The Signal, 1891-4-17, Page 8OPER THE TRACT.
A *rotor mks etIliewa s,ere,es .p
Marta t.eq\ mid ream 4 Isis
gird tar i:sa±e-GG1 wail avers green&
Tb. l'sewta stenoitaumy &elm 1. mere.
(aeon ore IMIONa lone• J
• Jim Klima left tledaelL NIP week fol E.
Jamas Fair, (linins, is lhlppiuu I.ra1. t..
Muss•ch memo.
Mr. Mctjuaig, t$t*er, shipped to .ars
of timber last week.
Wei. Clarke, of Eaae rills. lett Isar
week for Springfield, 11
Mr. ('...J s boa moved to the I:ralaw
faro, on the let enc„ Morris.
Ywlward 1:rimoldby teed wife. firmer's.
boat removed to Owes Si radt.
H. aesbia dueling `d tea. fur lintah Col
y, ash inst.
William Rumen, el the 5th luta, Morris.
bibs Ruhr to seek hit hetes* in Detroit.
W. Y. Wilson, of tis lis of ltseaditot k
Box, Sealorth, left het week a. a Wausesa
try, totbe F.aet,
Jos. '.tali Seafarth, flet with ell. met
dent by having his thumb flail almost taken
off by a cold chisel
The Presbyterians el Mlle I.rrcu have
replelatsilrel their 14.8. by the
tion of &bout fifty new balk..
air. Leyriad. of Wilier ,on of Ret.
Mt. Leyroad1, Las takes • penton. in Ihr
s stored .1. C. I :ilroy, Clinton.
John Rose, of Ri- i eta, sem of tbt• late
station. nester, has b
een mood ado nt in
his father's stead in the& phiee.
I;eorge Barrett, son•(at•lau .•f (:oor r
Blackwell, has left Wbdlau, to eek baa
fortune in Canada's Peale Province
Miss Emmeline a1o4Juierie, I •r a-) , u tak
ing a crone at the ',madam Busier.. t .,liege,
taking up shorthand and typewriting.
Mrs. Anew left for her home in Carberry.
Mai., on \Vdmesday et kat week. having
been sir Clinton on a visit to het utother.
Mrs. Uicksom, Leadbury, who rewired a
severe fall wlige coming from the horn in
the early part d the Winter, is tart aide to
be around yet.
The furniture that has been locked up in
an unused house in Clinton, for the past
Mx or seven y ears, is being shipped to its
outer at Winnipeg.
Wm. Jerrott and John Cochrane have
tapped 500 trees in Mr. Smith's ►nish. Hills
(;teen. They intend m.nut eat w tug a large
quantity of syrup this season.
A number of the of booth sexes,
d (:p'4y tow•trhyt. ora Area _ ►
Manitoba and others to the States.. Why
doesn't the N. P. stop this exodus
.Tames vtretton, jr., Brussels, be. been
Lid up for some time with a sore basil oc-
casioned from cuts remind frau/ broken
glans followed by something like blew"
W..1. 1►iiekson, Leadbory, had his hand
run into the gearing d his grain crusher a
few rays ago. and it was hurt ..o severely
that one finger had to be amputated at the
second joint.
Expositor : (lased the census euun{
int town had conte across a family of eleven
children. the parents being; mooned about
fourteeu leers.. It is almost ooueceoiary- to
g ay that they are of the Teutonic race.
Win. Kidd. V. S., Wingh,tm. returne.i
rneently front a visit to is.rtiooa of the
Wates of New York and Pennsylvania. He
intends visiting pardons of Michigan and
other 11'ester•n States before lie aren't'.
where Ise will locate.
Pias. Mc ay, of Seaforth, at the recent
nle.liwl examination stool at the heed of
the list. He not only succeeded M winning
the degree of M. 1). after his tame. but
Wok the gold medal. the highest honer that
could I.r conferred me him• '
4.eorge Baldwin, who lead Ibrent for the
t couple of years learning the 1insmithing
with Chart 1A' idol, of nes•
forth. left last week ter Tor oto. George
is a steady, s young man., and
will no doubt do well in the Queen ('it
line evening renew • hanging •lamp
in the jewelry stored 11 3Ierer, Seaforth.
fell down. The oil etwtk1 tire, hut was
amity extingt.islie*L J only dam*,
dare was the breaking d a Ohms can and a
little jewelry canoed by the lanip falling on
The other days the horse belotgiug t.. Mr.
t, Sea fort h, in
t in the rails
track and tell
(mutt OCR use . •1
A Naw Toweseas. - Andrew Green.
I e ardtem, hos area to reads
sit our berg. His pseswoe will help
e fill conte vacant tee in the Iwhslurs' rauks
*loch hive hero ..noir by maturate and by
twice pannier model ' he ..l :d tnstrinemy
of late.
PP:•sd....,. Writer 4'arpenesi, ileo gpe
ural ntanauar of Kiverwdk Fara, near !it.
Stephen. Inderirh township. gala• our busy
burg r pleasing visit this week. He sae
moth vaunted with the fall wheat crops
about here, also haring quite a'Lele&te whin
the laird ' el Iasdow tae on agricultural
In looking over the mouse d theme who
were joined in Hyseen's bowls last week we
notion' that our popular friend, Douala
MacN.vul, Ing at last surrendered to Cupid
is imw a Ilneml.rrof the bel,edlct hums
f :Ashfield. lh*ald for several amanita was
in our 'masts, h emg attached to the Morrow
threshiug t machine. and Ito perrwe in the
barn enlivened the buys in the mous, gal
M the bean cheered up the uai.kiu as kr
t.rhl .4 hes adventures during the day it this
bons. All here wish him and bus fair bride
A rosy future of many long years.
I itan.,, Si,t: Hall' Recently, upon booL
ing over the iteurof at: (Interim paper. we
notiee.l an dent with reference to a breach
d promise suit in which 1500 were required
t•. soothe the maiden's heart.'It plight have
Leen more. but the jurymen. *e think. loin
not Yauker. instincts an.l they favored one
of the pleas ..t define, to the effect that .he
had refused to milk the for the de.
fra.lant if she were 1.. join him for better,
for soar. ani elso that she wouldn't go
with him t.. the recent Toronto fou a Mee
pleasure trip there and back from l:uelph.
where the case was tried. Young sine'.. sit
this out for future thought.
'Phe following is the standing of the psi
pas of S. S. No. 9. ('..11e.rne ° 11unIo[I) Sen-
na fourth Ethel 4 unuumng. Heennrryy Horton :
junior fourth lassie Allen, Willie Mc 1.11-
ister, Horace Horton. James Tobin, denies
Young : senior third Mary Tobin. Grace
Shaw. Maud ljuaid, (:race Lawson. Willie
Shaw. Willie Tobin, Fairy Morgan ; *maw
second • Migpe McAllister, Sarah (ulh ert,
Lizzie Horton, 4 :antis Morgan, Eliza Votwg.
(:merge Jardine : junior see'owl Nellie To.
Inn, Fred. ljuaid, Albert Quaid, John
Shaw, John tut, 'ng. Beetle Quaid, .1
Young ; Part II. Roy Linklater, Rosy Oke
Loftus Cumming. Ellie Hrally ; Part I. sen
.r Alex, (Tutton, Lizzie Harker, 'Ilius.
•larding• : fart L, junior Rollbia• 4 ttlimiug,
Nellie like, Fannie Quaid, t'harliiyeo landiue,
Fre-Idle McAllister, Rees Heid. The
manlier of carnes on school register is 47.
A.,rrttii: If hk%.---Monlay afternoon of
this week the euntliioed muscular power d
a hundred) men all told, divided .off in bItt.%
by Sauteel•Potter and Wm. J. (bogie as the
"'ta leaders of *(now, was exerted in the errcti. u
of the massive elm awl black tell tinkers
of the new lar*, 36 by M. "Are you
ready, boys'" „Yea : ready r "Thou go
for it. boys. for up it goes, was the cheer-
ful signal. At the offset 'Major Potter's
side took the lead. the captain being ably
supported l.s. ,John Harker. Quick t.. the
rescue. like Leloei a..1.I, with the Admir-
al'. courage, swinging the .oumuuder right
sed left. Joseph Thompson waked up
Capone Rogir's side and with hearty cheers
encouraged them to pluck to{ which they del.
and ale victory was won by the latter'ssideby
'a few minutes ahead of ('apt. Potter's. The
railitgb passed off suet•easfully, awl the mus-
c,tar (7oteetants enjoyed the trial of
strength with perfect good-wUl os both
riles. After the supper some remained for
a social dance. which was heartil • enjoyed.
Praeger (lurks Morris, of (:arl.rai.d. did
the work of the newborn.
...nor Ln HAV a .0 DLit's. -The stateot the
mad a little math of the school I ie'is
1110k a subject of thought with some .1 our
resident*. one of whose thinks a deep .Train
%honk' 4.e dug and tile. should he need. ill•
toad of lull:bar, to carry toff the water. The
depth of the dtaiu if northward would 1,•
about eight feet and the length about a
quarter of a mile : but if 'southward it woukl
be six feet deep and a little longer. The
towts.ihip fathers. who will in about aux
week,: time cake their a Al inspectioon as
to needed repairs on the eats. with spades
and shoves waiting for the wagon with the
gravel to sparred, plight make the beginning
of the statute alar, Andy renurks, while
again the township fathers might view the
line of the drain and ronin! op which way it
would) nu' batter. and then the cost of it.
The resident. .*t that it will ret at least
1150. but if oriole it would h, one of the
grandest ppiseecces of repair the innate ever
r•tomplished by any of the to reship count
cil hoards of Colborne, past or nt.
Keck township father should give 't oink
thought in the meantime; and when he day
of outing coeds he ready with his wa on
this point.
(rune 1.1-41 ewe ' onaa,ero%DENT.
Several of our young people availed t nee
selves of the opportunity of attending the
Nuchal given by the Cadets .4 Temperance
in I...derich last Enda} night.
The plough is set at liberty •gamel
seedtime among the farmers has set in w i h
good respects. Several, encouraged 1.-
the gsuccess.I success which some met with I t
year, are going to sow spring wheat.
Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Stewart;'
is fully employed with all hands exrt•utitte
his spring orderl for fruit and ornamental
trees. His ex tense. e- greenhnuars are now r'
nearly at the height of their glory- e ith
plant* in flower.
Rev. W. Ayers, of Holniesville. prea. lied
the annual educational sermons herr ,owl
at Ethel sad Zion churches on the 5th inst.
We believe hie appeal was quite swegwful.
Rev. .1. Horns supplied for Mr. Ayer. at
Hnlmravill. and Kl.cnezer.
Another change has taken place .n our
postal arrangements. The renewal of the
contract for earning it has again lean r
cured by Jonathan `oilier. who. instead of
subletting it to Mr. 1 n•ws, carries it him
self. it sow lest .a. I ,..l•rieh slime 3 r. e.
sad ret uri4thither the same evening
Rev. Mr. Morl.o k, of the Meth
.xliat chur0h,sta• Tel on Menial for 1'relitdmi.
where hi.* .onferenee 'meta thisi year. on
t h. let h not , under the presidency of
leolep, of 41eveland, 4$Alo. The
Ghon -h, whose proper name is the Evangeli-
cal taimeintio n. brae ,n Canada twenty orae
L...I uuniater.: tear student*: hr.. %% per-
anouatea and forty five in the regular work.
TIM .VAIs of Tesnp•r•ne•e held a literary
entertainment .n their hall Isere 1.1 Mara
94th. a hrh era • vnat surce%a, as far as
ap•.ling an agreeable and pnt(ltahle even-
ing era ,..n,e•rne.l leo not fInaneially. as it
was one .4 the darkest and wettest night.
of the ..seam Thr 1'olets un.ler (;•pt.
Stewart ae. mttol thensaeltes very c►wjit-
ably. Tuesday evening. %pr,i 14th,theIleder
`are another entertainment and repeated
the peogram of the 24th ult
Janes M.l'an•r. of Toronto, a forme. -
aite, eighty three year. of age
=Ii hewing his p.nssnn at the hank of
Walesa/ recrn,ly Imp a steake of apoplexy
1! 1 to Ms Mete in the ended
sere. This le the tided stroke Mr. Meeasee
Iwo hag. se It is likely te prove lase(
Seinen-111e, expels
some way got its
while croseinngg the
down, ainasbing the limits of the ahem and
nearly breaking its leg. The horse id, {under
the care of a 1 . 8., bot will likely 1.e lane
for life.
W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, has let the con-
tract for the ereetios of a two story !rick
veneer cottage to ]Rama. Smith. Malcolm A
Oibsoo, the budding to be eonupletol be
• I+F 1st. It will be 31135 feet. interio, fin
Itched in ash. and will have •11 the modern
The work will le ...semen
and at once.
Norntan McCa•k. • meet worthy and
=rising young num of $eatorth, diel Site
h ins., oomataMtioa• He had been an
ninploye in the Breadlleot k Box furniture
foolery. and the mos of that estabbshn.etit
showed their rusMA /R the devmusol 1.
•ttenditg the fainlwl in • body Tues.lay
Mr. and Mn. Ivinm, Kippcn, pad the
misfortune of a ruartwa_y a few days ago.
While on their way to Hennll their horse
took fright at a pile of wood on the Fowl.
and. tenting round, threw then. loth out.
Mr. I,..00 had several rearbmkeu. and got
• 1 shaking up. Mrs. 'vision oreaped
with• bruise' wtid and a esteem nervous
Rev. Thomas Davide.. wife enol family.
t Wrote/ter last week New
warm* ysailedpe wby the
steamer Suite d Nevada The hesther wjU
probably bloom co the felMs.rl 41411 be
hate they start on the return Journey Rev
Mr. I►avided. s brother, a stur(ent from.
Kunz Cwill hires age of the tom
pppret '.flAMr. lrallwin
Poett cis alIy *d
oes°.: nehliered • m. pretty tall man
issegine thee the earprieewhir, • wee% sip lest Ts dal, et ey saw eau
hit eaaateri "Nast with his head
some few inch& 414 1r Wham usual. Many
were the gnosia tomb M to the son t reliant.butit was at last Mesoresoll kbat m !
d *14 hssl beim aminu,
S ion
the farm ei-a!lea 1M'•, to Win beds abrafair to de
hi. rival. ..p woe IONS One of them Mapy neon which oases
ripple of exriti.Mt etosuried at the rid-
drmre at Henry Amhara, it' being the mat -
his dao ter Wry_ *stet of Mea
riles ,nryii,) (e W A. Nesse, d
i et t silk ad beautifully attired
was EM wripient of
bet el, ea na
higamosa Ebb
wag a sed
yip fol
frien a
In itis reta..a M nos ea tweed
ween\ hose log a\ea1 sae bee Janiabea
Tea o 1.. all lee. I /roes Leap n boy.
Item Levet, n rawer.
[rein era no 7e meth a,R,N1,a\T.)
l'o'o any. -Mr. Frisad, the Asir leder
el the Presbyterian aLlormit, held a e what
to the town hall on Meade, evetiag. All
wh.. sere thereat enjoyed a rich musical
Ho ' Foe THE'N'arr. - A. Flack, a yugag
new very (arorsbfy keown is Winebaa,
will. um the 4th of May, leave the parental
roof for Winnipeg We believe ,t is net
his u,tmmel to make a perntansent stay in
the West, but only for • few months, but
wherever lie may heat.- we wish ham 1111c
Tits:. U.Li. THE S I -...the- The Millers
Joanna!, which is widely known throughout
the Ibuuinion, las copied an item which
appeared ill your humble servant's budget
te ricer NI...U. a leu weeks Shane. It had
referen.•e- to the popular firm of Hutton &
I are. It may be the former will •rply
through the col unlns of Tut ..eice .
:,.Ns Feer Willi,. K Noes: Rcrrsar,,.
- lira. Carr, of whom unions was moble
last week. Famed over to the. great majnraty'
on Imlay last. at the somewhat early age
of 54 years. lira. Parr was much respected
le all who knew her. Much sympathy is
felt for the 'bereaved hraland and family.
Ile. 1 ars is considerably her semen. thus it
is somewhat land that he should now be
bereft .4 the helpmeet *ho for so many
year. has cheered his home. making It glad
wit b her presence.
Leat Io. Toot.. J. Kerr hs sold out
his restaurant establishment to • Mr.
Spading. of tlint.n.. Mr. Kerr will be
tl missed in 11'0, o.
tHe '
m u mor
z Khan
sh the tpful neuter o o / t . I_ 11 A. of this town,
also holds important office ill the('. 1►. F.,
also A Met church worker, especially in
the Sunay school department. We be-
lieve it is his inteutior. to start up a grocery
in Loeb.. We wish our good citizen suc
ceps in his new enterprise, and in the
strange vicissitudes of this life may he
never forget "Auld Lang Syne."
iYmxT Ass Tilt.%, A''.w t. ('oral
1l rent h I'm -neer, where is it ' and
What is 0 ` Surely 0 mlut he a place of
note. or your - . t would not yet
the big edam' that weekly appears in Tut:
Si, % u : but be it Lig or small, your .urree-
p ndent is a hustler and no mistake. An.I
again. mho is this elegant writer for
I Midi ` Surely he, too. must be all
although - kms budget is
sriew-hat dinn.nutive : he scolded us for
finding fault with the weather last week,
while we in turn roll hien for not stretch-
ing out his budget to a somewhat bigger
length. Now. Mr. I)uulop[, take that, digest
it and it will do von gon.l.
(rats sit -410\x'. c"mkrw14"•10 .T.]
WM. ('allesder haul the misfortune to
have ole of his horses foundered on his way
to Manitoba.
11-e think the board of health .'toul.l look
around. for rosily there is a strong smell on
the eerier of one of the principal streets.
Rev. Mr. Ottawa', .4 Walton. pprrcache'
its the Methodist church on SuwLv last.
and gave a very interesting dis.uree morn
ing and evening.
We now have another station agent in.
town, woo resides at R. R, Jeffrey's. in tool•
shape of a tine bouncing 11oy preemie.' to
hint by Mrs. Jeffrey.
Who would believe that in this age of
temperance sentiment you alight sae a
dnwnken ran om the streets of our village 7
Rut .0.11 was the case this week.
1'. Simee left for Toronto last *risk. He
hs taken a situation in Kingston. His
plate is taken in the popular dry goods
store by 11'nl. Habkirk. Percy will be
missed hy the boys.
Nev. Jos. Edge, of Clinton. delivered an
excellent 'retire in the Methodist church
on Monday ./'eking, (u the subject "Take
nark the things that you have borrowed. -
Mr. F:ddge is an able man on this line of his
\. %Yilkcn is laving hi. house renovated
and p•intel. and when finished will have
one' of the mast convenient homes in this
village. He is a hustler. perhaps from the
fact that he cam. from Uncle Sani's domin-
ions. Never nein.. boys. "hurrah for the
little:nor-wakes e lieu yon * wt any boots
50.1 *Looca..'
[rlt..0 Oil; u* x .nakI011..\l 1.\T.1
Isa.w• Reid. ..f Exeter, was Isere this
Miss Mary- Liddy left on 11 el eeday for,it.
Mica Mary 11•alwin, of I:aletich. waa
home (:eat Sunday.
John Erwin, *h.. has spent the winter at
his home, left for 4hdlatnl. Mich., on Mon-
Re sure and attend the S. A. meeting
next 'unday. Lieut, McCullough has a
secret to announce.
H. Hastings, of l'etrolea, and Mw ehep-
parte of Go.Ierich township. were the guests
bast week of H. N. mung.
lin Monday morning John E. Morgan
left to seek his fortune in Kentucky His
teeny friends wish him sneer**.
)n.aturlay night, Sunday niter: mon and
ni#t' !'apt. McPherson. of the Rescue
H e, Stratford, addrmeoerl large audiences
at the Arniy hall, and gave an interesting
••cotint of the work done by the Salvation
Army in this particular branch. She wan
also soliciting assistance to carry ns the
Knnl work, awl thanks those of Rayfield or
their help. Capt. McKenzie was to have
taken the trip. tut being unwell was until,
to ole et, and sent Capt. M •Plena., in her
vigstam opened here on the 14th, and
with it s very serous secelent happened
Capt. A. Ere in. As he was piloting the air.
.Annie Rooney. of the Bratty Gee. up the
Itay-f,hl Rivet in thick weather, not cheek
ing down as til- law requires, he l.rntght up
on Stu Neut. ail not knowing the
stitnd& 1e was in lowered a lent and went
ashore and foend he was within a mile of
ft.nyside Farm. so he thought the hest
Wag le. . mull de wag to hire out to plough
ler the semen Commodore sant is mach
distressed over the a,c•idrnf.
(thee hotels h* r lately Leen
w spring renovating and cleaning. .1.
F. Swart* 1..e plane.) a door at the owner
keeling into the hat and has had the on-
ions nest r.papere.. and is preparing tee
a large number .1 swnmer sisters. A. se•
tial, thin papular hon., will he full. R.
Ru,). of the 1'nmmereiel, Inas given his
holier a thorough ,•I anin and will .len have
• hnseefn:. Fed. Elliott gine the Al.
biro • gond eleaning to andreport. hen
mos )w.nm ing. Andy Iia (keel d to remain
Kura this essnmer, and smiler his ma•.g'
meat everything will he tint alma.
(aeon ova o*. ousasstro7 DOAT.
I"you Tarrant: K7rtwruu*tiy, --The
'sew Tesep.samee Hall hen will be emend
stnrr.liat rsd y, April Shad, by •
srary e•telioes a artier
the aatepwws of South star Lodge. No. 493.
Addresses will be doh* stat by J.E. W i1ua,
6. W. ('. , of Galt, and Thea wle.., grand
eslratary. Prof. Moran and his daeg►ter,
raki, will also assist in the snesisa1 psrtioa
of the entertaitasart, m additiaa to which
there will be • good selection of veal anti
music try local taiset. This
gemaiem to be use of the iireat,
e srtafamente ever is Harm moiety. towards liquidating debt co hall
Duma epee at 7 r. e., sr$ertaiaseat to
e..rnen s at 7.30. Admission, 16 eta All
are invited.
(anew 0141 0*. ]
Dr. Anew, of kxeter, made a abort tail in
town Tuesday.
The nwelwus held their regular quarterly
tweeting on Tuesday afternoon on -
The street committee have been very
busy cleaniug up our front streets. They
have made a great
tin Sunday Rev. A. Potter. of lhlugsanon,
occupied) Rer. Mr. Edge'. pulppit, and
preached two excellent seniteas Rev. Mr.
dge took Mr. Potters work in Dim
The death d Ile. M. McTaggart pus re-
moved one of our oldest awl meat respected
residents. By his industry and honorable
dealing he amassed • large fortune. He was
wide) • known throughout the county, and
he will he greatly mussed in Many circles
(been A \uTHE6 t..11.M,i..\nn.T.;
N. Robson, grocer, is the proud pumeasor
d • young .oto.
Smith Kelty, of St. Marys, is visiting
(ricotta in town.
Min Madge Ihokert) has teswned her
studies at
Alma College.
Mrs. J. 8. Hooded' has returned from
a visit to the circular town.
The t•ouncil has placed a large .tatf of
men to work at scraping the streets.
Mises Susie Avhawon has taken a lunation
in Beesley's millinery estabinshment.
The Doherty Urges' Fs tory Co. have
reduced their time to seven hours pec day.
Mrs ('Ito. ('ole. of Flint. Mich., is vine
ing her parent.. Mr. and Mrs. 3... South.
Public School Inspector Rohb has pur
chased the residence of H. Fitzsimmons at a
goal figure.
Mr. Quigley- los resigned his position at
the Doherty organ factory and ias moved
out of town.
The W. C. T. C. at ter [tat 'meting_
derided to get up a .or-ert for the benefit
of the poor in tows.
Feed Jackson ha. secure.) the house late-
ly occupied by Inspector R 11,11 and will
move into it shortly.
The board of Ratten.bury street Methodist
church are trying to purchase a suitable
place for a psrsmege.
Jno. 1 umninglanie has sold out his stock
of groceries to .1. W. Irwin, of the Times
Grocery, at a rate on the dollar.
Rev. .1. Carron, jr., occupied the pulpit
of R•tten)ury .t. Methodist church last
Sabbath. Loth morning and evening.
The countenance of AAL ,John Stee
wears a b,.as'smile nw-iug to the
a brand Ilea' wife. May joy and halptpiness
attend t hen,.
The Independent I ►rkr of Foresters here
have thoroughly cam -aired the town for
new members am.l lure emxeeded well,
having thirty persons ready for initiation.
.I. C. Gilroy. au .4d time Pointon business
naw, has bought the stock and goodwill of
.1. Wiseman. Mr. Gilroy is an eoergetic
business ma., awl, no .doubt, will push him-
self to the fmot.
A meeting of the Coliate Institute
bean) was held to consider crnIpl* uta
against the staff made pry an otitcirue young
man in town. The iotrol decided the charges
were trivial and adopted • strong resolution
is favor of the principal and his assistants.
(tains ore OWN iNeita .1.oN DENT.1
R. McMahon spent Sunlay in town.
Miss .1. McDonald is visiting in Chinon.
Influenza is very prevalent in chi. village.
11'm. Rr•ontlfoot has return. l from Ind
axe, Mich.
P. McGregor has returned from his trip
to i
Mia. •h Mustard is spending a few weeks
with friends in Paisley.
Arthur Masa lou finished his term at the
business college, female), and is home.
H. Anderson and T. Tye left for Chatham
Monday, where they resume their studies.
Remember the line light views of Paris,
in the Royal Templars' Hall, Thursday !
Joe Attwoal, relief agent' b. T. R., who
has been stationed) here. left for Dublin. -TI,
There is some talk of a new church being'
erected by the .omgregation of the late Rev. -
John Ross_
Wm. Kaiser leaves for Brandon, Man.,
Tuesday, taking with him a carload of)
stock, etc.
Moses Dixon leaves for Port Huron,
Mich., 4.Vednesda) taking with him the
celebrated young horse, "I:en.,el /:onlay.•'
Sorry to Ione you, Mese.
John Rose, son of the late Thos. Rase,
has been appointed /i. T. R. station agent
here as suecessr to his father. He is an
energetic and obliging young Baa and is
bound to su cowl.
The gonial spring show held ken Tues-
day. April 14th, ties largely attended, but
owing to the ram in lite afternoea the crowd
was not as large as it otherwise world have
Leen. The louse show was the beet held
here for a Irntg time.
sl/esose.-a se emenses 5.r sebeliase--Orn.
mimes.till dee elan -TM Ael\dt ogee
Ism req oepsee l Mee lis - aravMlga-
al eeriness -N M.. tenet,
(neon oca owx cMaileMamaaT• )
Wm. Lane , tow trhipelate/ At aid, iso
the county tows this week the
Aaaim Court as • member ef the pondcry.
Division Court will be hag here on Fri-
day. 911th April, when an iatmusting &ase d
Jas. Maliis v, msai imalttin d Wort Waw-
smosh aid lakMld mal be brought up.
les.. Jas. Harlow, J. P., Ashtiehf, dor
ing het week had the misfortune to loss
one et hie horses by sackers. it bong as
masa of colic. The lose is the greater ow-
ing to approach of spring work.
Fall wheat, owing to genial rams, is
looking well a tibia vicinity. and the pros-
pects or the farmers and others are glomi
at peasant. Weather is*et, wetter, wettest,
but warm and springlike. ((cads are had
fur travelling toeing to cull aut rain.
I►t•7e..sso. Sand. 1.e,wt Ir.. Jai Black
has recently purchase.) property from the
syndicate, on which he intends to ootstruet
a beautiful residence. N'. presume .lam..
meas 10,mete w more respects than ear ;
of .ourme, we may infer the beautiful reel -
deuce ..s more important matters. Se
to Ii the wish of all and *unary of
his aapu.ontancee
1-E sir Poi , licit". On Sabbath
not John, jr., of Aahtieiel, was
the happy recipient of a sou and heir to the
manor. He is in great eseusy over the ar-
rival of his bouncing boy. He le now the
happy father of a titer and Goo. We
congratulate Mrs. and Mr. MaIlougb .0 the
arrival of the heir, hoping that both chil-
dren will be hong spored to them.
Our popular merchant, R. J. Crawford,
menu husitiess. He is daily receiving
splendid lines of spring goods, such as
prints, slirnuws, nittonades, factory and
%arioee other things in his line of the hest
quality that can be procured in the market
.miter t.. the tinea anti season. He cor-
irdially Moves an inspection, feeling confi•
dent he can ant the wants of all who may
favor him with their patronage in quality
,of roods amd at the most pc'.
FD '''ATt..N - Ren. ,los.
Edge. of (linte1u, and Austin Potter, of
1►unpfa.non, on last Sabbath exchanged
pulpits. Rev. J. Edge discoursed on the
e,lant Iona l system Met Widen church
at morning and rveniug services, and
advo.sitel the claims of the educa-
tional institution .4 the church oxo
the tmntbers in no small degree, and with
t vigor a o
for the support f the
gee► pedaled
coin in hand- We
are informed a liberal
res eonse was made to the au
The late Mi.. eine Oaks departed this.
life on Friday night of lain week, aged
eighteen years and nine mouth,. Her death
was caret by . Her amen,*
were interred in the family plot in Dungannon
cemetery, being escorted thither I. a large
number of sorrowing relatives, friend., end
acquaintances. The obsequies, were con-
ducted by the pastor. Re.. A. Potter. The
bereaved another. sister., brothers and
other relative, have the heartfelt and sin•
cera sympathy of the.onununrty. Her end
was p eace-
Eurrtrto.At_•Ih1 Thun.lay of last week
P. S. i..I. E. Toro, Esq.. paid an official
visit to our .cha.l ,n the forenoon. He put
the pupils in charge of Miss T. Hawkins,
assistant teacher. through the various ex-
ercises in which they are being taught. and
expressed himself in this main well pleased
with the good order maintained and the
progress that is being made. In the after-
fterneon the pupils of this principal, A. McKay,
were examined) in the .lifferett tranches of
study from !hind form to fifth. inclusive,
and which hr d the teacher
for the excellent order maintained through-
out the examination, the good feeling that
evidently exists between teacheranl pupils,
also the progress that the pupils are making
in the rarinus branches of the school ear
nculunt in the above forma Inspector Ton
is satisfied that there is good work being
dune, especially in the principal's room.
The Nile in his last, refer-
ring to the genie of football which osme off
on I :on.' Friday- between t he pupisd Dungan -
non and Nile s•hools, seems to be not sigh°
tie.l that the Dungannon boys gained such
au easy victory. He also stated that I have
been misinformed on the sob' Now s
to his statement that several of the players
were not school boys. etc., i am informed
on hle authority that there was
osly one who played who waa not • school
boy, and that use for reasons which an be
given if required by interested parties, ole
of which was in part to make an equal to
some who appeared from the Nile neighbor-
hood, who were not nor have been atten
school for some time past. If the referee
did sot all a game he, as I an informed,
and that credibly, del sot exercise his func-
tion as such as he ought to have doom
e Dungannon boys are confident that all
they onsdu tel t emselv. during the game
with -d their opponents,
and if the latter Js.ire to in another
fnsedly of football they are willing
to ester it when the pupils of the Nile
school express a desire to de ss. 11'e hope
this will suffice.
MATRIMONY. Ili.. Theresa Davidson,
.laughter of the late Roht. Davidson, of
1)unpenem, was on Wednesday, the 9th of
Apel, united in the bonds of satrimomy to
J. Holman, both residents d (Ufiord vi ,
Steele county, Dakota. U.R. It is
to her relatives, friends an" t-
aros to know that she Inas male • good
hoice of a partner in life, one who hLI
high positions in the amity in which he
byes. and who a highly respscted by all
who know him, and in additions to this is
prsse..0r of • goodly pontis of this world's
Anode The bride cannot hut he hearth
congratulated by all her friends and wel
wisher. upon basing wade such • mboi..
hoping they will have • happy smd
union. Mrs. Hob ane ldt the
home circle nearly two year, ago, which
was • great source of to her mother,
sisters. brothers and all who knew her, as
she was greatly beloved owing to her *mi.
able and gentle alienation. fora was aam-
idetent, makes member d the P
church hawing eenneeted bendf with it
when very yen g She ago taught Sabbath
school, and was mach endeared to the
pupile seder her charge, and s1e teak great
interest in and in every possible way en,
deavrrod to promote the good mime of
religion. it is, however, • great surae of
matfett to her relatives and friend• to
know that a kind Providence hos bees dirwet-
ing and protecting her sham she left the
family rink, which separation took place
on account of her serving beim then re-
quired by one of her brothers who Uv.. a
bnI )<. d (idarak. is MOOS
Joni& Berton, of tiedsrisk, visited hire
this weak.
Farai work, with *vim and swinge
will neve the •iteation of the farmers
wow for tie spring semis of 1191. Sans
old plowing was leas hist weak, Jest
Chisholm tinting the first soden Thunder,
the 9th lana
Uto Nor Coria -Mr. Nanny did sot ar-
rive here to hold service on Sunday, •ed •
prayer meting toss oontloattd hugged by
owed tie eiders, ami.t d by several of the
ohueeb tsembora Late ratsrday growing •
despatch was rewired from air. Nally
Mating that he had not en5otemtly recover -
rid treat his late Ulsss to allow him to
oommenee work at caoe, but expected to
arrive at (:oderioh Boase time this week,
and take the services at Lesbian and
Union church m the 19th Wet.
The follow' sg is a list of the
made a $ 8. No, 5, l'olboree, at the moat
ng-vexamiwtwa : Promoted from Third Fast
to Fourth : (mac Hetherington, Anne Ma-
rk, Henry Heston, Grace tJeisld, Jesse
Mc1Yhiasey. Promoted from Hewed to.
Third Foes :- Maggie Horton, Herbert
Taylor, Alex. Horton, Fred. Boyd Pro-
moted frets Part Socusil to Sewed Form
Milan Heston, Belk Cheney, Ethel 'lustros' ,
Oars Telford, Rachel ( bolt, John Thurluw,
Stephen Arley, Vusay Boyd, Jennie Kirk
Promote! frons Pan 1. to fart
L: Med Horton, Mollie Robinson, Susy
Fisher, Mark Horton, Herbert ('uok, Min:
MeVoann,lggie Kirkpatrick. Annie
Taylor, Mice wBoyai, .Alfred I.itttirld.
(hell ma owe onsalero• oat. j
(>'Mtr•ee of Me lamessel sem of
till la. treabie--A vislkye
Soo weltdo ewe el\IrN damme
lis sgUgssl game .less .&noose.
(►tum ora Ow] We I{tttZtatyT.t
tis iMak, the beet -black . u argued ag ia.
la vnppe is making himself knows 'real
hen again.
A. M. Mcl:....4 sulfa roe( from au allot
d Is grippe.
A. Heater torlk • business trip tot rn,
rich hist week.
Football ea the park is the aaa..ensent
the eveoiags now.
Edward t.ritsoldby and wife hair teat,,
d to (liven Souse.
Mrs. A. Hester was milled to Loseloa as
ea0ount d her sister'. Ulm... Monday ha,
Mrs. Pearson Iia• returned hone fret r
extended visit with mammon at Poet Hero
Wm. Hartley haa disposed of his bour..i
fed besieges to Mr. Koff, lour men ham,
d Nowak. 1\'Ill is going to the had of
the .sttiutt awn to study law. We wish Ira
suiste s.
LACSAMPla The lacrueee buys held theti
tint meeting last Thundsy eight, . pally
number being in attead*no.. The belles.
ing °ddicers were elected': President, e;',
Sooldeld ; t, Mr. McIntosh;
Capt , John Malan ; see. teas.. , Wit
James. The boys are goteg to to win tad
are Write oon&1mt that they will hold their
ow. A lively time nay be expected t41
(monis ora ow!' ellatinn,s(ANT.) coning 15"N1
Mr. ani Mrs. 1Y. 1:. Murdoch. d Luck- "A Wier Four [lady
use1, °pant a few dlaw Wit weak vial worldbb° : We tchllat t e Io llo urea w ter
here. timi 1 to Hatch at the Tolbwing goner..
Putting 21-11.. stem and 14-11,. stone, throw
Min Annie McMillan returned to Wood- ung 16.141. ami 12 lb. hammer, teno
stack atter spending a few .lays with ing the °ober and 56 Ib weight, standing
tt•iendr. anti running biros." maps. standing •sd
John Raid u rakuug for• tanning high jump!, hitch Ltd leek,
having his tarn raised and a foundatics vaulting with pule• 100 yards ran, and IB
built under it. over hundlesand three quick pumps. The
It is Ibeceening a pror,•rbial saying that, match to be for not leer than 0 a odea
notwithstanding the seven night trusts, the Thu challenge will Ile left opo till the 1st
wheat appears to be in • good 000tht rat. d May, and if accepted must le competed
Maty people here are sutferioK cannon at the Caledonian games in Strathroy. May
severe attack° of la Tu., mono, oar" 25th. To show that we meat lessmtes. ax
..e' have deposited ns with Alex. Mcl'hersoa,
cannot be taken at this season d the year. pr ,printer of (jtuoen'. Hovel, Stratht.ry.
We are sorry this weak to report the Hoping to hear frm. wsie of the LU round
sickness of Mrs. F. Melanie awl her da•g11- met. Signore. Ae•Hla St•errr, W. F. s. 'err.
ter Janet, now suffering from alammation. Tut Monte*-+ (.AnK sir H..,,o. is
It u hoped they will soon ree•neer, the evening d the 6th of April a number d
We ere sorry to note the death d Mrs. young men were en in • gage calla
Geo. Hutchison, formerly d l.ochakh, who 'make. Two of thepunned sought the
died in Hingham on the 4th inst. The re- cellar of ('apt. Sweet a rnattieuce. The r
monis were interred a l.c,i•lehie1xrY, . h s ;
and were follows(' by a large number of host no harm would result slut i. Ilene
triton. ill a few n.inute. they were surprised te
.John Pickeringhas secured the privilege hear the n lilies Sweet asking w
p eK 1 kat
of running a stage between his pier awl they were doing there and to crone out. on
Luuknow. AU parties desiring lookingto where she stood they taw that
must notify him at an early tate, sa the she held a revolver. One of them, Robert
colts are wild. Mails will be delivered - McNaught ni, gate the mate of Bin' and
when so desired asked her to stove away from the .los
w hik they mate out. She ales
stood her ground and mid "I will ask yea -
three times awl them if you do not come eat
1 will tire." After asking the three tins
and no !papoose she fired, the ball enter
Henry Mooney's right elite*, musing a vee,
slight wound. Lieutenant Ferguson seat s
soldier, who was at the house, for the poli..
He arrived, anti ordered the boys out ori
to go Iwooie. They &the boys! were arrested
on the charge .4 trespass. Lawyer Tayybbit
appeared! for the defence. Reeve brahea
and .1. P.'s Heater and McFadden sat spm
the ease.. Mise Knox. • Salvation ldj•,wke
was visiting with Mise Sweet. gave to -Ideas
which was rather mixed up. Mies Sent
told a straightforward story ani did set
Lisch under the stern looks and &oras
tints of the attorney. A num•
bier testified as to the I.oy's playing hunk...
The detente tried to prove that the charge
won not properly made. but the boys were
final one dollar and costa The evert
house was literally packed.
(nu.M oc•* owx 1-xoaasxPUNDENT.I
Quite a number d our young people took
- in Mrs. Armstrong's concert in Luckmow
on Friday night last. Although nsny n(
the noted i who were expected
to take part absented) tlautrelres, they all
reported having had • good tune.
11'n.. Davis has resumed work agau, in
the mill, a fact annouueed by the buena
..w and noise of machinery Conlan w'nt upon
- the rush d business. 11'i11 intens clearing
- the yanl before harvest and hope. now to
be able to inset all the'lenient's o f the pat
nrriizing public.
t u expected that with thereturnof Sprang
many of the fair ones who have Igen away
in natant Lads will return to re-vinut the
home. of their youth, and to be welcomed
tie a.lmiring I'arantatut peop,k. it is
ways pIss.ant to see ala retena of such,
especially W the interested.
One .4 our young nen went to Clinton
recently to deliver a horse which he had
sok' to a buyer of flat town. When he got
there be found that the buyer who certainly
did not understand his business would not
horse. Ruyers should not buy
until they know how to buy.
There was quite an interesting time at a
resent meeting of the Patrons of industry.
The Paramount Stn, the organ of that
society. awotaine.l something uo si,er.a
abusive by one of the members. He soon
because store abusive that Thr Sun, *rad
eridently by his proceedings forgot that he
was • tea', whose duty it is to give leas than
h e receirea
E'rrsr'is VENT. It i, expected that
before long Paramount people will he favor
ed by seeing the celehr.ted dream, ,Ten
Nights mm a Her Room,- acted :on a Para-
momnt !fort Everybody should :on
t'hrist,an Eckmier commenced ploughing
ism Mowl•y.
Robert Dobson spent a few days last
week under the pareutel roof. He left as
Weln••s.Lty for Manitoba. His daughter,
Tillie, is spending a few- weeks with her
H. F. McAllister was laid up with
severe cold last week.
WHAT WE Wo,1.i Lila: TO Nara. -Warn
weather --Good roads- -A few repairs mode
in our sidewalks A few loads of gravel pie
between the Methodist church amid the wet
end of the sidewalk An example made d
1. very Y go
the p,aetie. who have been s alim(
to see t pay. The oornpany, which hes_ butter, poultry, dc. -A argec nmmber
only been in existence tor a short time, re• tending the prayer meitlmgs--A football
dtuei eeive great praise on all hands for the cluh organised at once -A few sew hoose
' manner in which they act their several erected this summer -A celebration in os
parts. Lim/ out for more definite informa- village on May 94th.
WAWANOSH. (nudm o e owls • . )
(ram orn tows .) Mrs M Murray, dP•ramount,sad
Messrs. Jos. Laidlaw and .Jos. Smteltzer Mr. Sutheran(1 paid . dyfmt ret to tis
are this week serving on the jury at bode- Misass Stewhut het w 14.
A Sias Snot or Amax... --The sumnts
[rias ora user . .1
.lances Maclean, epeeist organizer for the
Patrons of Industry, orglaia.d an assooia-
tido in S. S. No. 1, Hay, an Monday even-
ing, the 6th inst. Twe.ty-one mernberw
were initiate.' the first nicht. with • pros-
pect of disabling that number in. few weskit
The nAk'ers for the lest quarter are : Presi-
dent. Rro. Roger Nortboott:'.s.ttdIe.a t,
Henry Smith ; secretary, W. H. Jokester" ;
treasurer, Won. Ndr•thcott : guide, Peter
Munn ; sentinel, Wm. irRri..; Minerva,
sister Johnston ; Ihosetox, mister Nerthentt.
On Monday, the 6th ism., over one her
dyed rigs formed a prwsmmim to follow the
remains of the late Thomas Cling to the
Kxetw tonsetery. For ever forty years he
hail been r t en the farm en whish he
died Int 6, math homedary. Daft that
time he lamede a large .Mole et Meld" .ad
whs tear with the
hemmed family. died teas years
previous. His elilibma trate aY ism.
whoa he did. Tenn ars hoot lie 1tro
one Neal Denver, err tram Rolan O.
mer bin Painsevflle.
The P. d 1. meeting of Vampire Associa-
tion last week was not very well attended, -
as the night was wet. After this it msec.
Wdneday- on or before the full moon.
Poets who sang of "Welcome Spring -
leaves put forth in had
Should praises ring d • better thing
Than the season d such mud.
The time has cone when Inc feathered
of the wood must suffer to adorns
the timer of the gentler am, hat of
1 these the crow only las maws to coin.
plain K e have this week tis. everted the death
of . mho M into.
in the death of Mee. Noble Wb1a1
whist nncurr,d in 4beton on Meniy, the
lith ins. the ossmd
ay se eaers eu fee
eldest reeidena , she bsin as the M\s at
kr death M the wham/ psi delft-
binds are again bringing their wive' iste
stew homes. One (4 our y friends toil
he (loins, the same thins shortly.
A number of tar young men took a ,lay
sucker fishing at the nEightewn•mile river
with a seine and scoop sets.
The last oars of woad -bee aver was curet
on Ratwnxay last.
A large nor
umber d our roumg fnends.
with a low d tow Ripley bell.., spent s
wry t eveming Iasi week is the hue
d J a McKsstnig.
On Thersday of lest week ease d Alex.
McGregor's cattle tumbled into a manger,
J cQu , .d the 11th con. He which ranited ie no feather injury than the
- died otos Tuesday. On Thursday his re- Inas d one horn.
taint were interred is the Kinloss cams- Oce ei our your` mar. 01111 loan" ha
ten. We offer sympathy to his bereave/ 17nwl*g •cross the mad&
-wifenI (stow totem In • 1
ad seated William Murphy. age 13, ret
(nen ova our 1siding at Mrs. S%HHvao's, sear {W rinse.
We ha.' • &all from Gen. Mangrove in was playing w iii sever•l oolwp_Oks• will
the capacity of ems= • loaded revolver Wednesday eviMEg d his
We have • New tailor in town in the per. week, whew the ocntea4a melm
emi d Arohr Wsh taws,, h•rgrd iiai. Ifide dsaloiate
1c. grippeA.hbs s.:11 -ill gnmge wihi. runehims..Mra n the regiom d 1^e liver, ani &toed a
Flukey has been very ill, hat is on a fair roadrealdiacsever* w arhid. 141 -
ht Ms Di.e1i, d tNr
to ^may. p1ace. who was foetesstely near at had.
Mr. Watt awl family. d Idaho, were imtmeliate4y attended to the ease.aal W
ma ginagg at John Rerge..' na their way to the int,y ren the r to Mr. Ism ale tls's r cit
Mimitoba, when they emend to reside i dente furl the rolaol°iolg whits tis widest
the liana ow,d•en•.rl, and dig his rimsest M W W
1Ym Bray, jab , our
taller, hsm
to bwllet,hnt was .eshley tohe s. The delis*
tag slay IR. sakmiy, Iiiii 1, McDe .U.
Tomato to leans the nailer system of cot calperl in onewlt•ttos bash Ik 1 ab
gag and Mama. V1'il1 i. • clever workman hat up to last evening they Moo net hem
a..l o doubt `will emosed. *Ape to poste tis beitlewaA. TM Mkwse.
G. Ping, • former resident d err vinare reaidisg a Uetm, s si4
bee Is
sa imsiJled as a Mr. Tat. fa •ld arrived today. 44*' Nb rktg
tam's ware a Relgrave. 8'• have n, doubt set is the wee•/ m I sea
bet he will be were efel, as George wee It may prove (*4.1 if the 1tdlN ai mst hs
s goner*1 f*verk.1aye exhorted. The .bre. meting le i.sSNr
Joh M. Campbell, of Reeler* who hod dflolbsllsttmyymmdM 6e.l rrrbyMbysEliM
hose studying tredidie for the lest nix elise M set he allowed to have ous► illslppr'
maths in PM1defyhs, has returned hems. err Sartre* in utak.....■.Sri.+
i'ra N es
pour beta Mid
emoted, 161141
'owl es 416. ,
of re sdasae
say advertises
111 F, I'E(
•' 1 N Swot 1 " a
ellkellar IIN
. W*0 model
t rims,* fee
as las rale.
our x.11.4 lilwe 1
14,51 a Jtesp•ad
pwbtic ansounna
., ,.AI- would bra
.u.. we have deal
, 'tank rf.*r Ma}•
p.h s "watt " bu
•s *ill
..t brit
▪ the
tart thbite,4 ones.nenwecWAXleTTC YE1is117R4TU7114YTADVRI
iso & 4ILL 4
'.11 RC Y A
r0 E5pl'1
Tu .y,l'7lp
w Leah cion rP 1
*.•,k: ifwyua
x le l a the a
(,.1:as ing ase A+
F'ety morels d
.:ndertweot (1 ,
Trn *eel+tis
wail Fie 1 eirted I
oar u,ont1.. W\
Tris rtn:ssL N
fight medium !e 1
('rash tenet ace
s..!rrs- all co
4• ED41 W.
l line. ApNI
1`' ANTED-
wanted -A a de
Acid to treed glib
would pester do
ku.} cheeks and
I .l.oatd ht. her
And her age
%% Ilk • fans. tote
Wright Iv, aIII
(N courts, if .hg'
1 *ill not (Meek
With an riser ta
Avid will net ski
I am light comp"
rive net eleven
1 was :I y sari al
And I'm not of tl
1 weigh ern. l gu
Tho' that isn't is
I !.aver gamble,
1 once.- , oesti 1
\n* if any sous
't his advertise's
And *i.he. to et
.,r wend me Me a
1o,e your [alio
't oat it won't be
A ud if is the ea
\t'e will hare es
1t. hie KAY, i
4'1 late humor I
Iasi heard of .
Ilodrrh'h, Osler
lnq th. protan
.111 4 tha*kf
$TBI'H[N R>)<I
I Aa`,,W,,,a 8T1
AR11to .0
Hon Ii Aeisstg
ileac* en
wortaka• kses •
11168 DER8
evearlag resolved j
Oaf et Use boo
CkIiiK ids
The fewest er
c corp
H R.
n118. 8A
1.1 Phyelehes
Odlesosteo, tiOMrIM