The Signal, 1891-11-6, Page 71 1 presses &Costumes. We receive today • lame •l d Dress Costumes, New English Serges and Cheviots, In the leading :slunk* of blue, green, brown, garnet awl grey. Velutina Cord, The fashionable Material for dreames, jackets and trimmings . a/I colors. Special Black Velutina, Our repeat ()Hier in stock today. Price 75c., worth 95a Mantle and Jacket Cloths• A beautiful selection . entirely new. Kid Gloves. L ediea run no risk in buying our Kid (cloves, as we guarantee nearly all urs and take back any not +•tisfactory to return to the manufacturers, in pet•tion invited. Highest pries paid foe ,alter. W. ACHESON & SON. BARBERS' SUPPLIES UUNSLsTJ:(G 1W l'OSMETIQUES 6 H A V I N U SOAP 'la stick*- Pear. sad W Maass'. la cakes ---Yankee and W illiatms., LATHER BRUSHES ..•gin :a ►rff Kang'taroo Straps, Rose Mag aselda, Moustache Wax ; Egyptian Pimple Cure and Mlraculoue Water For the complex km. New goods. and the most popular articles is use. THE PHARMACY, for r,i GEO. A. FEAR, persing aad Mediciw may. I Dispensing and Fancily Chemist, flasce.or to GEO. RHYNAS, tloderich, Oat. FURNITURE. IN EVERY VARIETY. In opealne ter the fall trade 1 offer a goat Parlor Suite, walnut frame. is best ha.r clunk for el -wow. ()fab elan sass is tern cotta plume, MAN wed other styles uv to $M'.00, 00 00. sad ta•.On 1a H.droem Settee eased lea. from CLOD ap to twos. Evasion 'fables from SOD to NLS.W. 1 have hese tryllsg to br(og price. within the teach of all cloaca. I carry a large line of K lrtxtw Stitt/Re and CERT tit POLett. I hate a large assortment of Pit-ruart Mout.Dlxc an.l will frame ascheap- .. „my One else. In the CsnuaTselv.. 1 have .vrrytltfae necessary to a first -ekes eitab:i.homeet. i have cleat. ,a stork Mack cloth Caskets aad Callan. cad for children is white ,smebered plush and .cite relent. 1 have hal about M years' szpsrie.or, lest! the above yea will lad prices right_ DANIEL GORDON One door hast of Baak of Montreal. W*0 ... poderieb. One Dollar BARGAIN COUNTER. Just in time for the wet weather Johnston Carey 1NTRODCCEt1 THIS WEEK A 51.00 COUNTER on which you will fine about 500 pain wotnen'n, turn's, nmi.mei and boy's' BOOTS AND SHOES Mat coat from /1.25 to /11.75 wholesale, but they must go for the $LIS, me they are lanes we intend dropping: hence the sacrifice in pricey. (lose buyers,dost mitt this plum. We have just placed on our shelves one of the largest stocks of lediag', g1Ms', mise. amt ehdnren'a Boots and shore In the county, from the leading of the Ihtmnaiou, which will he sold :at slaughter prices. Aliso • cash discount will be given. Repairing done better than the best, awl as cheap as the chespeet. Men's half soles. 60.•. ENLARGED WEEKLY CLOBE JOHNSTON CAREY, On the C+oderioh. 'I'I--1 ONLY SONE IA PACES 1R142DOLLAR AND BALANCE C7 1391 TIE MOST LIBERAL EER EVER MADE. NO FAKES! NO CtT_EAP BOOKS t I.O JACK-KNIVES! SOISSORS OR CLTC!I PENNY OFFERS 1 BUT A OLEAN, WI; 'LE3OML FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the i -silt of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and bc'.t family newspaper in Canada Every effort Will ix- devote I to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, A(CI,stTF alit: Dill RI mite in all its (departments. Special pains will be taken with its . gricu4t•lral Pages, and MORE SPACF. WIL1. CI l.EVIITEl) 10 SELECT READING FOk TH*I PAMiLI'. SURS('R1RF.Its WHOSE. (1RtiERu AKi: RIVE VVlt PREVIOUS TO ;1St DECEMiIFk. !SOL. %% Ill DAVE 1111 1'AI'EK ti..NT TiHEM UNTIL CLOS[ OF 1397 IYt:t 1,11 (INV. S"1.tk.t4 st'r2I:i1'TtON. TH IS N 1 J% 1 T I 3 cry ,' a t bscri for ft to cx a ty .uta a.lO subscrlixs now. AGENT% W t% rE.li 1S ALL