to reap aouallied refreshing
deep -a boon that eufy s ter who has ex
the terrors of i.ancan
rrifggikd dWmma sppr elate. Rear is mind, my
frFirei am be wild enthusiast over the
suppeesd merits of this reediein& i bar
tested the virtues of Pick Pur and am
ready to take eats to their daea.y. No see
could shake my faith la them ; bemuse what
a run hon thate ghly proved in Ms etre ei-
perlesm, and what M hem W esadreeed in
the elperieera of inhere-- i have preser4M4
the ptlh to ether sigh pr and itsw►
what ei4aardtury gaud tis have /iafed
in their e.— -he oosleS W he eesvieod
se. I stall teal yen hew I aim he try thea
• leeew-memhss el the A. 0. V. W. des
brethrem .f welsh order ked heel nee than
kind to me ended my Mama. resomme stied
Pink Pill► 1 know sheet what
were er wtbstthey
la feet. I am nairer a *septic, so Amt ere
termed'piss pelslsr_ L eeaa " Bas 1
st.rMd to take Piufor
s t or bale Pima..
made byalk \trUBsme' disi. Ca, kw.-
edIs TIb
roon the ire[, see at • lose, I
bops to mead, and before I had t•►rn
more them • boa or two I knew that 1 b..-,
trued the right remedy sad that to Pink
PUi.I owed my Iib. le aur mentis 1
her taken twelve beer -Just six de/6re
worth. Think of it, my fried ! Sendoeis
of dollars for other treatment, ..d .sly eti
dollars for what has mads • wean el no sed
set me again on the highway of health and
prosperity. Thera is some ..kite, lite -
giving principal in Pink Pills whleb 1 do
art attempt to fathom. I only knew like
the bled man of old : "Ano. 1 was bind ;
sew 1 me or God. is the mystery of bis
provWtoo duetted my brother of the A.
D U. W. to me. I took it. I live and re.
Oise is my health and strength. I have no
physical malady,aavinr a slight stiffness in
my Mg dee to grippe. I feel well go in
my t daysaye.My prospects are good.
1 this i gratefully attribute to the vor-
tsm of Pink Pill. for Pale oeopts, "and sow
my story is dove !" as the nursery balled
rune. If anybody should ask confirmation
of the tale of mine let him write to me •sed
I .hall cbeerf.11y furnish it. The Pink
Pills were my rescuer and 111 be their friend
mad advocate while I live '"
The reporter &sally took his leave of 1*.
Verrinder, but wd without the professor
entertaining him to another piano treat, •
symphony played with faultless execution
and soulful interpretation of the composer's
Calling upon Marrs. A. E. Pilkey R Co.,
the well known druggists, the reporter as-
cert•ined 1)r. Williams' fink Pile have an
enormous sale in Chatham, and that from
all quarters Dome glowing reports of the ex-
cellent results following their use. In fact
l)r. Williams' Pink Pills are recognized as
one of the greatest modern medicines- a
perfect blood builder and wive restorer -
curing such diseases as rheumatism, neural-
ga partial paralysis,l000motor retie, St.
itis dance, nervous headache, nervous
prostration and a tired feeling resulting
therefrom, diseases depending upon humors
in the blood, such es ocroful•, chronic ery
aipelas, etc link fills restore pale and
sallow complexions to the glow of health,
and are a specific for .11 the troubles
peculiar to the female sex, while in the case
of mien they effect • radical cure in all rases
arising from mental worry, overwork or
rowan ot whatever nature.
These Pills are manufactured by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville,
Ont., and Schenectady, N. V., and .re sold
in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen
or hundred and :he public are condoned
against numerous imitations sold in this
.impel at 50 cents • box, or six boxes for
82.50, and may be had of all druggists or
direct by mail from 1)r. Withers Medicine
Company from either address. The price
at which these pills are sold make a course
of treatment comparatively inexpensive as
compered with other remedies or medical
C. C. KIeHA&ne & Co.
l;sr:n.xrgx,-For year I have been
troubled with scrofulous sores upon my Noe.
I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to
effect • cure without any result. I am
happy to say one bottle of MINARi)'S
LINIMENT entirely cured me and i can
heartily recommend it to all as the best
medicine in the world.
Hayfield, Ont.
garde* Newel Vair-kept. Mb to Dili. rtes
The citizens of Toronto have voted 8150.
