The Signal, 1892-7-28, Page 2QUEBEC'S BOLD PIRATE
Itld,m M teamed Om Mien trio AsWterrnees
Amlewa-newebatd Asrwtett sad Ledo
N to pweMe JdI-T e t wesems
Awtlionesee Oases ea lmmeme. gess-
W ay at Ilrlitelltp,
Baia Sha Pr on, Q.. July 95. --There
wgreat ezcit.ment at dale Ase (o.dree
Batarday when the M.Naug►tea, with the
detachment of "B" Battery .ad the customs
oaken, arrtved 8etUrday moaning. The
people of the reload had fully made up their
wiled' to resist tiny attempt to enlist
Bouchard or eny other of the smuggkrsj611
they never dreamed trot such • large foresee
thea on the McNaughton would he rent down.
The news of the arrival of the vessel canoed
some of the amugggglen to take to corer, but
most of the inhabitants drove down to the
ware of operations. The artillerymen were
Used to guard the cabana olkcen while a.
gaged a their search of the isl•ad. Num-
ber. of places which were evidently seed tie
storehouses for the contraband were
searched. Several of them were found to
eootatn small ge.otitiss of smuggled liquor,
but most of them were empt J,the smugglers
having eviden11 succeeded in removiag
most of it or having hidden it in a plats
which the officers could .ot loaf.. The
most important find was • cache of 90
barrels of liquor hidden near Bo.chard'.
house. It was .t once seized and pat ander
Bouchard wdetected. He had
evidently guard. was tly nut .uticipatad this tial was sar-
prised whe. placed under arrest
Bouchard's fusion *chooser, the Busy,
was found at encitor at the same cove as she
lay in when the customs officers of Quebec
were repulsed by the smugglers Thuteday.
This morning she was taken in tow by • tug
steamer, which started up the river for
Arrival as Qsebee.
QrEerl', Que., July 25. -The tug Mc-
Naugbtou, with the "B" Battery moo
tingent, arrived bore st 6 o'clock Saturday
evening. The now famous smuggler
Bouchard, surrounded by • picket of sol.
diem with drawn bayoseta, marched ashore
seemingly proud of his ezpfo its. At his
side stood another well-known smuggler
named Ludry, nicknamed "Pork and
Beans" A large counties* of people stood
on the wharf. The two prisoners marched
ashore with their escorts, and they cheered
the smugglers enthusiastic/lily enthusiastic/lilyas they
between two lion of
me were shouting: "Baro, Bouchard!
you're the boy"; others encouraged him by
saying that everything concerning him
would be all right. Both Bouchard and
Landry were arrested yesterday afternoon
by Collector of Customs Col. Forsythe.
Tbev and all their friends were stupid with
drt.h. They declared that they would
have resisted • reasonable force of 15 or 20
men, but 60 men and officers were too mon,'
for them.
"You may seize that whisky," mid Bouch-
ard, "there are hundreds more barrels 4 it
on this island." One of the soldiers fainted
shortly after landing. Bouchard arid
has ally were given over to the civil authori-
Sixty-two barrels of contraband whisky
were seized by Collector of Customs For-
sytheon his expedition at Las Aux Coudres.
There are nine .cb000erowners .t Isle
Aux Uuudne, which has s population of 800.
Bouchard is about 50 years old and is 5 ft.
11 its. in height Hb crew was composed of
natives of 81. Pierre. Miquelon and Quebec
Parte.. IIW.d is a ColUery.
Porrsvtil.z, Pa., July 25.-B an ex-
plosion of gas .t York Farm Colliery Sat-
urday 15 are dead and one momentarily
expected to breathe his last Llellwyn, the
sole survivor, says that he and his •'Rutty"
Chrutien Hornicker, whose body still Ilea
buried in the mine, hod fired x shot with
a battery in breast No. 1 on the second lits
and immediately there was a strong rush of
gas and run of coal. The gas rushed up the
airway connecting the first and second lifts
and was ignited it is supposed], by one of
the safety lamps that was either upset and
broken or faulty and that a terrible ex-
plosion followed and the gangways filled
with fallen rock, sial and timber covering
up the bodies of some of the men. All
the bodies have been recovered excepting
Mosta..'. Miner Layer.
Moments, N. B, July 25. -Sensation is
caused hen by the mysterious disappear.
anise of John McCuoow, mayor of thus
town. llcCunow, who is a general insur-
ance agent, left Moncton Thursday after-
noon to visit the scene of a fire 20 miles
back of Hampton, King's County, upon
which destroyed property be held a risk.
