The Signal, 1891-1-2, Page 6-.� ^•^•.x.e. T,
in holr.•le 1.1 u.
.11 1141' i nr.
.1t a IVO ur 11011 01 .» I4.1 ..1,1
In its. at hail pre..
!tint Flanuelei.•.. ,ust .1
The Great Remedy
sR,vaMANsIA If
R. II. 'K. GORE,
Sole Patentee and Manel•Nureit.
Any OMMAYnAR Anyotrnasc.-The
retail trades wa.tes money wile melees u.e
of advertistwtd calendar,. it n like put
time a candle beside an elector light to
pled an ad t neatdr • caleudee
page All tee .ttracatl0 ea 111 the letter,
Asa all the purpose of the pale a 101 the
time -duke upcn it. art the retailer
take ahs money he speeds oil calendars•
and gi a it' to the local paper, whercan hie
adwertra.nt an be neatly end sym-
metrically displayed, where Its farm cur
las eb•ngel, Its matter rofreehed, and
U$lerein the retailer can by periodical
variations educate himself into the art
cd advertising. For it re.1olres art
to keep WIadvertiament from be-
coming an eyesore, slid art eon
be act(aired only by lerar;rrr. ahnk
for thea t of • nun • el.*. of
advertaine there is nu better n.e.ns
than that •K.orded by the I•.c■1 paper.
The right use of this opportunities thus
weekly otlered will son open • trader's
eyes to the true nature of advertising and
ter potentialities of it. -Canadian 6n
THE. Eovcanov of Commie $Ex,.r.--
Tbe (Jhrke of Deo. Nitb thus sodor„eyl the
common mote vise.. of Mr J. (' Rohert•
WS Un the Mashing of ohmic. Mr Rob
tension is the eldest eon of our towns-
man, Mr W. R. Roberteoo, and i• to-
day • foremost authority on education
to ('•nada :--Mr J. C. Robertson ..f the
Colligate Imstitlate, t bran Sound, hag
written and sent to his fellow -teachers •
letter dealing with the•study of Latin in
elementary chime* Ne finds fault with
the present tent books for canon, rea-
sons. First, they take up each part of
speech separately, so that until a bey
karma .II about nouns .n a•Iualnlancs
with adjectives a t., him • forbidden
pliwure, and until he es on (utrw•te
Minas with nouns and adjectives hs to
debarred from intercourse with the a. -
verb. In the ".iv." lengaags•
Z ptsstice is gradually giving pl•so to
limetlloi appr,.ximsting that by which
A* AIM Marne to amok its mother
taaffns; and we nee no reale o why the
maw &Moe .bould not take place in
ot•dyfat ties eo-called deed language• if
slay who to be of any um to students.
■t RoMrts'* !bink• that toe much time
is oscul.isd in teaching parsing and tech
WSW grammar generally instead of in
a' tembing blas rte translate. Technical
ptsermsr is getting •o many blows from
all t_a(ew�1bM we shall do a,
mere tbsn sierras impress oar area
teat •itk Mr R.rberesoa on this point
la other word*, while won hare no myin
pathy whatever with t•ehniat rmermer,
we think that the rules of the remit h..
add no from Mosul it when it is dow...
tier Robertson it akin of opinion II -al thm
liewientary Met book to grammar sbneki
he &noossed will dpseial reference to the
ot>dy ed Qlrs.r. Ts. My who sspormed
that (cestui- wrote ha celebrated history
elelsly wit] a view to the ii,strectioa of
bishootots i• able steely of Letts fell Mtn
*NW natwrsl error ; the simple style ..f
tBls having calmed them
sawed ae tie Beet meat for youth
gatI., We Make it to be Ur Redo
opo dna that the needy 4.f gram
tier about taxa e.ba14 � he
lletinn. an WWI/mss req
Mtar illi w(ir to hr
hand ±w
IA, nw4444...,44.4.0,tea(.•
4 .
ab'-, ,ale .r•-eN. ►t t•.4 .r tete. , I. tA.N
...,..a.1..40 .'2.:.«mete 0.s A.
,.,. ew-ft •ale m ► 10 m..R-
Ruda. euo�•..a.tire►a44!ev - cose W► tw 11 e,..w
ram erten 5..•44 ..w 11r ti M 44. .46 104.4..,.
„4010.1,•..er4 4Aare .4'Al p. ..Wove., ►a.
bt4.. m Salam- wns,, w..i. •.r.Ml.oa do. too r. e r.., am e•, Napo.00,81 .r.
h401s..a t...e peseta. tuna.. i... spars. •.•• bull
roma. Tier gee ea.. AI 44 era. NMI.
