The Signal, 1892-7-7, Page 5• THE SIGN AL : GODERWH, ONT., THURSDAY. JULY 7, 1898. THE ;ANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE frifiefthatelte HEAD OFFiCE. TORONTO. (PA. SP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS •O.O••rMR 000roolo. •1. a II. WM.KtR, QwrtAL ytriolut OODERICH BRANCH. I fswum. SAMKu a Uu stab Timitha0Tift. Foams • NOTES DISnouNTED. TI NIStltW PAYAaLL AT AL, POINTS IN CAMAOA. ANO Tilt PRINCIPAL wits IN TNg UNITED •TAT1r, GMAT FRANCS. BtRMUOA, as •AMINSS SARK KHARTNtST. a/p•tT• OF 51.00 AND UPWARDS NICIIV.O. AND othemeNT RATta or INTI S$T ,ot1O tNTEwa$T AOOSO TO TMs. PSMMOMAL AT Ma SND Or may AMD eget.SR IN SOON TRAIL g�orlal ♦itewti.N ghee le tfia OokwoUNn of-omse.vw,ct tsaa•r, d trj. nta.w' 1s.I.. Moth. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. THE TOWN OF CLINTON. reiweinss t■ the ••nett" Oaring the Yam Mara. • our os 0 correspond-mt. Ir i;hr .r, I think that 1 win somewhat Y m. I,wlget teie week. giving y ui ('lotus more, Windham' items. We . c her• the other day, via., the 1st, Olen took in all the wooderfal sights, drank in the joys thereof. Wal, in lir. Iliac.. we were one of • vast multi• ,, tar Foroeters specially corning forth webers Leinon. Their Starch through ,em ai our o'clock was the largest over to Winch/km, it reaching up to the dr I..gth of the front street aad of We m such • vathering there wen • ,b„ of g,.,,1 speakers bad loyal U. O.'1r. cresta itut then were lots of other igs 1„ ser end hear besides Foresters' r, -he,- porta of all kinds, three ex - eat hands discoursing minis throughout dei sal everywhere visible ors maid pleasant faces and dear " Auld Lame 13ul. alas. there -ma saoahwe fab rev noticed is Windham' that w.. not Orman'. to behold, there were do nosy all ages, 'talkies around with bandaged ks and ears. % e asked the .baso d all display et seeming sed the mower sumps, noi'pi, every me has the mumps. There are some tower is stern Ontario where we wield set wee- d Nie purple did get the inuespe, bet is e gbate's busy -go abed- W tk that people there have no caw to get ■ is the mumps. No empty beaus ee; no shut -op factories ; wort for on Sistorfrics ®.N $ 7OVS tL? ret`.l:d andr'cnIts when Tapnf Fip is taken; itis pleasant r(f-elnro to the taste and acts tilt" `e,1- ,r.-►ptly on the�.idneye, :Tei ..:;1 L wets. cical:ses the sys- z e::ecAL:11y, di?pel3 colds, head - hes, and kr. :s a_ 2cuzs habitual at:ii.:tic-t..Syn.. cf Figs is the 1r •.1r:� .{ c f its I:1nd ever pro - 1. 1, plcx:lre +o the taste and ac - p!.:' Id• to the ttorlscb, prompt in lscti••i and truly beneficial in its mow, ;•*c•pa:c.'_ 0c1yy from the most Ski _..3 at-rocabtc substances, its any : 1 :io :it cluallticte mtnendit it the most ...-rti '•'Y l::"' . ( 4 -1• 3.1.!e in 750 AI", • ' . t. . ,. k druggists. ` u he may not ... ' t•. ...:iii >sri'1 procure it : :ip on w wishes try it. 34•a:llif°.tcturc0 cdy by the Ci .!FPR ::A FIG SYRUP CO. t SL.1 lana. c:!t'o, CAL- = . ur...)L'...':. :Tv TOL te. A. VI" AotwT AT GODES:CU. arra NSTWO1RY ABOUT The Washing pT1 UNLI6H SOAP= who will wast; clad rush, push ando from Monday swain until Saturday Digit. We wooed ie Wiogham also Maier thing that Rave us pain on Friday last, viz., bow very ill in body was the genial editor of The %'Ingham Times. The P. H. C. R. of the C. O. F., ex mayor Mcluduo, .