The Signal, 1892-7-14, Page 1MS MOR O MO MUM,
gogn/g• sew -0.11.1 011e Dtrit•s •
• Ye" 1(g urea
VOL. XLIV. No. 2369,
Sts rum mos Nara s MAaasp
or to £vases.
cusp es Rotes Pis. 3
yo jeless M toper -w. C. Web. $
Thome wsmted-elf. J. I1. liaises a
mom Wowed -Mrs. J. I[YL
wage to .sit -C. lleanse
farm tor ted. -c. Saner
syrass Wanted -Brew. Dm
w --r
tares hallo. J. Priding"
fig Tailoring -IL Mad'enam
asocial Pastes -It It. Mallow. 1
spinal Metas -A. nissime 1
Das. Mahan[ 1'Wdw-Wtlows *deem"
lag Amok. reseals 1
STE W A RT - lo Lookups. ea Wett.eslay.
nth June UM. the otos of Aga Stewart.
of a daughter.
mum; Ue Jaye Mb. VOL ted
vide et Richard Deleg"t. •1 Pert Obert, et
a daseeter.
ls• )t *1. ilea Chu. Sy monad heJof•• dough -
IiATTBI;w(1-M jrAi" .. In Risley. o. July
to. by Rev. Mr. McQueen. Lewis thee.
slows to Mime Christie* McKay. alta of
Fart 4./c the orb MM.. et the of W.
J. 1.. tea,th. Sap .ear
ton.ute. N'Wi•g" _-_>�iss,
Ma.. of Toronto. M OM arts
nerd gnus. net., y� at
tto. Ireuad. is 1�a Wth year 01 tea NIL
frisk espor• glass mgr. -_
The cholera has reached Moscow.
Heavy rains and floods are devastating
Me stelppt.
Virus W. held died in New York Toes -
.fav morning
tor John Abbott will probably visit
Im.l thu lei:.
The Royal Templar. will be in camp at
Hamilton next mouth
la tour days there were 566 deaths from
cholera in Turkestan.
The boat builders of Hamilton have funn-
ed a protective .00tbine.
The cablegram announcing the death of
W. W. Astor was a forgery.
Th. Montreal and Western Railroad was
fsrnalh opened on Saturday.
Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul, be. re-
tarded to ha part from Rome.
Th. prohibition Commissio..ill take evi-
dence at Hakim es July 26th.
)fount lista sa Saturday eeilpi a
Bawer .d has 111 wee an hour.
Reeiyard !Wag sad his bride hew ar-
rived at Y..eemo et from Chin•.
Sir Heary Tyler. preadeot of the (:rand
Trak. will visit ('.nada shortly.
The o. P. R..ta.lnship Empress o(Japan
'navel at Yokohama oo Sunday.
Tho..tnderson, or Stonewall, Marl , has
been Idled in a runaway accident.
The l'anadnan rile team won two trial
notches at I'ambnd1s an Saturday.
The Manitoba orop thio promises to
M the largest yet pladnrsin that country.
Only- use body sew gmeins unrecovered
of last week's ware mus iitaJty in Moat -
Robt. Hammed, a assailer, tried to drown
bimarlt during • ft of melancholy at Tees -
The body of an unknown man dread
bke ao athlete was found off tjuebec yes-
tir L�
Thr eieotioa protest against Joseph
hathcrstooe, M. I'., for 1'eeL, has boom da-
Edward Nelles, • BrseNwid man fell off e
steamer near Chicago yesterday and was
The Rev. Thos. Goatord's (a.ersl in Lan-
des en Saturday attracted on smg".ess as-
Chitties ("nein. little boy, age four, was
drowned In • curers at Ridgetown es Satur-
day eight.
t•nna.-r Jacomb, of "A" Battery was
drowned near the Kingston Military College
o* 'aturday.
Twenty six houses have been barest out by
the spark from a train et Cato Cove, in
The remains of the late Mr. Otto Klett
were interred at Preston os Saturday with
MssoIuc honors.
The election petition against T. R. Flint,
the liberal meenhor for Yarmouth, N. R.,
Las hem awninged.
A terrible leached. ooe.rred in Savoy,
burying the village of 8t. Gervais Ise Rahn.
Over 100 lines were lest
The American steamer Slee Wave, mil-
e` farm Ihiby, N. 8., is believed to bays
foundered with all on board.