LtNItt.1•11F?f.STEt) DISTRICT& For tc. rite, add c rt THE G L O B E. TORONTO. •e THF. SIGNAL : OODZRIOB. ONT., FRIDAY, NOVA t, 1891. ODDS AND ENO& ■isard'. Lantsaer•t awes tiara., tr. Flare geaerwlly .amt usea to mass to the scratcl. lhaeoa Transcript. It is safe to use i'reausa's Wale Pow- ders, as they act ealy on the ways and do sot injure the child. W lm 1t is not for lack of hent that a tramp re- fuse to baths There is always seed emeuglt him. Kufrah, Repro s. Painful Lures, brumes, Guilds and cuts are quickly another' awl healed by Victoria l arbolic `calve. lie parson who sits down ou a tack is likely to rise ns the spur of the wuu,eat. liing- hamtoti Republican. Prompt, potent am/ permanent results always oars from the ass of NI ilbmr•'s Aro- matic (quinine trine. im A rather unsteady man was hears t0 de- olare that the genuine old Virginia reel is a mint julep tt'aabingtou Star. Sick headache caused by excuse of bile or • diwudered stomach is promptly relieved by using National line 1m Buffalo Express . lu ankr to tight flim suocx.,etully a cow has to make a good many dank m:ovemneamta. I1l..N•. Wasaeat tellevrni li.*ratuta. limngharutoo Republican . Bnd,rely says the utast difficult tart of a •Irink.ug coag u the "refrain. As a cure for cold in the Madam' catarrh Nasal Balm has wen • makable record from the Atlantic to tin• 1'... It uever fails. Give it a triall..1 All .kul Atchison globe: '1'Q6 fri•md who -ries with you ;duds taut • great many thing* you will regr. t when your eyes ate ,Ir unl, itch, ntange and .trunci... 1 every kind, on human or amend., coral it 30 minutes by Woolford'• Semtarc Lome, 'blas never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96 ly t)etroit Free lies : (lira ..liou!.1 bear in mind that hauling the young mein "ser the coals does not tend to make them Imp. 'tete Of having a r.yttealy at hand for croup. pneumonia, wee throat, stud sudden odds, -is very consoling to patent. With • testae of Ayer's (,sherry 1'e••toral in the house. one feel,.. 111 stoat came, e acme of semi sty uothiug else sat viva There are people who w- l! never enjoy heaven ut.!css they secure a seat which taom- naad•:. view o1 the turn.+u'..1 ones in the (-they place.- - Roston Trnn'cupt. 1/ase.rs atmea wt ear.. tk:mdrew " 1 ou don't pay proper :attention to the children," remarked the nether to the nurse severely. „ Here's little Arthur gone and bitten his tongue again. “crinin Squib. "1 One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin." Diseases common to the tux compel the search for a comntoo remedy. It is found in Ayer's i$ra.parrlle, the reputa- tion of which is world-wide, having largely superseded every other blood medicine in nue. The latest humanitarian is to chloroform criminals to death. While this may not be a practical it is certainly an asticetic way of settling the buaines. Pbnledelphia Tinsea.l English Spann Liniment removes all bare, soft or calloused Inmps and blemishes from, hones, hlo.xlsplain, curie. splints, ring bone, sweeney, stoles, sprains, ere and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. Jordan. 95-ly t-- • A young Japanese girl has entered in • dental college in Chicago, determin* 1 to push her way to 'weenie.