000 to the Toronto Industrial Fair for im-
pet.vement. to be made on the grounds forth i
year's Exhibition, which is to be heli from
the 5th to the 17th Sept. next. About 50
acres have been added to the present grounds,
and • new race track and new grand
stand to seat twelve thousand people is be.
ing built and many other improvements are
being node. Consequently this year's Fair
promises to be greater and better than ever.
A large number of fine special attractions
have been arranged for and several new fea-
tures are promised. The exhibits in all
departments will be larger and better than
any previous Fair and will include many
that have been prepared for the World e
Fair next year. Cheap excursions will as
usual he run on .11 railways and the attend -
mice of visitors will no doubt be as large as
ever. All entries have to he made on or be-
fore the 13th of August but most of the spa-
ce in all the buildings for the exhibit of man-
ufactures has already been applied for.
For copies of the prize het and programmes
drop • peat card to Mr. Hill the !tanager,
at Toronto.
Duly One etsea. tleees..ry.
There are only three way of getting
money. It mast 19 bowed, afblen or eas-
el. The coal combine is wither begging
n or earning 810.50 • ton for hard cast,
easy Was ark
DeAR Sins, -My baby was very sick with
diarrhea, rod everything we triad failed.
Rut on trying ir. Fowler's Monet of Wild
Strawberry ass fogad it gave ttsemp1 relief
and very sees owed him
Mas. AWN CLAM.. Bleemdel , Ont.
Minn Ont P111ed ep Again.
" That's Chapple that just psaeed us. .
" 1 know it. _ There's nothing in him. "
" I ran well believe that i took him out
of try yacht yesterday and he was seasick.
--N. 't . Presse.
A reit eget
A perfect rook sever peene.b us with in-
digestible food Tire are few perfect
cooks sad compelsllly indinastioa is very
prevalent Yes em ret what you like, and
as much as you want after you use Burdock
Rleed Bitters, the natural .puede for i.di-
grWeo or dyspepsia is say Cera
eret.d eRm IOW.
" How is it that you bask en
cheerful on the bot day ! "
" Well i haye just bad a talk with the
oldest ..habitant and he remembers Sum-
mers when it was twice as hot se this." -N.
York Press.
em re.a bad esimil sea.
OnweasNAI, About a,. weeks ago i
was Mier wink a very severe •ttaek et
diarrhoea sed veleitieg. TM pais was a/
mom =hornete sed thought I could sot
live till tmereing, but after i had taken the
third dose of Fowler's Wild Strawberry the
mesideg ora.,d. and atter the sixth dem
Iles dfaerhn.a stepped, and i have net had
dee hest gmapese of it sines.
Mss. ALM Sergi" Igmmilte.. Ani
aaastl■a Ostes•eee twat eDemate.s weenie
.f ebbs 010eNr7.
them Tho New Tare W.
Weehisglsm, Aug 7. -Aa kNweseing
N'edes bee keen pr e.- '-i to the MeawA
DapartmeM u raped to the rmmehip
Qty at Nw York and City el Parke. the
owners .f whisk are 'reverted to have ahem
domemmted as Amerime vessels, is sensed -
sees with NM providing of • spanned nes el
ing then[ that privilege
ender mete& ooedliken.
The deemehip oompav ie.ezioes to re-
late the prunes& oomplemmt of olfiors of
those camels. most of whom, however, are
of fueeiga nationality, mad is order to bring
them within the law requiring vessels ot the
United Mates to be ••thoeeed exclusively by
oldness of this *retry, the companies toot
steps to secure their speedy .ataraltzatt•.n.
This, however, is • very eke prones. The
officers in queries leave already taken out
their first papers, but mast serve out the
full pprroebbastionary period before they become
toll dedred caimans Laving out the quee-
ilu. of their 8tanolel ability to remota idle
daring that period, the company Peed is a..
willing to tacridoe them for the untried men
of American eldership.
Accordingly as • tet nese, application
was made to the Tresiury Depart -meat for
the retention of Capt Watkins as master of
the ('ity of Paris during his probrtiesal
period of netmrsliaatlos. The Commis -
g ooey of Navigation, to whom the matter
was referred, las replied that the law is ob-
liytory as to the citizenship of master of
United Stats vessels and that such citizen-
ship in the ow of an alien isnot established
until he shall have fulfilled all the require-
ments of the naturalisattos laws.
Unless this decision is reversed the- a.
ship company will have to secure • .SW SA
of officers for the two steamships, orelsee.
lay the documenting ot the vessels mete
our laws until the present officers can leg-
ally serve.
tee Will Probably 11011 Amerkea The Tear.
Front The New York World.
