The Signal, 1892-7-28, Page 5TILE SIGNAL: OODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 28 1892. 5 THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. M�� (PAID fel Ms oftwee DOLLAR 1111,000.00°. 111,000,000. IL R. WALKER, a1INam. MlmAosl . GOOERICH BRANCH. ogeonAL BANIUNO SUsuPIae TRM/SAOT[D. FARMER.' NOTA D..nOu,nje. DRAFTS IUNIINO PAVARLI AT AL_ POINT* 1N CANADA, AND Mgt PRINCIPAL wogs II TNN UNTIED $TAT*S, GMAT BRITAIN, FsANOa, BEt1YU0A, as eA1IMNe B*INI Stltfa•ARTNIQT. . ppgir• OF 01.00 AND UPwAO* ItNOttV O, AND CUIRNNT RATA OP INTZ11IST n ,N ERT AOOEO TO THE i/teNNP*L AT TNS EMO OP MAV AND sig IN NAON VSAM. *paha AfMtless gleam t. thia Isomers' Sales Metes. 0e1 SC$tnr of Cormwerel,t •.Epsr. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. DUNGANNON. +Inv Pa.•sr•Ps'The Merl. 1m, aemillsme K hei ewr own cotr'eeP••esst g,,, t sr. of ('shrew., is the gnat of erbed her, Ik. T. K. Case. Kr, tta,o,.n seed her daughter, Miss Ismail, ere the guests of their relatives ars, Mr. and Mrs. !)Esher, Aahaeld, sear Anseesou- Nee rumor puts it that durtag the e vader storm on Susdsya Mr. ;,,tae, nth cow, l wmille bora., it r• -en head of cattle, whleh were killed lightning. s•• \ isITI-r. -01*,ight vOL is Fading bis holidays is viNww relatives ed fne•ds at his former hems in Waterloo, 1st. We hope he will have au enjoyable tie and este return to oar village. Aaat t"t.r l•,.. -Mn G. W. Kcblin, tee Miss Martha Morrow, is visltisg reh irr, friends and Aaivalnasaess et Gods. Ice •rid other pointe. Mr. G. W. feels as sole is cousequenoa of her Memo& )lir Annie McMath, of Poetise, Slate eft &biga•, and formerly of Disagan.os, is atter her father, Hugh Lle11a1i, .tier datives. friends and former .cgmsiatuasea. es trust that she will enjoy her visit ire fiaviIN" CowALD+t'aeT.—h wIL be iisenag to the .amorous hided. of Rad R. Narbonne, pastor of &skier eh.,eh. Mee, u barn that the read. Miens. who has semdy bests uwspcsad by weber el ea at - ONO ECP jov+♦ task et mors is gradually hemming om- valsso..t. On Suede morning last I. McKay re- ceived au addition to his doer when his mare gave birth to a fins young stallion, sired by the aelebrsted Black Rod. Weather Piet sow is excellent for harvest- ing, although we were favored with a .bower of rain during Monday night, but not so heavy as to impede harvest opers- tiona The principal topics of the day are com- ments on the ezoeseive beat, which leads the thermometer to nap from 90 to 96' in the shade, and upwards of 106 ia the sun also the securing of the abundant crop, etc., etc. 14,1111. --Ou Sabbath morning, 17th isst. , we have been informed, that on geing into his stable, Rev. D. Rovers, pastor Dungan - son circuit, discovered that his driving nen ma dead. He has had her for a num- ber of yeah The provable cause of her death being old age. lievaattsu. —(ha Friday, the 22nd, the re- mains et Jobe Deleon, were interred in Dngasson cemetery, the bereaved rela- tives d the deceased have to sympathy of t a.ommrnity. The deoeaaed, we under• stand. was an old settler in the township d *shield, and was advanced in yeah Oo Sabbath .f tersoos, the 24th inst. , Rev. Mr. Newton, Bayfield, Epi.00p.lisn minis- ter, conducted divine service in the F.pr- oopal church here very acceptably. The reverend gentleman gave an excellent, plain, practical and forcible dieoourse trona the words as 000tained in the 16th chapter and Ink verse in Matthew's gospel. Hors Avant. —Mn Wilson and her daoghen, Mise Margaret, who has been •t- tssdisg the Collegiate Itrtitute at (;oderich for the r.oeat term, sad who during the Minn resided in Goderich, returned home ked week, and are now living at their own residence in Dunpn4on. The citizens of