[rove him down to the station on the morning ma.t ossd, lint be was unable to be at the dsesonstratkou in the afternoon of the above day. Mr. Kniou has been long ill, and it will not oily give the brethren in the craft great pleasure to know of his speedy re- storation to health but the whole community at large. Again. Bob Cwoyn who doss sot k'ow Rob Corayn who ever lived is Wi gram' who is • champion bicyclist and a great sport, had his arm in • .ling sad • foo' covered with bruises, jest ea though he had recently returned from the wars. Upon 'squiring be informed us that a loose tire upon his acetal steed had re- sulted thus unfavorablyfor him. But Hob will live through it aland sever m die. Hat one thing more greatly neared our pl.asars on Friday last, and that was • visit to our mush respected friend, Alan. Mitch. .11. who is lying at tie very point of death, bad ere this reaches your office he may poo sibly have entered into that city from whines none returned". Although sweaty. Saw mom old. • few mantra ago be was • rubel, strong, hale moo, sod now M is a He was first taken with and apparently recovered t�sat, tet it left I alined that from 1haTi now dying. His wife is the O asts sa F.ngland's Queen, bat, as you wasklIMagine. her last birthday was not add♦rated by her with .lemoustratioo of the way. Mr. Chapeaus (yon know him, for Ise Cannot do without TNC SIGNAL) was driving routed in • heantiful doe cart : we noticed an unusual lig stools upon ghis al - epos uiring wage that kadt bee, moomother yousittauga- ter promoted to him epos the .lay previews, sow his 6wiiy deadness two girls and one hay, ti s.4...o nae you weeder at him look- ing se wederossly happy ' For bleed is rano who has his quiver full of them, lc. Nowwe would not write you this item of Wisitant sews, but your Wiagham scribe has been sick for the past few week., bad, although better, he will not yet give items of interest soocerning this wonderful met- ropolis, the Maitland City. By the way, you may this day (Thuds - day) aspect to see half of Clinton so your town, ea, weather permitting, 1)ntario-st Methodist, Ispisoopaliaos, Presbyterians and Baptiste will unite in hovut • big pic- nic in Huron's county town. /b Sueday bat Rev. S1r. Galloway, who, for the past twelve months has Ices minis- tering to the sptndual wants of the people in Ontario-st. Alcthodret chervil, preached his farewell sermon. The Methodist min- ister from Seaforth will lie his successor. Mev peace and harmony ever prevail and souls be converted from the error of their ways. Now, )Jr. Editor, it is not our intention to close this budget without givibg a few items concerning Huron's Hub. Owe very interesting event took place on Monday Inst which greatly conceruel a Stapleton you. lady. It waa the marriage of Mies May It wilt save you mach trouble 1t will bring you comfort and ease it will save your cloths and hands h does not numbs washing powders it will wash in saber bard or soft water It cannot injure the most delicate akin or fabric its purity PIM emillense hem gime It t►e largest salt fa Oa world BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, • 12,00o,000. REST, - - - E,000,000. Boots and Shoes. Having received an offer for 1n business en block, if the stock jis rc.luced to a certain amount I have decided a clearing reale. Stock amounts W over tt7,000 worth of Boots and Shoes, bought for Spot Cash frau the loading makers of the Dominion, and are all to be sold at leas than (bat. Now, if you want Boot. or Shoes, reuseaber chi.. op irtuuity. No roasonable offer refused ea the stock must be reduced ono - half iwuse dtately. JOHNSTON CAREY, ON