The Signal, 1892-7-7, Page 411
1 ev malielnle
nit R mecOLAaCSlIay.
Ogee of Pubil w -d * North -street,
Terms se •sesesBrabs s
Wwsarmth. to adverse ..... .S 11
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teearcredit Le tamed., the eines yew 1 ass
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will be 1 to
Admitissies dem
Lepel and other nasal adv.r cements. Lae.
per hue for fine Insertluo. and $ Oasts par lie
for caoh eubmyueet Iseertia°. Haaw»d by
• awmen' ware.
en cards of sin lines sled under. 15 per
Advertisement's of Lost, Fouad. strayed.
!Situations Vacant. situations Wasted amid
Busteees Chances Wanted, sot esceeting 1
lass nonpareil. 41 p.r Inoatb.
Rouses ea Oslo sad Fares oa gala an to
exceed 3 Its... 11 for asst monk, SOc. per sub- month.' Larger advit in proportion.
Any *penal notice. tits object of which is to
protuotr the pecuniary benefit of say wen -
n -dual or .-owpany, to be considered an ad
vertisesuent and rimmed according'''.
Local notices Is nonpsrsU type one cant per
no sobers Isar rhea 23c.
Locd notices In ordinary reading type two
cents per word. No notice for leas thea Sac.
Notlers for chuwhee and other religious sad
benevolent institutions tuff rate. e..treet Advewlesemesta
A limited number of displayed advertise
Meats will be Inserted at the 'following rattle:
Per inch, one i•.s.-rtlon N M
four insertions.
" theav- months.
" sin moot tis
nue year
No adtertisemrot lees than two
length will be calculated on above
per rent. discount allowed for ooh payments
oe three months' contract ; l0 per coat on six
month:. and 15 per cent. on • year's, These
ooaditions will be strictly enforced.
Mises '• The Mout •• wellies F.
tuhseribers who fail to receive Tile SIONAL
regularly either by earner or by mail. will
confer • favor by aMaaintise us of the fact at
aa early a date as possible.
teak as Isar s.ttd,
Your label is • standing receipt of the date
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allowed to fall Into surer.
When • change of address is desired. both
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Refected manuscripts cannot be retuned.
Correspondence must be writteolon one side
of paper only.
seen in
rubrather'. entre,
J. C. Le Towel. of Goderich, has beef ap
ppoci1nted Local Tnvelllog Agee, for the town-
ships of Ooderich, Oolborne, Ashfield and Ws-
Local postmasters over the district are also
empowered to receive subscriptions to THg
All communications must be addressed to
Yes SIoxAL,
Telephone Call iii Ooderfeh. Out
Ho.. Etta cue BI.tez fits REACHED THK
(Add Sod' in safety, but the risk he is tak-
ing is not over yet. South Longford is to
be heard from.
Hamilton Times. has put in a new lightning
press and no appears in the popular eight -
page form. The Times is a credit to (*me-
dian journalism, editorially and typographi-
THE 1 %Nitre cal hrli 11 tar. RISEN NEIL
trig more alleges' seal poachers in l:ehring
Sea, and • new international squabble is
upon us. Continental Union would put •
stop G. all such work as that, and benefit
T'qF. ATr..t.TI. IAEA`• 1- 1:Ecot Lal.,.
from the foam it lashed itself into last week
when it heard that THE SIGNAI. WI referred
to it as • herring pond." The other fel-
low, however, was t)ot considered out of
danger when we west to press.
IN 1;UI,Et1I U • e DoWINloN DAV ('tNA-
dian lags, Union Jacks and Ston and
Stripes were indircriminatel: placed: in the
bunting deonratioms, awl nobody was fool-
ish eooueh to raise any obiectiosaa And
the .ay was right loyally observed, too.
SOME eters or THi .'OI'NTY AKE adtvotao
jealous because West Huron is faring well
at the hands of the I;overnmcnt just now.
And why should we Dot ` lent it part of
the political crowd that to the victors belong
the spoils, and wasn't there a mighty big
"victory- in West Huron!'
Dow. IN Neat .IgRMET A oRF. "K moat:
of ballot stuffers have been seat to the peni-
tentiary for offences committed at the eat
elections. In Canada we give fat offices and
rood salaries to our election thieve", al-
though lentil amongst ri (roan Jr-' the
morel oode as observed on the other side of
the line.
Hos. JoHtt Romani, Pawnee or BRITISH
('olumbia, died from blood poisoning at
London, Eng., last week. An injury sus -
rained by one of his fingers necessitated the
amputation of the member, and blood pois-
oning ensued. Deceased was formerly a
resident of Hayfield, this county. tied was
well known to old residents. He was a
moo of good abilityA Corn 1. ('KION mzRlgu, AD -
dressed by Et.:I. Mynas, Q. C., Sot_
Werre, M.PP., We. AIA:IL, 1 Alton, and
T. M. WHITE, P.rmrsant Secretary of the
Provincial Cotinestsl Union flub, was
held at Orangeville yesterday, but the re
port of the gathering has not yet onnte to
Beed. A similar meeting in oontempated
at Stratford on Thursday, July 21. The
•' fad doesn't appear to have been killed
.int by the " drills " remedies adopted by
the noel Government.