It was his intention to, have returned Fri-
day at noon and delivered an address at the
decoration services in the cemetery.
An outline of the address has been found
in his desk. Feely Friday morning he was
seen •t Hampton, but since then all trace
of bin has been lost, as he did not leave on
train. It is feared be is either bet in the
woods or dust some accident has overcome
him Ina thickly -settled put of the road. A
searching party has gone from here looking
for him.
9'('e.aor 1Nlwte ero.mwr red ONtas
Heat. Kees O. taw Potomac.
WAAHi!inTwi, July 25. -Then were two
e single scull races Sunday at River View, on
the Potomac. The first was between
j0'Connor and Homer and the other
'between Haitian and Roes.
The course was three miles with three
turns. three quarter -miles stretch, and the
stakes were 6500 • lode in *ash neut.
in the first rues O'Connor crossed the
line a winner • length to the good, tame
19.2.5. In the second race Hasten won by
a length and a half, time 19.-01
Prt.ter Ots Drowned.
Rcrrato, Jul 2.i. -Capt Joseph Day of
the yacht Sprwd�el, which was towing the
pleasure barge, Schwab! Br:.thers, to Eagle
Park Saturday, reported that when
they were off Nettle Point, Canada,
Ferdin•ad Ott accidentally fell overboard
and was drowned. He was • printer and
worked as The Volk. Freund otos.
The trey Oat Leet
Boyars, !sly 26.- Malcolm McCaskill,
aged 7 years, of Altenburg, Ont. is at
ic. Headgsarter. H. stye his mother
brought him here and he got last ♦ tele-
gram was received Saturdayfrom the hogs
father is which he states te boy ram awe.
from hems. het the otfieers believe the b story.
tem email tone ewe Peva Teeth.
A IATA, Ge., July 96. -A jury has
awarded the Rev. Sam Reran g509dainteges
for • teeth ksaked est by a mleas
=led 1000 Prohibitionkw .astps(ga
y i ever
Teeeei.r ttreeeeray Om..atned by a Mayer
kie .t *bees to.
W toeirao.J Iii. -TW pan-
. -
tses is !Makes Ilatmeday made Wtti
.bans is the e.el demi.. of �. piens.•
Tice crest L ginithere will be ....seed of
96 Geverneseat, 1. Oppositbe and use le-
depesdast. All tae rs.titeeaet« hese
bees heard freer bet Dispirit. which is eon
ceded to the ees.
The defeat ot the Opposures is almost
entirely dee to the Separate Reboil cry
which aroused very bitter feeling. The
Government le also charred with bribery,
and u is reported that Heist and Wool,
Oppo.itiosime, defeated is Kil.tossa mid
Online by small majorities, will Mune
lately appeal.
Among the .lain see t.e Cubism min
leer -Hoa D. McLain,who was defeated
is Lamers city by J. F. Frame, mad Hoa
J. A. Smart, who was defeated is Brmndos
city by W. A. M..dos.ld by • majority of
11 is sot likely that other seats will be
leuwd for the Cagan misidere, but curt
the Cabinet will be filled from those sow
Bob Wates, who realised his .eat to
the Dominion Goverment for Marquette,
h .d a wb.tastral majority in Portage 1.
Prairie over W. J. Cooper.
Pres der Greenway had a narrow ..cape,
kis majority in Mountain being Pm
down to £00.
Th. Prohibition plebiscite resulted in .
majoritylarim all over the primness for
pr ibitios, te vote being nearly three to
ore in favor of it.
eesa11.11es Arelaes Canada
Waemlroxox, July 2& -The pomace by
the Sent* Saturday afternoon at the Casa -
dun retaliation bill without the formality
of a vote, lid with no consideration of the
measure, was surprising and unexpected.