Autsgassou extend them a hearty wel- cease. Plena. -Thomas McKay, teacher, who is ' spending his holidays at the resideoce of his pater, Dr. McKay, being somewhat of • mo•iaian, as mesas ers d practising on the !bag pipes extsadi.g his musicsl talent. i He is quite an expert on the organ, and in all probability will ere long be seoond to ;nose in this neighborhood in discoursing truaic on the bsg pipes. Sumer to you Thomas. The candidates who wrote at the entrance examination hen are anxiously waiting to Both the method and results when hear the results, seeing that Lucknow and Frrapof Fi-= is taken; it is pleasant other place. in t.be province have already LDS to the taste, refr('el.ia hand aCta made known the successful oe�ea. They $wonder why results of examinations here gentlyyetp7omptlycntheKidneye, ore so long to being made known. TNc Ter sand b.iweds. •,:leansell the syn- . se:NAL. of this week's imam will be anxiots- teal effects: n:-, t31a*ze1B colds, bead- ly looked for by the interested ones, with the Sebes and in ice fc-..rs ... GW EN ces habitual .xpectaucy that in it will be • statement of S of Figs is the result. church here at the is ..1 hour, 3 o clock du d, p]ca:.....goo pal the taete an ac- r. n., on every Sabbath natal farther an- cj tal,b to t'.e stomach, rompt in I oonnoernent be given. Also Sabbath school iteac+ic,n encs truly will begin at the venal time in aforesaid 111 constipation. bene 1 P Divine service will be held in the Episoo- cnh ri r civ its kind ever t&thiv ]NeOII]Y from the most ro- eharcb as formerly. 1t is to be hoped that D 9dthe pretest incumbent, Rev. J. Carrie, will soon be restored to his wonted state of health, so that he will be able to resume his pastoral duties UN c+rat. (iwvtTn. - We have been shown healthy ua..agreeabte.nbertanoes, its manyezccllc-.:qualitiescorn mend it to :1l and Irmo Trade it the most SLAUGHTBR SALE Or Boots and Shoes. All accounts but be settled immediately. Having received an offer fur my business rvl block, if the stock is reduced to a certain amount I have decided a clearing sale. .Stock amounts to over $7,000 worth of Boots and Mons, bought for Spot Csoh from the leading makers of the Dominion, and are all to be sold at less than Cost. Now, if you want Boob or Shoes, remember this opportunity. No reasonable offer refused as the stuck must be reduced one half immediately. JOHNSTON CAREY, ON TIE -11E1 QOI RIGH. one heir to the manor. We learn bad are pleased to be able to suite the mother and children are as well as clan be ex We WIMP Mr. and Mrs. 8. , pont. d. the childrse may be long cored to comfort and assist them in their •dvasoed stages of life. W are in a dilemma as to whether the thunder storm was ceased by the ar- rival of the twins or if it brought the youngsters. A ('iris CALL. Oa Sunday morning or rather lata on Saturday sight we were vis- ited with a heavy tbendsr sod rain storm. Dann, the norm. sirsek • chim- ney on the kifiss J IM betel known as Black's hotel, and sew by the popnl.r host. than Maids, it can. pleuly. The estreat through different apartments without Agile mask injury save shaking of ems piniter. A Fag man celled Charleseon of ThElliott, Nile, who happened to be there for the night, received a shook which somewhat stunned kis.. Fortuustely be was not mach injured, and we trust will soca be himself lysis. AMBERLEY. From our well emrresvosdent. Miss Annie Boyd, of Looknow. was the finest of her cousin, Annie B. Mclean. Last week. Miss Bertha McIntyre has returned home. She attended the wedding of her aunt at Yarmouth. A large number from this vicinity attend- ed the Orange .n4 Bine oelebntion in Kin- cardine on the twelfth Mei McPherson, of Chicago, also Mrs. Davey, of