•EXT: OF •
Ito1era Morbus
IILr. Ulailetoas L sttrrtes hem • omit
N. Pup:, the ilelgian Medalled leader, la
' A peculiar demi= le killing may hurws
r Kamm.
Resew K. runt. a New \-ark !eater, fall -
ed M.ra4rday.
snowstorms prevailed secondly in Brest
Hratala Friday.
Luisa Eocene ('barp•nti•r, the F1'etwn
paella, is deal
Adolph Helot, the Vreack dramatist and
mevehat, is drat
A tierce •torte prevailed au the Reeteris
:natr'on Wdneedgr.
litghtere Into were ktlW to a lieleten
colliery tat t1'ateredgy-
Flre tedium m.nter'n were banged at
Misaiiels. Mont , co Prlday.
lempn.s. Augusta 1-isturte gave Watt to
• eon on Wednesday night.
Tw,. leper. 1n Heriva have ban given iu-
*titan of the Kan lymph.
:M L.uistillitA N•ahvllle Railway hes
hett>gbt control of the Kentucky t•sateel.
IMstuarnk arrived u flet). Wdo.40lav
end was isadtally r revived by the people.
louring the .essua eJ IMO 2,0.9,711 taus
of coal were sbipp'.1 toy lake frau Huft.l...
j\t Am.teniem, N.'4., ..n Saturday Morn- mei ....,Ilai, **el i. moat lov.emeg to my
r.g the the r twutcter marked ..i" helot'',helot'',on.- a ho, like the celebrated .4rtrewa, ha. a
r•rt. 1.41.E .Irwin I h,-, i ( her, .4 three ie wM
Dr, Peat, n ran, pbysidau. !.late• for. "f .545 et and jet : another ie. of th1•k net
wad with .1411 aa,Abar cure for tuber Week silk lace. - The 4J,oul.le, ciesp. s• rine
lupe:.. longer than a targe .4.1. fashioned ',Air
Tho yuee•o steeled Friday her I •sb.rnr naa•hit%; t.. eh.• .h.ullirr* .041 1"11114111 1"
llou•r, the royal residue w the 1.15. of 1"' 1. and a ith I.'n is -tetra vitas no:freed
Wight resulting quite Io,If a .y doeu tau.kirt. A
deeply arched velvet 0olber. ren• etiwdlgtwt
- Rev. William 11ok.w.rrtb. M -A., - in tr,aa. tioislla. ilii, hr. of 101 .40-
V... well crown Eugte.L autt'4, i. deal us 1 ti'„.. A ..May tot the lair nI*,t,lrttc its
p"d11e esu womhl le• 1.1"4") .ffextirr, list 1,s
Several tenants .al the eautb-B.-0r> ,la•ful.
5-1st.'w1:1'e 5.1.1111.11 Friday- Tlure, w:l.11" ft, study Ina the fasbi.eligg of ..,thee
q'"'^k'r. jackets, it I. notal tlu.t .e Wiz mutton of
(hero err nidi w iib Fina• cl,.t icier ...ate
a ,mite 01 the LIC. Emperor F'redenc► of :est:..chr.l to the .Min tippet 'soots at ill.- site
liermany-.' *tante : and aft !mush slier,- is ;t ,ki,a,N1 for
Tidily per>.a,. e. -rr killed by the ...Lapse 'the eke* three:v artet•h•. the..- are
rf *'600.0.- In tee miler ,(furter of 1t..u,t,.y *hurter letter-t...t-. a trier lottg..•rexa_ ;,:ret
11'n4wosiry, than aa' ti,c Ilea. They Minder.! with
The Bradford. Rae, Chamber of 1 esu- Nl'liam4t111.let•ve.. areht.? high ...liar del
m.•n.• waits ret•l:ltnr)- Lint pla':.d us 1 far trt00Niry(u. The majority roil 411, :lime
Frenal waw••. II 10*41. and Mly,ultagc ..Billy ural a slight or
I an Korth, treasurer (4 !'icer',- wisely stu1 t* l*l*, ititit1g 4. (esa1? vegueete' to
It...mthin.. fres'ga:•wcr 1Mar ..4014 .1•e
-zit:g $:;1,v0.. arr.Ntd Friday fur . idyl. M. .40I are roulade of aopp.1i11( a
Is•v{l'.;( F:LUOt►. •.•1'lrt'. :1l ir,',In. tit.
