The Signal, 1892-7-7, Page 7Tx siaf� Go tOtt.Ittdit.Mir. MT 7. tots. 7 jOHN T. ACHESON SPECIAL VALUES IN American Challies at 8, 10 and 16c. All Wool Challies at 20, 26.40 and .5c. L.ad1es All Silk Undervests at 75c. Ai ine of Parasols worth $2.00 for X1.50 A Special line of Dress Goods in lain and checked 40 inches wide in yards ends $1.00 for the piece a argaln. JNO. it:ACHESON. ACHESON. NOW T.Ails.3333 BOOTS :AND : SHOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Cor. Hest-.t..sd Square. P.S.—The latest and best Spring and Summer designs just to hand_ B'sk _$� = a like 1. a sc 3 : Fill 9 ..l. `s' i s s b s i 111 t yera s .s W 3 i = 2I .B._ 4 d w - gJ 1 3y ► r 3 Oil 1 1 t a tae x g II a .gi -:.td r: 11 01 i p s'. = s e" g 0 ri rI+ti8 w i +=t Qs. e ' rid 1 a 1 H ! ui =� w j. 1 �'' i r-gto "" ,1 i /p_ yIirt '8 ' e 1 4 'i it + ..ii 1A is 1114 . W ✓ � , 1 iv 11 Ai g' !t's . !if 41 al E 'i4; A Swarm er Ileweelbelld We. Be honest. " Honesty is the best policy," +siroticafy speaking. Be boast Re plucky. The taint -hearted rarely tine what it is to win plows sad power. Plucky. Re ,.root is doing and juM w snares in not doing asytad. Ba set. Re watchful of ,...•.N era well •e of oilers, for " all will hear waiAfsg. 115 nicht R. patina, sad des'% anew Impathst Inge to draw away year own stook d pat- ens. Re patient. Re curtest. if " • eostestad .lad is a neeesu.l feast," Ise ea aid not te go tnfro diaeestrat ss S. stsst. - 1►s.a Siam, ulama as meed_ _ )snset of W iht -I base is soy tinily for • evenber of yam, sod fled set:lag se r$ ler diarrhea' sad Ask Mwaarh as It me proved Miff a ha 1 1[s.. Dns A. Wrest. SWF P Q.0/fo the Ona Jeweiner (beaker : Ree Ms is a lesterlAgdillthe sends owe ef (b�ee� Oka M rM sere as 1e prairies. k$4 1, are tits NEST, 1pe Dram .. wises. hiss$ .l- w war re W. GILLETT. Toronto. OtK CRISP AND CASUAL NOT LUCK, BUT PLUCKI IHAVE ONE PRICE FOR EVERYBODY AND THAT IS THE LOWEST. tieraasy has 381i military bands. Cosmetics oost the fair Americans 7ib2,- 000,a00 a year. The total sokool enrolment for the Uni- ted States lest veer was 14,200,000. Th. meat St. Paul's cathedral, is Lon - dos, was built from taxes levied on ooaL Neat to pork, the banana is said to Is. the most indigestible thing • person ad'e.t. 11 London streets were put end to sad tyurgwould reason from that city to Mt. Pet. A Barn or Cut will Beal quickly sad leave less soar if % ;atone Carbolic Salve is applied at Oso.. lee More than twesty-six thousand perms have bean divorced in the state of Connec- ticut since 1060. The revenue collected from last year's ss- eemts to the top of the Eifel tower amount- ed to $115,000. National Pills are sugar -coined. and and but thorough, and are the best Liver Pills in use. 1m Portsmouth, N. H.. bean the proud dis- tinction .a the place where the first news- paper was established m this country. This was is 1756. The region about the Dead sea is one of the hottest places on the globe, sod the sea is said to low a million tow of water a day by'ev.porstion. Malaria$ Fever sad Chills are best broken up and prevented by using 111 Alburtis Aro- asatio Quinine Wine- lm A Philadelphia funeral team did service at . wedding • few days .go, Aad the dozing driver allowed the horse to osrry the bridal couple into the cemetery. Itch, mugs and eorstobea of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan_ 48-ly The largest of turtles is said to be the sp.