The Signal, 1891-1-2, Page 7CHRI3TMA8 8EASON,
We have just received in stook for the holiday season
a selection of novelties in pure linen goods, the finest ever
ihown in Goderich, in
And Drawn Thread Tea Cloths, 5 o'clock Teas, Napkins.
Table Runners, L. B. Covers, Tray and Carving Cloths,
Mata, etc.
Hanoiso a Troveldes1* Edkerchiofs.
Embroidered, Initials, Fancy Drawn, Hemstitch, pure
Linen. All prices, commencing at lOc.
8 dozen samples of Men's Pare Silk Fancy Handker-
chiefs, from Welsh, Morgetson & Co., London, Eng.
Early inspection invited of these goods.
have opened out a large of the newest styles in
Hats and Bonnets,
Fancy Birds' Wings
And Trimmings.
:.-, "-`..... leo
Please call and see.
Two dooms from Square, North-st. 73-tf
Hu just returned from the City with the latest styles in
Novelties in ladies' headwear, and the latest shades
in trimmings a specialty.
Remember the stand-Hamilton-st., between the
Square and Newgate-st.
$300 f t t .01 en ire im ally
rte. ban ..:a � .wy ire .s.,
L........,e.mser is ist..+>.
trerntber e.w. nsua1aw~able... Har Ilea veil saw Omni
O. elar nmeran.Mrr_•a ebb* more ow+err.
merry .r mewl.. wadi. as.M.a Raab W
logs 1 MY. a.. .s wailer 4_n era.. -...r - a
dMs�adotafrswM• oil ,r..MN err �w...
i.l`, lyse.. �i/� .•
tie, whiread ch
t e of nem and . Wellness f is wooers are
beteg sake& jest at this ore is faaeda. The
recon le that the value of ibis gaper 1• above
ell VtMmlon. ft is well wrlrtea, a.d Is a
oampradlaa of all that is heifer done or
ibewght In the world. It devotes itself to
eglotne for the rug►t. Whether you are old
-,r Toon( 11 will Merest
sad .0 who leo la the ease home witherr.
This yowls adhere several aluaddve
lK lsareaslog be already lame .4n -sissies.
=gawk tb w M the t Leading library paw
wbeemeMyevery subscriber. by tartan this as
nom' srbfaS .b.11 tbemoan • ams tow or m • any geed
Maks for blot to
aseordtas aa the prm bas been enmwstleally
worked or s. It also oilers to It. aeettIive eon
meters and agents greed exab c ssodeTi_aa or
valwab.e premiums which amply lir ail
�..5. awl atm put late worktop for D.
osis Use orabinieg a b.wsilt as all sub-
awrlbo. who may M Mducted to read It. tate
el the meet etereetive features .l the veto
belt sbleb bar *0'. s opptetdg a lgaeo V�iked
States en the tame Haat as Sea laid Iowa by
the No, roast W rreltaa, Y tbe was Nand
n bb.lees to estate aebeem for tie beet true
era ies of iib end adventureful Maeda. hem
east mad welst hi the Atlant it arid to the Po et -
,ie ysMata tw.I.411 $ewfoandl•a4. the he/
alar pf tie uttlf, Tare .note stories. was of
*bleb have boss written writers, prefonalsoal 1.$ )tartars style
s��e oaf new sad vel a le tuft teromy b
Weiss may. Atimtiwgst the lamer awls
WITNESS :r ate y
gw.bmee et tarsi stories are theses wi avant the he
• e
teateure et
Mie minims wer
a ml•••ik.. hem
lindttentrewhets y1*0 b1 whew tIs test.
Virt t• the
�a�r� tures Y eOs
511. +mom a ws.k wRYNs ;mho sod�s tea
4'-. a]ogr t ersaelt
the Derten rrwre
lust* l para w■'eases.
- 71st mal
elf SWI: eq 'tN lrM ye.
