The Signal, 1892-7-28, Page 1THE TaA DIl'rG rria-vcreir.ALImm OP HZTRON OOUNTY_
VOL. %LIV. No. 2371.
The subscriber is ripen to offers for
the pun -base of the Newspaper and
Job pnlding OBoe 01
One of the beat equipped offices and
kit paying country newspapers its
Westeru ( Ontario.
Sari -factory retinae for selling.
kw gal. -J. Rd.rteee Pg. 1
Need pfidustbm-R. B. Habana 1
Apttsmu to test -Hoz fh . e
The Mautase Home -Deed Carry $
hewer (Setts --Y. J. Pehlkeel s
rm. T......r-N. MMtennes._.. 1
bene Photos -It it Hstleme S
mega of Yarm--t'amerea. Melt It Holmes$
ewe Cloth Loat --Sweat Orion •• 1
Special %ono.- -A. nsaslesaw.. t
So.tss for Sale -rtsettat.OS ' s 1
OTR'AT At She: a:Atm. On July
Nod. Vogt Hubert (Sway, aged eg years
sad 10 months.
y, l4H b ra.LLS- Hr Rev. J.L Rowell 11 Rev. H. Irvine, of Hassell.
on 11e,ine.eta). Jodi clot. at the reenters.
pt Ruh,. M.-Uus. Klpoee father of talc
brad. r". Arcbttlatd McKibben. of One
elf.,. Beltotcireait. (duelph ouatereaee.
can yl m.- 1..ane Meats.
Dow Mr so the Maks el std Ver
THEOISE the ,sods •11 both the tined erkidao tome ngastlea. you east .. w AAC THE V1 k .l .s the asses .1 w elide amid math
Trask and the Chasidism Nabs Railways Arsenates eresaes and their me of Govertsmeet, mearoslv wadtt that the whole paMioNime
WELLPRESENTED I M ",.•l paints, it wowed.,•. cosh • ee.- but WO Maar le already Mr too IWg.
Value of crop to tbe farmers be M Me pr JAMCs
she li aby sdei•g q.the all hescAi aoar
io•T positba
I sotto" that &r Charles Tapper is teyifE
hard to persuade the English l.overamost
to pet • duty of 15. per bushel on ole
kr.itpi wheat. H. M guns willtsg to Ooderid. Tp.: !Tarry Beacom lost "good
ARE INDISPUTABLE geareatee that M.eitobe and the Ncrtbwist 1.• =,:sem I.wkjaw lest week.
are able to furnish all they r gsire, without Easter: August 4th will he tic, civic
increasing the oust to the consumers. This 1, ,ti.ley "re.e. •1«. Heeeedi.e.
panties is rates that it would 'sham the Yawn, sues,
M lntetre.ting Letter In
., Huron Eltpoeltor."
'Jar.tferd. July had, 1899.
The tare el Cestlaeatal taloa Ably
Nrosdred W ler. Josses rrtrogle, of serse.
fund-Tbe Mewearks ApbM ramrods
Chilly rat -Mw This l'auasn 1. N
Mag Nesesisslanted Against The Condi-
Nees a/ our
Friday last arcarL he
ht to Goderich t
1001 .excUrsioe a the Wee00. It ens
wder the au.pose of the choirs of Water -
la,, t.•lt, Berlin sed all points between
Stratfonl and l ipderich. The trains brought
u 1.200 or 1,400 exeuratuaiets, rad points
from surrounding township aka seat in
tbstr sults,,;o The Preuss bad sccom-
ps•red the excursionists and did good ser•
nes during the day. &deleted by %.oliner.
onlieetre At the etatre0 the visitors were
Wet b) the l,. -al oniumittee sad marched to
the .1uurr, wl.erv. after some .iectiose
ind been levee, the following address was
red on behalf of the local choirs
La it- t.t: Gxen nexx-0. behalf of
an choirs and muaic•leviag al (dodo.
mi. i ettrnd to you • roostheart y wei..r
to our lovely town, beautiful as it is for
atuati,n. As a community, we in Goderich
are blessed with the emit of nature.