It was late u the day whoa Soarer Mavis
4 Minnesota called op the bill which pass-
ed the House • few days ago, and with the
men statement t►mt he asked consideration
of the bill at the urgent request of the Com-
mittee on Foreign Relation the measure
was Unanimously By the terms of
the bill the President is given power to im-
pose tolls upon freight and passing en
passing through the Sault Ste. Marie
Canal and even to prohibit the use of the
canal to them. Tolls upon freight aro to be
52 • too, and upon paseengere not to exceed
65 a head. Although then was no debate
upon the bdl, 11 is known that the subject
hap been very thoroughly considered in
executive se.slou, and the expedition shown
by the Foreign Affairs Committee was due
to a direct intiotatiou from the President
that he desired immediate action. For
some time past secret ageismof Canada
have been la this :ity endeavoring to ar-
range an amicable settlement of the trouble
and have had frequent conferences with the
President and Secretary of State- The
propositions made by them have not be-
come known, but they were evidently em-
eceept•ble to the President and his advis-
ers, the result being that Mr. Harrison de-
termined to brook no further delay and opve
the intimation to the Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee upon which the Senate acted yester-
oaMal lx.porta from the Great Dlenat.r
At limier,
THU HA(ICI, July 25. -Oficlal
tios has been received here from Batavia
of the reported volcanic eruption on the
Isle of tiongir in the Celebes ties between
Celebes and Mindano. The eruption came
from • volcano known as Genoa& Await
Thewhole island was shaken so violently
that huts and houses collapsed and great
fissures appeared in the rocky formation
at the northwestern end.
The buts took fire and those of the
natives who were not burned to death in
the towns were covered and .mothered in
the ashes. Lava nth in streams two and
three feet deep and 20 or rot feet wide down
the mountain stele and into the pea
The loss of life on the northwestern end
waist least 2000 and probably 2500.
Cholera Ssbeldlag.
ODESSA, July 25.-Tbe mortality hoer
cholera is diminishing on the lower Volga,
but north of Tearitzin the disease is spree] -
.ng rapidly in towns and villages west of
the river.
Los tae, July 25. -The Timm' St Peters-
burg correspondent rye Official cholera
returns for the period from July 17 to July
21 gives the number of cases in Russia as
1839 sod the number of deaths as 2500.
Te App.rtton Morocco,
I.owoow, July •LS. -The Chronicle's Vie. -
necorrespondent says that • European con-
ference will he summoned by Spain to deal
with the Morocco question and that Eng
land• Germany, Austria and Italy will be
represented at the conference.
Lived es Tebsee.. Poee0.e.
Bataan, July 25.-Tbe three miters
rescued from a mine at llelin on Friday last
after .ing 17 day. without food had man-
aged to live by drinking water that trickled
through the sand and eating their tobacco
A Town Destroyed., July 25. -The town d
Iron River, 00 miles wt of Superior, was
destroyed by tire last night.
The entire business district and most of
the residence were burned. Loss "300,000
Five hundred people unsleeping tonight
in can furnished by the Duluth and South
Shore Railway.
Pare Great. eli,
Pats, (lot, July 25. -The Paris Tows
Council granted $100 to the relief of the f8.
John's sufferers.
A leery h tervy Jet
M. Vtshn*gr•d,ky, Russian Kidder of
Finanoa, has resigned.
Thaw emelt suastroke• and two deaths
is Chicago yesterday.
A rumor that 8e.ntor Hill .oat.oela1.d
resigning his seat h rho Mel Bsaaes 1, ofb-
Hefty dente&
The eruption el 1Esast Zees, welsh for a
week past hes mediad the gravest alerts, is
now decreasing Is violence
O. Thursday inertia W 1 U Nebemey,r, •
young erre le •shoe aore, and helm Nelle
$elms. •, were drowned at
A dips's\ boss Lagoa, Windt Africa, say.
the TigMd, who were rwo.ntl .d to
sed midrisa have blinked agate blkMem
ed the trade
rests to the Wenn and ere smrdrlsg and
Mirepping trdma Two hundred home.
W ye bias binned
-Ysdl Oeeosld&• rmedstly reissued from
the Mimeo asylna held up • seam shape
bssdd near NM.ktos. C.1., • few de
and forced the driver sod two r he
mfsad.r their .ash. He wee punas
dew deems, whom he held se bay
10 shoes at them. He Wally wrnewiers&
De. !sever eertea.ep Inert, kaashsr seed Snyder terrorised hi
ArnpA., Oat., 1517 9g. --De. Pareses, e"ld on a absqu. In, . • sight
•s,sss �w� .M d W _
_ yes•
ICS !il MI WAND = alotheil veep mien dd bel Tl. fhoemit bie teed wi rah t Wes
Itrash the bases.. k881 ktra
?M Ittlmarksiblo Own of 11L.
Jilin W. Gondar.
A Nellpism Crowe M T•urie--Tr.see/ b
the east of Me Tereste £'•areal Iiesp1M1
awl Kosaree• as lsearubS. Vas
glary of ab m1,wle.e nreev-
err se rmvr..takd by es
Mawr, Opener.
