The Signal, 1892-2-18, Page 1r.I MOMet a..ett
"wises d the District
d. Ttinphlre er Tam
w Tearooms
▪ Daa;
ils M various pests
meet. Q.Me a nam
see.f.R Mr.ia tied a
igin Yams sae Bay-
s to ea the seta,
ether with the eaters
. C..Seil who waw
idly umber er the
rid with the order,
And le the tisane el
reamer el the cam
kir bedlam at 11. Li,
mese of Bre. Pips,
IE Tow, I.P.B. , res
r. The District Coo.
h ole t•L the
passel whu were a
t were teed tied tip
.rmmeeisodeee m eta
• .arms swmmiuew. for dm
m Mviag b... par.
the Iodise el the lanai
em el the ball At
1lgaiw stalled to er
the miens mem*
megieg indeed, when
Me ..mai was or
mit and this was the
see that time. The
hie county was shows
dist ae.dittoe. tote
r mad activity i. the
Bro. Piper, the Die
g arrived at 2 o'clock
ok rho aheiseMd..1-
readiag a wide the
e pest, made I very
the r
's sad
were also moseyed.
deal of nor bares
Tareall d ish `bbof the Order.
the ea=t mt.tas cl
i Hwadl
be Jane. 1t
ih true
aurid, the Rude elf
and, e apo
ta/ tax as the
ler in this meaty 1t
ii et the Bred e�
Akers were eleetat
Bro. J. lis Tem. (hod
Hal., 8eslartb ; P.
a, BrocefisM; asp.
rue ;.se., dile. theme
itto- Lewis, ermines:
Bey kaki : guard,
: reauu»l, Bro. Kerr.
era.. I.idley, Easter.
uttem were abo ar-
enas of reports a.4
eg, Haman, W. H.
✓ GUI, Exeter: tame
Van*..., Varna, Moro.
, Exeter :
Newham, beater Cut -
ale .ad deeatiew.-
nes, Sisepgos. Bruce
State of the Order
brief, sister Leech.
, Se forth ; Samoa
, Armstrong, Varma.
(lea opening had re
Bro. G°ersalock,
mob, eleadertk. Bre.
eita tsemitim -re.
Inn, EewnisN. Mc
Ma clamed et 6.16,
tin adjourned to the
ladies fed prepermi
Several of the mem
M 4 o'dock trate, bat
did amplt jumbo to
before them. After
tbe visitor& Ned seal
ray imtersiw ease
'erases. readi.iga, re -
who drove to tam;
g the evening. his •
me toy the wbor
L left tows by train
✓ tes and Maim to
ire samimw�in. their
re at the hospilwit,
ladles et the Led
a vet. ed 'Maks flor
.wards the seem= of
term eoanty, and by
Maldhae results .re
slier at its beset
a ads bilie piled at
a Nes who lime • Ma. losowt.d
r the and ocihmmo.
Dorms Y " the Burk
d w •aetis
y, Feb
leek. Per particulars
IMo& was hanged at
Mit tee molder et
.4; re
• el to
Feb. A Mat
»...... •(iee10
10 to 0 OP
N▪ N..»»
sr I
0 10
f1 w
Hata. WUtMd Laurler Weloo-
ed 10 Oodsrselt.
Tbr rr.ressses flea the nmMtea-- asleep
ties t• Ow *:read mere Mew-addrw
.r le 111104/1/e bestir -brand Tweet uses
✓ reer..M. Tab shiniest noilberls*
K ier Meld 1■ e:./erteb Uamdeed* 1. -
. bre e. Enter the b.11
Never was mac given s more royal temp -
Non thea that which wee tendered the lion -
amble Wilfrid leaner on the maiden of his
visit to West Huron this week to moist M.
C. Cameron in his tight for the riding
When the Liberals learned of Mr. Laerler's
intention to spark bore their enthusiasm
waseand they determined togiw
aim a .ukase that would be s token el
their admiration of hili said of his conduct
Y daub Wet sail alt .'arnelit of ihetr deter -
"nineties M seed as Its supporter to Par
honest him who has in the pant au ab:y
emoted their hailer ted in whoa they have
so often repu.e.l their taut M. C. Cameron.
.tad never did unan :twee amerce such a
welcome. The nano. of Wilfrid Leerier is
in tate heart. of Liberate, and the
bearer of she Fostered name hokla the ver•
btieg love and the meet hearty respect
every .amber of the great Liberal party
this Domiaio.. Never fisheries, when
path of duty lis baton hien, .ever tun -
g tress his way to deemed to personalities.
ways treating his oppoewta kindly sad die
the peat paid questions of the day
y ea their menta. alw•ys ming hr
abilities for the good of hie native
sad d bis. h1Low-ooa.arym.n, Wein.]
Leerier presents an example of statesman -
which other sus of political prmuiu•
would do well to follow.
Mr. Leerier arrived on the 1.50 r. w
twin and when he appeared as the plat -
feria there arose • d.atesstsg cheer, re.
posted again and again as he was escort
ed to the .sigh in waiting for him
A promisies wee formed, • sleigh ooatein •
fag the Citimas' bead heeding the way.
The carriage rs..rsine Mr. Leaner,
Mr. (.mann sad Mr. Preston, the
of the Provincial Reform As -
societies. followed, and a large number of
rigs swelled the nester procession. Down
Rant street to tbe Square they went, around
Spare to the Grand Opera Hew. sad
armed the Square vela, feliow.d by
w s M ~intenele
preemiesat rho Opine
Deme and the immesem crowd made its way
into the ball, filling it ie • few minutes.