THE trODICIIICH- PRVFESJOft DORENVIENO'S VISIT. Prof. Dorr•tiwend takes pleasure in announcing to his many patrons and the public generally that be will visit GODERiCH. AT THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL( )N THURSDAY, JULY 14TH. His Stock comprises every imaginable form of Hair Goods, Coverings, Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Switches, Etc., and are of the latent design, specially manufac- tured for this season's trade. As this will be Prof. IVs only visit to Goderich this season, ladies and gentlemen requiring 6ret.;laas goods should not miss the opportunity. Remember at The BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, Thursday, July I4th. MID E..iIsn tri nrTrzT Exw.. -Sen. IV. -Edi Jotastooe, 591 ; Rob Lane, 606. Jun. IV. ---Tom Ford, 588 ; !she Lase, 539 ; Robe Courtney, 525 : Lill Saki - win, 118. Sea In --Emma Johuateas, 656; Bert Baldwin, 479 ; Tom leas, 477 ; Geo. lane, 461 ; Chea McLain, 201. Jan. IIL- Ed. Johnstone, 533: Will Ford, 467 ; Jas. Sennet, 459 ; Ted Orilla, 461 ; Pat Hogan, 430: Kob Nelson, 374. II. -Frank Hoot(, 422; Cab Griffin, 401 ; Lawrie Wal- lace, 381 ; 11. F. Johnstone, 337 ; George F.:rrish, 335 ; Tom Wallace, 286 ; Will Sewet, 273 ; Will Hogan, 268: Fred Holmes, 257 ; Sara Taylor, 223 ; Will i ranoao, 207 ; As■ Ford, 206. Sen. [I. pt. John Johnstone. 272 ; Jake Johnetrroe, 162 Jtu,. 11. pt. - --Edi Scott, 138; Sadie Griffin, 134 ; Kate Taylor, 55 ; John Wallace, 40. DUNLOP. From nor owe conwat.oudeat. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mnalouald, of De- troit,were the guests of the former's parent" this .week. Wrcu Hi. Forrtit SC11001-tt►Tri. Mes- ter Wm. MacAllister, of Belfast, was down i for • few days seeing hu old playmates of No. 9, Dunlop, last week, and met from al! • pleasant welcome, esprit -May from the name fair juveniles of the burg who have mot forgotten Willie. The school clased its half yearly term of 1892 for the holidays. We regret that its teacher, Miss Watsoa, has resigned her poet owing; to her taking • higher course of study is Toronto at the \urinal school. As Fords, second daugbtsr o John Faedes, • teacher she ham tri, en general satisfaction who has lived in the village of Sapletm to to iota scholars, combining pains - over twenty years. Out of • family of teatablssgg with firmness for order, and her un - this u the first bind to leave the parental looked -for resignation is deeply regretted in she is. The one o (test, and • very ptof her .bane s isewarttj yogis • G. lady ourschool section. Itymood, of Flint. Mich.• who r M • ed- Hymen folds *gain and now counts in its ware clerk in a large esubllibmest d that vast ntunhen • forgoer resident of our burg city• bad tbithwr will the oestriemho ; in John MacAllister, now of (Tsitaign. Four up their future bowie amidsttie best wishes egolarge circle of relatives and of • multitude of Primed'. I1 tis omni he is witnessed John's first wedding here, g(o.o�dd . t Hs te the bride that the .un which all present heartily enjoyed. Two aifsas sporher life hewwwkw t win be yes i.tar Pts memories were saddened by see of the sunniest lives upon record. So N. unexpected death of his partner, after • tante it be. severe Mameof ten days, deeply regretted It you are • loyal Orangeman, Mr. Editor, by all who knew her. On the 23rd of the Bayfield will be the spot to go an the . glorious 12th, and to Hayfield many will ge x from this town. All our h:eryme i will seed down their band wagons