whether at be the of the blames
tau, apse whose �Wy of the
heroes „t Indian locoed, or peals mar -
nets of the apples of the gbamy lake as
they play on the pebbly beach, or tae b aid
Mysighing &mous oar leafy bowers, or
at be the shrill wbist1ag at the
ween as It pukes the mighty Homo into
awful grandeur. It is ours, also, to listen to
the "mocking " bird whistle, to the mighty
plumage of the tree bores, to the gentle
simmer of the briny liyaid brought from
1.000 feet beneath UN e•rek"s surfer" to
the nogmg of the cavil, hes w abater of
the loom, to the hum .1 revdvimg wheels
Msocfacturag musical iateruanets a the
filer quality, to the curiously twisted
braes breathing forth gouads at sweet har-
mony, to the blending of the tones of
grunted Instrua"mts in orchestral cadences,
sad to the organ's rich peal smt•iaing voiess
gifted an sons. You are is • town full of
sear, and as lovers of the seared art *t
Apollo se sincerely masses you to our
w aist We need not ten you that music
limn upon ats wings ewe of the sweetest
sad purest pleasure eiIM4.t boar,
whether it rushes teeth hem mss lips or
Jim the breath el ad Mame open Ma
throne. We seed eel tel yea that muds
elevates and quickens aurg�uS�ouithat
it softens and subdues the t�hgYuui bipsri-
Moo, that it refines mad SSentes the tray -
aid and turbulent preisne, fiat h nerves
the heart to deeds a%rdsrsh/ baratsm, that
tt gives joy and eent,VtiM le the hoar nl
*Auction and carries the spay an.. the
rough and stormy swot life erdsrsedshsyoud
tbs vale of time to misses* Wilk amSshe
nee the wandering *sit is dM Led home.
Yoe know all this. We ebeway Maps that
your short visit to our Iowa may he eau of
rich ploasare to that this re -onion my
o the loveda of es dime he=ads
e sr. hued and week, that bol
at frisedahip may he and tame
yes say be m delighted week this gni
witg us amo soda musk aaep�mm that
ros may pleased to Curare asIt year
to eery the invigorating brooms of old
Remo and to gnat as aesi.r as waken
is a ochea caw, that of heiliig up the
srt which Cohen the MaM, aeedbes M
lMeeeaiud o i rine. s the �rpu a o, In d
our simetion
Ma with • pacer. Maher lama Oros
here we ram you • hearty miaow
6up.d 8, P. Haus, M A.,
Larder Nsrthat Mety. Choir.
Mr Wanton, as Waterloo, aaMulary and
Perseus of the esesreie a, replied le 5.11 terms. After the singing of • h
Moor Nutter, on Mien et the of
Ich, welcomed the afters CC es -
sal happy style. and was rapMad in by the
ar savor of Berns. The Aldol, headed be
the lead, proceeded to the Pdcaam risk,
Mien en aadlent .prssd had hese pram-
Wenrefrain t* W been bad . sego
eqg amemobled arhet Park where
es mamma open awas presented
and bt the haul d ads psi a earn from
the different visitira
A mese of voles of thanks Mrougkt the
day's Seise. to • deme
Corning Trude.
we oupy from The Hiro. K1pomiter
is an as able presentation of the case,
. far . Coottn.atal Union is ooaoerned :
Outs }:ir•s.trox,- I notice there have
been several very able letters published is
your very valuable paper for T- against
Mancunian. lt, appears to me that T. M.
Whits has by far the best of the argues/et.
Although you have undertaken to champion
the other sada of the question. you de not
attempt to refute eoy of theargenisats used
in favor of Annexation. You jump at the
conclusion that this comity would derive
•11 the benefits from Commercial Unica or
Reciprocity that it would do from Annexe.
tin. This appears to me • great delusion
ca your part. which shows clearly that you
have allowed your prejudices to ret the
better of your judgment. Political anion
, leans strength. If the fisheries, the canals
and the railways wore all the common prop-
erty of this oustta.nt, under one(:overs-
reset, an sad would be put to all dispute* ;
the country would teal so mecum In ia own
greettem It would not require to disgrace
itself by keeping up • single regiment of
fighting men. Yon are well aware there
are both mea and newspapers in both coun-
tries whose chief b=asen it ire to stir up
strife, bemoan the two countries. The mors
they succeed the better they like it. Reci-
procity would not help fatten in this re-
spect. There is oo frieodsb.p in trade. and
the same old bones of ootention would oon-
twa. in the future as they have done in the
past. What with troubles .t home, sad
old oouatry troubles •brad, this *many
would be kept in bot water *ado& the brink
of war all the time.