When Mr. Laurier lied Mr. CLmeree peened
up the aisle .•d speared on the .ease the
crowd erase to them feet and gave them •
perfect ovation. Mr. Premeditate. president
of the Gielerich Liberal Association, then
reed the following address, the reading be -
.•ted with frequent cheers sad
Bsersa- ata,-- In the same of the
of Otaeleriet and West Huron we
to welcome you as the reverted and
leader of the Liberal party in
on this year test appaloosas 1m
Midst We welcome you not merely se
the piety leader, but as one of the foremost
and sad dintimg.isbsd of the stir of
C ewrdai, one who ism her legiiative babe has
er exhibited these qualities el bead
B art that • high-minded etatsmnn
true patriot should penmen : ever
hfml of the Jammu of hie e.eatrymeu, lowing aim, interviewing ha servants, Dome
er .trivia( for ever ceded justice to all of .Som had sett him service. Every dia-
d ear.aeisty, ever Liborius to alter reputable MOM they ewald they had take
*Obelisk them oppressive him and ism- to fimten • charge epos him. • charge they
by. the eperMMs of which our
is beim.1ts pepslLtims, oar Doll is
is mho. sad t�hepornod the
are hurd.s.d .d [wsskTsd for the
t of the taw. 1WY• .es.nms you,
as dm who from year Mos in Parlia-, exposed sod br.sbht to
Mem scandal and
riblorim hem the which
believe love had se send• easel it dim
e ar wealth nod Waded mor aswwiit
home had mor sad
▪ abroad. Wean ttmod aslMmsk
W bayou Y s the sbotimM Mem d Me
party the choosier of a g,Nlemes
trilem repot:Noo..d we .re certain
lie each ohm or breath d public or pri-
dhilluoer will ever be atasclM.d with
gem d Wilfrid Lasrhr. We weloowe
se me whose intellectual Brite sad do -
ate the pride toot osly o(. party but
Cosediuse, sod we ese sepseslly
kir year proposer with a today,
well the mmri8oe on Me .seat of
and rho seeress duties of your pod -
We trust dist year proems aad en -
wiH be the omen of wether
'cry V Went Huron for oar honored end
. tandsd-bearer, Mr. M. G Omer -
We 6.p and believe that ear mosso
may he the 6.rb ii.r e( • series et vie
st the pelt sad is Parliament that
Mese len as Oawa4.5 V est Monsen to
the lih..d peaty d bee Leede
thus nem .or em.siry from km pove
sed s.oeitfea We teat that for sway
Tor you may be sped in health sad
M lead ai moa le And as Na ab-
et a miellsmen sondem mod
Hs, et • phis mem for N.
'e geed. seed M a station= wise of
ad Settee of Moores la doing the
geed is the grease* number.
Mr. Leerier roiled Way W IFiilsl4.
thasked these for the sddte•s. whits
very plums. be hie. Om part part-
y plmgkaa was that relnmrissg to W
friesd} Ila.
Cameron. (Applause). Re
owebsr less his right ergo thea Imo
mapper► et Mr. (Lues V PierWmmn.
he mous a fighn.r-phew...d
l -and that was were us needed to
M whew her b..kgonrs.
me sow 1. the breri ami
terror tee evi dee (Artesia)) wBe
he Meld bhitpi s cadet , kb si:
1St haft t••• not AM* ti b be
10 W Mils lis thaw kis goodwill Mr. I ((-'Neta) Down in his eodeaver
Omens% weord 'mos Were then and me W bless made to &chi by Tory ts.lheli•
Ii Ina msILIMMn (Aesr.) H. thanked H. W kerma aerk*g e1 those meths&
lbtp_ m Moo�.•t e.tawt sad herd they This he would declare upon his loner.
welw ei
Mmes.) He W boor ahargrd. Me. with
cowardioa he bad berg ell 4.g from
insets. sad although many Conservatives
had, too, boa ill, .ad se one W q.sstion-
ed their omega, his opponens had- said his
MOO i. one greater .ambers os
WMM fan ISM iiqq to put Mr. Cameros .t
Ms head ef dee psi. IC'ke es. )
At the sine d Ile proceeM 0 • large
.umber of rhe snfaaaee sen introduced to
Mr. Imarier and warmly shook his head. Mem was not gamma 'fed feet was that
Tr. xvaxa»u m.artatt. ho was promos at this toe the
The Were ei the tows wecrowded •dvio. et hb pkyaciY, but �I W
early ia the eya.u` A. immense gather- 6.ard at wh• de.psue tight kfri
is s.d, is
fag waived km tee ted wane" prooes,ow the Week were egaged is he to
other* .bowed their distetios by ge- cog pbOese had ysici . wide had comm to
WE directly t+. the Opera House when the thees,.d if he was to fall be would fall light
WWI to be held. Chas making can jag. (aeeere.
.f that *.ate TM proeemiou was formed ie Turning to • diso.asies of the trade
•fres eetepposit.tkeLibeeslflubrooms,Yd Coa*srv' he cid be world appal to the
thea arohd to the ursine of magic to the •ie.", 10 toe it they wen
reids.ce of Mr. Cameros, wham they s- whb Choirnd
ooitewe. Cameda was nae d
sorted Mr. Laurier, Mr. Cameron *ed other 'bm 'ma"ral. eis the world, 701 in evat'y
promiot Lamm, to the Hous Aa county he had visited then was not • farm
t6. ptooe.siow reached the the � �
iia► d bamt torches the marine wY the loss of oar potanlairoe I\a+nt
tae.7 and � _
tam*41,1117 s, and that was a .oaetry whose lands
wising with these iso the 1.d • sight
i ht the like � iaCrwased in value' 11 this Dour
up which
was *been before
s. • r.6t the like �r/ try lad kept iu populaton s lewd.
