The Signal, 1891-1-16, Page 7and Sol W e.
a 1i. OMT.
1 LL I N E (t , law John Herat
st:insg tJ
sad huwlag to Worland digbtty
1h -I thought to ear bursa
MI her pushed tint placard.
-ler Do you you'll
WWhat m. wr be
7412 GLASGOW HOtTNMimarau«�th�wiU
std have bra hinder shy tin
iTU l siauesr sf
V aa.11ik&tog to the ladles d (iMsrlsh yd vicialty that she 1 f harrier �wre t of �tlpliat wages
sot," AEA Jahn Herr, '•tt M eey
at f the a tin thea .hey
�s1 yoarasu the ia.isatwr of that
e Guildhall. I elver belesed
i y" dams i ?an." sihffi1s:a '1 ' s Who bee bed several Tears' tad not falyou (1..t1s,,.M
that wlay. It'wtp dve in.
EXPERIENCE IN THE AMERICAN Crpe."�''° : woe,tarty b%
eo nplicity Is asset o>t daspb
Art rare."
rout etscrag, ltlokiag Mor-
Tr�.� LATEST 6.1' x LE�K
it bad berg Sow it was Mor-
t ey, "He it nut Shad; and
r. •
WINTER DISPLAkrA".": Air you lir Mayon," Mar -
May what you Iibe--1
d it,' said Juhn Heron,
t•7 make rOJnl ,rytinuy to amour for a
[that he was unable to re
B. S M r k of letting the ravings el
red •r fora moment upas
•hgrave whose statue wee
ie J.4, and of wham It had
• are member woe bene
• 6e mixt a: traoon another
the tempest bar tttepbm
htile woman, drained in
t and quiet bat not alto
Fancy Toilet Articles miry maws of • London
I•ed to the Sergv..n is
t at bgrave: sad,
Aad cwdhlly belles their is ipeetle of
At ler
The Bate of did Stook Still C .
'MRS. R.
Choice Perfumes,
and Holiday Novel,..a mania,
tonne, I took the seal
down. . . . L be--
Ras received a large consignment of the latest
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the stand-Hamilton-st.,
Square and Newgate -air.
Subscribe For "The Sig
Goderich, Ont.
A Thrilling and Dram-
atic Novel
'MotPT1ijt XXIV.
A mew WSW O► Wra
here was semesfiow las
next day 1• Wird.
Round the Guildhall, a
Bttl.tbowd. early though
it was, bad gathered-
at he ed -'an excited crowd.
'Shane'" cried ore.
.'11. Mirk-
'lire. cheers for
Herm: R1p-h(h kip--_
w gnawsfM' florlari"
A bags Ghost was sidled over the hall deer.
11 Mme a lelion ly portrait of Jobs Horse
kismag dowels coloured crayons; and rids•
math was wrtttea, is huge oopiter. tersasshq
Is din as *my dreaded:
lwes_..f l .rrbtrwvel Vote (ser chb
Thb le • arMtrsi las -&nine.' yd we
idles es; "hr wipers wry, /fie .red
very mons West V. mitt len. thb
eserseticm a asst •rtteasUa kink e¢ pion
- awed ewe--7hhwe Dear
? are• gena .deb dere determine -
a kw st natio
els haw we a
mode tb M perMuir a . wale .kai.o..
M w in% tate Rai doge sad roam edp m►
•aide a dsw..ardo% • kids .pass lit
wrrNsu► •d • oils gad tilt lobar. Aa
wry door ruelitioAdr. Aid It wade
>vilrif .1 iYV bat
wig l!oto Ilmenoamelinee la !!.range..b Yew do
"Via le .a die tlamlr add ha
je4 iI1t1SeM7 Wed& de •
✓ youg "prow" - the
i, deride which -noticed
✓ question tel make ..i1n
be patient's state than
Ir, the bed, end laid her
know M.
Ine w and dd
read be.
