The Signal, 1891-11-27, Page 6s
Gladstone taillike that Militia was the
Lei author o. sell • e.auuwnp
.Icr.pb Walker of Msesch.isetto, (wren'
ed t .e wou*.0 shoe pig us lel/.
I b. Nous ut Hy Joshed speu,I. $I0,U..•
rII N. rigs WI... fat -vs.... 1n Is.. -e --sale a ver. The tact that he has "rt* a:. es
.ouuts for hes . stnvagau.e-
Y a.kaedrp rirkl.s a1.urn with a Sark
-The 014 Cele A Merle.'. Ad.Mtage
-Liam. Ir the Poultry Tarot
There is ao'Roam 1n fooling hogs after
ahoy are ready for nutlet and the beat re-
anhs are obtained when the pig. ate euhd et
as early w age a. possible. Ther farts
war obtained by the (botanu Agro ultural
College sapertnsest s atom .uel wet. the re
mak of gait* an eat.uaa• capet imeut. The
Mateo elated with the o bje. t of tooling
the vaunt of euro silage awl roots for .wt*..
Three groups of pigs w.rr taken awl fad as
fellows: (:roup 1 re.etred oats, barley rd
pari gaited evoke. and wheat mnd.lhu
in Me properties by w•tght of 1, 1, 2 and 1
ports respectively t,rnup 2 malted half
s. moth meal as (i'-°' p 1 asd all the t ur
nips they would eat. l.reup 3 rr.-etvecl the
.alw amount of awal .4 I:roup 2 and all the
carve adage the, ...old c• resume.
The pigs weighs.' about 10 Ile each at
the bopping of the whit\
lasted %r 90 de.. At the end, the first
le( el pigs had WM lee and left a profit of
IY per emoiL Tie hod set of pigs gained \Ira Flames E. N'lllar44, the feu. riga,
isle IIs, but at a 1„.„et A per sot., while. 1
toe toad aN ne
of parr, gained sod., 71 lir. !evangelist. has a nes idea. hire prole..•+
ata tem of I34 per .•enl. The espen- that • piofe.r..r of total alrtiaer,c iw .:p
pointed to the .\m..-ncsn l ui.rr-t.1
Hints Henry X XIV.. of Kelm, m Ger
many. is a comport- of solute totem. A
synibony by the pi acely m:.o-t.. wan 1.
-eutl,r 1,144.11861.1 L.r the hist time to Lely
nig. and stet a facora'ae reception.
'Ione deals gaol) watt* Mims.. llsuk.
She ia the sane Itaadaome, dark-sye',
black -haired woman that she was a &VAAI
years ago wheu she heroine the ideal (*st-
ems of the operatic stage.
The following item appeared In A
•ipi.t japer: "Rev. A. Cathy. • •t
aed .0 years, bat nr at Burirrdlc, teceutic
e`op.ed with Miss at aloe Maria, aged at
trua. The bride. laretaa ndrac:e.l.
Ti,. widow of !fillet still live. at !fat
boon, but not ut Fur historic cottage where
her married life was .pent. Money has
been raised to purchase the house alai ort
rut it to the widow-, but the owner- rife.,
to sell.
Mr. t aa.4to ne Leasure! the ugly member
of the Huuw of 4'omroons who sits unto.
ere.! in Poi hameot. Titus leis 1.ta is m•.rr
sandal)- ..•auued by %lettuce whoa loot at
Brit am, r Iegtslators at a J.•t*n.. thu'ugh
a grathely.
Senor Moult. the 4 htlul' lepre+sstativer
at W;uhingtus, is a small nun of stave meal
gentle manner.. He has the Spau,rh am-
ple . h!w Is. whisker* that ..aver alma
room'. of hu 4005, ands p.n 4.anal!,
sharp eye'..
"My boy go off • br.ght tame hot
ought, ' said :mothers. -So did wow,' is
turned Hawkla. "Moe saws Exit
Mostar, l'uuwsy say. Muse KIsv*L.II
told him that her wxultus was ail
glamour. That is what acme people ...j.
tared 11 wit
The Duke of Its.i.te.ael r the title of
Loudon iialhouair:. Hr lagau 1:1e as • is.•
maker owl now his r.tahlisluuent .vt cos
two block* nt C1t3 laud.
Porto •111 • ina
t wo*I* ductot. Amebas
Cordia. resolved beer . tee. Her grad
hating thsis she dedicated to Ilya ,lu.. u,
mid ileo royal lady ancpted it
Queen V IC? 1 'ria dos not muted to 1iat.•
the A1110.: et Afghanistan at clow yu.,t, -.
with her. She will turn ham -.tar 1 .
hotel 111.4,.4 of Inrntanjt hum to it
John (: Whittier sant Frauo•ta 1'. 1\ i't.o .1
co ber buihday a bit of some train the 11..:
Knoll, Danvers, with 1 u' ecprc.ael
that he ••lied a diamond to 1.08.4 in :.
iwsst was then continued fur • mouth
aa.1 a half upon meal aloe.. It
was to martian the fault• hunt feed -
tag pigs alter they sere ready for market,
and to awupare the it ;Jolts gate or loss from
fatting pogo ou meal alone m compared
with feeding then au *,se other latio..arid
thaw inl.bil8M thele ..a meal The pigs
were give° alt the meal they would eat and
elide that. is (troop a ..ud 3 iunsurne.t the
tete' mount. they took twice as or uch as
These in tinwp 1 The in group 1
male ha10.11... In 0.•.�..t of orf !tis. at a
f.•. Of M pet cent I.t,o:pa! gamed I:fl I..,..
but at • kw of neat*. ' per cent., a sole
Uncap 1 gained 2h1 ismat a pn.tit of 1
pr oat, In !.rout. 1 1t chat 4.6.1., to
make 1 ib. sem ul llrr weight on the mewl
ration, while after the Me were reads for
market n cwt nearly 13c to pet a a pound
of gun.