The lie:beltiS•xtjh.tlriatt'.''pared a
r. port., tt. gl:,ats& t• rm toll ttv, geld Ne:ds f Three''' q,ant rtllin.r4 in the nor that
•-1,nmd. - akitt: err to la• les. ,1114401141 its effect, lout
111 `south VictoriaT/lorelay )Ir. Fairl.a,nt, sieve i• no d.ul.t that ppan,iiurrsTMi,.tat{s.
rilA,n(1'• se•nm•ntrree'-. rte. Y" -ill ealiVr
the 1 ntlserrot,te cawlhlatr, was elected by
, mite slrtwlno..e of ,u1'itar Mill In sa•gulp fur
a majority of 1'�0. - so time to•. It is very tlotirtvhle
Mr. \tart-. prorirtar d p'Iti,n•i11 that the.-h.talge-A wail nsditi.-ati0ms which
News et I.or:d u. *n> M ha libel Empire failhsrt:. hast mein -gate hese
alit agrpnst 1;4' I(' 4i. Id. ---• . I.n.ugbt dins to .1erly approximate. the
TMMpaeish (l,.vernmrut has isatructe•1 .1114-* ••1 the time of 1....uis Philippe. the
t1e.Minister of Fr,ace.• t., prepare a Dee "hie . l:anaeteriatic, o: aInch are a full toe
'pnde.•tire('ealooeetarnt fi...lerately full nonage. with sleet es prole
Fret.• admit. tat ten ditch. of -':* ,urns al,001 the armhole. aril a plain +kis.
patient will° it omni. - hi. treatmret was with a mein- or tin .a- three trill. at the
directly due 4> Is 14 mph. • foot. AL pea -.rut the • • is that pie -
ns l.ranl h•.t,•! le Aber:at., w.,* buried tion '4 the toilet w bleb ..ffrn the Styvttcat
%Vt.i0•-slay night.:w.4 tot, (ai•.t. hast 10 ' variety of eflfe. ts. All known Models are Is
rape hi tht'i, ny;Lt .•te.the'a
mode. *rel .4140, a host of them w hieh lout ie.
- The 18,et IV lather was e: years old Wr•t- i illus %err .suite nnknuwn.
nr•.day. His birthday ass pit•t1y flelaed at - Ptletr'iirr• Meltinm• 3 gn•a11 01.'-0.4414.. and
his Annie pear Danville. Mars. .• ' many- Yarn -tors hats just loners sent oyer will.
?tan noel Marta llervisou. esters, aged 'S! 1 hath FrrucL a1d Fatglesh walkrn, .10.1 % Wit -
Male sleri.Ml.
I k.•t..c a .14•-101. (.41.4 1116.1116/11114 141 he
greatly 'u !lir mitoses, W randy a.d
Nuhlwnly lefties t.. la) the cause at a n
'N hr, dais thous that of the medias
Luturoou• lsalg cloaks are at the teaith of
their impotent) . •wl, as 41aed fittest as •
dries. rill he aeons with eased -hit* new us
material. armS1ettrfo and Irwlnmteg
tluou((hout the wtnt.r. A pair ..f full sites./
of some nap, w nth \lall.•t ..riles, to
natc6, all) transform a Lard year's wrap in
1" w ,aolel of the l 1.501 faahwuitng.
Th. .eas4u Imre ale• cc pre idiot aapew,
both lalg. uar,llutm and short. Thr Porn*
tyre tali..0tralght and full fnml a yoke, and
is very unique loukine on a - tall. skeeter,
*tu.mta, crowned with a large se•I'et picture
hat. Uninte'o ilia' other tapes aa' ry.rujl)
enumerated lathe "('harioteer, • .Iuprl like
the clink .t an old Kona1l w arri..r.
frust much hewer than the other, to tom
throem"err the shoulder and fall at tier
hack. This w *imply of fine aft Cloth
braided tit Rupiah 41 i. -r.. tut the ".Abbe
coeur wp.• 1a of richer fabric. 'rhe
friedt..4.,ea.) .apart.:wd the e.•n11an i* s. ry
high ..1.4 eery elela.r'trly dr. -crestal.
.\ Writ) attic?-- rel alar..,, is the Bernhardt
tna,.t,lette. It Is eametlung hetween a cape
ThrUnseen:et \t nNL*.r Ibur.lac unvr-,:rd •
*red .:. *aro kiIk-1 by an expr•.• train at lag '""atlas.. let the chief originality era. •
1k,owrvnlle, )1a.,... Tnunslny night. elates in the d,tterrnt rich .ttitf.0 and huohr.:
f 'rue II..uae of fspr..i itoltirw lin. pawed
two. r•tru sieve raate•riale �ola) Mg thrix
THE EDITOR'S TABLE. t..'- 1pgi'rt1.e,n:ent 44,41 fixing the number .4 •cete•toutd ride in addit4.15 (.5 audso f Rw-
u., Sinn u1.a,:erie. ,ate ue wtrk, fist. esu
tub•n ntdhe nest Converse. rel I alai t . .
. Meru*.
t e ty41ag a has +.)sung 1 'lie' "41" young metro,., ua) be
c..l•d to imrrrasa• t!1• duty •.o agrculteNl
• Were sr'swe anew fres retail. mime.
Mos Save fame 1. Male.
Tett • AN% MAN Awu:ta.' sus 18'x1
M e have received from tb• puhluhrn,
Tim Cupp. Clark Cu.. of Toroet.-, the
Ca:sedan Alemeac fur 1891. This 'e
tale 44th year of its punheate.•n and oIher reliable u,formantoo at
Cuut•1tte full hats .1 C.rtv7. Physicists*,
Nuuniclpalture, Educan..1,.? luetttut
St:c,rties .4 all kinds, ?:ants, ate., be-
st Ir. the Tort' of teed 1,111 0. and a o.m-
1•Ie1e list .4 Post' Offices, together with
Astronomical, Stsusttc'', Government•:
and other infuriation indispensable to
`bestwesa and pod. esional men.
TNR ,•
ton Nowr�rru•,
A monthly magazine da voted liter-
11y.- aft, tutalC•1, domes:ic and Mahlon
smilers M to head it r published by
Davis Bins , Savannah, G. , 1 14 A.
Sub•cnptio,w >)<11 • sear. Foreign sub-
s acnptiun el 25.
trinE •wtKI. POI bit rum:!:.
A bleb order of donee, poems, arta.
cies end pictures BIN the Christmas Wide
link' from cover to cover. while brit -
lout new type and the disardment of
columns (give .4.e pages • very fresh and
attractive look? and we learn that the
m.aextns is permanently eulmrged to
one hundred pages Leading attr•ctiooe
include Marreret Kidney a new Peppers
ILfa1.; the promised reamed neral,
"(1•b. and Caboose,'- by Kirk Munroe ;
''Drawing the Chud-Figure.' lb* lint
of tw.tive pictorial dr.wimr-limson papers
(with mouthy prizes) by Mies Caroline
lmmer, and "Marietta's them Times, -
•n Itshatl serial by • well-known Italian
w oman Ie Ruston. A hut of well-known
mutton contribute abort stories, pe.
pen and poems (making. in fact, •
splendid Chri.tmse stocking hook
special feature is the fec-simile
reproduction of Mrs• ori-
ginal manuscript of "The Landing n;
the Pilgrim Fathers,' which esu brought
to Americo by James T Faelds. The
V7o1 If -pie Amnia *111 remain at
O • year. D. Lathrop Company,
Publisher', &+inn
W. take ple.wr• in directing attention
to 771' JV..L, chs only really hugh'olsss
literary journal in the nonunion. The
Christina. number, jest received, 1111
prove • rich treat to 1te readers The
letter press ie •nul.dant, .erred and
readable. There are well written notes
AO •cereus puhdr ti teal • [mph•
London letter by W*;fsr Po•etl ; •
height Wise •kedch sniff Id •`fps th.
!'reit •t Christmas Tide," be "A. H ":
. clever C•n.tma• .tory by Arnold
Haultata, M A ; "Nome ,m fib ms,'
by Andrew Lang : •a ,.,Isre..t...r( piper
ne the ' Indian M..eteh , N... 33 of the
Pross/n•at Canadian splen, pre,.,( a rood
.bis sketch of Mr Ch.rlw Mair, the
aserenpllsbd auditor .4 •'T.oemaish, ' and
well ktysl* aea public optimal Csn•di•n
The mew, M tbie esmbe a vire teed.
e nd . r- i he the •.mm's. Alt the •
rustler .web e. An Notes,
Nees .ad the Dram, L.heery Tile* sad
I4ilefsry and Pere,itsl Gossip are ante••-
adj f'111. � Weif 11.44 deserves t1.
medial support of .11 intent//. Com -
'll t dr- ►,nes . rt . rt -1 plain t) k. intended f r'hlnafy and 14111114,1118t14114 h, ler tt'ot. I elal.lratra k.y three garnitures •tat•, a very
I awry wrap. Saudi mantles, are trawl, to
The'f't as Figaro reports that a pkat to kill imitate. 41 prkrilw, and rye n 4darn cloth
Car has been derovored, the cro.pert- l redingotes have triple 'octet -new ,..rlfedw ith
.t..r,-1a•114;, temta.ry of a nobteenien'a club. I fur. will, fur ,collar awl 1I ousduetairu ,:tiffs
Thr 4Standard (hi ('o. has t►olch: up tier of the Mine. I',lerinr slarrra appear on
ale chlek dr.w> : they are often made
o wan 4 hl Cu., Iravwg only two inleps•twl- Lf"ret
4.44- eaua•1a. in the oil btu,sem in tie .4 the tidiest 'otter. seal or .•1,Ir fm.
nnitar. + Scotch tweedy and hatter mixtures fire
Thr .k ek Lalron,1,t (:Imdffuw has• strud, ; .qu�ic as wguler as ci.t ag rear deal of color
o.,iug h. their employ.*+ basin„ isuttfloI thein},,, I into a..dls•,, mittens. A.
;nem that henceforth they will employ tole irigltt;.c...4.Ift''t is nuulr,a da idr•l feature
'.f most of the atnter lalrlc•. Narrow linea
bev,'ral per.onsfu County Cho,. Ireland,
.4 1.1/rk .estr'lhau are c'm'tuatly made
mid d. tThese bearrue thick materials. 'Ti
crmrged with moonlight offence.. were Fri- ►right .'d'.es mimesis agreei.My.• oil yet are
day evoviA.d and l'em4eoo•mi to vary nes( not h) .o,y Itltlnn ru 'a dirumly -I• t�h� a.
terms of t. IaLaa•k I.raidn, or even Lda k telt rot atom
Th:• rr it Isar iuti.uated t.. the Itmdo t 0,od.1 I., ,,.teal in the uuw way, .end iu
e•nmmmtte.• that lar wits deeliz,' to receive like proftoion. (ht pl.tit. cloths dye.? 14u.-.
the appeal recently adopted on 1. -ball of tie ,,,ahigamy. terra itis• or guru, astrakhan,JrOc• at a twraog ko Build holt 'm' its ti 'sdlrn u,anufactllxd .nl*titnte, a
The Russian Mm&r.l Conned .4,11 probib- an rt. -ellen: and trimming. The
it the ma' of Goch lymph until the treat new I ankrt . h.11.. At' INA made in sombre
taint has been properly investigated under colors. we elven first motrudlur.l. (Nd -ruse
the direction of the (,. Aar 141'11 4411 ,sal law.. grounds. pine
Hv the n.ldith.a of new tern:ory- the novas -I yellow •et mesh greet.. Mut-.a, c,MMA•r mud
1111.11 of Vienna has ie Io'-reerd t., t -- etraelierry. plus t'. .4 11101044.I54' lblue 0m
lig:11445, nearly '!hl' more than the populattos
..1 Perko peeved to he at the e.o.m. ut
le-truni(n MPG.
The Nihilist Mrudel•.ohn, sl rest, d on % r
pi'•tuu of having been et/twenties-1 In tie.•
mnnier t ' ties- 'ttielw,isk,.R, has been
re/eased by the French authorities 1 i want
of evident's.
During a personal quarrel in the ftalrn
Clamber of I►sputiea on Wednesday Signor
Some. struck mud knocked down Signor
Indelli. A challenge was inanteehately giv-
m and accepted.
temator Ura;, 1*0muerat, Friday intro -
duced in the United Sats tient• a •reete
tunas to provide for the estat.lisbmrnt of
reciprocity between the 1'nited !kstn the
Dominion of Canada and Mexico.
A cage o.ntaining eighteen men was de.
•e'rndhog t he shaft at ties FwcolfMaul eollisry
at Hnrnu, Belgium, Weolorelay. wain the
rnpe broke, the cage fell to the bottom of
the mine. and all the toes were killed.
The London !Ater of December 4 /aye: -
•'Mra. Nir'bsll, who Is hvtag at bee denser'.
home In Norwood, looks ill and weak, and,
it is real. A,rltnes le speak an tie sahjres
aper husband and the murder, even *ith
her friend.'
Ili E. 1. Sbnree, principal plbysfeiae 0d
the Harper bombe!, Detroit. and fie Hate -
age tubbs of the Mic4agius University ret
\sa Arbor. anmunew that they have dis-
covered a eo nnlmpl i..,. rue. the efficacy of
whom a kleveatl question.
Nir Charles Tupper and the Australias
tet.-t:mnelet hn
al • mfereet. on Tns.lay
to messier the question of a regular steam
ea' ser, 14'2 bid wen Vancouver aid \fratrml-
ias Arts. whirl, arf cannon, all the rolonlee
wand he expected to s.b•id.xe.
Tar Novo. vr,erys, or Mt. Petersburg,
attar making some vernaitk' remarks re
welling Ragland • leterfeeenea on behalf of
tie rxpelle1 Jews, propene that the Rubio"
tiov.rnm.ut plant canna. of industrious
Irish in South.Wast t4berr aid give Rag-
land two Jess in nears for earls Irbil
The trial of Michael Rymal sad elanielM
ssespard h Parte far the loonier 0d Medea
11 Meet; M. be •44.1; ramarhahle law Ms 1a-
trwdacti.s et bflsanas.. as an twelve ennel-
eal agent Friday Dr Idtgnla, hood of tie
green and inute•t, et'•. Brown 1.•a%er is a
favorite laud trimuon • for tailor (twins the.,hes%y fern•..
■.wsr0tf Merl/►..
1'o14t44 :a all...- Keit ;el 'wallop roans. fill
with ,naahclf potato lightly lwateu, stamp
rad. with n pattern. glare with (.eaten egg
appdee.l with a feet h, -r, and tams n in ..s en.
trust 1' .. Fill it laking dish w ith
1oashe•a1 lotato ,ea.1) for the table, glare
with beaten egg, and known the till with
,lelnnunder or red-hot aluecel. (:an.isle :. itb
sprigs 54 parley
Potato Sala. !flee freshly twirled
nor. *still warn,) into a lent : add a ahite
' onto. 1-111 int.. rings. a tal.leseponf•I .4
rapers. pepper, salt. and throated parsley :
pour ovrr it a French drrasing. o, mask a ith
Potato Soup Slice six or right potatoes
into threw ktof mixed milk and wider
Wawa into a wane clads by lidiaing a
tshaelp..a,ful .4 butter egad ime el
U,i kss,Dl sad eau,uth.d over the Bre) with
1444 mill. Heat through, wad sprinkle
with minted parsley.
tisvay Inas Mae•.
Ther. is • lady of this city *Meir hair u
eight feet three ett-hea kung. (hxasiemedy
elm has mile curious with it
and Wean most etranee things mid d it.
Whim Irving sty pta•tnre taken INN Isis
ago," sh. sang recently an tented about it,
"the pIKA.og apher told mune one who was
present to the studwo the length of my hair.
'Why, really, a it •cxclaaert the tame
Lady Informd. tooter vigil feet hong !' end
theta lit all seri.ntenes, male -1, •why. 1t must
touch the gnurNIThis," WAN alar laughing
conelusi.rn .1 the a11e• tae. -shoe. what a
ridiculously are 141e111 aa' 111111.11111 tin at4nr
ppeautIr leer 4.1 dimensions in fret and
•a mars lee trim a.m.
belief that the partial retire.
taw as to foal at the feasts ,.ad hat days
of the 4'atl4dic ('hur 11 ern hrtwticlal to tie
pe.M.le. health, atel that the far rtrieler
eintllelte in respect to meats and dnuks
inpe,:d 113 (Ig. \I'ss(4 relual in the .s►se .
..f *lir .Io•w. liar much to du with (be 511
Blue>(tome. I mei ulot%trsti"ltalde kralth fuhtres.
general fr/w1.41, non. disea.e, awl remark
able powers of 1M• 14e1*ro
,'.,u5(Ite1INe1. My expo -ranee gar* to show
that tie poetess of starving is not nearly •n
trying a. e. ,.Wiln,41y supposed, Many
forme of .14.4*por. rhnrulc .omitting. nicer
the .t,nlaa•h, gastric ata.? Intestinal es
tarr'h. tundra. tole:, rule sit is. ant n,tnrtwua
for going natty .days Wail even weeks (s)-
getlw, with.:relaiennllllI.upplte»..l food.
In aitch •e.o.m., tee tight.,.! a
rei., meg 3rtnre hrrwe•It would indicate
the met hal .4 cure lot. 144.41 aletmenet from
faool •tlol Ilse hr tie• rutlrnng organa.
Wha•ta t-ukhicum, l.lue pill, ung 0.1111.' 43111
gat1514•. are ..aa employee!, awl with elven
sesame. the name go..l rawlta, titers is every
ream to Is-lia•.1. could Tee °bleated by
Ir*Iity nut :u ,a .uitalt4e i 1- Try
mean. of testing. though toa�g1
regli•n. and those devoted to tine
pleasures of the te(de, this will apfeer Try
No means the more elaelient way ut a•urr.
Itr Sheerer, In th- Pr.e.inral Malice'
Lrwee(s1 tOrore Iles.
Ktlitnr Howells, fed Thr,leffe•r+,,,. Sentinel,
gets out .4 hie mistakes in a way to snake
y ou glad h• made 'esu r.
'1 Mr summer .lay :' preacher. w1No
not level amend of his hearers during in their
pee...ait in hie on1irury voice. 'I hate darn
a little land, a tap sucker. roti up and down
the holly of a tree avid hark.' In u moment
rorty soul in the limier was wide awake.
41e n,.ant that the wp sucker ear, rep and
doe!' on the lark of the tree, not that
the hinl larked like a .log. He had
hemi telling his htat•eno truths fon
years. and they watt to sleet, nn.ler thee.).
lout the lnmteTR they thought he we. lying
they were wide enough. awake. We are
eentind..i .4 this anay.lote by tie- fart that
we lave stirred up s large :minter of people
111 I.a',:ox by saying a certain tree WA. All
tat w hen 111 reality it as .: p epp•t.uge. (V..
acknowledge the joke i* 'et to this time.
how rA the tune re .ulwt-rel.•." Cincinnati
('.m olercwl t.arrtit
6•0444111110 1
'•d!q freer Farber.
I h. n is .-,nrthen4 pan! Tarty toe (1,wful
to me to die way in whirl, taw children of
Norm. h'a,seholde she quietly out of might
who-., they Isere fathers footstep natede
the door. There most Is. no noiewe or da -
to•.:•,. res,-I•ughingg and shouting when fath-
er eonw•r 154,ne. The ehildren intuit ••lie
41541416 a." theft. for faller •'can't hear mem-
AIM! dir.n.ia•r '•*.,►ries" hips. 0, it .Inn,
it': It makes bit., nervous to hear the-
I.I.y'cry nr tie children laugh, floes it 7'
He lilt• to hale the *souse perfectly
still, floes he Well, then• what under the
sun did he marry for' Why didn't he
reuasin in that state of single Meseeniness
peculiarly- t" "nen whom chit'
arm "worn.' There are s.1 emus) nice.
clout aeligh(ful Larding house.* in winch the
laugh oda chill is never beard 1e.•aur ohil-
rarer, are -not Allowed -there.
Men whom rhildrei. worry ought to for-
ever remain within the wall. of these de-
lightful a1..ies. It would he laettet for
them a*,I ul(iuekh leiter for the . hildren
that 0.41154. 11. tient when they harry and
relishing/1 Noone* .4 their town.
1 know a gnat _tads, robust i,Nshsnf and
father le war .hil.lnYt have to ••916,1
fawn the. moment he i.1nm'Ir honer ha-auee
their mese. nes:... hint 'nen-IMI ."Poor rtan !
1 could feel a little *wry fie him. perhaps.
If 1 had not often men him in the Heard of
Trade building enduring its Ilealam-like
racket with perfect selfteenti,sarr. He is
J. stork l.,nkrr and the noisiest. loudest
mouthed one en the street. Tut the II*Nnnt
he to within the doors of hie own twine
he {armies so nervous that the laughter
and childish prattle of hie own children is
more than he '•an hear. Sal, isn't it'
1t IS sad for the children. It cheats theist •
out of ie. notch .4 the joy of ehildhnnl that
..her children know the *rental with father,
the of hie packet to sae if he has
brought them anything. the climtdng into
his Twp to hug and kits him. taw going -to
Batton town to his font. the "trot, test tat
Halloos) ('n sw,' aftd t he feeling 'ltarest.'sweet
t.. that father hires them aced
th... they nut cure to him with all their
(04445.3144 morrows. It is w.rrowful to. see
ilatwml, rhikli•la
affection aw,thered and
repel's' and at last killed Ivy a father whoa
fautetep is • sepal for his children to hide
front Ili, lar that ought t" 1a• the ole•areat
one nn the world to them.
HinIock Pills cure sick headache by re-
gaMi4., the rkserr-h. liver and Marls. 1m
111• ,1 ' or throw
s brei nflth:eM- "1'. all fees whole Hit HMy^.. .
appera. aad Dome salt. .nl an hour. strain S'OM GE i+
Into the tureen. and serve with 14.4 . neutrons
utak brawl cut into dire anal feted . rugal.
Potato*. w Nin pprenrprsly wan,,'.i over are
as appetising •e freshly prepared ..ore, and
frequently allow our to mntwomisr time as
11 C11 a. material. Among the following re
IAA*. will he hound • few desirable•
for I.reakLot .r luncheon
Potatan no ., Garnish •rhnw are rut in
t.. tiny Iw11e. by rowans of a soromp ..ening
fa. the purpler. and hotted in ash water ;
with eMrpped parsley awl melted luttcn
pure.? therm. they form an exeelienl
garnish .4 fish. When need to garnish
mart heel ow rail. they sr, l.aikd in • deli
tate are ,n fat or lard. The remain• .4
the potato which remit (nen the rutting •d
those bola az, I.alsel repent Ply. mashed.
sal rw•neel for croquettes.