Terser Zmpllo.
the readers of The XLmwn have ben
given the particulars of some of ter
some remarkable cured of the 19t1 twittery,
.11, or nearly all of then., in eases l'tu.erto
bold y the most adramoed medical cer-
ci M to be isouesble. The particulars of
then stars were vouched for Ly such lead -
rug Developers as The H•m.lton Spects.or
amid Time., The Halifax Herald, Toronto
Globe, Le Monde, Montreal ; Detroit News,
Albany, N. t., Journal; Albany Express
and other, whose reputation placed beyond
queetic- the statements made.
Rsceatly rumors have been adosI of a
remarkable name is the pretty little new. of
Oakville, of • young run recovering attar
years ot helpler nes and agony. The
Empire deternt' tel to sul mot the was to
the most egad rureatteawn, •-d •ocordisi-
ly denoted on of our beet reporters to
make a thorough and tmp•rtial i.res$Ig•-
11o0 11.10 the case. Acting upon these in -
reactions our repiatar went to Oakville,
and call..! upon Mr. John W. Condor (who
it was, had so miraculously recovered 1 sod
had cot loog been in coevereati.0 with him
when he was oonvutoed that the statements
made were not only true, but that " the half
hid not been told " The repot ter found
Mr. Condor at work in one of the heaviest
d.p•rt+ttents of the Oakville basket
a id was mu -pried, in the feu of whatfacto?.
knew of the Dass, to be con:rooted by a
strapping young fellow 0t good physique,
ruddy countenance azul buoyant beating.
This now rugged young man was he who
hid spent • groat part of hu days upon a
sick -bei, suffering almost nook, .sesy.
11 -ben The Empire representative announced
the porpoee of his rust Mr. Condor cheer-
fully volunteered • statement of ht, case for
the benefit of other sufferers. " I am." said
Mr. Condor, •' an Englishman by birth, and
Dome le this country with my parents whim
nitre years of age, and at that time was as
rugged and healthy as any boy of my ago.
I am mow twenty-nine years of sl,e, sad it
was when about fourteen years ol.l that the
first twinges of 11't•mmatory rheumatism
came upon me, and durinv the fifteen years
that intervened between that time and my
recovery • few months ago, tongue can
hardly tell hoe much i suffe-ed. My
trouble was brought on, 1 think, through
too frelueut bathing in the cold lake water.
The joints of my body began to swell, the
cords of my legs to tighten, and the muscles
of my limbs to contract. I became • helpp--
less cripple, confined to bel, and for momtba
did not leave m'• room. The doctor who
nemie called in administered preparation* of
to tide ot putartum and usher remedies
without any material hene'icul ere:..
After some months of s.Jeriog I became
strong enough to 1•,.,e the bei but my
limb were •aliened ..d I was Unfitted for
•n" active vocation. I wee then hampered
more or lees for the following none years,
when I was again forced to take to my led.
This attack was in 1176, and was • great
deal more severe then the tint. My feet,
ankles, knees, legs, arms, shoulders, arab in
tact all parte of my frame were affected.
My joints and muscles beciime ad ly swollen,
and the disease reached even my bead. My
face swelled to a t,:eat eLe. I was ur•ble
to open an- mouth, my jaws being tied to-
gether. 1. of coarse, could eat nothing.
My teeth were pried aper: and liquid food
poured down my throat. I lost my voice,
and could speak only in husky waiepen
.:a.11y, I am usable to describe the state I
was •-t during those long weary mouths.
With my swollen limbs drawn by the
t-ghteed cords up to my emaciated body,
mud my whole dr•me twisted and cootoi.ed
into indescribable shapm, I was nothing
more than a de-ormed skeleton. For three
long weary months I was confined to bed,
after which I was able to get up, out was •
oomplete physical wreck, hobbling around
0. crutches • helpless cripple. Sly suffer-
ings were continually intense, ..d frequent-
ly when I would be hobbling along the
street i would be seized with • ptroty.m of
pain rad would !all unconscious to the
ground. During all this cane I had the con-
stant attendance of medical nen, but their
remedies wete unavailing. All they could
do ea* to try to build up my system by the
nee of toaioa. In the Full of 11149 and
Spring of 1890 I again sufered intensely
.ever attacks, and at Mit my medical "i-
tem -Int, as • last resort, ordered me to the
Toronto General Hospital. i entered the
hospital on June 20th, 1890, and remained
there toad Septemb-,r 20th of the same
year. But, notwithstanding all the atten-
tion bestowed upon me 'a this institution,
no improvement was nota« -able in my con-
dition. After using almost eves available
remedy the hospital doctors -of whom there
was about • dozen -cane to the oonolosioo
that my ere was incurable, and I was sent
away. with the nnderstaod'.g that I might
remain •n outside p•tiert Accordingly
from September 1890 to the end of Januar
1891, I went to the hospital once a week
for e: •min.tioo and treatment. At thee
stage i berm, suddenly worse, and 000e
moss gained adenines to the bo.pia',
where I lay in • mrarsble suffering condi-
tics ler two moots or mon. In the Sprang
of 1881 1 reformed to Oakville, and made•a
attempt to do something toward my os a
support. I wee given light work in the
Waist factory, but had to be conveyed to
amid from my proe of labor is • boggy end
carried from the Hs to • tais in the worka
os which I sat and perforoned my work. in
Aoguat, lgnl, I wa. sine *trick', dolts,
sad r.mismimied in an utterly helpless coedi-
tors until January 1892. At this thee Mr.