*aMaaa Is. %beep tl..besdry.
Parma! attest.* ',the •rant of Mover
ea aheep raising. and esna-tally in grating
hot house 1an,1,s. N.. natter how gea.l
y,u, sheep he, our how comfortable their
quarters, 44 yet leave the work to other,
you will sot ssc.rsl. Not ase out of 114.8
onJ men will take the interest in then.
oat is ueaessar}-.lot •::,T111111.
Ewes abut to drrop their lambs alioul.1
Ice carefully watch.•!, fon A little aa.stau.e
at th. proper time often means the aavu,t
of With Limb and .iau1. The flock ahold
he looked at every four hoeri and not left
more than 'tax hours at the longest. 'Ibis
means early rail: and late rehnng, hut it
e+ rswutisl if you are to eau -oie.l. Yon
moat not aspect to incl your lambs strung
awl on their feet If you leave the barn at
.ix o'clock at inset oaf do not get there
again until the nett 'mooing.
Sheep are very Joa:r is, the,. tastes anal
will not eat musty ..ay u1 4;n:u. tory ,.4n
sot like Ill ameUllo,i troughs or tacks, sad
thee must he kept sweet sod clone. As
alnnndudr of cloak. pure water is esscutial,
s.•l the sheep sheen hare reutdv serer to it
Raft should also be w:irre they call get at it,
ail it is nut rn,t 1, trouble to keep a boa
well tillet ft is the little things in shsip
heel..ndry. Ma in all ..I het kind, of inrst:rer,
whr;eul ss •nreew•. acrd close attention Lc
these is what pay..
Ifo *ore Cinema
L4d.y00 ever try r --king up cobble *tows
wit% • fork` 7f u•d. try it ata Anil' see
hots math easier it is and hew nitwit faster
yes can work: te4evally :f the , oboles air
gwlL One grett wt. abhors 1s, y m not
.sly get all tlw n,we, wtuttc Ar. on the
Aorfaae. hat you f'•-1 with the leek awl tind
tame/ids which y .0 would opt trio oilier -
wise Besides, you an work for any mita-
be- of day. at a time and not have ore
began. A common. sit•tinea shovel handled
frail does v,•rt w -el! if. the atm.srs are .!site
1twge; but a taette, tort is eight -tined one.
Isgie spocialh• for the pnrpe,ie.
The told Cow.
Aft }id cow in • p,o•r, subject for cheap
1sa� Ton sols•th:vg h.t+ to be done with
• aai0sal past tt. at t pail.
make the nust..e of feeding her ex-
dssirdy on trop: meal She shoot havoc
A Curlew. fiewaanea.
The following_ cosines anatesi•s. •'N.tur
arepo team opera ratafi.- pretty had
Latin. but may be Smelly traselsted: "4
ase my work: the sower will water *troy
ha n ho141.. it has them peculiarities:
Faro f: apa'lt. lackward sad forward
the Wu..
Sema The first letter sf omit word
spell* the test word.
Third - The .enrol letter of each weed
spells the second word. and so on with
•ler third• fortth and fifth.
Foto; 'a The last lett... rept loch
wand. spell 1'.e tiro won!: the nest to 11 .•
last. the oc. eel word. and a, on through
Fifth There .re just as many {eta.
tn ,•,.cit wool ow there are wur.kl.
The.,Tb.asae.4 Lollar . •
The editor of the 44 ."ley %baht es C.
won tate prise a eine tWwwaad dollen. offered
by the syndicate of Western .autos. for the
hat ap;.;.l pea::, to newspaper •uhsa•ribsrs
to pay up bietr subscript'ono Thin to the
mom he *rote:
1.fvno of pa..r ploy ..ft 10111111141 o.
Iltatrea 1)1.7:1 leoli t wad a e:atere.
Thew to on work tLrre grows bebisd us
' Klgg-r rah -lies .,al our Ian•.. -
O;, air gnats aur Ines and ,;1 sv,
No.e are .tri pcw .f daffeirtt has.
AU les :t.t, snbacrib.r ;Moor
Ant won't pay 114 whit i+ due.
Then kat all be up and .joins.