If the current report is true that Baron
Maurice de Hirsch is soon to make a lour
of this country his visit should arouse an -
usual interest ,for ea millionarie, pbilso-
thropiet, sportsman and financter the baron
is more than • remarkable man. He is in
many respects the man of his time, boom.
du •tack, as his French admirers .tyle him.
Everything that he has touched has turned
into gold, so that he has long been the rival
of the Rothschild. in weelt.h. One ogee in
point of his Midas -like touch was the pur-
chase .t • .mall prion of the depreciated
assets of • bankrupt Belgian bane and the
subsequent realization from them of 84.000,-
000 of profits. The baron first became
known on this side of the water in the some-
what dubious role of intimate of the Prince
of Wales. Next after that his enormous
gifts to charity, •mounting in 1891 to 815,
000,000 awakened the interest of three eoa-
tiwnts The baron is noted in Europe for hie
chivalry, and the .tory of his quarrel with
• Peru club, though told long ago is timely
n ow. When the baron rod another Hebrew
who was his enemy's son were blackballed
for membership in the club, Baron Hirsch
bought the building for • sum much in ex-
cess ot tis value. The club committee, loath
to leave their old quarters, offered to elect
bin if he would relinquish his bargain.
His reply was characteristic "Keep your
club but sle-t • Hebrew. i name the
gentleman who was blackballed in my
company." The club accepted the terms
and the man whose election was thus sin-
gularly brought about i..ti11 on its list of
N r. aawkl.. Avers the Askant Took the
e.remse.l-ell. Word Doubted.
'ow The Chicago News Record.
There is • black and white dog in the 12th
ward that cut quite a figure in • recent pri-
According to • sworn statement read at •
meeting of the Independent club last night
this dog trotted in at • critical moment and
deliberately stole the poll list of the Third
primary district convention. Tne machine
Democrats had inside the polling place two
judges, • clerk, the proprietor and the
black and white dog. The anti -machine
men were in the street, locked out. There
was • row and the anti -machine mem forced
their way in.
The dog behaved with great sagacity. At
least, that is what \ir. Hawkins, his own
er, avers. %Vhen the scuttle grew hot the
dog took his stand neer the poll list. He
beheld the gyrations of the angry Irwin with
an anxious look. As things grew worse he
got frightened and seized the first thing
that was handy and carred it away. It. was
the poll list and the theft was the cause of
the trouble that followed. Somebody ac-
cused Mr. Hawkins ot taking away the list.
He denied it to • Mr. Hilton, who makes
affidavit sad say Hawkins told him Ithe •f -
limit) that •• the said dog because frightened
and united and took the poll list away."
Mr. Hilton goes on to my that be believ-
ed the dog had been wrongfully sacred.
The members of the club took the same
view and pared resolution. exonerating the
dog and blaming the machine ilemocrstsfor
the trouble.
Tb. Wars Verso.
DEAR Situs, -About three years ago 1 weir
troubled with d�spspw in its worst form,
neither food normedicine would .Ly on my
stomach. and it seemed impossible to Inst
relief. Finally I took or bottle of B.R.11.
and one box of Burdock Pills, and they
cured me
Mita. S. B. 8%snH, Rosedale, Ont
M W is clause.
At the highlanders' pp�es.aie :
•' What • emu ie 8.wea ' He's been
dancing reels all day."
" Hoot ' He's is M.isd deem and the
mosquitos are that bed ther's no comfort ter
• barelegged Meda." -Chicago News -Rec-
The err lard's*. Mee.
The four cardinal posts of health are the
steenbok, liver, bowel' and Mond. Wreug
actin in any of these proctors disew.
Rerdoek Blond Bitten acts upon the beer
ordinal points of health at owe sed the
erne time, to regulate. etreagthu sod
purify, thus preserving health and r.eov-
iag dhow -
For thirty maim the board sod mttet.ob
of Jana' Biome of %Winston, W. Va., has
Men matri used. With kis erne extended
he esnW tehel folly ex feet from tip to dip! of
tele salol yet tis end' of hl'
hwiesstally, @steed beyond ►i
blngma He lei his wendrf.l heard sod
e.emM'he and teaks them enderr Mee vest
beedit they ender
to Miall
.^l 1imis
salon it be a nand .f
Amt eke alae i f 1 end mss r nae.
)MfimaYa •Yrged to he the Cas .-NIM
sssae Nes PamerSM O__Ose.eess WIIk
rreeab.&a . Mrmb.r. .1 Mr tabbies -
Betas and shears of s1.. ms.aaw.