Brantford, spent a week or two with their brother Malcolm M,1-. n. Mies Mary Mclean, of Duluth, ac- companied by her nice, Miss Garvey. ot ('hiaego were the gusats of bet sister, Mn Donald Boyd. Miss Sash Mclean and Miss Mary John- ston left for Chicago lest Tuesdaywe render our sinoere regret. to the poor allow with the broken heart. But cheer up Col- lie the World's Fair is nett year. D. N. McKenzie has launched his row- boat. He could not decide oc one Dante so be called the bow " Reggie Brew," and the stern ' .lin• Ann." We think Mr. McKenzie intends emigrating to the World's Fair in it, consequently the names may be of some importance. CORAL WREATH CORNERS. From our owe correspondent. quite • number from around here took in the Orange celebration in Kincardine. Mn Wm. Murdoch, sr., of Paramount, is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mn John Donald Murray, of Detroit, Mich., are vesting friends in this vicinity. Mr. sod Mn Robert Murray, of Detroit, who were visaing friends in this part, have returned home. po��Llan rem iy 1:norm. Mrs. lobo Capps!' and family, of Bay - C, t 1-• a stock of timothy which is five feet, eight City, Mich., are visiting at the reaidenee d ti ,1 , fir! In 7b0 Thos. Smith, (oral Wreath Centre. p f�! = �, hashes, and .buret one-eighth of an mch in batt � '. i . *g d%Dggl$ts. thickness, which grew on the farm of Wm. The Clover Valley, P. of I., received a Any I-Alia..(earn;-- who may DOt HoUard, 3rd eon., Ashfield. He has up waggon load of binder twine the other day Nal: it on Laudwill -procure it wands of half an acre of timothy which be I tion Wm. Arnold, of Kincardine, Ont. rcimptly f.: any one who wishes Butes is edictal to, ifnotlarger than the We aoder.tand from good authority that w � and rron.dt t: iL MaL,ufaatured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Ca BAN rAAMOI.11ao. CAL. &L•:3YL - .:Z. :77.7C1 TOBL!. IC Go.. A. FRA&, AMOR AT OODRRICH. Fagged Out!! qi 4;S•\°. -\ THAT tired, wows -out fbelfsas. c1 which .o many women eOrp' ' IOW a day. washing. 1. does limp with by those eche nae that great Labor • e • Saving • sample. T bayand other cereals are mmeose is thr su ng neigh- borhood, i surpassing all et previous yeah or some time in the past. .scrim —Mn Burrito and daughter, of the vicinity d Burritt's Rapids, are whiting the formers father and mother, Mr. amid Mn A. Black, of oar village. We regret to have to state that Mr. A. has los the... of b a ey.+bht, which is, without desk, a Wave sAlietsw We deeply sympathies with him and his amiable partner, harping that it will be a blearing to hie in t e main, as our afflictions, if not br'eght on by our - edam, •n meant for good to the arrange - meat el I'rovidesoe. In oonea senor ret the fall wheat mstar- imig so rapidly and therefore ready for har- vesting, quite • number of farmers in this neighborhood. although not finished .ecnr- ill the hay crop, were obliged to ooeimeswe oux{tiag the fall wheat. Reports thus far d bay, give ami sserually heavy crop, •vewg ing upwards d awe and a half tons to the ante, and d an excellent quality, which we ps+asmis will gladden the heerta of the farm- s comm inty, as also all c000ereed whish oompriese the community. Orrsatow.—On the day el the oelehrsttoa here, a Msadly ram of between the Wkl.Nse and DM/mo — haat, tame eQ. tens • iting .mid intertNia- Thus, beth hshlg pretty sv mte.bed ar to .EpsrS... A• wither haat mold e►t.li a gait w.