Send slab w4:1 however s ua11
Or when toe slows of wlut-•r +trot. tos
We .\all bevelno panto at ad.
leen hardta Mirth.
humane foga atwl apper.eerw as weal to MIAs. Sarah s both at -Waste
keep is trim for rapid falutauug. .; 't pat flu 1rye�i (Doan.!. Sly; not a oath. of
atom apples, turnepe (.eels or npu•shes ffaere. •a Air herself utter acs• buts Per the 's:enne uI flea (atin Igttarr. she
will aid wonderfully and Laing w + f •ern
tirairsd tanit beton lanes to 1711, hair mother being a Kerlin •Few,.s
ailing, give • ['tel.- lin.eea meal, gradually site w«s th.r: a sot n�1! 1;nS milliner in the
i0ergriag the yarn,:•r. two works Icrfur Roe 'ie 1'E,•.4, d \te.1e:loe a fro el or.
killing 8'00,1 any fa :ha• •m a tarot th from the hoass soh'tai Slat wa+ Lring
tklah -Farm Jouri, *' seaman:ate,' by Thal lotto (.wdey
- _ Her fete, dodo 1e is two rears )-ong•
A 161.1:110'.161.1:110'161.1:110'..LI ami The bowie in a-ht1, the great a- "tea. fits
�' saw the 1411,1 is an old and dilapl'lst.d one
One of the sat:tn'at• of the Merino -P•U Nall 1..1,0114.
sheep is that it will :'Dude tatter thea tin
large breeds. lr.ina tame alive. The Merin!. '.
rood Southdown nal Ir la -pt in larger flock.
• .. rkilopeas.
than ai amts. oil.. hoods. 1' MerinoPhyllis, nosy! of gay demeanor
stand. at the head of the wouI•prudnringg Fait, with !a. uathm. fraught.
ricer awl the R mthei •wa Is ar.naidere.l Hyde me • phb•pena.
the lest of the moth .-prolering breeds And. consenting. 1 was raught.
for 'orality of Aeah. II .. igls H hoe. loot
att•m so large size as the Shropshioe. nr
IAN. Ie abs sultry T.N.
Per see in the pal( it y •,.1 to prevent
Floe, Amdahl° desertf10 ..11,11 a. ro..p, sir
But the debt 1 gookIr paid her.
Era the sod time .aloe to port.
And her keen preception en.i.le her
See the forfeit wm my heart,
Harper. Meekly
A L.ekr Mistake.
sa.ed lame is .!.rape, and tetter than any By mistakea tanner spread all h,00 manure
other substance It flaoa l be. dust.a over on a stall woe of ground, as hob he r •
the floors. walla and Into 11.. tacks of the grette.l. hot when, upon Ism vesting 1,1.
poultry houses, and •lar, mail the yards crops. he se, ared .a. much as had formerly
Lime i+ an eteslknt cbeumaal agent. and in helot J1r,8el hen' three times .5 much l*lri.
its fresh or vasalk condition dos.troy. the he found that he rnul f prndme a greeter
p*ria of msny diseases that affect poultry, profit with has labor than by email -at ,SS
tut a should he sad frwlueutiy and lihsr- larger areas. al bis regrets were chasm
els _ toenate!1,V1
Doled lift
I. s. asserted by • Cable -ma paper that a
fir,a savant has weak • dlo-overt' who h
arena alinurt to reverse known ,,*lural
bars H. redness milk to a .Ir, powder m
SA I a manner that by the addition of
water if at lso.e all is. natural
propa.rtld It is claimed that milk ,n this
berm a much better ' •nne.l nr run
dewed 'Wilk for ons reason -It has no sugar
ya , t
A Garners, regrow Morse
A writer defines the {enrtal purpose
her.. th., 11m farmer a ant. It . a horse
that Nan pto.4wo and • 1.s1! ,erreo a day
awl keep r• up, and the sane pair. taken
teen. the plow to hare's 4" A hot daya
woad en.wer to drive fao1, five mile..
to th. 81.8.tor or maehia0 ..4 aorer at the
rat. era( • Inde In .ut oar e.. -en mute,
wooer w little faster witeou t Of les
tomb ael.lwg.
11.. rearm of darks a only es uta °fat r:y
N e to,. ,•o.wtr. The 1.m. will perhaps
,.,,,,..,• a Iran that fowl will be rased .. ex.
Irl,.•-rlr u is 1'Mao throe n/ Ilya hest rw•-
a., ' . .rtaswtuag t18. hree long ort 4sek.
•w• •. . t hat Ilse, •rw s (able to dr.,
111 .08 Mbar aras4km
A Woman ]sitter.
Nhia Addle F .Inhnsnn. of Nest Virginia.
has fot three yeas ha.! enter ••has44r ..f
groat and planing ne11. To • oat 11f tai. `.t
f..r naehtwery she adds a deft...... '.1 e
that whoI.:iambi. t her to take down rad put
• oast her an aerie as well as any ewpttar
in that port of the niantrr
At f ..klsg Time.
The mine pilot to •. pervades
Tb•• tock t . join in th,evsrg riot.,
Th. sly rwce,.m with .•elft inhorn
Hu portion rent- from plenty's bent
1111 th • ...icy cbipmunk lades
At broking thew
rtlrtdlww 110111144.
"Married 4irta " of whw•h e. enu,•h o
heard in these da.*..hnuld ,emrmlw•- whet
the poet \11114. oar 101 that "Flirtation.
said he. ' • , a . in uat,n,l library. in which
we seldom ask twee for the acme• t•nitam• -.
-Bes4aa Garotte.
oath et its• .r4mee.
Who thinksat night • nt nl ..n .111 er•r bon
Who Meow. hr Mt , .,n toe mistral ma,
That ss el r* is kers l t sad vet • dams
Sae sot hoLl us., aa I 411 ries hefera
• part a tutor.
fiaTaap Tatum.
Tthe Wag air *pain. spisS.08 a.