Three white risen sad two Odom. were
killed in a powder mill explosion near Sas
Practice on Saturday morning.
J W. Alwdl and Thos. MoC.11cgk,
tnartats from Clark villa, T1s., were drown-
ed at Akr&.dria By yceta day.
Ike oh seamen ace diesse ttiy MI lobster
fideem on the Newlemodbied gust work -
e( contrary to the Medea *eta
Tee model for the stains W the late `lir
Jibs I/•adoasid h Ilii - e. W been
e lected and will be ray bg th.fa1L
Ream FMrelling, • farmer Reisg sear
Troy, Ont., was iaatsatly ktllsd by Ilght-
sing while pste►ing hay es Ithisdag Inas
The international en sepses M gs.1Mgio-
ret. the fourthat fibs dasswery
\ewrioa was epeaod i.Osess yeMday.
Th. :eat of (Cashion will
6 celebrated Toro se, A Ostshar 9, b
will take t a pasted that 46,000 Masons
The body of :rent Les, the sixth viotias
It the Meeirealsociis., ben been
Coked up at Qo1Mii swag ices was oily
flare of ells.
t:. R. Lightkmll Montreal : J. Mall Mao-
*** 1' I. Flaky, that , and T. F. Father -
Mho.. Ratites, see meag the vies-
Pnenknts d the C. L
ow argument in the Mania- s althea(. s gomm melt bider, the Juana)
ualait to of **PrivyOw.sYe.
It 'ill Probably last o en three dam
Katsina City wssMieehye
Th,a ohm -
lbe you •d pay MM he wogs
hdldluw gistei.ary cad pored
Letts Prom T. M.
Whits, of Wlndaor.
Thm OsWNM.I i.leaWa se set "Bets
now. the Caesars ' -The reale, of Mem
trlaw. Which Seeps the leeway fru...
Waal Tidy .basst M -The Mlsten
a.dly seed. • Chase or Paltry. sad Cam
tttsetseat linos wesld be the lases M ts.
T. M. White,ripp.r�wwaseennt secretary of
the Ontario Proviroa Continental
Union Club, published is the Huron Ex-
positor last week eomhsta some of the mis-
conceptloss rewarding C carinae•! Union
which have toter. here existed :
Your isms of the 20th inst. is to band,
containing my latter on Continental Cutest
area your reply in behalf of Free Trade
mod Direct Taxation. 1 crave for space
tbongh 1 shall be brief this case.
replysag, I must oomplasn of
use or two sentences in your editorial
white do me injustice to this extant, that
those who accept them a. beim; true with-
out investigation are •pt to become unduly
prejudiced against myself and the great
cause I am, in • humble way, doing battle
for. The objectionable phrase is that in
which you intimate that I represent ('enada
as • " poor, miserable, barren waste." Yon,
no doubt, as a licit editor, have often beau
accused by the Coo.ervativeof " rem-
uh -
aidown your country " I knnoow it was •
favorite habit of Conservative editors to
bring such charges against the Reform press,
though, speaking for myself, 1 never ooald
demean myself by employing such • seam-
less and baseless ' argument" Equally
baseless as the charge of
"fC5`(est: DOW'S Tar coy "mat',"
is the argnmoot you build upon my letter,
for I Dever, in any letter I lave ever writ-
ten, made any statement that could be tor-
tured into a semblance of the sentisseot you
appear to think I have expressed. You
lave reed my letter to Mr. Meredith. Om
d the sentences 0000erni.g the growth el
is re follows : " Ortewith d
agricultural lands on the p so
great fisheries and her unrivalled tttattaral
resourwa, is mare richly endowed by tswe
than almost any State In the Ameslmn
Unica." My In the same latter
to the annual e r ah of Ontario dap Moms
that I do tat colluder the eoadPy a bonen
waste, except Is so far as the refusal of the
United States to grant us free trade closes
our rich mines and renders our immense
eaters! wealth absolutely worthless to as,
while ander Continental Unica, gaily ob-
toiaable, sad guaranteed perpetual free
trades is • few years this natural wealth
ww� give Ontario •loos • largo
thus the whole Dominion cosWmt da
Careful reading of your editorials convinces
me that sitar &11, you and the Continental
Unionists are
. SPAIerni 051.1 tE A Hears ?APRs WALL,
just as those favoring Canadian Independ-
ence &bo are separated from the out -mind -
out and more courageous Coatinentalata.