Mr James Bafhaty.a and 11(r B Mill-
er,Wruzrter..ho recently left fur tree*
Attlee', North West Territory. have both
r tensed. They prefer Ootario yet
Three sharpers are making • scheme
to fleece the farmers of this county
Th. first two appear at the boom and
want to Rare a piwo that the harmer
may display it to Om friend.. A repro
aeoutive of the company heron; be Bili
beard with the f.rseer and tenth bi.
o►r dreu mimic, and if the farmer seemed*
in gelling eve manna he stall have one
fire. All to has to do is to simply sign
• contract that be bee takes the piano on
there caodetioau. Tbeeowtrect turns cpm
• day or two as es order is the bands of .
third party and the termer is browbeaten
low taking the pinto. It swill he well
fur the fanners to Inok oat tet thews.
Mrs Jenkins, wife of Robt Jenkins. of
Teroberry, we. to L ado° last week hey -
tag an operettoe performed cm floe of ter
eyes. due bet been perfectly blind for
abort • year, thick seam havies grows
over the sights of both eyes. Dr Wim -
hart removed am of them end will
operate oo tit other in about a weak.
else would loathes this to have bees a
very painful ordeal to per throw,/,, hat
Mn Jenkins rays she hardly felt it, end
w an but pat under the inleaoeeof chime -
fens. The part takes from the eye was
altos; the ria of halt the .kis of a hires
pee, het oat gen* et think. Mr Jonki.•
has it in a little bottle of alcohol, and
showed it to w a few days alto. -Ad-
Ah. leas ter bat weet.t
Greet r xett.m.wt proceeded &Moog the
Rid wives Tuesday of lest week wheys
tidier were brassie that a sssament►
owl w•s seen la broad daylight sittieg
parodied on • tail tree some little diseases
from oar busy besiws•s .sates. Beery
loth of poultry .w counted and resew t-
ool by theguidwive*, and the doors of the
beseeries .a . -queues. I.
tMysndetof thiss toed reeta rile weepp.'rrtt
beard. red A. 0. 14edesald .hat the
messier hem Joseph Thetmposee
•!club while two tomes sees MM obs
preemie,/ steed.. The privessekett bask
to the petollee mad chases to Mse
dowald's Any with the owl eras Wpm -
pones The Mrd was of beautiful white
Osmium sensation peso al atonic.
mad alter liaise berg is state for ewer, l
dosis- !•sadr ; Yew to a kaxidsnsi.t leo
be stead.
is es Americas pep.. I .sties w w -
tido On 4 ,btssa rviaa that i abadd
M god to quote ion tell if wase permit-
ted, butt it awbetemes it i : (knee pro-
fessing dation whoe them ie mase i.
glides .nest .tem yes w
=1.61. •ha
mst, pesteediat to be s lard
whin 'sly a g.wky; • the
teasel is eta whish eaailp beim*
hell yea%arMM6. h dilbsin1l.
if_ led Tells tlas.aaar.
1 Ica the darn trios mother died, tad cleaned
ots *state et &weans'
75 dauptrr latslies sty hsb bow. $ Met le
the •Ina swat.
Aad there was Ibex bdars 1 came that tart
et seam tons ria'
How I would Sad the tows folks' ways at all
colt to hest.
They said Ed lave as stedeet is the resale'
axed up t►rermg,
Lad I'd hare to weer stiIrcalm* e*eey week-
day right •!osis.
1 lad 1 oke to city ways Jam like a dock to
l **etas rwoket Aad tier ,,elan, and saver the
a New. ;
=ailtberei we eat rat comfort in the .excelss
of my d.Wgkter.
And everyil ad is right at hand, sad oaoaey
freer flown.
And hired help is all about. )est tlatealafor
my gall,
Bat 1 tale the yellow alasaeac off may old
Mechem wall.
The house la full of calcidari. frets attic to
the colter,
They're muted 1a all colors. sod are fancy
like to ser : -.
But jest 1■ their 'anteater I'm net •modern
And the yellow covered al.saeac 1a geed
careers roe Asda
1'o used to it, I've sees It round /roc boyhood
to old age.
Aad tremor til. the ,okia' at the bottom a
each mum.
1 like the way the '1r arose out to ,bow the
week, beNals'
11a there new-teagted °steadiers ole days
germ sort of atzed.1
And the roan spun the euver,i►oegb be tram t
exactly _mute',
With lunge eau liter W exposed.atlll shown
ed how we are axed.
Aad the lettere earl credential that were writ
to Mr. Ayer
roe otter. oat a rainy day. found rvedia very
1 tried tolled one recently there wa'n't ewe
la Beaty.