1o. bog -eyed Milt Leo is veru loand sf
his garden, awl .u.r ams age one of the
tamea's Au.trrn relatives, who woo going
to pay a runt at the Spanish °Dort. bought
a tory nice squirt gun In Vasa for the
yo nos mtsan b to use w antras his pleats.
His Majesty fouwl it perfectly charmiaag for
the 440115.1. 11 would ••..d a stream of
water to amuse say height or diataa*e and
such • well -teetered domain as the royal
parterre had scarcely beau knew■ before.
laurel, then was altogether too much of
u to emitiue it strictly to thi,sardss, and
the King as.,, began to snakes. y In
other an cerium. Flue punting, rich drop -
0114.`4, and various aorta of art were
plays.d tlp,u at tutsr.als, to the great .ati•-
t.uctiuu of ler youthful Majesty : but Waw be
yearned for stow excitlug subjects. There
no great glory In attacking tea i1utate ob-
jects that cannot more nor " answer beck,"
anal Alpdi.ere. next taut •pe ulot1, 1' spoon
his nolo!e pLylnatra sad the ladies who sur
wooded him. He also sat the olmtats tai(
18n. .quirt -gun in the same direction, and
found humin( :n powers.° of more euj0y
meta than ht.. short life had yet atonic'
hon. The enc. alai tache. ut hu .1.11,1.,
thou{h uaur14e4 o their vegention for their
sovereign, added greatly to the est ..f these
perfortlalttes. an! It tom a long time before
'quer., ('bri.tina knew of the indoor water -
mita which gate her email son such infinite
But .\:plot.° a*pe. ally lo, cel a 'aiming
mark for leu ujufrt-gnu. and this lad to he
exposure and a 1u10r to keep hum in better
order. 1'4.r l;ueet Regalia gate r Lege gar -
deo party-, .t which ..I.critw troth far and
sear were preerut; anal the King. suglmg
out a lag r (..neral in a magnificent blue awl
gold uniform, put himself behold a shrub
and shouted at hm. The 4 •eneral sppro.••h-
ed the spot, and Alpdws,o held up it sand
Sul of Iiuwers to lure hit*. un. The glitter-
ing uwforu. cause nearer. rail when clum to
the slruh behind which alae -sty lurked in
ami u.h the point of the Vaunt -se s.tuut-gun
apparent like a serpent among the leaves,
eirenri:ii g and spotting the gorge•m suit
which a nhornt-ut before had beep so impos-
Ile dripping I:.neral lacked out of range
a• y lrckly rs pwrsil,le. and before the now
cli.erous boy cueld reload and follow up his
victory lits injured subject lad r•ken re-
fuge wider the prutectaug eye of 1;1510*
Christina. rhea the narrn- utotat-eh tried
to inveigle into leu snare no less a person
than \laonaienor Ilei Val. son of the Spanish
an,tiasaador at Vieueea. but the young pre-
late hoot seen the Gcnetals plight, and was
War:. enough to keep srversl persons he
twat a him awl lois sovereign for the rest of
the afternoon.
th. the following day r; was decided at the
palace that a masculine hood wan needed to
re 1sea. y at Alldousu. awl the -.mons
]{011814:.: or Del \ al was aekated to train h.
y/t.. H. wen to have entered upon his
nit .thee on tb,- le: or August. Har -
per's Young People.
1111ssee . Ltntnsras 555 Mies evlepywfseee,
1 true alma Macey .
About a toile he'on•i the Beech Hill .tool
Nolte 5latdonald'. store. anal one hoary
night 181 Iat..:\utwun there tonic thither tura
Rory 0 More. and then Seedy Ktc.fohn, and
baby Alec attars. all in a high state of ex-
citement, au.l aseetting with much poettoe-
pew that they Lad seen :he ghost oh iseth
I1i11. Xuu tat a,uire was m shrewd, harrl-
heed.:, Mei unsuprr+utious a Saotcheha as
et or trees -el tefor hatter of sugar for egg..
and he ha.: 1.o mer. faith :u the thrash Hill
gbo.t than in the man w the sawn.
Bat this t:n.e t01r testimony of the terri-
fied wit 0f74..:8 happened 7) .44(108 enrk&*.Iy.
The gl_o ai. had Api a•arod to all in precisely
the sawn bom namely. ar a white shape-
lese thing that roiled along the ground, uta
terma shrill anti threatrninv shrieks. The
matter was surely worth looking into.
•' Hark ye, now, " said the s.tutte at last.
"I believe you nothing better than a parcel
of foolish toys: and to prove it. 111 go up
to the 'heed' Hill myself and see what o: u
that has gouts se nigh scaring the lite out of
you. • ""-F
Thus speaking. hr got his teat anti slat,
awl. ;ailing upon then, t., follow-. set utl for
the Mete of Inc ghost 4 hal:;. !tory and
Sandy and .1kc would much rather have
been excused, but pride overcame their ti-
midity, and they followed t0 their kaeler•s
trach. Hardly had the; reached the foot
of the hi1l than the shrieks they had htitt'i
lerfr.ce came to then can.I- t+e
• Ilkre Penin' exclaitned}',w uh
!tumbling- tips. 1 an t nr.hear it. moire,-
" 'to be sure 1 ca. ' rt -spaded` the vtci10,
•tautly:,"and I'm going to see what it is.