and take r who am anxious thither to go, for the Sanwa BAH of fifty cents. As our eyes begin to get tired of writing, and our body ready for the sweat sleep of the toiler we will now say adieu until another weed. stat : •a Sesser to res tree., tlielnn Era atntrmego pstAltt LANES - From our own verrespondeat. The whoops of children nn Thursday evening announced, •• Holidays. ' Our teacher and others airmailed Mr. Ha bou's examination, Pareaoamt. J. Ferrite revived std associations by having • loggi.g lee Tbwriay last. Mr. Pagan is bringing furniture from Goderich for his new hoses and intends moving into it soon. Mies Maggie McLean, Mies Tilly Lase bad Win O'Laughlin attended the minae• esawsisatios this week. The pstr eus as this Has drew the last sale �f ease s frees the EIlt.oao.s.iius lector+, to lfpley Wesiasatiad, 9ott al\ Ocarin . *Wail kali, nee piano and • wedding .t Guy Raoll divided laasits who celebrated -the birthday .f our Dom - Mies. J. Franklin Johnetose, who has been teaehiwg star the " Soo " daring the Met six wteslts, hat returned home 10 enjoy hi• holidays The people ed Mit visi.Wy reared= pasted at the return of their brave • F. W. Johnstone. without going to esdsp with the valmmhimu. Jae fiesta a siert timee age had • rima rioters takes .1 ihs equipageiett sew e n IastiHar to the people of trverb.r. Wag hit Mo bleed leam, sad of ..uwe it would set be e without " the fair ems" The rose es�hadis .1 Arabs Johnstone ha seerster �p Mitt The be bel then tlsr pip, .d all wield have been fest, m there um s. see sheet, W It est ben far site timely arrival of 1). MJ.. who, by WSW" .ad hard week. .ttfalgaibeil the bow /Weft sa S. No. 1s. Asgltrt. x 01dChtun (CUT PLUG.) OLD CHUM (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever ear joyed such an immense wale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cat Plug and Plug Tobacco. Mika Cbl Traver* e .sairifoe- furors ire LIM%a. MOATRRML. Cat Fes, 10e. I lb Heg. los ix v past month from • Chaise° paper we read the following sent us tor the Dunlop items : MacAllister -t;allidey-JWin MacAllister and Mies Matilda Calliday, of New Cityy, were united in holy wedlock by the Rev. Lr W. Drew, et the parsonage yesterday ufter- aees. We with others here tender John oar hearty oonprstalations, wishing him and his bride • happy voyage on the sea of mat- rimonial Blisa No matter what may be the ills vya.ss Mar from Indigestion, • dose of Ayer's (bthartlo Pills will ease you without question. .lust try them once and be ensured ; they have much worse dyspeptics cured. You 11 find them nice sod amply worth the price. 1 Wingtam : Miss Jeanne Cargill, who has been teaching to the Wingb•an public school for Dearly six years, and Mies Maggie Car- gill, teacher at Fordwich, intend leaving for Duluth, Mina., in a short time where they intend (*Hawked their avocation. Aa RE NOT • Po pair. Medi- Lotuare fxL000 iu. Toss: and Meow eraccro 1iv ant lily in . e' arms :e. .ubaamoss needed toga- , 1 .; -• %' its tlt. Wood. cumin t di,e•... coming f:'•ons e"ow and War . „v 1't.ss D, or brows as r D acacias to • t 'ilr ren. and also w . e•rtw and BUILD the BLOOD and .rawu _ when Dream .y verwork. N • • tel aorrp dI.sss. f! a .x ase and Indlegra M %►. Tb.y bare • thecomas Arnoi on tee t)rctrAL Swum of nosh 'ten snit women. resbrfmtj L.»T TWOS to:t correcting all :sai..41 .ban Ess and sit„+ w�PPAaaY1G!fi r tw rl'$-+ u:n 1ys t•1 [se- 3i tat- , i' is or pt. •.. t.ow: t,saottid v..,.1taaw*tits kat both • ad