The Sian.ese twins, whim alive, were am
itel together from each other's aides by •
very dander cord. While to this condition
they lived and prospered : both raised large
bawdiest ; earth supported his own children
and accumulated wealth. but alas, when nae
died the other could not exist. Canada and
the Gonad Stases are far more closely allied
to mei .4hsr them the twins ever were.
Fee shamed* *,. amass mighty rivers and Woes are dove- tailed and .pliued
into mei other's territory ; for thousand*
et m11.• tiara is only an imaginary line
dividing sham. If any obstacle comes in the
way of " Fres Trade " between the two
eauatries it is at once bridged or tunnelled
M facilitate trade, at a cost of hundreds of
minion. of dollars. The people of this
.entry do sot mem to know that the bond-
ing system gives " tree trade " in railway
traffic to both countries. If free trade in
railway traffic is of .nab immemde benefit to
both 000atriee,why should it not beextend-
ed to all other industries. The great bulk
of our last year's crops has Irma shipped
over Amaricea lines, from American parts,
at be to 10c per 100 pounds lee freight than
mold have been done over' Onai n rail-
ways from Omadian ports. Besides, this
year there has been such • fall in prices
that the dolly in shipping mails over our
own roads from our own porta would have
caused an additional lose to farmers sod
deafen d be to 10e per bushel more. The
oast of getting grain, or anything els., to
market most determine its value to the pro-
domer. 8'.'e fire srupposed to have great .d
vantages over the Americana in the cattle
trade In the F.nglieb markets. To secure
this advantage the cattle mast at be shipp-
ed from Canadian porta. The result is Nat
freights from Motreal to the old country
hem rand from 86 to $10 per bead
than frog New fork, which coma=
mess our advantages two or three times
over. If we bail Aawxatioo the. 21,000
head that have been .hipped this ues.a,
at • lees of 910 per bead, cold all b•.* bees
tikes out of the byres ons day and sad
pro6taS1 the ant is the largo cities moored
ov b to opposition to the Mimeo
•• Dead Meat Dalen," without hmNIi ng
the risks of shipping to a market 3,600miise
The Amrle•se, having a narks Ute
Chicago, whoe theme a of settle ea be
bought every da and where snores d rail-
way and .M•tra•Lk lines are osespnaimg for
Mdrkt. are is • mob better porton to
.l, wets of Kappa t we are
wM theMve early iwo reeds, and these two
aro one, to ship by, to • ane.haras pert
that is i Ni mouths in the year.
Ludes this, we are u • mush bettor pea -
Moe to ths waste at an the bus,.
Miss wi eattM, or aayada( elm, thea
they are themselves. If we eon -
pea with them at home thee it is no use la
tram to do es abroad.
Nature bang badly against us.oar natiuu•
V- t is bowed ri
up with the Aew-
esnaFor the Amines Item God -
seise to Hatifou by the LMuaMtid rail-
way, which was a pMel to hied an the
Provisoes to9Nher, i 1,114 miss t to St.
John mad P.i8nd, three. Mahe, is 946
and 764 miles no datum
to new York, by i edy M$ maim,
the heathers part at the
ns neer New Teen es M i W Mm.i..,
bong the.. et is net to be weadaad a
that the iaMnsinil railway to feeler
sheet 91.000,000 yearly, sad that the kalk et
our ansa are gdhg by New York, where
oro is .q of d eomtetlism be
heighte to al. pt,ls d had
world. If we d
As Man an ear nteps would that way.
Leat weelt I 10. �M�tssM Mem BMwd was 14,
oad Truth
Ming $.1i lido Per 1 the117 mast,, w1Ds tie
�Thsri�asetk)won was may 6e hem leaks M
1p4mwing7we had AA- al- and the
baa eseIro d alto Lefts. Num $��p,,
the e eM Bans &l , Karen hue, sed
w Ramilra h Northwesters esrwath, se
?eh. who
lMaih Ma
Or. ,mea »traeleal. to
thehr Wm.
t stretcher seams to ignore
both the
laws of __ . sad demand . well as the (.In•ron : Fri•I..), 'lir Soh •,t A,Ign.t, hes
AImIRh !t turner dadvoo•-
Isa the heilding of the t ..,..ilium Peetfle
Railway he predicted that by the year 1890
this earn Northwest would have a wheat
surplus of 1100,000,000 bushels for export.