('a:a: alotig
Thr distamce bet aeet.:he doughty *ohne
and his followers increase) as he went o..
while the shrieks grew stronger with each
fore ar.I titer. n'
\\'l,en about the middle of the merit he
ash the ghost it was, as the men had air
ported, a white shapeless thing rolling upon
tis. ground, and from it undoubtedly come
the piercing cries which had proved so al-
Going straight up to the thing. the squire
toothed it with his foot. then bent down to
feel it will, 8814 hon';, and then loirst out onto
a r".1 of laughter that at tiro startled the
thr-e farnters almost AA much an the ghost +
" Corse here. jou kohl' ' the shouted.
" ('orne and se. what yews ghost is."
In • hesitating way they dreg. near. ani
etamined the cause of their affaigl,t. it was
a white meal bag containing two very lively
voting pig.. which had In some say fallen
off a fanner wagon into rile muddle of 'he
real. these to prosy ■ mom ceof terror to the
invent it:pus and perhaps not altogether to-
ter passers-by. - .I. Meedeas W (Paley. in
Ilarprt's View Poop!..
111engsa Otediewill OgaIdI5*..
The highest building la Chicago at prra.
ant ,and one which is awl built on the new
l'hirago . nlastructina omen! is the Audi
Corium. Its loftiest Point is 296 feet above
the solewalk. The Fair building. now al
most completed. in one seetinw measures 241
feet to the ,.,ping, ami it is pa.,hk that It
will be ferried higher 1.. rsteen or eight
Deo stories. The new M*•nnie Temple will
measle, o.rr all, 274 feet Thi. , soon
strnrtea entirely .as the new system Th.
Ashland block measures 210 feet to the .•op
Ing; the Woman's Templewhose topmost
stories are new hying Aeia1Od. tower. 266
feet from the ground: the Maabattan. 198
feet: the Monadnock. 194: the Henning asci
Speed heck. 192: the Aletr-act irw,ldtnngg
1 the 4'hamher at f'ennserce I.Inck 189:
the Home Ins.eanee, 175: the Tema. 175,
the Norther. hotel, 174: eh Rookery. 164:
the Owinos Mork, 161: the Band McNally,
148: the Chicago 4 /per* HOMO. 136: and the
L Z. loiter kidding, 133 feet. Harper**
"18..... the perm at mooing) What an
awfnl lar1es I,Wr' i rally Reel lost in it
Het --IrsaI Well, if you '11 let Ina hare the
other h11t11 alf it. 1 ream 1 ran And row
.. ammo u m 111 11111
.0 . Il.i . r � .•�. � is. 1 . nl.4 1
Maw TOW iaM Mss•tMss
He was only • dog, kat • remarkably
clever naw He halwpi u the cam kasha
as •kep1erd doge, which are Noted for their
sapciIy and 4844.141)-. Hui tamer woo •
bulk Damn buy called Iteppo, who monied
his Lring by edl4ag Lean on the oast.
Tony was very fund of Heppo, who had
boss hie tamer ever slaw her was • puppy,
.544 Happe had never failed to share hr
crust wok his good .log. Now Tay had
grown to be a large, strung dog, Ned took as
much caro of Beppu as Beppu took of bun.
_ Often, while standing 00 the otwoor with
his basket oat his um. wuttag for a cow
touter, Hopp° wuuld kW Inclined to cry
fro.., very Ianhuer : but Tony seamed to
kaow when the "taus" urine, and would
lock his master's thud, as such as to Gay :
"You're gut um for a freed. Cheer up
I'm batter titan uoholy ; 1.11 stand by you."
Hat one ds\ it ha mod that when the
other boy. who ataraf
the dark cellar home
with Beppu west early to the morning, as
usual, Beppu was so Ili flat b. weld hardly
lift his lead fnwt the strew u1 which be
slept. He felt that he woad be unable to
sell dowers nkat ray. What to do be did
not know Tour dol his best to comfort
him : but the tears would gather in his
eyes. and a was with the greatest difficulty
that he at bat fosse.' himself to get up and
go to the torut, who lived near by, for the
wual supply of buds.
Haring tilled his basket, the boy went
home again. and tied it around Tony's neck.
rhea he looked at the dog, and said : -
"Now, roily, you're the only fellow Tse got
wdepood a. 1'u ad sell my towers for me,
and bring the mons". home safe, and dew t
let any one steal auythtng." linen be k.s•
e1 the dog, an.1 pointed to the door.
'limy trotted mit 141 the street to Beppai s
usual corner. where he took his stand. i p•
poi custom:no soon saw how matters arc
ani cher.• their towers,asd put their honey
Into the tin cup in rte centre of the lraket.
Now awl tbeu, whoa • rude boy would
conte along hof try to snatch a tower from
the ba.ket. Tony wou:d gruel fiercely and
dn1 a him away.
So that day went safely by. and at algid -
fall Tony went home to his master, who was
waiting anxiously to scot bim,andgarehim •
beady welkunle. Hoppa untied the loge;
and looked in the cup. and I shouldpot
wonder if he found more motley in it than
he ever .fid before.
This is how. Tony sold the rse•buels, and
he did it so well that 1ie4p, never twee of
telling about it. Harpers Yount." People.
r...Iar rs', worm•
The popular plwsiciau is un.Psuu,rn4;,
pheasant and auc.easful to treatin • disease.