We all believe that the one reason why,
Canada does not progress and why her peo-
ple remain comparatively poor, is that its
valuable products of field, forest, waters
•ad mines oaneet secure fres access to their
n atural market - the United States.
We diner, apparently, only in the means by
which this desired admission to their mar -
kw can be secured. Continental Unionists
believe what dozens of the leading states -
seen of the United States, as well as the
principal papers of the Americo Adminis-
tration, have told us, namely, " that If
Canadians wish to secure all the advantages
of American cituen•bip, they mast be pre-
pared to accept, equally with Americana,
their proper share of the r.spoesibilis d
government" I could turn sin you
quotations, word for word, if it be neces-
sary to oohvinos you that they have bees
made. And from their standpoint, is the
condition upon which they will grant • un-
restricted admission to their markets, aa
unreasonable one ! Their market of 66 mil-
lions is all in all to sa wbo are Ica tbaa five
adios. on the mese omtinest. Osr mar-
ket of taus then five millions is of hale or ao
eiman D to their sixty-five millions.
OONTINIWrTAL rsion NTS morons
that we shall accept their very fair smith -
nom, they to pay in addition our memo!
and state debts, which they are wilWg to
ds The Free Trade sod Direct Taxation
party and the Oaaadfaa Isdeietsdsaee peo-
ple. 1 behave, propose to tempo the Mates
to admit ea to their markets, widest. they
sore to do es or sol. They MT they will
suomisd in their mercies of our powerful
asfglibars by ttsekiag lEarspsses goods
viting sotagglare to carry them into the
UMtad Mats. aid violate thaw laws .d
dearer, their canteen ramose. canten rerse. This will,
bares, es St
worry the United ow
that they will ba gladb earr.ader and give
se fres entry to tisk markets
WHAT Toe' am? 0AT
as to the sliest that seek on the
part of Clasdhus, directly seggeatod sad
aided by the (ltaadiaa Government, would
have ryas the Baited States G.vweg"est,
sr what .diM CostisesW Uaiesiw may
e y b weld be. ti at bow awt1 . w
the prt d both of ns ; but I ask the iw W -
Ilamet nukes of the Lepa1Mr, and I kasw
ses s� � loeMligarat 1. Ua
y sad O -
ed% .sears pesos with the rent of the
eesthon* ! WIZ we saeesed by the sore
Mks aeras .1 both satins, who are bat
me people ohm ell, et be prolamines Its
the iw at the world that we be.. ouurod
apo a lied Wer with them, sod that we
lobed te brig Ohs mislay settee ta its
Imam * eselsg ear we esti their einem
le bleak thdr haws and ash their wvenes,
carded to heaves vidkly is the term a .
Free as -
0" thus blew" p 11405$' " 'lo `'I ANOTHER CHAPTER d" -bore II" hod, THE (AUNTY NEWS
eriwse! What, hem their stsedpaial they far nearly 600 years was loot sight of, but
woad na• l fib OesMaotd U868441
gm is e.......t.e i. fear .area
FROMSPAIN. -" then miraculously discovered by •
tem to their markets, coves shosld Mabe1 prow who was dlrettod to tie spot by •
east beim the mountains to come to kis,
sweet perfume. It was u.eartbed and car-
ried to the cathedral attended by several
meet take at beast w steely years thea yyeoss A kings and queens, pnnoamas and cardinals,
and theae who agree with you will be haid -.11 is the lest of coons and reverently
away is the sileat tomb. Sir. I am con- interred is its present resting place. 4b4
has tat beta w efficient in watchful care
for the weltere of the cathedral as was
evi.oed for the welfare of Spain by San
Saralee of whom we made aeeouou 10 a
former letter, for the French invading the
city • few hundred years back, were paid an
enormous cam by the church dignitaries to
insure the safety of the plats lied ecelesias-
Lica! poese•saons The peradoma Caul first
pocketed the money and then purloined the
plate. mute close to the crypt entrance is
another miraculous body, that of
wooed that the grand scheme of Costinen-
tsl Umbel is impregnable At every point
S(T AfOUT Panzer TaxaTIO5
You bave• bums amount of missionary work
before you le osnvsaue a majority of Cane
dims that Direct Taxation is • good thing
for them. Can you point • , its •uooamsful
working in any unties ! Hc... du you pro-
pose to est shout it ! Let us in al1 fumes
have the full details of the scheme, ac that
we may criticise It and assist to make it
perfect! Wiest will you tax! Under the
Direct 'faaatiou we now have for the maie-
teu•uus of our municipal institutions, the
earner bears treacly all the burden. How
are you going to avoid • ►smiler injustice in
levynv your infect tax fur wuunal pur-
poses! There are almost hnodresls of goes -
twos that Wight be asked about the scheme
of Direct Taxation, but any farmer .au fer-
ret them out fur himself.