• time expired a draw sol�Md, both WOO miry lame �dteams worked iauiemlit , who en� fi h tab • lively imitenn h the gesso Tin general t.pi bs was, we have hese bloom- ed, team made 0*. hen week' e.a»ver10g t. assure the gM1. wls11hMine tha tawpeat wlthew• Maes >EMris Meissen Psardissei ye, the awry. time W esenamivel ting -+ha Sall*AV tier .1 ..Misfit ass yen bell mist he ala striguowr sow! rosy n• glial tar Plru•►. leu any men MO esmihrt W bEMit hr •Rev, asnmlelt pugsr► ••••• + wee seat MILAN .Rua. Emit.. WON .Assam. tIeMN1e at. tab:�,tti:: ,. i. al '11..tisws A&r&n. — Charles 0.,10., p.Wle .shed toseber, lett bore • Most time age ter to any ef Te este. when be iter essmud a pent• isr a sort thee he the Demon d ladestry, .her which al the demo el pal is wheel holidays, he win whM the poi .01 Meeh the Mea le 8. & Na. ji sabot, h AoYdd Xs. Na me thewart wawa - est'. ant=iitggsfi vIldit We wink the Mmdise • paw est .r4 awl nab real e te thele remostive rehlhem, Rims. sad Nps. Deems nacre.—J+rph 8..the%. West Wa s•w er Deaemr.. . premated 1r ib w eeltb with the warden party held at the resideooe of Alex. l'atetson's under the tusptoes ofthe P. of 1., of (lover Valley, was • grand sue ores. The mast of the farmers around ben have 6aished laying : some of them haring fi.- kited over a week ago, are making p r.pera- tions for cutting their wheat sad barley, which will be ready in a day or two. All that was mortal of Miss Annie Ag- new, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos - .ph Agnew, formerly of P.rsmomt, now of Lttcknow, was laid in the tomb on Thurs- day, July 21, .t 10.30 w. s. in Hope church cemetery. Mr. Agnew and family has Eke sympathy of the surrounding vicinity in their sad bereavement. We are sorry to note the death of Ken Seth McKenzie. It will be remembered that Mr. McKenzie had a paralytic stroke mom. time ago, which was the cause of his death. The funeral lit Mr. J. W. Hur- ray's residence about 10.30 a.m., for the Lochalsh cemetery, where all that was mortal of the deceased was laid to rest. His sorrowing friends have the heart -felt sympathy of the surrounding vicinity. BELFAST. Teo late for tors week. W. A. Hackett has route. Moet of the farmers finished haying. T. H. Altos and wife, of Kinlougb, were visiting friends homiest week. Belfast L. 0. Lodge presented a very fie. appsaranoe in Kincardine on the 12th. S. J. Boyd left on Monday on a trip to Manitoba. Mrs. Boyd is rioting relauven at Listowel. In reference to the utterances of the Lanes scribe of last week we wish to make • few remarks. We repeat whet was said in the issue d June 30th, that if Pat Moran had been driving, the upset world not have occurred. We can get three farmers to prove that the road wee passable. The young driver was seen holding the lines up with one hand and whipping the horses with the other. The road was wide enough and solid enough for any load to pans over, or how was it passable for the egg -gatherer with • large load to pass over in safety a few minutes afterwards. We never took any gravel out of that pit, eo the lanes scribe may rest his mind on that point, be- sides,tbe gravel which was taken out of the pit on that date did not come witben one and a-bali miles of Belfast. This Lathe correspondent u • great reaeoeer. He says "that • boy who is •b1. to handle • tan d milk should be able to manage a team." Who ever heard of such logic! We have seen boys who have handled cans of milk and who knew next to nothing about manag- ing • team, end perfume this young driver was one of them. This clever writer --this farmer'. non at lanes- -says he never law pumpkins growing. Well be lead better open Lis eyes and look around him for there .re any amount of pumpkins around his four returned from To - around here have BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $ 1 2,000,000. REST, )61dChtunx (CUT PLUG.) OLD CHUM (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in Oe Same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Masi Owl rebates is looemr- Aware to CG.i4 YONTREA . Qct ?fe,the. 1 lb Hsg, hell XI e n Is . ,.Par or cure r: r 0.Y to .. Ord and tare.n. .1,1 is dames 800TNIti* 014Artilies0. 