Such an one is Burdock Blood Bitten
una*umwg -. only a dollar a 11011412 plea.•
ant. Agreeable In taste soon -aloof in nun
(.*M',4 0481 0f ten. In truth 0 may 4.. sant
K. it. B. is the papular physician to the
people. a tried and trust.a family friend in
all .liaraees of the stomach, liter, bowels
and Wool. 2
Dene. for tiel.srrlbrh.
Don't forget to send t be amount due w nem
you order your paper I.
Don't forget to send your old as well as
)-oar new add Vv.. 811st% yam change your
Don't keep the pnlaudoer waiting a iter
or even longer for your sulncription,bnt pay
paint ply.
Don t forget that a is just as great .1 sin
tors defraud a paper out of its duo as ,t is to
:heat the butcher or the baker.
Don't let is eccapw• yol:r memory that the
new portal laws mals it a Lorton}- to take
a tapa•r aria refuse to fay for it.
Ilona t jhink beano you are good for the
amount Coat we ought gaol to be in a burri-
urryto get it : but remember so long 114 it is in
your po.ket it does u+ no goal.
Don't forg'•t, dear renders, that those
who defraud a paper out of what is .hue will
have to settle the bill in the next world, in
a place where no papier can he published on
acoo00t oaf the calorific state of the atmoo-
Don't get excited and stop your paper if
you see something in it that dor. tint agree
with your idea., bot remember that there is
a .bane. and a large one. too. of your being
wrong, and the article may cal: forth worts
of pra.e from nine -tenths of the sub-
rrriea Pally.
Pot too purity of tbehlodai .. essential to
goof health. Burdock Illoa .i I:ttters will
purify the blasl ani remote *II effete mat-
ter. B. B. B. cures all Moroi boars trout
a ..rommon pimply to the worst : crofulcr,
re. 2
ailenNag• Irmo 4•a.4erfont,
1 kno peepul w ho make a famous sit• tot
hove i1 church. who hardly ever pot any
moony In the hooka.
\1'henever I party ny hookah. that there
haiat no devil. i say to myself. " Bort how
else kin you akuunt fot the whisky ba-
Thera sum pre pal o ho i w oak dred-
ful nice in Idiom uteettn. lout o! you wan to
trust um fur a pound n: krather, you.le be
sure to lura your mono)
lee had more thou won dog elm wild
lark at the noon' like pueu all knitc who
wurin,t wutl• a kuotet fur trtriu a lune or
keepin pigs out ov a garden patch.
Ivo toed m tins apse: et nor row lots
anuli' to find out that there haunt very mutch
sati•takshein 4n tawkin in Ineetin when
there. an)hotly there that sour, ever toad -
et! hot us with.
There. others oho Lam hardly git. up
and any that their yowls is their own with-
out tnmblin all oser, ►md it sumhrw you
kind a feel it in your hones all the tune,
that if any lady es-er Rita to herein they
wi11 Rama Hess.
TSr ar0Rof fuses
Iron t moor
Don't hurry. •'Too swift aeries, as tardy
as ton slow."
"Simplify -simplify'' "simplify
l lon't overeat. Ikm't starve. "Let your
moderation be known to as men. -
Court the fresh air day and night. "Oh '
d yon knew what was in the air.
Sleep and reit ahnntlantly. Sleep is na-
ture's l.enetliction,
`upend las nervous energy each day than make
Be cheerful_ " A light heart lives loiig."
Think only healthful thoughts. "As a .
man thinkotll in hi: heart, or he is.
Avow) mimosa and statement. A atom
ent'e anger may he fatal.
.4saoomte with healthy people Health is
rantagiaw as well a linos.
" Hort awry th. whale world on your
shoulders, for kers the wnirores. Trust the
Never despair. "!.ort hope is a fatal de-
" If ye know thew things. happy aro
if ye da them. " laws et fife.
Tim Ewa MIN.
she "I am afraid that hell raging means
another railer '
H5 1 t -Von n kenor there is
swoh • thing as Year Not bang at home."
8k.--"'* .. and them let eek a thing as
0sy WOO e.pged-"
♦rwstsu.s ao Alum. Aaunwa.a, Lowe,
Pempeatok r oar latprfasts
IL W. GILLETT. Toronto. Ont.
=11.1 ANN•...
�,r Ar, • I oe.. A. 0.,
r• too,.
UMW per. alt war
.,..,,�.....! . aa.. OA 1.
•115+11• Aaser. w.,►.. f••. .
..l won v. , eve ,. rt :., yew h•..
i ,1.. •e••• try sr •
I.MI.E1(••-.yr,IatNan#.,..w ne .••.+.
. %'t rto• sirs p•.*+•., air: �1t M.
•otorr. ;u,a e...., ' ..tate•
alfa town Tr Tat 1tgll1wtx
Specifi(r and Antidote for
Impure, weak and tmpverishe'l bleo.l, dys-
yepeptsia. sleeplsnuesa, palpitation of the
heart. liter compliant, neuralgia, has of
memory, bronchitis, .. , gall
stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary
dresses, St. Vitus' dance. female irreg-
ularitu. and vrawral delnlity.
J. JI. 11cLE(ll),
Proprietor sad 3Isuufacturrr.