Trout our own oorr spwdent.
We acknowledge with thanks a favor sad
souvenir from TNR SIONAL'. Dunlop carre-
Mrs. )Judge) JoHutton ,of the "Soo," with
her brother, James t:nha,u, paid a visit to
tb•'r welt end nncic, Mrs. and MIr. Handal
Graham, bast week.
Our school is being remodelled. It will
be fitted up to accommodate two teachers,
on that an assistant teacher will be required
atter the holiday term bas expire!. F.
Si esth, Gudericb, has the oo0Maet.
Walter Hawkins mourns the loss of his
dog, "Doctor." It is supposed that an
American sailor, who took refuge in our
harbor from the storm about two week's
ago, ab.00aded with him. That Yankee
mast have been an annexationist
Mies A. Burrows paid us a visit on Thurs.
day last 8be will spend • portion of her
vacation Wetting friesds in Credito., Sea -
forth and Toronto. Why are we not a ped-
agogue, and thus be one of Dame Fortune's
favorites ! Echo answer : Why'
The I.O.G.T. gave an entertainment on
Thursday evening last It was, to our
Wed, superior to anything they love pre-
$ favored us with. They were ably
assisted by friends front Dunlop and Shep-
perdtm. Since all did so well it would be
invidious to particularize, but a few para
we cannot forbear mentioning. Miss Hattie
MahafEy gore a solo sad an instrumental
piece which were web reoeived. Jobe Hor-
ton, jr., L.sburn, brought down the homes
by his rendition of the soog " Johnnie with
the big boota on." The sone evidently took
in this section, as our mighty slumbers have
ssnoe hese disturbed by some belated citizen
wending ha way homeward and singing in
a rather harsh voioe "Johnnie will I eat
you now, or Johoute, will 1 wait for • while !
Johnnie with the big boots on." Miss Em-
meline Hayden gave a very affecting re-
citation •' Jost OW gloat" KR. Williams,
i)nnlop, favored the audience with two
readings. "Scar " as be i• familiarly celled,
is always welcomed on the platform.
Fred M•haffy favored the audios°. with
• recitation the title of which we cannot
just now retail to mind, list it reminded
us forcibly of our school days, wben a cer-
tain Scottish schoolmaster tried by every
kind of suasion, including the birch rod, to
mak. us recite that same pesos. We yet
can hear him, • Back Lorries ' back Her.
minium. back ere ted ruins fall .!" Fred must
have leen studying the classics lately for
the style in which he brought forth those
Roman proper names eclip..s our Scottish
school master. We never succeeded in re-
citing the piece, however, that is, to pleam
our teacher, for we never managed to wend
our way through more than half • vents.
when we were told to go to ted foot. Each
scholar in tarn was served the same way
until we found ourselves is the same pcat-
tim which we held at the beginmtng of the
lesson. Tien with a lecture and • slam of
our irate teacher's book on the desk we
were greeted with something like this,
. You're seething bat • pawl of biookbseda
Gang W yourseats." K s hal weanooc py-
lag too much space in Tem Shu,Ai., and
bops those whom we bare not mads mentfoa
of will please excuse an The chief feature
of the evening was the looters on tsmpsr-
nnos by Fred Blair, a rising young lawyer
of (hodwieh. This goetlesw is evidently
at bogie with his subject, mad seisms .as-
sidereNe Maar as a public speaker. Good
oder was kept during the evening, withthe osimplies of two yo
aa.tadly idbarbcd the eggs by who n-
sd _t►ei►
IbMwrks. it is too bad that such par-
tum exams take up Weir minds M keep
gain* er elan shunt themselves from such
altogether. After We singing d
tmfiw-1 anthem the andissc. dispersed.