which was never arrived
.esti 0 (:osl House
would have iocressed i. value. The National
When they arrived already the ()peau Home it Portcy was to be the plasma which woul•1
wan red to be we filled but standing
sts, the exodus He blamed we ewe for
hundred mon crowded in wb.reverwimt a believing the premiss made in 1878. They
room wan to be bad filling the arks, the
that weld sell within 30 cent. of wtiatit
would ten or 61*... years ago. The mune
ordered Iiggbt. which ilium thatene a the III( w6ieo faunae n n pap
the crowJi of people lis the streets an
platform had early emulous foot of .piss relaxedly red what they were and they knew
away disapptante. u tog fit ROI" dearer- Mr. Patteson toil them
great an interest in the speakers had the ��Chw 1 had to adapt fres
speeches as this their fathers, husbands Ustertsa.tdy, it was not - our power to
tied a speakers
adopt bee erode se it is understood u
The apskend the evening were the Q. Mom of ted extrevag.acs of
d., ave, the Libhn , a Leader, John Cesar, Q. oaf rids", w►itth maks it .etweeery ve
('., d Houlihan, and W. T. R. Prestige, of raise *venae by dodge but the mit best
Tomato. Joseph Willies seta) as chair•
with s solid mus d Many went how they had been kept. They now sold
ted in not teen able to u their _ 14 e� •d height their
admittance. A .o(10 hole feature was for they most told Chir hands
and mut for a
presence d a barge' number of ladies, who i°y
maatle.ted, though is a quiet(' saeaer, .. Yroeridt..t flat a remedy was
matin Among 'boas oft the platform were t6rng was free trade with the 60,000.000
P�spW�ee to the meth as t►ki moa. tie
abertff I.ibbms, Wan. Proodtom, Philip pdiey d Mr. Cameron had the Liberal
Holt. h. M. Hruo uddy, O.derieh : M. S . Cheers) 11 the Cd then (.overa-
McLea.. Dr. Btuoe Smith, Stile. Han. Ss. WV' 1
forth ;Robert Holmes, D. A. Forrester, W. me" was 117iwg today 10 tYtgetlas'. • treaty
Paisley, Chaim. had Mary other peomineet u "tend products it was sotwly se admin
Mr. (,...earn was the Ent speaker unease to the fanner*, 8snmeasn. mines
L,i sou test they considered it would be d
sed he ere a ntagnificeut speech and lambereeen. Mr. Blaine W declared
He had rapreseeted them, he acid, iso that the United Stats Goverment would
Partiamast for meaty -live year except for of uffaiate a treaty s tooaaead eye
four years. At the last election they had tart the l asadian I:overwtemt attempt to
exfoliated oeefid.e.oe in him by a m•lority negotiate • treaty in manufactures as well
of 379 votes .ted now they were .eked to re aria •&tuna.! prealmcts! iiecaase tb�y ay
teres their declaim. He haemo they would it would injure the maoufacturera He did
not do it. lCbm rs.) He was not going to out r with the I;overnment that Chu
make • poliNsl amsch. hems* h had the would be the effect ; bat thn he would de -
.e .. proud tis. reoogaine Y Ria chief, the man between the farmer and the uaana(acturer
when political opponents cook* not point ht. choice was *1re dy made--(cheese)--be-
thir finger at and ay he has done wrong. cause he believed that if the farmer. were
It:hears. l He was proud to blow him and psoeperonr all other cheeses world he too.
kis was sun they would be ptotd to rapport He did not ay they would be .We to ret •
his policy. (Cheers.) treaty of unlimited reciprocity. He did
He rod that there bad been any reason rot e.reto limited* re do store Hatt Imo
(mayor o *this ekrtion. if there was could accoaiv*ish, but he would ay that
eves 5pace esetisr it wse ss the 5th d
March ast veer in West Harm.ICheers 'mos Liberal Government get veto power
If he had boom such •tembly Mud taro did "4" .ntwith.tadi•g the recent "'ere"
'bey suppose there would he sera ea effort he was sure they would eventually carry
made by the tlovernntent to protest hie the country ':beers) they would .end w
election and now to defeat him ! Ube had Waeb,agtnn utero f•vormIJe to recipreoity
Doe called a apde a .pale end thesis" Rat if when then they could not effect a
thieving, nous this county now be swarmed tasty apou a bees hosorahle w l:a;atis be
y b .& d hemmers •They hid mem would torn about had return and ro for
from the,�eads of the earth. There was another policy. H. mos loyal to Rntato
Coonskin Btoyd end the Snider* and all the His loyalty did not ted in Isis blood aa with
rest d thaw (Vhsers 1 Whet were these 'hose who beard him, but it .prang trove hie
men here for! To give information to the heart oat d Brat-itses for what Brim; bad
electors ; to educate the people ! No ; they cion" for b:s ooaa*ry. s- Then was
were hen kir owe .ad owe wady. not • m a is the surname or is the
knew last sassiom tient in agunty snore byal b Great Britain than
(Cheers.) He he, but then was • sad that was dearer
huriisg charge" urease t6. fitter of the
Hoagie he had Makro hie pclitio.l fife i him to him, and that was his native land. Can
hands, and immediately after his Morn ads. (Cbeer.i.
free Ottawa be (owed two detectives fel The economic c oditioss d England and
Canada were not the setae. Knighted bad
free rade .tad the United States had pro-
trudes'. The Conservative Government
had followed the United Stats system and
when they were told each a mune might
end�tyer British oo.aectiou they hed acid :
" tern mach the worse for British ere
section." 11 was said that ..restricted reci-
=t,,y would head to .waexatioa.
Thermo was sever a more nude in
Canada that was not app sed by the
Conservatives ea the gtwu.d slut it moat
lead t amex•tion. Suppose a Liberal
Goverment was termed and a cowinmino
was seat to w.ehisgos to negotiates aigtrat y,
(wns.rvsthes weld still love the
earns.. and 104 vete ..0t t a.aoxatioa.