McLcot, s SI STEM itanovATow can he had
train all drug*Utes in tow!., as well as from
all the druam'st. between Owes floured awl
neat. ..1. lirtieers, *arbam sad TregoLco.
Cowl totem Mee,
Charles .lances Fos. was in Parliament at
The great l'namwell left the um,eraity at
Cambridge at 18.
',oho Bright was never at any school a car
after he was 15 years oh!.
laa.latote was in l'arhameut at 22, awl at
24 was Lor' of the Treasury.
Lord Baum graduated at l'atedridge at to
and was called to the ser •t 21.
Peel woo au Parliament at 21. MA I'al
uterrston was Lord of the Admiralty at 23.
Henry ('ay was in the Senate of she
United States, cootrary t.. diet uwtitutiou,
II Washirgta was a colonel ul the artr.y at
22. con:uander.of the fones at 42, President
at 57.
.1wige Storey Ira at diarrarel at 15. in
t'osgrvs at 29 and Judge of the auprem.
('Dart of the Coit -1 Mateo at 32
Martin Lather had become largely elis-
tingt ishal at 24. and at 56 had reached the
topmost roan.! of his worlawitk tame.
%Veleter was in college at 15, gave evi-
1 dente of his great future before he was 25
and at 30 Ise was the peer of the ablest
man to (regress.
Morris of Saxony flied at 32, conceded to
have beton onee.1 the profoundest statesmen
awl one of the best generals Christ.aduna
had seen.
Napoleon at 25 comn.n,ied the army of
Italy. At 30 he wan not only mac of tit.
most illustrious generals of the time, but
one of the great as. -givers of the world. .\t
46 he saw Waterloo. Yount( !Hen's Kra.
nssdwk 1.
Stn -For five years I suffered iron Ittm
Lego anti tout( go. no relief until I IU•ea
Hagyard'. Yellow UM, aria must .ay l find
no better remedy for it.
2 •1"e1' nealeeh.>, yandwich, (int.
CremeoWag DI. Time.
.\ colored laborer was standing with his
pickax uplifted, still as any statue. the
other evening. A passer by watched him
for a few aerosis and then asked :
" What are you standing that way- for.
" Does you know what terve 'tier' asked
the colored man.
No, not e'actly.-.
" We'll, 1 .kine jos sent er boy to flys'
out. 1'se bola de pick (hasher way foh
If the repobt castes book dot
it's befoh .Ix er'clock' 1 kin drop it in the
groum', and if it comes lack after six er'-
clock, 1 tall •drop it o0 ma shorulder.-
frlasee'. Llnl .met roll.,.. %remodel,
Mom Jen. • 5. • Limier -
ATLA'ITA, (Ss., Nor. 21. Rev. flaw
.loses, the evangelist. is going to urn law-
yer for one day at least. Rev. Sam 'small
was recently assaulted by Thomas Minor, a
saloon -keeper, who kicked oat one of his
frost teeth. Mr. Small towel Minor for 515.
000 damages. Sem .lanes has agreed to be
!Lm Satan's lawyer in the ossa. Fifteen
rears ago San Jam was a lawyer in t].r-
tereville. Then he torsed preacher. All he
IMs to do to he • lawyer again is to pay the
Stat. hams 14 Sap This be has dens, and
he will mire the to deliver •
lector° on saloon-ka_pant
a•emagM .venae.
"Beaky,-- said the trite of the tick man,
"here is the Rev Mr. (ioodsan, who has
Dome to 4.118 to you."
rlwi he bring anybody to identify him t'
ins aired the hank mohir, feebly. Chicago
Muss r.MnMlssn irreserst
\t hateShi glt' seeded the s$ hen. as
t he dr unplug Olar gestiag op 10 ttlilb.' worth
of castor oil for yrs..
" There are cheat protectors, • war oho
Pr01..t Ibe cheat eh'
Tee. and they are (feed tWga send ray
cheap. If eTptePII very musk yea .heft to
wear sae
The old man took df he bat. felt trounce
on his howl until hr stack • hemp as big as
a walnut, and thew replied
That's where she hit wee the but time.
What gtn.1 woad • pate
doer .e
All rearm Rear AI11111MIRM 1
private manatee ��aM1
pro -costa Atlanta
I II 1 111
Il11 1111111111181111
520 00
15 00
12 50
20 00
18 00
16 00
14 00
Overcoats for
/1 .1
is N
u u
Worsted Suits for
Tweed i' r
u u it
51 r N
A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
$16 00
14 50
12 50
10 00
16 00
15 00
13 50
12 00
An Exceptional Year.
Illi: 1 ear :'•1 A... her.. ataul..i I y n prr••frrailron r Ana any owdaryrriod Awe the
.L Nayr, :ins ten.. ralof,l.aL;,l. .\a: uwlp Aa, the latent,/ awrf amain -erre -Ileac- toren ears.
earned and ,ns r•asr•t, awl •. corresponding vain has ken emir to 44. sale end tjtncitre l ( the
Mooanlsr. 4* the •sod of 4s',' the rerrslnrien Ass es... to •.ns that :: •..eau. /t seta jw.f/r
Ir prweiaeol that the fwelter i•I i„'or, ..tuts 'or Mr tVMi ay year scut M • to tics,
4, reel, is.. rr.r.. t opt"'•.'.•.. N...
For Next Year.