The not result is, in this, the year of oar
Lord, 1892, they have not raised more than
90,000,000 bushels, half of w hid" is unfit
for food end will tot realize more than
freight and oommimioss in the English
market. If the fret had struck the crop
two weeks earlier, as it has done some
years, they would not have had enough to
bread themselves. Tupper has • good des/
of cheek to .k the old country to give up
their free trade polio) that has made them
the wealthiest =tiuu on earth, tor the sake
of keeping his party nu power. 1f the
government was foolish enough to put a
duty on breadstuff' and other raw materials
it would run their trade without d•,irg us
any goo.. if all our grain bail to be shipp-
ed from Halifax six months in the year,
taking the distance, the severity I.f the
climate and the extra one per mile for haul -
leg through such a wild country, the coot
would mete than counter -balance the duty.
amid Ettrtand commit "national suicide"
by cutting off her supplies, by imposing
heavy duties on imports, the United Stat.,
who have an unlimited supply of almost
everything witbia themselves, would et
Docs declare tree trade with the whole
world. If this were done, Ragland
would ran the risk of kaing two-
thirds of her trade, besides runaiag the
risk of having to pay famine prices for her
food supplies when the clop fail in her
coition's, which is no unsaved 000urreoo•. It
is • haesrdous business to attempt to pre -
diet the future. Still, Tupper will do .,
because, I suppose, be is well paid for it.
But, if be were paid only in accordance with
the relative accuracy of his predictions, he
would coon be of of the busine.. Even
the " Grand Old Mas," Gladstone, woe
made a fool of himself in predicting that
the Southern State' would gestin their inde-
pendence - and within forty days. An-
other great mat, and • great Tory, Lord
Mao•aley, bas predicted that England will
yet beoome • pastoral country that the
herdemes will an on London Bridge, or oe
what u left of it, and watch their flocks and
herds grans* on the site of the city of Lan-
don. It u fervently to be hoped this pre-
diction will come no nearer the truth than
Tepper's- Bat, we all know, history re.
pests itself. As unlikely events have oomo
to pees in the part. Who can tell but pro-
tection may be the b.giaaiug of the end of
England's greatness
During the last eleven moths 550,000
Enrope•a immigrants have arrived .t the
prin. tp.lp•rtaof the United States. Strange
to .ay 103,000 were from Scotland, England
and Ireland. This show' plainly the old
non are not half as much in love
country who have got Government pap in
their moths. Annexation would populate
sod enrich this Dominion ten times faster
than any other policy. It would put • stop
to the exodns of ••Live-born C•nadiata, and
weld induce the settlement of the enter-
prising Amerioaas in our midst. Resides,
it would at oaoe tun the tide of European
immigr tioa to this country which cannot
be got in any other way. The people of
Kurope have bad their necks too long coder
monarchial aedgespotic rule. Their great
desire is to get rd of it, and to live in •
free ooamtry where they can choose their
rulers, instead of having to trust Provideoce
to provide than. Allibougla the German
Emperor is • beer of Queen Victoria, and
the son Of good decent parents, still, be
says and does such ridiculous things, that
both the people d America sad Europe are
at . Ices to know whether he Jodrell* or le -
tame the moat of his time. Take, also, the
oats of Randolph, of Bavaria -mid Rudolph
of Austria -two of the divinely appointed
rales. They were both en dis-
sipated then they pit as end to their miser-
able lives beton toy got the power to work
wheiscale aimbwt. Judd think of it, al -
aweigh Menem is y drowned in
debt, it snots over ohs dollar. yearly
le keep rip large seaadiag armies to be in
readiest, to basher IS* other to gratify
the ram aalkhMlankilione doing uI goad -lee -nothing
Ips�atd has far more to fear from Ameri-
esa bas trade' than from Protectiea.