0 ibis Ory of .e.m:.tiea meant aaytNeg
it that the Co.amm•ativem were sot
sure et their own feelings in regard to an•
.•:.ties. The teaching he bad learned
from Es[ssd was to look to the prsepmiy
d his sstive Ind. This oonteit would .how
whether the p..$s d Wed Huron were �d we, a.ess. for p.rpue. with which
en6.rvient to other intents than these of kr ow, would moot idostify bim.elf, toeppsel
Camde. He hoped that when= Imes to meows, Ipr jodism .mod to &team .se -
slid out wake opsely, let made cowardly i•
the dark. • charge that was se tabs as bell
{(Less► -teed diseeminaW by men who
brew it to be fasa He had in his had
ad0davitm that proved t6. atter Wilily d
the dirty easedel. He challenged any wen
to mike the charge and he peeni.ed that
one of thew would gaffer u the courts. lir
defied this and their low 1sathM. lig
asked if anyone in the audience believed
the modal. tt:risd 'Na")
Pro*eedlsg, he Med what reeler Neto
mold he that the people .M kat year
elected him should not now return bits
What hadhe dame that the verdict d lad
March .bond be reversed ! Mr. Patience
asked them to elect him se that they might
get gnats M their harbor. Mr. Panama
promised that. although for thirteen
the (1M.raneent had dose for
yea if they now elected him wee
now be rewarded- -not high bet K
was their Daly •rg.rnmt They could past
to motile( in hie record h Psrliaaswt which
they eo.ld m7 was wross. (Chows.) And
who wag the ma who emend him ! Mr.
p ttemes'% reseed el sixteen yeses was be-
fore rhes. Whit had he dens for the
sentry ! If hie vases in Parliament had
set been in the oiliness d the peopie they
should set elect him se.. if they IbouatM
that our taxation was ► 'hop
should not vote for lir. Pattstes..
is 1fi90 he W voted that the d.ei e en
Minks of prim ••mensiy shoed sot he
redwood seed that Mallen was net 1rr high.
Mr. Omens further tensed Mr. Pateseen's
re1Md,ad .snclnied with ea appeal for Dap -
portH. mid he W .0 to take hack
.1 sup-
sterane he Pediment. Here on
the pb.Norie, whore ever? ..,.+aim node
him liable is an mails 0110. r i► wadi
liabes. lie Ws dssssshiiss.,
end meld prove them est d the Moa book..
If be was returned b Parlamenti he .o.1d
Woo op the week .here he W left elf mi
the NOtb A.pumhsr. (Prolonged doers.)
sow. wtvare IJaalaa.
Mr. L. erier's dapping termed a ddrom
the mneNeg tree the eigad ler • • omendes.
esthumt d esthweisi- The ismer ash.
men Mood mop and the Misr eflh
Mad sed Mats.
Me. Eerier *sabot M 4 the elu-
�.g� sheen in Moir es d iha
Ma -iced he had re dgglMwd te be • very
�dmen ie'e� has
Mh b prw.s.i7 eor*wp►
d Cdhclinm .fieri• tageg'6. Orayem•e 1
8E IS FACING BOTH w AYS. 6. t .sanies. wee .tom THE
cissas of frisk He did sot believe Me
The Tory Candidette Trying to
Ride Both Horses
ae.wees ewe .seed. 0'11 tee.. M gay donee Pali rtee irete Over
tae Sae.-Iaera.t.teaey 1. Berm War -
nbSrseenel Appeals to Periodic*, rote
ate treed by tees. J l•. rummer. --.'ams-
INNwere sod rr•estde.
The tactics of the Tories in West Harm
aro of • peculiar nature, sad like to the
e neacter of Ah Sin gine. by Bill Nye
"der that aro dark and tricks that
are vain." Every effort is being made to
subvert the honest public opmemoo of the
people in this sectiue, and not • stone is
being lett unturned to acunplish that sad.
They have • man for every place and they
are eodeavonng to nieke • place for every
man who u up here to work in the interest
of the ("onset -settee candidate.
in Ashbeki they hare such mien Y Helm.
John Costigan to appeal to the electors of
that staunch old township, while in Oode•
rich township and other sections they have
County Master Todd, J. S. Iarke, J. M.
Roler•ts and others who during the Eq al
Rights crusade had trade themselves
to desired. Me mw.n, who aim -
bend tea to even o.. Oraagem•a. THE How
Now we admit that is 1876 J. C. Patter-
mo, thea an Moore member ea the back
beaohos d the Oppneitios in the local
limos, and who weds courting the *noes
Irak sad Freattb Catholic rote fa Korea,
sought to aurae' mitotic attention sad en
dearored to obtain votes in ha locality by
making the spook which is correctly given
is the ciroolar, bet we decline w ineseure
Mr. Patter.oa's, freadliosse to the Catholics
by his wads of sixteen year. ago. Rather
woakf we mm are hiss by his actions of the
Wt two year. I. 1890 during the Fermi
Rights crusade he, as chairman of the (uu•
serv.tive Un4ss.hounded on by The Empire.
became one of the strontnst .upportets of
the policy of W. R. Meredith, &tenial the
pro p e win. were .t gottati*wt by the faunal
Rig IAA leader as'the aean,.to enemy." Under
inel�trans.n derisel troth Bott iarnttngham
h.- threw his previews to the
.'or. and became a hater of thoec whoa be-
fore he had professed to love.