Teo late for last week -
Min Wm. Mo(teath, of (Iodericb, r the
guest of bur eater, Mrs. R. J. Dawns
Robert McDonald, of Detroit. paid a
lying visit to the village on 8snday last.
The steam barge, Cres, arrived in pert
ea Wednesday morning from Port ICljin
with a quantity of brisk for i). Bulbvaa,
A grant a $8,000 to improve our harbor,
and • subsidy from the Dominion (kerma-
meet for • breach of railroad is the Least
.adbnest here
sere sad P 10I sa,
What • world of mea.iag this .hbmest
embodies. J..t whet yes are looking lar,
is it ant ! Patau's Painless Coen Re-
tractor - the great can -pop cora .ere ---tote
is ale way. it makes no sere spats
sets stoma sed with esrtaaty ; sure and
g"Wly, wit i.lsmi.g the parts ; pale-
Imdy. Do sot be imposed .pan by imita-
tion. w wbetlt.tea
S•y0sM ; Rev. H. S. Mages let Tres.
day. Jest fed„ lee take tessge of his sew ap-
p.1tmsast et Oeorgetowa He hes the bast
willies of his sissy friend., who regret hie
Chutes : The united ema.nions of the
WWia, St Pod'. saeOstarie;aria. See
bath steed.. serried to Oadtrtab Thursday
hat inmost' sorsa sadhundred pee
pia lb
s err wee • dlU ens
Orland Plaid for iatabllsh-
tng• Plediaur. R(Morts.
A wrg••a.-eal :'nut ■•m-..-v.d hi MrMrle-
IMe• Th. e11.5 d Mb. -d•43 -a h• 15,der)
-arse .d lar l.rsemdsar) Lore Tbr awry el
ars 0.3.13. re,* apreek ltw weer■ 1.
*pats —•s Imprrs.lvr itemise. service-
• renIlar s..•wry.
8pecial correspondwes 10 Tug S,uSAI"
overlooking the Mediterranean and
almost overhanging the city of Baroel-
oo* is the Fortress of Mootjuicb--in the
middle agea it was inhabited by Jews, hence
iia dune -a superb fortification almost inac-
cessible. From rho summit of this bluff a
magnificent view is obtained of the port., the
city-, surrounded by hills, spotted with vil-
lages and crowned with convents and mon-
asteries, and to the Fiat the great, wide,
blue expanse of sail -specked as We left
Loudon amidst a snow storm and sunny
France even was mantled with • thin, white
blanket until we passed Lyons, but here, al-
though early March, everything is bright
and Summer-like ; the trees are fully dress-
ed in their lovely green, be gardens are re-
splendent in rainbow tinted colon, over -
oasts and wraps are laid aside and have
given place to umbrellas and sunshades.
The view around and beneath us is a strong
contrast to London on our depdartare -the fear the 5aint'e vocation is almost • dead
mAN 01.UG:AR
who was lost sight of fur about the same
length of time as Santa Enlalie and was dis-
covered in precisely the some mouser, .suite
fragrant, and unoorrupted. The difference,
however, between this and the former caseesn
was that the point of San Oldegar's no
had begun to turn or mortify, why, Espaa
Sagrsda (volumes entitled Sacred Spain
chardsfrom which these items of chards
history are compiled) does not relate. In
Betimes old Hindoo city of Bees u • temple
set apart for the worship of sacred bulls :
some twenty-four in number are ranged
about to a well -kept court each baa having
its own particular virtues and its own clam
of worshippers. One, a small deformed
ugly animal, 1 particularly remember notic-
ing, was supposed to confer the blessing of
begetting children to childless wives and
giving speech to speechless women. Here,
Qac Oldegar's bodyis invoked for the same
purpose by the childless or speechless women
of Barcelona. rare u
In the latter case so
lose of speech among Spanish women that i
sweet, smiling maid, M• cathe y, letter. In one part of the @scrod enclosure
led, so, frizzled old mesa, Decemberk . is a corner in which were kept a flock of
sacred geese in olden times. Around the
sides and in the chapels are numerous carved
figures representing old
One can e•si y understand why London u
depopulated of its rich and leisured classes
daring the severe winter months from Nov-
ember till May, and how it u that Nice and
other Mediterranean resorts in the south of
France are 611.4 to overflowing with Eag-
lish seekers -after -the -sunny -side -of -life.
old -E Ao0 M05TE CALLA,
are only • few hours run by steamer north-
east from here, so that their clnnaticattrac-
tions are very similar to those of the Fant
coast of Spain and there is no reason, except
the hoteliers state of the oountry, why
Spain should not bid for a large shore of
the yearly revenue derived from foreign visi-
tors by the clever, entertaining Frenchman.