ProMalha bM oohed Amorist within her
owe wkieh les been a advs..
ley to hada But the time has
taw mese whet the Urdted States mast
kali the shell el Tussah- sad enter iso
sus eoatpatirw will w net of the
waeld. The DahawM have takes the first
seep fa this dioslis& There seed be no
fear of the nue I, mer ssp.ela ly if
Eailaad mos 8t M toM her owls threat by
taxing her raw mnt.i•le. The limited
States have as of both wealth sad
sterprise. a� hie$ wired. wi1►h
themelves, sad so dent and talons
.--g armies living se the industries of
w emeslry, smelt a they have ae
Komp. she is bead to term the hawse
emm- - 3 supremacy. Should Raglissd
Iain her hooiga trade she would =mmsrity
Ism both her pspu1tion and her Wo•1th,
and eonmeriemay would b no Imager our
market. What foolish:me en try to faros
thio eoeslry into partnership with ear
•• •god Cestan" who has seek as sas.mtas
a•I�eat1 debt ea leer e1ealdenl, bathes
Mktg rased up is •11 IM m•Iiwl dispwee
h . well a is every other peat d
the mold. If she lost her trade ail was
draws isM • war, bar dant would
b �y • heavy m.tgaae eh a
Gstadlat ir. tam 1M owner am w heap
. w ideea Dahl hes w mens alMt
es 1011.\• es ea individuals,end geswsny
maim 1 Gree y. es. berg the same
hire mesh a would k he fee u•, es a
gi.. M MA ht env Int with arr mkgbb rs
it( .. IIl the 8,000.000 of our ams sad
Mwho am mw is w UMW
tWr we maim Ind
Whin 1 baps mein 1 iete.ded M
, i• -Voll . ...n' -I .0 civic la•,Inley.
Ezewr : 'Thee voters' lista tor the villa }»•
of Exeter for the year 1892 shows that tbs
aggregate number of voters is 566.
!Uneven : At the sale of the Nixon pro-
perty in Blu esle the grist mill was knocked
down to Charles Herbert tor 13150.
11'Ingbam . A little chid of Wm. Mit•
chell's, who resides on Patrick street, fell
into • tub of water yesterday but was res.
cued just is time to save it from drowning.
Ciboria*: The voters' lid for the year
1892, for the toweekip of Usborne, has
been issued. It Donut= a total of 834
names of voters, with 414 eligible to serve
as jurors.
Exeter : Mader Herb Ford bed • large
carbuncle lanced on Monday last which had
grown to • monstrous sits nu the chords
on the back of his neck, and which caused
him much pain and loss of sleep.
Clinton : A. P. Gundry, of Aylmer has
been engaged as science and oommercial
master for Clinton Collegiate Institute. He
is an experienced teacher and well spoken
of by those acquainted with his work.
Holmesville: Thursday of last week as
Mrs. Jenkins was picking berries on the
railway. She had the misfortune to sprain
her ankle so severely that she is not ex-
pected to regain the use of it for three
Brussels : We regret to hear that James,
eldest son of R. W. Tuck, Shelburne, died
on Wednesday, 20th, of inflammation of the
bowels. He was a bright youth of 14 years
of ane. Mise Tuck, of Brussels, attended
the funeral.
Brussels: W. F. Stewart, of Durham,
formerly of Brussels, was in town on Thors-
da), of this week. He says his residence
and mill bad • close call from lightning last
Friday. Mn. Stewart's arm was partly
paralyzed for a time by the electric current.
Wioghem : Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Ken-
nedy and Mrs. James Kennedy, • sister of
the late Dr. Hugh Hama, of Belfast. Ire-
land, all of New York, N. J.. are spend-
ing • week in W ingham. the guests of
Reeve Hanna. Mr. Kennedy is proof-read-
er on The New York Sun.
Wingbam : Alex. Galbraith. of this
town, is to be congratulated upon being the
gold-ined•Int of the Chatham Business Col-
lege for the term just closed. Mr. G. has
been retained as mathematical master of t he
institution, and those an authority have
doe welt w recunog his services.
Wingham : Th. garden thieves have .1 -
ready commenced their avocation. On
Tuesday night, 19th inst., about fifty hills
of potatoes were stolen from John Sheffield's
ground on Scott street. Other gardens have
also been visited, and in some instances
strong suspicion exists as to who the guilty
partite ere.
Clinton : As Mies S. Rumball moon -
way to the funeral on Friday July :.,
while descending the railway bridge, G .me
slipped causing her to fall upon the hard
road and doses beneath, the fall resulted in
a seven cut cm the forehead. Medical aid
w= at once summoned, and the wound is
doing nicely.