tn. ye 11 EMERY V/ *AM "r'drt '.1 .. mansions mil 'tv ^t'• •*" ^r" wite,i y stta■:ci.n. Y i.rt nt 4.., .,,;... *•1Z.': ,...,t:; twl:e ib..e Paas iuvu Rlrt� ♦t: inn : r. mite of I ..ail ....:a:a, an% etrengthenm 1!s. spasm TOillia W61181 4 tagas make thea) tegusar. For vele by all drrnbtr. or will be sent spa reselpt of ps:, a C+)e. par box). by addressing =Sly Da. W.UJJAALE MEA. CO. Droekt•Wo. oat LADIES, N9TIcE THIS An All -Round Reduction III,LId6Bi PRICES. As tie Banterer is now upon us I love decided to make an all-round reduction in my stook of Millinery, and agmeially in Straw Goods. Thai entire stock is of the latest style and newest. eludes. and at the rodeo - ties contemplated will tarnish great haripaies. faepeetion Parked. 11, 1.1. $R UIR, wan STUNT. t i.derw, how T. fltdr A Saving Def ar mend has been of erred in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. NOTICE. Slashlng Sale FOR THIRTY DAYS ROBERTSONS. We take Stock in August and in order to reduce Stock by that time. We propose making a grand sweep of all Summer Goods. NO RESERVE. Prints, Sateens, Challies, Corsets, Parasols, Gloves, Dress Goods, Lace Curtains, Carpets, Hose, Ladies' Vests and Underclothing, Etc. THE WHOLE STOCK MUST BE REDUCED S3,OOo.00 BY 1ST AL(;I-ST. SALE TO BEGIN SATURDAY. See hand bills for prices. Come and see us and bring your neighbors. Remember the place, ROBERTSON'S GMT GBH STORE. The Poor Man's Friend - Goderich. Roxboro : The family of John Walker has had its share of trouble this Spring To begin with Mr. Walker fell tram a building be was shingling and sprained hu ankle so severely that he wu laid up tor several weeks, but he is now able to get about, a: - though his injured limb still cause him trouble. Mrs. Walker was also laid up with .t severe attack of erysipelas and for a tune her life was despaired of, but she too, we are giad to learn, is now in a fair way to recovery. Edward l.iolef, of St. Peters, 1.. 11., .ay. •• That his horse was badly torn by a pitchfork. One bottle of MINARD'S LINT ltI ENT cured him." Livery Stable men all over the Dominion tell our agents that they would not be with- i out MINARD'S LINIMENT tor twice the cost 1 m - 01 rr "r - COAL AND W000 YA12=. Coal, Wood and Kincrling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. =, Most galley *mtnut. sure and Opt Boal oossi.aw es Mad. SIOTT Don bee lump coal fer use 1s pates, stoves, furnaces, ate. 00l, Hest quality genuine ltaesbor•h ninth - me coal now on teed. ikeeial attention glees to remoter trade. WOOD. 1 have now sot no machinery In opera ties for mwlag aad splitting wend. cot .ad mitt weed ready tarsier* always 1s stook. say OW' )era est Dost forgot that i me swum woot out sad mnt, as rhea, as 700 me b lees treed tm t1. marmot. AB say weed ls sett 1, the sed of 1111 feet • halt owed deb ; as lead se lag bream abet It. ItZlIfit=11 'WOOD. rine sad btsMet, t feet Noe. or eat .sod sack aim lewrtt. Ovnctt, YAW Aero OoAL SHIM in old (bill shed, Nelson -et., foot of Ham- ilton -et, three mattes walk from Oo rr& Home Square. noise as my Nqie ttow..w'e'ititlG c7i.� wig rete prompt ...r sof remove p•es.e JOHN 8. PLATT, Pro40 ,at4 1 :.a ;a %n' . ai sykL FREE TRADE I\ Fv''.3601114 J ; The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and beat Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at The Tonio Cash S1ore P. O'DEA, Manager. LICHTNINC 1 BUY THS LICFErSTsT FRUIT JAR The best in the market. -- O A IR. LOAD OF SUGAR ARRIVED TO -DAY. A. Nalrn's.