- Ru' shell find that she'll have to pull her way to success in that profession. Philadelphia Ledger. w ..M'. Wearest See nal. , A man who is short should never go his whole length on a horse race. ('hioyw Tri- bune. "What man has dope man can do," but sometimes he cannot undoit. lanae News. Kiss Try tineas t DM. She hetchek.l the flax and carded the wool, and wove the linen, and .pun the tow, and male the clothes for her husband and ten children. She inade hatter and cheese, she dipped tallow candles, to light the house at night, awl she cooked all the food fur her household by an open tire place and a brick men. les : and when she was forty years of age, she was already au old lady whose beat days were over. Her shoulders were bent and her joint. enlarged hy hard work, and she wore spectacles and a cap. Her great gnmlaughter, with all the mod- es+ for oomfort, refinement and luxury, may be as charming and at- tractive at forty•6ye se al twenty. }f.pe dully is the true if she preserves her health sad beauty hy the a of Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription, which wards of all female- %ilmente and irregularities, cures them if they already exist, keeps the life terra/ healthful and vigorous, • el enables the woman of middle age to retain the freah- nese of girlhood apes Mow and cheek, the light of youth in hag oyes, and its elasticity in her step. hold by ell druggists.: almilel • ■deli. Mr. Ooldbug - " Whet a beautiful little hand you have, Wise (hither." Mee Oitthar Yen, im often says that s7 ring will hardly art any. Wei at :n." Impressive miens for several minutes, A newtr Men ila:aa Stan, I hap. need Hayard's Pee. torsi Balsam for bronchitis ase bad mu with Use best results, sad ma highly re- commend it to all sugerera Ramos Poulain', 2 250 Delaware Av.. Tawate. The feeptse who says he hamletlaitt mem* to belie.e is seything at all min ge pease- to eaty thrnit.sleep le • mir ea a mishit express assembly sere dist tie n him through all tie& crit..® Jeered. • /eves. Marti. Desai Hata, My rddldrea were tablet 01 with aiseralal err. threats beedertug es diphtheria 1 bad motheisrsg as the hems bet Raper" Yellow 011 wflet I mad with gest hesdc 1 itio ens if it had set bens Far It the dimes would haw Ins digs. C it e • ie{wdi 1 Oat. 4•21. 4Wrrrww7i4, ih algal 1. 11...0=1,. No. Why sea! Wolk tt • .sw.p.pr plasma everybody cad everybody tsar the time leers els aura would be an that tae people euuM sat Are Iwo cola the aid glebe es whir to pram v rattlesorra tie dry Issas, jwbirat everybody used, be boycotted, kick up jack, sell the truth, up.. hL.bord, 1.y ►•Ian b y, fraud and tits like. tied trees M the sober, seemed thought of •11 hir.isded lie. Its. A Olen In wed Norke•e. L. !jibe Lar, wham is the Rocky Moan. men, discovered a tont that whoa combin- ed with other barbs, imam es soy eft' somata cure for . It is a the late d dry roots sad haws, cads knows as L,ss's 1a.Yy Medicine. 1t will our, eieh-lsesdacb sad is the beat Sprite, Medi- cine. Far the blood, beer cad hidesyo, and for cl.ariag up the eomple:ion it does won- ders. 11ruggiate sell it at 60e. cad 61 • P"1",11"- (1 -cow) She -I netiie you are direrglaao- ing at the clock. •a Good gracious ! You don't serpent for a tnomaat that 1 am weary of your oompaay' Sher -No, but I suspect you have pawed your watch. - Humorist. A Or linage. A sea voyage is sin expeeetve soil exten- sive r , especially when equally ga�o 1 rewlta as regards health are to be had by simply taking Burdock Blood Bit- ten according to dine:ttusa It is • specific for dy cleanses the Wood, regulates the liver, bo web and Ltiny• and removes all impure matter from the system. 2 .John Fitzgerald, the president of the 1,1.6 National League in America, is the r.. best men in Lincoln, N.b , having a fortune of $1.500,000. Ile began his career as a laborer with pick aid shovel on a Western railroad. The Carr tat taew. The flair of Russia probably has his own troubles as well as we awtenomer mortals. Where we have the advantage in such troubles as dyspepsia, biliousness, uoosti- pation, bad blood and the like u in being aide to procure easily a perfect remedy in Burdock Blood !titters, nature's grand re- storative tonic and purifier. 