Ssaforth : The cricket match on Thurs-
day last between the married and single
nen resulted in favor of the former by eight
runs. E. C. Coleman got 14 wickets for
17 runs sod T. F. Coleman 9 for 8 and C.
Kii.g 2 for 7. The principal scores were
Maclennan 26. KLall 11, not out, J. Smith
10 and Greig 10.
Brasses : At the recent entrance ex-
amination held in Se.torth .md Brussels,
Donald McKenzie, of Bruniela, was the
winter of the oared b7 the
trustees of the f3giA► Letatata.
Th..00sssful boy mode marks, the
n ext marks below bsia$ 506, and the
miaimam 382. He n smashed to come yeah s
free tuition at the institute and deserves
bouorabie maettioa for the reek ke has
9eaforth : On the lbth inst., while Mr.
Garden, of Harrarhey, who works is
Rroadfoot A Box's furniture factory, was
attempting to replace a kelt on the puny
by mime. al a dick, the pally throw the
d ict back violently epos him, barely mle-
sm��gg ble head sad striking him o the left
collar bone, br.•kiy it aid otherwise In-
juring him. He was taken to the office of •
ewe ppk��yeiciaa in a rig and Imsd the fracture
atadad to. Ha is aow doing well but will
probably be off work five or isx weeks.
rule as the loyalists of this
Mr. Murphy, however, held
• 1 that his comimnniaatioas with Mr. (arrow
were protessioaal and that he was .01 .1
liberty to disclose them. This
Libellers tiro Crawling was got
lerrlow� m arrival of a letter yes -
Under the Barn. Gonaar.-n, July 18.
Re M. l'. C'ameroo
Due 3111, -We telegraphed you today
respecting an alleged libel published by you,
copied from The Star newspaper of this
place. N. Murphy. Q. l'., is aware of all
the facts. He acted fur the defendant Gore
and be Knowe and we doubt not •ill state
that the article is in all essential particulars
fake. We will oertsinly act on our in-
structions and proceed against you crtmin-
ally unless the most prompt, wide and come
piste apology is suede.
(.AR10e •N It Pao( ttytN,T.
I'he Publisher The World, Toronto.
A World reporter took this letter to Mr.
Murphy, and after reading it, that gentle-
man felt that the seal of secrecy on his in-
terview with Mr. (:arrow had been removed
thereby. He therefore consented to make
A statement, having tint read The Star's
" 1 went to (:odench," Mr. Murphy
said, "too examine the girl Laura 4.ordon oe
a declaration made by her in the Daae of
C.arreron against (:Ore and Miller I wan
counsel for (.ore. The girl Gordon is, I
should judge, In the last stages of consump-
tion. I paid her a vet and .w her en-
feebled condition. Her physician .id that
she could stand a briet examination, but if
protracted he would not be responsible. 1
.w Mr. 1.arrow, counsel for Mr. Cameron,
anti .ked him how long his cross-examina-
tion of the girl would be. I sail that my
examination might not occupy more then
15 minutes. Mr. Garrow stated that his
crows -examination would be very long. l
think he mentioned four hours or more. I
confess that my visit to the dying girl had
awakened my sympathy. 1 ezpn.ed thin
feeling to Mr. (,arrow. 1 said this girl's
evidence was very important to my client,
and must be obtained If the case was to go
on. I then suggested as an alternative that
he should withdraw hie writ and action. air.
(:arrow expre..ed as strong a repugnanos to
subjecting the invalid rirl to a searching
crar-examination as I did, but thought that
hie client would not consent to dropping the
action. However, he offered to sound Mr.
Cameron. We met next morning and Mr.
(:arrow announced his willingness to 'vit.h-
draw the writ and stop the action, each
party to pay his own costs. This we ac-
cepted. It was done entirely from human-
itarian motives. i had not then nor have I
now the least doubt of my client's innocence
of the charge of circulating • slander against
Mr. Cameron."
This was Mr. Murphy's statement. It
will be seen that it contradicts The Star's
article in two Important particulars. The
offer of a settlement came from the defend-
ant's counsel, not from lir. Cameron's side
and lir. Cameron did not assume the oasts
of both sides. The deductions which The
Star makes must, of course, be affected by
the errooeoua information on which they
ars made. We copied the article from The
Star in good faith, as an important matter
of news, and did .o without malice or with•
out intention to unjustly injure him.