•• NAga MWS Slid? Raul.•
The Iambi IuAA d WWI. tee en the
(:enrgas Shay Owl W UNION monh ead
in • peculiar faultiest.
The telegraph Eeeksd over the country on
the evaing 1 the 1st of .duly the patriotic
manlier in which the natal day 1 the Dow
uicn was celebrated in thee " trimly foil "
berg, and the asatunt should he engraved
on the reek ribbed walk 1 the temple of
tease, se that future gsuerwtinss would
learn to love the methods et the Seg-waeere
el Winton when *Minos would otherwise
be their portion.
Tim day, we are iafevsned, epes.d Lee
Waggly ad w nen ems bsVNbr ftlrth,
bide dreaming that as ant weed be
mode by • rwaideat 1 W iartee M aasiodes-
sle she pukes of the wostiteekm sf Confed-
eration sad masse the British lion to rear so
loud that two cestis.ste would .oho the
wild refrsia.
Amongst the displays of patriotic tooling
which were made as Ike ees.iw was ton
oestytisaou. pleating 1 Misting in various
parts of the town, and amongst others who
deoureted on the occasion was the young
son of use of the readout clergymen. His
decorative art took the forts 1 Eying s aer-
ies of !lags fron- the hes-hoose oe the prams
we and the red white and blue flags waved
in the breeze from theorem of the roof of the
fowls' roosting place. The boy was bound
to celebrate l►umiaioo Day U flag waving
would do at.
But �p
at a tool passed flat way -Users are
some in every community --and discovered
that anacog.t the assortment of flags was
ons which bore the Stan and Stripes, Con-
sternation sexed him at the sight, and, hi-
itid with rage and apoplectic with emotion,
be sought the chief magistrate and others
in authority in the burg, and cried with a
loud voice that the Yankee flag should be
hauled down.
The telegraph reports tell us that reeve
Jermyn and councillor Parker were equal to
the emergency, and at once informed the
reverend gentleman of the traitorous dis-
play that had been made on his premises.
It was also discovered that the Stars and
Stripes flag waa of goodly sire whilst the
Union Jacks were " not larger than pocket
handkerchiefs," also, that the Yankee flag
floated sone nebes higher on the heo•bouee
than did the other pieces of bunting. Brit-
ish supremacy in this fair land was endan-
gered by the display thus made, and if the
immutability of the Emoire was to stood,
and the traditions of ages were not to be
knocked into the proverbial crocked -hat the
Stan and Stripes must come down instant-
The pastor very properly paid no atten-
tion to the foolish ropiest, and a caucus of
the Vankeephobes was the result. We are
informed that thirty or forty of the "lead-
ing citizens" immediately marched on the
prem +es to take determined action, the ob-
Dolious banneret was snatched from its
point of Vantage by the hand of • bold and
determined loyalist, amidst the plaudits of
" hundreds " and the chem of a " multi-
tude." It was then " trampled in the ,1 *"
by Lia'• leading citizens " to the tar
" Hearts of Oak "and other "loyal" melodies
suitable to the occasion, and of such is the
" patriotism ' of %Vienne.
The hen -house was still standing when
the last report was had from Vbiarton, but
several kegs of lager had suffered severely
at the hands and mouths of the " leading
citizen. " who had thus wiped out the stigma
on •he old fiat.
How ODES IT men THAT Wine A GAM; Or
low-down toughs, of mean morale, vii pas-
sions, and usually loaded with bad whiskey,
commit some depredation, the party pewee
usually refer,' • , • he members as "leading
citizens!' The Marton patriotic display
was only an exhibition of folly, but we are
intornaed that "latlieg citizen.' were the
persons who .•arriedl out the prgram.
Go,lerich u to '.c eomgratuntel in that it
has aro such fools unougst its leading citi-
A Tell way of Mild Prise
Donunian 11ay was loyally celebrated in
1:oderich on F'ndlay last. At early morn-
ing the festive fire -cracker ,renounced that
the small boy wall beginning to work off his
enthusiasm. and soon the display of hunting
made its appearance. Large numbers o1
holiday seekers clinic in from the neiqt hhor•
mg villages and farming sections and by 9
A M. the Square presented a lively appear-
ance. The sports of the day opened with
THE ..IKL ,.tars,
which were superintended hy-;tgat A4411ivtit
and Aleck Saunders, creating •great deal of
fun for both old end young, and ' .,,v" -
oughly eujoycd. Following are the names
of winners:
6 years and under. -1 Mabel 1.reen, 2
Mand Knight, 3 Maria Mc'
10 years old. --1 Jennie t : reeo, 2 Nettie
Hates, 3 Lottie Orem
12 years old. --1 Lucy Brown, 2 Ruby
Mel'aughan, 3 Crystie Elliott.