"tit. different good
To di.:erent nations
by art or nature
makes their blessings
to counterbalav e the maguifice t climate
di the S.ath oY'.SirttSE'f Spain, England
has the wealth that neither France nor
Spain ever possessed, and even while i
write the in London in the height of Eng-
land's brightest aeaeou, early June, Franoe
and Spain are stewing under a semi -tropical
sky, their visitors have departed and are
now parading Piccadilly, tiding in Rotten
Row or speculating on the coming religion,
while the French fashionable resorts must.
almost idly, await their return next season
is largo •.d commodious, and the harbor
arra.gem..ts almost perfect. If a few of
the obstacles now retarding the growth of
the city were removed, such as heavy har-
bor dues and quarantine regulations so an-
noying that merchant captains prefer any
other Spanish port, there is nothing to pre-
vent Bareetops in a few yeah vieing with
any Europese port in point of prosperity.
As I forewarned in my first letter I should
probably introduce my readers to many
mouldy old cathedrals and churches and
more or less harrow their feelings with mir-
aculous events contacted with the same and
concerning the saints and illustrious heads
of the Spanish Catholic church of the middle
ages, 1 shall now proceed to give a brief in
sWme.t on this abject Barcelona Cathe-
dral is a very ancient edfiee and justly cele-
brated as the oldest landmark now existing,
pointing to the Barcelona of nearly nine
hundred years back. Its site was the place
where stood pagan temple linking back
the expaw ages, it is said, to the Hew
dation of the city by Hercules, 400ears
Rome; before Ro; so that, if the classic little
story respecting the two worthies, Romer-
!ws and Rema, founding Rome some 700 B.
C. be true sad the veracity of the Barcel-
ona hidorian be not questioned, this city is
old enough to vote, d anything under 3000
years is a qualifying age.
was, daring Moorish role, converted into •
Mosque. 1t is demotes@ bat has towers, sad,
like 8t Peal's of London, affords a aanetw-
a y to oountles .cores of pigeons, which w
always to be seen lying about the lofty
roof. A aaema.tery and convent are con-
n ected with the cathedra - dark grey win
&wises walls on either side of the narrow
.pproaob.s which diminish, almost hide,
iii vest poop of the main building.
M wife and I visited the cathedral oa •
boy day, elosely observed by the Barosba-
esg, the day set apart in religiose Muer-
vame to the patreaa of the city, the "Pante
Rul•li•," to whom the cathedral is dedicat-
ed h a aspelehre bansatb the high altar
lig. the body of this meek rewarmed lady.
The chapel crypt in which it is kept is in
mach like that of 8t. Peter's in
ReHt•, wbm. lies the body of St Peter,
hut the wnssndinge am dark and dismal,
dimly lighted scaly by stray beams of light 11s.d Miley throogh
high up meow..thelliptical melee.
and .sal-eire.iar solo.t.des. A llk.rie g
ell lomp •t th c.trms..sly adds is Ohs Sambre ssRveundfyt
i'he Nsek waSs their sm y easturlm
of dust and dirt are made g►..Wh try • pro-
fanes et A•ressn' heads weld in store•,
pissed time to encourage the Crusaders is
their work of
dialog the middle spa Thlo paireaa, or
ptlesone, el the ray, was pat to death
about MO A. D. far Issas set afsedissd
Is any authority i hems nae. Ilei sal r
and not alone these high and mighty noes,
for here we also have the sculptured effigies
of tailors, with large shears, and bootnakers
mending old- -very old boot•, and strange
grotesque black figures, .either men nor
monkeys, but something between the two,
begrime the walla The service is wortby
of our attention for a little, and we draw
thigh to the steps leafing down to the chapel
crypt. Everyone stands, there are no seats ;
three fourths of the worshippers are women,
in fact it is exceptional to see so many men,
who, if it were an ordinary Sunday- morn-
ing service, would not be present. The
priests, bishops and acolytes are legion,
white sad purple surphoed ; the choir con-
sisting of a hundred or more nude voiees
accompanied by a powerful organ played by
same invisible hand lends a strange bewil-
dering charm to the dim,te@s. The incense
wafted about by the bearers, the solemn re-
sponse from the maw of human medley, al-
most indescribable in the &akaess, all teed
to make us feel • fascinating religions fervor
although our sympathies are not with the
form of worship. Emerging from the dark-
ness to dazzling sunlight we prooeed to a
large open court yard paved with inscribed
stones marking the places where lie the
bodies of
from time so far distant in the dim past
the,. neither letters nor words are legible.