Tae Tommie World Nitre's up the Sponge
Sari). and Tar Nonillion aperWK Name
a e:eed aeread ether elpletos• trem the
res.* roeene of ,an conlesspererses are
■ealsslsi 1. Year. Thai Naesty
tar the hest ruiner.
sereative journals that have at
various times been attacking the
private character of M. C. Cameron, ex • M.
i'., are crawfiahing all along the line. The
editor of The Star wee last week committed
to stand his trial for criminal libel ; The
Toronto World put itself straight at the
fiat opportunity : The Hamilton Spectator
swallowed its statements bodily : The ('iia•
too New. -Record got down un its tn.rrow-
boses, and as we go to press the editor of
The Kincardine Review is on his way to
Goderich in charge of the constable to an-
swer a charge of criminal libel. Following
are some of the apologies published :
Press The London Advertiser.
During the late contest in West Huron,
some of the political opponents of JI. C.
Cameron, circulated • report to the effect
that he had been guilty of the toast scoun-
drelly conduct towards a domestic formerly
employed in his family, who died in this
city some time since. The retailers of the
slender did not have the manliness to maks
the &acus tion boldly on the platform,
wbere they oould be held responsible for it,
and could be proceeded against criminally.
They preferred to deal in inueodoes-to
talk in • " I don't know, bat they say"
kind of way, and by other dastardly meth-
ods, they attempted to injure Mr. Cameron
and make votes for his opponent. The
same tactics were pursued by • section of
the Conservative press, much to their dis-
Mr. Camera was in poor health at the
time, and was not able to follow up and
confound his detractors as he has always
been prepared to do. He was defeated by
Mr. Patterson by a small majority under
circumstances that will be laid bare in the
election trial soon to he held. The pone.
cation did not end there. An individual
named gore having since been induced to
father the aocusatioos, Mr. Cameron
promptly took actio for libel against him,
and was prepared to prove his innocence in
a oourt of law. The action was recently
withdrawn, and The Goderich Star, which
had pursued Mr. Cameron with bitter mal-
ignancy, represented that the plaintiff had
taken this actio and had paid the costs, be-
cause he was afraid of the results --in other
word., that he was guilt{yp, of 011 that had
been charged. It r needle.a to say, that 1f
the facts were as represented by this Con-
servative paper they weld give room for
grave sespictoms. As exon as the charges
were thus publicly indorsed by • respooeible
journal, however, Mr. Cameron promptly
took action for criminal libel, and medita-
ted adopting a similar oour.e towards The
Hamilton Spectator, which copied the ar-
ticle. The Speet...or gets on safe ground as
speedily as poesibIa
Wfagbam : The will oI the Isto John G.
Halma wee filed on Tuesday for the et -
motor. Thos. Holmes The propertye
mooted to nearly $18,000, •sd issad to
have beam W the Walt of the premiebe
��0000esgg bureidr's tares years'
Th..1*1 was drawn in J•onary, 1127u:1111
leaves an the property to him father,
Thome dleima of Wiegbam. (lot, "sad
after his death it my sides, Mary Lavinia
sad Margaret Annetta in equal shams."
The property is
oudescribed a follows:-
H.ihoid Imola. hooka and law library.
$300; book delay, promissory boas sad me
half interest le dem, $1,800; life Ingersoll*.
11,0001 esetl1ote t1 deposit, $9,500; cash
is head, Met cash in bath. $4,360: real es -
toes, $1,000; total, $17,f176,
8uaferth : A paw of lacrosse in the
western beim was played here on Weds's-
day laee awes. O dsriek and Sar
lerth in a vagary ler 8a•l.rth by
these gosh to mem Aftoy the third g see
•••• w (i.d.elsb payers loft the Mid
rdeeler to pyo as aw-ent of the pertM{iy
w1ho�y theadt11 to Cantor woe sbwigg he -
1a male the desihee el Mame
t all wersiir tad Y the cue W
tueen a elf adore M w1s would
w gins ne eta► The aim semi
Homilies Spectator : A year or eo ago
The Spectator received from • mea named
Lore, of Goderich, • letter, intended for
publication. containing (:ore's version of the
Cameron scandal. Knowing (.ore to be an
interested party, and believing him to be
irrespooubde, The Spectator declined to
print the story. But when, the other day,
• statement, bearing upon the same nee,
was found in The Toronto World, copied
from The Goderich Star, • newspaper
printed on the spot, The Spectator took it
for 'Treated that the story had foaudprNoa
in fact. It now turns out that The .