James, • local druggist strongly urged m.
try Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple. I was prejudiced amine* p.oprlslazy
medicines as i bed t 7seaeo - ah I /.a--
. ar.d en numerous 1 reeemm..d.d .o-
oalled remedies. I 1.8... into m
amens large quantities of different family
medicines. I had et,hpm.t.d the list of
lialm..t., but all in vain, and I was there-
fore to ttk. Mr. James' advise
i, however, saw severs) sarong ts.q�.e
se to the rain. of Dr. Wi8resm' P1m? Pip.
as • blood budder and nerve tonic, and
thinking that if I oouM only gas my bleed
he better .audition my .ten of
health might be Myrored, i resolved to
give Pbek Pills • trial. R ith the moorage
bora of despair i Weight • box, but there
wee no noticeable improvmm-,t,, •pd I
thought the wee like the other nm.dt.. i
W used. Het urged on by fnen& I .s-
tiw.ed taking Plat P411. .04 .deer sew
seen boxes i wee reworded by ..thing a
decided .hemige for tl'. 8.0.r. My apelike
relented, my spirits h.Ms to rim sod I W
a Yaik few one of my moseles eel
the ebl ttodre.emes milky emwdag i
bethe when sr VW
•. issiY wY
starsemin le • tmtE weals. My
their morthel NIL
fkr, and fa i..a II wee je
lb April I wee this Miele wort is the
War fs.esry,sad sew I me work cos
bass • dwith mg srsu I .flea achy
es duty mortis* timed fogies shy bad
share. i ploy baamh.11 is the ewe throe ass
res rue bases with say of a„ boys. Wim,
I lad like l..abg for very j.,y at she mils
hem ablest whore I s.isevd ea Wag. Meer
• thee I prayed kr darty to relive me
haw way .08rises, but sow Net is .B
ipso and 1 er joy hesith as only he am who
suffered agcy ler yarn 1 have givee you
a brief wino .l .y weff.imgs, but frees
what I have told yen can gases the death
of v greeted, for the grams remedy
winch hes restored mss to health and
▪ Wishing to suboi.atiete the truth of Mr.
Ceedor's remarkable he TRespire re-
preesstetive called upon Iir. F. W. James,
Use Oakville druggist referred to above.
Mr. James fullz corroborated the state-
ments of Mr. Loader. When the hater
had tint taken Lr. Williams' Ptak Pills he
was • mw akeletao-a wreak of bomaoity.
The people of the town had long given him
up for as good as dead, and would hardly
believe the esas'a recovery until they saw
bi. themselves. The tame of this ours is
now spread throughout the section sad the
result is as enormous sale of Pink Pula "I
sell a -doss. -•ad -•-half boxes of Pink Pills
every day," said Mr. James, "and this is
remarkable M a town the acme of Oakville
And better still they give perfect .s11.1." -
tion. Mr. lames recalled numerous in-
stances of remarkable cures atter other
remedied had failed. Mr. John Robertson, wko
llv.a midway between Oakville and Milton,
who Lad been iroebll.d with within and
bronchitis for about fifteen years, hes been
cared by the pas of Pink HIL, and this
tater physicians had told him then was no
use doctoring further. Mr. Robertawt says
his appetite had failed co■pletddyy, but
atter taking seven boxes of Pink Pills he
be was ready and waiting for each meal.
He retards his case as a remarkable ora
1n fact lir. Williams' Pink Pills ars re-
cognised ea one of the greatest modern
me iicinea-a perfect blood builder •.d
nerve restorer -wring such disease. as
rheumatism, neuralgia, partial Fueling/4
laooutotor ataxia, St. Vitus dance, nervous
headache, nervous prostration and the tired
feeling resulting therefrom, diseases depend;
ing upon humors in the blood, such NI
scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink
Pills restore pale and sallow complexions
to the glow of health, and an • specific for
all the trouble peculiar to the female noticed while in the case of men they effect • ical
cure arising from meatal worry, overwork
or excesses of whatever nature.