Mom," she said sharply.
man whet the soars
styibar- do you man by
Mind tinting into lois
' b• tm ened.
she a fool of••lt
f lmdd.r.1" said she
very, vary wUr
latest Sh* °et they've tent to
try 111, PL el • you.
why have they got
tame, Ob, dear,
out at las: what's
4 nd slang's el row :.
but infernally :in
been lagged, C
thee• 1Mviddodg.r:-
hundrd eyes were upon Ma men who
that every word below iheprtralt Ler
Ile read it wither a change of coon
are, every word. He mw himself at
aid for the *ret time, ode rtised to
froweituso.. is bel true colours: bet Ise
Mw another atr•kn oa the part of the
sad all the battle in him turned his no
to Wel. And he air knew that there
.Lely on" in England capable of that truster
cutltey- -tlut use the wunn who hal to
virus bine in the pram of tttepb-i Ray.
'Leave eave tt alone," tad Herres aloin, eat
everybrly could bear. 'e we've never
taken twtinr 01 aoythiog oar opponents 4
mil we wool begin now If • mew wants
eke you angry, disappoint brat. 1 w
this thing to remain, for all the world to
to what ranee our oppotentu aro driven. I
they hada chane of whetting, they wptida't
throw away that dance, by liber sad lies.
i deal thi*k anybody who looks e: that
picture on his way In the poll will saver
es to wham he'll tots far.
Ito for all that .Ray all 1are'.ve taw the
crimes of Adam Parnas ewer bet to John
Sero. The ensu binmelf was fascinated by
the tight: and be even veer alt of his way to
pees and repave tin placard some twenty
But dire Ler the comfada• lobos the report
se • leg Mel The
e�� l Ikthn'ssr
way -so ne
is tee Lew *Medea
tame jaw now.
with • arra
kb lair, "you
t throve" Y,a
with jeeloury
women to own "VI
. I jar hated J
heel I know th!
wee mei tea
wrong. Weil bar,
say wits 1 tl ,
vertigo fro o
mho erooda't
so that I dim.[
and:which yule
.ual, 4r Leser swum tnepeateu
the .ra.c• el ecef.ruudiig the Meteor with
sous oat Poen or inaag.uary Leahy.
Cynthia had a Ling tett with the
on the oar, t i the ,Naas kit al;e6 .h. in
tenured bis warmly- in her project for the
a,averw.0 0 talose weals int.. Reeler In
Ibta, so Iatareot•d eat be that be pursed Ie
mak so Wel hissed Igor. Jobe abut it, web.,
though he his yhtlaut tropic eseergNe
to W maim city, nutjot, under tail flamed
• Sive • belpiog bas.
Cyath'a dM not lures Man barare , eud
was thandors Rea o' ruck stab the appears ars
of tame usually ' i haulm t at see parr l
through latest •o Mr way to the statiwt,
thou aha wood utttsrwine hen beau. 1'm-
netroo .tie ruugbe were about -not of obi
Mary Mauls.,,• patters, nor sailors from
tb.• docks, but nen eottsg like aur. Res ail
of wort, *het boots ware pleat awl with
the owed of the river on which A.kness lay.
TheImo., and peaceableat the h "a eb.:rt in
atarie pe.r•s ty Bal
they had evl.kewlly su boua.«se b the piece,
Led their preeenus had a threatening look is
eight of orderly citizens.
1'ynthla's train was just .tar•tlaj for 1oau
when, giv.itg • !art glance out of the wiry
dow. she-.tarte•J at the tlguro of a girl pan'
� quietly along the platform She Iran..i
o ut, and 400kud eagerly hat at that
meet 'be whistYaatudel. acrd both [rein and
gar! were of tad goal,
team. ti .:r: u1J silo« the a(.•,t+
I+,c,.slta.l. that she seami i titre ,,'at
It before • suauger . oak -.• Ira�asd,
i'layieg mum vet-) deep ie i w•
be wee the :..rel phut...! !.denote., n;.
the ah'4* lila►) .0 her , Ne. 4 . iota. su-
mo tart i• • tI r g.a,. 4t al' twit was
about is the dark .:o le-- utas he.
y en, a..l •w," ere rv-(..•Me l
If she rraU) Lown el "it' blsirtty o
4-e• vi stud Adam Van •.. ie tel aid
•...eel •vn..u.'" •a:.1 i'yu•btu,
"it ts'•ur6,.s; but so if ;..
much does hoe whr•rib t •-olr uvlde
floe. if 1 may tweo:heir
'i{irJahat 1 d.n.'t kung vett. .4
are a urde.• it loan: t-•rhapa you hn
goyim la :giaig frr.seteal.oit, line no..
do you think he'll wand :tor, 1 ut.a.