14 ver. okl. -1 Polly Johnston, 2 Mona
Watherald, 3 Francis Itrinalyy.
Basket Rads. -- 1 Annie McDonald, 2 Mag-
gie Payne, 3 Rosy Gallagher.
Egg Race. - 1 Mabel Byers, 2 Mice Mc-
Mullen, 3 Emma I;rant.
Tea mil.' Lira'
were worked off in good shape by committee
men, P. Holt, J.T. Dickson and C.A. Hum-
ber, and engaged the attention of • large
number of the elders as well as of the Heine
hope of (anode in this section. Following
are the snmeaful competitors. :
6 years and ander : 50 yard race. 1 Carl
tampion, 2 (lareot'. Rhyme, 3 H. Hekher.
10 year" and under, 75 yard race 1
Tew.ley, 2 Rillib, 3 Martin.
12 years and under, boot race, 50 yard*
and return 1 James Ross, 2 1'. Cornell,
3 John Waddell.
15 yew and under, three -aged rare:
50 yards. iet, iL Morton and R. Reid
pod, John mid William Eberhardt; 3rd,
John Wadfol"iill ►.el Herbert Reid.
15 years and ander. hilt rues : 50
1st, Joke Dunn : 2nd, Charts K hkbrMe :
3rd, William Hillier.
15 years and under, runnier pep, step
SIM jump. let, W. Reel end H. Tousg,
tie ; 3rd, R Mathison.
lbears sad seder, rens �msg itmp. --
lot, R. Mance, 15 h. 3 in.: a`. Reid,
ib h 2 is, : Sad, (I. Haxby, 14 ft. 6 in.
I5 yams and under, remit high jump
let W. Rawkelaw, IM Joke Moshandt. 3d1
R Mathews.
1S years and seder, 100 yards' toes -1M
R. Varig. 9d W. Reid, 3rd R. Morton.
IS years and under, ems arced the
&I01. -1st W. %s Yes lY W. paid, 3t1 W.
1[a/..m ,tT...
on Mtw'% oar* Irv' sT fie!.
were wprwiaad res J.
A.tsa.s, F. J Craig, I). Hol: , M. (heats and D.
G Strschem. tlwdltrl as follows
100 yarda C. T. Agnew, A. M.
100 yord•.--C. Fiig Weliend, Agnew.
gerlI.--1441. �,ps McLoot
Wheelbarrow -Mks, McLeod, Math"
Rosad the Square, - Mcleod, Frits.
Seek Ree.. -Friss, Mewed, Rome.
Old Man's --David ausi, W. Moes, J.
M i llioo.
Pig oapturod by 1.'. Frits.
Trip Ltc•Mt1"i rATr'H
Morose plates and Goderiob woe far the
obampiossbipp series, and was won by 4 te
1 by the vitiators. TM home team WWI
wily' haedio tipped by the absence of do= 1 tta beet payers and, except m do Erht
for the monad goal, wen easy victims to
their opponents who were .quipped wick •
full tura. Fully 2,000 persons witnessed
the match. An extended report of the
game is unavoidably crowded out.
Till 01,r.l.5'l
Dame oft about 6 e. to on the Square arts
was w itnessc,l by a arve enn ourse of spee-
tatore There were four •torten in the
mile rate. hut only Logan. of G,alertch,
and B.Idwin. of Seelorth. were in it. Log-
an led fi•oot the start, awi,alt.hough at times
preened by Baldwin. succeeded In huldmg
first place to the finish.
The three mile race wase repetition of the
mile flesh. longer drawn out. Logan soon
got into the lead in the procession, and it
ended that way, despite several hold spurts
on the part of the Seaforth man to capture
the first position. Lagana performance was
heartily applauded by his numerous admir-
ers amongst the spectator's.
Till t'Rt'I!dl or Tex r1NLK1T1rNO.
in the evening, was witnessed by • large
turnout of towndolk and visitors, and the
uniformity of the stroke of the warriors was
mneh admired.
During the fav many of the exconioniste
availed themselves of the opportunity to In-
dulge in a row or sail upon the broad bosom
of the Lake.
THg YIREw'ORJis a\t1Il,mos
was a capital display. and delighted all who
were privileged to witness it.
During the day and evening en excellent
service of musi.: Was given by the 33d Rate
band, from Seaforth. The oadet bund, on•
der the leadership of (' Blackstone, also did
good work during the day.
A pleasant feature in the proceedings wee
that not an accident of any kind occurred
to mar the harmony 1 the day's doings.
From on, own cornomondenr.
John Stanbury, of Toronto, spent Knnday
•t home.
Mise Sissy Burgess, of Pt. Edward, has
arrived home for the holidays
There will be special service for Orange-
men in Trinity church on Sabbath next.