They toted oar great calendars in every sort
or ski ie
1 looked 'eat in cad 41sd•ts sac! answered
'eta In pity,
'1'd rather have mf obbose boa W that
teoeih 1 lake to 'Wily 11te. dam lei.Mms,
alter sit
for that lid yellow almanac apes rap'aWMw
floc Wekitaa Wtu-t.x la 14. ( the Clealter.
day mm await wemamre-
(t is, 1 dare say, because 1 have rx.
daughter .1 my'.wn then I have ..el. Per-
fect confidence in my ability to tram up a
daughter in the way she nhornld go.
It is. I know, much easter t.. criticise the
conduct of other men's daughters than it is
to make your own 'to bettor : still, if i had
daughters. i fully believe 1 could train them
better than a great many girl% of my a.•-
yauntemee are trained.
i hardly think that ( soul! tigo to my
bed at ton at night net knowing
whether my daughter of
safely sheltered under my own roof or run-
ning around the streets with Ione and girls
of her own agr. i would like: her to pow
sedan • certain ease of manner and a certain
degree of self confidence. but i would have
her.cquire them in .quite a different way
from this.
I world nor want her le go walking or
driving with a young man a twenty yearn,
as the seventeen -year-old .laughter of a
neighbor of mine went seven) times last
sunnier. 1 would not want her t.. have
gentleman ..tiers lir lie "in society" while
she wax yet a school girl.
1 would not want her mother to .ie any-
thing for my daughter that she could ,lo
herself. if I ever found her in the horse
.ars, or in any other piece, with a
great waif of groat bulging out her 'heck*
there would he serious treed& between my
daughter and my -.elf.
1 would nor item! her t.. school in a gown
of silk, a dangling chain of gold, bracelets,
laces, or wildly plumed Gains .rough hat and
daunting ribbons.
i would save her taught le cook. hake
anti sew-, anal trier her a thnrndggh kens ledge
of i in all its tletaile. Thia
mach would do for the benefit .4 the man
she might some day marry.
The ninny things I would be sorry to have
her .h. 1 we dome daily by the young daugh-
ters of intelligent and respectable parents,
who would furiously resent this criticism on
their training of their daughters : but I
would be very sorry indeed to see ay .high•
ter doing these anti other things dome by
many young .Nmericwn girls of to -day.
Ho ewirife.
a Talk wok she Clete ea the uv/1-
Istp Tease..
"Verily the gossiping timer tm a sign of
• v.Igar heart rend mind, and r next door
to slender a hi.h both preenoeth
•nd 4311.. "
Ilyy d•nglter, take ref your hat and throw
it behind the luread while we converse with
you on this most appropriate tapir. It is
m.e to Fe pretty and sweet and piquant, as
you are, hat it u enough eight mow to have
tack of theme a mint *hove the
petty details of neighhnrb nd goalp and •
tongue free from the burdens oil family
01' course. my daughter, you are given to
neither of these vices ; but p..r.•hane you
onset among your rime to
whom this text may apply, to whore porn
angst feel.rnutrained to sand this semen
cab sncknaesrimryta.
it is a singularly interior intellect, mm
daughter. that doer not rise above the Iitt,
mod disagreeable facts of persrsa) Inanity ,
that meant discover m an empaintanre •
trivial defoet or odd habit salmon straight-
way pshlishigig it to the world. There tea
he no more ent.m foe this trivial take bear
img then t►Us Is kr the more .niers gossip
wide,. Mashies. sad rmrtia .m.1..
The diap:ti rs V loth mane ase idsmtkal.
it skies not pts Is lower wan ani worms
in the ad inistlerw ler their fellows. Did it
ever ismer to yolk rmy, girl. whew ie • ..Met
.cash any of yrimir friends yell were laborious-
ly tatrern1 the rvpiotatwxs of en an quaint
•nee, that prat -eddy somewhere int year not
rewrote ne others of the g wltle
ni til y are ilmg rieree el
yeer n�r•r,t� m Of ammo it lm amt Memori-
sed to impair the iwdividwal's fair fame. it
it simply gneela; ante ygent erre that lame.