2 Lady Tee reser premiss with religions can every pips bet hseMd smokes and every oaken stick be carries. in the years to come the people who power authentic relics el the poet will outnumher the body sensate of Washington. Ask Tear Velem** About est. Your distressing c•,uvh (-an be cured. VI e know it because Kempi Babson within the post few years alae eared so mousy coags mad colds in this. Itareniarkable ale has been won eitirely by its genuine merit. Aak some friend who has used is what he thinks of Kenmp's Balsam There is no medicine so pure. none so effective. Large bottles 50c. and *1.00 at all drug. gists'. (1-eow ) La a public school in Perth county, a weak or two ago, the teacher was conven- ing with her clans on mattes suggested by the lemon in hand, and among other things the bestowallof titles and rewarding teen for public services rendered to the state, etc. A brilliant thought suddenly occurred to the taa- c6er,and she asked Why was Lely Mscdon• ald raised to the peerage after the dr*th of her husband, the late Prime %I sister of the Dominion' The question was no sooner asked then an equally brilliant thought oc- curred to one of the pupils, and the latter answered, •'Please, me am, rhe was ;aired up so as to keep her out of the scandals at Ottawa." The Language is eery simple, hat it contains a world of meaning. The lid who answered the question so philosophically is the progeny of a Scotch Well I 1. Dr..s* SIR., 1 an: happy to say 1 ha“. used Har aril's Yellow Oil fu burns, bruis- es, sprains and cuts and Lind that there is nothing better. I recommend it to all my friends around here. 2 At -t' 11. Mt Lauer, veru, Mao. Panting around the hatis one way a/ get- ting the cents of the meeting. -Texas Sift- ings. The vociferous orator make* a great Many bawled statements. Washington Star. Alfred A. Ta) :or, of Margaree Harbor, says: "One brittle NI\ %RID'S LINIMENT enrol a swelling of the gamble joint and meed a horse worth $140.. Thos. W. Payne, of Bathurst, Raved the life of a valuable horns that tree "Vet" had given up, with a few bottles of MiN- ARDS J.IJ711IENT. 1m The street -oars r to do a good baei- nem off aid on. -a h•_ tin Leader. A man should be V saber earnest when be swears of frees da k.—Piesyuoe. �. Keep the head cord, the feet warm and the bowels regales, and no disease can at- tack you. This i• r eefehrated Genet physicians advice, ::u.i c:.n brat be accom- plished by udag Burdock Blood Bitters, the best regulator and purifier known. It tures all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. 2 1M Ng. blows per. Kniairo., (M, 2S. -- Mark Sr .gee. aged 17 yams, sed • sea of Forest Nprague, a farmer of (,•hsMa.t Hulse, Jefferson eowaty, was shot is the left eye while out hunting with his brother. yesterday after- noon. The boys had fired Me Ghat and had just rel.a,led the gen. when Mark's finger slimed from the hammer Gad the gun discharged. The eye was tote set lay tb. shot. The wound is • dangerous or. but it is expired tont the life n1 the yesag mum will be .rel .tern 1. • Coit Peraaaono, Oct 2R. --- About 2.30 tide meriting • young mamas called at die reel deem of 1». Bresnan h Heater -street sad susght medical ad. Mb. seemed very al sad We doctor secs diarovered the fact Sat sbe was shoat to become • mother and bad her labia to the polios olefins', when tie was shortly delivered at a baby girl. The Martha weimas r her mss. as 11 r*. Martha of Mays that the d herlather .r *hi bas bees d.d for wises. Isar mestha rine We ham employed as • dsmsatle in the Mrs. el Jam. Naptes, bpringMld, and walked Ifo town last rare does 10 •'sleek a dist.