Rev. Mr. McConnell, ot Chalk Lake,
preached in St. Andrew's church on Sabbath
Rev. Mr. Olin -ant and .1. (algin arrived in
town kat week. On Sunday evening the
termer delivered an able discourse to a large
A Little la.tdoes skew* Tams thr stns!
Lias Muss bs 1Masse.M/ In ( ares--
•esater. ti.e .. Wert Quickly la tine
rteraawess -A Vase's •I..wtnd to a .1.y_
raaatac_)leses ea /he crepe mail Shame
w.waabs. Topton.
Tin twenty-fifth wirers ry 1 the Coes
federation was observed ,roar hout the
coentry in a quiet, Laaoltc . el .t *.ty, yet
patriotically all over one t ,e Atlautie to
the Psis 1a Toronto .me tial( the people
on the street wore the maple leaf. At a
central point down town .me of the loyal -
list of the loyal had gathered le auchee cf
the national emblem and 'ewers by were
invited to bedeck thetneehlt There were
n ot many .sglectod to accept the
prolferwwi leaf end pin. Au,l tiny
not only readily placed the green
leaf on their breast but they did so with •
feeling of pride. In the aftern,ou the
school children met in the Mutual street
rink, mug patriotic verses and Wowed to
loyal words from the mouth of 11r. C. N.
Sktuuer, M.P., and of Col. G. T. Donnas.
in Loaded' • similar kind of demonstration
was held. Four thousand school children
parched In pr'n:eestou a.-cnuipautsd by the
mania and ut.uov bands of tuustc. The
feature of the large gathering to 1'teture
Park was the delivery of an enthusiastic
oratloo I.r Dr. J. i3. Sangster of Port
Perry. Renville at the seine tuts celebrat-
ed thr national holiday and her
fifteenth anniversary as a city. Not Ion
then _'tt,taa, I"' were gathered together
by Ilse proceeding gotten up for the 0000-
At 114artoo an wcideot occurred which
.bowed that these quiet tokens of loyalty
had • significance of rea'uy about them.
Iter. O. A. Yeomans is a Presbyterian
minister in that town. For some rearm or
other, not yet to hand, the rev. gentlsutan
floated a very Targe flag with the stars and
stripes, end a very small Union Jack below
the Yankee ons Thereat areas intense ta-
dig.atioo. Tnirty or forty kadtag
citizens, axrompaniei by a constable,
west to Inc meson's house, low-
ered tat tlag, which was tmtusdiat Iy
tore Into shreds and trampled in the dirt.
The band played 'Sod !ave the queues"
and thousands of tongues joined is the
chorus. The rev. gent bat the floor.
The people's r.prss.ntatives at Ottawa
odjourne.l Parliament in honor of ltoetiatoa
1)ay. This is something they have not
been in the habit of doing. It s about
time that John the Baptist, Peter and the
rest at those ancient hierarchs were dim-
ieof their old frau monopoly in the
Ike trier basins
The Montreal Witness thus introduces
the natiuual fate day to its reader . ••Vur
air Dominion te to day a land vast in its
proportloaa, endless to its resources, bound-
less in its 'thecae'. The whistle of a steam
engine heard the other night on the Atlan-
tic seaboard, does pot .;.aa* to cry out un
it a few melts afterwards it snare. the
eagles from their nests to the Rockies.
There is no doubt but that Canada is cos
mencius the around quarter of her frit ran
Remember that the Royal Templar' will qJohn A 'rand •rden tarty in ohn 1VhHd-
doer's orchard on .duly 12th. Dinner will best
served et 12 o'clock and tea at half pa
four. Dinner, 20 centa : tee, 15 cents S
Cane along and here a goad time.
There is every prespect of a gnat crowd
Ming here on the 12th. From thirteen to •
sixteen lodges wry expected. The famous'
33rd lett. hand of Seaforth is engage.) and
the following gentlemen are to give a ddresn-
« : Bros. McDonald, Varna : McConnell,
1'beak Lakr : Rev. Rm. Ayer, Holmesville •
F. 1:. Newton, .1. Gilpin. O►livant and Hen-
derson, Rayfield, and John Beacom and
Mher'. 1te sore and come to enjoy the mus-
ic, the speeches and sailing on the lake.
tory o national existence under most
tavorable circumstances. Let her sous but
unite, let our edeas be as large as our tuned
Senn, our minds As broad as nor matchless
prairies, ural spiratious lofty as the snow-
capped peaks of Sir Donald and Mount
rept en, our union of races std creeds like
our giant rivenow , flowing into oocean.
Thus will Canada become 'That somber°
rch, whose vast proportions span the skies
rota sea to sea, from Atlantic to Pacific,
the home of unborn millions --free. "
During the first six months of the year
2.0011 immtgnrits oath.' Winnipeg Inc
the West. Tuns :s by far the biggest .nove-
ment towards the Northwest that Canada
has yet witnessed. Speaking on June 30th,
Rev. Abbe Morin, item the Edmemton
lntrict, stated that this year's grotto looked
id, and that with another wk's
col weather the harvest of 1892 would be
assured. To give the realer ea idea of the
way settlements are beteg formed
o the territories a few remarks
roe Abi,e Morin are quoted :
On the I;th of March, 1891, the pioneers
1 Morin%Oile Loan their little colony, and
to -day ;,:,til acres of land are taken up,
while 1,656 bushels of seed grain and 373
bushels of potatoes are in the ground, and
everything points to • magnificent harvest.