' Meted • ' tb.,u ght the 1 to1•tur; •-tt: et r+ut•rHs .•,,.felon'. Nord, and if
tluperint idiot I:a l uw,. it ,.b a w.
have changed it for os.;.:+ee. Lori ;
tosine.4 yeti o ttt.1. 1h, gu;.Mont go, et*
-thou .:.11. I. n-Ar.•t ed, bio forehead
damp and «Lel. •'.1.4 1'w Ran, cad
doesn't know I'm in the swim bat .
wo.uhtn'1 oleic • awe to pa: the rset
h ;;h, ',am) 4e.
ti int zu'uLi y iutaU high• tefcot
smut tort; t what 1 Leu f. v- our Rests
•ilf ...A.m.. Natural:c. 114). yea.
1•:•'ly it c+.'u gene --.av live LumM•d.
knurl. -1, •, the Bonk'. 44.14: mad-- - '
vie- blindest t.r41'!:l tyntA:t,
l.: i" .n :hinting ..t Ave,
-ft loft mu. h. of nearer:, bat . ,t
we suutn't hare bona ,:•ocelot• kalled. u(
teite:ret u. :ikoey t•• split: k elm
pay lith lo..,. btu.. 111 .na�a it a •
thousand, un my hou.,r as a medical g
ulna, if you'll undertake. nor to won: y .
-Dir John. That': l:uxtnea.•, I'm ,•:re
Cynthia beau to d•w:e. te-r•uwte Lett.
due began, to some sort, to .lav, the • igh
comp etdo:l, eel that he motet t.. .p
Noodled the golden goose in bis ow ,t ha
Ho sae aid ata veatur.•:
AU right -if you'll make it two thou
miry d ors."
"Impossible, Ley dear- y•'uu;; lady
thousand was halves, on my 10 t.,,ur as a
tt ••m -
Ml a
1. And
Ort t,.'
f John
w irer -
h- you
'e t1,ea
Isn't a
•u Ju'i
i t1w
.t al.•
i\ fou
:r e, 1
'11 b.•
T•. my
• holt
cut le.
'T' r.tiA AT solo*
'� NTHIA tbnagbt she had
ought a vision of Mai -i00
Futures 'adore the train
•birMd away-- at the very
:tri of whom *be had boron
thinking ever once they had
.srted in Laudon. No.
oras t 'ynthia air to suspect
�� I.:•reelf of optical
With her, seeing was believt0g.
How had /daring Furness come to )1&rc•b.
grave $Latton! Why had the come mend
tYQat was she doing[ And, be it reesenbe,•
eel. Hari an was the most interesting creature
to Cynthia to the works
"Change for -trues. to Aekbo!m,^' cried
the porter at the first juo.•tion, where • s
solitary pwrsroger entered tier hitherto 'nip.
17 carriage.
Cyentia sever forgot our thing. Aekhoim: !
that was the same of the..tat:oa where On
had been ansmato-d to ut..t .1dan, Purvey,
rad whither she bad eon clarion r her da
pet). And S-eplien Ray was in amiable at
klarebgrac.--kart by!
•He's as loft the nwntry, the. Hit i
We have received a large consignment of
Which we are offering away below the regular price.
Every pair is
If you want a pair of blankets this winter, call and
see them.
Ready Made Ulsters.
The balance of our ready made ulsters will be sold
at cost and under to clear them out.
.sad, E
Our Star;►fan" !hose, anti Stomach Bitters, oxotellent, .'irk -
Fine Perfumes and Best Toilet Articles.