sem of dierwmi
weed, en
hawed by malice ens ft speeds that will
blest farmer the fairest w1.a
it imam .M.:1 met y. my glir , nathe Idle
weeds ed er reggae the tae kw ret -
miss beer: h sessetda, the ;mektuatien,
tbsetnse, mese.- tarsr heart the herder
�tl_ of
deleder, whew. previa.. is awrwl
cams better M lave bum Mrs duseb,
Obi& moot to seed et jest sew in emss earl
seems whose mini eon above the mamfl,
soma tiob of b.....d h*Asy, and labs
' Tris Irate. tad Oalaeel. Saga «
entre.* m.mpaay brie mai ter dada
Lamb farm, saw M Aebsst
. fon
Wilk sada M . (!heap
t 7 clear, than to hate beau bent with a
swiveled woes. If you eau talk on ter
weightier topic than your oetgabor's fault.,
it were more hematite sad l'hratius to tau
tale the assacieue oyster. also kzr.weth
when W diens its mouth.
The Asea at Iatelh,_.r reel worth, ahem
ea�rd ie worth hada look askance upon
obi Enda! whose oonrerestiou seeks nu higher
plane than the crit of her urtgbbor•s dress of
be style of her sea fall hat. It may he,
day +laughter. diet you are mrd nerved by
such ,.eastderatirese 1st if fa err not then
is the female maul Aad the air of
wailers is returned lvar, if maw carol
fur .unmet tidy Ireeause they can talk, .r
sardine of the reuse of their .onver•atnm.
they moll do malar try purchasing a phone.
greph or it poll parrot, witch, 4 leas attree
tits, r les extremist. What the wield
eves. Icy a look wolf nom to east a Clic. I
.../r any Indy'.. 0551.
!trite to seek that dmvatioa of character
Then .ball Men loot before y.xt anti tall you
Ides.ed, and vie with each other for your
lased and your father's ducats.
\.ted r *sears,
\•yr) .nonilectua) women err shoo, Iwati
tilul. Their feat urea, anti part kola .It
their forrhreda, are more ..r leer ulii.r
Bet there are exception* to all rules, awl
Miss Laudon sae an exception to this otic.
She was exceedingly feminine and putt)) -
lir.. Stauton. likes ice, was an .exceedingly
handsome Ili MIA!. ; lett Mei. .4ntlw,ny aril
Met. Liter.nor.• are both plain. Mario ;uul
.lane Porter wore worteeu of high hoaand
it regular features, as wa, Mita `etilg
etch. .mina I)irkineott has a win. aw, ins.
.elms fart. Kate Field. has •l� eel look tug
lot by no mats a pretty fate. Mn.. Stowe it.
thought positively homely. Mr. Rwrleiggh.
VII the .untrsry, el very fine -!.,kung. ..lieu
and PMria: ('Ary were very plain in fe..turra.
though their sweetness of dnprttiol added
greatly to their personal appearance. Mar
geret Fuller had a splendid 11 leer.! : but her -
ftwtelet were irregular, and .hc *as saa.yy
thing but hatelrnne- -though at towel in the
glow of temverwttiun she apnea roil rTiiieiP-
radiant. Charlotte Il rnrtr tu.3 W
\beautiful .lark brown eyes and a perfectly
Steeped Lead. She wait small to diminutlte-
nema, and was as sintple in her loaners a4 -a
chill. Julia Want Howe is a tine looking
wrrnan wearing an aspect of great force tf
•haracter in her face ..n.l ..arriagr. ()Iter
Logan is Anything but hande:me in person,
t ugh gay and•ttrativr in conversation.
Holloway resrmhka I %Arlutte Il oote
Ruth in peewee/! appearance and in the nail
experien.r of her rsd.hful life.- Neither
Mary Hooch mor arian Harland can lay
claim t..Membrane bora. though they are
splendid .pecintena of cultured women :
while )tart' ('kinin r Ames was just as
plemunngg in features as her writings were
gra•-rfdl anti popular.
The Fro.. Newman Hall says that the
e mery spent in ewe year for alcoholic
liquors would 3.e suflienemlt t.. supply each
hunuen being on the globe with a copy of the
Bible, or would support 20.000 miasiaaries
at a clary of £200 each.