The Empire reporter alto rolled upon Mr.
J. C. Ford, proprietor of the Oakville bas-
ket factory, in which Mr. Condor is em-
ployed, Mr. lord said he knew of this piti-
able condition Condor had been tutor years,
and he had thought he would never recover.
The cure was evidently a thorough roe, for
Candor worked steadily .t henry labor in
the mills and apparently 'food it se well as
the rest of the employers. Mr. Ford said
he thought a great deal of the younr man
and was pleased at hu wondrous doliver-
anoe fester the grave and his restoration to
vigorous health.
In order to still further verify the state -
manta made by Mr. Condor is the above
interview, the reporter on his return to
Toronto examined the general Hospital re-
cords, and found therein the entries fatly
!roaring out all Mr. Condor had maid, thus
leaving no doubt that his cam is one of the
most remarkable on record, and al the
more remarkable because it had baffled the
skill of the beet pby.icun, in Toronto.
The pills are manufactured by the Dr.
Williaet.' Medicine Company, Brockville,
Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y , and are sold
is boxes (never its loose form by the dozen
or hundred, and the public are osutioo.d
aaggacinst numerous mutations sold in this
shape) .t 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
5250, and may be had of all druggists or
direct by mail from Dr. Wil/lame' Medicine
Company from either address. The price
at which these pills are sold make • course
of treatment comparatively inexpensive as
compared with other remedies of medical
A Fee to
Miss Maggie Dunlop, Mackey's, Ont.,
writes . --" I was a great sufferer from
bilionsnese and headache and Dr. Williams'
Pink P111. cured me." All dealers or by
meal at 50c a box or 6 boxer for 5250. Be
wan of imitation& Dr. William*.' Med.
Ca, Brockville, Ont., sod Schenectady, N.
i. 1
A Tortes Joh..
One of the best jokes ever practiced oc-
cured in a certain Lindsay hotel last Sat.r-
day afternoon. A seedy looking mac with
an umbrella entered the pl.., and walking
ap to the bartender said 6e wanted a think,
had no money, but would " pat up" the
embroil.. :rein:reinthat the umbrella was
quite new and well worth a dozen drinks
the bartender jumped at the offer and
handed his lordship • gins of the best rye
and bitters. After dnnking the beverage
and smacking his lips, the mem " put op "
the umbrella and shot it down again and
walked out The bartender was too dumb-
founded to run after him or call the polio.
A amend* Ilam
WoukI Use Kemp's Baleen for the throat
and lance. it is curiae more cases of ootids,
odds. asthma, bromides, croup mad alt
throat and lung trashier, than any other
medicine. The proprietor hes authorised
any drag to glee you • sample betide
free to ono." -eyes d the merit of ad
= gl�.at
remedy. Urge bottles 60. mad 51. (1.sw
■ raw •m Ntew Uaeght ern Mose,
The Boston Transcript this week soothes
the report that Edward W. Box, the Meer
of the Ladies' Homes Journal, d PbtIsld-
• i., will. in the Autumn, be married M
Miss Lavinia Prukham, the pretty
reed -daughter of the late Mrs LOBS
haat, to whom the hater at hr death, theta
two yeah ago, left a ketone entimeed at
over ore -half • million .1 donna Mier
Pimkb.m lives at North Brolsas., Mesa, h
21 yeas of e.g., and i, strikingly gapes
amesisg i. appearance Hes gat aequaaa-
lases with the young editor mem thrash
some mine which the .eat for pulaBeatisa.
They were esus -ted, sad eines that time
Mies Phallism lea boss • regular sem
tributor to Mr. Box'sma/ariss7,�ea!id r •
n ose de plume, however.s body
is clever with W brash m3wellli as with the
pm, and has • hoot .l admin.s and Mende
the is Mill the lamina owner of the nook
ecmpeny erga.h.d fee the oes-
tisnamee of her grandmother's medial dim
armory, cod solve s•�u4 Weems ti ...-
from el .over *80100. For y... B•. ' u
traversed leteriTely, aid is .cavo sant
with leveed of the o other aem�,�rra
Mise Mahlon mils from Seen 1� 1Jr.1
psi the die woe am Jetty M the e e
welder el the .tseseslr saae.i.R
8.. Is Oosu8..
ftSt eNs 9 • theme gen. Mltentem
Dasa .1 iso Muer M O.tan e se
Overlie et1.l1--A Weenies O0.*.I*.