Iffxty•five entire families from the province
1 Quebe: are sett el in :dories -ills, besides
Sao heads of 143 other families who have
OMNI into the neighborhood, taken up laud.
and will send east for their wives Lid chil-
dren a few month. hence. This newly -
forme! French-l'adian rnloey has a popu-
atioa of 335 souls, which has probably
increased since their pastor's departure.
In Ontario crop reports during the past
week have tt.,t been e, uniformly favorable.
"Tou much run ' has been the general win-
king. its now feared that if then is
w elt more rain, or it the late wet spell le
dlowel by very warm weather, the dam-
age to the wheat will very seriously affect
he yield. Last year the weather condi-
ons were just the nree. Up to this
period we had had but little rain. The re-
ied from the dry weather then, however,
sem just when it was meet needed, and
he result war a moot bountiful harvest
On Dominion Day some important
hangs" in the law tame Hato force. Mr.
swat" measure, frequently called the
(lgarette bill, from that day will be used
correct the habits of the yews, 11
not properly named the Cigarettebecamell, became it is mewl against the Lisa 1
forma in all its forAll perms* us -
eighteen years of are now prohibited
roes baying, suing, or having to-
bacco in their po..emion, and those who
sell or give it to them will b. liable 10
heavy fines. Soother proviseial law which
Dominion Day brought into foris that roe
Liles to the 'attended' 1.x. Hereafter
estates passing because of deaths will be
subject to • graded tasatins. Small amounts mar ar relatives or for charitable purposes
me bet nevertheless the tax will
in coarse 1 .e years yield • weed ids
remotes The application d Mr. (Laplea.'s
w regektioes regarlisg Customs ssseewo
11 data from July bit. Thelimit the
*hum 1 a forfeiter* whisk .11 go te •
ng °Geer.
From our non rr .a,n.tent.
Jake Doty, of Kincardine, is visiting
friends in this place.
On Thursday of last week all the rural
schools closed for their usual holidays.
Mr. and Mr*. Robert. Murray, of Detroit,.
Mich., are vatting his parents. in this
Angus Bator te putting an addition
to his barn the framers are at present work•
mg at the job.
Some ot the farmers in this vicinity are
making preparation to start haying
shout the 1st of this week.
Miss .Lennie sterling. of lesehurn, who
was visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry ('amp -
hell, of (*lover Valley, returned home last
Mr. Tiffs, of Paramount, is putting an
addition to his barn in the "hope of an L
which will give him ample room for his
large crops.
Mn. Wm. Murray who went to Toronto
some time ago to have an operation per-
formed on her eyes arrived homeone da
last week.
y f'
Alex. Hamilta,, of (lover valley, is hav- ti
ing the roof of his home and kern painted
with the prepared rent paint. John Hen-
nett has the contract.
Mr. Hudson has resigned his school, we t
believe on account of 'ill health, and John
McNay has been engaged by the trustees
for the rem index of the year.
Hs-nry,Pritchard says that he gave away M
four fat cattle the other day to a buyer just
to get rid of him. But he paid me 8184.00 to
for them just the sane, said ha a
John McNay, teacher in the Valley M
school, sent four pupils op for the entrance
exam. is Luon
know. Harry Modena, of the der
Paramount school, also sent up foto or live i
pupils to try the entrance exam. in Lock.
John Martin, of Paramount, is erecting •
fine iniPleynent home on his
wherein he ran stow all his oneoh
waggons, sleighs, *mho, harrows, rifts„
etc. John Stewart, 1 ('Inc.. Valley, is
doing the work.
Ws bailees that tilos Huebert. 1 (lover
\Mi y, has hay forks ma
slings thrwsp-liyd1 1�s tows.4ip of Renis se
lately. sad lee still whoeki.g sway .t the wi
bswssm, I have an dsmkt (lserge will gat
therm yet es as ages*, seisi
Samuel Meier* el (.lover Valley Md •
hes hauling brick frompsim Look
nowda ss meltmeltIt appease that sow
Mr. Me(lslre lees
p■rebamd his tea from • .v
1)n Thursday1 last week Ramiltdn%
Mamie raway spasm helm to riper -
Odom. wbo had sever vowed the
Mu in Mombasa ad had it shipped le
%osmosis boron were tawoughly delighted
iwaknoar. They report it first dam brisk. s.
