The Signal, 1892-7-21, Page 7,r.. d i 4,• , 3I THE SIGNAL: GOD O$ ONT.. THIIBSDAY, JULY 21, 18911: -_.. JOHN T. ACHESON SPECIAL VALUES IN;; American Challies at 8, 10 and 15c. All Wool Challies at 20, 25. 40 and 5c. Ladies All Silk Undervests at 75c. Al ine of Parasols worth $2.00 for 1.50 A Special line of Dress Goods in lain and checked 40 inches wide in yards ends $1.00 for the piece a argal n. JNO. T. ACHESON. e NOW TA$D BOOTS :AND: SIIOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING Cor. gest-et. and Square. Pis—The latest and best Spring and Summer designs just to hand. 4 R k rg CAN USE ANY WRITING INN. a 0 .c og o4 THE FAKIR OF INDIA M t. areareed M as papeeseems lemma W me twosomes Who Owe Y T. Was ssw.papsrs w .sssplaining I fakirs who, they say, ere grafts to be Mnieaisrly ebie.Kesayo se nursed pee' "Ott These hely M are m Bial -y very ht's they .asset stere tike drab their *ton devotions earl imeesa-- i*ging is weed to their Islht The i•Idr fit ed- ined to the prestige of rugby YiaeeN is Rh sad wearing Women with adirseall estam■ee to order le prepftet. the deb" he ane It in herd to HS& woe to with t obiseeinnalda pememi oboe they grit kir tickets el the wes. The Wahm ait h t►.. Y ric.e i s the, Digit tens a emBphses din enema l eetimated that 3.000,000 of Wars Selo _rime w h the tears ieest .f them are tteg try *a repoe pnpaiatien se stere YftaskM i' ire Ise limy te week fur • 1Hfllg. i► t�td"ed, hwhat thosr�ror, thea .t.q fabs mhe- Gut ef sheer a"'� hhim"e Isp ids bird be sappeee ihas mow. ureli� 1h red gh a teas boa of a M w hrehhe ooh ser benne e..rlahrril .m TM peed fkti& hennas ecce. to he GM Oat s1lie pews igemen ieh.1 Mks IM? IAL NOT LUCK, BUT PLUCK! as a treahltteee sad unplewnt p�U$S by all Eer.pssns who come in coatswit• him. I;HAVE ONEIPRICE FOR EVERYBODY AND THAT IS THE LOWEST. CRISP AND CASUAL #teams u.t..sat ruses Loa.. elle. Bad toilets •bound at the summer re- sorts. There are nicety -eine different banking companies in Loado.. A mea obtains bis maximum height at 40 rears of age, • woman at 50 tiara It is believed that nickel c•rbon is soon to play an important part in metallurry. The average Feg linkman would live twen- ty years longer in Englaad than in Africa. There are nearly twice en many permits to the square mile in Europe as there are in Asia.. The Adire.dack wilderness embraess an extent of 5,000 smart stiles, or 3,600,000 .ere.. A Burs or Cut will heal quickly and leave leen soar i< V ictorta C..rlwlio Salve is applied atm lm St. Martin's, Canterbury, is said to he the oldest church in England. It was built about 360 A. D. Nat».al Pill. are .agi-oae��mt d ma thorough, and are the best Liver Pills in use. Im The number of rnbbite destroyed in New South Wales during the put year is com- puted at 20,000,000. Maleriat Fever and Chills are best broken up and prevented by ening Milburn's Aro- matic Quinine Was. lm Three hundred thousand dollars' worth of Victor Hugo's works have beau sold an- nually for the let six years. An isoaedeeoent damp without • filament is the next event in the electrical way which the public may expect to see. Leaden will this year, it is said, have so exhibition of fruit from the principal coun- tries serving the Loodos market. It is calculated that in ninety yearn, at the present rate of increase. Australia will so•tain about 40,000,000 of citizens. No bird can ey backward without turn- ing : the dragon fly, however. can do this and can outstrip the swallow in speed. Destroy tb. Worms or they may destroy the children.Freeman's Worm Powder de.trby and expel all kinds of wcrma. lm The foundry and locomotive establish- ment at Dunkirk, New York, is conducted by Mrs. Horatio Brooks, • Meme woman. It is said that only tiro passengers were killed on aU the railways of Great Britain and Ireland during the whole of last year. Eucalyptus, or Australian gum tree, sometimes grows twenty-four fest in three months: bamboo, two feet in twenty•four hours. There is • sign on the entrance to • ceme- tery at North Wales, Montgomery county, Pe., which reads : " No admittance ex- cept co laminar." leasere Us horst raves Ipati.As. Three factories in the United States ma - minis over 300,000,000 eggs per year is mak- ing albumen parer, extensively need in photography. There are computed to be between 260,000 and 300,000 accident cases treated every year by the metropolitan and rubor- ban uborban 6o.pitals oboe. A Mild Loved. My little boy wee taken very bad with disrrb.',a, he was very delicate and rot so low we had no hops of his life, but a lady friend rroostmasded Dr. Fowler'. Extract of Wild Strawberry, sod although he could only Mar • few drops at a time be got well. It .aged my child. Mts. IN STIWA*T, Campbeltville, Out. i• facia are r.gw d the worst descriptio., who use their sieppeeed es.ctity to make mosey out of their inpos. A fakir who applied at a railroad ticket .