-cis known .e the loggerhead, which grows to the ssormoos weight of 1,600 pounds. These are found in the sea. Destroy the Worms or they may destroy the children. Freemen's Worm Powders destroy and expel all kinds of wtrmt lm The busiaees of preparing shrimp for the Chinese market is assuming important pro- portions in California. The shrimp are taken in bugs nets and boilal in great iron vats Above the league of 19 or 20 feet, snakes in the Phiflipine islands increase greatly in bulk for every foot in length, so that a snake 19 f. et loseg looks small beside one 22 feet .rmstiets in Frunze get 12 per cent of the gross receipts of each play, and are allowed tickets to the relive of 100 francs for every performance of such plays as they Dare written. An umbrella company has been incor- porated with • capital of 38,000.000. and is to carry on business in all the States and territories of the United Stats and in foreign oountrier. The greenlet enemy of suburban telephone and telegraph poles is the woodpecker. whoa sea4oh for the numerous insecta which nh•bit the wood oft en laves the pole itrelly honeycombed. There are in Landes 980 common lodg- ing houses which here nearly 60,000 inhabit- ants In these warrens are about 9,500 women and girls, and of this number some 4,600 are under the age of 22. In thirteen years the manufacture of cigarettes has increased from 238,276,817 to 2,277,799,440. Folly two-thirdsof this en. ormous numoer of cigarettes aouuelly made and eon, are smoked by boys. ■a.n a U.rs•. tee -s .. On- name why score children die young. is bees•• they get everything they cry fur. Oise reason why Come people belong to church is because they Laves't be put out mai.sprisg sad prudence the regulator of all Ors actions of his lila Herm•.., basset, in- dustries'. his heads sever stopped until be had relieved diseess. had R. the art of disposing of dieser went wrong those is asci • way tahaattpeeweespeewees5. by peewees who did not know hiss key, ted sues then wee easily Cot right ssesia. R. departed this life Nov. 7, 1811, waned up In the hope of Arms'aies.sd.��t taken is head by his repsired era .galov is Oho world to aria" fear Haslaasrs WM. Do set rsesid Mr merry tba you me Mr d hr bailers 1. reed this mere. a that De set albedo mets Mr is hessitul is Mr praiser to the &earn sad soMrtty at Tete taw peens.raw .r d tM wet of awes .Mar "Mar is tors. Do mg make her priors el •11 yew eorisiw sr shear.r d aM year awe Ds mei forget that she is a weans, .sd a wile sad a mother, heir she le ss mist, oat sot otthat at for tars s le soe p M. --Ladle Hese J.ursoL I HAVE ONE CLASS ()F GOODS AN D THAT 18 THE BEST. RE-D1PPED TINWARE HAS COME TO STAY. MILK CANS, DAIRY CANS, MILK PAILS, EVERYTHING MY OWN MAKE FROM SPECIAL RE -DIPPED TIN PLATE. SEE QUALITY AND PRICK BOTS BIGHT. SOME PEOPLE THINK wy store is ruled by the lucky star. That theory does not count in the big trade which 1 did last year, and which is growing so rapidly. It was not luck, but sheer pluck. The foundation d Business is RELIA- BILITY, REASONABLE PRICES, CUBE ATTENTION. THE PEOPLE ARE NOT FOOLS. Everyone, whatever their position in life, deserve attention and civility, both of which 1 insist upon. The careful housekeeper is looking for something to make moll easy during the warns weather, and I have it. LOOK AT TIIIS FREE TO THOSE WHO ASK FOR IT 1 have only a few, but every lady should have one. It is a bright little Book about good Carpet 8walpers--about BISSELL'S CARPET SWIM"- ERS WK ..ERS that everyone who HISS On carpets ought to read. Sixteen peen . of new ideas put in a new wiF SPECIALTiES FOR THE HEATED TERM : REFRIGERATORS, FLY TRAPS, WIRE DOORS, LAWN SPSINKLERS. ALECK SAUNDERS, s REQ A. B. CORNELL TJZNTa£RTLaIC£R, Ntoarar. LU.tsuent eon.. (.Id. ase. One reason why people elven iu church, is because the preacher himself is not aide - awake. One reams why some seen