Mr. W. k Caine, 'speaking at Bradforri,
gave it as his firm eci nvietion that alcohol
had no value ami a medicine. He believed
that one .4 the stnrsgast obstacles which
temperance reforaaen. had t., meet taut over -
mune as. the belief in the me.hea) valor of
•• the Haut who introduced intoxica-
ting liquor into thine he exiled tram beyond
our frontier, end let him never lir permitted
to return. :;t spoke the Per Emperor .
who ruled the destinies' of the Celestial Koi-
pine four tbouaand years ago. To his
wholesome warding and brave example is
due the sobriety ..f the I •hinear
A verdict wan recently given 1n HJ.o.k
Islaud which may aatomi.h some teen. 1t
declares in effect that it Is no crime to steal
liquor in a prohibition :state. lander
prohibition if rum is kept at all it is
kept in violation of the leer, and it
seine good law to .leeide that no cue
shall have legal protection to property
thus unlawfully kept.
iiarnam's proposition to Philo.&1 iia ••1
will undertake to give bon.1s for the fulfill
meat of a contract that if the city of Phila-
delphia will stop welling liquor. and give me
as much as w -as expeude.l for her liquor haat
year to run the city next year, I um pay all
the cityy-'e expenses : no orae shelf give tevee;
ththereshall he en ..n property. se
gond dress welt will be given to every poor
man. woman, boy and girl ; all the eelura-
tionel expenses shall brled ; a barrel
d door liven to every nt,,., y and worthy
person, and i shell clear a half million
of a million dollari by the operation.-
peration.-The British Medical .!cureti sounds a
n ote of alarm at the thneatene.d
of the t:r..k nation hy al .,het that arch
enemy of all mankind. The history of the
attempt of the Hellenic people to stay- the
taragee of strong drink is an extremely in-
nervating and pathetic one. 1',e Athenian
law err, IRaeo,. sentenced drunkards to
death. l'ittar:u• ordained that drunken -
nem •houlel entail a doable crime. Ioueri.n
sustained time same klpelation. making an
ex.eption for those who had the authority
of a phyaitr ian's }•, , 1h. Janne*
Pha•tanor ion ativen ti,y the •formation tf
temperane• (nwelerate drinking) +societies em
this deem ground. This i* one step Mit •
very ahr•rt one towards the goal total .h
.-rrhdearoxn Farrar, teeing once whet why
he took so pnlnrinent • part In tempenenee
reform when wwtanchel by its evil influences
himself, replied • "At the entrance tit ewe
of oar college rhape1. lies • nameless grave
that grave revers she mortal remains of one
of its moat fellows ruined hy
drink. 1 received not very lorqgago a let
ter from an old .e3wwel•fellnw, a ekrgyrraan,
who. after long and arduous Ishnr, wee in
want of clothes and .hnont food. 1 en
.tuire.; the tow • it sat drink. .% few
weeks ago • wretched elm -pima came to
me in deplorable misery, who heti .bagged
down kis family with him into nein What,
bid runnel him ' itrink ' Whet 1 wee at
Cambridge .roe of the moat irvrnineast s.•hoI
ars wee a yootk, who, yearn ago, died in a
Innitwi lemetal, peresile.r, of &Atrium
tremens, thruagh drink. When 1 wean at.
King'. College, 1 weed to sit nest t.. • heel
some youth, who grew up to ler • hilliest.
water ; he died in the piers .of life a victim
to drunk. i o.mN km* an elesgwat phase
thropist who was . very mi.erahle man. 7'hr
world waver knew the eerie which wee epee
him ; hat his friar!e lies•er it was .drink.
And why 1. it. Hat. ties, trwgsdw err daily
Iappe.isg f it is through icier fatal faatiea-
tis., the asdeetive www^iry of drink. against
whirls !=tors en often warns It re he -
is l=
is ewe oef the nowt of the
the • devil."s is secs, sod of dans.'. ways to
turd, wens.., wesge.,
11rk1, .wagh, a. he anew the
1 et
Regard's l'14.01.1411 !slew the mow fai)
leg fasstly .'retinue Ino all dioramas a the
threst,luoge and .i8.4. A slar+rel of healbtg
in pethaesery avmsplea e. 4
Tie tosio 1• Mels. ate scree. Weddr
1Halke Wawa ie.d Lows este Wb.a Me
Tbrersk tae Weed Catter what •a
•.re .t Cesaetalks b Werth.
The . 1 recorded below iu
hard to the relative value of cheap
foods for milk vows in wiut.•r wore
made by Problem Henry at the Wier•ot-
in 1.;1 11.11i, 1 experiment +tali*,.
They apse Imo) valor:
-Tr following tablets du -ducted fr its
actual rvaalt. in the stabe. Be it ts-
derwtessl that the otututadka had the ears
husked from these before feeding.
• •F..rl required for 100 p.ennds .,l milk
wheat feeding cornstalks --101 pounds of
cornstalks, :b postale of cornmeal and
$b puundl of wheat bran.
••Food required for 100 p.un.1.. o4 utiik
when feeding mined hay -71 prount% of
mixed hay. *l pound. of curnm.el and
36 pounds of wheat bran.
••Food required for toil p.,niels e4 intik
when feeding clover hay -titI p.:tnd.t of
clover hay, 38 pounds of cornueed an.1
27 pounds .:f wheat bran.
"Berr we find that Mt puuu.:s ..f corn-
stalk..., foil long, together with a certain
amount of grain, produced 10U ponnd,of
milk, while with the Mine COWS ander the
mutt 71 pounds of mixed hay
or 80 ponude of clover hay-. with pr.u'ti-
rally the name amount .,f grain, pro-
duced 100 punsds of milk. These trials
show that cornstalks, fed keg. have 87
pa sent. of the value net mined hay. In
{cgs trials, however, we found 34 per
reit. of the weight of our foldc r re-
mained uneaten. Carefully conducted
trials ata later period showed that by
the use of the feed cutter cornstalke ran
be reduced to mesh fineuews that they are
wholly consumed by ...vr. ort each trials
a• these, grid further. that the saving
of fodder by the use of the feed cutter is
folly equal to the weight of the stalks
saved thereby,
••Had we ted rut instead of long fod-
der, then, 128 pounds instead of 128
pounds would have knfced, with the
Brain, for producing 100 pounds of milk.
Actual feeding trials at this %tattoo,
then, show that 37 pounds .4 mixed hay
equal 100 pounds of uncut cornstalk,,,
or 5t pounds of mixed hay equal 100
pounds of finely rut cornstalks. An acre
of cornstalks, then, when uncut, is worth
1,480 pontels of mixed hay, and when
rudnoed to fineness by the feed cutter is
worth 2.200 pounds of mind hay. This
givers a value to the stalk field. of $&8.'3
per acte in the front case and 41.7"0 in the
- Demand far /tweet Slitter.
Allusion has frequently been made in
The Dairyman to the difficulty which
would pn.bably Ise .. y i .. 1 in in-
ducing the butter who have
been accustomed to eating acid batter
to change to butter made front sweet
cream, and 1 estnfte% that when I com-
menced making sweet (-team butter I
thought that the "education" of ti•e pub-
lic would probably be slow and dilleslt.
Perhaps an *comet of my succeed may
lie useful to them? who have still only
theory to guide them.
1 - 1 making sweet cream lett •
ter in Marcel. and lhefore that time not a
pound of such butter had ever been sold
in the city of L - . b, as far as !-
have been able to learn. From the first
day of its manufacture even pound nae
been taken at prices above all other
butter, and the demand has constantly
increase.! to 'Inch extent that 1 oonld
earvly eel! five times se mach as I can
make, and those who nee it will bray no
other wheel this can be had. Parties
who think of making sweet cream but-
ter ran dimities all fears so tar as public
tante is concerned. They will take it all
promptly, if my ... . . . is any test.
I now ase the Swedish butter ex-
tractor. -Tares C. Stone in Hdard's
Ta Text pain smelt.
The following method of testing salt
used for dairy purposes! laid down by
salt , . . It is a simple test,
and can he tried by auy one. The meet
practical method of testing salt in the
absence of a chemical analysis and cos
a simple that any dairyman can,
himself of the purity ni
qualities of dairy salt: Take -1MAW
common drinking glasses or lane int
tub.. an there are sampler of mit to ex-
amine. and 611 each alike with parr. cold
water: then dimaolve n 'easporxtfnl of
malt from each sample and note thearm-
parison firm the instant the salt is
added. The isolation showing the luau
wenn, a diment, Eosin, milky color or
ether impurities in the beat dairy salt.
l he flavor of the talt may be detected
from this solution after it has stood from
one to two boom., . 1. A good
Dolor in salt is, of course, deeirahbe,often the whitest or a glistening salt often
ooestaior impurities extremely de•tri-
zereotAl to dairy prnth*cte which are hand
to detect, but norne of them may be
traced in the solation teethed. -Ex-
Mtter�nk . Terme.