statement that Mr. Cameron had wi rains
his libel suit and paid costs was altogether
untrue. Indeed the withdrawal of the suit
was proposed by Gore's counsel, and was
reluctantly agreed to by Mr. Cameron sole-
ly on the ground that M did not wish to
disturb the lad msostents of • dying girl,
and possibly hasten her death. It is almost
incredible that • reputable newspaper, such
es The Goderiob Star has waned to be,
should make so grave an soces•tios without
first aaswring Dwelt of the •bsofete truth of
the awry. A newspaper ea be eat•in of
the correctness of the local matter in its
columns ; but every journal must depend
upon the toisgraph or opo other jourea1
for the eorrecteem of matter having ram,
111•1011 Lo osourresw at • distance. This is
The Spectator'k only excess for bavtng
ted v entree entrst twmabouus
et t e
whose private ohar.mter it bee eo desire to
sethethathlime 1-
wi, r�1.� servo• y el
th. e�mtplewlp_.(w wegtt,a
The result of the P.S.L examinations as
accepted by the Fducation Department is as
follows :
m uxtox.
Cunningham, Ll:sie, No. 8, Hallett.
Jeffrey, Anna B., •• ••
McGregor, Minty, No. 2, Tuckenmi
Murray. Annie, ••
1-anR'idgse Nellie, No. 8, Hallett.
Whiddon, John W., Bayfield P. 3.
Ansley, Fred, Wimgham
Cummi»pps, Retie,
Cummings, Lizzie,
Cornyn, Adam,
i)insley Norna,
Deans, Ella,
Hanna, George,
Jackson, Winni.,
McTavish, Robert,
Stratbdee, Harvey,
Watson, Encina,
Johnson, F.tta,
Brooks, William,
('ave, Mini».,
Clarke. Wm.,
Mol•llem, Elsie,
Maras', Katie,
Sharma, 11 J.
Tr.vsttick, Lida,
WHAT MIL raa101o7s'a LAWTara ASP ML.
From TTa Toronto World.
in past Saturday's Ness of The World as
article appeared copied front The God/rich
Sitar. It contained • .umbar of .tateneots
with ded.otisns therefrom bearing strongly
smu=t M. C. (lamwoa. Oa Monday The
World received the folMwig telegraphic
deep ' (loomurn, July 16.
You hove publlehed a gab end mdieleas
anemia eespeetisg our MGM, M. C. nue
Premed -
alp are sour bane Takes madame that
per Medina Whet Velum you withdraw
ad apLam we aere itstrosted to pressed
ewiM you. Oaasow i Pe000moer.
:The World was swan that Niehaus Ma.
41.G. bad aoted Owen emenel.
emeemesety ..8ehe w ti *heI f w
elm ea de m M.. it norm The altar ler
• relight and reepssdMu jenma, psblW-
Exeter P. 8.
at 44
Coonsitt, Annie, Na 7. Ansley.
Gies, John, Zoriek.
Irma our ewe e.aagesdeat-
V ry fine hay weather.
Didn't we have a big time at Kiueardiee
on the 12th, crowd* d though we were.
Jas= Forrest, who had hese for • long
time Oat Wtet, hell returned hoes..
Marshal Brack s plea sant tam may
alas he seen Ilm Redntaed and most,
of Wianip.g, are visiting her sister, Mrs.
Jams Fraser, and other farads thtourboet
the .Duty.
Wille raining Dark! Mon is hero, on the
boud•ry, on holiday of last week RDW., who wee palling rafters. fell from
to plats to the floor, • dreamt al eight-
een lust, on ***Dent of the breaking of the
rater whirl: be was pallies. His area
Were badly upraised hat Math, more merl-
ons mass MU weesg with him say • are
body feaflMtiski g up -ghee hint
V M_g _tw baad
Salm pr
ttp M the timelrea
$ale of farm week at let 4, Lake read.
lblherae, about nee mile from Aitken,
Allen's, en Friday, the his day a Aagod.
at 9 **amok r... Jedm Kees. .aot reser,
J. O. Castro. preprMar.
C1•es& win hey. 10.100 aquas. 100 is
the •arlwlenwl keNilar/ ea the mew
Wories Fab.