_r '- 4'arefut and thorough prescription work.
•. Pa.. t tabor. -or 1..1, said the l.ndc ^ W C, G O O D E,
supariatriuttwt. tb•wlgh what dee ha.; t. `. D ru
;.nit s e had err, the remot.,.t idea. - ggis
The IIO(4,r.11a.i.t,ala-h ,.:td Personal Attention, Lowest Charges, Telephone
"Hemp's Balsam,
Ne.l. the: cit
rove him sixty -o gbt thousand poled-
ie wee never meati to a pretty w. m•C.
lbw., thea " amid he, with a sigh.
beamed. I'll gire it 3 -on .n notes as as.
r get to tow. Bent mind tbie, young
-if run ever ask our mutual for a pe
aro{ 1'l1 know in,, 1'11 let eve -lay- our d y
taken to burglary: and her got hold of 14,e- -t
sad •
dy patronesses' know that you're r
atetnuia,lk, t'yethla, of the Petlern, that
!r 4.Mz, Furness, the Forger, u •ed to be
meet on, as two peat. "
"Veer' asked Bryn .hia sweetly. "1 11
beard people ,.y that she is a very eh*
pies- .end be's got bold mit barren, too. 2e
ewes alive.-'
".4 Sae unor•sing• Lenin," said her fedlow-
CU overli, eves wills recorded in leer own
tkou„►ta, Me W observed every hair in hit 11
carefully -arranged whiskers, and even the ba
W. H., Y. D., is spokes white letters on his
brand -sew valise. !tee maid has. told to a i
p••y what b hal given for his hat, and as
• Add even have made a very fair surer the t
mon► of his bootmater. a
',V,•ry, sir," serot else in ber.demuresty1.. t10
W. S M. D.. Noma himself after tis
manner u( awns mu sultan rock birds a the tag
promisee dots fairly presentable hen. ,r•
t>be l mome t3 ruin among them r sure as
Shiloh's Consumption Cure,
McLeod's Renovator, etc., etc
Hacr you uvell our black Cherry ter l ougf„
eve 1).tila IND CREAMERY.
mg girl. 1 wonder If she would du for a -
"Wbat a rime of a gel!" thought 1: yttd- SR:EF ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS
r.1 `ineel, r be drove in o 111M4 -3111i0 Euph ABOUT BUTTER MAK 1Nr,
1yneTerrc.e. "Lord: 111 hadn't beet: sharp
a lancet she might have asked, not for t
o uemand, but far five toad -thirty thio..
cad bad it, too Weil, I've dose her,'
d, as, web a egb •a{ relief, !b wiped
"What a fool or a man:" meditated C
la, as eke travelled in an orrnibae to
*reit pointe too Upper Vane Street. "Bu
g sun:wthitag nr other I hadn't got to se
I hadn't been Y sharps* one of Hopis,
1«. 1!night have katathou.tnd pounds
all 1'se duce hind'"
Armed in Upper Vane Street, she tar
at `Number Eigbt..eo, and Lea. re.wlved
Mio Bunions with mune aeons Not on
she a jewel of a girl, au zealous t
on, 13 .ell-devrud, but she was about
.raise Number &womb..= next dour,
peeps the street of its A Home
Weeds Ives not the. neighborhood the
Id have s':ectad tour choke; but it
best • to aden o.' t4.4..-4 at which every
y pointed w be or sig penial by.
'Choy think!" bed she: "I have got t
alentary ra:itribetione--one' a gnfr:en :h
-Zeas *l...' it can be!"
river Aunt Chnrictte.
net Tear vezlero! •.1 Aleut "We -
Ten, indeed!' said Cynthia with acorn.
Twelve, (beer'
No -Two Teossand: The Heine ismtie:
W by- ciao In the world!" cried Amt
Ab, who! Did you ever bear of Sir Joan
craw, who Itva. at a piece ra11e1 March•
e el
ten ladies belted at one another.
'Oh, dour' ' .rad Aunt Charlotte. "The
that's oandedate against i/raye. t- cab
Trope.. offerer. Pert her:.
1 -
• hag la Winter art to Ituseoer Better
hj, Made from Mltb That nes been ► revel.
to flitter .tad ernehty.
thv Mr. W. wh•o wetter me for peke, un
y- butter making. thin 5nd below answers
III to hi.•. question.. Hotter makers should
e I !near in mind that eireametauce•,• alter
k 1. The beet . „ i , • to f•eparate
b= milk by rentrifangal fore in hammer fa
ly :2 die. Farhenheit. 1t the milk is toe
,* warm the butter will Lae eshrey; ;:, to. '10
to Jego. will do in Lei
"(ioing all tom wxy to town r' in
Of e n rvn a lady word have snubbed him, 11
for their woe i „ in hu manner, if
not in bl. words But Cynthia witted out R
have even oriel beeselt one.
All obs way,' she 1 nae 7ea get in of
at lb. 'tendo* for ,throb. I believe WI the
very pretty ahem: there :" Ler
":(cat sop^etty et shout lure,' said be, with oily
*smirk and a how
"Nor, l rex ex
peel, so ..' l," said Cynthia, w
inure damurvl. etfil (eller
Cod t 04.- I eel : Capital : Meaning rte t
MS bol
Ask- •
that oebav
11. .,
bat 'Tb
as e
mot Grace
et H,
top- The
for '
es ds "1
as A un
-9 snow
'elk Jobe Herne! Rather 1 ... Bat i owe eat,.
a thousead apologies. cedes, fe utast- but
you � person who. between yob wood
is -
ant 2. Cream :.Iranid be aaolr.l awe earn : i.
possible after it leaves the sisp•rator k.
Y 40 or 42 deg.. In winter this halite la
not LOU essential, if
the remain is nut-
hounded by water. If not cool the but-
ter will be soft sad d never.
e J. The prier (,,,,, iI, . ,,,,, to client
eream in summer le • to 57 dere., and
in winter b0 to 40 ahrl. If churned too
warm It is Babb to neons in the churn
:end will always lore mime of iia body
mad color.
4. Better made bean frozen milk is
liable to be bitter sad crumbly. nisch
milk should not be received, for it is no
better than if scalded.
8. Ido not think it necessary to work
batter twice if you gest it straight in
malt and color the first time. F,sandire
butter at the end of three to tarn hours,
and, if not straight, go never it again. I
t advocate, sailing butter in the churn -
one pond of Salt ti. len pongee °, butter.
4. A cecuent floor is the beat for bot•
ter: &Lao a half baisei*(*lt room.
7. Run Vanish-Westoonat4,0001)4.400.
te. To avoid strteka in year batter
strain the (reain through a wire miens
and clean tbt, ,sieve with .hose. pipe nr
water, in plane of robbing' through with
a ladle. Churn at n (ower
asci when churned do nut freeze11a per.
Hot of the batter with toe or cold welter,
es it will not take salt or color whim .
lard and oold. Cool the cream i e mama- ,
Iver as Lang and much no po•eible before ,
nr.iaff. and [dart the churn at the
right . Some cream at 40
dein. will churn in ten to twenty min -
etre; It should bo reld enough to take
wee hoar. --A. It . Bingham in ctra,etry
Oh, I ere be warm enough, when I please
"Mast people talo," ripe .•Id, icUy. ' e w
they Pty. Doctor-:tamith, 1 thins, of
Rae knew the meaning of M. D., and
. R. is at tees, we likely to ,Rand for W
Rae Smith r tow any other same. W
wanted was to put he. sail a rapport
eokh,im; mod to make * mistake was
read as any other way.
"Br Jove' It's odd you should spot
prohssioo, though. Bat I'e not Re ath-
Rmlth, a Pifeot's Tow. Bat-
or) Areu't you Mademoiselle l'yntba,
Piteous t Here's luck, by Jovet"
'I bag you ).rdoo, no. I sus Mrs. 8
enliveve io. t of Weer."
ady of the Hama
'Of tars-- what !"
Of the bornr for the thl 4' tion of Wee-
-isao Flowers. Voluntary emstributlo
folly riaairet, es an IL D
are acquainted with Ile. Will.itms,
Msrbgravep Or with air Joke Hereof'
1. Willi Fun
7011118 11$1119
tS Bribery and Corruption:" ptoowted
t(Jrace. "Dear Mrs ift phsee-we deo
what to ray'"
You think," said Cynthia, "that- ---"
o know d4" said Miss Orris, with de.
n. "W• don't pretend to know polities
maim mine- ad•
tier eager
rin Eighty- dal• '
The eisseepket kikaris was growing Quaker, sod rasa
troubled., and stresige soodidomo wont nob- me auto*. my
lag way into lie shod. Of warm die wee nied s'Aftin cant-
Htepheee fur, foist -bet what had made maws ye. The
him write -'cosinee aniker lbe portrait of Ma
John Hemet AU theollair Usimaiss, tram mud Shertill "r•
eh* should
4011% Yold Itadivr, Mgt and low. 0••
is provided, no doubt, Web a medical
dos sod address. nay dear inedona.
very man, tits veer piens, Thom
lien had hum essagoing *Ma she related
"Magibrate" to "Mayor." Wawa to the irm from
the very place where is eras now
ty, atm! oommddeig else, nee so boil -
renew ht wry positiss0 do odd, with
ordinary voorisdary (drum; hut nobody (memo
nails • taw "Corr" wirier elene. Mg
"Mee le hospital, Melded dews is •.. se
tap that MU shoot tits mayor. so ea. and .dirs (tear
peeked up with • brollies bask he asps, a. mo eot
nor and hi whom I se deeply is-
- Mot Marto Pardo do Is owl toe
mach dignity m the mei/ magi ve "toms
ail sorter meetehoorey peel. Yoe
to teen %Aimee. Do yea happen to
anyttaisg ot • young lady. whew se -
It was Mein to see that Slitephr Bay was tamebinit gesai
la • high stage of fere Marked tad boas ones wanks census
• anal fel•f•••••r ci tembikk end bed tar -4 am do it tweeted
some dam rewind medirine sad seergary with ea meg teas awe.
ginewing ere, Oat gland hin diem' in. thane,
nearside. as he heat over Ida golairi is • Moto
"What do yam think at timer died Mar- •
had gravely. a reit
"111 tell yoe emery wbeit I think et year " I "T
au know Marina letwommer brootekked.
oll-tbe world is wirea."
sd what is see &tog at Labeller
Dung, Ok, she's
we you tore. Oboes • eibilisittlerl;
y tee. -
ad her tend tether, he died roar
-friend," mit__Ihet 10,411011-Sellnindli. "MP "Oh.
bleu he ommitildoe row walk Ma vane
a year's parehoss; egad I dole It lob et
mere eon trait • Mag. It be babel km se I
light ks weight he'd haw load Mt mod; as
is ie. he his tad • nein* Omit M widen
if ack they swot le be ems far."
"True- Tooker noir reinsihol nod rein'tv"."4. As
opiteranrol ties endow "Ile Sore leo ek k Ube yetWil
pow mike &um do yam, dad bone ot000 "I
dank. I disk late id ad alb Mt elder
limaiarlaa saw daildhat, Ise
'173S Attar Perm% the 41k4vete Thin
be stade-oebe Idol. Wore Oda Riardoit
4.1.1berrode look as to oeroommil ted MI6 entot bum woo
Onset% se b. le 14 tat? WO ilia oyes mod hip
dm asofge-ai
Ids amend
ad did 1 endisesteall yea teem Mal yee
totqweked wed Ades Broom
J oh- odd Cystbite fifth
paling her promised Mitrodeedoe, Rae
1, wad se she maid ego so yet wow* to
him her nadiepanfak
wee Do to lee doposi
"Toe how MOM Perna. mad Mr Jobe
Ileromt aid Ir
lie bed oadboor Mad bin OM Idle
el, but lodes et des bed
hook "store's odd* same am at elm Gemmed
• anodise dog deb bedisle OM) dad"
hews. Owed ped• obit bud didepung
4 latueetey melba idiom Id I
"All lid -this ihnewy maims lia• want tO
ase it with reef Orel it yea Weer 01' a
gam* at tits window. it, only me Awl as
morrow. nstv ham In be away far days "
p,ewis nee*" hummed Currie as she la
hens& into Number fereemeee ••en in sob
day! Vt'hy nes mid %l an& ma tire ob
IL • IL See% ter fealinieleseded Dien, I
rit• OM* • light. am: set benalt to the
elmeidersUut of kee ilk isms me% be best
, sew ter a sp need read, alibi,
domr• spew the Inswillard to rep* eta
diwinotelle hot talon en ode pert to ariek-
Hee aim
Daley DoWts.