That it not atm. S.. ania.nt we.. ke to go
in with the know-nothing t.lss of t�
"Son. of America' or "t't,ty of tate Golden
Circle" to which reference' wee mole is •
letter in thee. cols.-,. hot week that he
actually &.arae."' Rt00 toward,,teq; en
its feet an anti-t'etholi.- new-.tsattrr aided
The Sentinel, in Wisdts.r, the platform d
which lays down that ,o. ('atMdic.h0dd
1.e supported for public sink*: dist no
Catholic should he empt.rrsi by one d its
member : •.d that oo ....el..Lo,.1.1 1m per.
closed from • Catholic Wein,. awn.
obnoxious to the people of Ashfield town- The erplewe d this transitctuuu .d J. C.
Patter.or n, fortunately, to be found in
ship- Rradetrest's mercantile report for the weak
The campaign u being waked from ending Jan. 30, 1892. and no bogus telegram
iodericb, agd the. peal west • frpm ton. J. i� Abbott or Senator Cas.
grin can con teilFet•t it. \\'e defy Mr. Patter-
atte r
.on to deny that he Imo not beau guilty d
this .l.wble faced, ribbt-&boot actio., and if
nothing else wear. wanting such • Janus-
faced device should be his condemnation.
Ansi then nuked his assoeiats upon Ash-
field tuwnehip -froom Hoe. John Castigate to
Open -house boodler Murphy and " (oon-
.kin" Cnt(ie Boyd. and • half -doses Tory
member of Parliament all as black Y Fed.
Cochrane, of Northumberland, the white-
washed vendor of (ridge tenderships, and
the titan who when he lives u well known
e* "Skimmed Milk" because his
best yielding cow ha.. wooden tail and •
.pout for • mouth.
Those are the mea who come in to teach
political ni-rlity in Huron and consistency
in question* of class and ..reel, and J. ('.
Patt.ersoo in the arch type of the entire
delegation. All thin;(. to all men is Pat
tenon. Savage circular against Orange-
men in As�field avid taldd speeches by Cs•
titan and others to try to faa tato dame
animosities which lave, tb.ak (led, long
• duutppssrd. Is the Peotagest brim -
el.ips the .eilvocacy of Doh Birmingham, the
High ural slight - of the Orange order,
sailed and he J. 1t. Robert*, the
Equal Righty canslidmte in West Huron, .1.
S. Larke, the .:siiderer of the (atbobc. iso
West Huron et the last eleetuw, full Clegg,
another Equal Rights wbooper-up from
Winglse two short years &jo, eel in ad-
dition to these men • host of a different
class.till- -the rag-tsl and bobtail touters,
heelers. hangers on. camp -followers. hood -
lens, bilks, bivak.. beats. bummer, and •
grist of low-down tough, who. when
elections are t..t on, have uo amble means
ot .rapport.
It M a dii.graee to have any candidate de-
luge • c.w.titueney with a tribe of these
outaiie heeler., just as mach as it is to ell
in mat to arouse parkin and bate and
malice where peace had previously existed.
J. C.''at er.ou has raised the .ry tit race
and creel, and he has Gly himself to blame
tea' this exposure has been amide. On
Tosedla night next he .i11 regret that he
ever reused this riding to he infeited by the
raider who have bees latveaing upon it in
the hope to debauch the electors for the
past three weeks.
promiaeot Awe on the .crest: of the to.n
was the notorious '' Bob " B.resingbm,
Secretary d the Grand Lodge of Orange-
men. who abo was one of the chief promo-
ters and upholders of the Equal Rights
agitation in 1890.
That is not ell. There are at the present
time a number of thew of various walks in
life going around to our Catholic friends
with circulars similar to those which Pat-
terson used in Hex, setting forth the uta
trance of J. C. Patterson against the Or
aogeme• is 1876 when the Orange Rill came
before the Local Houses•. I'he following i.
the Patterson circular
Ma rtTTlt.m.'N AND THE OLt'4m1:M.s.
Mr. 1'.ttereom (lane:) maid be had never
thought until Weight that THE TORY
ANCE. There might Wive beau some
justification for the organisation of nob
a society e. the Gnome one ta Ireland ass.
yea" busks when the Protestants were is
misosit7 : WSW THE no NUT'U.t•it: niT SAM
M[ts 1a etirTtng up rrhjrues anmossMlw
where otherwise they wool' not exist. The
old time principles of the Tory party were
far reattach font the cur -rear calfs
w.1e. WERE shut'.:HT INTO THIa Hoene
AN Cor STILT .a" PULm.'IA VA WMu W W t.
CAPABLE ..r rm•mttt" A r1.YTPe.N or THEIR
ow%; •ND en eau. Rem uN THESE oimKn.t-
etr. met e:toes Ca1en. Thn 11111 was a
dame' dap " the face to every Rosman
Catholic whom the Tory party hail elected
it nail laying to thee, ' We want you, but
we most put our mark on you.' 'Die mo-
tion was calculated and he feared was in-
tended to stir up religious animosities It
this country. The ()ranee body were in the
habit d boasting of their loyalty .ed their
religion ; in fact they seemed to regard
peaceable, quiet Pmtestants bite himself Y
• lot d Fontana. He claimed to be as loyal
• manse the greatest (:rand Baster d them
all, and his experience had led him to be -
neve that those who were coutinually shout-
ing Loyalty " and " Religiow " had les
d both these oom.oditis than theme who
mode res ties about the matter. The pro•
cples d each ase. as Genie', Pel sad
Pitt were the "maim Tory prhoiplse d the
past, and it was by • humble adherence to
sock principles se them that he (Mr. Pat
ryesod his claim tonot be• member of
the weet rof
VANCING. He waM like to know why
teethingW base heard d these =-
beadwhen Sir John A. Macdonald or 8aaa
W Macdonald were in power. Jud as
sees as the honorable Scums. opposite
isle the Treasury bombes an attain "Mise 0.11•i they do it lamins animosities by them yearly dis.e.
for Chad. first. CY•& lost and Canada all New we the O"rig. oils. The hes. mem-
the lima (Chsera►. br for End Grey W referred to the tod-
Tho aetliease had long before heard 01 jag .bie6 W bum produrad to Tweak. by
Mr. Iaeri.r's fame as Caaada's first orator, .tie 01 the uperukur d 16. d
sad Moirgreet
expectations were hilly
radioed both
dross este the liberality of thought sold feel
there*. His flee
es the mbj.d e( mom.dmief.srewos
Public Werke to this mention I bat that
hon. notkm.a would de well, la taking
snob reference., to recollect the ssaedal..e
mad riotous wosedi ngs wMb6t' W Mao
�.D en the streets of Termite lad tall.