(flee two weeks ago illeetrates He peculiar problem@ with which Ladles= .flh.ials have to dsaL He had the.nesse.s entice that le odor to We senility for ►i m to wear .s Ida ipersea re tt WY er bunko of dales thus • prisms salmiel ever .t�mer� matter. Chaim s.4 hem lees werw ea his toren entd he .said hardily walk. Whenhe thud dei far • rrilr.sd the met ted sit fad ilYno pss.d se snow all dist wfgM .f hardware to be carried es tips tM yemmsg@r hem Re thasght It ftji,1 uta' pessimist to .mtahlli. He eheeefwr Indorsed tin lees Heid thamM• Ji. hitt r lie isithedi it teemed ity list r fstsaMfMor sew md e bra l Ilion shales la Ithowea weary rs4a In .Her seri. he weld est M pef.lgted w scowl mime be stripped hfeme f .f holm mut. rThe lr veishis per. toof paele Wspade= was WA is amps She mutter. H. talo mos thanes Wm. but .mid um =P.r alter He buss d Ila stains eed at het he Whisk ►hemi away fa aim and with alt hb �neern drap i.Hr 0d- abs ".Ireerhaw Ythr brow they hove ttnrsd wow dawn AMm..ler the leldr weeded IHAVE ONE CLASS OF GOODS AND THAT IS THE BEST. RE -DIPPED TINWARE HAS COME TO STAY. MILK CANS, DAIRY CANS, MILK PAILS, EVERYTHING MY OWN MAKE FROM SPECIAL RE -DIPPED TINPLATE. SEE QUALITY AND PRICE BOTH RIGHT. SOME PEOPLE THINK 7 my store is ruled by the lucky star. That theory does not count in the big trade which i did last year, and which is growing so rapidly. it was not luck, but sheer pluck. The foundation of Business is R ELI A- BILiTY, REASONABLE PRICER, CLOSE ATTENTION. THE PEOPLE ARE NOT FOOLS. Everyone, whatever their position in deserve attention and civility, both of which I insist upon. Thr careful housekeeper is looking for something to nuke work easy during the warm weather, and 1 hale it. LOOK AT THIS FREE TO THOSE WHO ASK FOR IT. I have only a few, but every lady should have one. It is a bright little Book about good Carpet Sweepers --shout BISSELL'S C.iRPEI' SWEEP- ERS- that everyone who lives on carpets ought to read. Sixteen pages of new ideas put in a new way. SPECIALTIES FOR THE HEATED TERM : REFRIGERATORS, FLY TRAPS, Wei DOORS, LAWN SPRINKLERS ALECK SAUNDERS, AFEr A P..etir.l Lever. The most practical lover has been die cover& at West Hartlepool, Kngla■d. In one of his letters to hie sweetheart be wrote: i wish, my darling, that yes would dot write me such long letters if you were to Whig an action for breach of peowiw *Oast me the lawyers wusld.off► 11...r- reepeadssse between us, sod viharge fear - pease fee every folio of seventy-two words. 'h. shorter the letters the more we save from the lawyers." A. B. CORNELL) VND£RTA2CER, Kdward Lintel, of St. Peter.. C. B., .ay. That his horse wea badly tors by • pitchfork. Oue bottle of MINARD% LINT MEETcured his." Livery Stable men all ever the Dsaaisios tell our agitate that they wood sot be with- out MINARD'S LINIMENT tor twice the amt. lm i McLean's Block --On the Square--McLean's Block, STILL CONTINUES T) CONDUCT FUNERALS ATfiHIS U3UAI, LOW PRICKS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ANO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. 1013.4 r A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front as Usual. Seita d. la ea sedfrl 1. die imyjsatisa r ussber lel wL.i.mssa her the ei.rsse.r. it se a plasma* ter as to easy geed word. 1s beer a Aslf-Ibadiri t as its towns sa- mat MgwNasd. 1e. q arra sass It sot way mads itself karma by appearance ie were them iMwsl quantities ser whims I amid sot *bade Mid, bet its.sutiessel ells. sed brownies .send Vag ei the :MEV bases rpt. highly ei Asi1- t .send it, se/ wet Rely her every Inns el Dinars& bat taw Ind. Ihyrg .t the bah has samA.i. Bavimg full 1•ITh in the pr psrwaias i set wily .mire M ter the stove het further add thee as a floe Amain M the bur .sshtag gash it. L Weetunatr. 11109 Nstite- a is 8l. Mesw al, P. 1 ()TWITHSTA`DINO the loud -toned advertise - T - mento to be 'een in our local papers from time to time, and the now stock. -phrase : " I buy all goods for cash,.. all goods are supposed to be bought for mall, and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Those who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my SPRING PURCHASES And will have full lines in all departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to none. I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one price. A_ 1054 Thum. and Haberdasher. UN-OERTAX ERS r WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE J. 33R.OP1-1:11E]Y AIC BON Rave added to their present Wises cued B. J. 74a.h's I*teot Style OttHades, Alen the tweet Ilse of kneadfurnishings in the county, and prepared to ooadeot teaeuls $t palms reasonable. This titparlsaat will be strictly attended to by his mss William, who, in the imply, of the late D. Gordon for the pet ton years, has a el til beolnser, and by prompt atteatien hopes to shire part of pubue patronage. Rmre.etbsr the phies—Waiint. an your way to the poet ales. Mrs us a fail. J. BROPHBY & SON. He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : ' Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a tall before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True Competition. TTO 04111•11100u*Mus. •mems ° r AT the pyolsi�..ta eNt..laelesaes, vise writ fa end per p le M b.iss D��Nes sad b the lmerrsl m peesr•s w ..err terms lobo _meter Li ial ille lsellha. his soil w .crew. -4 Lead Manara.1106.611 chit «, --. "a6 AIL