11 us sot tora,bie to sire, in • brie! .pica on account of all the fere urea in t.ep.ratlen, tact
the material ete aeficte i in neither imaeries.r our ranee of .un act. Among the suetiec.
torted :
The Poor in the World's Crest Cities
11 ,e pn.pos•-d to piilrish a .ries o' arti'.le+. upon a w •le not belse attempted• airing the
moan, of .1,... MI etude au,l work sternum the poor 04 the great et.., .. 1'b. pl.0 .4U lsviude at
aeeuuwt of the conditions of life o Ilan'• cities lin mans iota.. warm the reautr• of research
.111 be helpful fur purpose. of .ompiceet. as well es for then own stoned, a,ereal. stale.
not. a *rime ts,ibt Of View. the w,ll be acootriba'ion of great importance. Me
raiment will h. tbornugklr popular. and the eta4..nte 111-,+tratt•a eh* sere., to make the
pre.nlat la GI the rub)eut . ,. tot as aell as 7Nalurea:tw.
.. Wasttt: gtOn Alistot:.
4 apwbliebed teeatersss !
leeea asa
!stars of 1184. foresworn , Ataerk.W east
ens. A Domer of ..:ustTatlun. ail; tend nidd lona! :a:rrert lo 1 h artictes,
Important Montante-
The aim of this roues of very short .males is to describe the Marna' occasions when sotto
decisive event loot glare. or when some gem expellers': was seat e1OWN 10 be arnoce+efut
each moments as the* of the nr..t tor of tate Atte mile .*hie. the first see of the telegraph std
telephone the first.mecearfwl experinoent with ether. the auto; of the Coinage 5n•, the saes
at the moment ..1 the rote on the t of Andrew Johnson. ea, ole.
Out of Door Papers
In the early 1'pring moll be hegira a number a'eaeonable article*. among than beta :
MAIM 4 amain niters. how to lay out and oesulifr them. by Sart'*I. Paawaa•, Jot
Flailing Lore from no ewairr's'4ae.5..5.. by 1',:. Loma. 31. Voar.
hemostats *lalt.n life In New Aealar4. by 914)7.11 Ihruttrnox.
Sae/ss la tn.4ralsa. by Stu'• y Do 18:17..P nr. with i4uetrs:ions by Hermes Ilonsuese
The illustrationair ,,a.1. (rot., wigI natsria:
4!s511 oppesrsineet* flee,r 1"oaw6cr, wort• 1.5147.
P514 E. 13 .'EAT*. Wt CO A 18445.
IIHARLES SSRIBNER'S SONS. Psllisbsts, /48 su 145 Broadway, Nes Mort.
Unlocks .11 the °logo.. tl sveraot of the
Bowels, Kidneys sad Livor, carry:ng
o(f gradually witi:cat ereakenine the syr.
tato, all t1:, impurities anal foul hamcr
of Use secretions; at the .ante tome Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
curing Biliousness. Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipation. Dryness of the Skln,
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision. Jsun-
dlee. Salt RheuQQm. Erysipelas, Scro-
all Debii t in11
theme and many other similar Comp -tante
Yield to a hops i fluaneoof BURDOCK
OOD Hirt
Foe Sale ut/ ant. Doalrrs
1.I ILBURI & CO., Prap1etars, T
im , ......, ,... . . r a t,:,. •... 1., Ir. .
L a1...,Ml n...
....M ...1tor'.. 1.•r•
se. w,.'....,rensw. -. a.n...t•a,•.'s14As
.fir tp•...,. . ,„ .". 01.41 N418...0 1 al. n
•/..V • A•-••� • tow.. • ..• 11, ,i ... ,,..,ler, •+`.
.s •s4. .:. o. y:. ,....w ..e .,,••ata
•04 . ..0'.. 1 .1. res...-. w..., *4..4,5 •...s_ ...
a.rww�..4 N.A. r.,e . ern t..w.1•s.. run
PAY. r5 11" 16 t: y Mel at.. SAUL
Buchanan &Son,
r aarraortramsp
trailers 1s all tads M
And Wonder'. malatel ell every dessrtpt•en
School ?urnitur t Sally.
ilirtirigEOUS III ITS iCTI0I1.
Ito *ctec*T £OWILS
In Canadian Cholera and Bon. sl
Complaints Its effect is rtcrl:aa.
It ceras In a vory *hurt time.
T141 01757 ►*084!.1 na4,D1 roa
sato aT 1e0. • atorraa,
sr gaunwet Ceseestestie w.Dans.- •
8EEND 50a.:n ata* ..4s151Nj as •
guaeanta'ed *•1111
k. in. and wr w I, semi you by espes,4'.O.D-
01I. e4gu8t '•atrh which yow can examiK••s
1f you do Nat tad
it all sad even more
thea we claim he
�µ rnetItri
ErAnaidPISnnrh •
to ovum•
rettehle the=
lonely et o
sellas* K
la •
hip sae
down. !sating
eNse.b.'aatltel rs•
gr,..d •.d bfiast•
Tia web
•re Waltham .Isle.
t'Iebl j.wr11.A. with Nis he1•see. r
wort wo 05,1.1 f t an aeewewb tlmM
e 4e slutda for .8418., a I.b r
virw•t6� : '.v" �% "rt air x1800
6EN0 diyea jl.l
ta1N ted _
11".13Nil NA
sT sa. bay.
011. 11=4 6: