The Signal, 1891-8-7, Page 3r�,gs POR THE PARIER.
fije 101.11411 ill the eleasee el . Tear -MOW
erabegdsh t..t1.a khan--U.w she
my elbele Whose -Mew to tier t1. .f
Use lime*
„ trues several Wrier 01 (Mario
oto Mat the Mara= P17 has dors eansider-
db deans, a the wheal crap The taunt
ndlsa ailed op by farmers 111* lbs cavil
tool gorge, and it appears tramp that If the
mod ke the Bantam Pty that lbs Smi-
efto ie ,t.ty sow dimmvered, when W
.bras Is M w at. The Heai.m
„ welly matures matures two broods in crane
thm yew *Wearinga
rdsetwen.Menage.• pd' rid. weplead
are b.gitudi1.l cream d the leaves of hath
tai sad spring wheat very seem atter the
'tale are above grow& to the aleseer et 11).
M or more on a leaf. The spring brood this
would have laid some tree in May on
beth tie fall and sprung wheat u the weather
le ,arm they are hstlahsd 1m four or ave
Y!a and t1. lana, small footless .maggots,
open* at each end and of • pale red, erawl
down Ike leaf and Ix beam 'vee between It
eel the main stock' jai below tinir surfers of
than n yg_IMsd downward
their transformations are oo tpisted, none -
Iasi by the juiom d the plant which they
male by suction. Two or three maggots thus
pw.d will comm W pewto wither and 4ls.
1he anal molt of the e.pnak b the: sn.aU,
Aert ears only .re formed, the few grads, of
wr•A shrivel amt! wW namely ripen, the
drew nip being of Inferior quality. But the
4.,y of 110 attack amid have been noticed
• mouth ago or mese- sre1 better than at
les present time. la stoat nix weeks the
maggots atata their MU dm, when eke skim
tredually banker beao.ra- of • erket
•ee.tlut color. About the lard December, la
the, autumn brood, and in June or July. a the
yrinil brood. In the begad g of this, the
pups- state. they look like Gax mud. The is
the stage in which the Wert wear be found
.ow In two .r three weeks it become de-
ucbed from the heathery skin. and bas loose-
ly to it • moUonlem grub, within this it
gradually edvanoes toward the winged state,
wkw•h for this brood will be the letter part d
A or rl m As the GJ
• few weeks, wheat that is
own so late as not to come up until this;
brad disappears, escape, last Rat
repay of there lad by this spring'. !rood
may be Aft In the stubble and
remain unchanged until next spring.
Fleeing the audible. afterward plowing
.m1 harrowing the land, appears to be the
Ire method of getttag rid of this insect
repo' the grain, rolling It w Parer or
line or other methods of securing a rapid
lied cig r.ele growth, sowing the h.Ids with
void &Shea rod feeding off the crop by
weld in the fall are °,slid 'memory
mem But. above .Il, sowing wheat upon
.Met stubble, .r wheat after whet sbou1
a avoided. When the Hessian Sy was so
,kstruc ttve 1n IMO and DSO to the wheat
leis& of America. it was found that
-oaUntal cropping without felling
the soil had made the 10.1 wheat irk, and to
:W wee partially attributable the ravages of
'dig Gy If prompt action be taken this tali
Dy every farmer burning bis wheat dubbin
tad eating off hu wheat sort before winter
the inert will be deetr,yed in we Gni rages,
sol the operation 01 a formidable army of
lies rb.ckd
Advaatag...t V.4.rdr*lal$ga.
e lee .1 the greatest advantages .4 nadir -
Imam( a. in its 'Mire d increasing porosity
Use mil Wet land never freers very
as to strata of water near the serprevents -
,her temear.e W new N lieime renes
Mow In Mime.
The Snit roendtel cert a ..m d pelmet
tag shoats bele enable the system 1. reject
Y. pores; the nut, to ewaternct its srb.s
tate; sod, eerily, to begin the rsstiratlos
d lee memo! tune. The p.kamets mbstaaws
w ally Wad le the household may be di-
vided lasso three aamm, whirl laded,: 11i
Ib emeinies anneal and vegetable aatds,
gash as selpherlc, nitric, carbolic, and °talk
acids: 1711 the ample Irr1W1., like thsetremg
w anes--p'(s•ti. 11m., dna, etc- ,fell the spa-
br(teate, like arses= iodine, .ad p1..
�bartla Pru acid, chbniurm, and opens
jalets to rte neurotic parson., male ac
which 1.111101. in their effects the symptoms
d dreams of the brain ted spinal card, pre
duu(Ios d.ltrlum, °rivulets.., paralysis, and
syncope. Taw= lays that morphine sad
• Whet specially aff•at the bras, strychnine
the spinel acrd, antimony and errs.&, the
stosaah, ..d digitalis the Art. TM raid
pine°., are lam active than flaks and same,
while thaw Webb 10 water or in t1. diger
dm fare me mod iujurb.., Massa. they
are UM wet rapidly absorbed.
W ben after ,.ting or driektng • perms is
attacked with violent pal, m. , purging.
aoova1ou., delirium, ar great drowsiness,
the supposition is probable that poison has
been taken, and Immediate medical aid shook
M obtained. While t1. nes d the stomach -
pomp le W most thorough means of empty -
leg and eisanei.g the etosmch, is operation
by Y inexperienced perste, may eaves 'erica.
lbijjurry,,a�Mier by Gooding the lungs ar by
lasering the surface of the stomach, which
has already bees injured by the corrosive
action of certain prams. The .she owes
of procedure by am -medical parsons is the
promotion of the aroma, which is ase of the
i.dxutkmi of poiesgtg, until free vomiting
but been effected. The amplest minas to
Ude end is the safest a the lauds of any one
but a physician, Wet r, the use of lukewarm
water in which mustard bas Men dissolved,
a tea-epamful 4o a half-pint of water. repeat -
.d until the stomach is entirely empty.
The second remedial action le the smiles -
thou of .°sae antidote calculated to counter-
act the affect of the poise either by sea -
Wing with it, or depriving it of its deleteri-
ous qualities The combination d mama.
with poison fem. harmless chemical com-
pound., or thaw which aro insoluble in the
g eneric Guns. It then remain, to neutralise
We effect of the poison upon the system, and
to overflow any deposmom or ,bock K may
have caused : theme are purely the physical af-
(K the corrosive poises, thole most fre-
quently used a the howbeit are oxalic and
carbolic. acid., creosote, and the caustic alka-
lise, potash sada, and chalk acid
P erimer .g m.m.. 141. -W. ttea.rdeem
Advise. mares. 1. Ole. Tb.Ir (,hetdr e
a alert la Th1. U,r.etea Under Paver
able (•.adlt:+ae txlestraeel Ifete.
The gradual lengthening of hewn life
is awes t1. achtvemea10 of mods.
civilisation It suggests that a VI,pr-
oa. or age may be to • seed
ersbb Wipes upm permed
conduct, sad Dr B W itscharlwm skies'
that parents give their ankh= • start in the
moot favorable conditions by protecting them
trues ^wow .hook, and earn nary griefs.
and making Deer purl -windbag as ►appy reper
sirs Tbe parsons themselves. when older,
. Mold avoid grief nmol whew bate, jealousy,
e101eddt7, .ad int.atperssoe, ail of which
Maim eke wining of old age W160 Waage
has really begun. its progress may 1e reduced
to • minimum by securing t e lead Mcrae
and waste Rules fur this Include enehtenoe
os a moderate quantity of light but .utriU-
ons food, varying according to tee vegan;
dressing warmly, but lightly, to peewees •s
even temperature: keeping the body In fair
sierra.. and the mind active and -beer/u1:
maintaining au interest in tie world'. affairs,
and taking a rensonabie share in Ire label
and pleasures: securing plenty of sleep at
proper boat. in • comfortable room: aid
s►Aring p•.kon, excitement, and luxury.
Thoughtful living in this war may °ruble a
weak man to outlive his robust but lees wise
mei gbbor
Iaterwetl.g Ilem.ette Immolation.
Au invention of t.xriderabk 'beneath) hefty jaw.
intwest, recently brought forward ,', Reg- His sanctum table alien sets a fade' to the
land, consume in making any .rticM d door,
hosiery, fur either outside or under wear. Ito's when a angry einem comes tttellin'
is ei.ob • manner as to tender it perfectly artrw
self -ening, without being narrowed or
)Els ain't got mo dvautage, et' '� ittlGsa
itis the drop
On the publisher mid editor ad sly id Ike
He wean hie britches a his boots an' never
combs his hair,
Rscept fur legal holiday or extra big stair.
An' fiats • starchy Dollar lea mark o' nevi -
An' wesrin' socks exuaamble in nothiu' but •
Heti prominent et lyncbin's, calls the Gagen
elasticity d the t wo.•md-two rib over the at • daues,
nee -and -one rib, the &weare in rise to to Warb a main' eyecv10tlon every he
gels •chance,
A. _eteeellal a.mwsts SEE HOW TO PR.E78 1
7115� bin • rwrinallin' ea the ebb=
` owe few 'way beak Feeder �
. meet
M' tol'abl o goal iota', fur as mast,
beauty goes.
As' 1 and myself aa.treethe 11.11 ccssdYtea
with to boys
That hold tke frostier wtimest a sort $
ego Ives... -
The Arison• Kw-k.r braid, whose Wray
bugle tare
Wbar' • mna1al rix -ehuor a robs tie woes
o' bbd wits.
Back Reset °puttee arekiteds have mathisg
elm to do
But aunts au' think, au' Wink an' wine
'tout everything 'at's new,
But m the free an' easy Wed, wait the
dreary plains,
TM bulk o' editorial work is done outride o'
The diver is coroner, an' price o' the peace,
An' makes out k.ga4Mapers from . lad will
w a leas,
Umpires the dorg epics of hie town, the two
or four-I.ggsd sort,
And acts as teal refe^e in all degrees u'
He's lookout far a faro game, an' ata takes •
A pnectkiu' u' msdIoiw e'en anybody's
H. plays • nervy poker game hssid.d by hie
i..gbs with the people in their joys an
grieves with them as peeve.
He slier, makes the apseahes on the Po'tb
day o' July.
Aa' plays the parson's bs.d when tb.r'e •
nuptial knot to tie,
An' now an' then contracts to do some pr.c-
ticin' at 10*.
W'en either party wants a man 'at slings a
atita•b.. reduced or widened, or the article
increeied in any way by tranaforming the
tabrine at intervals and in such • wafter
es to give the required .haps. In
acoompiohing this there aro employed two
descrtpti of fabric, respectively termed
odlsand rib and two -and -two rib, these
two kinds d fabric being made and joined
a the knitting as one operation without
changing, transferring, or in any way nar-
rowing • .tngb ditch during the proceed of
manufacture. This canoes, by the iaate•ael
ammonia t 1e mammarary shape, and, when eb•uged again to
ha. rom.,umea baso Wen by =Wake far ane-and-°oe rib 11. fabric i. sans d ib Yeap • par o' rennin' home. fur the
Epsom-salts . the alt of sorrel, or die ,menial l origin& width. No seeming. liukipg, sewrng, .°nal gate,
t alc of Iemous. used, like oxalic acid, for etc.. is resorted to. Aa' never shirts at meet/o' when 1.'t asked to
lead in prayer
cleaning purpumee, and Diae►ag has cased -- -- -------
The symptoms d oxalk acid poisoning err
• hurtling seos•tbn during swallow ing. berm
Ing pain a the stomach. and almost mensal.
ate nausea. When there is m vomiting, great
pr.r:ntwu, feeble pules, and coovutlit�
death is likely to follow from collage. ihe
antidote is lime b any form --plaster or we.
tar- ,balk, whiting, or tmlgneau, mud w W
water. bot no fluid without an antidote, he
came it world favor the •eorptoo ad the tion
poises As is the we with inod pelmet �str toward water after freeing and 1 and a man a the waiting -room of the
writ, of egg is • ireful remedy. ..wag twenty-five timew, also thee New Haven depot the otter day nla wanted
Creosote and carbolic acid are so often a rperifir gravity -.Il theme pointe were eve r km* where a certain skeet was, and
am as dlslnfe °eats that they may prove dam. fully determined and recorded. Out ef 11le' whreabont a that area • remain eating-
Itevou., .tp.cially u dente In rapoly follows [ter of eatnpbl. ranging from lime,.tose Mase could be found and as we fat to talk-
• dome d the poise The mouth and lips be esrdetome, only mix were found to Heist re- lag be .obcaomed Mlmlelt. His wife bad
are whams' by contact with the acid. W
pupils of to eyes are very much contracted.
the breathing become. stertorous. and come
Wmletbg rew.r of Stoma
5. I and myself camtra tin' his conditi --
Some further experiments in regard k with the men
the frost re'ei.i:aq power d natural tool Wbo preach out to the nation with • stu bby-
artifciai btikhng .tomes have been nude Pint. pen.
by Bauerhanger, twenty. -one differ- Aa' he wear to 1. more medullar a daaona-
srs 1114,. of natural building atones, t1r.. tion sight
M six test piee.. d crab being used, and Than chem 'at don't do wads' top d God's
WO results of peculiar practical value t. MO earth but write.
lit te•ads .1 .igte, dry and and, then -(aa' Jack Crawford, "The Facet Roost"
eepecity for absorbing water. their alters -
in volume, tensile dr.wgIl •nl be- I Aaedli.g Nb Third,
Mistedfreezing, via, ave d the dolorite. one dripped eat and lett him and came to
.t diorite, and four d andstomea Fou, Gotham, and was working in the kitchen
ether •ample. were found freezing fairly, but of the eating -home referred to, and
is moo followed by death. The po.ibility 'trot absolutely: and d forty-one samples of M had Come on to tee her. He
d relief u .mall, but oil may he freely giver, artificial domes similarly tested. only three was • plain, everyday man. *tole home
and immediately removed by the free me a were found entirely unaffected. *bile ei4lf was I. • l'omaeetieut Tillage and be was
emetics beton it can tau, absurbea. proved fairly resistant taking ilia matter very calmly. When 1
temter turn, into 1.e, and . Remove
this pro -
,:pruned some surprise at this he replied:
clue «d rind downward. Remove this tar- ('rods , and householdi. erlatk..•tastir mo 1s., ter+'
plus *ave and rice ox,fst real exp•as as img Bata. sad ammonia have r The Latest Portable Captive tailws. "Oh, there girt any particular harry
t tyke res ive balloon about it, You know. it's over three mouths
the .,11 thaw. the toil rimaaS a little rgber and screech. •ernmpenued by great pain. "'setas, with gas generator and eluding skipped thought
Oen before. }ire year this (mixing gum • tendoertwr upon pre.wn, abdominal pain.. drum.
not more than .ix .eve toot, tn and
rush h wth1.p. tmmbu. dung with
• , mad 1* rented
httl..leeper. until it gee en the frost hoe a and eiffeeree The immediate relief may rapes 7 crying
three f be [allowed by death from starvation "wing cubic feet. TM ga.-hydrogen-is produced my home for $l0 • month."
dap The u the depth to at which eke ; e.750 to 10;500 cubic fed per hour. The works "Wall, the's my third, you ase. I'd saved
dna mint a laid q 1. prmaneut as i. Even the common remedy kn sun thenar,
*allow drain, frac uIckl d eltbnr a11st'eot p 4.ah, has been known to rase rear Paris, at *lash there equipments ere mad d the clothes d the other two and e4.
q y � loth. to a na•rot imtaonp sn none of the tared �, w111 roam complete the =mast I wanted 'em. I didn't think it looked just
:tie or stone watercourse .ale -.1(p ever Cmdm('ted.
The issmws• right and uhe Sew oe the beadle. (lot up in
moisture Gems, 7111. rams, 11 sad *ken 1 end heroin/ taste extending to the throat 77e latest open( pmts pt
w ons she , and I 1 wouldn't
the ...Meet weather. usually
two .x ads b the d.eom floc of water at the rated "How did s1. come to nklpr I asked.
to the clotting of the eraoplueRus by stricture. 7 P°iq
)lest people trek that tbey know good b '
rr when they eel it and taste .it, and vet r,
ll•'uI' p.uu.I. d etarnargvira an ra.-
cum•.1 .'*cl, year for fresh -awls butter ma -
ply beat., it has • freeb-buttermilk flavor.
1t eau therefore w practwal idea, • sort d
•blest lemon, for some of the Nebraska ex-
ubtt.n .1 better at the late Chicago Pat-
io -1i !111..11, *hese okeom•rgari1. had • pro-
minent oleos, to open their tube and bid the
•rowdy taste end barn the difference in We-
er 1st*eau the two product. A portion el
the public at load needs educating a t4
A Termite wer.
Pat good bar soap ineo a MMIe water and
tat until it melte down. Redeem carbolic
and crystals to • ger state by piecing in a
mew earrnnnd.d b7 water and heating the enjoyed the reveler of hie new afik'e Dara gadtR fi:wily fur about toe malate al
eater. Add the carbolic ear to t1. a taw months, his enter --a very small one for
proprtiee of ems rt d the soap to • meso .1 hle pod p.T the rendre d one disc, and ten saddeoly
•the put ave iron -was d rural co treodsrriog his Rase te am7 object -say a
fight Parra of soap A 1*00.5 sods mads of almost that amount. A. • statural masa ince-the �r mw that ob dl
tbu. will rid animai. of mod vermin, std le a senor 1i. featly le lett is wtrs,temed ( , y
enlarging from W middle outwards. After
gluing similarly far • minute st the woad
disc, and then =okra at any fbjaet, he saw
It apparently dimald age
thlorafe was takes in uta,t•l:e for Woo -
rata, and death wad within a few hoot
T1s remedial treatment consists d neutra4r
dna the poison by um of some weak add.
lib vinegar amid water, and the free enee-
emmptwm of the acid from (rest juices, low
one espy, aUy, followed by draughts d Wei
at. -Harper's Baser
Legal eilukmallingef Ragilak Prelate..
The t.ddeo and lamented death of Arch-
bishop lieges has directed public attendee
eras more to the enormous sem .xtort.k
from high dignitaries in the English chert
by • hd d aaAktials of 000 kind a another,'
I'►tr include chancellors, apparitory chap-
tias. varmints., chapter clerks. and an r-
ib". variety of secretaries. It appears that
Dr. Magee was aoop.11ed to pay $2•,000 to
them faoctInoarjle when he was translated
lye• Peterborough to York, and, as be only
Wloon of the Paris Exhibition had at dm night and mewled out of s winder onto
esprcity d 106,000 rabic feet and carneti ami to gfl4 ,- Waited at the depot WI
twelve persons; bat the capacity .,f the new
ane Intl be over 2,000,000 cubic feet and it
will be able to carry lies passenger in • cur
M fed in diameter A dill more extraordin- 1
aiy product of thele works will be an I folk. Wast to go down wqe leer
"aerial torpedo boat. " which has been order- I We found the woman actin as seabed cook
d by the Russian Government fur merit in the acing home. When the car in she
Offeriment. This is to be an elongated MI- began to cry and embrace her Tbo mss, bat
10o., 1:0 ted long, with • 50 -horsepower he Mkt her off and asked:
engine, and is to be drives 96 mire as frost "gentry, didn't 1 bay yam a pair d dem, a
crest, some stockings, twob.ndkercblefsand
a hairbrush, aft in ane week r'
"Ye.." Me ...scored, keeping hold of ane
of W hada
"Didn't I pay gin for parlor furniture and
Moe all the ceilings whitewashed r"
"And yea skipped oat I've rusted the
house to the ihoapeama"
"And fm board's' with the raider Olaier.'
"Yon ant"
"R1. Meta yea all to peon dein' up shirts.
1 didn't come down to ask If you wsnrd to'
mss day to haver toner and coax her hack,
but I didn't do nit"
"And are you going to tab hrobamer
"Can't my. It's woman to how abs
Or Two (2) Barrels of Cider,
FOR ONR oo1. r m A
Aiuencaii FniiI Proseriii ?o!der & Liquid
by s fan 116 fed in diameter.
Remarkable ordeal 42)0»1...
A remarkable optical illaios was slows
buy Pref. it 1'. Thompson at a 10t. resve.-
saskhse 01 the London Royal tlociety. On
two rotating dere were spiral patters. a
black std white, which seemed to move radi-
ally inwards and outwards, respectively. On
.1leable disinfectant. A weaker aolutlos n
.splendid cleansing std Mala appllaatie1
:. sore.
Almost Pe.eke..
Pewees fully ripe, sound and not salt, time
Bed rsrernity in picking and parking, and
perked so rkmaly that they w111 not .take or
bruise, will bear transportatbm better sad
,..p longer than those pleked only half ripe,
tad as the flavor is decidedly better they will
.dl at much better prlra. Fetcher .111 net
'op"n atter picking without a loss of that
Lyre which is their charm.
Farm Notes.
lb the beet i• whatever lar you wort.
Prof Witcher recompiled. mixing manure
with the airfare toll. it w111 go down fad
If the weeds have hero permitted to rips
►«r owes the rely further anion the? cru
1.1 le to furnish nicer for tutee .,,d aperba.
71. had tetter be berried.
farmer who Is meted In plow year alter
rear fields n welt °Mersa yd by stems that
kris serioeely retarded is ton patient
world, and engin have raker reek
11 1e world meso.o the cte4wrtlws art se
prove Ile growth in grame.
IA.. Movie Mede,
'tor breed tram aniorb d weak ow*
It yon make your owe moo yea cogbk to
ktnw what It le mate of
Don't emeriti the footle error of k71*t to
awry more dims" es the feria Om H will
*Utah feed for Ry with • reverse beta
Berk end farm will depredate a prndht°Yvr
mm rad .eine Thee raft evretm'ikat,
raftery neem are apt M he m simia amt
hes from dimes will mew. M 1a WNW Se
mdw.t.y than M °,.rebuke
eum,'tanoes, and it has become necwta17
eat some sort of • fend for their besdl
His seameor. Dr. Maclegan. L. • rich area,
fad am afford to pay the mosey . bet it 10
felt to 1. rldlceleas, If not absolutely ems -
dolma, tat the premstnre death of an awake
bishop titssld resit in the compulsory
ry ilr
Where. . of room among • lot of ornamsrt-
d bet tsdem Atrial", ie lee then twelve
.°.thea The whole system ie nothing ben a
species of legal blackmail, which Ms Goer -
lobed (Rielly became the victims of It haw
.ever dared to offer en7 strenuous pretest
spinet it. Now the matter has Men brought
u p in parliament, and there M sear prospect
of reform.
D4ide11g so Imposter.
A sae wrested at Berlin for their
prebend -
el to be o, and rep Prof. Mead* all Vsuath•
ry waylay "1 don't know "
Spoka e, wee deputed to worse hem. Tins
fraheor took is mark oat of hie parts sad
read bow amok it war. "I dont know," 1.
t11sw'ered, as before The professor them ask -
id for the primer's pares, not of which he
1001 • esark, sed nese more the man 4.elar-
d that
let • ,.i*ea into the p
Ret W mark to 110
pi -
P oses pone. trsmrdlirvksG
,w11- 'Why Boder," said lbs patient. 1r
IAy, "7w haw mode • esfdaker 1%.
sspostswe was m•& bare and W fellow
em Herat
A Prreeelr TaItw►.
One of Wlteb.rg" d(rherni 114 redisrb
s e.
Atrium pine" or trots! loosed, the w `� es11dst et M awe to doled welt Rae
tba thr'e11s enf urr
the tla terse chs lbs ow as.bere, ea& d M harm power. 710 tom
v sol 111 e • m mad le ha mea or lig, 1711-i hal* d to reed will he about 110 ellen Tb.,
n eeaf ktmtt ails. sed le hnwe t° etvlbstsa ewer boats a i .steed r to 1. mp app et
S mow` s7 penhrdsr 'wee Agra 'ltimm4ls'Ra1Ia gaimai ere of
/11m, and 1. W r lesttsit lrrrAl r
milgrtt +1uabr a W smosMna 1 Ia1iM nrwa� ltMrm
P1..p1e.w.Itrada. by illeetrletty.
la a mew IIagllek proem of making phos
plawas by electridq, the raw ..atrial and
sobs are al fed alto •.4ada117 dmigaed fee -
wee, rodeo= to vapor by eieekie heat, and
the vapor condensed nam marketable pear
perm. The elaborate chemical treatment
of the raw materials hitherto paetined it
.has avoided. The world'. rawest answer
tea of phosphorus le only .bots 1.000 tens
Oee4/an1 Neese,
Foreign electricians •ee begloa ag to lock
to aluminum se the .11411 best adapted to the
esamdareeme of Warr mars.
The .leettacal rapers generally oke not re-
joins at the nnpssltbd guesses of the resent
exscutlem. at Mug Rag by time altere•tieg
electric m 't 11.
The prey egamu R Ashland Argot railway
mammy, • sew e.rporatl n with a espied
of M0he00, Y to Mild as electric read .boas
eve mum lost.
North Carolina N 1. have nae of the
..gest delle railway lines is eta world.
it le to ren from Asheville to Rutherford -
tea, a Mebane. 1 41 mils. TM power te
sp.eets the road le to be derived ham water.
1the ta• a atwbd for broth freight and
pmenger tarries.
71. denude mesa stoat of the Mendes•
♦•ray greet railway, d Lawmen..,
.r .:.v,:.�.. . ...,, ... '-'.- IIMPIMbte „ . ,....:.;.ahs
One 25r. package will preserve 32 lbs. of fruit or 1" gallons of cider.
Full directions inside each package.
Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like it. You will find
it less than half the trouble and expense of any other method. More reliable
and accommodating than the Preserved Fruit, kc., even superior to the blot
" Canned or Preserved " fruit, kc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the
best known method of keeping it sweet.
Sole agents for Canurulia,
Booksellers and Stationers, QODLiUI'H, ONT.
Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square.
Plan. Talk le Pretty alrle Mew to Treat
Tomos mea.
Treat all young man ea you would like to
hare other girls treat your own brothers.
I)o not reserve all your smiles and brilli• for the opposite sex to the exclusion of
your own.
ib not lead him to think you admire him
what you do not.
Never permit • young man to speak
sneeringly of the unfortunate or aged.
Avoid any young ran who doe not re-
spect and cherish his mother.
Talk's cheap,but when it's tacked up by
• pledge of the hart cash of a financially
responsible firms. or company, of world-wide
reputation for fair and honorable dealing,
it means business '
Now, tbere are mores of sarsaparillas and
other blood -purifiers, all cracked up to be
the beat, purest, most peculiar and wonder-
ful, but bear in mind (for your own akel,
there's only one guaranteed Wood -purifier
and remedy for torpid liver and all diseases
that conte filum load blood.
That one standing solitary and alone- -
sold 00 11-101, i.
Dr. Pieroe's I:olden Medial Discovery.
1f it doesn't do good in skin, scalp and
scrofulous diseases • and pulmonary non•
enmption is only lung.scrofula - lust let its
makers know and get your homey back.
Talk's cheap, but to back • poor medicine,
or a common one, by selling it on trial, as
"Golden Medical iliscovery " is sold, would
bankrupt the largest fortune.
Talk's cheep, but only ' Discovery " is
"Plat Pm go(ag right leek ham•1" she in
Irrupted -
"I j.4 thosgbt I'd drop (Iowa lo ask" -
"1'm going! I'll be ready in tea .1111esr
"You kaiser, P>1nily, yea got mmhak.roas
b.c•ase r -
'•Cm going -bold o.--I'U er my things:"
she .:calmed, and she hmttied away.
"Lemma tell ye w.tha , said the husband,
as we at welting. "W linin le ems, critters"
They've gat 10 he hailed a satin way. It you
est year fed down keep it tar. If year wife
mese away don't folir. Jud waft 1141 Ms writes
Tom about three times. U you don't ma-
ker Mr shell rocker Toa Altus be cool sad
calm, end kinder hays trap Gx.d a you
kin board with • wtdder in wise your serf,
ear takes a skip. Redly will go back Mane -
sad be as humble se • cratmw7ed at in mid
weather, and it she .ver Winks over the
kuru •gin ell 111 have to do le to pins
towards New Yost to ,^bets, ler. Mont and good -by." -M. Quad le Now
York World.
Ooa4ibabnr (handing in hat -ti nl mane-
gaTipt1-- 1 think thee's ewe def a this
lot, Mr Abees " 1lditr t)slsrdmg over it
►a&til>>--"it Mrs es If tt was ell elm. Mr
Quills. Good .1.1.l.g "
"Mar We are Bks a prdselvitinha
Meng poet tree a olds
*ad thee, why I would Ulm M mole,
If bat the .wet seas to rehearse.
•'11ow, there gone • mem wren sada
piald7 Mow. Ormaiaw "t tit►
MUMk1 w aiag fee a
Oft ill _- - ea Air
Iran Not s-empese.
Mies Maud 4:rant, of Mountain, Ont.,
writes : " I can reconmead 1)r. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry for Soner
o.mpWnta and di• There is nothing
to compete with it as it succeeds even in
the se.ere.t mem" 2
Water as • M►dleesse
The human body is 000stantly undergoing
tissue change. W orn-out particles are cast
aside rad eliminated from the system, while
the new are ever being formed, from the in-
ception of life to its close.
Water has the power of increasing these
time changes. which multiplies the waste
products, but at the same time they are re-
newed by its agency, giving rise to increased
appetite, which in tam provides fresh nutri-
rnent. Persons hot little accustomed to
drink water are li.hle to have the waste
products formed faster than they are re-
moved. Any obstruction to the free work-
ing of natural lairs at once produces dil-
ate, which. of once firmly seated, requires
both time and ^hooey to cure.
People accustomed to rise in the morning
weak and languid will And the muse in the
imperfec',secretion of wastes, which manyaly
times nbe remedied by drinking a full
tumbler of water before retiring. This very
materially assists in the process during the
night. and raves the themes fresh and strong,
ready for the active work of the day.
Drag was nark.
Mybaby was very sick with diarrhea
and after everything else had failed I tried
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
the first does ire relief, and • perfect cure
,oro rwnited. -Airs. John (lark, RInote-
fteld, (hat. 2
w�fliw'sr", ,
Is Is t allay
To be struck by lightning on Monday.
To sit on a buzz maw in motion on Friday.
To break the mirror ycur wife's mother
gars you.
To fall down stairs with the parlor stove
on Tuesday.
To speculate with other people's money
and get caught.
To get wet when you tall oveNl.ard while
boating on Thur'.day.
To dream of snakes atter **king cider
in • prohibition town.
To is, • bill oollal.r over year right
shoulder on Saturday.
To see • bull -dog over your left shoulder
in your neighbor's orchard.
To see your overoo•t over either shoulder
as you pass out of the shop of your uncle.
To bet all your money on a horse whose
driver has bet his ^roost on another.
To marry on Wednesday a girl who prac-
tises with trm•pound dumb bells.
To spill salt in the coffee of the man who
bas the carving knife.
To be one of thirteen at a table when
there is food enough for only six.
elniatra'. Ll.sme.4 reffee s 5..awltps.
A 11Mte that Iran 11110.0110.
"Nome twenty-five or thirty years ago
remarked G. S. Hubbard, jr., " Air. Har-
rison owned eighty acres of land which is
now on the line of the Harlington railway
between Chicago and Riverside. 1 ave
the property was hound to increase in vane,
and so 1 made .p my mind to offer Mr.
Harrison tI200 .n acre for it I found him
in his office, seated on • rickety nod sofa
beside • dilapidated desk and warming him.
self before the fire Contained in • disreput-
able -looking, runty, begrimed dove. Well,
1 Dade my offer and he promptly rejected
it. He said he wanted 1250. 1 saw that
he meant what M said, and the conversa-
tion .Iron drifted bother tos. Presently
I remarked the ancient and hardly credit-
able appraranoe of the stove.
'1 ea,' Carter said, ' it is putty tough,
but it hofde the coal, and teat's all that's
Remnants to be cleared out, Perfect fits
and showy shapes.
The Wed-at.'f1.Br. W
•EXT: OF •
olera Morbus
O Li 1 C'e
The Great Remedy
"'Yo. teaget to be ashamed of yourself,'
I returned. '111 tell you whet i11 do.
111 jset Fs out and bay you s stove as $
" 'Yon will he y asked. ' Honest.
Well, then, if you'll do that, 1'11 let you I
have that eighty acres at p00.' A
"Sn 1 watt out and bought • stove and d
had it pet se in Carter's .1.... The whole
thing cyst me 114.56- As ..on as the fire
was burning brightly in it i d.wtsnlei the
deed to the land, paid the money and
walked out of the nem the absolute owner
of thee eighty sore.
Within • twelvemonth 1 was afsred 4100
an acre for the land and refused it.
' Yoe don't my en " he exclaimed. Tome
doers to my orbs.'
"We went. l'artertook down his honks
and in my ptene11Oe male the tat?
" 'To ars aloe slow. -$16,0011
" And M carred it right through his
brinks, tee. Afterward 1 add the sad for
tlass.sv111a ypsrssp.
" 1 bays used D,. Fowler's Titrert of
Wild 4trswh�+�vryy in m7 family wad can
h tasrhmi•owd it few Remorse Cr1pinhiet,
"SC Mfili,...INILAYIE1 Hants
R. J. E. obs,
Sole 9Mentemad Mood Sauter.
Omuta seartiag.
111j�e. a•� «a%om
ot . 'e (
:. stermistom _
.1th in . 114