Bush epembes as the 6.a 'Ember bed TM
The next speaker wee John Orme.d mad. wore ealeelated, Island d allaying
Hanilltea. who for en hear dealt with the rave.. goon, to fasi1
rt. nae mp.ssd it
.ade g.ehtis.. net is • p•rtb•a ..ewer, i< Nengdma t6. who*. load.
bat fres t6. .teadpoht of an Fagliah free I1 hs. me sum iia• 200,000 halal ntee-
trader whe believes is the Baal poloy of awls alMMed this special Rill to pm. 11
old Ewgsmd ter in geed'. lobe. He .bowed then wen, he 1 Mr. Patterson) esuld my
very preotan.Uy hew the pn*le are reb6d flat thee. wen 600,000 PreteMawa, jug
b7 a pntoetive tariff semi how they wadi as keyed as the tehwe, .he Aug amt emirs
henernied by free Made. sash a hill to berms la.. H. ep.k. sir
W. T. R Proctor, of Termite, wee toned vimdly is my1s 1Ns, kr 6. W when
spen and gave en effective splash. He media paha* to as.mresia the koMsge of the
Mewed modusively t6. Obit, .f the cry Pr, vets., en ormity in emend in regard
that** m Liberal gree 6.s departed (teen se ail wager. lit W erre .add b7 the
the nag et he Maims ef past Tears i. d 16. Medea 1W K • =at
�ve�eyts arsseristed resipre.iy, whish. ( ed the
a the Oeasp body
6.04, /6 United Saw mould give when the lame privileges. Noy wend
the peopled ( e.1* Mowed by nen mates 1140, ee.Md therm I etre the truth won
Nat Ib4 ....isd 1e. there wee se dm1Mr oseodatMa he the ire -
The meellegentedus with sheen ter Mr. mea Cashel* Mwre\ The Clerblhs
roe the wee a d sew
rets.ten and gbsaser rwnmies a Great
To t or el the reelp._* pour. Oen.
Sr;, -I ate that ear til mi repwgiiseenve,
lately made a Cobalt Visibly -God Immo
why --ie trying to get i.s Parliament agedn
and lo • sandidat. for Hare.. I .sold like
to wan the people there swim* taking any
stock in premiss Mr. Patterson may make
them. Hell promise anything to get votes.
He'd eves promise to build • railway to the
mere if he thought be mild iota votes y
e ach • premise. Whoa he no here in Utrf
he trent • printed Arnim a every farmer
living o. the Middle read, Moe is the
old military road remain through this
matey tree A.►nmdberg to London. He
pneMis..410 m them read gravelled at the
H�er.D curare if he was domed. We
were foals Owes. to believe t6. Govern-
ment woad smarm ear reed mrd Mr. Pat -
mien wee Menet Not en sue.. et gravel
has bee. pat ted the road. Mr. Pavane*
always opined him elstinaa here by .akiaa
the last eeenwee . premises Why. al
n est every ether nem in the c:..■ty b ea
Makin ter a Government imp promiasd by
the great bumbeig t6. Toavry7 light@ d r
meaty appear a lee woeiippiy. He'll
keep wens d his pMw*.s% ess*sielly is
Hiro., More, if dosed now, • will, I
have it en the bat aolierKy river roe
✓ an. in .hick me, d acarus, he .in tier
ewe whether year people fid him est or
n ot. Heb the mem aotersudy .w"iaW
mea .6. ever ram fa masse. This
n eed a be (�eswvaelve M 1.000. ►.t
mlesendod has and. K Reform by 1,00k
I�Lty`� eta *Oren kiwi welifilf Bsch-MrTM'1156 Pala ,11 A lhoam
The dm alis ohaeiig is.. far SAM M silenekenel end � rite Ws petpsat The Erobew iplealagg me AdtMs
H P.ino. lisle (HMsb, en Misr evsshag, iso wsuM visa emirs the wades. �N aures. • Imo mewls. 01.00. Ida
Me lin WC, a mow lip Gonna.a Ter nes Hee ideal. Reseal, �s�rt a hsoMitsl easy *Asir end awe nee. M re -
Mee. b sue Imp. the ) less below esew"d Mr. Pewees Mo direem1 kw d her wrnese es ersrlm et the
i1 swear► minseet the SW ee a M the seers IeMeaek mhe.l.
the Battle Oozes On in
West Huron
aaeb..e..tic CYbert... ♦11 *Mesa tae
tae- easerres'e /eared. rep a tee Meek
a eiro.d *bare -M M.s'br.Ish at lister-
istereat isselres bermriMa Y bustneane.
mss. Jelin feateaes Tate. to
Race .ed Creed sed rats..
A ('81 14
The meeting held here in the interests of
Mr. ('.merest on Saturday night last was
largely reseeded, the hall beteg peeked al-
most to suffocation. Mr. Junes Young wee
called to the chair. and on going forward
asked if any imposition speaker were pres-
ent in the interest of the Conservative can-
didate. Nu Coaservativm speakers were
present and the meeting proceeded. Ad-
dresses were given during the seeming
1). A. Forrester, of Clinton ; 1). hided
cuddy, t:udericb ; Dr. McDonald, M P., of
Wingham, and Rout Holmes, of Clinton.