Jadlall mme 1 hes !est eswpl.t.d pestle their
the derd1Ytg Mem ef Thames Smith, of
('oral Wreath Destro John Semett k • a
to ha pewter, end meson w• • � coin
.elms style, should emend their ewe Mowed s&
see the cum rusming slot u 10 and IS
aids as Mar. Several hones emaifmtcd
streets. 'M by
railwaresidag y .way p the
dens AO seleMNed s esemeia is new
renshg . sed mash wary roes•.
g V been seseuely assllit•
him de K
rear t'meyeepem F'eawar.d M need.,. of
eke e/peat.
Frew oar ewe .asrepeadmas
AT W lxuiAIL --Oa the lath a .amber of
ear sparing usnNams• took is the races M
w , end report an attreeti a lf✓►Ir.
111ctamSIT Waimea --Soli& tttk mother
ktrm-st the •atadw •. et
i service in the cburekas bora wee
AWAY t' IsmTtJO. ---Oa Saturday M ra
Husby mud Ura A Roche 111 here to visit
relatives sad (needs at Loodoa, Oat., and
vicinity. We wish them • pismire time.
Hort. I tr.tan.-I)wiag to so wy 1 our
citizens having taken their canons roots
foe 'initiation t)ay holiday the Rome guard
at Dungannon ws. very small in uambera
Deanceno Dar Cstsam.iruo'. -A large
number of the I/animaam Lodge. C. 0 F.
wmhers, attended the meeting of the
bnthreu h.•ld at Wingh•tu under the alb*
pions of the Drier.
Ru srnux Lir Mgriao:•loT Ml.t"Tai Os
Thursday this week a strawberry festival
under t Le auspices df the Methodist meagr.-
ggamtion "ere war hell at T..Anderson. resi-
d.,we, AsLSel,l. Mon. particulars neat
week. oN .t ViazT. - \Ira T. 11. i)usein,
of out village, with to., of her children left
here ou Saturday moraine en route for DAk
ata to visit relatives and f..raser aolan.'
maces. We wisp, her • pleasant trip and
safe return. •
Stoolrn .a P.mITuo'. - -fin. Miller Inti
Miss McCaig) and her little daughter, left
hen on Friday last, en route for Ludmgt.u,
state Lit Michig•e, where she has sec•Rre•l a
goal position. We wish ler the Met of suc-
cess in her new pentiea.
Rlrc..Et, Hors Peter Hamlin. font
*fly taker. etc , in Dungannon, *al now of
Kincardine, with The. Hamlin, who have
been v'srtmg relatives, friends and former
associates in the village and neighhorho.i,
returned lu,me last week.
Rrdrwum fit -wow A,: sn.-Chao. Robin -
eon, our veteran and well known bnteher,
who retired from the leonine some time
ago, has again resumed business in that
line and is as for,oerly, prepared! to *apply
his former custnmrn and others with cholas
The strange uelebrnrion in Dungannon
promisee to be n gravel demonstration. A
large number of lodges will take part. A
needier of prominent speakers are expect•
ed. One of the features of the day will be
• foot -ball snatch between Wingham and
I:u,wttr . Purism es. -- -Weather et the
time 1 writing is more settled seri there-
fore favorable for toying, which fm being
oanmenced in this vicinity. Farmers are
quite buoyant owing to the great prosper -hi
of good crops, which thus far appear to ex
oesd tboer of some yew pant.
Funesa. PLC,'KuD.--Oa Friday the re-
mains of Winnifret, the youngest child of
David Johnston, Ashneld, were interred to
1)uogaioos cemetery, aged 1 year soot 8
Ittuotba The bereaved parents have the
sympathy of the neighborhood in the de-
parture of their beloved child.
Irl•RONINd: la Hrrt.TH. -It le pleasing to
the relatives and friaods, es:apo the nsmer-
nus ne,luaintancm of H. (:irvin, depv. reeve
of Ashfield, to learn that Loring sow time
ago gone to the mineral st.rIW;e at Preston.
Ont., for the benefit of his health which was
somewhat impaired, he is improving in
health and vigor and will soon return
1'w,/mor. --Ja■. McCaig of .tahtieki has
an apple graft one year old in his orchard,
to which reference was made :n THE
Sicoat some time aro as having on it a
latae bunch of blossoms. Now it is the ad-
miration of all who see it, as it is hearing
six large well fanned apples. Mr. McCaig
would like to hear of anything in the shape
of fruit that out beat it.
EvcHAN,:R Or Mtstn'ins. -OD Wednes-
day of last week Rev. A. Potter, with his
wife and family, 11t here for Clifford, his
new appoists.wt, and en the same der his
.occeser, Rev. D. R..ven, arrived with
his family to I/envenom circuit. Oi• Sun-
day Mr. Rogers conducted service both
morning earl evening very acceptably. He
comes here from Atwood with • very fine
record in the work.
SAD A,al, RNT. --1►n Monday, 4a., whilst
tom or three children of West Anderson
and others were playing in the vicinity of
the mill race at Crawford, Ashfield, un-
fortunately Maggie, the eldest child of Mr.