'waftureHH(, Pci'f,. t& -f Curs, faifs,e laFoaaiJ.'e: Ee, .owiM-: • .n ens s.1,m,/1/ ,ayl,I ...tare• Swiss • tow tet e a wt,1 iact •;Jt rola/ Rees wa ■wen55. A if leen •Lsadness• iw CATARRH • w 6,000,000. A Saving Department Dias been aimed in con - 'section with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderwh Branch. LADIES, NOTICE THIS ! An A1I-RRue1ion YILLIIgBi PBICBB. ROBERTSON'S HUMMING H UMMING H UMMING H UMMING JULY SALE JULY SALE JULY SALE JULY SALE G REAT BARGAINS G REAT BARGAINS G REAT BARGAINS G REAT BARGAINS IN ALL DRY OOODS IN ALL DRY GOODS IN ALL DRY GOODS IN ALL DRY GOODS AT AT AT AT ROBERTSON'S'' ROBERTSON'S ROBERTSON'S ROBERTSON'S O N THE SQUARE O N THE SQUARE O N THE SQUARE O N THE SQUARE 4 G EO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND G EO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND G EO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND G EO. ACHESON'S OLD STAND corners and he does not need to come east to see them. In conclusion, we would .d- rive him to be more careful of his remarks in future and not to cry to much over spilt milk. As the Scorer is now upon us I have &sided to snake .n WI -round reissues In my stock of Millinery, and especially in Straw Goods. The entire stook is of tit. latest .tyle and newest shades, and .t the redse- ties cosMaphhted will furnish greet bowies. • fabootobon invited. WILT &MOT. tladsw, Peen 7. N•tt lake 1*SNsln.. The rapid action of the "great pain cure," Yoksoo's erviline, in relieving the most in - teem pain, is a matter of wonder to all who have used it. There is nothing surprising m its results, for it is made of the strongest, purest and meet efficient remedies known in medicine. Nerviline cures toothache in- stantly : cramps in five minutes : neuralgia atter two applications : rheumatism is at ones relievei by its use ; •n ! the same may be mid of .11 kinds of pain. Sample bot ties, courting only 10 cents, at any drug store. The large bottles only 26 cents. P'oison's Nerviline sold by druggists and country dealers. Me•forth : M. J. Magee, of Toronto, • nephew ot Mayor Magee, of Kgmondville, was in town this week on a visit. He holds the important position of purchasing agent for the firm of F.aton k Co., of Toronto, and whilst here gave the Broadtoot & Box firm a 51,000 order for their celebrated high grade furniture. COAL AND wood YARD. Coal, Wood and Kinc'ling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, FREE TRADE -IN- r:C113MGOODS The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing s specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at =ZRest quality chestnut, store and tag opal onsetaatlyoa head. r i Sha lump coal for bee 1• grates, stores, ttusaese. ate. Bennuelltr owlets. smith - Me oval sew es hand. 'penis! attastlus riven to country trade. WOOD. I have sew get my nmeldeery la opera - ties for .swiss and splitting weed. Cut sed spilt wad ready tor sieve slwys la sleek w slw you went. Don't MEd shat 1 o pilus weed. ma sad .pith es sheep am you e• bay Is wed • the mmlt.L .& eq wed is sssd W the Ethel et iR /sot er half word NS; • W w f•r bedmiwm sloes It stsanzise won. hsen.es. 1 AM Iona to emu sad .ane ear tear. OPTICS. YA&D AND COAL BENDS in old drill tied, Nelson-st, foot of Haue- iltos*et, throe minutes walk from Court Home Squat* ordwrsty terea Ifs, s Nekiota sen tsmi•riMwt� mestre ,I rp• JOHN 5. PLATT, _ - iia, ..i, a ... The Tonlo Cash Store P. ODEA, Manager. LICHTNINCI BVZ T8B LIQHTI'TINO FRUIT JAR The best in the market. LOAD OF SUCAR LIMIYZD TO -DAY. Nalrn's.