"atele. la a CeeseMry-A mean
Ile►.. cream ,ere... etch.
Tusaseu, Judy Si -The death of Robert
tiladenue D..lte,maeitw i. chambers High
Coact ..f James, took plan at W resalen.•e,
311 Breslau ick Avenue, yeeierday. Mr.
Dalin hart hear 111 mime Dseember las
with test direr. Deceased was 74 tears
.l age mud was burn .t Ktugstua Hie
Arm appointment as an .flier+£. n Wire&
Hall. dates 23 yea," back, whet. Le was
made clerk of Gk's u Pleas lid Queen's
Beach aid eat in (.'hampers Wisdom
The lath Su Adios. 11'ileon •ad deceased
were waren frien.le end the demi.. of the
former w thought to have harborer the
dead .1 Ilia latter. They were of similar
tamp.rrnseits. 1 aiug both nerd .trsari e died
retiring. The I.r.a.ut Lady Wilson It •
sister of donned.
Last night the body a young wmft.i
dame£ Doren was rued floating in the
pond at Isom.t Pleasant Cemeter She
wrecognised as an Inmate of the Deer
Park Sanitarium, from which instigation
.he probatdy *soaped
James Wooing.. seed 15, *employed m
Taylor's Door Valley Brn:k Work., eibo lad
Ids leg tori off &hove the ankh joint Seine -
day While attempting to kick a belt from •
pulley, died yesterday.
An Pulsar will he held at the morgue to-
day by (some Johua.s to investigate the
death 0f • seas who was feed floating in
the bay .t the foot of York-rtreet yester-
day snorting. From papers found os kis
it is thought that he cme
person birched Sullivan.
A railway time book was .Lo fount on
his pence, and wrtteu .0 the bride of the
fly -leaf WWI the tam• '-M. Sullivan, Mar-
ton, N.B."
Peculiar .tears or a Tombola Lal et Igtw-
~dse. we. •atmrese.
KINCARDINE., On.., July 25. -8.i-timidly
about 11 o'clock James McCallum Coe -
bre, son of Mr. R.H. Custom of 43 Rosh
Tortnto, traveler for Hames., Kea -
seedy & Co , lot his life. It appeared that
the young lad and hu father were bathing
in the lake, the latter endeavoring to teach
h is men to .wim. After bolding loin in the
water for some time, the young lad striking
et with bands and fret and appareatly en-
joying himself, the latter suddenly summed
to have het all estimation, and oe taking
him out of the water it was found that life
had Bed. Mr. Cosine and family were
spending • few days by the la m
A Tweet. Weesee Pares A way Fre m
Pweameeis .a tee P. j..a..
Qazuc, July 26. -Miss Hannah Desk, •
cabin bound for Tornio, dud 05
board the Parisian Saturdaymorning
just prior to the ship reaching iotouekt
She had bees tU on leaving Ragland.
Pun mow is supposed to here mused death.
The body was forwarded to Toronto to -day
in charge of her sister. who was also •
passenger o• board
awaraeee Traaes.ted sad Prices of Orate
Ie the Qoee. City.
TORONTO, July 25. -Receipts of grain e
the street on Saturday were represented by
nee load o1 spring wheat tit 72c and 300
bushels of oats at Sic to 35c. Hay in mod•
erste supply, 20 loads selling at city to 1p for
new .n.! 11 to $13 for old. Straw sold at
59.50 to $10.
Beninese was unususHy dull on 'Clangs
to -day, oto offerings being reported.
The Pr.rbiblstee ('termtrtoa
N.S., July 25. -Some interest
is being taken in the Prohibition Com.usioa
whish opens hen this .ornimg in the
roused chamber, (tit Hell. Meetings
will be open to :he pubic and sotto spicy
evidence is expected to be submitted
Sir Joseph Hickson, Judge Macdonald
and ex -Mayor Clarke of Toronto arrived is
the city early Sunday. Rev. Dr. Wbad of
Fred.rictos is also her.. Only one com-
m iesioser is absent, Mr. Pigment, ex•M.P.
ter Beeville.
late Magarm It*psda
Maoris FALLS, Ont, July 25.-A pretty
og school teacher named Allison from
Pa, jumped into the whirlpool
on the Canada rade. She went down
the incline and was suddenly seen to throw
herself into the roaring waters. A couple
of tourists saw the woman jump and rushed
up to where she was struggling in the.
water and, after heroic efforts to reach her,
they caught her by the dress and pulled
her to shore just before she reached the
eddies. She was taken up the elevator and
removed to Mra Bartle's residence. where
restorative were • and she we.
brought back tr She gave
her reason for the foolish act tie being taw
ponrily "meat," and .zpress.d emanate
over and oyer again for her attempted .514.