Lemnos. Aug. !S -Mr t:la.tetose after
atteedrag church 1»torday r.esuued hie
rporptiva aid his with luteuded
colleagues. lie held a confrreine of tau
hours duratiw with Kir Waltham Versos
Breuer[, Loral lipeeenr, Lord KimberlyT,
Mr. John Morley rod Mr. 0. GmpsemU-
Banuermau. The shwa. of !word Ito.edrry
e» this ooastun is regarded s. .igutfisant.
He writ to his country seat yesterday.
tirasrp Above !err uladareae. Apperat-
meate-- Will Labe tteeeiv. tame.
Loewe, Aug 15. -lora K.ltbury re-
turned from Ou caw Saturday, haring
handed the seals of office to his reluctant
moues Mr. Gladstone will follow with
one gait, probably two, a necessity the:
faster the public attestor somewhat due
contentedly os the siteatiem.
Bevottd the facts that lord Ru..bery
will .he Forergu Secretary, Sir William
Harcourt Chancellor of the Exchequer end
Mr. John Morley Irish Sgiretary, uolhiug
yet le settled with respect to the formation
of the new ministry.
Next to the a(,pooutasest of Lord Ruse•
Wiry the question that excites the largest
measure of interest is the public mind is
whether Mr. Lebow:Ire will get anything,
and i1 .o, what It is pretty torahs Mr.
Lebow:bare will have .a otli,e offered to
him, even of Celsius,' rank. soone gossips
say. What is more uucertain a whether
he will accept .t
To Mr. Lsbocchre acreptaace would w
vole, large rcritices. He would have to
abaadoe the agreeable prides he now fills
of farceur end of free lana in the How of
Comtaoaa Moreover: he would have to
give up the proprteturtts p and editorship
of Truth, an interesting journal which
briefs him In £13,000 a year, and the un-
riv.lkd opportunity of saying This
matter he., I believe, bees discusses frcm
a business point of view, cad It is sug-
gested that the journal might be trans-
ferred temporarily to other proprietorship.
But Trail u Labouchere; the wssesecle-
ture is exchangeable, and with. his p;quai.t
personality and ready pee withdrawu the
property would be seriously, even peewee -
tatty, injure!.
Mr. Chamberlain has increased his par-
hauientaiy reputation by his speech on the
mo-oontidence vote. He bed • magnificent
audience, the Hour beiag full to the ut-
most Watts in anticipattou of • division. So
great was the pressure that the Speaker
authorized chain being set forth to the
lines fiankieg the benches. • thing .ern
Daly once tet parliamentary history, abeu
Mr. Gladstone explained the pron.iorrs of
the Home Rule Bill in 11118. Mr. Cham-
b.rlaa's rein obiect in kis speech was to
show that Mr. Wedowee's majority MW
within It seeds of inevitable disruption, and
that the only chance of salvation for bon
and the Liberal party was to go over to the
direutlent Liberals.
• Tb. division was in some respects the
most remarkable recorded in history. Of
670 members composing the House, my
three were absent. Of theme, two Wel
paired and one was in Australia. lie being
paired off with the Speaks, who ranks as
• Dlseeutieut Liberal Tbts left the t:1ad-
. tonian majority .1 its peens* of
40, estabtshed at the general election.
This total of the poll does not appear on
the face of the figures, which show ...lily
(i80 voting, but two. .eau .re vacant, and
the four tellers and the Speaker do not ap-
pear to the division lists Su argent was
the whip on both sides that sick mien, at
the peril of their life, came down to vote.
One was brought in the personal charge of
his doctor, who, although it was midsum-
mer, had a fin lit in one of the committee
room., and then tended his patient till th•
dieter bell rang.
rr.mderieg of Anett.r Rrfti.b Meamae-
ar lir.. Lost
IAN Dos, Aug. 15. -The British 'teenier
Empress of Japan, Captain Lee, from
Hong Kong by way of Yokohama, for Can -
tourer, has returned to Takodadi, wi th
her cargo on fire. The game bare 1e .n
quenched. fart of her caro was ds-
cberged in • slightly damaged condition.
All her farriers ties well.
The British steamer Elpetna, 482 tont',
trading in the Levant, bas Iuuntered at
w. Her pa'seegen and crew were rescued
by a paring vessel, and have been landed
•t Tnpuh.