Du not exiles' tweet, ftesh tasting
butter front old. soar cream, belt
eaderillate whet yoa will have ?rematch
ever ripe teateriod--a cheesy flavored,
Leo not try to tusk. rich teepee, out of
shienatel milk. became yon cannot do
it. The best skimmed stork ewes Re
enpreinrity to low scolding ererda rap-
ped by a moderate d of arid.
Do tot be afraid of pare, wholesome
milk as Ad every day diet, berate. it is
a ?bah, &Mk, an elixir of life to babe.,
and a brawn prodieser
e st expert to Mee mint of the "pore
sad wholeennae" variety unless yen ilre
year herd Thin io a far reaching Nth. j
Ore end eltibTaora ?min and *tablet 1"
freedom from hayloft theamem
brakhy foot
A ad* Milk* be a aneremoul deism -
man nab. lio jimenolaa the ability to U
wage 411ke wreak rem le
or, Po ono ninon isioni!... Lot
an insurPr it milk yield. althoneh it to a
strong peint in evideiter. 0th/rate
some indi vide*? Weave relative to Use
may le Netter oft than if you relied on
14, for tracesers.
J. L 11. writes in The Rene Nev.
Yorker: In a part of &wheel with iihith
I WAS Very familiar the farraere had
phetty of ire for the hot weather. wiliel•
they pzuenred in this way; Thee. hail
slier item , med•• three feet
long by two wide and one deep. Omitted
at the four si•Itts, and tine they filled
doting the frosty weather, wtth tering
or wet/ water. rind expored to the :Mime
pliere until their matron. wove
Then they undid the clamps. leaving the
fent side; louse, and it was a very eaey
matter Up extract the coagulated mane
wheel it to the lee house. revlarnp the
nevetteclee and refill wttb the per, water,
and tes. sin, until in a w day, ..r weeks.
anording to the oeverity ieg the weather.
their it* Mews would be plentninely
ideated. is not this a feasible method
for the f of this country to fry?
The env of The Rnral New Yurirte-
produce ttio it,3 if the water is pone .1
into the trim pans in etnall quanHti, .
ltnral New Yorker owe tried this
freezing tuns. In order to get the ine
tett of the riming we tnrient them over
and paned hot water on the Witten's.
tee (All make iee of pure /spring or well
watei. The man who pro-,, ides ii;innelf
with lance outfit of pans will be sur-
prised Co see hew much tee be 'lei /me
.Ince ert an erdinarily cold day.
I•teparlag far boom,.
&pee Uwe milk by application of haat
en men.; obuahl Ise allowed to pro., ee
leach a &grow that not more Usan thine
home will be reormited between Ore 04 -
intim a the rented stud the ,
of eci•1 promotable to the taide or ale
gersIble by the hot iron teat. The nee
eat now whey to banter/ th,‘ ript..ning
ithen1-1 hot he resorted to. Old rola
wfliet lean itcrome nearly ismer to the
task eta; he lidded, but lorgiered or thick
milk +Dent] never be used. --Profaner
Role -tern.
erre, Mont, Jest 4.-Clyete Reyinend,
artissa at ale requiems Theatre. took the
leading rote last night la ea esentiomi deems
Whole the eurtain wee rang dowu on Ike
len act 43:10 toying to her friend. said • 'lined
wo.-tapuu 111.1- .t.1*. wide end tired As ille
panel ilia trigger aurae ao• jostled agamet
bor. mean NW ball to Wes tor brews mod
lodge in lei' area, making a palatal tot net
serious wooled. Kiss Raymend says she will
maks a meows ot do job eate seas Mow
Tao huNitswe WI Nis Lab.
the t
Xavier wtth an sdirmie tierokles lame ler
what he had dome ter de worlds' idled be
vim time opt soeook The Prosier no -
plied saying that edisillog edemas), ter the
melee clam. tot twos we at do dreads
h Mat
aad fries% in Morrie made him a
A number of *sere Maceetera
brit lest rode Pry going tel hie bosh ared ein
INT act otol meek eppeseiste4 11D
Do 174..1k aatc41.4 aad "kiwi wow
War *VA It a
Ilhe have known Mei iiallikinetkiatelbeidal..
retlitroat by touchier
and petal/man to hoe ezpelled hid
two blodes. &bre ithrtnid he taken Wet
te Mime the nemesia sees. -a ..
00 a. :,..try
is %espied all quireuma
harm Culesty, mid leas
tees dories the peat year
eLLAR will get Tun
yo" Per PruiliPtli•
rm. Nave 60c. a year
ales ease mar et me mese
ma "War ems. mr law
allay are anifertng from
net nf.w.
• kill 1/1 (ilia auction who
Star of liethlehem, which
lotion sky every morning.
n are getting in • raid
hough the sleighing bee
wubling on the carpet ;
tchelor. If others take
likeense it will he quite
[Ong ef leo week Res.
Arrive!, delivered a lec•
omit, Craehronk. Ow
entre highly pleased with
e municipal moaned of tht•
ranbrook, as per statute,
le oath of offiete end thee
he transaction of other
ng last F. lg. Baker. or
ee, gave an eshibitiem in
rook, to a largo audience.
•.0 all manner of shapes.
Woe- were t..Llowed by •
3eting inf Knox church,
held last Tuesday. All
And ..therwime are very
Idack oalt hitched in the
!leis a hustler te ;sr
We ktiow now a it
wrier of the Cumbrook
g in hie supply of woo&
from the farmers by the
tars it. with Isis own men
miler attemleal the FAA,
...Witte meetings at kru.r.
!Limp throughout were
ml much emend inform& -
The paper on "Who Pay,
elect s greet deal of -
-rived at for the next 127
tht say A savoured that
rho served his apprentice-
koimithing with W. R.
orook, left lam Monday
he win push his fortune.
,--going young man, axed
body will.
tv went to Lumina lust
.rrwaring material for a
le will put up nett Annu-
m thit section who are
mg Ishii the hest
PomehoW they are PIZ:
think the oely
f Coral Wreath. who was
soothe in Bey City end
in. is home eosin, look.*
Meson Jack made things
in the camp the other
ng to kick tame, banks.
in the roof.
be spring. " The Parme-
san suckitag his paw *ad
The people in this Ningb-
o fat he will net beck dome
J after Candlemas day•
in. that we will hare a
note the death of Mrs.
sr.. who took her depert •
-orld early on the Iftth
Iton wea one of Clover
/teem Although feeble
mite smart to within
eth. Iler remains were
es cemetery end buried
hembansi. ea the 17th
who are lett to mourn
empathy of the serroned- •
!home and better factory
+tins in the Grange flaJI
latil, at nee o'clock p.m-.
inert leg. A being
mese! lam meeting being
• large amount id inue
in a very short time.
'premed year are as MI
lIr. James Taylor ;
I of directors Wm. 1111C7
me, Robertson sad also
hoe &hest the miss of
ith father's ohne. on.
nn hie hack oontainiag
mutton clamp neat wb"1
pras crone-eyeel at the
oil ill. hair cut curly:
elder heather, his senther
amasses When histliann
w off the Laeltaese mere
metes of raining
Celeenekte hall in Isar
hig of thy larA We
gaits a heap of mails -
del • goad time r mein
tee weakseem bleed
%nester Poky win Oro
moltbd. "Now of All
es mat hatme sod