Met Htareett
Wnrwtreo, July 25. -William Mon, •
S wede seotioamen employed by the C.
dies Pacific •t Ceemnn, committed suicide
by shooting.
Alter Mnebetl's Meek 1. Dasaee.
Mtarua., Tema, July 25.-I. the Alias
Ml1eW1 trial the •horsey, dimmed ten
hypothetical ease. The state objsets to its
isteedmmlhm, •rad if the ♦tterney (£seers£
40ausiplaed it will place Alio. Mitchell's
seek m dosser.
PeefeM. 8.80.4 .1 Ware
ALSXAwp,LA, OUL, July 25. -The safe
in the Alexandria petemee wee blow.
open by dynamite Saturday and 5700
Pr.MMy Patel Omeo..eha
Dimon, Out., July 2e. -Dr. Ria(rlo ds=
of Annear is in a very daage ee, cosi&
tics, the result Of suertrek. Sunday.
A 5.Mads' aerie .
Dacrteowsvnia, Omt, July 26 -The
f.teral el Noble Kenney el Toronto teak
pie. hero Retarder The
were sods by Capt Berelese efa 1 Be ie
whom reMasrast Kenney nen employe,
he albea as Osetwa
Wteinrso, Marc, July 21 -There ane
msy.ul mess d a.aUp i at Orates, a tows
es the Othedi 11 nide of the A.eric•. bone
WV=The diem, was brought leer•.
Mae Less t allsit.
Wnrooeeooee, Jaly 911. -Aa unk.eo% eras
was Ism•atlMel by • Gerd Treat
trate am Me Ores& yesterday. H. wait
kite • linea sad gat • blab aid started
4... the teas!. lftw smlamaes Imes 8.
..s smite its by • naps-b.s.d height T8..
eoltlg is W poem to 4susso abs
The Signa
awe mese sdisittild t eeeties le hep
Job silo££le ane mum,
possoln= kr
am ea.�h• .1�Mesaslset el
peteYelg A pews.£ d Nis .see...
.5.5 r ets89 %esoisthiseg W
8. iA e..d d, mil la slash .ass we mg. -
°h yeareadisas
that our .alerts to p4O.. skeet with
the approval et ear imve.
TAtttix %use.%
In this line we have • very large
stook at dm writing papers suit.
able far every .lees lit busies's
ro resented is ski. locality, co
prising laid sod wove, liner,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may be required,
1ott %%tacks
This medial sine is kept in the frill
=of Whquasome as letter
'acme. iitad►s
aro not so generally used, they Ell
an important place in conunervial
conwspumdence. Bee what we've
got under the above heads.
-WAX i%exas
It the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some .ten
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to
and at present our stock is toes
pieta in this line with four Sime .
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents colcmns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after •
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Now, it would be haul to get
along without envelopes,and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand We have now shout •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will ranr from TSc. to
$3.00 per M. R e handle cm
mercial and legal sizes esclusiv-e
Cor raert\o.‘ 4r\n<\ng
has already been partially enum-
erated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, s vast amount
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tea
T,em to<\ons
to an "At Home" or • wedding
require considerable taste in selec-
electtion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and hent
samples to be had. Call and her.
We aim to excel in all the differ-
ifferent kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper.
suitable for all requirements.
4 rogrWPM)
of entertainments and meetinp
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with coni and pencil attached.
Cards and► We ceAs
This head covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or-
rdinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
4 osters
Our facilities for turning out this
clam of work are evidenced b7 the
fact that the great balk d it is
done by se. This line also he
which oar three fast -running job
praises are able to turn out in •
surprisingly short time.
belong to the
Macs and we ass poster
alsposidy aft
them-_prmmpiwnsj r as
in this respect A nolisesue: • e
will appear in Tel fl n at free of
charge when hi1ls for same are get
/iGndts 05 W or.
in the typographical printing lies
oars be dose in this establishing&
in an expeditious and artistic
manner and
Oar 4rltes vlt Wbe So.•nd
V*tr% rttasonabk.t.
We extend our thuds for pass la*
as and solicit • costin..aes eJ lbs
WIL 43110.1,,
osseous, or