The British steamer Mend.lasobs, Cap-
tain Sawyer, froaa'Liverpoul for Moitresl,
is ashore near }'nrtoferry, Cowry Down,
Ireland. She is beaky damaged, and hes
dry at low water.
The Immo. Meses.bip ( epaay.
Sot -rife aProle , Ang. 15 --Yesterday the
authorities of the t.•+-• :.std the South-
ampton Harbor Bow -seri, if the Ionian
Steamship Co. prose . •,, Move tbstr line
to that port for 10 years. to deepen the
ekanasl so pial their vessels can go up to
their locks at any time. The cost o1 desp-
eepening the channel will be Ptitt,000.
Att.eM.d iasmke..
BxaLif. Oat. Aug. 15.--A bold attempt
at robbery and murder was perpetrated on
one of the oldest enure. It appears that
about 2 o'clock re.tentey Morning, Mows
Brb, residiag in King errser, heard rspring
at the door, and thinking it might be some
one in distress, nig a friend, preceded to
Aran himself. itut while so doing he heard
• noise seemingly on the hew. He was oe
Me way to tasks search when he was
poseeed upon by two mea, one of them
using his revolver with ton ibl. effect over
the heat of Mr. Erb, who soon became
prostrated sod fell to the goer when he
was kept. M. Erb triad to maks leer
way to the verset neighbor's to raise the
W eems, but was met by nee el the sang
who thrwtseed her Wu death wen she to
maks any sols. Mrs. Erb retraced her
step and Leinee eloping the door gave •
heed shout for help, wash W the desired
Abet, and attracted the attestton of weigh -
bars and M. scamps scattered.
Tb. &moor Avert. e Dew n, Nta.
Ptwt.A, Aug. Ib. -The Amer 01 Aebaa-
stae write. that he Is p{ .1 th the se -
Notion of Amoral Rouse** te visit him en
a missies, hot that to the rebelling
meg the Reason his an fall and
lee a unable to manse • time er plow fee
meeting rte British tepress.t.alve. As for
the Hamer, tis Amer writes that he will
Mares trim cwt this winger. The Ams✓s
dsslies le bell te le MaMmewae se the
en/lapse of the aalmi.a Nis Jeered atai-
mde1.dos sethe premed of Mr. Wei
stens bdeg le poem
Tne shore cut reprsreat• the large fair
porter rued by time Wer•.'n Pair Altimeter
don of Landau, which i. : p.ted up
throughetet. Ontario, calling s,. ,ttention of
the public , eoerally to the dal.- on which
this greatest .1 ('median Live Stock. Agri•
cultural and Industrial Exhibition. will W
held this year, n.noely, '.• 15th to
24th. Ow of the prosaic! objects of the
Directors being to educt.: tl.. macre and
.tiooulate them to luglter 4•4 MO and wider
efforts. and make thus Four logger. grander
and better than any of its poe.leceseors,
witch u poeubte if the proper interest is
taken by the Breeders and Agriculturaluu
of this highly favored county.
They enjoin upon tntcMbng exhibitors to
begin early to prepare for the Fair. and
make their ex balms .. comprehensive as pos-
sibi. .
('tampion •p.v:tmene of eery pure breed
of seinials, of which Camila to noted, will
be at the Exhibition. Weil arratog.d
stables, stalls and per have been provt�p
for their acoouttnodation.
The commendable zeal of the Directors
and others, together with the wager of
12,000,00 iso the ear's Prize List, is •n as-
surance Our the Western Fair of 1892 will
beat all former exhibitions.
The Directors recognise th-: fact that the
Welter* Fair shield always be w the lead
as an Agricultural show, at the sans time
look to it that the amusements and Specie
Attracttoos for the pleasure of exhibitors,
should not le lacking and have at great ex•
peer secured some of the hest that can be
had Among which we notice Ma.dant
H•rantette, the lady of the
world, and her horse, Fdauaker known tar
and dear as the king of high jumpers, hav•
ing wow this title by beating all competitor
including itweberry, the Canadian favorite,
at the Live Steck show in ('hwago, last year,
at the enormous height of 7 feet 4i inches,
a sight of itself worth the trip to London.
Woo -Dawn, her re:trtwnal park and saddle
Imre. winch has been taught 12 dutioct
pit. is very interesting to witsass. The
little pony Jupiter, weighing Daly 460
pounds, has earne.l ler himself the title of
light weight champion, having a record of 4
feet 6 inches. The Madam also has the
world renowned Four Horse Tandem Team,
which she drives neer hurdles to the ermine -
event and a.teeuhntett of the crowd.