•..* of MUM mils mew riles noes lterreis IN, Out !M—A peameger maim an the Terevilte and Awf•tta. Rail. way esalidud hit sight with • disabled eb gar of a asi:ed Iran mawPswhattaa Casal lance lbttt _acus wee da.elbhed end Timeries Weeds he Pest Clush 1 Wain Nidi Were eveW0nd. AN. APOLOGY Is necessary to my customers for the apparent neglect in execut- ing orders so kindly placed with me. tt+x ,,tot ioi 74 AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR Everyone wants their stoves fitted up, and work in my line done up for the Winter, in consequence of which every man m the house is taxed to the utmost to overtake it. I have employed extra hands, and will don my over- alls and turn in myself in the endeavour to serve all my customers. My sales are averaging four stoves per day. WHY ? The People are the best Judges. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY ARE (deal. , &LIG 000D VALUE. Do you want a Stove? Do you want anything in my line? CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. Cutlery, Platedware, Lamps, Household Necessaries. ALECK SAUNDERS, NAT EST GB.TEFVL-•'.. oniteT4. EPPS'S COCOA 1 16N £ 4fri. "Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern rbc operations of digestion and nairltion, and by a careful application of th. nae Deepen 1.- of well -Meted Cocoa. Mr, Kpos bee provided our breakfast tables witk a delirately flsvoumt beverage which may save us assay teavy d..etots' Mlle. it M by the Jedi- emous tam at such anions eddies (bat a caseti- tuttoa may be gteeusity belt rip until straw ea h 10 reit every ndeacyro•lo dicta... Hundreds of su101. ra•Itrad(ea a around us ready to attack wherever 'her, Is a weak point. tin may escape inane a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with Mee Mood and a properly nourished tress." - Cita Nurser Uasette. made simple with bushiest water or elk. Auld only 10 pecker.,y Grocers. labelled into : JAMIE* erred tie.. as.mepeekte Treat. Ms. Leedom. k.staad. HHG RDS Vala( 5.11 1' r BALSA � ds e) _. �CRESCOUGHS cOtZ ....1-_ r.. $ B CLARY and Commiasioa . so Aa.te. lien cad Women. Tema" en sad • CNrp.e. to Istrodaee • new sed gemiter Wdard boos, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. Than wee remarkable mamma book of the sue welt t en by - emir e, saran Nnw-so•lo rtan Reery C n warr. (t. Ezctsdve terrtiorl glues. Ifs MssrV M'i retbtlasled law. fled PATENTS! KEhr YOUR FEET DRY. This can!be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of • E. 2:1 0 w I G -- YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CAS B. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. Man. Tgfut EMS AM c *PI111Sgrs NMIbesi.ess Is the U S. Pates .tidal teat MODIRI TR FRAIL g Ow ellMe. M to the U. B. Palest Of- kali:Lew l raa allele Pfb if 1a less tea reels frog WI JIRINOTON. Seas MODAL OkDRI WING. Ws ad se �.,di elsavigE; weVpA�AIWA fres OB aWs refer here. MM aseg the Persr. abs.t, ., U. e° e..t�tliei 'ro" eta winos to Miran / v et e. sl die FOR keret ase ref= es testiest slllest@ la raw awe Brise er Owi v. venom C A sum ra ell... 4f.setblamest ones W i---- D.c 1141 E. DOWNING. HANK La I's DtA�TEA That ?SMM ICICiI NDII iME CAND* ■ ISIMA STRENGTH, . -,.mai t AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample peackage. ..CHAS. A. NAIRN. Grocer. NEW ARRIVAL SUMMERFaII GOODS. LATEST STYLI S. Ne.asime 1.4 titesls4 wt reties Sae H. DUNLOP, Tbs Mmes. Raga !M Millinery ! Jia BT.OPENm-A LALnalleilleet* TH33 8 .a.' Oh. :..64358 or La11111r Ale 111 Hats and Bonnets, Fancy Wings and Trimmings. $hso*iss done in gli•eda. style. Ei'Q•U and see ea Butner and tgp taken in ttsekatnpi for trade THE MISSES YATES.