The address of Dr. Mcliuesld was the read•
fag feature of the eveninr, and was looked
epos as use of the best platform addresses
that ham ever been given in this section.
The melditrg from siert to finish was of
the mt orderly character, and spoke well
for tie intelligence of the people who re-
side in this section of the constituency. A
large number of ladies were present, and
the mentisg closed with cheers for Cameron,
Laurier and the Queen.
Cieil'loa, Feb. 16.--A mean and
enthusiastic esti.g in the interests of
Mr. Cameron, the Liber.l candidate, was
held in the town hall here Wt night, the
building being packed to the door. A large
number of ladies were among those who for
fuer hours gate close sttentaoe to the 41.-
..o. of public affair.. Mr. D. A. Forms -
tut o.cspid the chair, awl called upon Mr.
Chat. ea fire* to address thew. The ring-
ing cheers, given again and api0, showed
that be had last none of the sympathy of his
friends here. Referring to the fact that he
had been for :35 years in public life, be claim-
ed the* in all that time he had ;ever imam -
dewily given • "tote, spoken • word or per-
formed enaction Nutt be believed to be &gaunt
ihe public interest. He admitted that then
night have hos; errors of judgment, but is
not one solitary instance could his oppomente
my that he had intentionally dose wtoag.
Referring to the .hinders that had bees in-
eiivated against his private character, be
silenced his traducers by procuring affidavits
completely exolaerotittg him from the
charges. and chs!leneed anyone to prove to
the contrary. He alluded to various mat-
ter. in his public career, stated that the
riding Ulla overrun with men who had been
proved in the courts to be bo.dlere of the
pr,.. et kind• that the l:overnment was
1.,,tnd to carry the riding if mousy would
carry it, but hoped and believed the good
sense and judgement of the elector. would
frustrate their base designs by again return
Mg him as their member. Mr. Camera;
eras followed by .1. S. Lark*, of (lshade,
who was albwed three-quartera of as hour.
Mr. Larke is known as • good cam
and he has • faculty that is at times eas-
ing to an audience, but he does Dot always
deal in facts, and iw hie ddre . herr there
were as many mta.tatementa and illogical
arguments Y could well be compressed
within the time. He meas followed by Mr.
Paterson, Si. 1'. for South Brant, who de
livered roe of the very ablest *potables e
the trade queetion that have ever been given
anywhere. It was • speech that cycled
oomviotion ; a speech that was irrefutable ;
• speech that dealt with the c rteation ably,
impartially and on broad hue ; • speech
that showed Canada's require/mats and
n ecessities, and the way in which these can
be met. He was followed for • few
InOr amts by Mr. W. T. R. Preston, goo -
rotary of the Ref..r.n Association d Ontario,
who went on partially similar lits to these
of Mr. Paterson. but showing also the
willingness of the Americ s@ to treat with
as for a measure ot 1.11 antis unrestricted
rsipreeity, and. tremo6.atly ex*asimg the
hollows. d some d Mr. Ione arra-
meats, wound up one of the beet meeting,
of the sewpaigu. Roaming cheers were
mires for Mr. C.m.erea and the Quests.
dDa.Ipaee� The ee.dese et the
take. y I7 W. T B
pt. *.s. aw�hso fee andw Oki. 1bt1, iMw.l lart7 •� iter age
Llleeien el the I. P. The *Wrest was m•
markable ler its besall y and the s ii n,
with whish the imam were promoted by
Mr. Pleases. and Y peened tee the people et
that seethe thee thy W before then Ise
the ben that
�paBYiMlisoas waken waken
6t=episThe emeniew was
e�ef in inn* by teenm* et y is
('spm and the UMW party was up-
held to the esthre walkeIMa oI t6. Map
gathering.RobinHarriers, tre...rer d
Me township
of AMfield, eeeupied the chair
in an able &ad Malap-t mama%. Ose el
the fetters of the weed.- wee the large
number d Iodise who groped the
with their presence. The wee
cloud wltt6 cheers for Ormeren, e
and the Qom.
The meeting on Wedmeder,she 1716 isea.
called in the interests of the Oe.aervetive
emedidate, white was to ham teas Wren.
en -
ed by the Hon. John Costiesse ad. 1 1S,
M. Y..a .L others. came of es_1h heviei•6
Mr. Thos Homey occupied the ask. and
arras.a.mie were made for holding the
meeting. An effort was made to have three
Couaervatete speakers address deeand .roly one Reformer, but the
the matter into their own biuseilrlat
asd eo-
cided that i1 three Conservatives spoke tor.
Reformer' should speak ; it two Cos-
then see Reform
should .peak ie between. . and the
meeting woe fluidly carried OP alms that
tine. Cole Tisdale opened the mhMing ..d
during as bear's haulage* (oiled Mpe.vs N
the people of Aingsbrtdge amidviofn lit that
they had grown nclier and miem
radar the be.ibceat reign d the iisiiesel
Io1iory. Mr. Porton, of Tommie, d eo
(ol. Tisdale, aid dung the hear thin be
occupied theplatform) abowd Mose at in M
in trach with the public geniesn et the
day to such an extent tont We Mem wee
p.cis. ted with cheer from Mast to finish.
The r pstatios se • political speaker d tilieL
Tisdale wee • shattered wreck whom Mr.