Here and there only a stone shows the
indistinct tracing of a date in the l2th, 13th
or 14th century-. At one corner of this
facade is a door leading into the monastery.
Entrance is permitted only to those of the
male persuasion. About s year ago when
visiting an old monastery in Baht, north-
ern Brazil, my wife together with other
Lidice was painfully reminded of the in-
feriority of the sex, and the unpardonable
sin committed by mother Eve when she in-
duoed the innoosot Adam to partake of the
apple. We had noiselessly, with uncovered
heads and admiring gars " done " the finest
specimen of decorative gilding and embel-
lishing in South American Cathedrals wben,
thinking an open doorway with attractive
tiled facades beyond, was but a part of the
cathedral, we entered and soon were intent
on examining some strange old encaustic
tile work covered with quaint drawings
lining the walls of the Hautes. All of a
sudden we saw three • or four monks
running towards es shouting and clamoring
at us. and shaking their robes as a woman
does when she wishes to scare away • brood
of chickens or young ducks. We stood
amazed. Nooe of us spoke Portuguese,
bot the worthy reclaim who acted as spokes-
man exclaimed in Spanish that
We were hospitably invited to go to any
part of the monastery we felt inclined, but
we must first torn out our women folk.
This particular institution is so exacting
on this point that no fetnale animal is kept
about the premises and when animal food
is eaten it must have been of the male sex.
There is only one other tnoaam cry, it b
acid, in the Christian world where snob
formality is so closely observed, that is an
Wand in the Grecian Archipelago owned
sad inhabits! by monks only and their
Hale beasts of lourthen. Net liking to
again have my wife reminded of her weak-
ness and inferiority of sex !did not attempt
he explore the sacredness of the Ban -lone
monsetery. D. K M.C.
ImesiM, Muss M mess and Girt*.
The " Sealight " Soap Ce., Tornato, offer
the following prise every a,o.tb till loftier
sonos, to Maya sad girls wader 16, :midis(a
he the Pet... a Mafia who cad the
Ip'•afmf asab r of " Sunlight " :
l.t, $10 ; bad, 116 ; 3rd, j$33 ; 4th, it loth
to 14th, a handsome beck ; .cad . petety
pigeon to those who Brad set less than 12
wrappers flows women to ' Ssaligrt "
$sy Oise, 43 Sswtt.L ( Tweets, not later
thus 111111k of cash nia*k, .ad narked
•• Oeg"ptthbw' (ab. give l.0 soma ad-
dress, ap..d wisher te Wia-
ser a amass will he psfiliesd is Toronto
111sH eo fiat S•tesir► is sash math. ly
girl. b•� Med by iMtwlag
at Me
A Biawsy Grist Obtained from
the County Into.
• Weehly Dopes of fs.atj %ens /Served ■p
Mash Loery body -risk sad rues trap-
ped a.4 Csadetaed rerun [serif *resew —
?be rowans of the reality sew. Is mere -
elf the latent and arm rew.
Was. from ear Local [acbassrs.
shipped 4 cars of tattle andpigs
from Brussels heat Monday. They
handle a lot of stock in a sesao..
John Itobertaon and wife have gOOe to
their home in Kaunas City, Ms.oun.
Hensall . l:.o. Kidd left last week for
Sault Ste. Mara, Algoma, where be has
secured employment as brick and stone mas-
Wingbam : Conductor Parker, who has
Wren Conductor Snider's place on the L. H.
3 B., has moved his family from Sarnia to
Brussels: Over 53,000 worth of butter
was shipped to Montreal lest Monday from
Brussels, the purchase of one buyer front
our merchants.
Wtngham : (lark Elder, son of John El-
der, left oil Wednesday morning for Dul-
uth, Minn.. where he has secured a situa-
tion sn a drug store.
Clinton : Miss Sophie Kitty left Monday
July 4th for Calumet, Mich., (on Lake
Superior) where she has secured a situation
as telegraph operst.-.