Anderesm, fell into the race sad was drown -
ed. She was a fine, good looking and :
promising girl, age seven yew and (our'
months. Interment on Tuesday, in Ibun-
lannon cemetery. The bereaved parents
have the sympathy of the entire neighbor•
hood in their w1 afflictions.
F:voxsecy. Ea solo .- Entrance ex
amination commenced here ori Tuesday and
closed on Thursday. Then were forty-five
candidates from the differentschonl sections I
in Ashfield and Kest Wseannsh, who p
wrote, Otto be leaving. the remainder for
entrance. 1;. Sheppard, with Alex. McKay
as assistant, ooiducted the exam. to the
satisfaction 1 all 7nocerort. We under-
stand Nina Lockhart, daughter of Robert
1 Dart ex.deputyneve 1 West Wawa.
nosh, took the highest number 1 marks in
reading We presume that she will give •
rood account of hereelf in all the other
subjects, as she in a clever girl 1 her age.
being about eleven years old.
LLAT YEAR AND !kart'toN Cc,RRAeroe
RY or'R 1 mzuNs. In order to celebrate our
national holiday a large number of the
young ladle@ of Dungannon engaged our
popular and wove teamster to convey them
to the circular capital of Heron musty to
an at. in oxmnrnon with others, to role/wale
the confederation of the Dominion of (Mo-
eda. They report having bud a good and
enjoyable Un,., and w load to their prais-
es of the beauty of the eon.ty town, apo 1
Use tn•nner and kind attesUon whieh they
rereive,l from their trustworthy weeny to
and from the musty tows. On the
same day 'suits • few 1 oar eitiaeaa wetetd-
ld their way to the port, and, Insides fish-
ing. had a pleasant mil ea the lake io the
bort yachts. We .ad.euaud that the
reins ladies took two .w three gentlemen
ethane with them es a token of regard for
• utterer 'Tu- r4.
Snowee of mss and wawa who have id -
way* suffered their ����1� w�gg ibs u
the merits of herds- asci�t�s apo
uss and praise this waai.A.l tense p&Igor
as the hest remedy Imam for dyspepsia,
ooastipatios tad all blood diseases. 2
Rippe : The IsOswing is a Esanet l sesta
ingot of the resent amp oedem ( held at
Hippos, as prod by the.n•/ter,
liam Cadman! : Reetipse- wHsslisnp, ate,,
!1166 i>isberesmsate : Toes
(sats, spa, (1110.17; Osdnetovdsa
Mimes Hall, Miss Wrlisms. pb ; reaeeJ
fares for mimMws. 1116.741 rest of bests
total past�iand
isvafMmM;p jr O14sLs1.,$OM.00tlw0t•e«- -ah-.bsr4jarsee, mirs,oupMeM•.I
tavamirer. Ml..pjOj
OTTAWA. liras 111.-i• w{{��•Iemeety
astfmsta kr tb year adltg Jsf ki lggq)�
w1ln deli ea 161°.11114.61166111,
s Lib atta-dey. 'L�
want 1.g .:117 91, oaf are J,. idd.h.,
Mlowst � M ttsl, i7lt.231 t
okarralYs to bsssme.01.111Ut1.u1 ; charg,
able to t.rriiorW ..swats, $4, mit .
Amusg the iatsaatellsg Opts
000 i ~b`' „�
�4,d.�pOp. lures li �t
Bel1.111., barber. ((=onmtu, tt. i
works. $73.01.10 ; Owea Med, drrlgna{,
Ndi ee9 ; tart Aetkur, espin a,
▪ '1 t01 (ioderk►, h•thor dn.lsi
Rainy River Lila
409 ; ROBreeder, coming chaeuud, gR'
000 ; Port Rowan, wharf. $5,0110 ; Mtdlead,
harbor drodgiag, ltf,600 ; I'eu.taag.
dredging, 32, ; Port Arthur, dredgtes.
GoodQ111 progress has bees made it e11 three
sittings of the House to -day.
dun. Mr. (:cetigsu .std to reply lir.
Fsatb.ntow last tnatructtuw hritv Leon
e ast to Inspectors of Inlau.l Revenue to
have milk aria isapected.
TM act to•tnwd lee Patent .1.t stat
read • third time, sed the act rat -what
the tune for volunteer who sorrel m iig4
to Sts their oiaims fur hood was r, -ad a
s000nd time and prmd through cone
rias;1110 or 70 M.mbws of Parham...
waited on tM Premier ts•day sal urged
t hat the question 1 • permanent ui •reaeo
1 elm asmiossl ksdamnity to $I. Ler owed
b. ceusidered. It Was pointed out that the
sort of 'airbag tr. Ottawa had mat.rully's-
creamed eines 11172 When the tads -minty was
fixed and that the sessions, which thea
averaged ten or twelve reek., nos run fee
four or fit. mostha
But John Abbott .old that a Ferman's%
Warsaw of the Dost of legislation by $130,.