don't have better wives, is bemuse tb.y are such poor hsshanda ats.rr•s nutmeat runs mlpbbert•. One ~ea why some women marry. is bec.se they haven' the courage to week for • living, One reams why some men are preachers, is because they ars tom lazy to be farmers aad blokss-siths. ■tasser, t.lsls•st core. Seasseener. Ore mem why orrery Cbrl•ti•a is not • millionaire, io became Clod oss't treat him with so smelt mosey. Oss reason why r many people are la prima to -day is bosom tmo they had Mer modems aad wanes fathers. Oso reams why nose people are sot as wished as ot.ar people, is because they des't have the namw opportelmitiea maul's sda mast terra Aima.. la tows. Om rooms why the ear can't see (rod, is neaten he dowel look the right way. Isstsad of steadies up and looking dews, M should hoed down mud leak up. Tho.esu.trts pais, who presides over the dirks sf the IM..'. Hells, a wadi, p. prsd M the Mse..1 Prsidsmt H.rri.r� Wsailer the Mai d Igorl 1.—e, dem a Mills hit at pseagraphig which is realer. M tet the lases : aa. 4 I MM t ?an�seadwha $res+. adl sa▪ d red eared hi > �I*aai1111Mse, tor slipMNs set s# diwisis d the ▪ heseresk, barb said Ne 1a 0 irge'McLean's Block --On the Square--McLean's Block, STILL CONTINUES T) CONDUCT FUNERALS AT$HIS U'UAL LOW PRICKS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZNO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. trans -1, A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front a8 Usual. A /forest Aiwa lAak. 'f'M bels stere wee know et for seactipsticn end milled a f, lbw* likdi 1. herb dThd Asa It is mid M he Zr pogo root, e. pined with lacillt and mad* for w by pear - water ea to the dried rests sad 1r res-rhably elliseiess r all IOWA dkatias, Aad is now tM as,... a ems* with Wire Mer rare up the err- gissir e. Druggists sen the pater at 1064 TOTWITHSTANDING the loud -toned advertise- inents to be seen in our local papery from time ei to time, and the now stock -phrase:: " I buy all gelosis for cash," all goals are supposed !o be bought BECAUSE for cash, and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Those who are in a poe.ition to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those whc buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my WHY Does (LEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the heat stock of furniture and undertakers supplies t An.l how is it that he can sell so cheap? SPRING PURCHASES Anil will have full lines in all departments a few days! hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to! none. I am nt•,t afraid of competition. Strictly one price. I Vie- s./1 72a�RO, Draper and Bnberd ± . J_ 13ROP1 dz BON Hays added to their present badmen one of B. J. Naah's Latest Style of Qty $earese, also the beset line of funeral fernithings in the county, sad are now pfepared b eoeduet ftaersls at prices reasonable. Thin department will be strictly attended to by his soo William, who, in the *ploy Of the late D. Gordon for the pent ten year; hes kastrIstion el *s beim., and by prompt attention hopes to share part of pals& pelemmepe. pmemdber the plaos.--Waters, no your way to the poet Ake Ohs vas sill J. BROPH :; Y & SON. He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : "Small Profits end Quick Re- turns." Ile also makes a specialty of picture framing. (live him a call before purchas- ing urcha♦ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on liandl. 23157 y Parrot*, TTve Competition. rem Ica a•ress t lCv0,Lw �: ollfi Sies�a.d per ls{ premier sad is thrti=ietir Pilinett sours ram ono aw "Pararil scalar= rooms ine4a be NeA�wt w n1teac & est QwM-!th tlaelM. XIV Leal yaa..ser. tice.r1a