Premien got throes% with it. end No
edemas teeitified their appeesiathm with
load applause every time he reseed • poise
;trUse e gallant (bloml lean I(rwa
ibe. Join C'ostigan replied enh.hs* et
thehotid fm 'native
candidate, bet sosef.Ye
a to the drsr sorb jiyd0j
dMeiossros in the (Ktswa A.jjmistheastimb d
"bath be is a memher. He colds an at-
tempt to excite the prejudice. wed Ilifi•me
the praise of 'via • oustryrnew is that ose-
Goa and endeavored to phut the hammer
of Mooed through the cry of /mobs asd
creed. The attempt .as a failure. No did
not tell them that wbtk he was addr.urtag
them along one 1i.e of &reemeot M Rinf-
bridge, Robs. Birmingham was a
to the oppon.te side of the question. aim(
the totossot lista, the highways and byre,
ways of Gode.icl township y,
there were men who hved in amid around
the village at King badge who wen as pure
patriots, wit iost say emolument Of seven
tboueued dollars a year. wi the Hos. Joico
Coops • is, and the result was that
abstemce of the Minister of 1.-
lan.: • rue tailed to effect the
object ich Ise had intruded when be west
to try to entice from their alMgMse. the
sturdy profess of that neoism ot zz,. d.
Mr. Me( illicoddy closed the .setting by •
vote o! thanks to the Thur. eoagr•talated
Mr. ('astigan oe the work for 6.... rale
that be had dose, laying atrem apes the
fact that Mr. Patience' and not Mr. Costa -
gm was the nominee at the Conservative
oonventioe at this new. He also stated
that when the Elea! Rigida sgitatiom went
over this cosstry two :reed ago Mr. P111.r-
Do. workd tooth end *sauna t6. H...
Oliver Mowat and in (avnr of W W. lis Mere-
dith, sad Ire govt the p«ople ve usdewt sed
that Mr. Pattemat's action in this
Mere -
meld not be approved of. Tho
closed with cheer for the .esde4Ns.,
Laurier and the Qneen
The greaten samba' ever held in a rural
disteiet is the meaty of 11.'.. .4.0; omit -
snip wee that which was held at Dnyin•
nen ea the afternoon of Wedaeeday last
Mr. Laurier, the gifted Miler of the Reform
putt had been prevailed upon to visit the
ie the northers portion of the root
mitemey and .as billed to appear at the
largo had earemedime hall on 'het a:t.r-
n em at One o'esok. lie me accompanied
by M. C. Cameron, the old war horse of
Huron, W. T. R Preston. of Toroats, .ad
D. Md3UDooddy, of Oodericb. The Large
hell was ermeded to the deer* and many
mail set .iasis Meanie. The . 16trssse
41pkayed ea the cos aisa was • maplloewe
isMimmsy not My to the high regard is
whisk the enwdidae of the t.metit...ey is
held, bet also t. the ►ilk opi..a held by
e.8 ,r .. 1 ef the great Reform leader. re
mitiIsm et e. and regardless d tweed
j� Mr. Laurier W to meek Toronto that
lost awd it was see scary far him to take
the fear *Week trees fresh Gederiah Mr.
Omens and he addres.d thedv-
hg the early part, ..d the mean 10
by the great Reform °hist wee looked spas
as having lot me defect, sed that was the
brevity which .seenaei*7 M.r.d.rhd It
mi eeesese s1 his 6..i.g to Mars a Ishii
the tadn at the time sated. Geer after
sheer rest the ser as he sewed print akar
OM with reward te the mesh mise that
ked kw raised what him, and se ase by
Mu he repand the s6.uel slisionsda Not
hail hem sat whist hen 1• prase end me
pl.efms. M the teas. et W .dime he
asd Mr. Omens retired bees the 10 earl
s new p�dasrs were one
ed es* aM.d sewer bite bash heard is the
President Grant writs to The Whig .d
rimier the electors d Kingston to vole for
Mr. Wm. Harty. the I:eform amiss. ler
that ooamtituency for the i.ocal Hea... He
adds : " Ose object should be to hove wine,
pars mod economical government. and whew
we have • ma. like Mr. Meerut at the
head d • Government it is the duty of
Conservatives 1 my it advisedly _to
.Ireagtben Ina hands." F:x Mayor Drumm
b the Conservative candidata
A UItNIn(A$T me►rigm}.
It is se sure as magas thee ss ameest
of import duty would Menne* the lessee
d NIA..pries til
d which w prednas a
serpls.-london Free Prem
Mae* setas pis you to this Matement,
gents oeo'emporary. it yes tell the
truth, std you come very wear it, the fun
pepifet of the absurdities that the trade re-
.trietimabta have bee. Mr"lmsa eke
farther in recent year laDaeoeaa� ride
evident. The tale which the trade mosaic.
tirade.* have been pouring isle the ear of
M. fernier is that the import trusses mune
.d ether proderts imposed by t6. N. P.
Mead tbe price of rhes anima* and slam•
.ditien is Canada. Bet am we predew a
mmirr=�11s..s et these arteries, and ee w .Kmart
of dollen worth of them, it le swm
e.aSsse.d that rte f&reor has been beam
p.nssead i.te supporting ass as iha
.ens ram d life ender the miss
Impart duties en faro ps.deee issr.ssed
their pries Lemke Adverts*:
(mow ova esti ooasbsrewasoe.j
Jebw slues...( newish. tSamt rayed hers
Jobe Wear r visitisg f1hemie n Wein-
low asiry, who has bees iM he mens
time is es the meed.
Sam 10•011, ear metawpri+s bat dealer i.
tomb redisevM.te Aahart-
ilerwair, harrier. b.epdsa sso he wet
M J. Jehw.tes'e emery.
JAB M.b -' . d arse, hes w4
fine es 1M1 awaeblp, lee i1, essinnien
le W armee, er, bL lima. Ir
1,100, . M • grid figurai