Potato Omelet Cut '.,hl took -1 p,tatorm
into .Ii.e or small lamps Rah amts.thly t.
godlier, unionist .r.wehisee a laM..p,rm melt
d hater awl flair ; thin slightly *oh start
.w want : when hmlmltgp, add the 0444••4 pots
t..'s and heat thoroughly Melt • tank
n prnwfiel of hotter ,n s spider, poor into 11
• lint.Isw. Peniuru
n ierneeth, .d.1 e'hnp
p. rale I fold hk n Orwrlet Ayr's
•n' r a wen •.ewes nee s aew r.r.wssmwr Md
.rub Iy a make as excellent anima (Fa.wmwSeam yam r'wvwtatl
rem *twee
Othe. •aye err • ;Tan.
es, in wits
V .Y '+ vet••
V _Y roundni Roor-;
V i Carrier O•r ger
Thrifty Hochante
I Ig / awe (e hole a Sala
aspotaar ems
msdln•1 faculty K Coney of Macey, �•nYwe11t fpt heals. It mound meat
aaRttled that an f t practice Mester i Tweelift 4msn • preview. .101a. *ire% 1a' s Ii .
um. hand. of the a dart& awl fold withalthe awe*im.t"s04 td par
teal, inanity amid physically, !tad eoeM b. du.
made to emu* alma
.r40.► Ilisteueini Petatessi.-4111/Beedill BOW pre
The old Canadian winter is once more with us, and
the rush upon my
Has been so great that I am nearly cleared out. If ou
veto to_ get a choice overcoat at your own price at
oast 118
Also on hand. onn ea*.
GaAs' F lung Mart, McLean's New Block.
We hay e just rece
a selection of novelti4
shown in Goderich. in
And Drawn Thread 1
Table Runners, L. B.
Mats, etc.
Swaim= No
Embroidered, In
Linen. All prices, ci
8 dozen samples
chiefs, from Welsh,
Early inspection
Ed. Campaigne wishes to call the attention of the
general public to his stock of Holiday Fruits, etc.
Valencia Raisins, Vostizsa Currants,
London Layers, Patras Currants,
7 Crown Figs, Almeria Grapes,
5 Crown Figs, Red Rogers,
Persian. Dates, Bananas.
have opened out a It
Hats mad Bo:
Valencia Oranges,
Florida Oranges,
Messina Lemons,
Two doors from Bqt
Oysters, Finnan Hates and Fisk of all kinds
1 carry aho a complete line of :",r
86 -it
Telephone Connection. Cor. Hontreal-st. abd.StptliCe
144 i
04 1
Has just returned f
Novelties in l&
in trimmings a spec
Remember the
Square and Newgal
s3ona TEAR t
saaws Yap *rasa
4044 4444 0444141
see isomer." wet
low low weft flow 1
lea dlinlimermigiome.rutat aislo• yowl"
liooslA NM provided with •
Fit Far ga IF' re ri
YOU read tbe Mocrea•i. Wire'
bale. asked Mei sr this Limp h
le dim ibe value .74 this
Willriataloa. It is well writ
ommendleas of ell that Is
thought la the world. It do
ilightieg far the right. Whelks.
we ream ts warm
Tar ea oolong tooth, maturate a phase
of motes wkh ammonia sod lay it ea the
Om toe.. ago. la miff
611 row illoo••• arm. somosie
1,0111711 POWDERS.
frasphoseat labia. Cantata stiet..-ara
illoolniguo of "maw Cl.thinta or Adair.
Celle hoe hem ere= by " AL
airesstitit. Mae the INIfik
ei propria
topside boolooma hos hew the mat
fel la its 6ne ef any Is mon% see as
proprietor hoe hese aretillea witb
beat eta
aeltrosea te au harts of CM =new
bast lbws nr Maw
allertapies mai Main" ewe' aelithh.
?am 11712.3.11.
wheel* in the sense hi
Tide vivaria ears several au
1:1 Age ef these le the rr.. lobate
tee leareadme Its already ler
rei7 DWI hare few c
bads fee hint te
wrearting am the Plea he" lee
wetted or not. It also sem to
va• luable pereitniat width urn
die latiowead time pet late
whets rit
sc• riber. atm spay be &Mimed t
el the meet ettreettve Muer"
tom widish troaristIlar to tt al
but which bee Imre sheeted I
Oates ee the hum Mee as an
die Mo‘ rout. W mesas. is th
tesebelart ma toddle Mime ft
east lee wag to the Atlantic
et tn. Galt. beat come
welch Yee bora in
wawa" prnterseosi entail
able* easiala new awl vs
rillistifserrase abet
• Wades Um
444:11111=1".:CTIewour Wanommils."mtetittilLsw7r1-1; til . II:: I, al
PIP. Um sirarlagt OM Mien
he he NINO sarl
am; the att.•ti