Clinton: The exeursion to Golerich, no
Friday, let 'fitly, was liberally patronized,
the train being crowded to excess ; 231
tickets were sold bare.
BrusuL : T. Kaschtel will teach S. S.
No. 5, li miles west of Sunshine, Morris
township, after the holidays are over. He
has a and ohne certificate.
Seaforth : The result of the reef[* en-
trance examinations will not likely be mule
puhdic until about the last of August, as the
papers have to be sent to Toronto.
Clinton : The vital statistics recorded
with the Division Registrar, W. Coats, for
the halt year ending June 30th, is as fol-
lows : --Births, 33 ; marriages, 12 ; deaths,
Molesworth :--Mise Agnes Brown took
her departure for Chicago where she will be
wedded to her betrothed. She wilt he missed
in this vicinity se she was a skillful masi-
ci•a and always ready to assist in anything
that required her services.
Brussels : Last Saturday the team of
John Wilson, Streetsville, ran away ..n his
farm and injured him so badly that death
resulted on Wednesday. The deceased was
• brother of Mrs. J. O. Skene's, of liruseels.
She attended the funeral on Friday. Mr.
Wilson was unmarried.
Seaforth : We understand that while the
two soca of Joseph Abel were out amusing
themselves on Dominion day and making
use of what is known as an air gun, that
the ball from the instrument in goestwn
struck a tree and glanoed off, hitting Harry
Abel in the eye, injuring it severely. It is
n ot known yet whether the eye can be saved
or not.
Bayfield : %hat might have proved a
fatal accident to the little two-year-old
child of John Hund turned out to be • very
panful misfortune. The child got hold of
a knife, and was running across the door
with it when he fell. The blade struck his
month and pierced deeply into the roof,
causing an ugly gash. i)r. Mtaabury was
called in and dressed the wound.
Brussels : .1. O'Leary has donated •
silver cup to the Brussels Gun club. The
metnl.eru shoot for its possession every
moonth and the highest average wore will
hold it until next season. At the first
match then were seven members present,
each having 15 abets The following was
the result :-D. C. Rom, 11 ; J. Hewitt,
10 ; R. Watt, 9; J. Irwin, 9 ; A. C. Danns
7 ; Joe. Hallaatyse, 6 ; iIr. McNanghton,
5. Mr. Ross was �ousquently the winner
of this .hoot altar a close contest Some
fon is expected before the Summer is over.
Next match will be on Friday, 29th Mat.
Exeter : John Shell narrowly escaped
being killed on Friday morning, July 1.
He drove to the fur ground and was -
ing his peeing horse, " Little Wonder, pre-
paratory to the races in the afternoon, when
the hone stepped into a hole or • .oft place
in the track and fell. The sudden stopptg.
landed Mr. Sell clear over the hone on his
head and *boulder. Mr. Snell rose to his
feet but was no badly hart that be had to
be conveyed to his home, and medical aid
summoned, while the horse jumped up and
paood on se if nothing had happened, until
ca tend. Mr. Snell is now in • very
critical condition, suffering touch intense
pain, and it is greatly feared that, if he gets
around again, be will ber moor, or tem. •
9oalerth : Os Saturday, Jane 25, ate of
the oldest and most highly esteemed settlers
of the «runty of H.eoe posed sway, in the
Ereof Mrs Mary McMillan, relict of thee
late limb McMillan, at the advanced age
of ninety years. The deceased lad immi
rood with her hnshead and family frau
inverne.shire, Bootlaad, about the year 1850
and nettled on a farm on the 3rd oonoesMo.
of Twokerernith, when the eos.try was thee
• vast wilderness. Sibe resided on the same
farm kw the wird of forty-eight years.
Her hnttbaad died &boat nig stew yawn ago
and one of her sons than assumed charge of
the farm, but on his removal be Mi blpa a
couple d yam age, the deemed l Data to
tows and bele tip her with her
grsadd&uget r, Mrs Jag. Holland, at whom
home she breathed her last
At the Udvwsl C000k,ry and Fend Rx-
bibitios heed Is Landow .tea spews' the
Mayer,Lord M�, May sed, 1811, MeowsW. G.
Dema Ow of Ctsyds., Cesium. awl gam-
ines, Canada, .Maid the Mahan award
be Rabbi Powder.