Professor K W. Lynes' herd of the great-
est Trick Oxen on earth, educated beyond
anything before isle/died in rte brute
Smith's inmperial Palace of illusions is an
exhibition well worthy of patronage, prov.
ing conclusively as they do how easily it is
for us to be deceived in thinking we see
things which in reality do not exist.
Specialty Artists Bgsilibrau, Japanese
Wire Experts will give daily exhibition*.
The attreetiveesss attending halloos es -
erelong andparashaniha. bees
materially ineaesd Chas ears by the en.
gagmen[ of Madsen 1 , to make the
daring trips .oeasepaied by her wonderful
dog, who awith a smaller
parachute for em1.desosnt.
Secretary Browse adds, if you wish
to behold the greases& of great thews. the
biggest of big th{ya, the °Wier** of oboios
things, the most sinful of tlsef.l things, the
most ivatractive of irtr.otive thing', the
most attreotive of attraetive things, ia lent
much et everythiegand the dims: of all
the great good Ileisne worthy of lint
ipyca ad g�ybig, see Westeris
. Fair is t
The (ash was ea It.
Tie Village Pastor-iohosj. yea tell me
you have bass to Suede ea !
he plaid Bey -Yes, Sudsy
Amir is w+R� Pe lar -list, Johnny, your
The Rad -Tele sir. it's • Baptist
Seeday .shoal -Jeerer.
Ter several yens 1 ens psleMeatl, we.
oared wilts valises pre
w r.f and mikeshm with as sid
parade= eeesne and isoseing es -
milady mea • week. ee meleAU) mW woe
104.ed wet m, .ihslien wase embed to
Asti-Dasdr.f, white less :reed Week -
ed fee mai hon my naw, fav 1�pdtgtleae
e—e.i.g .very parti.b d Deniswf ami at
epseifie Mr this Mashie it .[ental, bas
Tose M$ W. T. Aeeepeou
O Pala rips 4 sgrape Oa, P.
The Signa
ewes meg yule, are algendom to Joe .Mils fie 6e the ate.
enssalina 4 all sham el
peiel e• penal el pie .saes.►
lei SW ewe cam ihieg You are
M la need of, and hi meek sass we coli.
ds peer v �gs. oontid.ea
� appr.mel id to p mo � .sent with
TAdtev •NtA►f&f
L this Yee we have a very
.look d 110 writing papers
able for orrery class of business
lad in this locality,
1044 and wove, linelati
and other pepen, ruled
or startled, as may be required
-Rote illee &ii
This useful sins is kept in theta
rang. dqualities sans as lets*
beds While
.thee, it ad►s
are not so generally cud, they U
an important plates in oeaasaed
correspondence. Hee what we',,
got under the above heads.
Via.\\ hinds
If the " pay-as-you-go" plea was
the order of the day the tlelsaflli
for scoount paper wolald est he
so great ; but there are some taxa
who get so Lamy dnnnerti that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out We don't interni it to,
and at present our .tock is .v,m
pieta in this line with four sizes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollar
and cents columns. They come
elsoper than bill heads, and are
the _ _ 1� Ned after •
ono • aotftt *. They
are ellle to illicit him 'round—
E t\t>e\Ores
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep • large stock on
band. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from TSc. tc
$3.00 per M. We handle can
inertial and legal sixes exclusive •
has already been partially enum-
er.ted in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast amount
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tat
T AtAt0.4t0rat
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in selec-
electtion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and bed
maniples to be had. Call aid res.
We aim to excel in all the dills -
eat kinds of work we turn stIti
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
of entertainments and meetinp
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
Cards a►r & Te111.evii
This head ooven a larged
work, from a bread or milk �ket
to a neat oalhng card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to • tasty
business [yard or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Y otters
Our facilities for turning oat this
class of work are evidenced by tis
fact that the great balk of it
done by ua This line also in-
which our three fast -running job
presses are able to turn out in •
surprisingly short time.
$a\t BV\\t
belong to the poster dep artmeet
also, and we make a specialty ef
them --promptness being our ails
in this respect A notice of tris
will appear in Tet SICWAL fere d
charge when bills for same .re get
4akk V.M6.1101WOrk
in the typeffrapoinal primingl
cancan be done {n fhie establjiAa "red
Ia an expnditioee aced art3sei°
•sneer and
0%hr V rt4',ts 06:11.‘k let jo 111
it•tr% rttasoraab\e.
We extend our thanks for pad i*
on and solicit . ositisaa•os cd the
uommics. tam