Buttermilk in in much greater demand
se a rammer beverage than ewemt milk.
A. a tberapentk• agent it is glven new
to a ick mem when nothing else f.
allowed. it is a powerful nerve tonic.
Rwttermilk know considered better than
awes* milk for persons inclined to dye-
=, becalms one of the difficulties of
Ate slow digestive qualities-- is re-
moved at merest hwtttermilk has already
goo. through one promos of digestion.
lead buttermilk tea faahiewuMe fad now.
Ladies e1.t a gime of buttermilk to
their *leads to lmtwtser jut ss they do
the -cup of flea" is obs wissrr. --P gid
NM Iters.
Tse it SW pdyst thaitypmsm, cream -
mod farina* must hasp always
111 Tis. Hob.& nt dni.g Wap amid
a tlim:r •rr►-es edam .t e,.s sr•Nr
ebsng rig. de who would viable Ida co-
ettp.tio.agy stmt beep aapp with the
thrive .ad *mos Ms Ita.tbo4. to ask or
he will be left every flim•.
1890-FRASER Fit PORTER -1890.
Fall in has, alltipia people who wish to see a
Display of charming Christmas presents. Elegant new
holiday stock of ys, Books, Novelties, Fancy Goods
Notions, lc.;
Popular selections --plenty of variety and newest
attractions. Any quantity of suitable gifts for old or
Prices Strictly Fair �
Only a pleasure to show goods and give prices.
Central Telephone F.a.cliangc, fount S., Ilan..
CY .its L Recorations
W.- hat. noes* nice lin, of
l'ON8Il3TiNa OF
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lilac and 8 other Beautiful Colors
for ornamenting I'i.•roves. Fancy Work, rte. Mix eat read) for use.
Also an rvyn..itc hue of
Plash Goods, Pettis:, Sachet Powderer Violet Toilet Water, etc.,
Suitable for11'hr-suns Prearats.
031-32C0RCFE RII rNAs,
Chemist and Druggist. t:odv?.r
Jeer Goo. Ache on'sdry goods pore.
1 here ne'v received • large aseortmewt o/
For ase., wonez ani childish, from the areallc,t to tl.e isnctet add. rade.
From the list known makers.
Grey, navy, scarlet, w4ite and cream FLANNELS, end leading shs•ies;is
Fresob Opera flannels.
HOSIERY -A large and varied .tock, as easel.
Mart end catered
Phan and with kid tips, also kid palms. Other depertmeuta equally well
e.i..ted. Strictly one price.
Draper and Haberdasher
Cattle Chains ---New Patterns.
Crosscut Sawa --All Makes.
Cutlery ---Table and Pocket ---In Endless Variety.
Chopping Axes -At Your Own Price.
General Fall Goods ---Stock Complete.
- Hardware.
-I T_ M_ lrozi.dfoot } -
Raring removed to Crabb'. Block. tenure, is prepared to sell .11 ketals of
Groceries. Provisions Crockerv,
Glassware, Flour and Feed, dcc.
At rock•bettom prices for sash. Please mire ote;a',call bef,.re`..urebanog elee•bol.
The teems.
C -i -E O_ BARRY
=re Dealer.. &liaa dlmkieda.*.refwte at the beret to eIM4 Yuma
bat .hal be
leer reek. He Is she the Is.dlrsc Ledereaker of tin town. etabaiming raM •Iwaym Imo is
bash.- Be i=e 1►kcak . • Wee of Pietism tlwmine. ()lee Mm • sal went perchasise
Iwfottstre Aad yes 'UI egad oat twat he dew ., be says -wits ohs.,
1 -''OR CA.SI3_
isYkmalleR ewe eel alpler their pass patronage be hopes to r.-*4re•
1 the
lfi'blicri be For "The Signal,"
� ,x Goderich, Ont.
ori •••DI"s'v•