000 was a Very *ernes matter, but the troy.
er.wwt would consider the qunttot. and
try to
as Lim s
views of the nmlers u fat
Th. talk about the lobbies is that • sot
of eompromise be effected and the nuke-
sily] pacel •t gl, 5o.
(katwa, Jun. .-The dull routes* al
the "strictly buain..s" sessions of the
morning and afternoon kat been broken t.•
sight by about three hours of the hrdNtt
kind of • debate nn the Caron charges,
which was started by Sir !diehard Cut-
wright on the motion to go roto supply sad
coeineel by Sir John Thompson, Hos
Mr. Laurier and Hoo. Mr. (tunnel. There
was ao amendment offend and no vote was
takes. The matter was amply talked out
and th.o the Hoose got into supply and
passed mems until midnight, when it ad.
pureed until Thursday.
Sir Richard male a carefully prepared
speech, going over the Caron charger at
eoaaalerable length and sneering at the
"mock 'nal,,' as be called it, of the ex -
Minster of Militia.
Sir John Thompson made a short reply,
and somewhat to the surprise of the Hodes
announced that he proposed to meet tell.
Ingsmate with billingsgate, .rid thereupon
proceeded to wade into Sir Richard ('art
wnght in • very lively manner
It is rumored that still farther redac-
edaotions of ruff are contemplated os the is
tercolontal by the Minister of Rulwayyts
and (ansa, and that • strong effort will b.
made to make both cads Meet in the fiscal
year, which commences to -morrow, so that
there shall be no more defied*.
O'rriwe, June 30. -Practically the whale
day bas bees passed in committee ot sup
ply and the whole of the snpplimentary
estimates have been run through.
Today completed the first quarter of a
century 1 the esimtenoe of the Dominica
and in the House th,e morning Mr. Katal•
bark called the atteetiow of the sons te
the matter in • patriotic little speech se
which he eepre.ssd the hope that before
another ;.nniveraary comes around New-
foundland will have entered the Iominus&
The compilation of the census being
practically completed sone W or 30 tem-
porary clerks in the d.panment of Agricul-
ture had their services dispensed with to
Bir John Thompson and his family left
for St. Andrews, N.R., this morning,
where the family will spend the summer.
Mir John will return on Monday. 1►urrag
his absence Hoo. Mr. Foster is leading the
Prorogation will probably take place net
later than Thursday or Friday. but there is
some little doubt as to the Senate being
through with the criminal code in time for
that and prorogation may be de'syed uotd
Monday or Tuesday of the f.tll..w:ng week
OrYAwA, Jvly 2 -in the House yester-
day morning nothing was dome et, e!•t ex-
press aocorrence in tiro work of the I um -
mitts" of the Whole on the estimates. in
the almoner of Sir John Thompson, Hoa.
Mr. Foster led the House. The only item
which were di••greed with were those pro
ytding for the payment of elute. to the
i.oyernmest .migration officers, who sines
the passing of the estimates of the comsat -
tee have, with the exception of those at
Halifax and St. John, been discharged
The afternoon aassum was mostly takes
up by ooucerrence. After the remainder of
the mein estimates and the whole of tat
supplementary had been disposed of Hoa
Mr. Mamma's bill providing that there
.hall not be a reviMusi of the voters' Iso
this year and legalising some lista received
after Dec. 31 pissed taeough committee ami
stands tor third reading.
When the Hgea Was in cosnmitt.e ss
the general inspection act, Rea. Mr. Cati-
gan moved an amendment that chess be
added to the put of articles to b• inspected
He explained that the am.admoat was
Made at the nnaaimoss request of the charas
makers. It was proposed to fix standards
for cheese mod drew up regul.i ions for its
inap.ctios. He had hem desirous of mew-
ing doe views of those who aeked tat
barna i• which apples were peeked .Meld
bp inspected, bit as that would involve u
oe•nnwtmrried est .sth
t toisthanoereasel... could sot ft sot be
TM Demme/sot, he said, had decided
9ap...a nam Important change in the ICI
tion *Mai she wheat standards.
had bon semi .napalm abort rte etad-
arda need last year and it load been decided
that the samples opus which standards had
aeon based M rinser d by tM Ooyeratesn
b whom them the r.spmaibility sew
attwk. The bill pawed commutes sad we
A treporthe amain sutdes Hon. Mr. Foster
moved the Hones tete Qttwluee e a rams
halos to pais by the ione el d.besteew
the mei el 1450,000 to be revamped 1e
Harbor Cemmiirhners 1 k Jobs, N.R.
fee the wpm, .f improving the Ierbo,
He .poke of the hpperta es 1 at. Joe et
a @hippie* part .Std ladineted that the M-
imed sent ahem
hiseeLpe~ bet w .mks
v klMheI4.sofp.WasyMni
The defter wrap,
Of U.sY e
y rk..1t
fearImWe•tiM wt-
•tatIU Is•Ml, td
Mee. e year hood
Modes 1pl, wain of esibq -kale